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  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    [Comm_vol38]ThML Template 1.00

    Head SectionParagraphlength de!cription o" #oo$% l'r#&

    (ate "ir!t p'#li!hed in an) edition

    *n) availa#le in"o on the p'#lication hi!tor)

    *n) other comment!

    +n"ormation !peci"ic to print edition

    ,.g. -'!ell li#rar)% /31. #/h c./.

    +mage o" "ront o" #oo$% 2/00 piel! ide

    +mage o" !pine% 2/00 piel! high

    P'#li!her code o" electronic edition% a! a!!igned #) the CC,L

    *'thor +( a! a!!igned #) p'#li!her-oo$ +( a! a!!igned #) p'#li!her

    ,dition or ver!ion o" electronic edition

    Comment! a#o't editorial practice!4 hether !pelling

    a! normali5ed% hat a! done ith endo"line

    h)phen!% correction! made% tagging practice!% etc.

    * li!t o" p'#li!hed edition! and change!

    C'rrent editorial6p'#lication !tat'! o" tet

    7ther comment!








  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    T*9SL*T7:S P,;*C,

    79no portion o" TH,9,erome, Chr)!o!tom, and in part #) *'g'!tine% in the "o'rth= #) Theodoret in

    the "i"th= #) ?c'meni'! in the tenth= and #) Theoph)lact in the eleventh cent'r). -'t !ince thee"ormation% man) !eparate ,po!ition! have #een p'#li!hed% #e!ide a learned +ntrod'ction #)

    L'ther%and 9ote! or Scholia#) @'ingle and Melancthon.

    The "ir!t complete C7MM,9T*A% a! it appear!% a! ritten #) -'llinger= the !econd #) -'cer% a

    Pro"e!!or o" Theolog) at Cam#ridge "or a !hort time in the reign o" ,dard the Sith= and thenet in order o" time a! thi! e!'it! o" hi! on age% and perhap! o" an) in

    a"ter age!. There i! hardl) a !'#ect in an) mea!'re connected ith the content! o" thi! ,pi!tlehich Pare'! doe! not di!c'!!4 at the end o" ever) chapter a n'm#er o" I'e!tion! are !tated and

    an!ered% e!peciall) !'ch a! re"er to the di!p'te! #eteen Papi!t! and Prote!tant!. He al!o

    controvert! the perver!ion! o" Sociniani!m.

    The net or$ that reI'ire! partic'lar notice i! that o" T'rrettin% a Pro"e!!or o" Theolog) in the

    Fniver!it) o" Eeneva. +t a! p'#li!hed a#o't the commencement o" the la!t cent'r)= the a'thor

    died in the )ear 1J3J. The doctrine o" Calvin had !omehat degenerated in hi! time% tho'gh theor$ on the hole ta$e! the !ide o" orthodo). +t )et !ho! a leaning to tho!e vie!% hichcommonl) i!!'e it !entiment! !'#ver!ive o" the e!!ential! o" tr'e Chri!tianit).

    The "ir!t Commentar) p'#li!hed in thi! co'ntr)% compo!ed in ,ngli!h% a! #) ,lnathan Parr%

    -.(.% ector o" Palgrave in S'""ol$. He a!% a! it appear! the per!onal "riend o" Sir 9athanielBacon% an elder #rother o" LordBacon. He dedicated hi! or$ to Sir 9athaniel% and !pea$! o"

    him a having #een a hearer o" hat he p'#li!hed hen delivered "rom the p'lpit. "/Hi! !t)le i!

    that o" hi! age% and appear I'aint no= #'t hi! tho'ght! are o"ten ver) !tri$ing an tr'l) ecellent%and hi! !entiment! are holl) in accordant ith tho!e o" the e"ormer!.

    Since that time 'ntil thi! cent'r)% no or$ o" an) not ha! appeared !eparatel) on thi! ,pi!tle. -'t

    ithin the la!t thirt) )ear! !everal Commentarie! have #een p'#li!hed. -e!ide! tho!e o" ;latt andThol'c$in Eerman)% three at lea!t have appeared in thi! co'ntr)% and three in *merica. The

    a'thor! in *merica are Mo!e! St'art% M.*.% Pro"e!!or o" Sacred Literat're at *ndover in

    Ma!!ach'!ett!% the ev *l#ert -arne!% and Charle! Hodge% Pro"e!!or o" -i#lical Literat're at

    Princeton. Tho!e in thi! co'ntr) are the ev ;. ;r),ector o" (e!"ord% Leice!ter!hire% o#ertHaldane,!I.% and (r Chalmer!. The doctrine held #) Calvin i! e!!entiall) maintained in all

    the!e or$!% and in mo!t o" them in it! "'lle!t etent.


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    7" o'r *merican #rethren% the mo!t learned and the mo!t ver!ed in critici!m! i! Pro"e!!or St'art=

    the "'lle!t and the min'te!t epo!itor i! the ev. *. -arne!= and the ac'te!t and the mo!t conci!e

    commentator i! Pro"e!!or Hodge. The to "ir!t !eem% in !ome in!tance!% li$e T'rrettin% to deviate!omehat "rom hat ma) #e con!idered !trict orthodo)% at lea!t in their mode o" eplaining

    !ome !'#ect!4 the la!t i! lia#le to no charge o" thi! $ind.

    e!pecting o'r on co'ntr)men% there i! a more per"ect 'nanimit)% tho'gh the) #elonged todi""erent Ch'rche!. The Lect're! o" the ev. >. ;r) are tho!e o" a !trict Prede!tinarian% and )et

    replete ith remar$!% #oth eperimental and practical. The la)man% . Haldane% ,!I.% ha!

    di!pla)ed ver) high I'ali"ication! a! an epo!itor= he i! !trictl) and even !ti""l) orthodo% andcan #roo$ no deviation "rom hat he regard! a! the tr'th. 7" (r. Chalmer!: Lect're!% compri!ed

    in "o'r vol'me!% 1/mo% it i! di""ic'lt to prono'nce an opinion. The) are the prod'ction! o" a

    philo!opher:! and one o" the highe!t grade% ho% at the !ame time% po!!e!!ed the heart and theeperience o" an h'm#le Chri!tian. He epatiate! over the hole "ield o" tr'th ith the e)e o" an

    eagle% and ith the docilit) o" a child% itho't ever overleaping the #o'ndarie! o" revelation. He

    a! evidentl) a man #) him!el"% taller #) hi! !ho'lder! than mo!t men% either in thi! or in an)

    other age% having a mind a! !o'nd a! at a! vigoro'!% an imagination a! !o#er a! it a! creative%

    and a capacit) to ill'!trate and to ampli") I'ite 'neI'aled.

    *ll the!e or$! have their pec'liar ecellencie!% adapted to di""erent ta!te! and capacitie!% and no

    do'#t the) have their de"ect!. The !ame m'!t #e !aid o" Calvinsor$. -'t a! a conci!e and l'cidcommentator he certainl) ecel!. He i! not !o m'ch an epo'nder o" ord!% a! o" principle!. He

    carrie! on an 'n#ro$en chain o" rea!oning thro'gho't% in a #rie" and clear manner. Having ell

    con!idered the main dri"t o" a pa!!age% he !et! #e"ore '! hat it contain!% #) a #rie" !tatement or#) a clear proce!! o" rea!oning= and o"ten #) a !ingle !entence he thro! light on a hole

    pa!!age4 and tho'gh hi! mind po!!e!!ed more vigo'r o" intellect and !o'nd good !en!e% than

    hat i! called imagination= )et there are !ome "ine tho'ght! occa!ionall) occ'rring% #ea'ti"'ll)epre!!ed% to hich that "ac'lt) m'!t have given #irth. There i! al!o a no#le grande'r and dignit)

    in hi! !entiment!% rarel) to #e "o'nd in other riter!.Pro"e!!or St'art ha! '!tl) characteri5ed thi!

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    or practice% and tend! o"ten to epand the meaning and to render it clearer and more prominent.

    There ha! #een in deed !ometime! a pr'rienc) in thi! re!pect% an 'nhol) am#ition "or novelt)% a

    de!ire "or ne di!coverie!% an ind'lgence o" mere c'rio!it)% hich have #een ver) in'rio'!.M'ch o" thi! !ort o" mania prevailed among !ome o" the Eerman divine! in the la!t cent'r)% a!

    ei!h religion% and acc'!tomed% a! the) had #een% to the riting! o" the 7ldTe!tament. Hence their !t)le thro'gho't i! He#rai!tic= and the meaning o" man) o" the Eree$

    ord! hich the) '!e i! not to #e !o'ght "rom the Cla!!ic!% #'t "rom the Eree$ Tran!lation o" the

    ancient Script're!% and !ometime! "rom the He#re it!el"% o" hich that i! a tran!lation. "3

    M'ch evil and no good m'!t re!'lt "rom a claim that cannot #e !'pported4 nor i! it at all

    nece!!ar) to ma$e !'ch a claim. +t ha! #een long ago rep'diated% and rep'diated #) Pa'l him!el".

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    Corinthians% the ,pi!tle! to theEphesians%Philippians% Colossians%Philemon% and the

    Hebrews% the "ir!t to Timothy% the ,pi!tle to Titus% and the !econd to Timothy.

    The common date a!!igned to Pa'l:! conver!ion i! *( 3. He rote hi! "ir!t ,pi!tle% that i!% the"ir!t to the Thessalonians% in /% !eventeen )ear! a"ter hi! conver!ion. Hi! !econd ,pi!tle to

    Timothy% hi! la!t% a! ritten "rom ome in D. So that he rote hi! "o'rteen ,pi!tle! d'ring

    the!e thirteen )ear!. The hole etent o" hi! mini!tr) !eem! to have #een a#o't thirt) )ear!= "or iti! not !'ppo!ed that he long o'tlived the date o" hi! !econd ,pi!tle to Timoth). Tradition !a)!%

    that he a! #eheaded at ome% >'ne /= *( DD.

    Pa'l:! "ir!t coming to 7M,a! in the !pring o" the )ear D1. He contin'ed there a! a pri!oner "orto )ear!. "erome% ho% in the "o'rth cent'r)%!a)!% that Peter had #een #i!hop o" ome "or tent)"ive )ear! -'t thi! acco'nt i! !o clearl)

    incon!i!tent ith hat e learn "rom the *ct! o" the *po!tle! re!pecting Peter% that !ome o" the

    mo!t rea!ona#le o" the Papi!t! them!elve! have given it 'p a! 'north) o" credit. "D

    +t appear! net to a certaint) that Peter a! not at ome hen Pa'l rote hi! ,pi!tle in J or 8%"or he !end! no !al'tation to Peter4 G *nd al!o that he had not #een there previo'! to that time=

    "or it i! holl) 'nrea!ona#le to !'ppo!e% that% had he #een there% Pa'l o'ld have made no

    re"erence to hi! la#o'r!. +t "'rther amo'nt! almo!t to a certaint)% that Peter a! not at omehen Pa'l a! "or to )ear! a pri!oner there% "rom D1 to D3= "or he ma$e! no mention o" him in

    an) a)% not even in the "o'r or "ive ,pi!tle! hich he rote d'ring that time4 *nd that Peter

    a! not at ome d'ring Pa'l:! la!t impri!onment in D and DD% i! evident "rom the !econd ,pi!tleto Timoth)= "or he ma$e! no mention o" Peter% and hat he !a)! o" Chri!tian! there% that the) Kall

    "or!oo$ him% o'ld have #een highl) di!credita#le to Peter% i" he a! there. So that e have the

    !tronge!t rea!on! to concl'de% that Peter had no part in "orming and e!ta#li!hing a Ch'rch inome d'ring Pa'l:! li"e% hatever !hare in the or$ he might have had a"terard!. "J-'t the "ir!t

    tradition% or the "ir!t acco'nt% given #) +renO'! and Tert'llian% re"er! onl) to a cooperation4 and

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    )et thi! cooperation i! holl) incon!i!tent ith hat ha! #een !tated% the "orce o" hich no

    rea!ona#le man can re!i!t.

