hf seh mlts;. jchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1866-04-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 1 beat mr t...

Hf , j i ii inw iiwrigm-wiij- j ritonw .nu m.ininnfii,! mi htm ii mmmmmmi n iiiiwgMNBifMHMMM - rrrm Memphis datly appeal strjsrDAY, a-ph- il i 1866. SE MIi'WUIIFU A DDF a cue roi civ. obavt. ir'"" TKT TELEGRAPHIC. NEW ADVERTISEM'TS AMUSEMENTS. AUCTIOH. ANNOUNCEMENTS. TRANSPORTATION H iwiVTi riUA ArFftAL. i Franc, they unde.tnd at km The MiMrpi ra'1 M J W fUn -- BrflrTl 9! 9" " 1 Mm MlTS;. 'MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. JUST RECEIVED! NEW MEMPHIS THEATEB. OVERTON HOTEL. M : -- fTW2r& cu,c of MEMPHIS. wlu.r,t the CoNsxm-T.- . .lull the ;,U,H.tU in April J. The following i piled from tele- - u1i?SurjT- - . I HH CWK H (traphie dispa.ohea to the Cincinnati HI IH Bill WW Ml (Ml! """T Ht'72?: M-M- pM, CHARLESTON not be abridged g novel. v. whi. 1. we W. ban, from the pa- - V J a.. flBfflg rsA. ::tI1::,, A pan. i. imm. n, veil imagine would euibarraa. mliy m that Klder J. T. Freeman is in the pers : New Y.hk, March :;l -lu l!ie owe of n HRKtsa niESH bi TTER. - ' watt orv 9 eUArh . t,..,,T. The. -- torrrwiu.V;1,au, . ZZV!!&JZ& :: '. "ov-w- , F.OTf ir' IraMm' a CtaMlartonm' Sal. H!l9Bra3s5&r I B Krrata. Our article of yesterday on VT many or. ai Tbd Senate y wasthe great tenter m' ww' lervonatl nti TtAllau Wire, phi., el u eowitne Jane election. I liar io TaklEg Bffoct Sunday, Apr:! Ut, "The Prop..sed Tax ou Cotton," were- - land, conducted will, every ImaginAhle WMMc-plac- ,.f r Zn there. The Bap- - ,)f attraction. The galleries Mwl The reporU of the Revenue ranii ISSKJLvtokv l1"".". f ... Sgff "f "Ty r ESr. 1886. at 25 AM. 9h and to Ami Mttomawttlxame rWy of talent, and exhibiting every ttet bone of worship al Connlh , ton Htwe hours before th- - meeting of " ' exei have hwn nubliahed, . imu. Umou.aiWjSmwA w, VfawoT or The RV .M. of a oegne of the . ommer La. -- T . . ,T, s.c4es of editorial stvle ( Ml III f huiinioui.n urin nr1 " ' tlial U..ly. Kven the diplomat:. rdl, rv -- '" ; ' the import- - of January A ',52; :'r .. eAUel-o- We ineetlA. UoUoi JBiSer ..1 f"hBeery ''ourt of Maupbb. :beowry V XI H HH n!i r.l.t 'l.at t .. - n ..f' ..t,,i, M. .Hid over j:tj, To H SSe. and by a trart deed aeaieit toy Ibettom- - WANTS. f f .- - H ralpeAreeinit. Bo, tbe mi.haps of the ken and H' '7't' W. o niemU.r.hlp have ..rJ .vent aTLnJe, the .uTmiioW re- ,- JJr C ' TSot H mite off the head of ib licfore hanlly Ix-e- aide to eollect suflieieut .like iniKi.iWe. llundmls through il,e -- i,, mend to 'ougre an increase on the a.M'.i.i, Me ,..( Kr. NEW ADVERTISEM'TS AjmmM u fmVUM S 5 ' ZSTJZZZZSZZ iUi-,.dowBbrou?b.1.,be- ,rr m,a., oewerv., f Any kind -e- i, IS ET'" "" "' --- - . BAKI''1 WANTED. i "-t- her Freeman will have the the MtmWS'll 1 nave ,.n-eive- d the diffieulty. and attrib- - dAtione o the UgJin mo.t do-- -- VTKf - ; -- j -T- he DR. I. A- - WHITE. lleM uted the apparent confusion of kleAi to which trotmfou-- a H7o7 ai ACue- - privilege of prearbing for tale preen t 111 J the nou. floor hy structlve fire ever known oo Oi reek ii pUgnr mud ' SMhteyTArHl SSS. wL. ,. I H tbertght tomed, in the -- t time, to maul the (he e, urthotf ; hut a house niu-- t I htnlt Thev were 'Wag on the Egbert and farma, M BMM 141. and Pta, "Ptpar Hetitalck" orr.e. Betwihe boon of w aad 12 :at noon, in ttoot g roe-- ui. 5 y a ...UdiW" To ,.a .gh ,.,.,ri. fhureh e.n pr.r. Will .Wh.jj.. w Rafter whiohii - lb own. d of Petr-.teu- anl Center cp-- A Jjg MAIN ST. JACKSGN BLOCK SMVSaSS 1 U I? I nwt TAY alltbwdAdy. and , ,.. ,,,, .,, iMWonAry A.. jMrjW e grea, Ctnmjpgat. siAreeaux" BOOM HO. 2, TJP STAIRS, SSTo T.,3 SfeSWWwiS aJB5 i S SI 5 7 It people vester- - w. ekly, - a J"'1 that one ai,i lhU feeble lly of brethren at tin- - the large iiumU-- r ,f membVrawlTower niid.lliug :!.; flour h dr ir.g, at iw, ui and US. gTBnry Fry at fcj wi. ,7h7.b ! ?w ee .f d.y gave a m.t emphatic re to the mortal, who ha, any wei.M.t.er dutie,U, im -- gtl . TERMS OF MALB: aTa.Vr. 5 " " " ' in the Itnalators ' a. niittht well shrink from ; lut ,u At one o clock the -- truirirle to oat-- t ' "rn Hal at boc.; oats heavy at i3c.; pork li i'mm ilaret. ar...u. inmt. mm f S H St'- - W Anr vU,.Bn rem attentively, so a. U.de,ee, ZZrL. -- f" ST ST "S ' " CbaBWTT We Of Ittl fetal AtTfxKS WSaL ' A" B S U 5 , Ki latent dis.oyA.ty he, . r of vast influence. Annrntr other ;:,'!r'-:,d- 7. uf hel,"u. i nM1!" iuS, ' 3I.-F- .oot un- - I fcKr' -- 0- 'n a-- X BLT,,' were very .cttve And eArnet in. loir en- - furtive treason U.er.- - and fishup the ,,,,.,.,.,,, ((...!,,., a. Crawfor- d- ,ml vote was reached on themJn quea-- IlSZST'JS. 00" "" Tuetoj, May ihelat, 16. SLJrSHooer?" """T SmT" f 'aTlTTaT F? " ?" ?? " 3 B deavore to divide and distra. t the t .n- - another re.s-llto- n lying jrdu suggests that this Hon, as to whether Mr. Stockton was " "a Jet . ; mjate R Wre-Pln- et Partition ,.-,1- ., !,. r. TlTLH. llicaai oalfaHiutr and l I j Q -T- VAtivevoten, Their fairly , 'aUo:.,er-wait- ing for exph-i- on EXEE. i nl."' UrtU,W 'BaUMIAAaa," jrTT- - SS-S- S S I ? I I .resented by the ..... ' - until we get .nto a war with FrAmv , . f. 1Iornady, Paetor of the rXw TwCSaA S Z 'M5: marti-lr- itooMri. fM,a& II". H Totes east for Dr. Brook-- : and the value .,,.1 F.uglaud " is a ta--k that would Kint Bap,jv, phur.-- h in Atlanta. Sunday from the ham Ut, and that if the vote Henry t.hancey, from Aspinwall, And found In our hue. warranted (mo. cJ3'. andiYl KliiVTuiil: " 1 Aai TulrtMntn att, Aew York. H B o, . , We felt f..r. :. n. ;(f;; stood A. tt di.i . it., the xcep- W "' f their influence. .i.d .he efficacy v, u,, client dieeoue, Ap- - j JSjlave'been s'gnAieS,U tH.ree,. wweeo-MS.'sts- . SALE OF LOTS - AKItBB WAN it I d ! (.tern. tlo (;,:,MAheweaawbyhi-..,1crNo- . - t) th(. congregAtion of the BeptW .'.f f cm;! e.P ' itVmti ttfeT jJO one udrerf votes, over th.t this huge Ubor of w.nnow.ng An (.,ur,.h D tht eKy, for Aid to reaatWha am.d l.'itl'les' ",1. m", Md'the that ArchtfaMpI rtp.1tti.fc Adbg UfoUv l': ', 'i..- "wna 'id'airt-t- t VSTX 1 H And Aove their ovn strength, watt haeien- -- amount of chair for, at .wet a f.lalrcn ffe stated thA. the bone result announced favored I he correctuuee aporttolu:, has issued letters, calling a P '"'""'n '"m!'' 'flapyin'oai'l u.h!r T'T' Martin .ireot Term: Iiaj Board W) pr 5 B .hevwheedle.ii pie int.. givmg our !o ver few shrivelled grains of wheat. w and t.o small for tire of the anticipation, f.jrthe naatation de- - T0? ,ri aJ",'ivir n,e j'ouuiy ofsi.wb-",,..'- ' s.'.'a. , TJolla-ii- r ""a-'- Maa MATTIK A. WAT. ' friend, WAXTi r , dd... - the really du, o, ..f Km JJ. Durtae tbA s.e f At- - 'm "t to hisseat p:isst-- l I. a xaJL i I f HiiiXAABsSHfiSC 11 WVr: WatCT Ml88e j,,,,,,. , 2 ? : - 9 1 beat Mr T uler- - ofli.-e- . and inwafdly resolved within JwM Anl other. ,.;,..(.J11a!,1i' st.skton, with a thoiMAAd tiiaore, on the first Hunday in OetAer anVib5Sb5! "i. 'fJSJV P '?? ? BarBB able "aimnier lown." from which Mr. ,ind to lend him all the aid in our - !n,lti(,.. i,v ,),,. ivaline arrov 'e-lixe- .1 iin him, arow from his seat, next, hj inaugurate a sacred tj north .ids of Beaie .tr.et an.t rrouiinx tl.ereoii BaowaU Jiih.u. aad oxaee dAtAataW ;. W le-- - hrim "'"'irr y-l tl-- t,,,,, a,l ..kni: W J X;'.:, SZSSTSSiT. S T T ' 9 H political ,T. m Tli, iii.ml.r-l.t- , - l:,r,.., 1 bn- - " ';;:'1;i;!ur ' Ji nn MONDAY, APRIL, 23. 1866 U'"M ... - naihe not wn uin.. 'h. .in-.- f .Mr,,.,,.,, ..f the .'.'ulln.pW ' ""i- Q . - , ?! H Badieal WMlaaWai. but stood Al f eefcaltnWt, iayodMtB, C. mililMll He expeCe.1 VuL.N UK,.V ,,,,,,,,..., and unchaned; sterling 7; gold 2a; X "term or ha a iu f a - ., . . Ale.TeDA aaw-l- e " t " 9 .,1.r8onalcapa,,yan.l,h:. -- hort.y .0 v.-- .t Ken.uckv :,..d Miand the iinehngheVr:vate J '"i'JIull,r"' s'"c shade better; stocks Q "paaaeaaw ut"" 9 H he no.... have ob.Ained some tandnsl- - aUegian,., and from whi. h n to wk aiA. Wh.t Aetanee he could retary"? 'n t ec- - '"l g fhany from PanamA, fll "Ij SS) U- - "L., bEtnf- - .SHE aed. M- - BOB e"1 AmaeAty for peed oBCea. we t,Mrf, ,i( WiMl,(, o t,,ntlkflll flir e chamber and announce thai the ,i i, -- aid that another' reoh,tion from ""H OerA and Ma- - I f-l- " "'?rw.. t Va.T -- '''aL? A?! fl HBB .. the tAanlt of this ele.-- thlacaiprii. tho. -- I Id 'r..dent ha.1 returne.! the Civil Itights the JBh ttrW rVa.o-- ' .'ri"7i JSLy u.koia. ' ' r. ;e over preaeat v eontril on was taken at the church Hoequtto department U expected. . itV. r -- :ikv JtarAdk. alw..:'. H HB . partv triumph. waa epeks thu- - o, , he Pn-- .- ' his ohection. 1 r..,,rL, ,ron. the BArboeo mine Are J mmmmB M laOeer) We Of KCUl Eslale, tn. JZSLxm ... t.. jjgy.; ', a. iiat tlvnii' i w sent wnere oiutea ilut Ir-- 111 the chain- - favorable. .wueni. rnaa,nMi linTi 9BB ,,ri. tnumphu. Asaviie: , u,,. , and me.1 .0 ha-te- .i the ..ecisi.-- of There later news from Central FPI JZ T&ilirJSSZStt ' lncT.rnrVn r'aJi '";" will ex- - Thet;,nriA M. K.i Conference has the.ontet of w JerseyScnatorship. Amerk-- U Hf Tncsday, May the lal, IHSS. fh. P"r? Mhdl, .p . ur,.: which has -.- . ... H 19 hptpfioen nl- - ' wrn't" ,,i:l'!r'-T;,''T- ''ai.ikax, March .".1. - A heavy sjouth- - 91 Ak .'u e- - ggwg 9 ratiMWami ba B WH nff rf h"" pT B XZ&.a"1 Ir R irra- -i .'ii h treasury. any - , mAke conf.-io- of in iinnlce .f illn- - Th. v s F J P E. A. Davla . Constantine Paine, K. (J lu- - Tneii nf Hs'i hiiTl I. s.wlbfnl In one I " " " mir--- . tm 9 A mods rate repahllcAmi pAjs'r in Nee flJ, llu in lis rwird, it . 1" ,(m'dl'; !'lvi,ljm ' M Jrh. a. O. Montgeaury aU Th...ua. U , a,ul am, ...e ,.:.th. rrou. daw SnaSSSflb? tVlK laede?5?.l Se gSfVar M " -a-Me-aaato H u on aim . of March 31. hx-f.o- ? of tale. don. an Hion . -- T,iu iianw. " n ihm 1 7 RH orit .the if), upder Oils headiin, ha ghtabMtby CaWtCtTCBaaai . to the will considered John Mclnwgal died vesterday of apo- - W Qft lV,nVirL'v.0n,'r' d 'u1 Valley ocem the eeatre of the M- - 'at iTToV. 9 H a wyaeaeibie artide, in wlo prosper ty country. WaT It WWWKWW AWPM. The Mc. arthv Inve-tiatio- i. M W ptf ,3, i7 " ' I wer to the inquiry togiven "W. We think that's inite enough to bring papers announce the death of WAawnwrroH March Saunittee report that thecharge -. 3 ioSt&L f v..u.: a coumrv in . down tip... thi. fvll-- w the of f eVhcr for yeaw Saperior of The frkmda of the Civil Righ'te' bUl are Wm ofbrry, Mas wanton, ma! , i- -, M) Z3?.MiTfgiyTi! it bZtaaTbad'law'.. FOR RENT. WM LaRRB have fr.-.- ' . irdcr No. -- : Urt if not, here : the Franc!-- , an Order, at Ifou-t,- ,, . confident, tic.v can ,e.ur. lal-- e. and deuunatory Uth to the s. nate sT aHH V of and is feUewlag Mmii ..... ... t ctrii Maie and s.reni eeaaeeOa, dlalr bbtaiia Jtooi.e H toM.ow.V-fuland!.o,..--tmJ,-- :ry: .h, same ;,,n the same sour., - Th, the tie req. ishe two-t- l e to pas. it tuZT IgToZ bja :.tTb1StlVVwrS VOK REN- T- .- - : m. S ,:::: ! :::::- - r -'-'- v tt7. tX nr mm.- - SST ;n;dvvS desirable lots. SmSaS .f the I nit.-- ! , n in ihe Holr City, when the , pi., took the veto mnt fe ungs eVHr-- v ""on man. without (D "Rftata iRRRei iTTalniinfl In r r 1 ' mchesof pilra trees and wen forth to "which paryr j,,,.,,,.,, Mar,.h ;;.jemf,'totacco M . r,v; ,hne.. ,,. ....... "JaP' " T""' "" " MTRLI-- T LOT AT ,e 9H mee. him. And cried. "HooAiUial,' .lu.et-aa- lea 136 hhds; groceries of ail A '..l ..iVnir, .' . ( Stat And-- . If an exauipi- be aiAsle . - K0M m A..o. .p.aHties a shade lower ; flour dull, 7 ; JL. f 4 A uiTerwu'e'T. 'io ; i;".- - poli lii.N- T- k. MPBIItllU allli lihitt Ktiint-u- l RRl ae the Supreme U.w at Und. again-- : wi!i be a WArning to the dislo-- .. name of the Lord! ' a.,.r,l- - , Cmcaoo, Mar. b 27. ,.,,ru :,- -. (Wta, ; pork i5 ; baco- n- W wJJ?JP?ra?;' ' M ."L"1' A ITPTI . "V 'L';l?SS.i., H .all raise the hand of Americau Preee. here i . John; ...w hiei, the , whol- - " ;.. Vj" '"ll"1"" side8l6:rsw " Qal I a!f up " 'f nv'tr'iw) .,:'! JtXS lJ?T fl sasaH , ,rrd will: Arl v a .I l . 't ical Ijike add-- : "Pea.'ein "vnt vetoed tne i I . ciainiuK ucsacres, moo r"? M witn two armed and in a fit subject for it. It .s a case for t. en. h,.iven the h. Jounu, " IV, New Orleans, Mareh.11. 0"" e - kttebaw. H and m!.mv in Ui hinl.es.." Ii aays: very Cotton eas- - A --OS pool, a CO ffloRTBff, qC.cfcai ASD BM BUTTE which All -- .ate And local Uka.m. was on his day. Also, that Jesus went nf mudl regret this ACtkm of the ExeeoUfe, ier; sah-- Uwlay im Ules; lecetaTtW, SB&? W j "iVlrmimuf- iw alaa. at. T ail potau BRl I baf afeaaid have mclmled Hie and for the thai it la so liable to be lew t.iiddliug 371; RRl made. lnTrr"r.e. into temiee east out all these gold oi; sterling tte purcharfrs. and a !ieu retaihed. Tnrmdar Apr.l Jd, UUOflk, Kh.M. 9 0 of arAaaartodgeres that l..ut d ia the temple. cotoed into hostility to the fr imc, :;. n, York hank cheeks" dt,- - 3baf? : A.AroN. j,MK HORTH, EAST AND WEST! 9 ... t ' and the the which we do not believe he entertahxed. count- - Mar ...is. C)A and Maatar. , two .ante Rooms. snlUhu for wbotewle 9 T"f"Jf"" v anT.r-- . and Cailts r "'' - td. d, uhtless, on the opinion The Mississippi river id sweUiug to an 2 Sr. W' JSStSa" paaSaTawS BP of Uia. b.mj exniiuw t 00 tOBS of freight city those" that gold dowa, and -- i:.l onto of his coaatitatloaal advi-er- s. thai th.- alarming extent. PiloU report the Pass Cdaf I'U ... the bigiiest bidder, without nsrr. Ea? aCaAa5SeVTum hJwLT Tat laaJly Faeaeenger I raias. H . f , .ii to the supremacy of tlie fr and Idaho within a- tl m. is writ ton. My house shall lie bill is in conflict wiih the Constitution. a'lautre tar better than the tiouthwesl. tllOUl rTJ TWIP, marir iro . u now existing any where in The hardware merchants Are dIsd he h. - hut we have We tru-- t, however, that Congress will The steamship Monterey passed through EICHT LOTS L'OR KEN T fl doing "a rushing The iacral -- J f f ri:; ?fc 'Zl-u- , has GEO. PATTISON ft CO., Tnesday, MayM mWjmm.l- - SsiWy R C ftft ConMHtit, 9 The' of humor with, he dem- - we, 1th of Montana and the new Mdo- - him in the an.l he he.tlesl theiii!" law. and let the Supreme Court decide been removed. ' ' , the vioih ...... of , rct. at 9 aMW agoguesand eowar.1- - wi.i- - old substi- - rado of Idaho haw given an itupetu- - to It i. a dav celel.rated hv all hran.-ii-- of to its c..stiliitioiiality." The -- t. amer Peruvian sailed for I.iver- - BOOKSELLERS & STITI0ERS inderJAl , .t 91 MAX :.,,..! .I.iitell-tua- l the pick ax and -- hovel and on th.M.r,-.- . an - hur-l- , fn.rn toe eariie-- l v .;. .x:.,.