c s c protest would nt trim adams coodsfo- v...

1 P t T M Ii jff TOE WORLDt ftJ 1lDAVEVENINGJ1ARCO 1103 r f418OOO PROTEST V I EVERY HOUR Sufferers from Gas Extortion t Who Have Been Shown the i Remedy by The Evening World yz Sign Monster Appea- li i 11 f fACORNS HARD AT WORK 4r It Novel Booth Erected In City Hall Park In Which Nine Typewriters Are Kept Busy Recording Names i of VictIms of trie Gas Trust li The Cttlltns Union has taken up The oyrenlng tyorlds crusade against the outrageous I charges otthe Gas Trust At a recent meeting ot the Executive Commute of the Citizens Union co- d t cperatlnc with the directorate of the- r Merchant1 csodsllon It Well decided to Inaugurate a rclsnUesa warfare against the Lighting Trust to compel It f tt furnish to Creator New York cheaper nod better es and to enable the city r to operate Ita own lighting plant Ic Authority ivan given to President Joseph Johnson of the Order of Acorns I Saturday night to begin the agitation In I t> ehstf or the bill now before the Assera- Tily empowering the city to create a- lighting plant- P4esIdax4 Johnsonwoi prompt to act i t2 oclocfc this morning be was direct- Ing the operations of a gang of work ¬ men in the erection of a large booth In t City slUt Park on the Park Row side I past which point scores of thousands ot I h men and women paw dally When the posts were entwined with bunting this announcement was displayed in big let- ters ¬ I TO THE LIGHTING f TRUST HALT I j t SlBll tilts petition all who enter herei To the Loclsletnre of the State 1 of New York 4 lilt We the anderaltTned cltl p ecHo of the City of VIew York ±r respeotfnlly and nroentlr call upon you promptly to plIe tho L t f Municipal Electric Lighting f > bill known as the Monroe bill ij Iif now pendlna before you 1 tY don behnlf of the private il consumers In thin city who 0 < are snITerlnej from the extor- tion ¬ of the llffhtlner trust wo pray for remedial IrsrUlntlon- OlTe I your naiyo to the type- writer ¬ 1 and pe on I H 1 Nne typewriters each lujslng a ma oil chine appeared tho holstlnr the appeal They were lined up behind their machines as a notary public ad ¬ ministered the oath to each inquiring man to faithfully record and account for each name presented Then came a lustlunged announcer and a mega- phone ¬ 4 fr Now youra off shouted President h Johnson and the process of receiving the names and addresses was under way I Step inside shouted the > ar1rerIt you want to prevent robbery by the Gas I Trust sign the petition Give your name jo any of our expert typewriters The- e notary public Is Inside and will attest each signature Do you want better and I cheaper gasT Is your pocketbook Inter- ested ¬ Are you give your name y The effect ot The Evening Worlds oalUitlonaealnst Uw Gas Trust be I came apparent The public had al- ready ¬ I I enlightened about the t greedy and extortionate practices of the gas combine and nine type- writers ¬ raacnlnes were soon busy clicking oft names and addresses J We can M 18000 by this process declared President John ¬ son We Will send to the Legislature < h8 biggest ever recorded Thanks to The Evening Worlds splen- did ¬ p work ours Is made easy The peo- ple ¬ are already as to the We will keep this going until- w J have every gas consumer In New York registered I WOUlD NT DIE A CONSUMPTIVE I Yale Student Who Killed Himself Was Friend of Senator Fair bankss Son and Lightly Wrote of End s SEEMING MYSTERY NOT ONE Riahard Monroe Fairbanks a son of Senator Fairbanks and a member of the sophomore class of Yale came from Now Haven today to get a letter from the Coroners Office which had been left for him by Bowman EJsJier a cteeaoxUe who committed suicide la the MfPh tan Hotel last night by shooting Urn selfYoung Fairbanks read the letter and his face grew even graver then before He then hurried away attar refusing te disclose Its contents Yale friends of Bowman Esher hare taken charge of the body pending tie coming of his father who Is expected to reach the city this evening from his home In Chicago- An End Put to the Mjtrtery Explanations from young Fairbanks and from Buffalo put an end to the mystery thai the coroner attached to a letter found on the table The con tents of this loner led the coroner to believe that something besides Illness might have prompted me suicide Esher came to Now York Friday night lie was seen about the corridors of the hotel only a few times occilng out of his room only rot meal Yes terday afternoon about 3 oclock three young men called and mOcked at his door There was no response and they went away When the maid knocked later and he did not appear her sus- picions ¬ were arouoed end she Informed the clerk The door was broken in and Eatoer was found dead In bed lls was dressed in his twjams and the revolver with whloh he bad ended his life wee grasped in his right band A note to the Cor- oner requested him to notltrEB Esher Chicago end young Fairbanks In New Haven There was also a letter tn Fairbanks and one to Esher from S M Clements President of the Marine National Bank in Buffalo It was this letter that aroused the suspicion of the Coroner It rea- dhonble Over Fraternity Bowman Esher No 203 Durfee New Haven- I inclose telegram just received from Lowell the contents of which I have just wired you I very much regret his decision It may be you can bring Influence to bear upon him tomorrow- to change and if In Wa letter wblch will probably follow this telegram I Gad any th1 n that will be of any use to you I will wire you agate tomorrow A telegramfrpm Mr Clements ex- plained ¬ thai he did not know BsW but had received a letterfrom him in regard to fraternity matters Eoher a member of Delta Kappa Bpellon wanted Lowell Frost Mr Clements nephew to become a member He had decided to join PIt Upsilon Young Fairbanln said Bsher was one of the brightest men In the sophomore class at Tale He was one ot the editors of the Yale News and had been elected as Chairman of the Board of Editors for next year He stood high in hts classes and was popular with all his classmates- Two years