    The learned Pare'! proceed! in a di""erent a) to prove that Peter a! never at ome. He !ho!"rom di""erent part! o" the *ct! o" the *po!tle! and the ,pi!tle to the Ealatian!% that Peter a! in

    >'dea at the time hen tradition declare! that he a! at ome. Peter a! in >'dea hen Pa'l a!

    converted% *ct! = and three)ear! a"ter thi! G that i!% in the )ear 38% 80108NEalatian! 148. He a!in >'dea in the )ear % hen he a! impri!oned #) Herod% *ct! 1/% and in % "o'rteen )ear!

    a"ter Pa'l:! conver!ion% *ct! 1% 80/01NEalatian! /41. Had he #een to ome d'ring thi! time%

    !ome acco'nt o" !'ch a o'rne) m'!t !'rel) have #een given. *"ter thi! time e "ind that he a!at *ntioch% 80/11NEalatian! /411. +" it #e a!$ed% here did he a"terard! eerci!e hi! mini!tr)Q

    e!% a! he had hitherto mo!t clearl) done= "or he a! the

    *po!tle o" the Circ'mci!ion% and among tho!e to hom he !ent hi! ,pi!tle!. The dating o" the"ir!t at K-a#)lon% ha! led !ome to conect're that it a! a "ig'rative term "or ome= #'t h) not

    "or >er'!alem% or "or *ntiochQ "or Chri!tian! ere at that time treated ever)here li$e captive! or

    alien!% and e!peciall) in the land o" >'dea.

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    chapter! % 10% 11% treat! o" The Calling o" the Eentile!% The eection and ;'t're Conver!ion o"

    the >e!. The thirdcon!i!t! o" Practical ,hortation! and Sal'tation! to the Chri!tian! at ome.

    * more partic'lar *9*LAS+Sma) #e th'! given4 G

    I. Address * de!ire to vi!it ome a #rie" Bie o" The Eo!pel; 1:1-18.

    II. Just!"#t$%,

    &.* proo" o" it! nece!!it) G the !in and g'ilt o" #oth Eentile! and >e!% 1:18-3:21.

    '.+t! 9at're and Character G ,ample!% *#raham and (avid% 3:21-4.

    (.+t! ,""ect! or ;r'it! G Peace and ;'llne!! o" Erace% 5.= (eath 'nto Sin and ,ternal Li"e%

    6.= +mm'nit) "rom The La and The eigning Poer o" Sin% .Holine!!% The Spirit:! help%

    Patience in *""liction!% Per!everance% 8.

    III. G$d)s De#*%+s V%d"#tedG

    *.,lection and epro#ation% !.

    '.Fn#elie" and ;aith% 1".

    (.The eection o" the >e!% The *doption o" the Eentile!% The e!toration o" the >e!% 11.

    IV Crst#% Dutes

    &.(evotedne!! to Eod% Proper F!e o" Ei"t!% Love% (oing Eood% 12.

    '.7#edience to *'thorit)% Love to all% P'rit)% 13.

    (.;or#earance toard!

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    conviction o" reall) enlightened men in ever) age% hoever their opinion ma) have varied in

    other re!pect!.

    +t ma) !eem ver) !trange% hen e con!ider the plain and deci!ive lang'age% e!peciall) o" thi!,pi!tle% and the clear and concl'!ive rea!oning hich it ehi#it!% that an) attempt !ho'ld ever #e

    made #) a rea!ona#le #eing% ac$noledging the a'thorit) o" Script're% to pervert hat it plainl)

    teache!% and to evade hat it clearl) prove!. -'t a right vie o" hat h'man nat're i!% hen'nreneed% a! ehi#ited in Eod:!

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    contin'e! to ei!t. The acc'm'lation o" ceremonie! i! o" it!el" a !'""icient proo"% that !alvation

    #) "aith a! in a great mea!'re lo!t !ight o"4 e ant no other evidence= it i! hat ha! #een ever

    done henever the light o" tr'th ha! #ecome dim and o#!c're.

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    TH, ,P+STL, (,(+C*T7A

    >7H9 C*LB+9 T7 S+M79 EA9FS% ;


    + ,M,M-,that hen three )ear! ago e had a "riendl) conver!e a! to the #e!t mode o"

    epo'nding Script're% the plan hich e!peciall) plea!ed )o'% !eemed al!o to me the mo!tentitled to appro#ation4 e #oth tho'ght that the chie" ecellenc) o" an epo'nder con!i!t! in

    lucid brevity. *nd% indeed% !ince it i! almo!t hi! onl) or$ to la) open the mind o" the riter

    hom he 'nderta$e! to eplain% the degree in hich he lead! aa) hi! reader! "rom it% in thatdegree he goe! a!tra) "rom hi! p'rpo!e% and in a manner ander! "rom hi! on #o'ndarie!.

    Hence e epre!!ed a hope% that "rom the n'm#er o" tho!e ho !trive at thi! da) to advance the

    intere!t o" theolog) #) thi! $ind o" la#o'r% !ome one o'ld #e "o'nd% ho o'ld !t'd)plainne!!% and endeavo'r to avoid the evil o" tiring hi! reader! ith proliit). + $no at the !ame

    time that thi! vie i! not ta$en #) all% and that tho!e ho 'dge otheri!e have their rea!on!= #'t!till + cannot #e dran aa) "rom the love o" hat i! compendio'!. -'t a! there i! !'ch a variet)%

    "o'nd in the mind! o" men% that di""erent thing! plea!e di""erent per!on!% let ever) one in thi!ca!e "ollo hi! on 'dgment% provided that no one attempt! to "orce other! to adopt hi! on

    r'le!. Th'! it ill #e% that e ho approve o" #revit)% ill not reect nor de!pi!e the la#o'r! o"

    tho!e ho are more copio'! and di""'!ed in their eplanation! o" Script're% and that the) al!o intheir t'rn ill #ear ith '!% tho'gh the) ma) thin$ '! too compre!!ed and conci!e.

    + indeed co'ld not have re!trained m)!el" "rom attempting !omething to #ene"it the Ch'rch o"

    Eod in thi! a). + am% hoever% #) no mean! con"ident that + have attained hat at that time!eemed #e!t to '!= nor did + hope to attain it hen + #egan= #'t + have endeavo'red !o to reg'late

    m) !t)le% that + might appear to aim at that model. Ho "ar + have !'cceeded% a! it i! not m) part

    to determine% + leave to #e decided #) )o' and #) !'ch a! )o' are.

    That + have dared to ma$e the trial% e!peciall) on thi! ,pi!tle o" Pa'l% + indeed !ee% ill !'#ect

    me to the condemnation o" man)4 "or !ince men o" !o m'ch learning have alread) la#o'red in the

    eplanation o" it% it !eem! not pro#a#le that there i! an) room "or other! to prod'ce an) thing

    #etter. *nd + con"e!!% that tho'gh + promi!ed to m)!el" !ome "r'it "rom m) la#o'r% + a! at "ir!tdeterred #) thi! tho'ght= "or + "eared% le!t + !ho'ld inc'r the imp'tation o" pre!'mption #)

    appl)ing m) hand to a or$ hich had #een eec'ted #) !o man) ill'!trio'! or$men. There are

    etant on thi! ,pi!tle man) Commentarie! #) the ancient!% and man) #) modern riter!4 andtr'l) the) co'ld have never emplo)ed their la#o'r! in a #etter a)= "or hen an) one

    'nder!tand! thi! ,pi!tle% he ha! a pa!!age opened to him to the 'nder!tanding o" the hole

    Script're.7" the ancient! ho have% #) their piet)% learning% holine!!% and al!o #) their age% gained !o

    m'ch a'thorit)% that e o'ght to de!pi!e nothing o" hat the) have add'ced% + ill !a) nothing=

    and ith regard to tho!e ho live at thi! da)% it i! o" no #ene"it to mention them all #) name4 7"tho!e ho have !pent mo!t la#o'r in thi! or$% + ill epre!! m) opinion.

    Philip Melancthon% ho% #) hi! !ing'lar learning and ind'!tr)% and #) that readine!! in all $ind!

    o" $noledge% in hich he ecel!% ha! introd'ced more light than tho!e ho had preceded him.


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    -'t a! it !eem! to have #een hi! o#ect to eamine onl) tho!e thing! hich are mainl) orth) o"

    attention% he delt at large on the!e% and de!ignedl) pa!!ed #) man) thing! hich common

    mind! "ind to #e di""ic'lt. Then "ollo! -'llinger% ho ha! '!tl) attained no !mall prai!e= "orith learning he ha! connected plainne!!% "or hich he ha! #een highl) commended. +n the la!t

    place come! -'cer% ho% #) p'#li!hing hi! or$!% ha! given a! it ere the "ini!hing !tro$e. ;or

    in addition to hi! recondite learning and enlarged $noledge o" thing!% and to the clearne!! o" hi!mind% and m'ch reading and man) other ecellencie!% in hich he i! hardl) !'rpa!!ed #) an) at

    thi! da)% eI'aled #) "e and ecelled #) !till "eer G he po!!e!!e!% a! )o' $no% thi! prai!e a!

    hi! on G that no one in o'r age ha! #een ith !o m'ch la#o'r engaged in the or$ o"epo'nding Script're. "10

    *! then it o'ld have #een% + $no% a proo" o" the mo!t pre!'mpt'o'! rivalr)% to i!h to contend

    ith !'ch men% !'ch a thing never entered m) mind= nor have + a de!ire to ta$e "rom them thelea!t portion o" their prai!e. Let that "avor and a'thorit)% hich according to the con"e!!ion o" all

    good men the) have de!erved% #e contin'ed to them. Thi!% hoever% + tr'!t% ill #e alloed G

    that nothing ha! #een done #) men !o a#!ol'tel) per"ect% that there i! no room le"t "or the

    ind'!tr) o" tho!e ho !'cceed them% either to poli!h% or to adorn% or to ill'!trate. 7" m)!el" +

    vent're not to !a) an) thing% ecept that + tho'ght that m) la#o'r o'ld not #e '!ele!!% and that +have 'nderta$en it "or no other rea!on than to promote the p'#lic good o" the Ch'rch.

    + "arther hoped% that #) adopting a di""erent plan% + !ho'ld not epo!e m)!el" to the invidio'!charge o" rivalr)% o" hich + a! a"raid in the "ir!t in!tance.Philippattained hi! o#ect #)

    ill'!trating the principal point!4 #eing occ'pied ith the!e primar) thing!% he pa!!ed #) man)

    thing! hich de!erve attention= and it a! not hi! p'rpo!e to prevent other! to eamine them.-'cer i! too di""'!e "or men in #'!ine!! to read% and too pro"o'nd to #e 'nder!tood #) !'ch a!

    are !imple and not capa#le o" m'ch application4 "or hatever #e the !'#ect hich he handle!% !o

    man) thing! are !'gge!ted to him thro'gh the incredi#le "ec'ndit) o" hi! mind% in hich heecel!% that he $no! not hen to !top. Since then the "ir!t ha! not eplained ever) pa!!age% and

    the other ha! handled ever) point more at large than it can #e read in a !hort time% m) de!ign ha!not even the appearance o" #eing an act o" rival!hip. +% hoever% he!itated "or !ome time% hether

    it o'ld #e #etter to gather !ome gleaning! a"ter the!e and other!% #) hich + might a!!i!th'm#ler mind! G or to compo!e a reg'lar comment% in hich + !ho'ld nece!!aril) have to repeat

    man) thing! hich have #een previo'!l) !aid #) them all% or at lea!t #) !ome o" them. -'t a!

    the) o"ten var) "rom one another% and th'! pre!ent a di""ic'lt) to !imple reader!% ho he!itate a!to hat opinion the) o'ght to receive% + tho'ght that it o'ld #e no vain la#o'r% i" #) pointing

    o't the #e!t eplanation% + relieved them "rom the tro'#le o" "orming a 'dgment% ho are not

    a#le to "orm a 'dgment "or them!elve!= and e!peciall) a! + determined to treat thing! !o #rie"l)%that itho't m'ch lo!! o" time% reader! ma) per'!e in m) or$ hat i! contained in other

    riting!. +n !hort% + have endeavo'red that no one ma) '!tl) complain% that there are here man)

    thing! hich are !'per"l'o'!.7" the '!e"'lne!! o" thi! or$ + ill !a) nothing= men not malignant% ill% hoever% it ma) #e%

    have rea!on! to con"e!!% that the) have derived "rom it more #ene"it than + can ith an) mode!t)

    dare to promi!e. 9o% that + !ome time! di!!ent "rom other!% or !omehat di""er "rom them% it i!

    #'t right that + !ho'ld #e ec'!ed. S'ch veneration e o'ght indeed to entertain "or the

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    Eod% he !'rel) cannot #e end'red% ho% ith imp're% or even ith 'nprepared hand!% ill handle

    that ver) thing% hich o" all thing! i! the mo!t !acred on earth. +t i! there"ore an a'dacit)% clo!el)

    allied to a !acrilege% ra!hl) to t'rn Script're in an) a) e plea!e% and to ind'lge o'r "ancie! a! in!port= hich ha! #een done#) man) in "ormer time!.