-,- m f.VNATl ionservat. ves. pool U.is evening, with bales of cot- - C A S.iitm.n Rimini r.tor et ,..m.a rrasMAsllAtt.aild.ahe II II gl 1 a - ! M force, ifsjwehi- - -- av. that jva- - the market l..ards of St. I...,.i-ju- .t now "' r-- ' , 'a,"a; The city IVmcratie Conventi-- in lo.n- - ,;.!, AM. a. North Court ,t, beu Main and Second. pr--- ed reu... h- - W,y, ... these kd. .re FOR SALE. H 9 ,.-r- . ,,d it these law. are vigilan.lv -- pnlestaait.iSillj The ste.m- - 3,.,' la liic'mwingUiinr''' f "' 'h? Jw ' han'wXe ,J PS tS m"'l'"D " m"'' walk of ik liuataeaipsr. - ELRGANT SLEEPING CARS ON 9 ' eeu.ed.we ABB eiv. anv ..Id. to the ...atiueii of tlie l' per Mi oi.ri are fl.iur- - our .delation, boto Delow above approve .,f the WAT. . W, .i'r.-n.'J?;-- V , (H&7 ttSe'Z AU HIGUT TRAINS. 9 1 adherent, of privilec aud the lover- - oi i,- -. ' Ho ! for the gold mines ! " is Canal street, were raovfng. and with policy of the President of the United I ,("'n-leave- s for New York on the ttrWy ne Sick of K...kaud swu.,nery. Chancery atW ihereuf, I kaii K...i a orfcr aet,rn"- - " J"dif w- - m noiam; laafara, waoaa. burw ao4 .B 9 oppreeaion. Itisonlvbvtheirowi.de- - th w.tehw.dM and reply ..f the eager rr, hand wending .heir s, looking to a reunion of .11 the i proximo. .tuudSeouui tTheS:'10 LtMherat S4Sv iSLJo -- tt.'aSd S;:,:!, 9 9 tault. in BE a casetha't the friends of crowd ...und for the wild and exciting ffoCflnwta!. at the earl! . T, uu u Jt',' " and" toaP we'denouu'e. "and"" " A Cincinnati telegram says that -- 2 ca patties a ca f::arari:lw.;;. Tbentl.to .h.ropertr I H f. M. .. Miner, "cu, UrJser,. Io Cairo by KnU fc jj 9 BB .n be ls- Id fields 'if the great mass and continued so throughout most emphstically condemn the efforts "" Friday a negro in Pari., Kv . who DARJIS DDIACC If x.tKAT. LASIKR a m, martba "MPhu. Te..a. H ayeak as though the ghost of slavery X.,r;nwe-- t. Fourteen boats are loading all the -- ervioes of the day. Palm of toe daetruetives in t'ongress und'er ha.1 outraged a white child ten vears old rMlTllV rKIVCd II .i;'o r. x ..wr-.'.x.'ier- andaaaatsr. ' v ;aBloek. SALE Dai If Sail Paase n. r Tra't fl RRRRl iritrhtened them more than its bodilv at the St. Louis wharves for Fort Ken- - m . TTT! i the lead of Sumner, Stevens A Co., to and ."""nisoiurafwiner, wasraaen March .a. iss. piu . TTr,rr,Tr RRl blessed, were also cate PAJjPi Thrwi Una kaaaaBB low on Beaw rtreet near (SoodsvH deep,.., But are not tW fear-- nhcu- - .on. MontaiiA. Idaho, Helen NtrgEtt. UmLJtiJmtV, presence. of the church nd freely disposed of to bung. MEM PHI 9 lous? Thev are alarmed at the bitter- - City and other points in the dreamland nassers by. OohiL' or returnin-fro- m the eonstituti-.na- l place in the Congress of RRRRRR J SalP th f RPfll BEBBBfi . or oencw, ea.n frontm, twenty on. rt on Baal. esass f8 paaysdBoai at a t - n wSafa asaadi. neasofthe prejudices which exi-- : in the of aurifer.,u hopes. Th. -- e l.jats are re-- French market, many who did not at- - the United States. BaT We learn that a number of the -- OS- 5tre d running back Mty-av- e teet to . coVST.nr "';; RH RRRRl 8onth And trulv the leeuups are d.- - eivinc toe .malJ amount nf 124 c nts 'V.'1'1 ",,,rn"l"? rv.ce, a. so, pur- - tiBetotrtd, That all the measures of the "admirers and friends" of Col. E. M. . JjOtS 111 JJUVali S aUlt, ducan. Crdumbns.Ky. and Id palm-lea- f cnosae, v- - v pretty Tuendatl. 1st Road; and al Calm w .1, Linrn. (.e.tral a...:- - rnaloritv in Congress Yer-- er to Yew . Of ISlh. 9 plorable: but has any government ever per pound avoirdupois for freight, rhey ingeniously made up. so that before ZSmk u" Orleans Snted hwito a tlfte R,CE' 8T,X C0" May, m Hill B.I H I il . Il Ii Bl ro- -i ,ox a.. Nonnem Sawem x.u H Uie hatred .;.- - -- ulj-. by are all. And niore than .hey .v.nt m,dl.y they were well .lis- - conquered - getting pretty Bureau hills, and their Civil hundred dollar carriage. Gen. Grant ap- - WHITE RTVEB ARK ios fast with .a alley on one a Je running th. r9 force? Heve the Autrians c.ierced the a, these figures, and none of them leave tri'-ute- througnout tne r'tv "n'tie High... hill-h- ave the effect, if they are to be getting all the presents be-- Berry M.e jtnry Mar.'y and o r- - SI6BT FIPRESS at P. X. Kferj Day. love of Italy by stopping the h- r.f Witkoat CtwwBs of cabin And deck p- a- w U and in.,, mit SUte cTr if" P.P of he North, and Xoa. OS 3 SOT Main Slrryet, DT vtetadf asMartMawy deeraa aatcesd On Tl.nraday, April ."Hh, 1M10. -'- '-'. Thuuam taaCa..y tra.eL N H Allans- - Have ,he English seng. t"" H rOT..wl't w.fatlX of's woSVS? 'm: SaIe , 'erTnB- - balAac on abort ttnia. S!XtSlS M to onlinB(. duced loyAity in Ireland by holding of the Upper Missouri, and all boats iwrks. where the little ones enjoyed yate the negro to an equality with the IVe&afiaiv rri jRT. ' ' ""1 H,;""'0! r'.u ' "y '" M""1' froB Bay to BafEBEl Apyly t. -- ars. ami thcugi. ,,. down the Irish with a superior ascr ? I- - the IRlBais and Upper BfisaissatiifH Are m Uie warm sunUri.' ama- - white, and to prevent, "indefinitely, any Are now opening dally a large Hue of !7 htghjl rtdTt. rOlls.w.ni det-ri- d' 111 Arc hold. H. u. DEST a CO., Tmt&f!&sttiXJtwU2!?u r9 lfl the Emperor of France more secure on drr , ,:' ..ishingtra. a.M , lUunfVwu comply. n ZXJVS 'gSSg'jSiSSiSZ "! EBat. Agenhx - Am. tw-- H IB" kds throne y because he Allow., u- - The river here la hvOfaag ateadily. And tllv thousand (liAt fl.atcl in midAir the to enZiU ikii nRK1I I o"".!,2' Jm.',T S?1 'V,h ol.ty. "' I'!ui'1""-"? i xi vai . wt "arit-.- cor. BcA.e and u.rnando ma. St. Louis from Memphis in 29 boors. ' H 19 Frenchman to write the. ruth .bout him. we ha ve ilar rajstat. from .. the TMm hef.. At vespers, SlkfT "XXST" VZd'SV Lomav-U- e in 32 hours tr.hutar.es. There Are th.r- - x KSU.HT-PILIOW.- -At staple HltU B4V.wb.raw i.snH.aii...,i.... . r..... where th. Ir V M "AaUR Cincinnati m JrJ hours. H RRRRl - - - "Bpar also, the leadinir Catholic Churches were ,egro sii'l'ragc in the --1ml, . n.tr si.eih. Dad ,j Mophi. a charksAo. railiwd, w th tapidaTgd to, feet nB iT ' " ' ' " itAlArmtngifthoreAdofaoajedruiike. hb.the. ay the New York of,!- - Si 3 .JS pBHB going "V ' ingsiiiiauie iaii tf. ,, , Ig--gfa- lh,. allegeil the measures that we would thrut ui.ou '""D "hh.e AB.l thus forever bask In DRY GOOD S. T.Hsoe'sAi On'.eKslitof ax and twelve . sad otaar pabato to BtaK gArU-ia- t IH IH and shouting for Jeff. lyts; B riuth- - ZJZ'Z m brisk. whisky fr.ud-n.- flv. .dJ.tl., ot-h-. JgSasT 'BEBkbw, ' "'fer,p,v o..S hTO.aiSn VOH SALES THROIOH TICKETS H .xrrj.x, e..rk " auU n.aur. ern general reeeivea honor at the hands The weather has been very aini sessmente. amounting to 5417,000. J..W,-.rf- , That we of Uie , ,a M ,, K. wiotfl.-,,-,- P rorsaieataUtao Prmetpal . OBVaa. RRRRl th wuithern neoule u - though dauii. 1- - vetoes of the I'res.dentofthe Ulieon.titu- - ! . Cormih. MLm; at R. R. office. Uul. BocJf, and A Drag Store in on. of the bt paying localitiw la Meaipl.. At Ua. . uouy oi India and odious Frce.luien-- Bureau " " Purrhae,l latelyat areoffi-re.- ! t,,1m or the "4 leffbr-H- !. r, Urr M .r o d.i tVvMnnn the panic prlces.And . city. Any one wishing to parchaw wUl A savs i s BBT telegram another evidence of disaflec- - al1.. ff1"' . , into. to u.etrade and consul... v. ry low price.. lll.Hiitr) WW ,J ?",.-''n.lf- : rmiL., .i," do well to call at ldb Pom.r - Moi,t bRuo aau.- -: H 9 .? if ignorant white men exprcs, lAjgSgggL gen.lemen who furnishe.1 securities for Xmend thTr-ebhtt- o ., ON WanVSU.'l'io rLM'"' LtEJfjE-- B fl v!,or th-la- te Pre-.-- ,, Ring have unit.-- in., whi.-.- he annobnee- - Ins to JXJXZW R W hatredoftoenegroweareto.jnake..: t i vpKUTIf xv a IT. Yestafday moraUa. at- for Company. bRRRRT a,.M rhe municipal Authoritiea have reoues to the Hecretary of the Treasury unrod the Constuutmu of the i nited i" k, Mrs. e. v.. wife of Harry cowper. bal VhtbaOaaalA luetutay, May 1st, I66. Fei.rnaryS.iww. .cars-iu- i iiPi.'ni'C(iMniuTsii.iiTv Rl 9 :r"" and with -- uc,.,a,. a to be rele.tse.1 from t!a ,r ln.ls. ' M it has '''J . ib. MISCELLANEOUS. " H It seems to us that these Are mere nayement but are resorting now to toe not been treated lor the last four vears he friends and acquaintances are respect- - OLD RELIABLE I :ear. Jnrtnow.iu Ireland. .1.. Nicholson' pavem.... whieh u. Bcrr AcooDling to a -- tatement in the a"J4 ''h auu vital nt td' Gov- - r.31',."laJ" ' f 'w ,!' ' v;"' iTlTfr'i. 'V I h.i.ler snd Isaac B. Kirtiand. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT REDUCTION .u . iU.S- -ra, appr.-- i .at...,, Several of yT. HflJ LITTLE MIAMI H upwards to,,-- , per- - Tha, we v , ,mitc with all V aisiBWirfc and the flaunting of Iri.h em- - tll son. left Ireland during the Un,t week of good ,. ,,i w i.:,t, , ,r party or what- - s"- Mr. Hold' nl'lal vl.n.hcrV. n,;";V' ".".,' ' old Cirt'at RPvlUl'tion ill Prior ! -i- w- u TTTi, ' , . , . MB AAa L ev.-- r isiliiical ant.s-edeii.s- , who - ' ' T V will y.viu'of street 'mprovem. T!,. are coming to the United '" out your emU.-ms- , covwyourse h .iuraMlity only eona- - -- Stales hy the way of Queens.own. ft fc with us in the siatainn.ei.l of lh. I'r.-- i- hmkai miti,, UMmSa I -'-- f thenumla-- r Vl mW8fe3 I3 H ICES! Shortt a l,.K.eAt k0.e fr,. , far more to allay irritation And of the middle and class, tl !d relatien, ' ..w.,.- - STOCK OI f,,,.,, r.:,, f ,.. iu,.illeJ j are farming of amity between the yt arx,,.y. Th,- - rr-n- .u .nd ,uain.aao, wSmfcZZ .rc ,.!;i'ai,;.,..1,'om'l.',i toalltw. PHH pte they hAd adde.1: "i ou ! The rate n a w.-ok- . or Mrs. w. abalt, aremiMctfuMv .uvited P-jBt- f 5 of T. ,.,-- . PAjjaiaj Pilip. fnwM 7iUPt t Sfsfkb.- - ERR OFPICK buSlCni blllW, 1UWUS. T lllCg, i her funeral at . from RIUbaB FANCY GOODS- - Hlg shall not pay forourchurrh.-An- d ir.es. ;o pedesuiai.- - (9 A di -- patch from San Fran.i.co The Ciiicinn-u- i ' pul.Ii-he- s hr r,'nce co Tulnl "lret m telAaa. Lgf BjSjKr-S-l of aa-Tb- e UTTLK EI.OII to the RBI 99rI you shall not be any loncer subject to the tat.- that Juarez had written to the a -- ir.,uK -- .w-h the lll, ma-i- e i'n S39rP'l '. f 'hi' W ft S ll i 11 fcr to It Sunad L tfiEaS RRR tk nhi-h Mexican Consul a. that that Uie ihel.ih in.-.- .. . ssa.oa. .re t aaa t'bssi.ura inaMBBnarriarnt lm rliir nil place, I.j the Hon. John A P.ing. ajT'w EM&iB&SCJ NfiRTH MIIRPU Qf ADVERTISEM TS. I f & M AMJI1, B , ..,.,i:a.,;,; .fCluliubhUbbiiul-aftzUvelee- ,, -- n.f m,.!,-Mol r,,,,,, T,,, , ar mAN U TA PTIIRIMC I LUfflrANT, r tl he Tneriali..s, and tha, WBBSxm .U tl"' vh''' uVd. m S-f- rH, o, HE " f"r- - atlsr:., a BOAKWWO- - 9 '"T tflSa ....r.o,e.,ty.n.,.,,n,ry Xt.cl.sn, Ki.er TROY, BBW YORK. WES ' "their thirst r.h.j-- sl in that worsly material, which l Um?HP . . r.J.'.. .'o. .,.!,'.. Traders And other lslvrs, their rLT. aXiirT 4?..fr- - B layoBSBt? mu-- t to then as a pleasant car?t cm- - afiy Tn Wew-ir- V I ou Friday "Rtrnox or Tin: vmj xaUOt j a runoly or ton genUeinen will And tsard - I I for Cnrlno- - Ctaek s.klrfc In BdaAb.Owvetoast s 1 , . pAre.1 ill. the rough unyielding edres of 7 w a hinoton, March 77. A and l.slglng at 7 Shelby .!. the payment of the purchase m..n TH FBlty t00s, . S2 . taST 'The. id nieth.-- l of stu.pr. -- ,n ha. & uiornini'. the oi I refinery of Pe. e I, von . aprUI-- A. ALSTON, lonpira Paper ollars, 10 In a box, in houn H o.i,.-and iron. The message came in at 1 o'clock, aud " apr'.Hs CK--r and Ma.ter SOTIoSB. Etc . At Rsdoesd Rataa V. - - mw aanesvatoiaSBonm. xowatbo. tab aoura. J BR been often trie.1. and ha. always tailed. the thaatTbCBl world Mr. John ' by fire. Mr. I. cot, la lor four hours, while To Cotton Holder!,. bb - - O KieTor v ..d. S FtMJB DAILY ea - ; It u try a new plan. Let us say to th Brougham continn. the lovers 'va burned h deaUi. Hi- - Isslv was tlie ease was and long V 1 Shi V N Yotif,; "' ' dot White Bhlrts. too .!.. Washington ci,.,h 'i..r,e.i Is S. a.OO A. M. I.ighta.a Kip.- - people, 'V.HI shall he in all : He- - melodrama at 1..!;,, - opera taken fr. .lu the ruins, completely charred. that time il had Ik- -.i circulAte.1 ,n JX.rrJrrre'.c oii .'oitshiprwd WWU' On the . haneerv of the Common Law and HandkererSeaV?, r&Z,u.--Z'r- SaUu tm.llM.lded Byron . V U.OO A. M. Upr MiL thincasf,.A,weare:yo.,sha.ihere!e tTJl&tJS "'"b - hy, was hadly SJt ffiW"-- '' gbg.x.in-to- theC.t, ... Me.i.phU. Ten., ...... jKrZ ST S oVm"xp R resented II fltjl ; vou shall say if be were not induce. to prolong his stay j ''ijured by II. expl.ion. posetl to l.k it thn uglu After it had rmioi'hAn Madlsou .t. 0! R OWN SlU'THKRN BITTKUS, "kI M'roVn.";"; FtGg 2uSH SSZiOSS rWSTlULTa.! ffl H what you please, sli.sii f..r whom yo.j an- .'.her , th iinBUuBBBtil as ," formally read by t ol. lorney, the March .Tu. api-a- SKnhe.d tST. . other. ' "a mal pp..r on .r.. iwti, ."n. i lH please, wear wh.t colors vou like, ele.d hi- - U-- l. If he sh.sJld n.-t- . the Memphiau , "f'1 !XdVU fnU" Ut "'resident s "fwH-ia- l frtends sought to force i A calatahls TT ,.,.r...a ir.., .m.Uvtt in this cause, that 'ZFT&J!i!Z!l! jSlJ l UV t&JmrtZsZT" fH E -- 7, a Conveniion reported sn onli- - an adjournment. Tins, however, was. ArktuuMS LhhiU. Ta.rt, Etc. 1 ...e Rouhford and 2oa ei!r ,ii ,,' awrBaggag.Hie.AedUuo.gh. E LoukXn NOTICE. whom you like: w.- - only re.,uire that :,,0l,i nance au.lmrirfng the T egislti.nr.- - rested by the maj.,rity who mean, to will, for the. snvenienceof land owners, SPKCIFIC AND TONIC herd Brown, and the be.S of dertoes r Jsp1. j fiJ fUS nC?- - ? fl you ehml grant the d right to Us, tha. vJu the BLrni.v next. "llete'an . 7 ' " " J , pa the bill over the veto tonight A J, JW, an'Sn; VIl; &;"u?i '.i";,!: A WM. JEBLE A CO., TV, Main street, are Ap- - ilS. RE you shall keep the iwace, .dy and en- - author as well as a di-i- of to. "!" ' call of the yeas and nays revealed the "".Vdheir nden" doto oflh.s5tatioTr-n..ew-c- , it ts therefore great TArity of pointed p. a. o-- nl Eekeb Si I kEai. md hasrecentlv puhli.h ! cee.1. ,0 lv gt araj t for a p.: p. ual lartttsi. Messrs. Wrimes and Kirk- - mem ..f taxi. fining and r rd- - DfSpCPbka tt Wtali ('B!UtatiOn "ou'r'.L.1 "f'' Tn" DRESS TRIMMINGS itis'l'-TV.'- 1'' 9 H conceiL enUtle.1 '1 am as Hap,,y L the school fun-1- . Ako an oahnance author- - w.-- al had Mt th- - .hainljer. This .......--- , -'p , "0' dso,M 77 o. , ft ggfcrol, i"w.A" aAlhgu A the which demad forur rights v.ai DaZ Long," which has set to izhi the lagiatnre to artnsent to the the Union men sufil- - - JW Tl SOUTHERN COTTSTTTV j, ;;.. ,.. .. .. ,he m ,.. AuduUar article, too numerous to mention. E.Jj P9 V" e there L comtadi : ...... a !.o,.,-a- i, , ., , .... ,,. - "! 8"1 ""v Wtn "" Stolen fromth.stA- - v m ..;:..,-.;.- . 1, For .hov. eoch. and are pieparl to fur- - lab. UBB 1 RRRRRl v ' -- - The railroad delet-at,,".