c consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersh. vorobieva is with university of Évry val...

This may be the author’s version of a work that was submitted/accepted for publication in the following source: Vorobieva, Helene, Glaser, Sebastien, Minoiu-Enache, Nicoleta, & Mam- mar, Said (2015) Automatic parallel parking in tiny spots: Path planning and control. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16 (1), pp. 396- 410. This file was downloaded from: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/120456/ c Consult author(s) regarding copyright matters This work is covered by copyright. Unless the document is being made available under a Creative Commons Licence, you must assume that re-use is limited to personal use and that permission from the copyright owner must be obtained for all other uses. If the docu- ment is available under a Creative Commons License (or other specified license) then refer to the Licence for details of permitted re-use. It is a condition of access that users recog- nise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. If you believe that this work infringes copyright please provide details by email to [email protected] Notice: Please note that this document may not be the Version of Record (i.e. published version) of the work. Author manuscript versions (as Sub- mitted for peer review or as Accepted for publication after peer review) can be identified by an absence of publisher branding and/or typeset appear- ance. If there is any doubt, please refer to the published source. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2014.2335054

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Page 1: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:

This may be the author’s version of a work that was submitted/acceptedfor publication in the following source:

Vorobieva, Helene, Glaser, Sebastien, Minoiu-Enache, Nicoleta, & Mam-mar, Said(2015)Automatic parallel parking in tiny spots: Path planning and control.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(1), pp. 396-410.

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Page 2: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


Automatic Parallel Parking in Tiny Spots: Path Planning and Control

Hélène Vorobieva, Sébastien Glaser, Nicoleta Minoiu-Enache, and Saïd Mammar, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents automatic parallel parking for apassenger vehicle, with highlights on a path-planning method andon experimental results. The path-planning method consists of twoparts. First, the kinematic model of the vehicle, with correspond-ing geometry, is used to create a path to park the vehicle in one ormore maneuvers if the spot is very narrow. This path is constitutedof circle arcs. Second, this path is transformed into a continu-ous-curvature path using clothoid curves. To execute the generatedpath, control inputs for steering angle and longitudinal velocitydepending on the traveled distance are generated. Therefore, thetraveled distance and the vehicle pose during a parking maneuverare estimated. Finally, the parking performance is tested on aprototype vehicle.

Index Terms—Intelligent vehicles, motion control, motion plan-ning, path planning.


NOWADAYS, the rare vacant parking spots have becomevery narrow in big cities. Drivers cannot afford to search

bigger spots and have to be very attentive when maneuveringtheir vehicles. Even for experienced drivers, this often leadsto minor scratches on their cars. Moreover, several reposition-ing maneuvers can increase traffic jams. Consequently, suchparking might be damaging for a car and stressful for a driver.Therefore, automatic parking is a solution to increase drivers’comfort and security. Furthermore, with multiple repositioningbeing eliminated, the maneuver would be faster, which wouldimprove the circulation and reduce the stress of all road users.Fully automatic parking gives a driver the choice to let hisvehicle park itself even if the driver is not inside the car, thussaving time. Such parking can also be used in the contextof autonomous parking valet, with autonomous driving of thevehicle from a parking spot to a pickup point and from a depositpoint to the parking spot.

Manuscript received March 7, 2014; revised June 16, 2014; acceptedJune 19, 2014. Date of publication August 5, 2014; date of current versionJanuary 30, 2015. The Associate Editor for this paper was M. Da Lio.

H. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry,France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail: [email protected]).

S. Glaser is with Laboratoire sur les Interactions Véhicules-Infrastructure-Conducteurs, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, del’Aménagement et des Réseaux, 78000 Versailles, France (e-mail: [email protected]).

N. Minoiu-Enache is with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:[email protected]).

S. Mammar is with Laboratoire Informatique, Biologie Intègrative et Sys-témes Complexes, University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France(e-mail: [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2014.2335054

Putting legal aspects aside, to be commercialized, automaticparking has to be fast, predictable, and not very demandingfor the tires. Low computational time and few sensors areadditional constraints for such an assistance system.

A. State of the Art

There are several methods to generate the trajectory for theparallel parking problem.

Methods based on the use of reference functions are imple-mented in [1] and [2]. In [1], a method using the Lyapunovfunction is presented to stabilize the vehicle in the parkingspot. In [2], an optimization of two parameters is proposedto find the steering angles and the duration of commands toexecute the parking maneuvers. These methods strongly dependon gains and parameters chosen for the functions, which can bedifficult to adjust and do not ultimately lead to correct parkingmaneuvers.

Methods based on fuzzy logic or neural networking to learna human technique are implemented in [3] and [4]. Some meth-ods provide reference trajectories, e.g., in [5] and [6], or provideonly the commands in function of the pose of the vehicle ateach step, e.g., in [7] and [8]. Although those methods can beeffective solutions to deal with uncertainties and inaccuraciesin the mapping of the environment, they can be limited tohuman experts’ knowledge (for the learning step) or may needa relatively long parking space to park a car [3]. Those methodsare also difficult to generalize.

Methods using a potential field or a direction field areintroduced in [9] and [10]. These methods can be applied toall parking configurations; nevertheless, the generation of asolution needs much computation time, the convergence is notguaranteed in complex situations, and the solution stronglydepends on the optimization parameters.

Methods based on two path-planning phases consist of cre-ating a collision-free path by a lower level geometric plannerthat ignores the motion constraints [11], [12]. Then, this pathis subdivided to create an admissible path. An optimizationroutine can reduce its length. Very often, these methods presentcontinuous-curvature paths, e.g., in [13], where a clothoidalcurve is used. These methods can effectively solve the problemsof collision avoidance and nonholonomic constraints of theparking control. However, these methods are more adaptedto general path planning and become very complicated whenapplied to the parking problem, e.g., with a generation of a lotof forward or backward maneuvers sets. Recently, in [14], asegmental path-planning method based on a two-step approachfor initial entering into parking has been presented. As the

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Page 3: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


back-and-forth shuttling maneuvers are done using a geometricpredictable method, this path planning is less complex thanthe other methods. Nevertheless, initial entering has to beoptimized and consequently requires complex computationalresources as all two-path-planning-phase methods do, whichcan be undesirable in industrial context.

The geometric methods based on admissible circular arcsuse trajectories with easy geometrical equations. Some methodshave been presented for parking in one maneuver only, as in[15], where the path is composed of two circle arcs, and thesecan be found for any initial pose if the spot is long enoughor, as in [16], with a trajectory defined by two circle arcslinked by a straight line. Other methods allow parking in severalmaneuvers, e.g., in [17], where a forbidden zone is defined andthe car can park by traveling outside it with a path formed bycircle arcs. An interesting approach in parking in one maneuverthat is based on retrieving a vehicle from a parking spot and thenreversing this procedure was proposed in [18] and [19]. In thismethod, the initial orientation of the vehicle has to be parallel tothe parking spot. Whereas the length of the minimum parkingspot depends on the initial position of the vehicle in the methodproposed in [15], the minimal length proposed in the reversedmethod in [18] and [19] depends only on the characteristics ofthe vehicle.