    -'t e ever "ind% that even tho!e ho have not #een de"icient in their 5eal "or piet)% nor in

    reverence and !o#riet) in handling the m)!terie! o" Eod% have #) no mean! agreed amongthem!elve! on ever) point= "or Eod hath never "avored hi! !ervant! ith !o great a #ene"it% that

    the) ere all end'ed ith a "'ll and per"ect $noledge in ever) thing= and% no do'#t% "or thi! end

    G that he might "ir!t $eep them h'm#le= and !econdl)% render them di!po!ed to c'ltivate#rotherl) interco'r!e. Since then hat o'ld otheri!e #e ver) de!ira#le cannot #e epected in

    thi! li"e% that i!% 'niver!al con!ent among '! in the interpretation o" all part! o" Script're% e

    m'!t endeavo'r% that% hen e depart "rom the !entiment! o" o'r predece!!or!% e ma) not #e!tim'lated #) an) h'mo'r "or novelt)% nor impelled #) an) l'!t or de"aming other!% nor

    in!tigated #) hatred% nor tic$led #) an) am#ition% #'t con!trained #) nece!!it) alone% and #) the

    motive o" !ee$ing to do good4 and then% hen thi! i! done in interpreting Script're% le!! li#ert)ill #e ta$en in the principle! o" religion% in hich Eod o'ld have the mind! o" hi! people to #e

    e!peciall) 'nanimo'!. eader! ill ea!il) perceive that + had #oth the!e thing! in vie.

    -'t a! it #ecome! not me to decide or to prono'nce an) thing re!pecting m)!el"% + illingl)allo )o' thi! o""ice= to ho!e 'dgment% !ince almo!t all in mo!t thing! de"er% + o'ght in

    ever)thing to de"er% ina!m'ch a! )o' are intimatel) $non to me #) "amiliar interco'r!e= hich

    i! ont !omehat to dimini!h the e!teem had "or other!% #'t doe! not a little increa!e )o'r!% a! i!ell $non among al the learned. ;areell.

    %T&'%()&G*+ 18th $,toer 153!.


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    ,P+STL, T7 TH, 7M*9S.

    TH, *EFM,9T

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    ec'!e hich the) pleaded "rom ignorance% #eca'!e con!cience a! to them a la% and #) thi!

    the) ere a#'ndantl) convicted a! g'ilt). He chie"l) 'rge! on the >e! that "rom hich the) too$

    their de"en!e% even the ritten la= and a! the) ere proved to have tran!gre!!ed it% the) co'ldnot "ree them!elve! "rom the charge o" iniI'it)% and a !entence again!t them had alread) #een

    prono'nced #) the mo'th o" Eod him!el". He at the !ame time o#viate! an) o#ection hich

    might have #een made #) them G that the covenant o" Eod% hich a! the !)m#ol o" holine!!%o'ld have #een violated% i" the) ere not to #e di!ting'i!hed "rom other!. Here he "ir!t !ho!%

    that the) ecelled not other! #) the right o" the covenant% "or the) had #) their 'n"aith"'lne!!

    departed "rom it4 and then% that he might not derogate "rom the perpet'it) o" the divine promi!e%he concede! to them !ome privilege a! ari!ing "rom the covenant= #'t it proceeded "rom the

    merc) o" Eod% and not "rom their merit!. So that ith regard to their on I'ali"ication! the)

    ere on a level ith the Eentile!. He then prove! #) the a'thorit) o" Script're% that #oth >e!

    and Eentile! ere all !inner!= and he al!o !lightl) re"er! to the '!e o" the la.

    Having holl) deprived all man$ind o" their con"idence in their on virt'e and o" their #oa!t o"

    righteo'!ne!!% and laid them pro!trate #) the !everit) o" Eod:! 'dgment% he ret'rn! to hat he

    had #e"ore laid don a! hi! !'#ect G that e are '!ti"ied #) "aith= and he eplain! hat "aith i!%

    and ho the righteo'!ne!! o" Chri!t i! #) it attained #) '!. To the!e thing! he add! at the end o"the thirdchapter a remar$a#le concl'!ion% ith the vie o" #eating don the "iercene!! o"

    h'man pride% that it might not dare to rai!e 'p it!el" again!t the grace o" Eod4 and le!t the >e!!ho'ld con"ine !o great a "avor o" Eod to their on nation% he al!o #) the a) claim! it in #ehal"

    o" the Eentile!.

    +n thefourthchapter he rea!on! "rom eample= hich he add'ce! a! #eing evident% and hence notlia#le to #e cavilled at= and it i! that o" *#raham% ho% #eing the "ather o" the "aith"'l o'ght to #e

    deemed a pattern and a $ind o" 'niver!al eample. Having then proved that he a! '!ti"ied #)

    "aith% the *po!tle teache! '! that e o'ght to maintain no other a) o" '!ti"ication. *nd here he!ho!% that it "ollo! "rom the r'le o" contrarie!% that the righteo'!ne!! o" or$! cea!e! to ei!t%

    !ince the righteo'!ne!! o" "aith i! introd'ced. *nd he con"irm! thi! #) the declaration o" (avid%ho% #) ma$ing the #le!!edne!! o" man to depend on the merc) o" Eod% ta$e! it aa) "rom

    or$!% a! the) are incapa#le o" ma$ing a man #le!!ed. He then treat! more "'ll) hat he had#e"ore !hortl) re"erred to G that the >e! had no rea!on to rai!e them!elve! a#ove the Eentile!%

    a! thi! "elicit) i! eI'all) common to them #oth% !ince Script're declare! that *#raham o#tained

    thi! righteo'!ne!! in an 'ncirc'mci!ed !tate4 and here he ta$e! the opport'nit) o" adding !omeremar$! on the '!e o" circ'mci!ion. He a"terard! !'#oin!% that the promi!e o" !alvation

    depend! on Eod:! goodne!! alone4 "or ere it to depend on the la% it co'ld not #ring peace to

    con!cience!% hich it o'ght to con"irm% nor co'ld it attain it! on "'l"illment. Hence% that it ma)#e !'re and certain% e m'!t% in em#racing it% regard the tr'th o" Eod alone% and not o'r!elve!%

    and "ollo the eample o" *#raham% ho% t'rning aa) "rom him!el"% had regard onl) to the

    poer o" Eod. *t the end o" the chapter% in order to ma$e a more general application o" theadd'ced eample% he introd'ce! !everal compari!on!.

    +n thefifthchapter% a"ter having to'ched on the "r'it and e""ect! o" the righteo'!ne!! o" "aith% he

    i! almo!t holl) ta$en 'p ith ill'!tration!% in order to ma$e the point clearer. ;or% ded'cing an

    arg'ment "rom one greater% he !ho! ho m'ch e% ho have #een redeemed and reconciled toEod% o'ght to epect "rom hi! love= hich a! !o a#'ndantl) po'red "orth toard! '!% hen e

    ere !inner! and lo!t% that he gave "or '! hi! onl)#egotten and #eloved Son. He a"terard!

    ma$e! compari!on! #eteen !in and "ree righteo'!ne!!% #eteen Chri!t and *dam% #eteen


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    death and li"e% #eteen the la and grace4 it hence appear! that o'r evil!% hoever va!t the) are%

    are !alloed 'p #) the in"inite merc) o" Eod.

    He proceed! in thesi#thchapter to mention the !ancti"ication hich e o#tain in Chri!t. +t i!indeed nat'ral to o'r "le!h% a! !oon a! it ha! had !ome !light $noledge o" grace% to ind'lge

    I'ietl) in it! on vice! and l'!t!% a! tho'gh it had #ecome "ree "rom all danger4 #'t Pa'l% on the

    contrar)% contend! here% that e cannot parta$e o" the righteo'!ne!! o" Chri!t% ecept e al!o la)hold on !ancti"ication. He rea!on! "rom #apti!m% #) hich e are initiated into a participation o"

    Chri!t% Rper $uem in !hristi participationem initiamur% and in it e are #'ried together ith

    Chri!t% !o that #eing dead in o'r!elve!% e ma) thro'gh hi! li"e #e rai!ed to a nene!! o" li"e. +tthen "ollo!% that itho't regeneration no one can p't on hi! righteo'!ne!!. He hence ded'ce!

    ehortation! a! to p'rit) and holine!! o" li"e% hich m'!t nece!!aril) appear in tho!e ho have

    #een removed "rom the $ingdom o" !in to the $ingdom o" righteo'!ne!!% the !in"'l ind'lgence o"the "le!h% hich !ee$! in Chri!t a greater li#ert) in !inning% #eing ca!t a!ide. He ma$e! al!o a

    #rie" mention o" the la a! #eing a#rogated= and in the a#rogation o" thi! the 9e Te!tament

    !hine! "orth eminentl)= "or together ith the remi!!ion o" !in!% it contain! the promi!e o" the

    Hol) Spirit.

    +n theseventhchapter he enter! on a "'ll di!c'!!ion on the '!e o" the la% hich he had pointed

    o't #e"ore a! it ere #) the "inger% hile he had another !'#ect in hand4 he a!!ign! a rea!on h)

    e are loo!ed "rom the la% and that i!% #eca'!e it !erve! onl) "or condemnation. Le!t% hoever%he !ho'ld epo!e the la to reproach% he clear! it in the !tronge!t term! "rom an) imp'tation o"

    thi! $ind= "or he !ho! that thro'gh o'r "a'lt it i! that the la% hich a! given "or li"e% t'rn! to

    #e an occa!ion o" death. He al!o eplain! ho !in i! #) it increa!ed. He then proceed! to de!cri#ethe conte!t #eteen the Spirit and the "le!h% hich the children o" Eod "ind in them!elve!% a!

    long a! the) are !'rro'nded #) the pri!on o" a mortal #od)= "or the) carr) ith them the relic! o"

    l'!t% #) hich the) are contin'all) prevented "rom )ielding "'ll o#edience to the la.

    The eighthchapter contain! a#'ndance o" con!olation!% in order that the con!cience! o" the

    "aith"'l% having heard o" the di!o#edience hich he had #e"ore proved% or rather imper"ecto#edience% might not #e terri"ied and deected. -'t that the 'ngodl) might not hence "latter

    them!elve!% he "ir!t te!ti"ie! that thi! privilege #elong! to none #'t to the regenerated% in homthe Spirit o" Eod live! and prevail!. He 'n"old! then to thing! G that all ho are planted #) the

    Spirit in the Lord >e!'! Chri!t% are #e)ond the danger or the chance o" condemnation% hoever

    #'rdened the) ma) )et #e ith !in!= and% al!o% that all ho remain in the "le!h% #eing itho't the!ancti"ication o" the Spirit% are #) no mean! parta$er! o" thi! great #ene"it. He a"terard!

    eplain! ho great i! the certaint) o" o'r con"idence% !ince the Spirit o" Eod #) hi! on

    te!timon) drive! aa) all do'#t! and "ear!. He "'rther !ho!% "or the p'rpo!e o" anticipatingo#ection!% that the certaint) o" eternal li"e cannot #e intercepted or di!t'r#ed #) pre!ent evil!% to

    hich e are !'#ect in thi! li"e= #'t that% on the contrar)% o'r !alvation i! promoted #) !'ch

    trial!% and that the val'e o" it% hen compared ith o'r pre!ent mi!erie!% render! them a! nothing.He con"irm! thi! #) the eample o" Chri!t% ho% #eing the "ir!t#egotten and holding the highe!t

    !tation in the "amil) o" Eod% i! the pattern to hich e m'!t all #e con"ormed. *nd% in the la!t

    place% a! tho'gh all thing! ere made !ec're% he concl'de! in a mo!t e'lting !train% and #oldl)

    tri'mph! over all the poer and arti"ice! o" Satan.

    -'t a! mo!t ere m'ch concerned on !eeing the >e!% the "ir!t g'ardian! and heir! o" the

    covenant% reecting Chri!t% "or the) hence concl'ded% that either the covenant a! tran!"erred


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    "rom the po!terit) o" *#raham% ho di!regarded the "'l"illing o" the covenant% or that he% ho

    made no #etter provi!ion "or the people o" +!rael% a! not the promi!ed edeemer G he meet!

    thi! o#ection at the #eginning o" the ninth chapter. Having then !po$en o" hi! love toard! hi!on nation% that he might not appear to !pea$ "rom hatred% and having al!o d'l) mentioned tho!e

    privilege! #) hich the) ecelled other!% he gentl) glide! to the point he had in vie% that i!% to

    remove the o""ence% hich aro!e "rom their on #lindne!!. *nd he divide! the children o"*#raham into to cla!!e!% that he might !ho that not all ho de!cended "rom him according to

    the "le!h% are to #e co'nted "or !eed and #ecome parta$er! o" the grace o" the covenant= #'t that%

    on the contrar)% alien! #ecome hi! children% hen the) po!!e!! hi! "aith. He #ring! "orard >aco#and ,!a' a! eample!. He then re"er! '! #ac$ here to the election o" Eod% on hich the hole

    matter nece!!aril) depend!. -e!ide!% a! election re!t! on the merc) o" Eod alone% it i! in vain to

    !ee$ the ca'!e o" it in the orthine!! o" man. There i!% on the other hand% reection Rrejectio% the

    '!tice o" hich i! ind'#ita#le% and )et there i! no higher ca'!e "or it than the ill o" Eod. 9earthe end o" the chapter% he !et! "orth the calling o" the Eentile! and the reection o" the >e! a!

    proved #) the prediction! o" the Prophet!.