- ,. fro... Hel7. . stsntlv oblige, to adjKirn. will.' olc of fi J.tjJdins on Bass avenue oVi", vTri . '''' . ntoh lAwbT aMMwn t the IfIOi T " IHIPPI'll iRR r ' rexas. a: ". and Uw Vnt of th. Wth oil, Baa dark- - td-- S STlawt a y of SeTbe" lafET wBEEnVA RaEaj Compauie,' Prl I BB "X"ma M', en,1"J,,,f?0,": ManvoftheIarire.tcai.i!ali-t-andi.n,m- l 320 Acres .rf land to actnal scttbrs. Judge . Trumbuil will probably review ''.'u!,? vLrVaf"tUAd ofCanad'lan 'PHB Amlheru Bitters Are recomm i. i.v ,. week, for rur soceeadve Sold at ManurActarer. prices. j Rs 1 to neccpt and flll.l. th.--- 4 ,n,.K.'e-i- t Rul for max.- .rness. Wawlleav a. the FAcOtty A the best remedy ever ii;veu weeks. In the "" - lEE--Ka th'e iJlow SSS, E" " IVfV.riuvi.v.e.erk and mast.-- , The MemphlS Ild CharleStCV j at,toreca.ve kindly ythe Iro, jyaiUIn raUaayl from heKn,,ish colony of Victoria, At..- - x, eiwa.V:i,W rfo'gS menu ne us. c, .t WM. JEHLE cfe CO., RAHdROAD EJEJEJEJ AasistAUce of the general froveruiueiit. I 1 -'- Knob to Helena, presented by the tral a, has len severe y censurnl and coi.rUL.nt tb.i ii , l iiT. chemicals, and may b. relied upon oi Sei,u- - i33 Second St., . RR . ale verv Mil recent ..... . in. s.mthrn mannractue. ' Is prapared ta receive And Atsassb RRRRRJ And If there is not, we are -- trong enough delevat on ..' ,,a" j...'.'.. ', admitted on . all The celonv ha- - he. n f..r - in- - nec-a- rv .otc as follows F axn w!?. r 'v taifeiu i I 'u Sold whole.e t the mAnutoctoryAnddepet M Jiolii t. AinOTU MIIDpUtf UlCAU WholesAla IMalcrs la H inpi and drands on fretghiTcooagaed to EE BJBJBJBJ to enforce these simple rights, and wear pd, ta H4ea tl. hc- -t .bar he time i.a.- -t hy a violent strutr- - Yea-Anth- ony, Prown, .'handler, o.d gentlemen of Memphis and vlctc it y," that '""tstoBEa On the ChaneeryWdeof the ('otan.-.- .n """, Ot IflHOUR. " VTJi mwn 'iTiri.?C'' Jlim',hl A 1 'Inrlr aud ha. taken rooms In hancery Court of the city of Memphis, Tenn. .marS. lm. I 91 bound L do so with the nuuobt vigi- - f.dind. Hie advantages ... tra.le gle uj-.- i, financial .piestions. 11., i.,- - 1, mi".';, on ' "tTuS'filrinienii ( .. weerW So. t Main eet.room, Martha L Trtt vs. TBsa a. MsgSLsnsntor ! FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC, MBitan. fl lance. (springing from deficient nior had taken in the strife Mralnst ; t,.thir.i n.w. wher. sue he consulted V. M. lU S3 S3 Xj K X & CO.. of johu Trigg, decMMd, wuiiau. a. Trig. (totttorvule. Mm I HHH I IdlBIII f llilll II llsll 111 ' fell P" son, Howard, Ho'.ve, Ixirkw.HMl, Lane of on the past, pmant and future. Will pur.o. hartes A stock iv and wile Liu-- i sioct R""J J T3 Lalayu. 1 ! 91 R9 ' What remains to be done, over and I . -- o , ,,, , his own ministers, an-- l had so seriously Indiana, Nve, Poland, Pomciov, ltam- - ioi-n- or 1...1 property rro.n MS SexHbnfl J Street. ldist. Wajker. in her own runt an d ... .ma' Wl JKEL --B m A re just 10 rweipt of Muirow, above U. can be Lm . lone by private ,If A rki to lowered tod clir of the .ioveru- - -- y. She m.n S, a,.,,., St. ,,.r, Sum- - W ' d,d. .., h. r. SS5T Ifl and helphas in build this road win Is-- e rdlally met hy met... TT. ,.,-- his recall. " .','7,!;' 1KAKLI Memphis." : Tenn. I fiWtgi oo o Peo priee, from to JgjBjnuT. I H the Southern Slates, the private the uiotiwd lueu nftfL Luuis. ' y,.", Roekaltw, Cowan, Davis, Doo-- A too by aU nspsetahle Praatlsto U.rmighout I?" XTfttTh&Th1: at ItoSS'lSd (SuSST'at prtees fhnn Eta Ktoahoou I'.l ' .H fl oleuce of the Xdfth can better fl and UAS A .Iisu-- from AtlanU., (.a . ... ,..; , rje kendrieks, JMDB, lb. out., Wit ,;lt,,.D rt.a.ydw.Mto.. TTT TlTffT ffl I gSg' iSSSS? 1. Bsi i.l.lln H U-- Uiau the Gov- - - - - the HL Iiuis cpiiWcrn of the UHh lilt., la: K Ansae, HcDoacall. Morgan. Bh DDTlliP eedd that they and iLe sredu.'.. H- - -- ...cro.ew-f ltd AoadKliff 0 dar from so to ki per bun BurwsvU;., B ,r "rlM UBOT.f"" j.'iut.u recom- - Mnch .tppreht-Hsioi- i ' is felt in re- - Nesuiilh. .Norton, Kiddle. Salisbury and JIIK HKIII I llrrll.r f the ui of said John ' vumn,., tma rn, ... ,,,,,,, am, OBO Doa. Poekat Ils, van., u. patter. ISSL " EH tm optoilaa id Id he en- - wti u the formation of a Board of Trade " ..' IRQ WL and unknown make th.-.- Spcaran.e )w. Ha,r oil. BBpaftonte BMP Imm. H liabtei.e.1 let s T gard to the full ero... Corn inS.iitii- - 1) herein at the Courthouse, .n of fmrtim jwr. ,... ar. atturcd that our and Extracts at Minufacturers AAA EBJ iRB l.taillKK and I , (i. "Nearly every city," - -- - - - 1 here is much feehug on the subject Ifififi 1 Mehto Ttenns, within the first thr .t !c iroir LHcut Utan t hot WS Ism. Cobban and Linen Haaoka B ibi P...i.L!i-- and iAKKia.,v go that paper, "nf UJ Ktow.n fine ly an I eviywhnre this evening, and the Scat.- JLODOd A """.""'! v!' oa afAer honas. neh price South & East of Chattanooga, 9 L. , .K- -i. . r? TW-'- t PBBri bjl Not so nn-l- , will he crowded to its utmost ETU"a5STd,t2S t SidS O--Sand Blind ar. node K 55 ftStSBaBU S. C TOOP Proprietor and ! T VII J lat Planters capacity anrtS the Lt ' . . whim and . . H r - ,w..i v planted, v.r, Slip hut, or same n .;i -- mber, thorm,, Envopw, haE 9 TTJ-T- . . AUanta does, a Ctaaibdr of Cam- - w , ris (.ll(UKl, lllnlHTrj . for confm. to the..,. ... ,.,r hearing " ui,.7 math up in a maerior and 22 heu S"dC. Paper MastadpjN Cenfmi KaiJ fiotirf, f 9 HK '" Allayiag hatrei niw, . MerchanU' Exchange or a ''Vy of thlm WlT MTEWBtary McCull... 1. says tic- May -- on- SSlSk worksite mam Og-- m. co. Pant, Shm and T As follows: 9 ranUn interest due on the .rs wiH he paid . "a"." " :T!'"'"L" .?5 SST wXlnd:" .fwr'"?! kw , nt-'t- o .UJ, taptag ttat M J1Bt Ttlrifdfttf, Wfl .Wtf. SfiS S- - 1 K Ue make I mercial In iU charmU-r- , w here .apitaltata I early this month. The amount of gold i - -- n..w ork. one nt Mrdon' im i;rv.v .u.srox fk and , ,'.'."" " SB Hon. Id. - dar.. V the mistake, in. .or Ueatniei.. f ,i, r. , the negroes may be !n.lu.I to ICTUAin bi l tiuano Medium Fmm. .b MeKisick. M.ts ior caie.d-."- . mis" '""i ' utterly excluded nun VAtoe:, mo Doi. Looking Glseam aamrted dxe. Hmlysprings. R ..d.lea.cr.. nay meet to discuss, ommer- - ,o . Liters r""'a,! 1,1 ,s -'""'' ' SSmS .tytos of fl .,-- . " wSSvStor ggj1 ' r!T lyis.. ruts. ...... And au endlbsa variety of roiects the coatt of p, rem. .v.rythlng apper- - In the , met ... ,w,h.a.i.,g .he .ran-,x.r..U- o. of In-- j T,' ' ' '"l taT" . tn Friday morning the boiler of SriStBaunr-emt- wa lfl''Vde!i'',oi:r;,:wanat h.n. lcnle,J0ler & Klrtilvy, " ' : Builder, Contractors, awl -.- utu, to th. . flX I afthirwe .m. .a. -- a. .,,,, wdO. hcr TW... .... . 1t. omeresf.,riyn..cd. TOakVrtSi-resin- g sHBf fBBifty oy, Lie, to cuff NOTION TRADE, t53r&L I on toe Government. I.t,h.;. , good, to he J Sk' ,U- - '"eOhionn.. Mii. S. C. TOOF, - 4 UllinUSSiOl Mereka.18, ZtaljlS Anowo.t JSSJfittJS I the work U to he efleetually d..,,. w. ." "" r,U,nM, with terr,U p.irrih.'Xo. M.mlp,.K..n "S?iSSSS3 in w give. Bxtidn. M,e r. , wtcwt st, Memphis. ,i,v UK. r We p nl Q 1 I 9 must ptrtonr own hands to to value where marked riWR.ren.ss. e.x. t"- - J" HfcrL totAlly IllSilMHig Ikd "' 'wJi'rt im jTT ' JfpA.s. ' Tt t I There is more pood sense in these Oltog two Hunt and OatS, Brail, " h,. B of 1 I ' that Oielimte '..m- - men outright, A ?&SrZt "SStoSSSS. m mmi. -- e. onm EJ "ceded In Atlaata" mittee on tffl ,d P,trls have veHy and other- - ' uuod -- muojj. n iinnm.".! w. m. L.';. ., : UI. am mmat MEjjtwm JcJS-WSST&S- rSS I 99 sp by the enure IUd.c.1 party under con.ideratioa a MR declaring it injuring two others, uamed Carter fn'n "SfiTMSS: FUKiR, B.UOJ, P0T1TWB, ZT .Tr ,5i.5H. inoroutofCongred WTi., treaty with the Chief and head ehaU be lawful tor aay or com- - nd arkes. Carter is so seriously in- - 5S?SSft2 hi? '.bw bwr"' wUb?rVw.7rt',,,T fl,,tt Ww-s- i B kmiMiton mm 1 J 9 men l"ijWer PUtt nakotnh film State of J toat his recovery to very doaMful. rE wouM pectfuily inform ou, friends thmthfSf lo w xt ..Z: Lime, Cement, Plaster Wt,ng .urt yUxtng don to Johhbag house T,hoinViiMirTM f,.- - I M fll MjJJSSSC SJIlSSLS; ""l has U.,, ..mcaHy lihn.,. for abridge ke. to badly hurt, bnt wiU py 1$ - Zc'S. "de, ettUuHtely CASH. JEHLE ft CO., I MAAl.Vard J LamL, ku mi- - SSTSTL """"r """"" 55 Mi-K"- i""i "'" IT ' .sfe PRODUOB, Maiu et. Msou A Court. 'T fl to from the three-fourth- s of H wtl. notm snd seenrity. .n..n BseS-tot- Tim .tB . MBi nsuroi. s mm nearly apprev r. letter to Pre.iLo.t hostilities and to lay ox-e-r said bridga rail wav bfatoma, bagging, rope, etc.. w. McWILLIAM8 ft CO., BH JS2L"b X , au a,?'",t ' rn pfeH . -- .Ue by Urn .11. and ' uu "it'i Monroe MM t TTOff Iffl 9 Sl oiorafiom TS- - ".;'Wr Inline and if ' ,., ... v radnl that is or shall I near the mil. is in a state of ruin. TbeL jtitft m.Mmmr. One ,r from Main. W1 M W. 1 ofyA SSLST Xr"SS2 Lro ' fl I" - " II 1 " rTilT ' '" ,,r' S '"' la MM river or opposite .said ow.ie, of the mUl thuiks the accident was DE. L. P. GRIGGS, HenryCOAvta. John H. am aim tiopof n.y dnai mtttonmn. 1 IB di.imioi.i-- ' - -- m i, ... . r,srr':''',r E -- . 2 ',;;itroflbeengir' Mactic vhv.ioian 9iw " iKor, (asa&SS-- - iewphisji eastern cities. 9 taMnMr.Lm.-- friead.m. Itrl " of all ma terminating At the I. JgJM 1 i 9 , i tL- - - M9 Mshal of the 1,.,,,, during ,h. ISTir " ? EDUCATIONAL llfcTITUTHWS 9 . 'dC .1 gt"".f m pe.. r A dtop .teeth.t Mr. (;eorge i W'U' ' - - .a,, at the tly, Jfy b. COTTON FACTORS COTTON 8BEK day of hid death. I was in Urn m.mt , m, ,,. s! ,!,... " lars of the interwiew with President r.,1CVerm,'s:oM."U',",",wr,,wiir No 12 Jeftrv..u street, Meiupl.,,, Tenueee. 4S,5rot!Pll ZhM. " iWif.7aoTo,sVTi, and maatng :wo daily lam M H confidential and intimate relation. itb - f the bridge under tlie Umitalious and V Li tT.. ""C"' Beitis and John II ..raves t '? i'" """fei1 trt, vou , 9nj SstonSSB pri. ?r.inir...u Clncinaati to N.w Tor mm mntrntm T hAd mAiiy and free oi.Mrsation. " wi,b',r,, tb" "Verland conditions tohe provided. Lincoln, as rerte.l by Mr. Baldwin and j ST iilSn'JlIS.t2- - S?rd. rt " A VihSM ? I 'A X'.s.lwMagane street. New T''mur.io.wlll comeMav 13th l"""0.' ckdivcy anrwrnwrSTurSty STSSSem Pmmnm will dad jUe tavern ment U to pay toe. I J,,bn Minor Botte, ou toe -- Tto ulL He . SttJtTSL witoh1o.,hT..ra ' yey for twenty W onfer WA New , r!. ,ry on Friday iys Mr. Lincoln was, from the ,., ..f WORSTT A Ww7SSi "Vw'.d irVd,gSS,,. V ih and ck- -. AprU ik. ROIRETHWC NEW! SlsHSSSS I r IseflU upon then. 1 rough 1 1, a verdB of March, 1891, presse-l.ver- haM by some ' 3ft MF'SrS' v'1' S&TSSS'.fiSft'SJl uTS 9 HI 1 own repeated dec,tJB favor of Ktig.-n- e B Overton vslthLong wound him to Fort Sumter ElV T TO" Wl H Mm, wm. nr' SOUtheiTl Match FaCtOTy. Z I bewouldexer "J HorW'x Wmiaagton com Island raito-- a. The ptaioHir shipid brithout a struggle. This he dec-line- to MEMPHIS TEJfW., .'U'. S 0SteM,SS,J,u3il,. XL' Mnexi. Xl have opmwd. on eef agsSC52 kmm ,d BilSB to the ponden, the Senate Commith- -a. Unme c.7. h.s by tU. N.w v(rk v , 4o, liut aboutthe 1st df Aprii hesentfor cw of Main.fan Vlamil Sti gLErVSSiP SSSttfrtraWS 32'' :raKSha t SA le;'S?!WSt 9 9 at tonc'"l'on between fore.gn AtTah, have under which A'gL&f PSS5SW' eauu, K tVP; 9 twojec- - considers- - lailroa.1, were tramderied to Mr who was nwit. fciug fieie. ny pu m- -m tioos of the country. As far as depended B.m the ,., H- -e, defendant-an- d brought ... Nw Vo r! "inU "nv ...ion. Mr. BJwTwent , wnatx caoaaxowaT. SStSS MTsy... SmeB toS. mWTw Bnxl. 'r.gL .SWrVK Sj&fevSS I ' 9 on him, he would have had the Southern t,8g Uidefray They were delivered by .he hiJA" V,:.d,"tL -JB- -Smn-U - fflir ' fl approbation. pe. railroad ,o iu place of Mr. Summers. The Presi- - , wTV- - t for the mStod U a Wai ! T-- a. tn.C. Bmini ntatear.paeBtddinbothlntodsafCoo- - It L. am-er- - another party than the plaintiiv 'nie con- - h. gmat thus May acril. WheTO ? Mumm a mL fcjsejad,, gress Within toe shortest time aitow.b.e. tain., tha, lit ni:, ... .,;yatoorbal, o, the ' de.nndw.t- - Calm bo,. weredd,, uTl ij."". witllS" for- - 3 gjfe P'U'SaftSgaE j flH The energies of h nature were g.v.uL, appropriation o the v and the plaiattTw it real owner of .er action, Z would abandon ' Port fu .... ' SM S.H '."ffllS'.S ffiSt AjSSSSl Doors an 1 Bli i I Ev' cook. .vigorous proeccuuon of the war while for the tra ispatio,, ,., .. ur. , the pmperty. The latter was th. main Suinter. Mr. IL 'Thais mtiV: ehd!, !?rntSei!v KSL.J&'SS TfiS. FIKT CUSS C8TT0R LUO f -- ?a 1 the rebellioa lasted, but he was equally to the exLiUUnB. Ihe . .,mu w ,n potot in the oami; the plaintiff pfdocinn yxm ma5 SaiBa FWt Bum- - jS'l,''"!..! kg'gy'igtSIS ?S toatjml3Tr5 KK? i.ii? MrLU gg UACKBWBCHH a WABBEB. Orfc ! Pork I 9Ai deurmined npidi a vigorous pronecu.ion probably amend .1, so thai the ,llVen...rs a bill f sale and Affirming he hnd pAid u-- r And Fort Picke,,., and agroe not to " u.l se.c.i.weei. ad re,ptf1iliy TZL? t vt'l mf For Sale. I I ofpe as s.s.,1 l- ariuod I. and others will be compelled , p,, ,., for it by mdondog the par, which he enforce the revenue llws in the Southern f ""TtfS a co. "fefi 'mTSSmZk Mlf SUTket StalJis f 1 nhould t ended. lie knew Uie base de- - the transportation of the various articles, hail afterwards been cm,., lied to pay. States." The President bade him good Jtumm It teJ fm' JStaS" s i-re- . Hale.wtween th TlSSs t T angling of theliiec.or.of th.MempBto 1VfrT "eetred pwtoaanmr Snnsnor. 1 i H rai.iaJs to ke.-- up lit strife Bv this turee only will the money ge The defendaatsoontended that theblll of and sent for 10 A.S., aud U a A tsx-- company held at the ..mce of The Veg-tab- asd Pteh Band, lu the V J 2 ..guaoitu. iiionnn, .Xir. O. X. rox, Taavs or SAL.-Cre- dit of u mouths. Bond the Treasurer, n reserved that aa Instalment of and H.,u.h Markets, will old aSw nixi r .liml. ininnna. pjd (xks Ram. V SM H for their own advantage, and he was de- - be stidicieiit to ere-- ! thelsnld- - sale was without oooaMerattou and void, f and .Wired him to fit out An expedition A . ""y locate.!. 75 by uw w.ih appro ve.1 security aim. a Hen retained for twenty per sent, of Ike stock .uh-nb- be .ion, Monday. April :u. isS. . LS um ot .'n ..r ...ATh ofl!.d' jr Se! '" ittNMtn, 9 Lmttm termlned to thwart them, as he himselt ing- - and defray the other "etry Thejuiv ft.u.,.1 a veMiet for pialutiir for te rel pajr""!"t r tUe 1'urthaJ 'T.Vum .v j SnSSfeilS"M a Beady nok. iifl told me very often." rjitoea W, 83, the f uU amouw cUimml. tal been published by Mr. Fox. Jmlw MhJl.tsa. .p.Ul, Mmur. i gVoa, btcfr. Indent. ACausTHlTzrtrLD J '7xlt offlSST Mto af .t, 9 H9 k' i jrii n iMriteiTi miii 11 i i jflfl