ago fell from a window In the dormitory and broke his leg in ten places He had not been well since and the Coroners said be was suf- fering from tuberculosis Despondent- over the prospectS of a lingering death from consumption be committed suicide to escape it- HANGED HIMSELF SEA Second Cabin Passenger on Colum- bia ¬ Committed Suicide on Voyage When the British steamship Columbia out nine days from Liverpool arriVe4to ¬ day wlyH 212 cabin and 651 steerage passengten she reported tbat John Ma fortythree yeara odd a second cabin passenger suicide on March by h lI himself in his room MA glll was an Irishman on his Aral visit to this country His body was tmritd at sea YOUNG GIRL TRim r TO KILL HERSELF M M iei MM Went to Hotel with a Man and Later Turned On the Gas in Attempt to Die a Eva Herman the pretty young girl Trtio was found almost asphyxiated In e room In the Adams Mouse at No 17 Teat avenue lat night was arraigned in the Jeffenon Market Police Court this morning She dlamlued the police theory of suicide by denying ibe 1 a4 attempted suicide gho laid her home waa in FaMraon N J The young woman went to the hotel- on Saturday night with a man some- what older They registered as James Ford and wife and wore given a room on the second floor The man let early yesterday morning It Is thought Late In the a porter meuei- gas and traced It to the room the had occupied When the door was burst In the young woman was unconscious and was in an am ¬ bulance to St Vincent She retrained consciousness later but would not tell whether she had ed suicide or anything reprdlnlrhersetII- I DRANK POISON AND CALLED FOR HELP Mrs Frazer Decided She Didnt Want to Die as Badly as She Thought She Did Mrs Margaret Fnuter fiftyfour years old formerly aa actress was arraigned in the Jefferson Market Court today on a chars of attempting to commit sot clue In her apartments at No U7 West Twentyfirst street Mrs Frazer was un able to say why she bad wished to die Her daughter Mrs C O Kerr whose stage name Agnes Ardnck had gone to church In company with William A Scott yesterday and when they returned they neighbors and a police man with an ambulance surgeon work- Ing over Mrs Fraser She had swallow ¬ ed a quantity of greatly diluted prusslo odd and had then decided she did not want to die and called the neighbors Mrs Frazer and her daughter have been In New York only a week having come here from St Lo- uisFuynzture Dept BirdsEye Majle- BureausChfoniers Tuesday March 3TSt the following Very Special Values in HigliGrade Bedroom Fur niahingK 6 Bureaus value 3750 for 2700 each 6 Chiffoniers value 3500 for 2450 each 85 Bureaus value 4000 for 2875 each 8l Chiffoniers value 3760 for 2750 each 24 Bureaus value 4260 for 3250 each 24 Chiffoniers value 4000 for 3100 each I Lord Taylor c I 1 r 1 S iGs KXrtfAVB l i ii 6wt ttinff V4irchasthg Jtn fril- fJ1105T women when buying Corsets do not ssufficiently weigh the problem of getting the corsets 1 suit their individual needs most Many women who are inclined to stoutness or who are really stout will purchase particular mako of corset simply because that style r I well suited a slender friend We do not believe in building the figure to suit the corset We think it best for the woman ti t to hive a corset which best suits her figure I Each woman is entitled to have an opportunity to select a corset designed specially for her I 1 particular style of figure Our Corset Store makes it a specialty to cater to each womans needs I whether she be tall tout short or slender or just an average figure In any instance we please her if to a nicety I i r To be able to do this constantly means that we carry a very Urge and comprehensive stock 1 particularly of the lines specified in this announcement It u an assure that every woman who V f here will a refreshing sense of comfort grace and ease V I Tnt celebrated NEM0 CORSETS fcrpyvn An extemive line of the AMERICAN ill over the world for their xcelltnc In fit LAOV CORSETS and wear the SELFREDUCINO vWch 5 positively reduces the Abdomen or the TO I e b DELTA DIP which gives perfect contour J 00 450 4 4 to the hip or the MILITARY BELT which givci the wed form In bulge or eooeL I Every pair guaranteed bonet MX nb Mod <l tofk nynsure Alto the new model annex cm iiouffi called the VItA k shows the seat ttrido i 1 he American corset manufacturer have I made in the coriet world V i I JrJ TO 6 00 trade in whIt coudl 71- 50j In while blue vA pink tilt brocaded batiue The new mxltlf of tfie BON TON and ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS are ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS fcr I worthy of inspection DowaairfW the ihe mtdium of slender figure with medium I siokrl low by blrficr low butt short medium pr dipjiip- ajfof I over hip nude in Ml2 r thou pod are perfect in nuke and 1 nd dr b- A fiyle tuttfjfy floaadind trimmed every J heavily Ionq4 nl pair fuawM4 Price rinse from ft4llo of CB ALA SPBUTE COR d < SETS In Ce ll tad Iroctm l 00 Tp 2 SO T W p c 1iz fJi tNI v fjfJrJ To 6 QQ ri- i La ptu III < di- It >> J v J < H r jS q F i > N L i f 0i > < xJ I C S I C I I i ii II S I S SSS5SS4 S I tSlt I LS gt as j p s5U I Adams ry PROMPTLY Coodsfo- J I AND Z2D STRBETNY < 0 S It S II C UIS S t S I S S I S S45S 5 5 S 5 5 I 5 t tao of blt Rose Bushes Plants c Opens Here- ToHorrow At 44 toXFl rists Prices- We propose this season to do the largest trade in the city in Rose Bushes Shrubs Bulbs and Seeds This is a pretty big contractbut in view of our preparations and resources we are confident of success Our Rose Bushes far more vigorous than the weak puny hothouse plants being grown outdoors and will therefore thrive in any soil and give the very best rej suits Every plant in this offering was selected by an expert This season we will display these goods in our popular basement salesroom where light and ventilation are SMull Orders accnmoznicd by cash promptly fitted No Plants sent C 0 D Merer Row Jake Uucotin ROM 1WAi- tri Coloovb ROM IA Fro ROM 4Vlri- eb DrunntT ROM U4am Plantler ROM Captain OSrlatj ROM The Alfred Colomb Rose