    Having again #eg'n% in the tenthchapter% #) te!ti")ing hi! love toard! the >e!% he declare! that

    a vain con"idence in their on or$! a! the ca'!e o" their r'in= and le!t the) !ho'ld pretend thela% he o#viate! their o#ection% and !a)!% that e are even #) the la it!el" led a! it ere #) the

    hand to the righteo'!ne!! o" "aith. He add! that thi! righteo'!ne!! i! thro'gh Eod:! #o'nti"'lgoodne!! o""ered indi!criminatel) to all nation!% #'t that it i! onl) apprehended #) tho!e% hom

    the Lord thro'gh !pecial "avor ill'minate!. *nd he !tate!% that more "rom the Eentile! than "rom

    the >e! o'ld o#tain thi! #ene"it% a! predicted #oth #) Mo!e! and #) +!aiah= the one havingplainl) prophe!ied o" the calling o" the Eentile!% and the other o" the hardening o" the >e!.

    The I'e!tion !till remained% K+! there not a di""erence #eteen the !eed o" *#raham and other

    nation! according to the covenant o" EodQ Proceeding to an!er thi! I'e!tion% he "ir!t remind!'!% that the or$ o" Eod i! not to #e limited to hat i! !een #) o'r e)e!% !ince the elect o"ten

    e!cape o'r o#!ervation= "or ,lia! a! "ormerl) mi!ta$en% hen he tho'ght that religion had#ecome holl) etinct among the +!raelite!% hen there ere !till remaining !even tho'!and=

    and% "'rther% that e m'!t not #e perpleed #) the n'm#er o" 'n#eliever!% ho% a! e !ee% hatethe go!pel. He at length allege!% that the covenant o" Eod contin'e! even to the po!terit) o"

    *#raham according to the "le!h% #'t to tho!e onl) hom the Lord #) a "ree election hath

    prede!tinated. He then t'rn! to the Eentile!% and !pea$! to them% le!t the) !ho'ld #ecome in!olenton acco'nt o" their adoption% and e'lt over the >e! a! having #een reected !ince the) ecel

    them in nothing% ecept in the "ree "avor o" the Lord% hich o'ght to ma$e them the more

    h'm#le= and that thi! ha! not holl) departed "rom the !eed o" *#raham% "or the >e! ere atlength to #e provo$ed to em'lation #) the "aith o" the Eentile!% !o that Eod o'ld gather all

    +!rael to him!el".

    The threechapter! hich "ollo are admonitor)% #'t the) are vario'! in their content!. Thetwelfthchapter contain! general precept! on Chri!tian li"e. The thirteenth% "or the= mo!t part%

    !pea$! o" the a'thorit) o" magi!trate!.

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    !'per!tition in!i!ted on the o#!ervance o" Mo!aic rite!% and co'ld not end're the neglect o" them

    itho't #eing mo!t grievo'!l) o""ended= !o there ere other!% ho% #eing convinced o" their

    a#rogation% and anio'! to p'll don !'per!tition% de!ignedl) !hoed their contempt o" !'chthing!. -oth partie! o""ended thro'gh #eing too intemperate= "or the !'per!titio'! condemned the

    other! a! #eing de!pi!er! o" Eod:! la= and the latter in their t'rn 'nrea!ona#l) ridic'led the

    !implicit) o" the "ormer. There"ore the *po!tle recommend! to #oth a #e"itting moderation%deporting the one "rom !'percilio'!ne!! and in!'lt% and the other "rom ece!!ive moro!ene!!4

    and he al!o pre!cri#e! the #e!t a) o" eerci!ing Chri!tian li#ert)% #) $eeping ithin the

    #o'ndarie! o" love and edi"ication= and he "aith"'ll) provide! "or the ea$% hile he "or#id! themto do an) thing in oppo!ition to con!cience.

    Thefifteenth chapter #egin! ith a repetition o" the general arg'ment% a! a concl'!ion o" the

    hole !'#ect G that the !trong !ho'ld '!e their !trength in endeavo'r! to con"irm the ea$.*nd a! there a! a perpet'al di!cord% ith regard to the Mo!aic ceremonie!% #eteen the >e!

    and the Eentile!% he alla)! all em'lation #eteen them #) removing the ca'!e o" contention= "or

    he !ho!% that the !alvation o" #oth re!ted on the merc) o" Eod alone= on hich rel)ing% the)

    o'ght to la) a!ide all high tho'ght! o" them!elve! and #eing there#) connected together in the

    hope o" the !ame inheritance% the) o'ght m't'all) to em#race one another. *nd #eing anio'!% inthe la!t place% to t'rn a!ide "or the p'rpo!e o" commending hi! on apo!tle!hip% hich !ec'red

    no !mall a'thorit) to hi! doctrine% he ta$e! occa!ion to de"end him!el"% and to deprecatepre!'mption in having a!!'med ith !o m'ch con"idence the o""ice o" teacher among them. He

    "'rther give! them !ome hope o" hi! coming to them% hich he had mentioned at the #eginning%

    #'t had hitherto in vain loo$ed "or and tried to e""ect= and he !tate! the rea!on hich at that timehindered him% and that a!% #eca'!e the ch'rche! o" Macedonia and *chaia had committed to

    him the care o" conve)ing to >er'!alem tho!e alm! hich the) had given to relieve the ant! o"

    the "aith"'l in that cit).

    The last chapter i! almo!t entirel) ta$en 'p ith !al'tation!% tho'gh !cattered ith !ome precept!

    orth) o" all attention= and concl'de! ith a remar$a#le pra)er.


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos



    ,P+STL, 7; ST. P*FL T7 TH, 7M*9S.

    CH*PT, 1ROMANS&/&01

    &.Pa'l% a !ervant o" >e!'! Chri!t% called to

    #e an apo!tle% !eparated 'nto the go!pel o"


    &.Pa'l'!% !erv'! +e!' Chri!ti% vocat'!

    *po!tol'!% !elect'! in ,vangeli'm


    1.To all that #e in ome% #eloved o" Eod%

    called to #e !aint!4 Erace to )o'% and

    peace% "rom Eod o'r ;ather% and the Lord

    >e!'! Chri!t.

    1.7mni#'! I'i omU e!ti!% dilecti!

    (eo% vocati! !ancti!4 gratia vo#i!% et

    pa a (eo Patre no!tro% et (omino

    +e!' Chri!to.

    &.Paul,etc. "11 G

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    Ch'rch. He there"ore !a)!% that he a! aservanto" Chri!t% and called to the o""ice o" an *po!tle%

    there#) intimating that he had not pre!'mpt'o'!l) intr'ded into that o""ice. He then add!% that he

    a! chosen% R!elect'm G !elected% "1 #) hich he more "'ll) con"irm! the "act% that he a! notone o" the people% #'t a partic'lar *po!tle o" the Lord. Con!i!tentl) ith thi!% he had #e"ore

    proceeded "rom hat a! general to hat a! partic'lar% a! the *po!tle!hip a! an e!pecial

    !ervice= "or all ho !'!tain the o""ice o" teaching are to #e deemed Chri!t:! !ervant!% #'t*po!tle!% in point o" honor% "ar eceed all other!. -'t the choosing"or the go!pel% etc.% hich he

    a"terard! mention!% epre!!e! the end a! ell a! the '!e o" the *po!tle!hip= "or he intended

    #rie"l) to !ho "or hat p'rpo!e he a! called to that "'nction. -) !a)ing then that he a!!ervant o" Chri!t% he declared hat he had in common ith other teacher!= #) claiming to

    him!el" the title o" an *po!tle% he p't him!el" #e"ore other!= #'t a! no a'thorit) i! d'e to him ho

    ill"'ll) intr'de! him!el"% he remind! '!% that he a! appointed #) Eod.

    Then the meaning i!% G that Pa'l a! a !ervant o" Chri!t% not an) $ind o" !ervant% #'t an

    *po!tle% and that #) the call o" Eod% and not #) pre!'mpt'o'! intr'!ion4 then "ollo! a clearer

    eplanation o" the *po!tolic o""ice% G it a! ordained "or the preaching o" the Eo!pel. ;or +

    cannot agree ith tho!e ho re"er thi! call o" hich he !pea$! to the eternal election o" Eod= and

    ho 'nder!tand the !eparation% either that "rom hi! mother:! om#% hich he mention! in8011NEalatian! 141% or that hich L'$e re"er! to% hen Pa'l a! appointed "or the Eentile!4 #'t

    + con!ider that he !impl) glorie! in having Eod a! the a'thor o" hi! call% le!t an) one !ho'ld thin$that he had thro'gh hi! on ra!hne!! ta$en thi! honor to him!el". "1D

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    (.!oncerning his own Son,etc. G Thi! i! a remar$a#le pa!!age% #) hich e are ta'ght that the

    hole go!pel i! incl'ded in Chri!t% !o that i" an) remove! one !tep "rom Chri!t% he ithdra!

    him!el" "rom the go!pel. ;or !ince he i! the living and epre!! image o" the ;ather% it i! noonder% that he alone i! !et #e"ore '! a! one to hom o'r hole "aith i! to #e directed and in

    hom it i! to center. +t i! then a de"inition o" the go!pel% #) hich Pa'l epre!!e! hat i!

    !'mmaril) comprehended in it. + have rendered the ord! hich "ollo%'esus !hrist our )ord%in the !ame ca!e= hich !eem! to me to #e mo!t agreea#le ith the contet.

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    hich all the "aith"'l "eel in their heart!% i! even evident "rom thi! G that he epre!!l) call! it the

    Spirit o" Holine!!= a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the Spirit% a! "ar a! it !ancti"ie!% con"irm! and

    rati"ie! that evidence o" it! poer hich it once ehi#ited. ;or the Script're i! ont o"ten toa!cri#e !'ch title! to the Spirit% a! tend to ill'!trate o'r pre!ent !'#ect. Th'! He i! called #) o'r

    Lord the Spirit o" Tr'th% on acco'nt o" the e""ect hich he mention!= R311JN>ohn 141J

    -e!ide!% a divine poer i! !aid to have !hone "orth in the re!'rrection o" Chri!t "or thi! rea!on G#eca'!e he ro!e #) hi! on poer% a! he had o"ten te!ti"ied4

    K(e!tro) thi! temple% and in three da)!

    + ill rai!e it 'p again% R30/1N>ohn /41=

    K9o man ta$eth it "rom me% etc.= R31018N>ohn 10418

    ;or he gained victor) over death% Rto hich he )ielded ith regard to the ea$ne!! o" the "le!h%

    not #) aid !o'ght "rom another% #'t #) the cele!tial operation o" hi! on Spirit.

    2.Through whom we have received,etc. G Having completed hi! de"inition o" the go!pel% hich

    he introd'ced "or the recommendation o" hi! o""ice% he no ret'rn! to !pea$ o" hi! on call= and

    it a! a great point that thi! !ho'ld #e proved to the oman!. -) mentioning grace andapo!tle!hip apart% he adopt! a "orm o" !peech% "/0 hich m'!t #e 'nder!tood a! meaning%

    grat'ito'! apo!tle!hip or the "avor o" the apo!tle!hip= #) hich he mean!% that it a! holl)

    thro'gh divine "avor% not thro'gh hi! on orthine!!% that he had #een cho!en "or !o high ano""ice. ;or tho'gh it ha! hardl) an) thing connected ith it in the e!timation o" the orld% ecept

    danger!% la#or!% hatred% and di!grace= )et #e"ore Eod and hi! !aint!% it po!!e!!e! a dignit) o" no

    common or ordinar) $ind. +t i! there"ore de!ervedl) co'nted a "avor. +" )o' pre"er to !a)% K+ have

    received grace that + !ho'ld #e an *po!tle% the !en!e o'ld #e the !ame. "/1

    The epre!!ion% on account of his name% i! rendered #) *m#ro!e% Kin hi! name% a! tho'gh it

    meant% that the *po!tle a! appointed in the place o" Chri!t to preach the go!pel% according to

    that pa!!age% Kohn 34/3. *nd Pa'l i! !aid to have

    #een a cho!en ve!!el% to carr) the name o" Chri!t among the Eentile!. R01N*ct! 41. +naccountthen o" his name% hich mean! the !ame% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that + might ma$e

    $non hat Chri!t i!. "//

    or the obedience of faith,etc. G That i!% e have received a command to preach the go!pelamong all nation!% and thi! go!pel the) o#e) #) "aith. -) !tating the de!ign o" hi! calling% he

    again remind! the oman! o" hi! o""ice% a! tho'gh he !aid% K+t i! indeed m) d't) to di!charge the

    o""ice committed to me% hich i! to preach the ord= and it i! )o'r d't) to hear the ord and

    illingl) to o#e) it= )o' ill otheri!e ma$e void the vocation hich the Lord ha! #e!toed onme.