As the reversed geometric approach is particularly close tothe human approach and adapted to the parking problem in anindustrial context by its simplicity, in a recent work [20], wehave extended this method to parking in several trials, withany initial position and orientation of the vehicle, for spotsthat are just longer than the length of the vehicle. As such ageometric method implies steering at stop, which can wear thetires and heat the electric power steering, we extended it tocontinuous-curvature path planning with clothoidal curves in[21]. Recently, as shown in [22], we have tested this method byexperimenting on a real vehicle.

B. Contribution and Content of This Paper

In this paper, we first detail the functional architecture ofautomatic parking introduced in [22]. Then, we thoroughlypresent all the steps that lead to automatic parking, from thetrajectory generation (introduced in [20] and [21]) to the execu-tion of the maneuver on a real prototype (as in [22]).

In addition to the novelty of the presentation of a full system,new parking strategies and feasibility discussions are added.Comparisons of different methods are also provided.

More specifically, the automatic parking approach presentedin [22] is enlarged with conditions for the end of the parking,which can occur at any time that the vehicle stops. The emer-gency stop is also taken into account.

The feasibility of the parking maneuver is carefully studied,enlightening the conditions for the execution of the first circlearc of entrance in the parking. A new study on the minimalwidth of the parking spot is also provided, introducing thedifferences between parking near a wall and parking on a placewithout obstacle at the lateral side.

An extension of the geometric reversed parking for parallelparking beginning with a forward maneuver is presented. Its

Fig. 1. Approach for automatic parking. (a) Parts of the parking routine.(b) Emergency stop routine, which can occur at any moment during step 3.

advantages and disadvantages are presented with respect to theclassic backward parking.

A detailed comparison of the different geometric path plan-ning methods is carried out, and the differences introducedby the continuous-curvature path planning are discussed. Allnumerical applications presented for this purpose are done withthe size parameters of the vehicle used for the experiments.

In the succeeding section, the approach for automatic par-allel parking is presented. Section III details the methods forthe geometric path planning. In Section IV, we explain thecontinuous-curvature path-planning extension. Then, Section Vis dedicated to a discussion of the different path-planning meth-ods. In Section VI, the control signals and the pose estimationare outlined. Experimental results for the steering, acceleration,brake actuators, and the parking maneuver are presented in theSection VII. Section VIII wraps up this paper and summarizesthe main items.


A. Functions of Automatic Parking

Automatic parking can be divided into three parts: percep-tion, path planning, and execution of the maneuvers (see Fig. 1).

The first function, i.e., perception, consists of detecting thesize and position of the parking spot and estimating the poseof the vehicle compared with this spot. A common solutionis to make the vehicle travel next to the spot and scan thespot for its length and width (e.g., with ultrasonic sensors[23]). Another solution is to detect the parking spot by imageprocessing using cameras attached to four sides of the vehicle[24]. Consequently, the pose of the vehicle is deduced withrespect to the parking spot. Intelligent infrastructures can alsobe considered to detect the pose of the vehicle in the parkingspot and, more generally, to communicate the location of thefree spots to the vehicle.

The second function of the parking approach is to calculatethe trajectory needed to enter the parking spot. The result ofthis path generation can be the exact coordinates of the path ina reference system or another set of information sufficient topark the vehicle.

The final function makes two parallel routines intervene: theexecution of the maneuvers and the routine of the emergency

Page 4: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


stop. At each moment, if an emergency stop is needed, the exe-cution of the maneuvers is paused. In this case, the emergencyroutine sends a zero speed request to the vehicle. Such a stopcan be needed, for example, if the distance to the obstacle istoo short (depending on the precision of the sensors) or if theintelligent infrastructure or the driver orders a stop. Once thevehicle is stopped, if there is no danger and if the vehicle is notyet well parked, the maneuvers can be started again, with aneventual path regeneration.

The execution of the maneuvers can be performed by twodifferent control strategies.

• Path following control: The control signals for the actua-tors are adjusted to the pose estimation at each time step.This solution requires good pose estimation and thereforeprecise exteroceptive sensors. Such control strategies aremostly used for long trajectories with high longitudinalspeed. This solution can be considered if the coordinatesof the points on the path can be easily calculated. Con-sequently, this approach is not entirely appropriate for aparking system with minimum sensor equipment.

• Open-loop control with optional trajectory regeneration:In this approach, the control signals are deduced fromthe trajectory and depend only on the traveled distance.This precalculated distance can be estimated using internalsensors of the vehicle. To have a more precise parkingmaneuver, trajectory regeneration can be carried out toclose the position control loop. For example, each timethe vehicle stops, the trajectory is recalculated based onthe pose estimation from internal or exteroceptive sensors.In a low-cost solution, the initial pose of the vehicle andthe parking spot could be less precise; here, the trajectoryregeneration helps in reducing path-tracking errors. Thissolution is also easier to implement if the signals can bededuced without calculating the coordinates of the pointson the path. It should be noted that, in this strategy, theemergency stop is more critical as it has to minimize theimpact of the drift of the sensors.

During the execution of the maneuvers, an additional de-cision algorithm can be used each time the vehicle stops. Aset of criteria C1 is defined so that, if the pose of the vehiclesatisfies C1, then this pose is good enough to be the final poseof the vehicle and the parking routine is stopped (even if allthe planned maneuvers have not been executed). If a passengeror a remote operator is present, a second set C2 of criteria fora correct parking pose, but more permissive than C1, can beadded. If the pose of the vehicle satisfies C2 but not C1, thepassenger or the remote operator could decide to continue ornot with the maneuvers.

B. Sensors and Perception

Modern cars are equipped with antilock braking system(ABS) that utilizes angular encoders measuring the speed ofthe four wheels. The steering wheel angle is also commonlyavailable. Consequently, these internal measurements can beused for all systems, independent of the specific sensors thatcan be added on the vehicle and that might increase the priceand the complexity of the automatic parking feature. Some

exteroceptive sensors are also often added to help the driver:ultrasound sensors, telemeters, or cameras. Even if the providedinformation is not always very accurate, the perception can beachieved using low-cost sensors. The information from thesesensors should permit to model the environment, to detectthe parking spot, and to localize the vehicle as it is done inhands-free parking devices. An autonomous navigation can alsobe added in semi-controlled environments with infrastructuresensors [25].

C. Actuators

Different actuators and associated calculators needed to pilota vehicle exist already in the vehicles, but they might needsupplementary software modifications. The steering is automat-ically performed through the steering column with an electronicpower steering calculator, the acceleration is provided by theengine with the engine control unit, and the braking comesfrom the braking system with the electronic stability program(ESP)/ABS calculator.