Drtrtt eirtnlm rM a strong tm bloomer Urn lull tnd lobular hrWKJ prpsi it utl et 4lDlr Bn lOc Red and White Moss Rose ThIS ross II U bird M anT roe can be aol li a rigor ma crown It u Tirr dMlr bit on Kcount ot Iti Haul- m lid > bull u 4 ball 10e iD blooms it General Jacqueminot rm4l1rlr known u Jack Ross too wu known to r- Qirir lengthy detcrlptlon A rich ertmHQ ill a miu ol bloomi 10e Marshall P a Wilder Rosel CEnrrr Mrmlrw Un SoT w xrtwt term coaUnuii- la bloom long ittr other TirletKi are out at fluwtr lone Mama Very dtilr- bl for cut Surer at JOe Jules Hargotin Rose Light brlllkut crtmaon lIre lull beautIful lux at What ini iuperb JOe Paul Neyron Rose Dep rose color 4 > iui rr twin ilnint bhxnMT t roes that It aura to plHM t > vC La France Rosel IXlictU allrarr row t r- rliri and rail an atmcc- tcoutant blooour sisal la 41 lcor to a tea rox th mot pteuliK tni tnc- mao ot all rosa U Ulrich Brunner Rosel BrlHtant cSierrr red a veT S otl color SoTsis ot an tom and anlati petit of jrwt eubtancS punt rli woo harlr and rilt mil dw TIll I ons ot th txrt- nrtoUe for os nalr culture ted I eapMaIlT 70 f no- mmetxleo at Perle Blanche Rosel BeautltuI volti with a p cratni no rtrJen complete wltioat thU roe M It add to UM pearaaci ot luur the pink or r4 TOM JQ- Plantter attaathe Rose ODe of thi but ol Uii hardy whit loses rroa eln taw en In snat abundant itra bury rollu Amos attrao HT bush tat lawn 10e decoration a- tMargaret Dickson Rosel Of mlxnUctnt form whit with Ml nXA ontni pet- al ¬ very lire shill shaped 401 treat ub > uaci ra- erant 1011140 wrr J Oe large dark given atf- l Captain Christy Rose Cztra arc Sal Bowr color- a lortlr iiad of pal peach deepening at cntra to ro r orlruoo a IOT IT cuss bloomlns almost the entlr- uon ThU U a uufs- rotttr with rand 10c folium at CdmsonRamblu- Rosel This li lbo trtitwt icqulil lion ot a Uftttm U U per fectljt hIM Try vISOr ou In growth often mak tnj iliooti IS test loot In OD iealon Thi row will not be oU aloni lu Bow- en art lowing crtnian produced In erg panicle Ai a tllmblni or running row It itand un 1 squalled a- tOther JC Roses We bar nurotMrltM other Fuss dch us Baron Don uttln cello Gin Washington Iortr Dunn John Hopper Ioonla ftr Sian Yellow Victor VtMll- ert rulicr homes at 10e Magna Charta Rose Bright pink tuBuied with carmine rtrr Urge lull and friarant with mijniflcent foliage A tree bloomer at JOe- MrsJohnLaingRosel Soft pink Bowtr are large and ot On torn produced on strong Stems eicecdlndr frrant flowir continuous- ly In the open round The mot beautiful rose of 10e recent introduction at Prince Camille de Rohan Rose Deep velvety crimson chant log to mImi maroon large mod rat lr > full a prollflo bloomer and one of the rose to pleat the moat fat 1UC tubs a- tFlowering Hyacinths Summer Plowerln lira dntha EiolKmt hiibona plant for turooer and au- tumn ¬ towers Oelt url fluwa7 ITS producd on Kalk 3 to < feet high having from 30 to 30 nowen each 3e- HydrangeaPanicuIa ta Grandifloral ThIs II abDlntlr hardy thrives In 1Ieall g705 rwrtfllr sod blonoma pro fuielri the Sown ar pure orbit afterward changing to pink In large prram tOe Idal trusses at Cannas THis COLLECTION consist of varieties that bar been therouhlr tested All or- strong vigorous growers very free flonrerlnc and whether uted for massing ot planted singly are certain to dT lbs beet of atli faction 4 varietIes at sash 3C saso i i S e cuss Clematis P nicuata CLEMATIS TANICULATA the- n w twMteceatnl 110wer ci Japan grow and thrive aywtu sod li c very replj grown isi4 profuse bloomer The Oewerc are pure white tn4 Irs born la clutr eon ertlne the slant Into a per- fect soul at wait 10e Extra strong plant Gladiolus 1 Tin GLADIOLUS la thu moot aitnctlr of all tho tunnner flowering bulbs and dewrYee a plate In even gar Q II- It U ur to tower and do will with ear itlXBD VJWlfcTY 15e per deem TuberousRooted Begonias I This class of Dconttt are the hird om< it of All sum mom Bowrlnf tut row rooted plants Tb tixtur und coloring ire really pbt nominal The color range from the purest whit to the most intones scarlet and crimoa Slril both C dolt Jt Double bulb cash 8c 0 Azalea MoUis I- Ailea Mollti dormant plaoU khowr htrljr plants Tb brilliancy of the flowers I not p- protohed by anything In the of hardy ahrubi Iii pr plan- tJapan 25e Lilies 1 Japan Llllee Album Aura turn and nubrum The Lltle require veT HUI oar After planting they should not be disturbed for years aa established plant bloom more fresh than U taken up annually 6 rrie per butt eI Flowering Shrubs 1 A toll Use of Flower 10e tat shrubs each Flower Seeds 1 Flowar Btda grind Tirl ty w dozen ptok- axe 10e Dahlia One of UK boot autumnal ftowern plants Til flow- er ¬ ar of various ud vnex ptsd color and oonslAcr ttielr graceful beauty It U no wonder that they bar developed doming the pelt tee year Puit elzed roots IOC Elephants Ear For obtalnlns tropical sffvu In lawn and garden planOuc this beautiful plant takes a prominent plane Givwa well In any soil end aland t to 7 lOCI hIP with brlit rr- oliret lo4 eetlonc ant BULIU 5 to 7 raeata B BULBS 7 to I lixM10e Tuberose r TO > lown of hlt popular plant are wary white double iceedlncly frecract and can b u 4I as house punt They need introduction and ar nry IntiptaatTalr priced Per Seam JOe s siI e I S S S 0 Atalet 4 Dahlia llraclntli Japan Womens Tailored Suits CTto I 3 Recent Prices I THIS GREAT PRICE REDUCTION has been made to close out a lot of about one hundred Sultsa clean up nf lastFalls best designs made UD in a variety of handsome styles in Eton I and close tittmgt tlorrnade effects variously tru med In vaoiMjsMW mixed suitmgs and I I other fashionable materla1srcducea for qUick selling to the following extremely low prices Tailor cv made Suits Taiiormade Suits That were sold from 14 JO 598 That were sold from J51750 798j1 Ito 750 marked down to 27 ft marked down to S 00S S siasa4 R H Macy Cos Attractions Are Their LowJrlcw- Bway 2 it 6th Ave 34th to Womens Washable Glace Gloves Tan One large clasp brosser embroidery oversewn seams value one dollar Gray flBV C