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    o#e) the "aith= "or the la!t i! not !trictl) correct% ecept ta$en "ig'rativel)% tho'gh it #e "o'nd

    once in the 0D0JN*ct! D4J. ;aith i! properl) that #) hich e o#e) the go!pel. "/3

    &mong all nations,etc. +t a! not eno'gh "or him to have #een appointed an *po!tle% ecept hi!mini!tr) had re"erence to !ome ho ere to #e ta'ght4 hence he add!% that hi! apo!tle!hip

    etended to all nation!. He a"terard! call! him!el" more di!tinctl) the *po!tle o" the oman!%

    hen he !a)!% that the) ere incl'ded in the n'm#er o" the nation!% to hom he had #een givena! a mini!ter *nd "'rther% the *po!tle! had in common the command to preach the go!pel to all

    the orld= and the) ere not% a! pa!tor! and #i!hop!% !et over certain ch'rche!. -'t Pa'l% in

    addition to the general 'nderta$ing o" the apo!tolic "'nction% a! con!tit'ted% #) a !pecialappointment% to #e a mini!ter to proclaim the go!pel among the Eentile!. +t i! no o#ection to

    thi!% that he a! "or#idden to pa!! thro'gh Macedonia and to preach the ord in M)!ia4 "or thi!

    a! done% not that there ere limit! pre!cri#ed to him% #'t that he a! "or a time to go el!ehere="or the harve!t a! not a! )et ripe there.

    -e are the called of 'esus !hrist,etc. He a!!ign! a rea!on more nearl) connected ith them G

    #eca'!e the Lord had alread) ehi#ited in them an evidence #) hich he had mani"e!ted that he

    had called them to a participation o" the go!pel. +t hence "olloed% that i" the) i!hed their oncalling to remain !'re% the) ere not to reect the mini!tr) o" Pa'l% ho had #een cho!en #) the

    !ame election o" Eod. + there"ore ta$e thi! cla'!e% Kthe called o" >e!'! Chri!t% a! eplanator)% a!

    tho'gh the particle Keven ere in!erted= "or he mean!% that the) ere #) calling made parta$er!o" Chri!t. ;or the) ho !hall #e heir! o" eternal li"e% are cho!en #) the cele!tial ;ather to #e

    children in Chri!t= and hen cho!en% the) are committed to hi! care and protection a! their

    !hepherd. "/

    1.To all of you who are at .ome,etc. -) thi! happ) arrangement he !et! "orth hat there i! in '!

    orth) o" commendation= he !a)!% that "ir!t the Lord thro'gh hi! on $indne!! made '! the

    o#ect! o" hi! "avor and love= and then that he ha! called '!= and thirdl)% that he ha! called '! toholine!!4 #'t thi! high honor onl) then ei!t!% hen e are not anting to o'r call.

    Here a rich tr'th pre!ent! it!el" to '!% to hich + !hall #rie"l) re"er% and leave it to #e meditated

    'pon #) each individ'al4 Pa'l doe! #) no mean! a!cri#e the prai!e o" o'r !alvation to o'r!elve!%#'t derive! it altogether "rom the "o'ntain o" Eod:! "ree and paternal love toard! '!= "or he

    ma$e! thi! the "ir!t thing G Eod love! '!4 and hat i! the ca'!e o" hi! love% ecept hi! on

    goodne!! aloneQ 7n thi! depend! o'r calling% #) hich in hi! on time he !eal! hi! adoption to

    tho!e hom he had #e"ore "reel) cho!en.

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    that he pra)! at the !ame time to the Lord >e!'! Chri!t "or the!e #le!!ing!.

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    privilege% and on them alone Eod #e!to! thi! honor. There i! indeed implied in thi! a m't'al

    relation!hip% hich i! epre!!ed in thi! promi!e%

    K+ ill #e to them a Eod=the) !hall #e to me a people. R/30//N>eremiah 304//.

    + pre"er al the !ame time to con"ine thi! to the character

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    intimate!% that tho'gh he retained not o#!ervance o" the!e% he a! )et a !incere or!hipper o"

    Eod% according to hat he !a)! in 00303NPhilippian! 343%


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    ca!e ith o'r Lord him!el"% ho% "or thi! p'rpo!e% !o'ght retirement. He at the !ame time

    intimate! ho "reI'entl)% or rather% ho 'ncea!ingl) he a! engaged in !'ch pra)er!% !ince he

    !a)! that he pra)ed contin'all).

    &5..e$uesting, if by any means,etc. *! it i! not pro#a#le that e "rom the heart !t'd) hi!

    #ene"it% hom e are not read) to a!!i!t #) o'r la#or!% he no add!% a"ter having !aid that he

    a! anio'! "or their el"are% that he !hoed #) another proo" hi! love to them% a! #e"ore Eod%even #) reI'e!ting that he might #e a#le to advance their intere!t. That )o' ma)% there"ore%

    perceive the "'ll meaning% read the ord! a! tho'gh the ord alsoere in!erted% re$uesting also,

    if by any means% etc. -) !a)ing%& prosperous journey by the will of odhe !ho!% not onl) thathe loo$ed to the Lord:! "avor "or !'cce!! in hi! o'rne)% #'t that he deemed hi! o'rne)

    pro!pero'!% i" it a! approved #) the Lord. *ccording to thi! model o'ght all o'r i!he! to #e


    &&.or / greatly desire to see you"He might% indeed% hile a#!ent% have con"irmed their "aith #)

    hi! doctrine= #'t a! advice i! #etter ta$en "rom one pre!ent% he had a de!ire to #e ith them. -'t

    he eplain! hat hi! o#ect a!% and !ho! that he i!hed to 'nderta$e the toil o" a o'rne)% not

    "or hi! on% #'t "or their advantage. G Spiritual gifts"3

    he call! tho!e hich he po!!e!!ed%#eing either tho!e o" doctrine% or o" ehortation% or o" prophe!) hich he $ne had come to him

    thro'gh Eod:! "avor. He ha! here !tri$ingl) pointed o't the '!e o" gi"t! #) the ord% imparting4

    "or di""erent gi"t! are di!tri#'ted to each individ'al% that all ma) in $indne!! m't'all) a!!i!t oneanother% and tran!"er to other! hat each one po!!e!!e!. See 0J03Noman! J43= and D0J11N1

    Corinthian! J411.

    To confirm you% etc. He modi"ie! hat he had !aid o" imparting% le!t he !ho'ld !eem to regardthem !'ch a! ere )et to #e in!tr'cted in the "ir!t element! o" religion% a! tho'gh the) ere not

    hitherto rightl) ta'ght in Chri!t. He then !a)!% that he i!hed !o to lend hi! aid to them% that the)

    ho had "or the mo!t part made a pro"icienc)% might #e "'rther a!!i!ted4 "or a con"irmation i!hat e all ant% 'ntil Chri!t #e "'ll) "ormed in '!. R013N,phe!ian! 413.

    &'.-eing not !ati!"ied ith thi! mode!t !tatement% he I'ali"ie! it% and !ho!% that he did not !o

    occ'p) the place o" a teacher% #'t that he i!hed to learn al!o "rom them= a! tho'gh he !aid% K+de!ire !o to con"irm )o' according to the mea!'re o" grace con"erred on me% that )o'r eample

    ma) al!o add co'rage RalacritatemG alacrit) to m) "aith% and that e ma) th'! m't'all)

    #ene"it one another.

    See to hat degree o" mode!t) hi! pio'! heart !'#mitted it!el"% !o that he di!dained not to !ee$con"irmation "rom 'neperienced #eginner!4 nor did he !pea$ di!!em#lingl)% "or there i! no one

    !o void o" gi"t! in the Ch'rch o" Chri!t% ho i! not a#le to contri#'te !omething to o'r #ene"it4

    #'t e are hindered #) o'r env) and #) o'r pride "rom gathering !'ch "r'it "rom one another.S'ch i! o'r highmindedne!!% !'ch i! the ine#riet) prod'ced #) vain rep'tation% that de!pi!ing

    and di!regarding other!% ever) one thin$! that he po!!e!!e! hat i! a#'ndantl) !'""icient "or

    him!el". + pre"er to read ith -'cer% e#hortationRe#hortationemG enco'ragement rather thanconsolatim= "or it agree! #etter ith the "ormer part. "3

    ROMANS&/&(0&2&(.9o + o'ld not have )o' ignorant%

    #rethren% that o"tentime! + p'rpo!ed to

    come 'nto )o'% R#'t a! let hitherto% that

    &(.9olo verV vo! ignorare% "ratre!%

    I'od !Upe propo!'i venire ad vo!% et

    impedit'! !'m hacten'!%'t "r'ct'm


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    + might have !ome "r'it among )o' al!o%

    even a! among other Eentile!.

    aliI'em ha#erem in vo#i!% !ic't et in

    reliI'i! genti#'!.

    &2.So% a! m'ch a! in me i!% + am read) to

    preach the go!pel to )o' that are at ome


    &2. +taI'e I'ant'm in me e!t% parat'!!'m vo#i! I'oI'e I'i omae e!ti!


    &(./ would not that you should be ignorant.

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    To thing! are to #e here con!idered G that the go!pel i! #) a heavenl) mandate de!tined and

    o""ered to the i!e% in order that the Lord ma) !'#ect to him!el" all the i!dom o" thi! orld%

    and ma$e all variet) o" talent!% and ever) $ind o" !cience% and the lo"tine!! o" all art!% to givea) to the !implicit) o" hi! doctrine= and hat i! more% the) are to #e red'ced to the !ame ran$

    ith the 'nlearned% and to #e made !o mee$% a! to #e a#le to #ear tho!e to #e their "ello

    di!ciple! 'nder their ma!ter% Chri!t% hom the) o'ld not have deigned #e"ore to ta$e a! their!cholar!= and then that the 'nlearned are #) no mean! to #e driven aa) "rom thi! !chool% nor are

    the) to "lee aa) "rom it thro'gh gro'ndle!! "ear= "or i" Pa'l a! inde#ted to them% #eing a

    "aith"'l de#tor% he had do'#tle!! di!charged hat he oed= and th'! the) ill "ind here hat the)ill #e capa#le o" eno)ing. *ll teacher! have al!o a r'le here hich the) are to "ollo% and that

    i!% mode!tl) and $indl) to accommodate them!elve! to the capacitie! o" the ignorant and

    'nlearned. Hence it ill #e% that the) ill #e a#le% ith more evenne!! o" mind% to #ear ith

    man) a#!'rditie! and almo!t inn'mera#le thing! that ma) di!g'!t them% #) hich the) mightotheri!e #e overcome. The) are% hoever% to remem#er% that the) are not !o inde#ted to the

    "ooli!h% a! that the) are to cheri!h their "oll) #) immoderate ind'lgence.

    &2./ am therefore ready% "3J etc. He concl'de! hat he had #e"ore !aid o" hi! de!ire G that a! he

    $ne it to #e hi! d't) to !pread the go!pel among them% in order to gather "r'it "or the Lord% hea! anio'! to "'l"ill Eod:! calling% a! "ar a! he a! alloed to do !o #) the Lord.

    ROMANS&/&60&1&6.;or + am not a!hamed o" the go!pel o"

    Chri!t4 "or it i! the poer o" Eod 'nto

    !alvation to ever) one that #elieveth% to the

    >e "ir!t% and al!o to the Eree$.

    &6.9on enim p'det me ,vangelii

    Chri!ti% I'andoI'idem potentia e!t

    (ei% in !al'tem omni credenti%

    +'dUoprim'm% deinde ErUco.

    &1.;or therein i! the righteo'!ne!! o" Eodrevealed "rom "aith to "aith a! it i! ritten%

    The '!t !hall live #) "aith.

    &1.9am '!titia (ei in eo revelat'r e"ide in "idem% !ic't !cript'm e!t% >'!t'!

    e "ide !'a vivet.