D. Our Contribution in the Parking Approach

This paper concerns the second part with the path-planningsection and some subparts of the third part in the open-loopcontrol approach (bold boxes in Fig. 1). We present also thecontrol of the steering signal. Moreover, the distance and thepose estimation are performed by using only internal vehiclesensors. The experimental results exemplify the treated aspectsof the parking maneuver.


A. Parking in One Maneuver

1) Preliminary Definitions: The parking maneuver is a low-speed movement. Consequently, the Ackerman steering is con-sidered with the four wheels rolling without slipping, aroundthe instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) Cl and Cr for,respectively, left and right steering. Different turning radii arecalculated. With E being the center of the rear track

RE =a

tan δ. (1)

The other radius can be deduced geometrically. The radiusfrom the points situated on the longitudinal axis of symmetry ofthe vehicle do not differ with right or left steering, e.g., RE =REl = REr. However, this radius differs for the other points,and in that case, the direction of the steering is clarified as

RBl =√(RE + b+ dr)2 + (a+ dfront)2

RBr =√(RE − b− dr)2 + (a+ dfront)2

RAl =√(RE + b+ dr)2 + d2rear. (2)

We approximate the maximum right and left steering anglesto be equal and associate the different minimum radii, e.g.,REmin or RBlmin. The notations used for the vehicle are

Page 5: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


Fig. 2. Vehicle in (left) global (x, y, ψ)-coordinates and in (right) a parkingspot.

Fig. 3. Strategy for parallel parking in one trial.

presented in Fig. 2. We also denote C(C, R) as a circle of centerC and of radius R, and Rmin = REmin.

2) Strategy: To park the vehicle in one trial, the problem istaken in the reversed way by retrieving the vehicle from theparking spot. A trial or a maneuver is defined as a sequencewithout velocity sign changes. It is assumed that the parkingspot is long enough for one trial parking and that the distancebetween the rear vehicle and the parking vehicle, at the endof the parking maneuver, is small. In these conditions, to exitthe parking spot, a human driver steers the front wheels to themaximum angle toward the outside of the parking spot andmoves forward until the vehicle is retrieved. After that, thedriver steers to the opposite side to drive into the road. Thiscreates a path in two circle arcs, connected by a tangential point.This type of trajectory supposes that the steering is done at acomplete stop of the vehicle.

To obtain a minimum length path, in [19], taking both circlesof minimum radius is proposed. Moreover, the initial pose ofthe car has to be parallel to the parking spot. This means that,at the beginning of the maneuver, the car has to be perfectlypositioned and parallel to the parking spot. In [20], we proposeto allow any initial position and orientation for the vehicle (seeFig. 3). This creates a path with a first circle arc of radiusgreater or equal to the minimum radius. One of the advantagesis less steering at stop. Furthermore, this gives the possibility tocalculate a new maneuver at any moment without replacing thevehicle at the initial position, for instance, if the performed pathof the vehicle differs from the calculated one.

In the sequel, we present the method to create such a path.The first arc of the circle for retrieving (which is the second inthe parking maneuver) is of minimum radius, but the second hasto connect the first circle with the real initial position of the car.As the first arc of the circle is of minimum radius and as the spotwhere the car has to park is known, the coordinates of Cl can

be deduced. During this arc of the circle, the point E goes allover C(Cl, Rmin). For the second arc of the circle, we searchC(Cr, REinit

), which allows E to go from the initial vehicleposition to C(Cl, Rmin). By applying the Al-Kashi theorem tothe triangle EinitCrCl (see Fig. 3), it yields




2Rmin + 2dEinitClcosα


with α = ψ + arccos((yEinit− yCl

)/dEinitCl). The steering

angle is then deduced as follows: δ = arctan(a/REinit).

3) Feasibility of the First Circle Arc: One condition for thefeasibility of the presented parking maneuver is the admissi-bility of the first circle arc C(Cr, REinit

). It is admissible ifREinit

≥ Rmin as the vehicle can execute any steering smallerthan the possible maximum. Moreover, as we want the vehicleparked in a backward move, another condition is xEinit

≥ xCl.

If these conditions are not satisfied, the vehicle has to goforward or backward without steering from its initial positionEinit until it arrives to a point Ecorrect satisfying the twoconditions. The coordinates of Ecorrect can be calculated byapplying the Al-Kashi theorem to the triangle ClCrEcorrect andtaking the minimal condition REcorrect

= Rmin as

3R2min − d2ClEcorrect

+ 2dClEcorrectRmin cosα = 0 (4)




√(xCl − xEcorrect

)2 + (yCl − yEcorrect)2

α = arccosyEcorrect−yCl

dClEcorrect+ ψEinit

yEcorrect= yEinit

− (xEinit− xEcorrect

) tanψEinit.


The resolution of (4) leads to a second-order equation forxEcorrect

with one solution satisfying xEinit≥ xCl

. The coor-dinate yEcorrect

is then deduced. There are some configurationsof initial pose of the vehicle when no solution can be found(the vehicle cannot go in a straight line to any circle of radiusRmin having a tangential point with the circle C(Cl, Rmin)).These poses are not representative of initial possible poses for aparking maneuver, e.g., when the vehicle is far from the parkingspot (when xEinit

� xCl), with an almost vertical orientation.

In those cases, a solution can be found by taking REcorrect�

Rmin in (4), but as the parking maneuver would not be pertinentfor those initial poses, the system would not allow it.

4) Feasibility of Parking in One Maneuver: The feasibilityof parking in one maneuver is conditioned by the size of theparking spot: The length and the width have to be higher thanthe minimal length and width. This size is the same for retrievalor a parking maneuver. Supposing a retrieving maneuver, themaneuver is feasible if, during the first circle arc, the right frontand rear corners of the vehicle have, respectively, no collisionwith the front and lateral obstacles (see Fig. 4). The necessarylateral free space is geometrically calculated by placing thevehicle at the left limit of the parking spot, and the minimalwidth Wmin is deduced, i.e.,

Wmin = RAl min −Rmin + b+ dl. (6)

Page 6: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


Fig. 4. Minimal length and width of the parking spot for parking in onemaneuver.

Fig. 5. Forward parking in one maneuver and minimal length and width ofthe parking spot.