When soiled they may Mode pearl at Jf 4 be washed clean with Wttt f mill oap and water OUR RULE I A D Perfect Work Painless Process Popular Prices UUAttlill OUAUANTBIS tUiAICLiII BPiSCIAITIBS- K PAINWI Ut ant lunur 0 No rain r CIVAK1SH MlSTUOl5- iiii Load attendant ai 11 Tooth drOll U the nomine 4ellTer4 at ahih- lIX2StThClAL1T8 011 aD4- IU Dt Laborolorr oqulwo4 a with ittlci perfectly natural In ppi ranc sod eoni- fortaWe > ever OQISIO appliance and Idlll A large to tr QUAK1CH 1IYSTEM SU deS of llenOl apoolalUU a loom of eela itt4 ltd aUAKUR 110111113 uvavt Mention ant quIck 8UCTION ma4 sepidor to aar other Sets of Teeth rt A ThIS Month Only 3 Gold Crowns This Month Only 3 Bridge Work T tL This Month Only 2 Gold Filling This Month Only I Oaaktr Crown Bride and Plate Work tat HUtlma Alt Wei Ouar nlt l- IJoursJiLA Me to 9 P H Sundays 9 to 4 German Spoken QUWER DENTAL SOCIETY M Eaat 14th St I Ml Broadway ItWA K v< ti sen cenruuwr srY h f r If 1 MLttWI4 ioI Il7draoCOL- Toborou Dsconla T S I Tuberose Lilies e II I S S I IU to S I I 5 I I s I C I C I S S S S S C I I S C I C I e S I a i i e a II e e I 5 0 5 0 I S III 1 I t j S a C I I S I PROf KOCHS LYMPH INHALATION AND TUBERCULING I CURES I Asthma Bronchitis Consumption tlahT doctor hate treat ed me for a lost time tot threW end lung uxraN OOgbed and mi throat a 105071 COmlldnntplakat tImes lice I went ant a year an to tie nci a- tptasnscamIm ill wt sni ft r till ii and work ntbt time iri Albert Drawn tXl SmIth V rrla Maboy N J Cost U a wish HO a month or IIS fur three Okintie at Dr Kotb Sanitarium or ant to you r boa KOCHOIEME curse Catarrh and Steoaaii TroublM TtlEO lUDtoaUon Hour 20 to 7 Sundays 11 to 8 Tb wlalttel an4 ONTT aetre Prof HODT- KOCHS LUNO OintB II 04 Alwara call or write to DKOp5SANITARIUMlncorporated lie WEST S2D BT east to Bhrlcha Star N T- our C rcdil 1s A > Boot As Yuur Ca h- A WclLDout anil Well Prtc4 Showing ot Rare Jewelry I Diamonds Watches I utile payment amnc4 for la eeltlenicnt 0 Our account UutlncM alrlctly prtyat Rpo rtuntatlv will c on rcquet 0 W t < Sl The busy man of whatever oocu potion should not without THE WORLD ALMANAC and Encyclopedia an Ideal Compact rftdy rtti lanMII kachrea1e1 of all kiada- Lr4aafdLeJI 1estoa uKtit a jM t I 1 hA f Lowest Priced Store in New Yerk tor P1 GOO E hrichBros 1 6TH AVE 22D AND 23D STS NEW YORK pwc- j EASTER MILLINERY WHEN our millinery managers departed for Europe on their trip they received instructions from ujto spare neither nor expense in securing the fme3Lexamplcs9f Trimmed Hats and Toquesthe European could produce 1 It was our to make of our millinery store a perfect exposition of the smartest swellest and most distinguished creation it was possible to procure How well those instructions were carried out is now a matter of history 1 The Hats Are Jlere j hJ and every noted name in Europes catalogue of famous m distcs Ii t represented i Notwithstanding all this our prices are most reasonable Vc 1 your inspection ° C Untrimmed Hat Department The greatest offering ever made In Untrimmed Hats All now goods very latest shapes from the finest manufacturers of STRAW GOODS This lot Includes Burnt Tuscans Fancy Silk Braids French Chips One Milan In baeK and colors large and medium shapes positively worth 98 C 160 to 275 TUESDAY ONLY EACH Womens Waists now better equipped than fever before to serve you WEare the matter of waists All the new ideas receive their first showing here and we quote lowest prices for equal grades ever in l1eW York i Special for Tuesdays Selling 0 c- tlr I FOR DAINTY FINE LAWN lEhi 95c WAISTS with allover lace 1f r1c yokes platted backs large lull i J ± I sleeves soft stock collars t FOR FINE WHITE ftMtiikl 125 WAISTS fronts have yoke oths- mall i box plaits and lace l i t sertlan bodies effect oF lacltt Insertion loco trimmed collar and cults t S ponNATUIiALoaINAB Li u I 2 95 WAISTS very prettily trJaft 1 rood In Val lace Insertion eatt- rriall S c stltctjed boxplaits + ti 1 backs have cluster of tucks and hemstitch- Ing largo sleeves with trimmed cum > FOR FINS BLACK PHAU3W 3 95 SOlE WAISTS fronts and backs of fine tucking finished e a in covered stylr buttons fancy stock collar I f Art EmbroderySpecjaLt- hUR Art Embroidery Department now occupies more floor spie r than any similar department In New York and Its stock wlll f comrare with any In America s V I SpecialD- OWN > SOFA PILLOWS flue Quality strictly odorless 16x6 I In valUQ S3c special for tomorrow only < l5C C 1 198 for Boys ThreePiecc Suits Coat Vest and Pants complete at barely the cost of the fsIrIe1 shuns Butts of elegant cheviots and cafislraorcs 3bntton cut sack vest Is high cut all JS50 vajues and sizes rtviV it to IB There may be and may not be enough 91 last out the day but while they last you a f 1 ljrf them for or 1 S- it 4l i j That Great Sale of Gray EnanW died Ware J 3 i Which has brought crowds and crowds hero ran every i point ol the compass continues tomorrow with Just as n great Bargains as at the beginning Another hundred f cases have been opened oMurlnc all cMsera a IX 1 Supply ot the wanted pieces 1 All Pieces Are Double Coated on Steel io t and all are IIrstclasa In way Note that the prices are but little more than haJfwhat you have been accustomed to paying and note also that this Department lisa a sew Chief whose Instructions force him to have for you those GOODS WHICH YOU WANT AT THB PRICES YOU WANT r TO PAY j I I I uart milk or Rice S QI Gin Enrm 11 DotIDrE no I 33e trJI JO1S TEA ancS HHS tor thle o aQ1d- telled COF E l 0 T B 00 Wt t hlIattlii- Lii lped IJ 0 r 22 Ie C PIoj wk sqt a- 1quart Q lUo itIdppe4 IUUCE 22c I 9 art qA OQt IA t I iQUAll < jo 7 htTTe lor 494 C aQT JERLIN COOIC rile lOT ball bbnSIe J7c quart lipped prestrv lQIJMIT No thq and COyr Inw KETTID bill J9c larg l zA rolint lt 3ti a- lOqt hanOI UaJ4TVAICKIi a lU- ola Iq lhiio tirgcuiseV3nkLA allelUias a Orcat Sale t Cklaawar 54 laiisftn- latilngtiobdsulevcry 1 1 descrlptlOImRlrUH IIIi4itIIt rt p sew manK r laatrHCted o reor- Mrlp at to me pwHIoB U I 0tl4 tt 1JIft = i M- I 1- wie C a- 1L iLTff m