    &6./ am not indeed ashamed,etc. Thi! i! an anticipation o" an o#ection= "or he declare!#e"orehand% that he cared not "or the ta'nt! o" the 'ngodl)= and he th'! provide! a a) "or

    him!el"% #) hich he proceed! to prono'nce an e'log) on the val'e o" the go!pel% that it might

    not appear contempti#le to the oman!. He indeed intimate! that it a! contempti#le in the e)e!o" the orld= and he doe! thi! #) !a)ing% that he a! not a!hamed o" it. *nd th'! he prepare!

    them "or #earing the reproach o" the cro!! o" Chri!t% le!t the) !ho'ld e!teem the go!pel o" le!!

    val'e #) "inding it epo!ed to the !co""! and reproache! o" the 'ngodl)= and% on the other hand%he !ho! ho val'a#le it a! to the "aith"'l. +"% in the "ir!t place% the poer o" Eod o'ght to #e

    etolled #) '!% that poer !hine! "orth in the go!pel= i"% again% the goodne!! o" Eod de!erve! to

    #e !o'ght and loved #) '!% the go!pel i! a di!pla) o" hi! goodne!!. +t o'ght then to #e reverenced

    and honored% !ince veneration i! d'e to Eod:! poer= and a! it avail! to o'r !alvation% it o'ght to

    #e loved #) '!.

    -'t o#!erve ho m'ch Pa'l a!cri#e! to the mini!tr) o" the ord% hen he te!ti"ie! that Eod

    there#) p't! "orth hi! poer to !ave= "or he !pea$! not here o" an) !ecret revelation% #'t o" vocalpreaching. +t hence "ollo!% that tho!e a! it ere ill"'ll) de!pi!e the poer o" Eod% and drive

    aa) "rom them hi! delivering hand% ho ithdra them!elve! "rom the hearing o" the ord.

    *t the !ame time% a! he or$! not e""ect'all) in all% #'t onl) here the Spirit% the inardTeacher% ill'minate! the heart% he !'#oin!% To every one who believeth"The go!pel i! indeed


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    o""ered to all "or their !alvation% #'t the poer o" it appear! not ever)here4 and that it i! the

    !avor o" death to the 'ngodl)% doe! not proceed "rom hat it i!% #'t "rom their on ic$edne!!.

    -) !etting "orth #'t one Salvation he c't! o"" ever) other tr'!t. e!% a! participator! o" the go!pel4 nor doe!he thr'!t the >e! "rom their on eminence and dignit)% !ince the) ere the "ir!t parta$er! o"

    Eod:! promi!e and calling. He then re!erve! "or them their prerogative= #'t he immediatel) oin!the Eentile!% tho'gh in the !econd place% a! #eing parta$er! ith them.

    &1.or "3 the righteousness of od,etc. Thi! i! an eplanation and a con"irmation o" the

    preceding cla'!e G that the go!pel i! the poer o" Eod 'nto !alvation. ;or i" e !ee$ !alvation%that i!% li"e ith Eod% righteo'!ne!! m'!t #e "ir!t !o'ght% #) hich #eing reconciled to him% e

    ma)% thro'gh him #eing propitio'! to '!% o#tain that li"e hich con!i!t! onl) in hi! "avor= "or% in

    order to #e loved #) Eod% e m'!t "ir!t #ecome righteo'!% !ince he regard! 'nrighteo'!ne!! ithhatred. He there"ore intimate!% that e cannot o#tain !alvation otheri!e than "rom the go!pel%

    !ince nohere el!e doe! Eod reveal to '! hi! righteo'!ne!!% hich alone deliver! '! "romperdition. 9o thi! righteo'!ne!!% hich i! the gro'ndor$ o" o'r !alvation% i! revealed in the

    go!pel4 hence the go!pel i! !aid to #e the poer o" Eod 'nto !alvation. Th'! he rea!on! "rom theca'!e to the e""ect.

    9otice "'rther% ho etraordinar) and val'a#le a trea!'re doe! Eod #e!to on '! thro'gh the

    go!pel% even the comm'nication o" hi! on righteo'!ne!!. + ta$e the righteo'!ne!! o" Eod tomean% that hich i! approved #e"ore hi! tri#'nal= "0 a! that% on the contrar)% i! '!'all) called the

    righteo'!ne!! o" men% hich i! #) men co'nted and !'ppo!ed to #e righteo'!ne!!% tho'gh it #e

    onl) vapor. Pa'l% hoever% + do'#t not% all'de! to the man) prophecie! in hich the Spirit ma$e!$non ever)here the righteo'!ne!! o" Eod in the "'t're $ingdom o" Chri!t.

    Some eplain it a! the righteo'!ne!! hich i! "reel) given '! #) Eod4 and + indeed con"e!! thatthe ord! ill #ear thi! !en!e= "or Eod '!ti"ie! '! #) the go!pel% and th'! !ave! '!4 )et the"ormer vie !eem! to me more !'ita#le% tho'gh it i! not hat + ma$e m'ch o". 7" greater

    moment i! hat !ome thin$% that thi! righteo'!ne!! doe! not onl) con!i!t in the "ree remi!!ion o"

    !in!% #'t al!o% in part% incl'de! the grace o" regeneration. -'t + con!ider% that e are re!tored to

    li"e #eca'!e Eod "reel) reconcile! '! to him!el"% a! e !hall herea"ter !ho in it! proper place.

    -'t in!tead o" the epre!!ion he '!ed #e"ore% Kto ever) one ho #elieveth% he !a)! no%from

    faith%"or righteo'!ne!! i! o""ered #) the go!pel% and i! received #) "aith. *nd he add!% to faith4


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    "or a! o'r "aith ma$e! progre!!% and a! it advance! in $noledge% !o the righteo'!ne!! o" Eod

    increa!e! in '! at the !ame time% and the po!!e!!ion o" it i! in a manner con"irmed.

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    &3.or "/ revealed% etc. He rea!on! no #) !tating thing! o" a contrar) nat're% and prove! that

    there i! no righteo'!ne!! ecept hat i! con"erred% or come! thro'gh the go!pel= "or he !ho!

    that itho't thi! all men are condemned4 #) it alone there i! !alvation to #e "o'nd. *nd he #ring!%a! the "ir!t proo" o" condemnation% the "act% G that tho'gh the !tr'ct're o" the orld% and the

    mo!t #ea'ti"'l arrangement o" the element!% o'ght to have ind'ced man to glori") Eod% )et no

    one di!charged hi! proper d't)4 it hence appear! that all ere g'ilt) o" !acrilege% and o" ic$edand a#omina#le ingratit'de.

    To !ome it !eem! that thi! i! a main !'#ect% and that Pa'l "orm! hi! di!co'r!e "or the p'rpo!e o"

    en"orcing repentance= #'t + thin$ that the di!c'!!ion o" the !'#ect #egin! here% and that theprincipal point i! !tated in a "ormer propo!ition= "or Pa'l:! o#ect a! to teach '! here !alvation

    i! to #e "o'nd. He ha! alread) declared that e cannot o#tain it ecept thro'gh the go!pel4 #'t a!

    the "le!h ill not illingl) h'm#le it!el" !o "ar a! to a!!ign the prai!e o" !alvation to the grace o"Eod alone% Pa'l !ho! that the hole orld i! de!erving o" eternal death. +t hence "ollo!% that

    li"e i! to #e recovered in !ome other a)% !ince e are all lo!t in o'r!elve!. -'t the ord!% #eing

    ell con!idered% ill help '! m'ch to 'nder!tand the meaning o" the pa!!age.

    Some ma$e a di""erence #eteen impietyand unrighteousness% and thin$% that #) the "ormerord i! meant the pro"anation o" Eod:! or!hip% and #) the latter% in'!tice toard! men= #'t a!

    the *po!tle immediatel) re"er! thi! 'nrighteo'!ne!! to the neglect o" tr'e religion% e !hall

    eplain #oth a! re"erring to the !ame thing. "3 *nd then%all the impiety of meni! to #e ta$en% #)a "ig're in lang'age% a! meaning Kthe impiet) o" all men% or% the impiet) o" hich all men are

    g'ilt). -'t #) the!e to ord! one thing i! de!ignated% and that i!% ingratit'de toard! Eod= "or

    e there#) o""end in to a)!4 it i! !aid to #e ajse>beia% impiet)% a! it i! a di!honoring o" Eod= iti! ajdiki>a% 'nrighteo'!ne!!% #eca'!e man% #) tran!"erring to him!el" hat #elong! to Eod%'n'!tl) deprive! Eod o" hi! glor). The ord wrath% according to the '!age o" Script're%

    !pea$ing a"ter the manner o" men% mean! the vengeance o" Eod= "or Eod% in p'ni!hing% ha!%according to o'r notion% the appearance o" one in rath. +t import!% there"ore% no !'ch emotion in

    Eod% #'t onl) ha! a re"erence to the perception and "eeling o" the !inner ho i! p'ni!hed. Thenhe !a)! that it i!revealed from heaven%tho'gh the epre!!ion%from heaven% i! ta$en #) !ome in

    the !en!e o" an adective% a! tho'gh he had !aid Kthe rath o" the cele!tial Eod= )et + thin$ itmore emphatical% hen ta$en a! having thi! import% K

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    $non% he immediatel) eplain!. *nd he !aid% in themrather than to them% "or the !a$e o" greater

    empha!i!4 "or tho'gh the *po!tle adopt! ever)here He#re phra!e!% and b% beth% i! o"tenred'ndant in that lang'age% )et he !eem! here to have intended to indicate a mani"e!tation% #)hich the) might #e !o clo!el) pre!!ed% that the) co'ld not evade= "or ever) one o" '!

    'ndo'#tedl) "ind! it to #e engraven on hi! on heart% " -) !a)ing% that od has made it

    manifest,he mean!% that man a! created to #e a !pectator o" thi! "ormed orld% and that e)e!ere given him% that he might% #) loo$ing on !o #ea'ti"'l a pict're% #e led 'p to the *'thor


    '5.Since his invisible things% "D etc. Eod i! in him!el" invi!i#le= #'t a! hi! mae!t) !hine! "orthin hi! or$! and in hi! creat're! ever)here% men o'ght in the!e to ac$noledge him% "or the)

    clearl) !et "orth their Ma$er4 and "or thi! rea!on the *po!tle in hi! ,pi!tle to the He#re! !a)!%

    that thi! orld i! a mirror% or the repre!entation o" invi!i#le thing!. He doe! not mention all thepartic'lar! hich ma) #e tho'ght to #elong to Eod= #'t he !tate!% that e can arrive at the

    $noledge o" hi! eternal poer and divinit)= "J "or he ho i! the "ramer o" all thing!% m'!t

    nece!!aril) #e itho't #eginning and "rom him!el". ohn 1/43% and in hich e are to glor)% a! >eremiah teache! '!%0/Noman! 4/.

    '&.or when they 1new od% etc. He plainl) te!ti"ie! here% that Eod ha! pre!ented to the mind!o" all the mean! o" $noing him% having !o mani"e!ted him!el" #) hi! or$!% that the) m'!t

    nece!!aril) !ee hat o" them!elve! the) !ee$ not to $no G that there i! !ome Eod= "or the

    orld doe! not #) chance ei!t% nor co'ld it have proceeded "rom it!el". -'t e m'!t ever #ear inmind the degree o" $noledge in hich the) contin'ed= and thi! appear! "rom hat "ollo!.

    They glorified him not as od. 9o idea can #e "ormed o" Eod itho't incl'ding hi! eternit)%

    poer% i!dom% goodne!!% tr'th% righteo'!ne!!% and merc). Hi! eternit) appear! evident% #eca'!e

    he i! the ma$er o" all thing! G hi! poer% #eca'!e he hold! all thing! in hi! hand and contin'e!their ei!tence G hi! i!dom% #eca'!e he ha! arranged thing! in !'ch an eI'i!ite order G hi!

    goodne!!% "or there i! no other ca'!e than him!el"% h) he created all thing!% and no other rea!on%


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    h) he !ho'ld #e ind'ced to pre!erve them G hi! '!tice% #eca'!e in hi! government he p'ni!he!

    the g'ilt) and de"end! the innocent G hi! merc)% #eca'!e he #ear! ith !o m'ch "or#earance the

    perver!it) o" men G and hi! tr'th% #eca'!e he i! 'nchangea#le. He then ho ha! a right notion o"Eod o'ght to give him the prai!e d'e to hi! eternit)% i!dom% goodne!!% and '!tice. Since men

    have not recogni5ed the!e attri#'te! in Eod% #'t have dreamt o" him a! tho'gh he ere an empt)

    phantom% the) are '!tl) !aid to have impio'!l) ro##ed him o" hi! on glor). 9or i! it itho'trea!on that he add!% that they were not than1ful% "8 "or there i! no one ho i! not inde#ted to him

    "or n'm#erle!! #ene"it!4 )ea% even on thi! acco'nt alone% #eca'!e he ha! #een plea!ed to reveal

    him!el" to '!% he ha! a#'ndantl) made '! inde#ted to him.But they became vain% " etc.= that i!%having "or!a$en the tr'th o" Eod% the) t'rned to the vanit) o" their on rea!on% all the ac'tene!!

    o" hich i! "ading and pa!!e! aa) li$e vapor. *nd th'! their "ooli!h mind% #eing involved in

    dar$ne!!% co'ld 'nder!tand nothing aright #'t a! carried aa) headlong% in vario'! a)!% into

    error! and del'!ion!. Their 'nrighteo'!ne!! a! thi! G the) I'ic$l) cho$ed #) their ondepravit) the !eed o" right $noledge% #e"ore it gre 'p to ripene!!.