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Page 1: Hf SEH MlTS;. Jchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045160/1866-04-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 1 beat Mr T uler-- ofli.-e-. and inwafdly resolved within JwM Anl other. J11a!,1i' st.skton,

Hf , j iii inw iiwrigm-wiij-

j ritonw .nu m.ininnfii,! mi htm ii mmmmmmi n iiiiwgMNBifMHMMM- rrrm Memphis datly appeal strjsrDAY, a-ph-

il i 1866.SE MIi'WUIIFU A DDF a cue roi civ. obavt. ir'"" TKT TELEGRAPHIC. NEW ADVERTISEM'TS AMUSEMENTS. AUCTIOH. ANNOUNCEMENTS. TRANSPORTATIONH iwiVTi riUA ArFftAL. i Franc, they unde.tnd at km The MiMrpi ra'1 M J W fUn --BrflrTl 9! 9" " 1Mm MlTS;. 'MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. JUST RECEIVED! NEW MEMPHIS THEATEB. OVERTON HOTEL. M : -- fTW2r& cu,c ofMEMPHIS. wlu.r,t the CoNsxm-T.- . .lull the ;,U,H.tU in April J. The following i piled from tele- - u1i?SurjT- - . IHH CWK H (traphie dispa.ohea to the Cincinnati HI IH Bill WW Ml (Ml! """T Ht'72?:


CHARLESTONnot be abridged g novel. v. whi. 1. we W. ban, from the pa- - V J a..flBfflg rsA. ::tI1::,, A pan. i. imm. n, veil imagine would euibarraa. mliy m that Klder J. T. Freeman is in the pers : New Y.hk, March :;l -lu l!ie owe of n HRKtsa niESH bi TTER. -' watt orv 9eUArh . t,..,,T. The. --torrrwiu.V;1,au, . ZZV!!&JZ& :: '. "ov-w- , F.OTfir' IraMm' a CtaMlartonm' Sal. H!l9Bra3s5&r IB Krrata. Our article of yesterday on VT many or. ai Tbd Senate y wasthe great tenter m' ww' lervonatl nti TtAllau Wire, phi., el u eowitne Jane election. I liar io TaklEg Bffoct Sunday, Apr:! Ut,

"The Prop..sed Tax ou Cotton," were- - land, conducted will, every ImaginAhle WMMc-plac- ,.f r Zn there. The Bap- - ,)f attraction. The galleries Mwl The reporU of the Revenue ranii ISSKJLvtokv l1"".". f ... Sgff "f "Ty r ESr. 1886. at 25 AM.9h and to Ami Mttomawttlxame rWy of talent, and exhibiting every ttet bone of worship al Connlh , ton H twe hours before th- - meeting of " ' exei have hwn nubliahed, . imu. Umou.aiWjSmwA w, VfawoT or The RV .M. of a oegne of the . ommer La. -- T . .,T, s.c4es of editorial stvle ( Ml III f huiinioui.n urin nr1 " ' tlial U..ly. Kven the diplomat:. rdl, rv -- '" ; ' the import- - of January A ',52; :'r ..eAUel-o- We ineetlA. UoUoi JBiSer ..1 f"hBeery ''ourt of Maupbb. :beowry V XI HHH n!i r.l.t 'l.at t .. - n ..f' ..t,,i, M. .Hid over j:tj, To H SSe. and by a trart deed aeaieit toy Ibettom- - WANTS. f f .- -H ralpeAreeinit. Bo, tbe mi.haps of the ken and H' '7't' W. o niemU.r.hlp have ..rJ .vent aTLnJe, the .uTmiioW re- ,- JJr C 'TSotH mite off the head of ib licfore hanlly Ix-e- aide to eollect suflieieut .like iniKi.iWe. llundmls through il,e -- i,, mend to 'ougre an increase on the a.M'.i.i, Me ,..( Kr. NEW ADVERTISEM'TS AjmmM u fmVUM S 5 'ZSTJZZZZSZZ iUi-,.dowBbrou?b.1.,be- ,rr m,a., oewerv., f Any kind -e- i, IS ET'" "" "' ---- . BAKI''1 WANTED. i"-t- her Freeman will have the the MtmWS'll 1nave ,.n-eive- d the diffieulty. and attrib-- dAtione o the UgJin mo.t do-- --VTKf - ; -- j-T- he DR. I. A- - WHITE. lleMuted the apparent confusion of kleAi to which trotmfou-- a H7o7 ai ACue-- privilege of prearbing for tale preen t 111 J the nou. floor hy structlve fire ever known oo Oi reek ii pUgnr mud ' SMhteyTArHl

SSS. wL. ,. IH tbertght tomed, in the -- t time, to maul the (he e, urthotf ; hut a house niu-- t I htnlt Thev were 'Wag on the Egbert and farma, M BMM 141. and Pta, "Ptpar Hetitalck" orr.e. Betwihe boon of w aad 12:at noon, in ttoot g roe-- ui. 5 y a

...UdiW" To ,.a .gh ,.,.,ri. fhureh e.n pr.r. Will .Wh.jj.. w Rafter whiohii -lb


of Petr-.teu- anl Center cp-- A Jjg MAIN ST. JACKSGN BLOCK SMVSaSS 1 U I? Inwt TAY alltbwdAdy. and , ,.. ,,,, .,,iMWonAry A.. jMrjW e grea,Ctnmjpgat.

siAreeaux" BOOM HO. 2, TJP STAIRS, SSTo T.,3 SfeSWWwiS aJB5 i S SI 5 7It people vester- - w. ekly, - a J"'1 that one ai,i lhU feeble lly of brethren at tin- -

the large iiumU-- r ,f membVrawlTower niid.lliug :!.; flour h dr ir.g, at iw, ui and US. gTBnry Fry at fcj wi. ,7h7.b ! ?w ee .f

d.y gave a m.t emphatic re to the mortal, who ha, any wei.M.t.er dutie,U, im--gtl . TERMS OF MALB: aTa.Vr. 5 " " " '

in the Itnalators ' a. niittht well shrink from ; lut ,u At one o clock the -- truirirle to oat-- t ' "rn Hal at boc.; oats heavy at i3c.; pork li i'mm ilaret. ar...u. inmt. mm f SH St'- -

WAnr vU,.Bn rem attentively, so a. U.de,ee, ZZrL. --f" ST ST "S ' " CbaBWTT We Of Ittl fetal AtTfxKS WSaL 'A" B S U 5 ,Ki latent dis.oyA.ty he, . r of vast influence. Annrntr other ;:,'!r'-:,d- 7. uf hel,"u. i nM1!" iuS, '

3I.-F- .oot un- - IfcKr' --0- 'n a-- X BLT,,'were very .cttve And eArnet in. loir en- - furtive treason U.er.- - and fishup the ,,,,.,.,.,,, ((...!,,., a. Crawfor- d- ,ml vote was reached on themJn quea-- IlSZST'JS. 00" "" Tuetoj, May ihelat, 16. SLJrSHooer?" """T SmT" f 'aTlTTaT F? " ?" ? ? " 3

B deavore to divide and distra. t the t .n- - another re.s-llto- n lying jrdu suggests that this Hon, as to whether Mr. Stockton was " "a Jet . ; mjate R Wre-Pln- et Partition ,.-,1-., !,. r. TlTLH. llicaai oalfaHiutr and l I

j Q

-T- VAtivevoten, Their fairly ,'aUo:.,er-wait-

ing for exph-i- on EXEE. i nl."' UrtU,W 'BaUMIAAaa," jrTT- - SS-S-S S I ? I I.resented by the ..... ' - until we get .nto a war with FrAmv , . f. 1Iornady, Paetor of the rXw TwCSaA S Z 'M5: marti-lr- itooMri. fM,a& II".H Totes east for Dr. Brook-- : and the value .,,.1 F.uglaud " is a ta--k that would Kint Bap,jv, phur.-- h in Atlanta. Sunday from the ham Ut, and that if the vote Henry t.hancey, from Aspinwall, And found In our hue. warranted (mo. cJ3'. andiYl KliiVTuiil: " 1 Aai TulrtMntn att, Aew York. HB o, . , We felt f..r. :. n. ;(f;; stood A. tt di.i . it., the xcep- W "'f their influence. .i.d .he efficacy v, u,, client dieeoue, Ap- - j JSjlave'been s'gnAieS,U tH.ree,. wweeo-MS.'sts-

. SALE OF LOTS- AKItBB WAN it I d! (.tern. tlo (;,:,MAheweaawbyhi-..,1crNo- . - t) th(. congregAtion of the BeptW .'.f f cm;! e.P

' itVmti ttfeT jJOone udrerf votes, over th.t this huge Ubor of w.nnow.ng An (.,ur,.h D tht eKy, for Aid to reaatWha am.d l.'itl'les' ",1. m", Md'the that ArchtfaMpI rtp.1tti.fc Adbg UfoUv l':

', 'i..- "wna 'id'airt-t- t VSTX 1

H And Aove their ovn strength, watt haeien- -- amount of chair for, at .wet a f.lalrcn ffe stated thA. the bone result announced favored I he correctuuee aporttolu:, has issued letters, calling a P '"'""'n '"m!'' 'flapyin'oai'l u.h!r T'T' Martin .ireot Term: Iiaj Board W) pr 5 B.hevwheedle.ii pie int.. givmg our !o ver few shrivelled grains of wheat. w and t.o small for tire of the anticipation, f.jrthe naatation de-- T0? ,ri aJ",'ivir n,e j'ouuiy ofsi.wb-",,..'- ' s.'.'a. , TJolla-ii- r ""a-'- Maa MATTIK A. WAT.


friend, WAXTi r ,dd... - the really du, o, ..f Km JJ. Durtae tbA s.e f At- - 'm "t to hisseat p:isst-- lI . a xaJL

i If HiiiXAABsSHfiSC 11 WVr: WatCT Ml88e j,,,,,,. , 2 ? : - 9

1 beat Mr T uler- - ofli.-e- . and inwafdly resolved within JwM Anl other. ,.;,..(.J11a!,1i' st.skton, with a thoiMAAd tiiaore, on the first Hunday in OetAer anVib5Sb5! "i. 'fJSJV P '?? ?BarBB able "aimnier lown." from which Mr. ,ind to lend him all the aid in our - !n,lti(,.. i,v ,),,. ivaline arrov 'e-lixe- .1 iin him, arow from his seat, next, hj inaugurate a sacred tj north .ids of Beaie .tr.et an.t rrouiinx tl.ereoii BaowaU Jiih.u. aad oxaee dAtAataW ;. W

le-- - hrim "'"'irr y-l tl-- t,,,,, a,l ..kni: W J X;'.:, SZSSTSSiT. S T T ' 9H political ,T. m Tli, iii.ml.r-l.t- , - l:,r,.., 1 bn- - " ';;:'1;i;!ur' Ji nn MONDAY, APRIL, 23. 1866U'"M ...- naihe not wn uin.. 'h. .in-.- f .Mr,,.,,.,, ..f the .'.'ulln.pW '""i- Q . - , ?!

H Badieal WMlaaWai. but stood Al f eefcaltnWt, iayodMtB, C. mililMll He expeCe.1 VuL.N UK,.V ,,,,,,,,..., and unchaned; sterling 7; gold 2a; X "term or ha a iu f a - ., . .Ale.TeDA aaw-l- e

" t " 9.,1.r8onalcapa,,yan.l,h:. -- hort.y .0 v.-- .t Ken.uckv :,..d Miand the iinehngheVr:vate J '"i'JIull,r"' s'"c shade better; stocks Q "paaaeaaw ut"" 9H he no.... have ob.Ained some tandnsl- - aUegian,., and from whi. h nto wk aiA. Wh.t Aetanee he could retary"? 'n t

ec- -

'"lg fhany from PanamA, fll "Ij SS) U--"L., bEtnf-- .SHE aed. M- -

BOB e"1 AmaeAty for peed oBCea. wet,Mrf, ,i( WiMl,(, o t,,ntlkflll flir e chamber and announce thai the ,i i, -- aid that another' reoh,tion from ""H OerA and Ma-- I f-l-" "'?rw.. t Va.T -- '''aL? A?! flHBB .. the tAanlt of this ele.-- thlacaiprii. tho. -- I Id 'r..dent ha.1 returne.! the Civil Itights the JBh ttrW rVa.o-- ' .'ri"7i JSLy u.koia. ' 'r. ;e over preaeat v eontril on was taken at the church Hoequtto department U expected. . itV. r -- :ikv JtarAdk. alw..:'. HHB . partv triumph. waa epeks thu- - o, , he Pn-- .- ' his ohection. 1 r..,,rL, ,ron. the BArboeo mine Are J mmmmB M laOeer) We Of KCUl Eslale, tn. JZSLxm ... t.. jjgy.;', a. iiat tlvnii' i w sent wnere oiutea ilut Ir-- 111 the chain- - favorable. .wueni. rnaa,nMi linTi9BB ,,ri. tnumphu. Asaviie: , u,,. , and me.1 .0 ha-te- .i the ..ecisi.-- of There later news from Central FPI JZ T&ilirJSSZStt '

lncT.rnrVnr'aJi '";" will ex- - Thet;,nriA M. K.i Conference has the.ontet of w JerseyScnatorship. Amerk-- U Hf Tncsday, May the lal, IHSS. fh. P"r? Mhdl, .p . ur,.: which has -.- . ... H19 hptpfioen nl- - ' wrn't" ,,i:l'!r'-T;,''T- ''ai.ikax, March .".1. - A heavy sjouth- - 91 Ak .'u e-- ggwg 9ratiMWami ba B WH nff rf h"" pT B XZ&.a"1 IrR irra- -i .'ii h treasury. any - , mAke conf.-io- of in iinnlce .f illn- - Th. v s F J P E. A. Davla . Constantine Paine, K. (J lu- - Tneii nf Hs'i hiiTl I. s.wlbfnl In one I " " " mir--- . tm9 A mods rate repahllcAmi pAjs'r in Nee flJ, llu in lis rwird, it . 1" ,(m'dl'; !'lvi,ljm ' M Jrh. a. O. Montgeaury aU Th...ua. U , a,ul am, ...e ,.:.th. rrou. daw SnaSSSflb? tVlK laede?5?.l Se gSfVar M " -a-Me-aaato Hu on aim. of March 31. hx-f.o- ? of tale.don. an Hion . --T,iu iianw. " n ihm 1 7RH orit .the if), upder Oils headiin, ha ghtabMtby CaWtCtTCBaaai


to thewill considered John Mclnwgal died vesterday of apo- - W Qft lV,nVirL'v.0n,'r' d 'u1 Valley ocem the eeatre of the M- - 'at iTToV. 9H a wyaeaeibie artide, in wlo prosper ty country.

WaT It WWWKWW AWPM. The Mc. arthv Inve-tiatio- i. M W ptf ,3, i7 " '

Iwer to the inquiry togiven "W. We think that's inite enough to bring papers announce the death of

WAawnwrroH March Saunittee report that thecharge -. 3 ioSt&L fv..u.: a coumrv in . down tip... thi. fvll-- w the of f eVhcr for yeaw Saperior of The frkmda of the Civil Righ'te' bUl are Wm ofbrry, Mas wanton, ma! , i--, M) Z3?.MiTfgiyTi! it bZtaaTbad'law'.. FOR RENT. WMLaRRB have fr.-.- ' . irdcr No. -- : Urt if not, here : the Franc!-- , an Order, at Ifou-t,- ,, . confident, tic.v can ,e.ur. lal-- e. and deuunatory Uth to the s. nate sT aHH V of and is feUewlag Mmii ..... ... t ctrii Maie and s.reni eeaaeeOa, dlalr bbtaiia Jtooi.e H

toM.ow.V-fuland!.o,..--tmJ,--:ry: .h, same ;,,n the same sour., - Th, the tie req. ishe two-t- l e to pas. it tuZT IgToZ bja :.tTb1StlVVwrS VOK REN- T- .-- : m.