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Page 1: C S C PROTEST WOUlD NT TRim Adams Coodsfo- V Jchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-03-30/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · 1 P M t T Ii jff TOE WORLDt ftJ 1lDAVEVENINGJ1ARCO 1103 r f418OOO





Sufferers from Gas Extortion

t Who Have Been Shown thei Remedy by The Evening World

yz Sign Monster Appea-




4rIt Novel Booth Erected In City HallPark In Which Nine TypewritersAre Kept Busy Recording Names

i of VictIms of trie Gas TrustliThe Cttlltns Union has taken up The

oyrenlng tyorlds crusade against theoutrageous I charges otthe Gas TrustAt a recent meeting ot the ExecutiveCommute of the Citizens Union co-

d t cperatlnc with the directorate of the-rMerchant1 csodsllon It Well decidedto Inaugurate a rclsnUesa warfareagainst the Lighting Trust to compel It

f tt furnish to Creator New York cheapernod better es and to enable the city

r to operate Ita own lighting plantIc Authority ivan given to President

Joseph Johnson of the Order of AcornsI Saturday night to begin the agitation In

I t>ehstf or the bill now before the Assera-Tily empowering the city to create a-

lighting plant-P4esIdax4 Johnsonwoi prompt to act

i t2 oclocfc this morning be was direct-Ing the operations of a gang of work ¬

men in the erection of a large booth Int City slUt Park on the Park Row sideI past which point scores of thousands ot

Ih men and women paw dally When the

posts were entwined with bunting thisannouncement was displayed in big let-




Ij t SlBll tilts petition all who

enter hereiTo the Loclsletnre of the State

1 of New York4 lilt We the anderaltTned cltl

p ecHo of the City of VIew York±r respeotfnlly and nroentlr call

upon you promptly to plIe thoL t f Municipal Electric Lighting

f > bill known as the Monroe billij Iif now pendlna before you1 tY don behnlf of the private

il consumers In thin city who0 < are snITerlnej from the extor-


of the llffhtlner trust wopray for remedial IrsrUlntlon-OlTeI

your naiyo to the type-


1 and pe on


1 Nne typewriters each lujslng a ma

oil chine appeared tho holstlnrthe appeal They were lined up behindtheir machines as a notary public ad ¬

ministered the oath to each inquiringman to faithfully record and account foreach name presented Then came alustlunged announcer and a mega-


4fr Now youra off shouted Presidenth Johnson and the process of receiving the

names and addresses was under wayI Step inside shouted the >ar1rerIt

you want to prevent robbery by the GasI Trust sign the petition Give your name

jo any of our expert typewriters The-

enotary public Is Inside and will attesteach signature Do you want better and

I cheaper gasT Is your pocketbook Inter-ested


Are you giveyour name

y The effect ot The Evening WorldsoalUitlonaealnst Uw Gas Trust be

I came apparent The public had al-


I I enlightened about thet greedy and extortionate practices of

the gas combine and nine type-writers


raacnlnes were soon busyclicking oft names and addresses

J We can M 18000 bythis process declared President John ¬

son We Will send to the Legislature< h8 biggest ever recordedThanks to The Evening Worlds splen-did


p work ours Is made easy The peo-ple


are already as to theWe will keep this going until-

wJ have every gas consumer In NewYork registered I




Yale Student Who Killed Himself

Was Friend of Senator Fairbankss Son and LightlyWrote of End s


Riahard Monroe Fairbanks a son ofSenator Fairbanks and a member ofthe sophomore class of Yale came fromNow Haven today to get a letter fromthe Coroners Office which had been leftfor him by Bowman EJsJier a cteeaoxUewho committed suicide la the MfPhtan Hotel last night by shooting UrnselfYoung

Fairbanks read the letter andhis face grew even graver then beforeHe then hurried away attar refusingte disclose Its contents

Yale friends of Bowman Esher haretaken charge of the body pending tiecoming of his father who Is expectedto reach the city this evening from hishome In Chicago-

An End Put to the MjtrteryExplanations from young Fairbanks

and from Buffalo put an end to themystery thai the coroner attached toa letter found on the table The contents of this loner led the coroner tobelieve that something besides Illnessmight have prompted me suicide

Esher came to Now York Fridaynight lie was seen about the corridorsof the hotel only a few times occilngout of his room only rot meal Yesterday afternoon about 3 oclock threeyoung men called and mOcked at hisdoor There was no response and theywent away When the maid knockedlater and he did not appear her sus-


were arouoed end she Informedthe clerk

The door was broken in and Eatoerwas found dead In bed lls was dressedin his twjams and the revolver withwhloh he bad ended his life wee graspedin his right band A note to the Cor-oner requested him to notltrEBEsher Chicago end young Fairbanks InNew Haven There was also a lettertn Fairbanks and one to Esher from SM Clements President of the MarineNational Bank in Buffalo It was thisletter that aroused the suspicion of theCoroner It rea-

dhonble Over FraternityBowman Esher No 203 Durfee NewHaven-I inclose telegram just received from

Lowell the contents of which I havejust wired you I very much regret hisdecision It may be you can bringInfluence to bear upon him tomorrow-to change and if In Wa letter wblchwill probably follow this telegram IGad any th1 n that will be of any use toyou I will wire you agate tomorrow

A telegramfrpm Mr Clements ex-


thai he did not know BsW buthad received a letterfrom him in regardto fraternity matters Eoher a memberof Delta Kappa Bpellon wanted LowellFrost Mr Clements nephew to becomea member He had decided to join PItUpsilon

Young Fairbanln said Bsher was oneof the brightest men In the sophomoreclass at Tale He was one ot the editorsof the Yale News and had been electedas Chairman of the Board of Editors fornext year He stood high in hts classesand was popular with all his classmates-Two years ago fell from a window Inthe dormitory and broke his leg in tenplaces He had not been well since andthe Coroners said be was suf-fering from tuberculosis Despondent-over the prospectS of a lingering deathfrom consumption be committed suicideto escape it-


Second Cabin Passenger on Colum-bia


Committed Suicide on VoyageWhen the British steamship Columbia

out nine days from Liverpool arriVe4to¬

day wlyH 212 cabin and 651 steeragepassengten she reported tbat John Ma

fortythree yeara odd a second cabinpassenger suicide on March

by h lI himself in his room MAglll was an Irishman on his Aral visitto this country His body was tmritdat sea