    ''.(hile they were thin1ing,etc. +t i! commonl) in"erred "rom thi! pa!!age% that Pa'l all'de!

    here to tho!e philo!opher!% ho a!!'med to them!elve! in a pec'liar manner the rep'tation o"

    i!dom= and it i! tho'ght that the de!ign o" hi! di!co'r!e i! to !ho% that hen the !'periorit) o"the great i! #ro'ght don to nothing% the common people o'ld have no rea!on to !'ppo!e that

    the) had an) thing orth) o" #eing commended4 #'t the) !eem to me to have #een g'ided #) too!lender a rea!on= "or it a! not pec'liar to the philo!opher! to !'ppo!e them!elve! i!e in the

    $noledge o" Eod% #'t it a! eI'all) common to all nation!% and to all ran$! o" men. There ere

    indeed none ho !o'ght not to "orm !ome idea! o" the mae!t) o" Eod% and to ma$e him !'ch aEod a! the) co'ld conceive him to #e according to their on rea!on. Thi! pre!'mption + hold i!

    not learned in the !chool!% #'t i! innate% and come! ith '!% !o to !pea$% "rom the om#. +t i!

    indeed evident% that it i! an evil hich ha! prevailed in all age! G that men have alloed

    them!elve! ever) li#ert) in coining !'per!tition!. The arrogance then hich i! condemned here i!thi! G that men !o'ght to #e o" them!elve! i!e% and to dra Eod don to a level ith their

    on lo condition% hen the) o'ght h'm#l) to have given him hi! on glor). ;or Pa'l hold!thi! principle% that none% ecept thro'gh their on "a'lt% are 'nacI'ainted ith the or!hip d'eto Eod= a! tho'gh he !aid% K*! the) have pro'dl) ealted them!elve!% the) have #ecome

    in"at'ated thro'gh the righteo'! 'dgment o" Eod. There i! an o#vio'! rea!on% hich

    contravene! the interpretation hich + reect= "or the error o" "orming an image o" Eod did notoriginate ith the philo!opher!= #'t the)% #) their con!ent% approved o" it a! received "rom other!."0

    '(.&nd changed% etc. Having "eigned !'ch a Eod a! the) co'ld comprehend according to theircarnal rea!on% the) ere ver) "ar "rom ac$noledging the tr'e Eod4 #'t devi!ed a "ictitio'! and a

    ne god% or rather a phantom. *nd hat he !a)! i!% that the) changedthe glor) o" Eod= "or a!

    tho'gh one !'#!tit'ted a !trange child% !o the) departed "rom the tr'e Eod. 9or are the) to #eec'!ed "or thi! preten!e% that the) #elieve that Eod dell! in heaven% and that the) co'nt not theood to #e Eod% #'t hi! image= "or it i! a high indignit) to Eod% to "orm !o gro!! an idea o" hi!

    mae!t) a! to dare to ma$e an image o" him. -'t "rom the ic$edne!! o" !'ch a pre!'mption

    none ere eempt% neither prie!t!% nor !tate!men% nor philo!opher!% o" hom the mo!t !o'ndminded% even Plato him!el"% !o'ght to "ind o't !ome li$ene!! o" Eod.

    The madne!! then here noticed% i!% that all attempted to ma$e "or them!elve! an image o" Eod=

    hich a! a certain proo" that their notion! o" Eod ere gro!! and a#!'rd. *nd% "ir!t% the)


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    #e"o'led the mae!t) o" Eod #) "orming him in the li$ene!! o" a corruptible man4 "or + pre"er

    thi! rendering to that o" mortal man% hich i! adopted #) ,ra!m'!%"or Pa'l !et! not the

    immortalit) o" Eod in oppo!ition to the mortalit) o" man% #'t that glor)% hich i! !'#ect to node"ect!% to the mo!t retched condition o" man. *nd then% #eing not !ati!"ied ith !o great a

    crime% the) de!cended even to #ea!t! and to tho!e o" the mo!t "ilth) $ind= #) hich their

    !t'pidit) appeared !till more evident. Ao' ma) !ee an acco'nt o" the!e a#omination! in)actantius% in ,'!e#i'!,and in *'g'!tine in hi! #oo$ on the city of od"


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    *! to the manner in hich Eod give! 'p or deliver! men to ic$edne!!% it i! #) no mean!

    nece!!ar) in thi! place to di!c'!! a I'e!tion !o intricate% RlongamG tedio'!. +t i! indeed certain%

    that he not onl) permit! men to "all into !in% #) alloing them to do !o% and #) conniving atthem= #'t that he al!o% #) hi! eI'ita#le 'dgment% !o arrange! thing!% that the) are led and carried

    into !'ch madne!! #) their on l'!t!% a! ell a! #) the devil. He there"ore adopt! the ord%give

    up% according to the con!tant '!age o" Script're= hich ord the) "orci#l) re!t% ho thin$ thate are led into !in onl) #) the permi!!ion o" Eod4 "or a! Satan i! the mini!ter o" Eod:! rath%

    and a! it ere the eec'tioner% !o he i! armed again!t '!% not thro'gh the connivance% #'t #) the

    command o" hi! 'dge. Eod% hoever% i! not on thi! acco'nt cr'el% nor are e innocent%ina!m'ch a! Pa'l plainl) !ho!% that e are not delivered 'p into hi! poer% ecept hen e

    de!erve !'ch a p'ni!hment. 7nl) e m'!t ma$e thi! eception% that the ca'!e o" !in i! not "rom

    Eod% the root! o" hich ever a#ide in the !inner him!el"= "or thi! m'!t #e tr'e%

    KThine i! perdition% 7 +!rael= in me onl) i! th) help.

    R/8130NHo!ea 134 "1

    -) connecting the desires or lustso" man:! heart ith 'ncleanne!!% he indirectl) intimate! hat

    !ort o" progen) o'r heart generate!% hen le"t to it!el". The epre!!ion% among themselves,i! notitho't it! "orce= "or it !igni"icantl) epre!!e! ho deep and indeli#le are the mar$! o" in"am)

    imprinted on o'r #odie!.

    '2.(ho changed% etc. He repeat! hat he had !aid #e"ore% tho'gh in di""erent ord!% in order to"i it deeper in o'r mind!.

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    passions% hich are !hame"'l even in the e!timation o" men% and redo'nd to the di!honoring o"


    '1.Such a reward for their error as was meet"The) indeed de!erved to #e #linded% !o a! to"orget them!elve!% and not to !ee an) thing #e"itting them% ho% thro'gh their on malignit)%

    clo!ed their e)e! again!t the light o""ered them #) Eod% that the) might not #ehold hi! glor)4 in

    !hort% the) ho ere not a!hamed to eting'i!h% a! m'ch a! the) co'ld% the glor) o" Eod% hichalone give! '! light% de!erved to #ecome #lind at noonda).

    '3.&nd as they chose not,etc. There i! an evident compari!on to #e o#!erved in the!e ord!% #)

    hich i! !tri$ingl) !et "orth the '!t relation #eteen !in and p'ni!hment. *! the) cho!e not tocontin'e in the $noledge o" Eod% hich alone g'ide! o'r mind! to tr'e i!dom% the Lord gave

    them a perverted mind% hich can choo!e nothing that i! right. "3 *nd #) !a)ing% that the) cho!e

    not% Rnon pro#a!!eapproved not% it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the) p'r!'e! not a"terthe $noledge o" Eod ith the attention the) o'ght to have done% #'t% on the contrar)% t'rned

    aa) the= tho'ght! re!ignedl) "rom Eod. He then intimate!% that the)% ma$ing a depraved choice%

    pre"erred their on vanitie! to the tr'e Eod= and th'! the error% #) hich the) ere deceived%

    a! vol'ntar).

    To do those things which were not meet"*! he had hitherto re"erred onl) to one in!tance o"

    a#omination% hich prevailed indeed among man)% #'t a! not common to all% he #egin! here to

    en'merate vice! "rom hich none co'ld #e "o'nd "ree4 "or tho'gh ever) vice% a! it ha! #een !aid%did not appear in each individ'al% )et all ere g'ilt) o" !ome vice!% !o that ever) one might

    !eparatel) #e acc'!ed o" mani"e!t depravit). *! he call! them in the "ir!t in!tance not meet%

    'nder!tand him a! !a)ing% that the) ere incon!i!tent ith ever) deci!ion o" rea!on% and alien tothe d'tie! o" men4 "or he mention! it a! an evidence o" a perverted mind% that men addicted

    them!elve!% itho't an) re"lection% to tho!e vice!% hich common !en!e o'ght to have led them

    to reno'nce.

    -'t it i! la#or in vain !o to connect the!e vice!% a! to ma$e them dependent one on another% !incethi! a! not Pa'l:! de!ign= #'t he !et them don a! the) occ'rred to hi! mind. an% according to the opinion o" *mmoni'm% wic1edness%"or heteache! '! that ponhron% the ic$ed% i! drasti>kon kakou% the doer o" evil. The ord Rne$uitiathen mean! practiced ic$edne!!% or licentio'!ne!! in doing mi!chie"4 #'t malicio'!ne!!Rmalitia i! that depravit) and o#liI'it) o" mind hich lead! '! to do harm to o'r neigh#o'r. "

    ;or the ord pornei>an% hich Pa'l '!e!% + have p't l'!t% Rlibidinem. + do not% hoever% o#ect%i" one pre"er! to render it "ornication= #'t he mean! the inard pa!!ion a! ell a! the o'tard act." The ord! avarice% envy% and murder% have nothing do'#t"'l in their meaning. Fnder the

    ordstrife% Rcontentione% "D he incl'de! I'arrel!% "ighting!% and !edition!. an%perversity% Rperversitatem= "J hich i! a notorio'! and 'ncommon ic$edne!!=that i!% hen a man% covered over% a! it ere% ith hardne!!% ha! #ecome hardened in a corr'pt

    co'r!e o" li"e #) c'!tom and evil ha#it.

    (5.The ord qestugei~v% mean!% no do'#t% haters of od= "or there i! no rea!on to ta$e it in apa!!ive !en!e% Rhated o" Eod% !ince Pa'l here prove! men to #e g'ilt) #) mani"e!t vice!. Tho!e%

    then% are de!ignated% ho hate Eod% ho!e '!tice the) !eem to re!i!t #) doing rong.


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    (hisperersRsusurrones andslanderersRobtrectatores "8 are to #e th'! di!ting'i!hed= the

    "ormer% #) !ecret acc'!ation!% #rea$ o"" the "riend!hip! o" good men% in"lame their mind! ith

    anger% de"ame the innocent% and !o di!cord!= and the latter thro'gh an innate malignit)% !parethe rep'tation o" no one% and% a! tho'gh the) ere in!tigated #) the "'r) o" evil!pea$ing% the)

    revile the de!erving a! ell a! the 'nde!erving

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    CH*PT, /

    ROMANS'/&0'&.There"ore tho' art inec'!a#le% 7 man%

    ho!oever tho' art that 'dge!t4 "orherein tho' 'dge!t another% tho'

    condemne!t th)!el" "or tho' that 'dge!t

    doe!t the !ame thing!.

    &.Propterea inec'!a#ili! e!% 7 homo%

    I'ic'nI'e 'dica!4 in I'o enim'dica! alter'm% teip!'m condemna!=

    eadem enim "aci! d'm 'dica!.

    '.-'t e are !'re that the 'dgment o"

    Eod i! according to tr'th again!t them

    hich commit !'ch thing!.

    '.9ovim'! a'tem I'od 'dici'm (ei

    e!t !ec'nd'm veritatem in eo! I'i

    talia ag'nt.

    Thi! reproo" i! directed again!t h)pocrite!% ho da55le the e)e! o" men #) di!pla)! o" o'tard!anctit)% and even thin$ them!elve! to #e accepted #e"ore Eod% a! tho'gh the) had given him "'ll

    !ati!"action. Hence Pa'l% a"ter having !tated the gro!!er vice!% that he might prove that none are

    '!t #e"ore Eod% no attac$! !aintling! Rsanctulos o" thi! $ind% ho co'ld not have #een

    incl'ded in the "ir!t catalog'e. 9o the in"erence i! too !imple and plain "or an) one to onderho the *po!tle derived hi! arg'ment= "or he ma$e! them ine#cusable,#eca'!e the) them!elve!