S ,:::: ! :::::- - r -'-'-

v tt7. tX nr mm.-- SST ;n;dvvS desirable lots. SmSaS.f the I nit.-- ! ,

n in ihe Holr City, when the , pi., took the veto mnt fe ungs eVHr--v ""on man. without (D "Rftata

iRRRei iTTalniinfl In r r1 ' mchesof pilra trees and wen forth to "which paryr j,,,.,,,.,, Mar,.h ;;.jemf,'totacco M . r,v; ,hne.. ,,. ....... "JaP' " T""' ""

" MTRLI-- T LOT AT ,e9H mee. him. And cried. "HooAiUial,' .lu.et-aa- lea 136 hhds; groceries of ail A '..l ..iVnir, .' . (Stat And-- . If an exauipi- be aiAsle . - K0M m A..o. .p.aHties a shade lower ; flour dull, 7 ; JL. f4 A uiTerwu'e'T.

'io; i;".- - poli lii.N- T- k. MPBIItllU allli lihitt Ktiint-u- l RRl

ae the Supreme U.w at Und. again-- : wi!i be a WArning to the dislo-- .. name of the Lord! ' a.,.r,l- - , Cmcaoo, Mar. b 27. ,.,,ru :,--.

(Wta, ; pork i5 ; baco- n- W wJJ?JP?ra?;' ' M ."L"1' A ITPTI . "V 'L';l?SS.i., H.all raise the hand of Americau Preee. here i . John; ...w hiei, the , whol- - " ;.. Vj" '"ll"1"" side8l6:rsw " Qal I a!f up " 'f nv'tr'iw) .,:'! JtXS lJ?T flsasaH , ,rrd will: Arl v a . I l . 't ical Ijike add-- : "Pea.'ein "vnt vetoed tne i I . ciainiuK ucsacres, moo r"? M witn two

armed and in a fit subject for it. It .s a case for t. en. h,.iven the h. Jounu, " IV, New Orleans, Mareh.11. 0"" e - kttebaw. Hand m!.mv in Ui hinl.es.." Ii aays: very Cotton eas-- A --OS pool, a CO ffloRTBff, qC.cfcai ASD BM BUTTEwhich All -- .ate And local Uka.m. was on his day. Also, that Jesus went nf mudl regret this ACtkm of the ExeeoUfe, ier; sah-- Uwlay im Ules; lecetaTtW, SB&? W j "iVlrmimuf- iw alaa. at. T ail potau BRl

I baf afeaaid have mclmled Hie and for the thai it la so liable to be lew t.iiddliug 371; RRlmade. lnTrr"r.e. into temiee east out all these gold oi; sterling tte purcharfrs. and a !ieu retaihed. Tnrmdar Apr.l Jd, UUOflk, Kh.M.9 0 of arAaaartodgeres that l..ut d ia the temple. cotoed into hostility to the fr imc, :;. n, York hank cheeks" dt,- - 3baf? : A.AroN. j,MK HORTH, EAST AND WEST! 9... t '

and the the which we do not believe he entertahxed. count- - Mar ...is. C)A and Maatar. , two .ante Rooms. snlUhu for wbotewle9 T"f"Jf"" v anT.r--. and Cailts r "'' - td. d, uhtless, on the opinion The Mississippi river id sweUiug to an 2 Sr. W' JSStSa" paaSaTawSBP of Uia. b.mj exniiuw t 00 tOBS of freight city those" that gold dowa, and --i:.l onto of his coaatitatloaal advi-er- s. thai th.- alarming extent. PiloU report the Pass Cdaf I'U

... the bigiiest bidder, without nsrr. Ea? aCaAa5SeVTum hJwLT Tat laaJly Faeaeenger I raias.H . f , .ii to the supremacy of tlie fr and Idaho within a- tl m. is writ ton. My house shall lie bill is in conflict wiih the Constitution. a'lautre tar better than the tiouthwesl. tllOUl rTJ TWIP, marir iro. u now existing any where in The hardware merchants Are dIsd he h. - hut we have We tru-- t, however, that Congress will The steamship Monterey passed through EICHT LOTS L'OR KEN T

fl doing "a rushing The iacral --J f f ri:; ?fc 'Zl-u- ,

has GEO. PATTISON ft CO., Tnesday, MayM mWjmm.l- - SsiWy R C ftft ConMHtit, 9The' of humor with, he dem-- we, 1th of Montana and the new Mdo- - him in the an.l he he.tlesl theiii!" law. and let the Supreme Court decide been removed. ' ' , the vioih ...... of , rct. at 9aMW agoguesand eowar.1- - wi.i- - old substi- - rado of Idaho haw given an itupetu- - to It i. a dav celel.rated hv all hran.-ii-- of to its c..stiliitioiiality." The -- t. amer Peruvian sailed for I.iver- - BOOKSELLERS & STITI0ERS inderJAl , .t 91MAX :.,,..! .I.iitell-tua- l the pick ax and -- hovel and on th.M.r,-.- . an - hur-l- , fn.rn toe eariie-- l v .;. .x:.,.-,- m f.VNATl ionservat. ves. pool U.is evening, with bales of cot- -

C A S.iitm.n Rimini r.tor et ,..m.a rrasMAsllAtt.aild.ahe II II gl 1 a - ! Mforce, ifsjwehi- - -- av. that jva-- the market l..ards of St. I...,.i-ju- .t now "' r-- ' , 'a,"a; The city IVmcratie Conventi-- in lo.n- -

,;.!, AM. a. North Court ,t, beu Main and Second.pr--- ed reu... h-- W,y, ... these kd. .re FOR SALE. H9 ,.-r-. ,,d it these law. are vigilan.lv -- pnlestaait.iSillj The ste.m- - 3,.,' la liic'mwingUiinr'''f

"' 'h? Jw ' han'wXe ,J PS tS m"'l'"D " m"'' walk of ik liuataeaipsr. - ELRGANT SLEEPING CARS ON 9' eeu.ed.we ABB eiv. anv ..Id. to the ...atiueii of tlie l' per Mi oi.ri are fl.iur- - our .delation, boto Delow above approve .,f the WAT. . W, .i'r.-n.'J?;-- V , (H&7 ttSe'Z AU HIGUT TRAINS. 91 adherent, of privilec aud the lover- - oi i,- -. ' Ho ! for the gold mines ! " is Canal street, were raovfng. and with policy of the President of the United I ,("'n-leave- s for New York on the ttrWy ne Sick of K...kaud swu.,nery. Chancery atW ihereuf, I kaii K...i a orfcr aet,rn"- - " J"dif w- - m noiam; laafara, waoaa. burw ao4 .B9 oppreeaion. Itisonlvbvtheirowi.de- - th w.tehw.dM and reply ..f the eager rr, hand wending .heir s, looking to a reunion of .11 the i proximo. .tuudSeouui tTheS:'10 LtMherat S4Sv iSLJo -- tt.'aSd S;:,:!, 99 tault. in BE a casetha't the friends of crowd ...und for the wild and exciting ffoCflnwta!. at the earl! . T, uu u Jt',' " and" toaP we'denouu'e. "and"" " A Cincinnati telegram says that --2 ca patties a ca f::arari:lw.;;. Tbentl.to .h.ropertr I H f. M. .. Miner, "cu, UrJser,. Io Cairo by KnU fc jj 9BB .n be ls- Id fields 'if the great mass and continued so throughout most emphstically condemn the efforts "" Friday a negro in Pari., Kv . who DARJIS DDIACC If x.tKAT. LASIKR a m, martba "MPhu. Te..a. Hayeak as though the ghost of slavery X.,r;nwe-- t. Fourteen boats are loading all the --ervioes of the day. Palm of toe daetruetives in t'ongress und'er ha.1 outraged a white child ten vears old rMlTllV rKIVCd I I .i;'o r. x ..wr-.'.x.'ier- andaaaatsr.

' v ;aBloek. SALE Dai If Sail Paase n. r Tra't flRRRRl iritrhtened them more than its bodilv at the St. Louis wharves for Fort Ken- - m . TTT! i the lead of Sumner, Stevens A Co., to and ."""nisoiurafwiner, wasraaen March .a. iss. piu . TTr,rr,Tr RRlblessed, were also cate PAJjPi Thrwi Una kaaaaBB low on Beaw rtreet near (SoodsvH deep,..,But are not tW fear-- nhcu- - .on. MontaiiA. Idaho, Helen NtrgEtt. UmLJtiJmtV,presence. of the church nd freely disposed of to bung. MEM PHI 9lous? Thev are alarmed at the bitter- - City and other points in the dreamland nassers by. OohiL' or returnin-fro- m the eonstituti-.na- l place in the Congress of

RRRRRR J SalP thf RPfll BEBBBfi . or oencw, ea.n frontm, twenty on. rt on Baal. esassf8

paaysdBoai at a t - n wSafa asaadi.neasofthe prejudices which exi-- : in the of aurifer.,u hopes. Th. --e l.jats are re-- French market, many who did not at- - the United States. BaT We learn that a number of the -- OS- 5tre d running back Mty-av- e teet to . coVST.nr "';; RHRRRRl 8onth And trulv the leeuups are d.- - eivinc toe .malJ amount nf 124 c nts 'V.'1'1 ",,,rn"l"? rv.ce, a. so, pur- - tiBetotrtd, That all the measures of the "admirers and friends" of Col. E. M. . JjOtS 111 JJUVali S aUlt, ducan. Crdumbns.Ky. and Id

palm-lea- f cnosae, v- - v pretty Tuendatl. 1st Road; and al Calm w .1, Linrn. (.e.tral a...:- -rnaloritv in Congress Yer-- er to Yew . Of ISlh.9 plorable: but has any government ever per pound avoirdupois for freight, rhey ingeniously made up. so that before ZSmk u" Orleans Snted hwito a tlfte R,CE' 8T,X C0" May, m Hill B.I H I il . Il Ii Bl ro--i ,ox a.. Nonnem Sawem x.u HUie hatred .;.- - -- ulj-. by are all. And niore than .hey .v.nt m,dl.y they were well .lis- -conquered - getting pretty Bureau hills, and their Civil hundred dollar carriage. Gen. Grant ap- - WHITE RTVEB ARK ios fast with .a alley on one aJe running th. r9force? Heve the Autrians c.ierced the a, these figures, and none of them leave tri'-ute- througnout tne r'tv "n'tie High... hill-h- ave the effect, if they are to be getting all the presents be-- Berry M.e jtnry Mar.'y and o r-- SI6BT FIPRESS at P. X. Kferj Day.

love of Italy by stopping the h- r.f Witkoat CtwwBs of cabin And deck p-a- w U and in.,, mit SUte cTr if" P.P of he North, and Xoa. OS 3 SOT Main Slrryet, DT vtetadf asMartMawy deeraa aatcesd On Tl.nraday, April ."Hh, 1M10. -'- '-'.Thuuam taaCa..y tra.eL NH Allans- - Have ,he English seng. t"" H rOT..wl't w.fatlX of's woSVS? 'm: SaIe ,

'erTnB- - balAac on abort ttnia. S!XtSlS Mto onlinB(.duced loyAity in Ireland by holding of the Upper Missouri, and all boats iwrks. where the little ones enjoyed yate the negro to an equality with the IVe&afiaiv rri jRT. ' ' ""1 H,;""'0! r'.u ' "y '" M""1' froB Bay to BafEBEl Apyly t. -- ars. ami thcugi. ,,.down the Irish with a superior ascr ? I- - the IRlBais and Upper BfisaissatiifH Are m Uie warm sunUri.' ama- - white, and to prevent, "indefinitely, any Are now opening dally a large Hue of !7 htghjl rtdTt. rOlls.w.ni det-ri-

d' 111 Arc hold. H. u. DEST a CO., Tmt&f!&sttiXJtwU2!?u r9lfl the Emperor of France more secure on drr , ,:' ..ishingtra. a.M , lUunfVwu comply. n ZXJVS 'gSSg'jSiSSiSZ "! EBat. Agenhx - Am. tw-- HIB" kds throne y because he Allow., u- - The river here la hvOfaag ateadily. And tllv thousand (liAt fl.atcl in midAir the to enZiU ikiinRK1I I

o"".!,2' Jm.',T S?1 'V,h ol.ty. "' I'!ui'1""-"? i xi vai . wt "arit-.- cor. BcA.e and u.rnando ma. St. Louis from Memphis in 29 boors.' H19 Frenchman to write the. ruth .bout him. we ha ve ilar rajstat. from .. the TMm hef.. At vespers, SlkfT "XXST" VZd'SV Lomav-U- e in 32 hours

tr.hutar.es. There Are th.r- - xKSU.HT-PILIOW.- -At staple HltU B4V.wb.raw i.snH.aii...,i.... . r..... where th. Ir V M "AaUR Cincinnati m JrJ hours. HRRRRl - - - "Bpar also, the leadinir Catholic Churches were ,egro sii'l'ragc in the --1ml, . n.tr si.eih. Dad ,j Mophi. a charksAo. railiwd, w th

tapidaTgd to, feet nB iT ' " ' ' "itAlArmtngifthoreAdofaoajedruiike. hb.the. ay the New York of,!- - Si 3 .JSpBHB going "V ' ingsiiiiauie iaii tf. ,, , Ig--gfa- lh,. allegeil the measures that we would thrut ui.ou '""D "hh.e AB.l thus forever bask In DRY GOOD S. T.Hsoe'sAi On'.eKslitof ax and twelve . sad otaar pabato to BtaK gArU-ia- t IHIH and shouting for Jeff. lyts; B riuth- - ZJZ'Z m brisk. whisky fr.ud-n.- flv. .dJ.tl., ot-h-. JgSasT 'BEBkbw, ' "'fer,p,v o..S hTO.aiSn VOH SALES THROIOH TICKETS H.xrrj.x, e..rk" auU n.aur.ern general reeeivea honor at the hands The weather has been very aini sessmente. amounting to 5417,000.J..W,-.rf- , That we of Uie , ,a M ,, K. wiotfl.-,,-,- P rorsaieataUtao Prmetpal . OBVaa.