M M iei MM

Went to Hotel with a Man and

Later Turned On the Gas in

Attempt to Die a

Eva Herman the pretty young girlTrtio was found almost asphyxiated Ine room In the Adams Mouse at No 17

Teat avenue lat night was arraignedin the Jeffenon Market Police Courtthis morning She dlamlued the policetheory of suicide by denyingibe 1 a4 attempted suicide gho laidher home waa in FaMraon N J

The young woman went to the hotel-on Saturday night with a man some-what older They registered as JamesFord and wife and wore given a roomon the second floor The man letearly yesterday morning It Is thought

Late In the a porter meuei-gas and traced It to the room the

had occupied When the doorwas burst In the young woman wasunconscious and was in an am ¬

bulance to St VincentShe retrained consciousness later butwould not tell whether she had

ed suicide or anything reprdlnlrhersetII-I



Mrs Frazer Decided She DidntWant to Die as Badly as SheThought She Did

Mrs Margaret Fnuter fiftyfour yearsold formerly aa actress was arraignedin the Jefferson Market Court today ona chars of attempting to commit sotclue In her apartments at No U7 WestTwentyfirst street Mrs Frazer was unable to say why she bad wished to die

Her daughter Mrs C O Kerr whosestage name Agnes Ardnck had gone tochurch In company with William AScott yesterday and when they returnedthey neighbors and a policeman with an ambulance surgeon work-Ing over Mrs Fraser She had swallow ¬

ed a quantity of greatly diluted prussloodd and had then decided she did notwant to die and called the neighbors

Mrs Frazer and her daughter havebeen In New York only a week havingcome here from St Lo-

uisFuynzture DeptBirdsEye Majle-

BureausChfoniersTuesday March 3TSt

the following

Very Special Valuesin HigliGrade Bedroom FurniahingK

6 Bureaus value 3750for 2700 each

6 Chiffoniers value 3500for 2450 each

85 Bureaus value 4000for 2875 each

8l Chiffoniers value 3760for 2750 each

24 Bureaus value 4260for 3250 each

24 Chiffoniers value 4000for 3100 each


Lord Taylorc




l i ii6wtttinff

V4irchasthgJtn fril-

fJ1105T women when buying Corsets do not ssufficiently weigh the problem of getting the corsets1 suit their individual needs most Many women who are inclined to stoutness or

who are really stout will purchase particular mako of corset simply because that styler I

well suited a slender friend

We do not believe in building the figure to suit the corset We think it best for the womanti t to hive a corset which best suits her figure

I Each woman is entitled to have an opportunity to select a corset designed specially for herI 1 particular style of figure Our Corset Store makes it a specialty to cater to each womans needsI whether she be tall tout short or slender or just an average figure In any instance we please her

if to a nicetyI i r To be able to do this constantly means that we carry a very Urge and comprehensive stock1 particularly of the lines specified in this announcement It u an assure that every woman who

V f here will a refreshing sense of comfort grace and easeV

I Tnt celebrated NEM0 CORSETS fcrpyvn An extemive line of the AMERICANill over the world for their xcelltnc In fit LAOV CORSETSand wear the SELFREDUCINO vWch

5 positively reduces the Abdomen or the TOI eb

DELTA DIP which gives perfect contour J 00 4504 4 to the hip or the MILITARY BELT whichgivci the wed form In bulge or eooeL

I Every pair guaranteed bonet MX nb Mod < l tofk nynsure Alto the new model

annex cm iiouffi called the VItA k shows the seat ttridoi 1 he American corset manufacturer haveI made in the coriet world

V i I JrJ TO 6 00 trade in whIt coudl 71-50j In while blue vA

pink tilt brocaded batiueThe new mxltlf of tfie BON TON andROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS are ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS fcr

I worthy of inspection DowaairfW the ihe mtdium of slender figure with mediumI siokrl low by blrficr low butt short medium pr dipjiip-

ajfofI over hip nude in Ml2 r thou pod are perfect in nuke and1 nd dr b-


fiyle tuttfjfy floaadind trimmed everyJ heavily Ionq4 nl pair fuawM4 Price rinse from

ft4llo of CB ALA SPBUTE CORd

<SETS In Ce ll tad Iroctm l00 Tp 2 SO






v fjfJrJ To 6 QQ ri-i

La ptu

III < di-It >>J vJ < H rjSq F i > NL if 0i > <


I C S I C I I i ii II S I S SSS5SS4 S I tSlt I LS gt as j p s5U





0 S It S I I C UIS S t S I S S I S S45S 5 5 S 5 5 I 5 t

tao ofblt Rose Bushes Plants c Opens Here-


At 44 toXFl rists Prices-We propose this season to do the largest trade in the city in Rose Bushes Shrubs Bulbs andSeeds This is a pretty big contractbut in view of our preparations and resources we areconfident of success Our Rose Bushes far more vigorous than the weak puny hothouseplants being grown outdoors and will therefore thrive in any soil and give the very best rejsuits Every plant in this offering was selected by an expert This season we will displaythese goods in our popular basement salesroom where light and ventilation are

SMull Orders accnmoznicd by cash promptly fitted No Plants sent C 0 D

Merer Row

Jake Uucotin ROM

1WAi-tri Coloovb ROM



eb DrunntT ROM

U4am Plantler ROM

Captain OSrlatj ROM

The Alfred Colomb

RoseDrtrtt eirtnlm rM a strongtm bloomer Urn lulltnd lobular hrWKJ prpsi

itutl et 4lDlr Bn lOcRed and White Moss

RoseThIS ross II U bird M anTroe can be aol li a rigorma crown It u Tirr dMlrbit on Kcount ot Iti Haul-

mlid > bull u 4 ball 10eiD blooms itGeneral Jacqueminot

rm4l1rlr known u JackRoss too wu known to r-

Qirir lengthy detcrlptlon Arich ertmHQill a miu ol bloomi 10eMarshall Pa Wilder

RoselCEnrrr Mrmlrw Un SoTw xrtwt term coaUnuii-la bloom long ittr otherTirletKi are out at fluwtrlone Mama Very dtilr-

bl for cut Surerat JOe

Jules Hargotin RoseLight brlllkut crtmaonlIre lull beautIful lux

atWhat ini iuperb JOe

Paul Neyron RoseDep rose color 4 >

iui rr twin ilnintbhxnMT t roes thatIt aura to plHM t > vC

La France RoselIXlictU allrarr row t r-rliri and rail an atmcc-tcoutant blooour sisal la41 lcor to a tea rox thmot pteuliK tni tnc-mao ot all rosa U

