by: km masai giraffe. species, genus, and family family: giraffidae genus: giraffa species:...

By: KM Masai Giraffe

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

By: KM

Masai Giraffe

Page 2: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Species, genus, and family

Family: Giraffidae Genus: Giraffa Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Page 3: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Appearance, anatomy, and physiology

When fully grown males tend to be about 18ft tall while females are about 16ft tall. Males can weigh from 2,500 to 4,000lbs while females can weigh from 1,500 to 2,200lbs. The spots on this species are rather jagged looking.

The tassel of hair on the tail of this species is longer, darker, and thicker than others. They are extremely powerful due to the design of the legs and the hooves. Their neck is very complex, inside of it has valves that work so that when a giraffe bends over for water they don’t suffer brain damage from blood rushing to the head. This unique design isn’t found in any other types of animals in the world.

Their head is so far above their heart and the lungs that supplying it with oxygenated blood requires remarkably high blood pressure and unusual deep breathing

Page 4: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Habitat and Niche Their habitat is the open plains of the African savanna

where trees are present. They tend to eat leaves from Acacia trees but will also

eat leaves from other trees if necessary. The niche of the Giraffe would be the fact that they

are herbivores, they are plant eaters, they don’t have many predators because of their large size and their offspring are a possible food source for other predators.

Page 5: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Energy and Predators Newborn calves are usually eaten by hyenas

because of their small size. Adult giraffe usually are attacked by lions. An adult giraffe can cripple a lion with a powerful kick so lions usually attack when the giraffe bends down to get a drink of water.

Giraffes are browsers so they munch on any type of vegetation they come across for energy.

Page 6: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis


About a 15 month gestation period Males are ready to mate when they are about 6

years old while females are ready at around 4 years.

Usually only one calf is born at a time but two have been recorded

Giraffes usually live a 25 year life and they reproduce a lot. They have a 15 month gestation period and about a month after they give birth they are ready to mate again.

Giraffes reproduce by sexual reproduction

Page 7: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Why reproduction is important

Reproduction is important to every species on this earth but with giraffes the fact that they can reproduce up to 12 times in their 25 year life is very beneficial to their species because they only have one offspring at a time usually. This keeps the species from becoming endangered.

Page 8: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Threats or hazards Lions are threats to Giraffes but if prepared a

Giraffe can kill a lion with a deadly kick. Giraffes are hunted for their coat, tails and


Page 9: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Importance to the environment

The food chain is where they are most important. What they eat and what eats them is what keeps the food chain going.

Page 10: By: KM Masai Giraffe. Species, genus, and family  Family: Giraffidae  Genus: Giraffa  Species: Giraffa camelopardalis

Fun Facts! People would call the giraffe a "camel-leopard,"

that's how it got its species name, camelopardalis. A giraffe's foot is 12 inches (30 centimeters)

across, about the size of a dinner plate. A giraffe's heart is 2 feet long and weighs about 25

pounds. People thought giraffes were mute, but they

communicate by emitting moans or low notes that humans can't hear. They can also whistle, hiss, moo and roar.