In the case of parking near a sidewalk with clear space, theminimal width should even be calculated regarding the lateraldeport of the right rear wheel instead of the right rear border ofthe vehicle. As the ICR is situated on the same axle than the reartrack, we have in this case Wmin = 2b+ dl + dr = Widthcar.The minimum length Lmin is deduced with a similar method,i.e., [19]

Lmin = drear +√

R2Bl min − (Rmin − b− dl)2. (7)

5) Generalization to the Parallel Parking With a ForwardMove: The presented method can be generalized to the parkingdone with a forward move. This forward parking can be usedwhen the parking spot is known without scanning it by thevehicle, e.g., if an intelligent infrastructure has communicatedthis information previously to the vehicle. In that case, thevehicle is supposed to be parked before the parking spot,and retrieving is done first by left steering and then by rightsteering, connecting the real initial position of the vehicle, witha backward move (see Fig. 5). Then, this trajectory is reversedto park the vehicle with one forward maneuver. The minimallength and width of the parking are calculated with the samemethod as those used for backward parking (see Fig. 5), i.e.,

Wminf=RBl min −Rmin + b+ dl

Lminf= a+ dfront +


Al min − (Rmin − b− dl)2. (8)

Fig. 6. Vehicle at the nearest parallel position to the parking spot after the firsttrial and vehicle in the desired final position.

Fig. 7. Forward move during parking in n parallel trials.

B. Parking in Several Parallel Trials

When the length of the parking spot is smaller than theminimal length of the parking in one maneuver but the spotcan contain the vehicle, parking in several trials can be per-formed. In this paper, we suppose that the vehicle performsbackward parking in several trials (the first maneuver is abackward move), but this can be easily generalized for forwardparking.

One solution for parking in several trials is first makingthe vehicle go to the nearest parallel position (see Fig. 6) tothe parking spot using the one trial method. Then, the vehicleshould execute a series of forward and backward moves to parkin the spot (see Fig. 7). At the end of each of these moves, thevehicle has to be parallel to the spot.

1) Determine the Position at the End of the First Trial:During the first trial, the vehicle parks in the nearest parallelposition to the parking spot (see Fig. 6). This means that,for the second circle arc of the parking maneuver, we havedClBparallel

= dClF = RBl min. Having this circle arc, the firstcircle arc of the parking maneuver is calculated as in Section II.However, to know the second circle arc, the nearest parallelposition has to be calculated, defined by the distance d betweenthe vehicle at the nearest parallel position and the vehicle at thedesired final position.

To calculate d, let us suppose that the vehicle is parkedin the spot and tries to retrieve with a maximum steeringangle. As the retrieval in one maneuver is not possible, thecircle C(Cl, RBlmin) and the front obstacle have a point ofintersection F1 (see Fig. 6). In these conditions, yF1

can beeasily calculated. Then, d is deduced: d = yF − yF1

.2) Number of Trials: During the series of forward and back-

ward moves, the vehicle covers longitudinally the available

Page 7: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


Fig. 8. Vehicle (left) moving forward and (right) backward with a maximumsteering angle.

distance l, where l = L− (a+ dfront + drear). During the firsthalf distance, the steering is to the left, and during the secondhalf distance, the steering is to the right (see Fig. 7). To remainparallel to the parking spot at the end of each move and tomaximize lateral displacement, left and right steering anglesmust be maximal and equal. The lateral displacement duringa forward or backward move is

Δ = 2

(Rmin −


min − l2/4

). (9)

The total number of trials is deduced (first trial plus series offorward and backward moves) as

nbtrials = IntegerPart



)+ 2. (10)

Remark: For the last trial, the lateral distance to cover couldbe smaller than Δ. In this case, Rmin is replaced by an appro-priate radius in (9).

C. Parking in Several Reversed Trials

To find a parking spot in several trials, the method presentedfor the parking in one maneuver has been generalized. Theretrieving path, like a human driver would do, is searchedand then reversed. The retrieval is composed by forward andbackward moves until the vehicle can retrieve. A forwardmove means steering at maximum toward left and then movingforward until approaching the front obstacle. A backward movemeans steering at maximum toward right and then movingbackward until approaching the rear or lateral obstacle. Whena forward move allows the vehicle to retrieve without collision,the concerned circle arc is considered. This will be the secondcircle arc of the parking path. Then, a feasible circle arc thatconnects by a tangential point the real initial position of thevehicle to the second circle arc is searched. The algorithm thatfinds the circle arcs of the retrieving maneuver is defined in thesequel.

1) It is assumed that the last pose of the vehicle when it isparked is known. This is the goal pose. Cl, Cr, RBl min,and RBr min are calculated for this pose (see Fig. 8).

2) If RBl min ≤ dClF , go to (8); else, go to (3).3) It is not possible to retrieve in one trial. The vehicle moves

forward with a maximum left steering angle. The created

Fig. 9. Two arcs of the circle of the first trial during reversed parking in severaltrials.

circle arc C(Cl, RBl min) crosses the line x = xF to apoint F1 (see Fig. 8). At the end of the movement, pointB is in F1. The rotation angle θl is deduced.

4) Cr is the ICR during the maximum right steering. Thus,it can be considered that it belongs to the vehicle. Whenthe vehicle moves along the circle arc determined in theprevious step, all points of the vehicle are transformed bythe rotation of center Cl and angle θl.

5) The vehicle moves backward with a maximum right steer-ing angle. The created circle arc C(Cr, RAr min) crossesthe line y = yG to a point G1 (see Fig. 8). Moreover, thecreated circle arc C(Cr, RJr min) crosses the line x = xG

to a point G2. The associated rotation angles θrA and θrJare deduced. The vehicle must move backward as far aspossible, but without collision. Consequently, it must stopwhen J is in G2 or when A is in G1. The correspondingcircle arc is defined by θr = min(θrA, θrJ).

6) Cl is the ICR during the maximum left steering. Thus,it can be considered that it belongs to the vehicle. Whenthe vehicle moves along the circle arc determined in theprevious step, all the points of the vehicle are transformedby the rotation of center Cr and angle θr.

7) A new dClF is calculated, which brings us to step 2.8) The vehicle can retrieve in one trial. The last two circle

arcs of the retrieving maneuvers are found similar to themethod for parking in one maneuver (see Fig. 9)



A. Choice of a Smooth Curve

Both geometric methods presented in the earlier section areparticularly instinctive and adapted to the parking problem.However, as the path is composed of circle arcs, the curvatureof the path is discontinuous. When the vehicle tracks such apath, it has to stop after each circle arc to reorient its frontwheels. This can be undesirable for two reasons. First, as thevehicle has to stop, this leads to unnecessary time delay, asshown in [26], where a time comparison is performed betweenpaths composed of circle arcs and paths using quintic polyno-mials. Second, steering at the stop is particularly demanding

Page 8: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


to the steering column and induces faster wearing of the tires.The curvature continuity of the generated path is, therefore, adesirable property.