Ulrich Brunner RoselBrlHtant cSierrr red a veT

S otl color SoTsis ot antom and anlati petit ofjrwt eubtancS punt rliwoo harlr and rilt mildw TIll I ons ot th txrt-nrtoUe for os nalr cultureted I eapMaIlT 70 f no-

mmetxleo at

Perle Blanche RoselBeautltuI volti with a p

cratni no rtrJen completewltioat thU roe M It addto UM pearaaci ot luurthe pink or r4 TOM JQ-


ODe of thi but ol Uii hardywhit loses rroa eln tawen In snat abundant itrabury rollu Amos attraoHT bush tat lawn 10edecoration a-

tMargaret DicksonRosel

Of mlxnUctnt form whitwith Ml nXA ontni pet-


very lire shill shaped401 treat ub >uaci ra-

erant 1011140 wrr J Oelarge dark given atf-


Captain ChristyRose

Cztra arc Sal Bowr color-a lortlr iiad of pal peachdeepening at cntra to ro rorlruoo a IOT IT cussbloomlns almost the entlr-

uon ThU U a uufs-rotttr with rand 10cfolium at


This li lbo trtitwt icqulillion ot a Uftttm U U perfectljt hIM Try vISOrou In growth often maktnj iliooti IS test loot InOD iealon Thi row willnot be oU aloni lu Bow-en art lowing crtnianproduced In erg panicleAi a tllmblni or runningrow It itand un 1squalled a-


RosesWe bar nurotMrltM otherFuss dch us Baron Donuttln cello GinWashington IortrDunnJohn Hopper Ioonla ftrSian Yellow Victor VtMll-

ert rulicr homes at 10eMagna Charta RoseBright pink tuBuied withcarmine rtrr Urge lull andfriarant with mijniflcentfoliage A treebloomer at JOe-

MrsJohnLaingRoselSoft pink Bowtr are largeand ot On torn producedon strong Stems eicecdlndrfrrant flowir continuous-ly In the open round Themot beautiful rose of 10erecent introduction at

Prince Camille deRohan Rose

Deep velvety crimson chantlog to mImi maroon largemod rat lr > full a prollflobloomer and one of the roseto pleat the moat fat 1UCtubs a-

tFlowering HyacinthsSummer Plowerln liradntha EiolKmt hiibonaplant for turooer and au-


towers Oelt urlfluwa7 ITS producd on Kalk3 to < feet high havingfrom 30 to 30 noweneach 3e-

HydrangeaPanicuIata Grandifloral

ThIs II abDlntlr hardythrives In 1Ieall g705rwrtfllr sod blonoma profuielri the Sown ar pureorbit afterward changing topink In large prram tOeIdal trusses at

CannasTHis COLLECTION consistof varieties that bar beentherouhlr tested All or-

strong vigorous growersvery free flonrerlnc andwhether uted for massing otplanted singly are certain todT lbs beet of atlifaction 4 varietIes atsash 3Csaso i i S e cuss

Clematis P nicuataCLEMATIS TANICULATA the-n w twMteceatnl 110wer ciJapan grow and thriveaywtu sod li c very repljgrown isi4 profuse bloomerThe Oewerc are pure whitetn4 Irs born la clutr eonertlne the slant Into a per-fect soul at wait 10eExtra strong plant

Gladiolus 1

Tin GLADIOLUS la thu mootaitnctlr of all tho tunnnerflowering bulbs and dewrYeea plate In even gar Q II-It U ur to tower and dowill with earitlXBD VJWlfcTY 15eper deem

TuberousRootedBegonias I

This class of Dconttt arethe hird om< it of All summom Bowrlnf tut rowrooted plants Tb tixturund coloring ire really pbtnominal The color rangefrom the purest whit tothe most intones scarlet andcrimoa Slril both Cdolt JtDouble bulb cash 8c0

Azalea MoUis I-

Ailea Mollti dormantplaoU khowr htrljrplants Tb brilliancy ofthe flowers I not p-

protohed by anything In theof hardy ahrubiIii pr plan-


Lilies 1

Japan Llllee Album Auraturn and nubrum TheLltle require veT HUIoar After planting theyshould not be disturbed foryears aa established plantbloom more fresh than Utaken up annually 6rrie per butt eIFlowering Shrubs 1

A toll Use of Flower 10etat shrubs each

Flower Seeds 1

Flowar Btda grind Tirlty w dozen ptok-

axe 10eDahlia

One of UK boot autumnalftowern plants Til flow-er


ar of various ud vnexptsd color and oonslAcr

ttielr graceful beauty ItU no wonder that they bardeveloped doming the pelttee year Puit elzedroots IOC

Elephants EarFor obtalnlns tropical sffvuIn lawn and garden planOucthis beautiful plant takes aprominent plane Givwa wellIn any soil end aland t to7 lOCI hIP with brlit rr-oliret lo4 eetlonc antBULIU 5 to 7 raeata BBULBS 7 to I lixM10e

Tuberose rTO > lown of hlt popularplant are wary white doubleiceedlncly frecract and canb u 4I as house punt Theyneed introduction andar nry IntiptaatTalrpriced Per Seam JOe

s siI e I S S S 0






Womens Tailored Suits CTtoI3 Recent Prices

I THIS GREAT PRICE REDUCTION has been made to close out a lot of about one hundred

Sultsa clean up nf lastFalls best designs made UD in a variety of handsome styles in EtonI

and close tittmgt tlorrnade effects variously tru med In vaoiMjsMW mixed suitmgs and


other fashionable materla1srcducea for qUick selling to the following extremely low prices

Tailor cv made Suits Taiiormade SuitsThat were sold from 14 JO 598 That were sold from J51750 798j1

Ito 750 marked down to 27 ft marked down toS 00S S siasa4

R H Macy Cos Attractions Are Their LowJrlcw-

Bway 2it 6th Ave 34th to

Womens Washable Glace Gloves

Tan One large clasp brosser embroideryoversewn seams value one dollar

GrayflBV C When soiled they may


pearlat Jf 4 be washed clean with

Wttt f mill oap and water


D Perfect WorkPainless ProcessPopular Prices


iiii Load attendant ai 11 Tooth drOll U the nomine 4ellTer4 at ahih-lIX2StThClAL1T8 011 aD4-

IU Dt Laborolorr oqulwo4a

with ittlci perfectly natural In ppi ranc sod eoni-fortaWe


ever OQISIO appliance and Idlll A large to tr QUAK1CH 1IYSTEM SUdeS of llenOl apoolalUU a loom of eela itt4 ltd aUAKUR 110111113uvavt Mention ant quIck 8UCTION ma4 sepidor to aar other