RRRRl th wuithern neoule u - though dauii. 1-- vetoes of the I'res.dentofthe Ulieon.titu- - ! . Cormih. MLm; at R. R. office. Uul. BocJf, and A Drag Store in on. of the bt paying localitiw la Meaipl.. At Ua.. uouy oi India and odious Frce.luien-- Bureau " " Purrhae,l latelyat areoffi-re.- ! t,,1m or the "4 leffbr-H- !. r, Urr M .r od.i tVvMnnn the panic prlces.And . city. Any one wishing to parchaw wUlA savs i sBBT telegramanother evidence of disaflec- - al1.. ff1"' . , into. to u.etrade and consul... v. ry low price.. lll.Hiitr) WW ,J ?",.-''n.lf- : rmiL., .i," do well to call at ldb Pom.r - Moi,t bRuo aau.- -: H9 .? if ignorant white men exprcs, lAjgSgggL gen.lemen who furnishe.1 securities for Xmend thTr-ebhtt-o ., ON WanVSU.'l'io rLM'"' LtEJfjE--Bfl v!,or th-la- te Pre-.-- ,, Ring have unit.-- in., whi.-.- he annobnee-- Ins to JXJXZW R Whatredoftoenegroweareto.jnake..: t i vpKUTIf xv a IT. Yestafday moraUa. at- for Company.

bRRRRT a,.M rhe municipal Authoritiea have reoues to the Hecretary of the Treasury unrod the Constuutmu of the i nited i" k, Mrs. e. v.. wife of Harry cowper. bal VhtbaOaaalA luetutay, May 1st, I66. Fei.rnaryS.iww. .cars-iu- i iiPi.'ni'C(iMniuTsii.iiTv Rl9 :r"" and with -- uc,.,a,. a to be rele.tse.1 from t!a ,r ln.ls. ' M it has '''J. ib. MISCELLANEOUS. " HIt seems to us that these Are mere nayement but are resorting now to toe not been treated lor the last four vears he friends and acquaintances are respect- - OLD RELIABLEI :ear. Jnrtnow.iu Ireland. .1.. Nicholson' pavem.... whieh u. Bcrr AcooDling to a -- tatement in the a"J4 ''h auu vital nt td' Gov- - r.31',."laJ" '

f 'w ,!' ' v;"' iTlTfr'i. 'V I h.i.ler snd Isaac B. Kirtiand. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT REDUCTION.u . iU.S- -ra, appr.-- i .at...,, Several of yT. HflJ LITTLE MIAMIH upwards to,,-- , per- - Tha, we v , ,mitc with all VaisiBWirfc and the flaunting of Iri.h em- -

tll son. left Ireland during the Un,t week of good ,. ,,i w i.:,t, , ,r party or what- - s"- Mr. Hold' nl'lal vl.n.hcrV. n,;";V' ".".,''

old Cirt'at RPvlUl'tion ill Prior !-i- w- u TTTi, ', . , . MB

AAa Lev.-- r isiliiical ant.s-edeii.s- , who - ' ' T Vwilly.viu'of street 'mprovem. T!,. are coming to the United '"out your emU.-ms- , covwyourse h .iuraMlity only eona- - -- Stales hy the way of Queens.own. ft fc with us in the siatainn.ei.l of lh. I'r.-- i- hmkai miti,, UMmSaI -'-- f thenumla-- r Vl mW8fe3 I3 H ICES! Shortt a l,.K.eAt k0.e fr,. ,far more to allay irritation And of the middle and class, tl !d relatien, ' ..w.,.- - STOCK OIf,,,.,, r.:,, f ,.. iu,.illeJ j are farming of amity between the yt arx,,.y. Th,- - rr-n- .u .nd ,uain.aao, wSmfcZZ .rc ,.!;i'ai,;.,..1,'om'l.',i toalltw.

PHH pte they hAd adde.1: "i ou ! The rate n a w.-ok- . or Mrs. w. abalt, aremiMctfuMv .uvited P-jBt- f 5 of T. ,.,-- . PAjjaiaj Pilip. fnwM 7iUPt t Sfsfkb.- - ERROFPICK buSlCni blllW, 1UWUS. T lllCg, iher funeral at . from RIUbaB FANCY GOODS- -Hlg shall not pay forourchurrh.-An- d ir.es. ;o pedesuiai.- - (9 A di --patch from San Fran.i.co The Ciiicinn-u- i

'pul.Ii-he- s hr r,'nce co Tulnl "lret m telAaa. Lgf BjSjKr-S-l of aa-Tb- e UTTLK EI.OII to the RBI

99rI you shall not be any loncer subject to the tat.- that Juarez had written to the a -- ir.,uK -- .w-h the lll, ma-i- e i'n S39rP'l '. f 'hi' W ft S ll i 11 fcr to It Sunad L tfiEaS RRRtk nhi-h Mexican Consul a. that that Uie ihel.ih in.-.- .. . ssa.oa. .re t aaa t'bssi.urainaMBBnarriarnt lm rliir nil place, I.j the Hon. John A P.ing. ajT'w EM&iB&SCJ NfiRTH MIIRPU QfADVERTISEM TS. I f & M AMJI1,B , ..,.,i:a.,;,; .fCluliubhUbbiiul-aftzUvelee- ,, -- n.f m,.!,-Mol r,,,,,, T,,,, ar mAN U T A PTIIRIMCI LUfflrANT, r tlhe Tneriali..s, and tha, WBBSxm.U tl"' vh''' uVd. m S-f- rH,o,HE " f"r- - atlsr:., a BOAKWWO- - 9'"T tflSa ....r.o,e.,ty.n.,.,,n,ry Xt.cl.sn, Ki.er TROY, BBW YORK.WES ' "their thirst r.h.j-- sl in that worsly material, which l Um?HP

. . r.J.'.. .'o. .,.!,'.. Traders And other lslvrs, their rLT. aXiirT 4?..fr- -

B layoBSBt? mu-- t to then as a pleasant car?t cm- - afiy Tn Wew-ir- V I ou Friday "Rtrnox or Tin: vmj xaUOt j a runoly or ton genUeinen will And tsard - I I for Cnrlno- - Ctaek s.klrfc In BdaAb.Owvetoast s1 , . pAre.1 ill. the rough unyielding edres of 7 w a hinoton, March 77. A and l.slglng at 7 Shelby .!. the payment of the purchase m..n TH FBlty t00s, . S2 . taST'The. id nieth.-- l of stu.pr. -- ,n ha. & uiornini'. the oi I refinery of Pe. e I, von . aprUI-- A. ALSTON, lonpira Paper ollars, 10 In a box, in hounH o.i,.-and iron. The message came in at 1 o'clock, aud " apr'.Hs CK--r and Ma.ter SOTIoSB. Etc . At Rsdoesd Rataa V. - - mw aanesvatoiaSBonm. xowatbo. tab aoura. J BRbeen often trie.1. and ha. always tailed. the thaatTbCBl world Mr. John ' by fire. Mr. I. cot, la lor four hours, while To Cotton Holder!,. bb - - O KieTor v ..d. S FtMJB DAILY ea - ;

It u try a new plan. Let us say to th Brougham continn. the lovers 'va burned h deaUi. Hi- - Isslv was tlie ease was and long V 1 Shi V N Yotif,; "' ' dot White Bhlrts. too .!.. Washington ci,.,h 'i..r,e.i Is S. a.OO A. M. I.ighta.a Kip.- -

people, 'V.HI shall he in all : He- - melodrama at 1..!;,, - opera taken fr. .lu the ruins, completely charred. that time il had Ik- -.i circulAte.1 ,n JX.rrJrrre'.c oii .'oitshiprwd WWU' On the . haneerv of the Common Law and HandkererSeaV?, r&Z,u.--Z'r- SaUu tm.llM.lded Byron . V U.OO A. M. Upr MiLthincasf,.A,weare:yo.,sha.ihere!e tTJl&tJS "'"b - hy, was hadly SJt ffiW"--'' gbg.x.in-to- theC.t, ... Me.i.phU. Ten., ...... jKrZ ST S oVm"xp

R resented II fltjl ; vou shall say if be were not induce. to prolong his stay j ''ijured by II. expl.ion. posetl to l.k it thn uglu After it had rmioi'hAn Madlsou .t. 0! R OWN SlU'THKRN BITTKUS, "kI M'roVn.";";FtGg 2uSH SSZiOSS rWSTlULTa.! fflH what you please, sli.sii f..r whom yo.j an- .'.her , th iinBUuBBBtil as ," formally read by t ol. lorney, the March .Tu. api-a- SKnhe.d tST. . other. ' "a mal pp..r on .r.. iwti, ."n. i lHplease, wear wh.t colors vou like, ele.d hi- - U-- l. If he sh.sJld n.-t- . the Memphiau , "f'1 !XdVU fnU" Ut "'resident s "fwH-ia- l frtends sought to force i A calatahls TT ,.,.r...a ir.., .m.Uvtt in this cause, that 'ZFT&J!i!Z!l! jSlJ l UV t&JmrtZsZT" fHE --7,

a Conveniion reported sn onli- - an adjournment. Tins, however, was. ArktuuMS LhhiU. Ta.rt, Etc. 1 ...e Rouhford and 2oa ei!r ,ii ,,' awrBaggag.Hie.AedUuo.gh. ELoukXn NOTICE.whom you like: w.- - only re.,uire that :,,0l,i nance au.lmrirfng the T egislti.nr.- - rested by the maj.,rity who mean, to will, for the. snvenienceof land owners, SPKCIFIC AND TONIC herd Brown, and the be.S of dertoes r Jsp1. j fiJ fUS nC?- - ? flyou ehml grant the d right to Us, tha. vJu the BLrni.v next. "llete'an . 7 ' " " J ,pa the bill over the veto tonight A J, JW, an'Sn; VIl; &;"u?i '.i";,!: A WM. JEBLE A CO., TV, Main street, are Ap- - ilS.RE you shall keep the iwace, .dy and en- - author as well as a di-i- of to. "!" ' call of the yeas and nays revealed the "".Vdheir nden" doto oflh.s5tatioTr-n..ew-c- , it ts therefore great TArity of pointed p. a. o-- nl EekebSi I kEai. md hasrecentlv puhli.h ! cee.1. ,0 lv gt araj t for a p.: p. ual lartttsi. Messrs. Wrimes and Kirk- - mem ..f taxi. fining and r rd- - DfSpCPbka tt Wtali ('B!UtatiOn "ou'r'.L.1 "f'' Tn" DRESS TRIMMINGS itis'l'-TV.'- 1'' 9H conceiL enUtle.1 '1 am as Hap,,y L the school fun-1- . Ako an oahnance author-- w.-- al had Mt th- - .hainljer. This .......--- ,

-'p , "0' dso,M 77 o. , ft ggfcrol, i"w.A" aAlhgu Athe which demad forurrights v.ai DaZ Long," which has set to izhi the lagiatnre to artnsent to the the Union men sufil- - - JW Tl SOUTHERN COTTSTTTV j, ;;.. ,.. .. .. ,he m ,.. AuduUar article, too numerous to mention. E.Jj P9V" e there L comtadi : ...... a !.o,.,-a- i, , ., , .... ,,. - "! 8"1 ""v Wtn "" Stolen fromth.stA- - v m ..;:..,-.;.- . 1, For .hov. eoch. and are pieparl to fur-- lab. UBB 1

RRRRRl v ' -- - The railroad delet-at,,".- ,. fro... Hel7. . stsntlv oblige, to adjKirn. will.' olc of fi J.tjJdins on Bass avenue oVi", vTri . '''' . ntoh lAwbT aMMwn t the IfIOi T " IHIPPI'll iRRr' rexas. a: ". and Uw Vnt of th. Wth oil, Baa dark- -td-- S STlawt a y of SeTbe" lafET wBEEnVA RaEaj Compauie,' Prl I

BB "X"ma M', en,1"J,,,f?0,": ManvoftheIarire.tcai.i!ali-t-andi.n,m- l 320 Acres .rf land to actnal scttbrs. Judge.

Trumbuil will probably review ''.'u!,? vLrVaf"tUAd ofCanad'lan 'PHB Amlheru Bitters Are recomm i. i.v ,. week, for rur soceeadve Sold at ManurActarer. prices. j Rs1 to neccpt and flll.l. th.--- 4 ,n,.K.'e-i- t Rul for max.- .rness. Wawlleav a. the FAcOtty A the best remedy ever ii;veu weeks. In the " " -

lEE--Kath'e iJlow SSS, E" " IVfV.riuvi.v.e.erk and mast.-- , The MemphlS Ild CharleStCV j

at,toreca.ve kindly ythe Iro, jyaiUIn raUaayl from heKn,,ish colony of Victoria, At..- -x, eiwa.V:i,W rfo'gS menu ne us. c, .t WM. JEHLE cfe CO., RAHdROADEJEJEJEJ AasistAUce of the general froveruiueiit. I 1 -'- Knob to Helena, presented by the tral a, has len severe y censurnl and coi.rUL.nt tb.i ii , l iiT. chemicals, and may b. relied upon oi Sei,u- - i33 Second St., . RR

. ale verv Mil recent ..... . in. s.mthrn mannractue. ' Is prapared ta receive And AtsassbRRRRRJ And If there is not, we are -- trong enough delevat on

..' ,,a" j...'.'.. ', admitted on.

all The celonv ha- - he. n f..r - in- - nec-a- rv .otc as follows F axn w!?. r 'v taifeiu i I 'u Sold whole.e t the mAnutoctoryAnddepetM Jiolii t. AinOTU MIIDpUtf UlCAU WholesAla IMalcrs la H inpi and drands on fretghiTcooagaed to EE

BJBJBJBJ to enforce these simple rights, and wear pd, ta H4ea tl. hc- -t .bar he time i.a.- -t hy a violent strutr- - Yea-Anth- ony, Prown, .'handler, o.d gentlemen of Memphis and vlctc it y," that '""tstoBEa On the ChaneeryWdeof the ('otan.-.- .n """, Ot IflHOUR." VTJi mwn 'iTiri.?C'' Jlim',hl A 1

'Inrlr aud ha. taken rooms In hancery Court of the city of Memphis, Tenn. .marS. lm. I91 bound L do so with the nuuobt vigi- - f.dind. Hie advantages ... tra.le gle uj-.- i, financial .piestions. 11., i.,-- 1, mi".';,on

' "tTuS'filrinienii(

.. weerW So. t Main eet.room, Martha L Trtt vs. TBsa a. MsgSLsnsntor! FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC, MBitan. fllance. (springing from deficient nior had taken in the strife Mralnst ; t,.thir.i n.w. wher. sue he consulted V. M. lU S3 S3 Xj K X & CO.. of johu Trigg, decMMd, wuiiau. a. Trig. (totttorvule. Mm I

HHH I IdlBIII f llilll II llsll 111 ' fell P" son, Howard, Ho'.ve, Ixirkw.HMl, Lane of on the past, pmant and future. Will pur.o. hartes A stock iv and wile Liu-- i sioct R""J J T3 Lalayu. 1 ! 91R9 ' What remains to be done, over and I . -- o , ,,, , his own ministers, an-- l had so seriously Indiana, Nve, Poland, Pomciov, ltam- - ioi-n- or 1...1 property rro.n MS SexHbnflJ Street. ldist. Wajker. in her own runt an d ... .ma' Wl JKEL --B m A re just 10 rweipt of Muirow,

above U. can be Lm . lone by private ,IfArki to lowered tod clir of the .ioveru- - -- y. She m.n S, a,.,,., St. ,,.r, Sum- - W '

d,d. .., h. r. SS5T Ifland helphas in build this road win Is-- e rdlally met hy met... TT. ,.,-- his recall."