Different smooth curves can be used for creating acontinuous-curvature path. Some curves are with coordinatesthat can be expressed in a closed form (e.g., B-splines [27],polar splines [28] or quintic polynomials). Others are paramet-ric curves for which curvature is a function of their arc length(e.g., [29], clothoids [30], cubic spirals [31], or intrinsic splines[32]). An admissible path for a real vehicle has to include aconstraint on the curvature (maximal steering angle) and onits derivative. The latter is upper bounded to reflect the factthat the vehicle can only reorient its front wheels with a finitevelocity. It appears also that paths with continuous curvatureand upper bounded curvature value and rate can be tracked withhigh accuracy by real vehicles [33].

However, the path-planning methods, which usually usecontinuous-curvature curves, often require optimization and ahigh computational cost (as presented in Section I). In com-parison, the geometric methods present a lot of advantages(simplicity, no optimization needed, and no dependence onarbitrary chosen parameters). To reduce the complexity, aninteresting method is to first create a geometrical path withcircle arcs and then transform it in a continuous-curvature pathwith low computational cost. In [34], a method for parkingin one maneuver using circle arcs and Bezier curve fitting ispresented. Nevertheless, the admissibility of the created path isnot guaranteed, and a complex controller is needed.

Clothoid paths can answer to the constraints of admissibility[35], [36]. Moreover, in [37], it was proved that the shortestpath between two vehicle configurations with a constraint onthe curvature rate is made up of line segments and clothoidarcs of maximum curvature derivative. Another argument infavor of the clothoids is that these curves describe very well thebehavior of car-like vehicles. Indeed, if a car-like vehicle hasa constant velocity and steers with a constant angular velocity,the middle of the rear track follows a clothoidal path. Conse-quently, simple control signals suffice for the vehicle to executethe path. For these reasons, in order to create continuous-curvature paths for car-like vehicles, the clothoids seems to bean appropriate solution. In the following, we propose to adaptgeometric methods with circle arcs to methods that implement aclothoidal path.

B. Clothoid Turns

In this section, we briefly describe the general properties ofclothoids applied to path planning for vehicles [36]. A clothoidis a curve whose curvature κ = 1/R varies linearly with its arclength L, i.e., κ(L) = σL+ κ(0), where σ is the sharpness ofthe clothoid. It is also commonly used to define a clothoid byits parameter A with A2 = RL, where A = 1/


Without loss of generality, consider the start configurationof the vehicle as qi = (xi, yi, ψi, δi) = (0, 0, 0, 0). The vehicleis moving with constant positive longitudinal velocity andwith constant steering velocity to the left. The vehicle is thendescribing a clothoid whose parameter A depends on the longi-tudinal and steering velocities. The configuration for any pose

Fig. 10. Clothoid turns.

Fig. 11. Path for a parking in one maneuver.

q of the vehicle at distance L from the initial configuration isthen (see Fig. 10) given as

q =


x = A√πCf


)y = A



)ψ = A2


δ = 1R


where Cf and Sf are the Fresnel integrals Cf (x)=∫ x

0 cos(π/2)u2du and Sf (x) =

∫ x

0 sin(π/2)u2du, respectively.The center of the circular arc C, located at a distance R from

a configuration q, in the normal direction to the tangent to theclothoid at the (x, y) point is

xC = xR −R sinψ yC = yR +R cosψ. (12)

In addition, we define radius R1 and angle μ between theorientation of qi and the tangent to the circle of center C andradius R1, i.e.,

R1 =√

x2C + y2C μ = arctan


yC. (13)

Then, we define a clothoidal sequence CAC(A,L, θ) asfollows:

1) clothoid of parameter A, of length L, of initial nullcurvature, and of end curvature equal to 1/R;

2) optional arc of circle of radius R and of angle θ;3) clothoid of parameter A, of length L, of initial curvature

equal to 1/R, and of end null curvature.In the method presented in the following, R1 represents the

distance from the point E at the beginning of a circle arc of thegeometric path to the ICR C (see Fig. 11). To make the most ofthe maximal steering angles of the vehicle, we want radius R1

to be as small as possible. The minimal time to steer from nullsteering to maximal steering is tmin = (δmax/vδ), where vδ isthe maximal desired steering velocity. The minimal associated

Page 9: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


Fig. 12. Replacing of a circle arc by an A or B sequence.

length of the path is then defined as Lmin = vlongitmin, wherevlongi is the maximal desired longitudinal velocity. The param-eter of the used clothoid is then given as A2

min = RminLmin,and R1 is calculated using (11)–(13). Let αclotho be the angleformed by a clothoid started with a null curvature and finishedwith a curvature 1/Rmin.

C. Approach of Computing the Continuous-Curvature Path

The first step of the parking path generation is to create ageometric path composed of circle arcs, e.g., with one of themethods presented in the earlier section, for parking in singleor more maneuvers. Radius Rmin used to create this path isreplaced here by radius R1. Another modification concerns theICR C. In the geometrical methods, this is located on the sameline with that of the rear track. This means that the orientationof the vehicle is tangent in E to the circle arc of the geometricpath. In this new strategy, in order to use clothoids, the orien-tation of the vehicle always presents angle μ with the tangentto the circle in E, when the vehicle is situated on the circlesof radius R1 of the geometric path. To take this constraint intoaccount, C is transformed by the rotation of center E and angleμ during the geometric path generation (see Fig. 11).

Remark: In the new approach, with circle arcs of radius R1,in the case of parking near a sidewalk with clear space, thelateral deport of the vehicle’s right rear for the retrieving in onemaneuver is no longer null. This is due to the fact that the centerC of the circle arc of radius R1 is no longer situated on the sameaxle as the rear track. In consequence, the minimal width of thespot is no longer equal to the width of the vehicle, but slightlylarger.

The second step is to transform each circle arc of angle αtot

and radius R1 of the geometric method into a clothoidal se-quence. Three cases are classically considered [35] (see Fig. 12for the cases A and B).

Case A) αtot ≥ 2αclotho: We use the clothoidal sequenceCAC(Amin, Lmin, αtot − 2αclotho).

Case B) 2αclotho > αtot ≥ 2μ: We use the clothoidal se-quence CAC(Anew, Lnew, 0) with [35]

Anew =


1 sin(

β2 + μ



(cos β



)+ sin β



))2 (14)

Lnew =Anew

√β (15)

where β=(ψend−ψstart) mod 2π is the deflection of the turn.

Case C) αtot < 2μ: In this case, it is no longer possible touse the method of the case B, and although this case is not dealtwith in [35], left steering is still possible. A clothoid of parame-ter Amin and of length LcaseC is calculated to satisfy the follow-ing two criteria: αtot = 2αclothocaseC, and at the end position,it is no longer possible to go forward (or backward, dependingon the case) without a collision. As this calculus includesparametric curves with Fresnel integrals, an approached solu-tion is considered. Finally, the sequence CAC(Amin, LcaseC, 0)is used.