Sets of Teeth rt A ThIS Month Only 3Gold Crowns This Month Only 3Bridge Work T tL This Month Only 2Gold Filling This Month Only I

Oaaktr Crown Bride and Plate Work tat HUtlma Alt Wei Ouar nlt l-

IJoursJiLA Me to 9 P H Sundays 9 to 4 German Spoken

QUWER DENTAL SOCIETYM Eaat 14th St I Ml Broadway

ItWA K v< ti sen cenruuwr srYh fr If 1MLttWI4 ioI


Toborou Dsconla




Liliese I I I S S I IU

toS I I 5 I I s I C I C I S S S S S C I I S C I C I e S I a i i e

a I I e e I 5 0 5 0 I S I I I






a C I IS




I Asthma BronchitisConsumption

tlahT doctor hate treated me for a lost time totthreW end lung uxraNOOgbed and mi throat a105071 COmlldnntplakattImes lice I went ant ayear an to tie nci a-

tptasnscamIm ill wt sni ft rtill ii and work ntbttime iri Albert Drawn tXl SmIth V rrlaMaboy N J

Cost U a wish HO a month or IIS fur threeOkintie at Dr Kotb Sanitarium or ant to you rboa

KOCHOIEME curse Catarrh and SteoaaiiTroublM TtlEO lUDtoaUon Hour 20 to 7Sundays 11 to 8

Tb wlalttel an4 ONTT aetre Prof HODT-KOCHS LUNO OintB II 04 Alwara call orwrite toDKOp5SANITARIUMlncorporatedlie WEST S2D BT east to Bhrlcha Star N T-

our C rcdil 1s A >

Boot As Yuur Ca h-

A WclLDout anil Well Prtc4Showing ot Rare Jewelry

I Diamonds Watches I

utile payment amnc4 for laeeltlenicnt 0 Our accountUutlncM alrlctly prtyat Rportuntatlv will c on rcquet

0 W t < Sl

The busy man of whatever oocupotion should not without


and Encyclopediaan Ideal Compact rftdy rtti

lanMII kachrea1e1 of all kiada-Lr4aafdLeJI 1estoa uKtit


jM t




Lowest Priced Store in New Yerk tor P1 GOO

EhrichBros 16TH AVE 22D AND 23D STS NEW YORK


EASTER MILLINERYWHEN our millinery managers departed for Europe on their

trip they received instructions from ujto spare neithernor expense in securing the fme3Lexamplcs9f

Trimmed Hats and Toquesthe European could produce1It was our to make of our millinery store a perfect

exposition of the smartest swellest and most distinguished creationit was possible to procure

How well those instructions were carried out is now a matterof history


The Hats Are Jlere j hJ

and every noted name in Europes catalogue of famous m distcs Ii trepresented i

Notwithstanding all this our prices are most reasonable Vc 1your inspection ° C

Untrimmed Hat DepartmentThe greatest offering ever made In Untrimmed HatsAll now goods very latest shapes from the finest manufacturers of

STRAW GOODS This lot Includes Burnt TuscansFancy Silk Braids French Chips One Milan In baeKand colors large and medium shapes positively worth 98C160 to 275 TUESDAY ONLY EACH

Womens Waistsnow better equipped than fever before to serve youWEare the matter of waists

All the new ideas receive their first showing hereand we quote lowest prices for equal grades ever in l1eWYork i

Special for Tuesdays Selling0




lEhi 95c WAISTS with allover lace 1fr1c yokes platted backs large lull i J±I sleeves soft stock collars t

FOR FINE WHITEftMtiikl 125 WAISTS fronts have yoke oths-

malli box plaits and lace l it sertlan bodies effect oF lacltt

Insertion loco trimmed collar and cults tS ponNATUIiALoaINAB Li u

I 2 95 WAISTS very prettily trJaft 1rood In Val lace Insertion eatt-

rriallS c stltctjed boxplaits + ti1 backs have cluster of tucks and hemstitch-

Ing largo sleeves with trimmed cum >

FOR FINS BLACK PHAU3W3 95 SOlE WAISTS fronts andbacks of fine tucking finished

e a in covered stylr buttons fancystock collar


fArt EmbroderySpecjaLt-

hUR Art Embroidery Department now occupies more floor spie rthan any similar department In New York and Its stock wlll fcomrare with any In America s

V ISpecialD-


SOFA PILLOWS flue Quality strictly odorless 16x6 IIn valUQ S3c special for tomorrow only < l5CC 1

198 for Boys ThreePiecc SuitsCoat Vest and Pants complete at barely the cost of the fsIrIe1

shuns Butts of elegant cheviots and cafislraorcs 3bnttoncut sack vest Is high cut all JS50 vajues and sizes rtviV itto IB There may be and may not be enough 91last out the day but while they last you a f 1 ljrfthem for or

1 S-

it4l i


That Great Sale of Gray EnanWdied Ware J 3

iWhich has brought crowds and crowds hero ran every ipoint ol the compass continues tomorrow with Just as ngreat Bargains as at the beginning Another hundred f

cases have been opened oMurlnc all cMsera a IX 1Supply ot the wanted pieces 1

All Pieces Are Double Coated on Steel io t

and all are IIrstclasa In way Note that the pricesare but little more than haJfwhat you have been accustomedto paying and note also that this Department lisa a sewChief whose Instructions force him to have for you thoseGOODS WHICH YOU WANT AT THB PRICES YOUWANT rTO PAY




uart milk or RiceS QI Gin Enrm 11 DotIDrE no I 33e trJI JO1STEA ancS HHS tor thle o aQ1d-telledCOF E l 0 T B 00 Wtt hlIattlii-Lii

lpedIJ0 r 22 IeC PIojwk sqt a-


lUo itIdppe4 IUUCE 22c I

9 art qA OQt IA

t IiQUAll


jo 7htTTe lor 494 CaQT JERLIN COOIC rilelOT ball bbnSIe J7c quart lipped prestrv lQIJMIT No thq

and COyr Inw KETTID bill J9c larg l zA rolintlt 3ti a-





Iq lhiio tirgcuiseV3nkLA

allelUias a Orcat Sale t Cklaawar 54 laiisftn-latilngtiobdsulevcry


descrlptlOImRlrUH IIIi4itIIt rtp sew manK r laatrHCted o reor-Mrlp at to me pwHIoB U I 0tl4 tt 1JIft = i M-







iLTff m