.','7,!;' 1KAKLI Memphis." : Tenn. I fiWtgi oo o Peo priee, from to JgjBjnuT. IH the Southern Slates, the private the uiotiwd lueu nftfL Luuis. ' y,.", Roekaltw, Cowan, Davis, Doo-- A too by aU nspsetahle Praatlsto U.rmighout I?" XTfttTh&Th1: at ItoSS'lSd (SuSST'at prtees fhnn Eta Ktoahoou I'.l ' .Hfl oleuce of the Xdfth can better fl and

UAS A .Iisu-- from AtlanU., (.a . ... ,..; , rje kendrieks, JMDB, lb. out., Wit ,;lt,,.D rt.a.ydw.Mto.. TTT TlTffT ffl I gSg' iSSSS?1. Bsi i.l.llnH U-- Uiau the Gov- - - - - the HL Iiuis cpiiWcrn of the UHh lilt., la: K Ansae, HcDoacall. Morgan. Bh DDTlliP eedd that they and iLe sredu.'.. H- - -- ...cro.ew-f ltd AoadKliff 0 dar from so to ki per bun BurwsvU;.,B ,r "rlM UBOT.f"" j.'iut.u recom- - Mnch .tppreht-Hsioi- i' is felt in re- - Nesuiilh. .Norton, Kiddle. Salisbury and JIIK HKIII I llrrll.r f the ui of said John ' vumn,., tma rn,... ,,,,,,, am, OBO Doa. Poekat Ils, van., u. patter. ISSL " EHtm optoilaa id Id he en-- wti u the formation of a Board of Trade " ..' IRQ WL and unknown make th.-.- Spcaran.e )w. Ha,r oil. BBpaftonte BMP Imm.H liabtei.e.1 let s T gard to the full ero... Corn inS.iitii- - 1) herein at the Courthouse, .n of fmrtim jwr. ,... ar. atturcd that our and Extracts at Minufacturers AAA EBJiRB l.taillKK and I , (i. "Nearly every city," - -- - - - 1 here is much feehug on the subject Ifififi 1 Mehto Ttenns, within the first thr .t !c iroir LHcut Utan thot WS Ism. Cobban and Linen Haaoka

B ibi P...i.L!i-- and iAKKia.,v go that paper, "nfUJ Ktow.n fine ly an I eviywhnre this evening, and the Scat.- JLODOd A """.""'! v!' oa afAer honas. neh price South & East of Chattanooga,9 L. , .K- -i. . r? TW-'-t PBBri bjl Not so nn-l- , will he crowded to its utmost ETU"a5STd,t2S tSidS O--Sand Blind ar. node K 55 ftStSBaBUS. C TOOP Proprietor and! T VII J lat Planters capacity anrtS the Lt ' . . whim and . . Hr - ,w..i v planted, v.r, Slip hut, or same n .;i -- mber, thorm,, Envopw, haE9 TTJ-T-. .

AUanta does, a Ctaaibdr of Cam- -w , ris (.ll(UKl, lllnlHTrj . for confm. to the..,. ... ,.,r hearing


ui,.7 math up in a maerior and 22 heu S"dC. Paper MastadpjN Cenfmi KaiJ fiotirf, f 9HK '" Allayiag hatrei niw, . MerchanU' Exchange or a ''Vy of thlm WlT MTEWBtary McCull... 1. says tic- May -- on- SSlSk worksite mam Og-- m. co. Pant, Shm and TAs follows: 9ranUn interest due on the .rs wiH he paid . "a"." ":T!'"'"L" .?5 SSTwXlnd:" .fwr'"?!kw ,nt-'t- o .UJ, taptag ttat M J1Bt Ttlrifdfttf, Wfl .Wtf. SfiS S- - 1K Ue make I mercial In iU charmU-r- , w here .apitaltata I early this month. The amount of gold i - -- n..w ork. one nt Mrdon' im i;rv.v .u.srox fk and , ,'.'."" " SB Hon. Id. - dar..V the mistake, in. .or Ueatniei.. f ,i, r. , the negroes may be !n.lu.I to ICTUAin bi l tiuano Medium Fmm. .b MeKisick. M.ts ior caie.d-."- . mis" '""i ' utterly excluded nun VAtoe:, mo Doi. Looking Glseam aamrted dxe. Hmlysprings. R..d.lea.cr.. nay meet to discuss, ommer- - ,o . Liters r""'a,! 1,1 ,s -'""'' ' SSmS .tytos of fl .,-- . " wSSvStor ggj1

' r!T lyis.. ruts. ...... And au endlbsa variety ofroiects the coatt of p, rem. .v.rythlng apper- -

In the , met ... ,w,h.a.i.,g .he .ran-,x.r..U- o. of In-- j T,' ' ' '"l taT" . tn Friday morning the boiler of SriStBaunr-emt- wa lfl''Vde!i'',oi:r;,:wanat h.n. lcnle,J0ler & Klrtilvy, " ' : Builder, Contractors, awl-.-utu, to th. . flX I

afthirwe .m. .a. --a. .,,,, wdO. hcr TW... .... . 1t. omeresf.,riyn..cd. TOakVrtSi-resin- g sHBf fBBifty oy, Lie, to cuff NOTION TRADE, t53r&L Ion toe Government. I.t,h.;. , good, to he J Sk' ,U- - '"eOhionn.. Mii. S. C. TOOF, - 4 UllinUSSiOl Mereka.18, ZtaljlS Anowo.t JSSJfittJS Ithe work U to he efleetually d..,,. w. ." "" r,U,nM, with terr,U p.irrih.'Xo. M.mlp,.K..n "S?iSSSS3in w give. Bxtidn. M,e r. , wtcwt st, Memphis. ,i,v UK. r We p nl Q 1 I9 must ptrtonr own hands to to value where marked riWR.ren.ss. e.x. t"- - J" HfcrL totAlly IllSilMHig Ikd "' 'wJi'rt im jTT ' JfpA.s. ' Tt t I

There is more pood sense in these Oltog two Hunt and OatS, Brail, "h,. B of 1 I ' that Oielimte '..m- - men outright, A ?&SrZt "SStoSSSS. m mmi. --e. onmEJ "ceded In Atlaata" mittee on tffl ,d P,trls have veHy and other- - ' uuod -- muojj. n iinnm.".! w. m. L.';. ., : UI. am mmat MEjjtwm JcJS-WSST&S-rSS

I99 sp by the enure IUd.c.1 party under con.ideratioa a MR declaring it injuring two others, uamed Carter fn'n "SfiTMSS: FUKiR, B.UOJ, P0T1TWB, ZT .Tr ,5i.5H.inoroutofCongred WTi., treaty with the Chief and head ehaU be lawful tor aay or com- - nd arkes. Carter is so seriously in- - 5S?SSft2 hi? '.bw bwr"' wUb?rVw.7rt',,,T fl,,tt Ww-s-i B kmiMiton mm 1 J9 men l"ijWer PUtt nakotnh film State of J toat his recovery to very doaMful. rE wouM pectfuily inform ou, friends thmthfSf lo w xt ..Z: Lime, Cement, Plaster Wt,ng .urt yUxtng don to Johhbag house T,hoinViiMirTM f,.- - I M

fll MjJJSSSC SJIlSSLS; ""l has U.,, ..mcaHy lihn.,. for abridge ke. to badly hurt, bnt wiU py 1$ - Zc'S. "de, ettUuHtely CASH. JEHLE ft CO., IMAAl.Vard J LamL, ku mi- - SSTSTL """"r """"" 55 Mi-K"- i""i "'" IT ' .sfe PRODUOB, Maiu et. Msou A Court. 'T fl

to from the three-fourth- s of H wtl. notm snd seenrity. .n..n BseS-tot- Tim .tB . MBi nsuroi. s mmnearly apprev r.letter to Pre.iLo.t hostilities and to lay ox-e-r said bridga rail wav bfatoma, bagging, rope, etc.. w. McWILLIAM8 ft CO.,BH JS2L"b X , au a,?'",t ' rn pfeH . -- .Ue by Urn .11. and ' uu "it'i Monroe MM t TTOff Iffl 9Sl oiorafiom TS-- ".;'Wr Inline and if

' ,., ... v radnl that is or shall I near the mil. is in a state of ruin. TbeL jtitft m.Mmmr.One ,r from Main. W1 M W.

1 ofyA SSLST Xr"SS2 Lro ' flI" - " II 1

" rTilT ' '" ,,r' S '"' la MM river or opposite .said ow.ie, of the mUl thuiks the accident was DE. L. P. GRIGGS, HenryCOAvta. John H. am aimtiopof n.y dnai mtttonmn. 1IB di.imioi.i-- '

--- m i, ... . r,srr':''',r E -- . 2 ',;;itroflbeengir' Mactic vhv.ioian 9iw " iKor, (asa&SS-- - iewphisji eastern cities. 9

taMnMr.Lm.-- friead.m. Itrl " of all ma terminating At the I. JgJM 1 i 9, i tL- - -M9 Mshal of the 1,.,,,, during ,h. ISTir " ? EDUCATIONAL llfcTITUTHWS 9. 'dC .1 gt"".fm pe.. r A dtop .teeth.t Mr. (;eorge i W'U' ' - - .a,, at the tly, Jfy b. COTTON FACTORS COTTON 8BEK

day of hid death. I was in Urn m.mt , m, ,,. s! ,!,... "lars of the interwiew with President r.,1CVerm,'s:oM."U',",",wr,,wiir No 12 Jeftrv..u street, Meiupl.,,, Tenueee. 4S,5rot!Pll ZhM. " iWif.7aoTo,sVTi, and maatng :wo daily lam MH confidential and intimate relation. itb - f the bridge under tlie Umitalious and V Li tT.. ""C"' Beitis and John II ..raves t '? i'" """fei1 trt, vou , 9nj SstonSSB pri. ?r.inir...u Clncinaati to N.w Tor mmmntrntm

T hAd mAiiy and free oi.Mrsation." wi,b',r,, tb" "Verland conditions tohe provided. Lincoln, as rerte.l by Mr. Baldwin and j

ST iilSn'JlIS.t2- - S?rd. rt"

A VihSM ? I 'A X'.s.lwMagane street. New T''mur.io.wlll comeMav 13th l"""0.' ckdivcy anrwrnwrSTurSty STSSSem Pmmnm will dadjUe tavern ment U to pay toe. I J,,bn Minor Botte, ou toe -- Tto ulL He . SttJtTSLwitoh1o.,hT..ra'

yey for twenty W onfer WA New , r!. ,ry on Friday iys Mr. Lincoln was, from the ,., ..f WORSTT A Ww7SSi "Vw'.d irVd,gSS,,. V ih and ck- -. AprU ik. ROIRETHWC NEW! SlsHSSSS Ir IseflU upon then. 1 rough 1 1, a verdB of March, 1891, presse-l.ver- haM by some ' 3ft MF'SrS' v'1' S&TSSS'.fiSft'SJl uTS 9HI 1 own repeated dec,tJB favor of Ktig.-n- e B Overton vslthLong wound him to Fort Sumter ElV T TO" Wl H Mm, wm. nr' SOUtheiTl Match FaCtOTy. Z

I bewouldexer "J HorW'x Wmiaagton com Island raito-- a. The ptaioHir shipid brithout a struggle. This he dec-line- toMEMPHIS TEJfW., .'U'. S 0SteM,SS,J,u3il,. XL' Mnexi. Xl have opmwd. on eef agsSC52kmm ,d BilSB to

theponden, the Senate Commith--a. Unme c.7. h.s by tU. N.w v(rk v , 4o, liut aboutthe 1st df Aprii hesentfor cw of Main.fan Vlamil Sti gLErVSSiP SSSttfrtraWS 32'' :raKSha t SA le;'S?!WSt 99 at tonc'"l'on between fore.gn AtTah, have under which A'gL&f PSS5SW' eauu, K tVP; 9twojec-

-considers- - lailroa.1, were tramderied to Mr who was nwit. fciug fieie. ny pu m- -m

tioos of the country. As far as depended B.m the ,.,H- -e, defendant-an- d brought ... Nw Vor! "inU "nv ...ion. Mr. BJwTwent , wnatx caoaaxowaT. SStSS MTsy... SmeB toS. mWTw Bnxl. 'r.gL .SWrVK Sj&fevSS I

' 9on him, he would have had the Southern t,8g Uidefray They were delivered by .he hiJA" V,:.d,"tL -JB--Smn-U - fflir ' flapprobation. pe. railroad ,o iu place of Mr. Summers. The Presi- - , wTV- -

tfor the mStod U a Wai ! T--a. tn.C. Bminintatear.paeBtddinbothlntodsafCoo- - It L. am-er- - another party than the plaintiiv 'nie con- - h. gmat thus May acril. WheTO ? Mumm a mL fcjsejad,,

gress Within toe shortest time aitow.b.e. tain., tha, lit ni:, ... .,;yatoorbal, o, the'de.nndw.t-- Calm bo,. weredd,, uTl ij."". witllS" for- - 3 gjfe P'U'SaftSgaE j

flH The energies of h nature were g.v.uL, appropriation o the v and the plaiattTw it real owner of .er action, Z would abandon ' Port fu.... ' SM S.H '."ffllS'.S ffiSt AjSSSSl Doors an 1 Bli iI Ev' cook..vigorous proeccuuon of the war while for the tra ispatio,, ,., .. ur. , the pmperty. The latter was th. main Suinter. Mr. IL 'Thais mtiV: ehd!, !?rntSei!v KSL.J&'SS TfiS. FIKT CUSS C8TT0R LUO f -- ?a 1

the rebellioa lasted, but he was equally to the exLiUUnB. Ihe . .,mu w ,n potot in the oami; the plaintiff pfdocinn yxm ma5 SaiBa FWt Bum-- jS'l,''"!..! kg'gy'igtSIS ?S toatjml3Tr5 KK? i.ii? MrLU gg UACKBWBCHH a WABBEB. Orfc ! Pork I9Ai deurmined npidi a vigorous pronecu.ion probably amend .1, so thai the ,llVen...rs a bill f sale and Affirming he hnd pAid u-- r And Fort Picke,,., and agroe not to " u.l se.c.i.weei. ad re,ptf1iliy TZL? t vt'l mf For Sale. I Iofpe as s.s.,1 l- ariuod I. and others will be compelled , p,, ,., for it by mdondog the par, which he enforce the revenue llws in the Southern

f ""TtfS a co. "fefi 'mTSSmZk Mlf SUTket StalJis f 1

nhould t ended. lie knew Uie base de- - the transportation of the various articles, hail afterwards been cm,., lied to pay. States." The President bade him good Jtumm It teJ fm' JStaS" s i-re-. Hale.wtween th TlSSs t T angling of theliiec.or.of th.MempBto 1VfrT "eetred pwtoaanmr Snnsnor. 1 iH rai.iaJs to ke.-- up lit strife Bv this turee only will the money ge The defendaatsoontended that theblll of and sent for 10 A.S., aud U a A tsx-- company held at the ..mce of The Veg-tab- asd Pteh Band, lu the V J 2..guaoitu. iiionnn, .Xir. O. X. rox, Taavs or SAL.-Cre- dit of u mouths. Bond the Treasurer, n reserved that aa Instalment of and H.,u.h Markets, will old aSw nixi r .liml. ininnna. pjd (xks Ram. V SMH for their own advantage, and he was de- - be stidicieiit to ere-- ! thelsnld- - sale was without oooaMerattou and void, f and .Wired him to fit out An expedition A . ""y locate.!. 75 by uw w.ih appro ve.1 security aim. a Hen retained for twenty per sent, of Ike stock .uh-nb- be .ion, Monday. April :u. isS. . LS u m ot .'n ..r ...ATh ofl!.d' jr Se! '" ittNMtn, 9Lmttm termlned to thwart them, as he himselt ing-- and defray the other "etry Thejuiv ft.u.,.1 a veMiet for pialutiir for te rel pajr""!"t r tUe 1'urthaJ 'T.Vum .v j SnSSfeilS"M a Beady nok. iifltold me very often." rjitoea W, 83, the fuU amouw cUimml. tal been published by Mr. Fox. Jmlw MhJl.tsa. .p.Ul,Mmur. i gVoa, btcfr. Indent. ACausTHlTzrtrLD J '7xlt offlSST Mto af .t, 9

H9 k' ijrii n iMriteiTi miii 11 i i jflfl