The last step is to calculate the starting point of the firstcircle arc. As aforementioned, to minimize the lateral offset,only circles of radius R1 are considered during the first step ofthe strategy. In consequence, the vehicle has to go backward orforward without steering from its initial position Einit until itarrives at a point Ecorrect on a circle of radius R1 connectedwith a tangential point to the second circle (see Fig. 11).The coordinates of Ecorrect can be calculated by applying theAl-Kashi theorem to the triangle ClCrEcorrect[21], i.e.,

3R21 − d2 + 2dR1 cosα = 0 (16)


d =√(xCl − xEcorrect

)2 + (yCl − yEcorrect)2

α = arccosyEcorrect−yCl

d − μ+ ψEinit

yEcorrect= yEinit

− (xEinit− xEcorrect

) tanψEinit.


D. Feasibility of Parking in One Maneuver

Similar to the first presented geometric method, the feasibil-ity of parking in one maneuver is conditioned by the size of theparking spot. The conditions issued from the initial geometricpath planning with circle arcs of radius R1 are conditions ofnoncollision of extremities of the vehicle with the spot borders,when the point E follows the circle arcs of radius R1. With thecontinuous-curvature solution presented in this section, thoseconditions have to be modified. During the parking maneuver,the vehicle travels between two extremal circles of center Cl

and of radius Rmin or R1. This creates a lower bound and anupper bound of the minimal length Lminclotho and the minimalwidth Wminclotho of the parking spot, with which the parking inone trial is possible (18). The minimal width, as it is very closeto the width of the vehicle, is rarely an issue for parallel parking.The real difficulty, with a growing number of maneuvers,comes from the length of the spot, as Llimmin and Llimmax

increase when R1 increases. Consequently, when possible, theinteresting parameter to optimize is the minimal length of thespot for the parking in one maneuver (and by generalization,the minimal length of the spot for a parking in a given numberof maneuvers). By construction, R1 decreases when the maxi-mal desired longitudinal velocity vlongi decreases and when themaximal desired steering velocity vδ increases, i.e.,

Llimmin ≤Lminclotho ≤ Llimmax

Wlimmin ≤Wminclotho ≤ Wlimmax (18)

Page 10: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


Fig. 13. Cases with (left) lower and (right) upper bounds for the minimallength of the parking spot for the parking in one maneuver.


Llimmin = drear +R1 sinμ


R2Bl minmin

− (R1 cosμ− b− dl)2

Llimmax = drear +R1 sinμ


R2Bl min1

− (R1 cosμ− b− dl)2

Wlimmin =RAl min −R1 cosμ+ b+ dl

Wlimmax =RAl min1−R1 cosμ+ b+ dl (19)


RBl minmin=√

R2min + d2EB − 2RmindEB cos(π/2 + αB)

RBl min1=√

R21 + d2EB − 2R1dEB cos(π/2 + αB + μ)

RAl min1=√

R21 + d2EA − 2R1dEA cos(π/2 + αA + μ)

αB = arccosa+ dfront


αA = arccosdreardEA

. (20)

Cases with Lminclotho=Llimmin and with Lmincloto=Llimmax

are presented in Fig. 13.Remark: If R1 = Rmin (clothoid formed when vlongi = 0 or

vδ = ∞), the minimal length and width become those of theminimal ones in the geometric method.


A. Parameters of the Vehicle

The parameters chosen for the simulation of the differentgeneration methods of the trajectory are the Renault ZOEparameters (see Table I). The maximal steering velocity ofthe steering wheels chosen for the parking maneuvers isvdelta = 20◦/s.

B. Minimal Length and Width of the Parking Spot for Parkingin One Maneuver (Forward or Backward)

It is interesting to compare the minimal width and length ofthe spot for forward and backward parking in one maneuver


Fig. 14. Variation of minimal length of the parking spot for vδ = 20◦/s.

with a geometric path formed by circle arcs [see (6)–(8)]. Withthe parameters of the Renault ZOE, Wmin = 1.815 m, Lmin =5.742 m, Wminf

= 2.856 m, and Lminf= 7.241 m. Forward

parking needs a consequent width of the spot in comparisonwith backward parking, for which the minimal width of thespot is very close to the width of the vehicle (see Table I).In the case of parking near a sidewalk with clear space, theminimal width of the spot for forward parking stays consequent.With backward parking, it is equal or almost equal to thewidth of the vehicle. Furthermore, the minimal length is alsoconsequently higher for forward parking. Nevertheless, forwardparking can be an interesting option for time saving when thedimensions of the parking spot are suitable: With this method,the parking maneuver can begin immediately without havingto travel near the spot to scan it and thereafter only begin theparking maneuver, like in backward parking. Until the end ofthis paper, the calculations and experiments will be done onlyfor backward parking.

It is also interesting to compare the minimal length of thespot for parking in one maneuver on one hand with a geometricpath formed by circle arcs Lmin (7) and on the other handwith a continuous-curvature path with CAC sequences. Thelatter minimal length Lminclotho is characterized by its boundsLlimmin and Llimmax in (19). Fig. 14 shows the variation ofLlimmin and Llimmax in function of the longitudinal velocity forvδ = 20◦/s. These lengths are larger than Larc, but they con-siderably decrease when vlongi decreases. Nevertheless, theseminimal lengths are acceptable considering that the parkingin several maneuvers is possible and that continuous-curvaturepath is preferable.

Page 11: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:




C. Comparison of the Path-Planning Methods forSeveral Trials

We have presented two geometric methods with circle arcsfor parallel parking in one or several trials: the parallel and thereversed methods. In this section, we compare these methodsregarding the number of maneuvers needed to park the vehiclein tiny spots. We take as reference, e.g., the French stan-dard for parallel parking spots, which should be in minimum2 m × 5.8 m [38].

The method with several parallel trials is simple to imple-ment, and the number of trials is easily calculated from thegeometry of the vehicle and the parking spot. Moreover, if apassenger is present in the vehicle, it is easy for him to under-stand and predict the maneuvers of the vehicle. Furthermore,the number of maneuvers does not depend on the width of theparking spot. Nevertheless, if the width of the parking spot istoo small, the lateral deport of the front and rear right cornersof the vehicle makes parking near a wall impossible for someparking length. For example, it would be impossible to use thismethod for a parking spot with a width of 2 m and a length of5.64 m. Let us suppose that the spot is not situated near a wallor near an obstacle. In that case, parking in a spot with a widthof 2 m is possible; the number of maneuvers is presented inTable II. We can see that the condition of displacement with thebeginning and end of each move, being parallel to the parkingspot, is very restraining: The total number of trials increasesvery fast when the length of the parking decreases, which canbe unsatisfactory if a passenger is present in the vehicle or forthe total needed time.

The method with several reversed trials is instinctive toimplement because it correlates with reversing the humanretrieving maneuver. With this method, the number of trialscan be calculated only from an iterative algorithm. Geomet-ric transformations and formulas involved in the algorithmare more complex in comparison with the method in severalparallel trials, and the number of maneuvers depends on thewidth of the parking spot. Moreover, for a human, it is noteasy to visualize which trajectory the vehicle will generate.Nevertheless, the number of trials implied in this method ismuch less considerable than in the method with several paralleltrials (see Table II). Consequently, this method is to be used inpriority in order to reduce the time of the parking maneuver.

As the reversed method is the most efficient, it is interestingto use it for the continuous-curvature path planning. With thistransformation, the length of the parking spot should increasein order to park with the same number of maneuvers than witha path done with circle arcs. As the reversed method depends onthe width of the parking spot, here, the phenomenon is accen-tuated if the parking has to be done near a wall. An example ofthe minimal lengths of the parking spot for a longitudinal speedof 0.6 m · s−1 for parking near a wall for different widths of the



spot is shown in Table III. Even if these lengths are larger thanthat for geometric parking with circle arcs, it is always possibleto park in an acceptable number of maneuvers in spots withlength smaller than 5.8 m, even for parking near a wall. If theparking spot is very tiny, as it can occur in big cities, the steeringat stop can always be considered with the reversed geometricmethod with circle arcs. In that case, it is even possible to parkin a spot that is only 80 cm larger than the length of the vehiclein a reasonable number of maneuvers (see Tables I and II).


A. Control Signals

To make the vehicle follow the generated path, controlsignals of the steering angle δ and longitudinal velocity vhave to be built. As the trajectory is clothoidal, the calculationof trajectory coordinates implies an approximation of Fresnelintegrals, which requires much calculation time. Instead, wepropose to generate open-loop steering and braking controls(Step 3 of Fig. 1), which depend only on the traveled distanceand need few calculations, as shown in the following.

The speed control purpose is that the vehicle accelerates to adesired speed and then stays at this speed to finally decelerateand stop when the vehicle has traveled the total distance of aforward move or a backward move. This control signal couldbe a trapezoid signal.

For the steering control signal, the vehicle has already storedsome information during the path-planning routine: Lline, thelength of the first line with straight wheels, Rmin and theparameters A, L, θ for each clothoidal sequence CAC(A,L, θ).Therefore, the length of a circle arc on a clothoidal sequenceis Larc = θRmin, and the total length of a clothoidal sequenceis Lseq = 2L+ Larc. Whatever the number of clothoidal se-quences A or C (see Section III) is, the parameter A has tobe calculated only once. Moreover, the parameter A has to becalculated every time a sequence B occurs. Consequently, theamount of data calculated and stored for the steering controlis directly related to the number of maneuvers. Finally, thedistance control signal of the steering angle is as follows.

– For the initial movement in a straight line

∀d ∈ (0, Lline) δ(d) = 0. (21)

– For a clothoidal sequence CAC(A,L, θ): ∀d ∈ (0, Lseq)

δ(d) =


kδ∣∣arctan a


∣∣ d ∈ [0, L]

∣∣∣arctan aRmin

∣∣∣ d ∈]L,L+ Larc[

∣∣∣arctan aRi

∣∣∣ d ∈ [L+ Larc, Lseq]


where kδ = ±1 corresponds to left (+1) or right (−1)steering, R = (A2/d) and Ri = (A2/Lseq − d).

Page 12: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


B. Pose and Distance Estimation

The different internal sensors present on the vehicle allow tomeasure the steering wheel angle δ and the four wheel speeds(ABS sensors present in modern cars). The elementary lateraldisplacements ΔRR,ΔRL,ΔFR,ΔFL of rear right, rear left,front right, and front left wheels, respectively, are deduced.Exteroceptive sensors for environment perception are beyondthe scope of this paper. Consequently, we propose odometrictechniques for the estimation of the pose and the traveleddistance.

The most common technique uses only the speed of the tworear wheels. The elementary angular displacement ω and theelementary lateral displacement Δ are classically calculated ateach time step k


2ω =


2b. (23)

It is also possible to make a fusion of all available mea-surements using an odometric extended Kalman filter (EKF)[39] where the unknown quantities x = (Δ, ω) are linked tothe measured variables y = (ΔFL,ΔFR,ΔRL,ΔRR, δ) by aredundant and nonlinear system⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨


tan(δ) = aωΔ

ΔRL = Δ− bω

ΔRR = Δ+ bω

ΔFL cos(δl) = Δ− bω

ΔFR cos(δr) = Δ+ bω


where δl = arctan(tan(δ)a/(a− tan(δ)b)) and δr = arctan(tan(δ)a/(a+ tan(δ)b)) are the steerings of the front left andright wheels (see Fig. 2). Thus, we can write the Kalman filter

xk+1 = xk + wk (25)

where w is a zero-mean white noise with a W covariancematrix.

The distance estimation d and the pose of the vehicle(x, y, ψ) are then deduced for the next time step as

dk+1 = dk + Δ̂k

xk+1 =xk + Δ̂k cos(ψk + ω̂k/2)

yk+1 = yk + Δ̂k sin(ψk + ω̂k/2)

ψk+1 =ψk + ω̂k (26)

with (Δ̂, ω̂) being the estimates of the Kalman filter.


A. Vehicle and Ground Truth Sensors

The car used for experiments is a Renault ZOE with auto-matic speed and steering control (see Fig. 18). The sourcesof errors that affect the pose estimation and the result of theparking maneuver are numerous. The first one is due to the reso-lution of the ABS encoders and the steering wheel encoder. Theother ones result from the approximate nature of the Ackerman

model (cinematic model without sliding) and from the per-formance of the speed and steering response to the controlsignals (the car was not particularly prepared for low speedmaneuvers).

First, simulations on MATLAB were performed for differentscenarios. Moreover, all algorithms were integrated in a com-plete MATLAB Simulink model allowing automatic control ofthe car. The implementation of this model in the vehicle wasoperated due to dSPACE MicroAutoBox, a real-time systemfor performing fast prototyping. Then, some of the simulatedscenarios with a maximal longitudinal speed 0.6 m · s−1 weretested (Fig. 19 compares some simulated scenarios to the realexperiments, as explained in the Section VII-C).

Two sensors allow the measurement of the ground truth. AGPS RTK delivers true positions of the car with a precision of2 cm, and a Correvit is used to measure the odometry of the reartrack center with a resolution of 1.9 mm and a measurementdeviation less than ±0.1%.

B. Pose and Distance Estimation

The experimental results presented here were obtained dur-ing automatized parking maneuvers using continuous-curvaturepath planning outgoing from the reversed geometric method.The control signals presented in the previous section have beenimplemented. The distance measurement for the control signalswas produced by the Correvit but simultaneously, the distancemeasurement and the pose estimation were also calculatedonline. The techniques tested for pose estimation are using thetwo rear wheel sensors (classic odometry) and the odometricEKF with the fusion of all wheels and steering measurements.In both techniques, the calculated elementary longitudinal dis-placement is used for the distance estimation.

The pose and distance estimation were tested on differentground conditions (asphalt and concrete slab as good groundconditions, and gravel and wet concrete slab as difficult groundconditions) for parking in one or several maneuvers. Resultsare shown in Figs. 15 and 16 with a top view representation. Inthese figures also visible are the distance error (with respectto the Correvit) and the longitudinal and lateral errors (withrespect to the GPS RTK) as functions of the real traveleddistance (given by the Correvit). The distance estimation withthe classic odometry method is correct for all ground conditions(generally less than 10 cm of difference). For the distancecalculated with the EKF method, the results are more contro-versial: They are correct on good ground conditions, but failon wet ground and gravel (errors of 20–50 cm at the end ofthe maneuver). Similarly, the pose estimation is always correctfor the classic odometry and becomes degraded for the EKFmethod on difficult ground conditions.

It should be noticed that, by changing the covariance matricesof the EKF, we can obtain the same performances than with theclassic odometry, but not a better one. This could be due tothe slipping of the front wheels during low-speed movementswith consequent steering angles. Another explanation is that,during our experiment, the information provided by the sen-sors of the rear wheels was not corrupted; hence, the classicodometry performed very well. In [39], the EKF was tested

Page 13: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


Fig. 15. Pose and distance estimation for the experiments on good groundconditions.

Fig. 16. Pose and distance estimation for the experiments on difficult groundconditions.

Fig. 17. Pose estimation for a long travel on the road.

with a maximum speed of 50 km/h without maximum steeringangles during long travels on the road, and in that situation,the classic odometer alone was less efficient than the EKFestimation. To verify our EKF, we tested it in similar conditionswith [39] and observed that it performs much better than theclassic odometry during these kind of runs (see Fig. 17). In thecase of parking maneuvers, the classic odometer provides goodresults without large failures and consequently the benefits ofthe EKF (reduction of the error during failures or noises of oneor several sensors) cannot be seen. If exteroceptive informationis available on the vehicle or if a more complex vehicle model,including wheels slip and adaptation to low-speed movementand big steering angles, would be used, the EKF could be moreefficient. Nevertheless, classic odometry shows good results onall experiments for pose and distance estimation without anyother information and consequently validate an approach withthe use of few sensors.

C. Parking Maneuvers

Regarding the results of pose and distance estimation, the au-tomatic parking was tested with distance control issued from theclassic odometry. We have tested the parking in one or severalmaneuvers and with different initial positions and orientations.The width of the parking spot was 2.50 m, and the parkingmaneuvers were tested without lateral overtaking of the rightcorners of the vehicle (parking near a wall).

Fig. 18 shows the different steps of parking in four maneu-vers. Picture (a) represents the initial position of the vehicle,picture (b) shows the end of the first maneuver, picture (c)is taken during the entrance in the parking spot, picture (d)represents the end of the second maneuver, picture (e) showsthe end of the third maneuver and finally, the end of the parkingis on picture (f). Fig. 19 shows the real trajectories of the vehicleduring automatic parking compared with the simulated ones.

The experimental results are quite good, and the errors aremainly due to the execution delay of the control signals and theerrors of distance estimation. Despite the differences betweenthe simulations and the ground truth, for the parking in two tofour maneuvers, the vehicle never exceeded the parking spot,

Page 14: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


Fig. 18. Parking in four maneuvers.

Fig. 19. Experiments of parking maneuvers.

and the end position is suitable. For the parking in one maneu-ver, the errors (mainly delay error) cause a little overstep, butthat can be corrected using low-cost sensor, such as ultrasounds.

For parking in more than four maneuvers (not shown here),the accumulation of errors becomes too big to correctly parkthe vehicle. Future work on the regeneration of the trajectoryshould solve this problem.


A complete approach of a full automatic parallel parkingwas proposed. The functional dependence of the perception,path planning, and trajectory tracking, including emergencystop routine and conditions at the end of the maneuver havebeen highlighted. Then, the path-planning method was detailed.First, two geometrical methods and an extension to the forwardparking have been presented. Second, an extension of thosetrajectories to continuous-curvature trajectories has been added.These path-planning methods allow the parking in one orseveral maneuvers in tiny spots for any initial pose and orien-tation. Control signals for steering, braking, and accelerationallowing to control the vehicle without calculation of pointson the trajectory were then detailed. Moreover, it has beenshown that classic pose and distance estimation allows a correctlocalization and produces precise distance information for thecontrol signals. Experiments of the parking in one or severalmaneuvers on a real vehicle confirm the chosen approach ofthe path planning and of the vehicle control. In the future,online regeneration of the trajectory will be performed in orderto prevent error accumulation. This regeneration will have thesame function as a closed-loop control in order to have betterprecision during the execution of the maneuver. To reducethe error sources that affect the pose estimation, the low-levelcontrol signals of the car have to be improved to take intoaccount the low-speed movement, and a model including thesliding of the wheels will be considered.


The authors would like to thank F. Desnoyer for his supportto organize the experiments and B. Lusetti for his precious helpduring the experiments.


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Page 15: c Consult author(s) regarding copyright mattersH. Vorobieva is with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, 91025 Évry, France, and also with Renault SAS, 78084 Guyancourt, France (e-mail:


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Hélène Vorobieva received the Dipl.-Ing. degree from Superior National School of Advanced Tech-niques (ENSTA ParisTech), Paris, France, in 2011 and the M.S. degree in advanced systems and robotics from University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, in 2011. She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in automatic control with University of Évry Val d’Essonne, Évry, France.

She has a CIFRE Ph.D. employment contractwith Renault SAS, Guyancourt, France, in col-laboration with Laboratoire sur les Interactions

Véhicules-Infrastructure-Conducteurs (LIVIC), Institut Français des Sci-ences et Technologies des Transports, de l’Aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR), Versailles, France. Her research interests include automatic parking maneuvers.

Sébastien Glaser received the Dipl.-Ing. degree from National School of State Public Works (ENTPE), Vaulx en Velin, France, in 2000; the M.S. degree in image analysis and synthesis from Jean Monnet University, Saint-Étienne, France; and the Ph.D. degree in automatic control, with an emphasis on the vehicle dynamic analysis, and the Habilitation to Direct Research degree from University of Évry Val d’Essonne, Évry, France, in 2004 and 2010, respectively.

Since 2004 he has been a Researcher with Lab-oratoire sur les Interactions Véhicules-Infrastructure-Conducteurs, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l’Aménagement et des Réseaux, Versailles, France. Since 2009 he has led a research team on risk analysis, decision making and control. He has been involved in several European Union initiatives (e.g., eFuture and HAVEit) and has led a French initiative on low-speed automation (ANR-ABV). His research interests include driving-assistance design and driver studies.