    $ne the 'dgment o" Eod% and )et tran!gre!!ed the la= a! tho'gh he !aid% KTho'gh tho'

    con!ented not to the vice! o" other!% and !eeme!t to #e avoedl) even an enem) and a reprovero" vice!= )et a! tho' art not "ree "rom them% i" tho' reall) eamine!t th)!el"% tho' can!t not #ring

    "orard an) de"en!e.

    or in what thou judgest another,etc. -e!ide! the !tri$ing re!em#lance there i! #eteen the toEree$ ver#!% kri>neinand katakri>neinRto 'dge and to condemn% the enhancing o" their !ino'ght to #e noticed= "or hi! mode o" !pea$ing i! the !ame% a! tho'gh he !aid% KTho' art do'#l)

    de!erving o" condemnation= "or tho' art g'ilt) o" the !ame vice! hich tho' #lame!t andreprove!t in other!. +t i!% indeed% a ell$non !a)ing% G that the) ho !cr'tini5e the li"e o"

    other! la) claim them!elve! to innocence% temperance% and all virt'e!= and that tho!e are notorth) o" an) ind'lgence ho allo in them!elve! the !ame thing! hich the) 'nderta$e to

    correct in other!.or thou, judging, doest the same things4 !o it i! literall)= #'t the meaning i!%KTho'gh tho' 'dge!t% tho' )et doe!t the !ame thing!. *nd he !a)! that the) didthem% #eca'!e

    the) ere not in a right !tate o" mind= "or !in properl) #elong! to the mind. The) then

    condemned them!elve! on thi! acco'nt% G #eca'!e% in reproving a thie"% or an ad'lterer% or a!landerer% the) did not merel) condemn the per!on!% #'t tho!e ver) vice! hich adhered to

    them!elve!. "D/

    '.But we 1now that the judgment of od,etc. The de!ign o" Pa'l i! to !ha$e o"" "rom h)pocrite!their !el"complacencie!% that the) ma) not thin$ that the) can reall) gain an) thing% tho'gh the)

    #e appla'ded #) the orld% and tho'gh the) regard them!elve! g'iltle!!= "or a "ar di""erent trialaait! them in heaven. -'t a! he charge! them ith inard imp'rit)% hich% #eing hid "rom the

    e)e! o" men% cannot #e proved and convicted #) h'man te!timonie!% he !'mmon! them to thetri#'nal o" Eod% to hom dar$ne!! it!el" i! not hid% and #) ho!e 'dgment the ca!e o" !inner!%

    #e the) illing or 'nilling% m'!t #e determined.

    Moreover% the trutho" 'dgment ill in to a)! appear% #eca'!e Eod ill p'ni!h !in itho'tan) re!pect o" per!on!% in hom!oever it ill #e "o'nd= and he ill not heed o'tard

    appearance!% nor #e !ati!"ied ith an) o'tard or$% ecept hat ha! proceeded "rom real


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    !incerit) o" heart. +t hence "ollo!% that the ma!$ o" "eigned !anctit) ill not prevent him "rom

    vi!iting !ecret ic$edne!! ith 'dgment. +t i!% no do'#t% a He#re idiom= "or truthin He#re

    mean! o"ten the inard integrit) o" the heart% and th'! !tand! oppo!ed not onl) to gro!!"al!ehood% #'t al!o to the o'tard appearance o" good or$!. *nd then onl) are h)pocrite!

    aa$ened% hen the) are told that Eod ill ta$e an acco'nt% not onl) o" their di!g'i!ed

    righteo'!ne!!% #'t al!o o" their !ecret motive! and "eeling!."D3

    ROMANS'/(0&5(.*nd thin$e!t tho' thi!% o man% that

    'dge!t them hich do !'ch thing!% and

    doe!t the !ame% that tho' !halt e!cape the

    >'dgment o" EodQ

    (.,i!tima! a'tem% 7 homo% I'i

    'dica! eo! I'i talia "aci'nt% et eadem

    "aci!% I'od ip!e e""'gie! 'dici'm


    &5.-'t glor)% honor% and peace% to ever)

    man that or$eth good= to the >e "ir!t%

    and al!o to the Eentile.

    &5.*t gloria et honor et pa omni

    operanti #on'm% +'dUo prim'm !im'l

    et ErUco.

    (.&nd thin1est thou, + man,etc. *! rhetorician! teach '!% that e o'ght not to proceed to give

    !trong reproo" #e"ore the crime #e proved% Pa'l ma) !eem to !ome to have acted 'ni!el) here

    "or having pa!!ed !o !evere a cen!'re% hen he had not )et proved the acc'!ation hich he had

    #ro'ght "orard. -'t the "act i! otheri!e= "or he add'ced not hi! acc'!ation #e"ore men% #'tappealed to the 'dgment o" con!cience= and th'! he deemed that proved hich he had in vie

    G that the) co'ld not den) their iniI'it)% i" the) eamined them!elve! and !'#mitted to the

    !cr'tin) o" Eod:! tri#'nal. *nd it a! not itho't 'rgent nece!!it)% that he ith !o m'ch!harpne!! and !everit) re#'$ed their "ictitio'! !anctit)= "or men o" thi! cla!! ill ith a!toni!hing

    !ec'rit) tr'!t in them!elve!% ecept their vain con"idence #e "orci#l) !ha$en "rom them. Let '!

    then remem#er% that thi! i! the #e!t mode o" dealing ith h)pocri!)% in order to aa$en it "rom it!ine#riet)% that i!% to dra it "orth to the light o" Eod:! 'dgment.

    That thou shalt escape,etc. Thi! arg'ment i! dran "rom the le!!= "or !ince o'r !in! are !'#ect

    to the 'dgment o" men% m'ch more are the) to that o" Eod% ho i! the onl) tr'e >'dge o" all.Men are indeed led #) a divine in!tinct to condemn evil deed!= #'t thi! i! onl) an o#!c're and

    "aint re!em#lance o" the divine 'dgment. The) are then etremel) #e!otted% ho thin$ that the)

    can e!cape the 'dgment o" Eod% tho'gh the) allo not other! to e!cape their on 'dgment. +t i!

    not itho't an emphatical meaning that he repeat! the ord man= it i! "or the p'rpo!e o"

    pre!enting a compari!on #eteen man and Eod.

    -.*ost thou despise the riches3etc. +t doe! not !eem to me% a! !ome thin$% that there i! here an

    arg'ment% concl'!ive on to gro'nd!% Rdilemma% #'t an anticipation o" an o#ection4 "or a!h)pocrite! are commonl) tran!ported ith pro!perit)% a! tho'gh the) had merited the Lord:!

    $indne!! #) their good deed!% and #ecome th'! more hardened in their contempt o" Eod% the

    *po!tle anticipate! their arrogance% and prove!% #) an arg'ment ta$en "rom a rea!on o" anoppo!ite $ind% that there i! no gro'nd "or them to thin$ that Eod% on acco'nt o" their o'tard


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    pro!perit)% i! propitio'! to them% !ince the de!ign o" hi! #enevolence i! "ar di""erent% and that i!%

    to convert !inner! to him!el".

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    Ao' have a !imilar de!cription in /0/0/N>oel /4/% etc. *nd *mo! eclaim!%


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    !impl) meant the revealed ill o" Eod% hich alone i! the light o" tr'th4 "or it i! hat #elong! to

    all the 'ngodl)% that the) ever pre"er to #e in #ondage to iniI'it)% rather than to receive the )o$e

    o" Eod= and hatever o#edience the) ma) pretend% )et the) never cea!e perver!el) to clamor and!tr'ggle again!t Eod:! ord. ;or a! the) ho are openl) ic$ed !co"" at the tr'th% !o h)pocrite!

    "ear not to !et 'p in oppo!ition to it their arti"icial mode! o" or!hip. The *po!tle "'rther add!%

    that !'ch di!o#edient per!on! obeyor !erve iniI'it)= "or there i! no middle co'r!e% hich tho!eho are 'nilling to #e in !'#ection to the la o" the Lord can ta$e% !o a! to #e $ept "rom

    "alling immediatel) into the !ervice o" !in. *nd it i! the '!t reard o" o'trageo'! licentio'!ne!!%

    that tho!e #ecome the #ond!lave! o" !in ho cannot end're the !ervice o" Eod./ndignation andwrath,!o the character o" the ord! ind'ce! me to render them= "or qumovin Eree$ mean! hatthe Latin! call e#candescentiaG indignation% a! !icero teache! '!% RT'!c. % even a !'dden

    #'rning o" anger. *! to the other ord! + "ollo,ra!m'!. -'t o#!erve% that o" the "o'r hich are

    mentioned% the to la!t are% a! it ere% the e""ect! o" the to "ir!t= "or the) ho perceive that Eodi! di!plea!ed and angr) ith them are immediatel) "illed ith con"'!ion.

    e! gloried in the honor o" having the la4 "rom the "ormer he

    ta$e! aa) their !'#ter"'ge% and he deprive! the latter o" their "al!e and empt) #oa!ting.

    There i! then a divi!ion o" the hole h'man race into to cla!!e!= "or Eod had !eparated the

    >e! "rom all the re!t% #'t the condition o" all the Eentile! a! the !ame. He no teache! '!% that

    thi! di""erence i! no rea!on h) #oth !ho'ld not #e involved in the !ame g'ilt. -'t the ord

    personi! ta$en in Script're "or all o'tard thing!% hich are ont to #e regarded a! po!!e!!ingan) val'e or e!teem.

  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    'nder!tand that hat he regard! i! p'rit) o" heart or inard integrit)= and that he hath no re!pect

    "or tho!e thing! hich are ont to #e highl) val'ed #) men% !'ch a! $indred% co'ntr)% dignit)%

    ealth% and !imilar thing!= !o that re!pect o" per!on! i! to #e here ta$en "or the di!tinction or thedi""erence there i! #eteen one nation and another. "D8 -'t i" an) hence o#ect! and !a)!% KThat

    then there i! no !'ch thing a! the grat'ito'! election o" Eod= it ma) #e an!ered% That there i! a

    to"old acceptation o" men #e"ore Eod= the "ir!t% hen he choo!e! and call! '! "rom nothingthro'gh grat'ito'! goodne!!% a! there i! nothing in o'r nat're hich can #e approved #) him= the

    !econd% hen a"ter having regenerated '!% he con"er! on '! hi! gi"t!% and !ho! "avor to the

    image o" hi! Son hich he recogni5e! in '!.

    &'.(hosoever have sinned without law, "D etc. +n the "ormer part o" thi! !ection he a!!ail! the

    Eentile!= tho'gh no Mo!e! a! given them to p'#li!h and to rati") a la "rom the Lord% he )et

    denie! thi! omi!!ion to #e a rea!on h) the) de!erved not the '!t !entence o" death "or their!in!= a! tho'gh he had !aid G that the $noledge o" a ritten la a! not nece!!ar) "or the '!t

    condemnation o" a !inner. See then hat $ind o" advocac) the) 'nderta$e% ho thro'gh

    mi!placed merc)% attempt% on the gro'nd o" ignorance% to eempt the nation! ho have not the

    light o" the go!pel "rom the 'dgment o" Eod.

    (hosoever have sinned under the law,etc. *! the Eentile!% #eing led #) the error! o" their on

    rea!on% go headlong into r'in% !o the >e! po!!e!! a la #) hich the) are condemned= "J0 "or

    thi! !entence ha! #een long ago prono'nced%

    KC'r!ed are all the) ho contin'e not in all it! precept!. R 0/J/DN(e'teronom) /J4/D.

    * or!e condition then aait! the >ei!h !inner!% !ince their condemnation i! alread)

    prono'nced in their on la.

    &(.or the hearers of the law,etc. Thi! anticipate! an o#ection hich the >e! might have

    add'ced. *! the) had heard that the la a! the r'le o" righteo'!ne!!% R0001N(e'teronom) 41%

    the) gloried in the mere $noledge o" it4 to o#viate thi! mi!ta$e% he declare! that the hearing o"the la or an) $noledge o" it i! o" no !'ch con!eI'ence% that an) one !ho'ld on that acco'nt

    la) claim to righteo'!ne!!% #'t that or$! m'!t #e prod'ced% according to thi! !a)ing% KHe ho

    ill do the!e !hall live in them. The import then o" thi! ver!e i! the "olloing% G KThat i"righteo'!ne!! #e !o'ght "rom the la% the la m'!t #e "'l"illed= "or the righteo'!ne!! o" the la

    con!i!t! in the per"ection o" or$!. The) ho pervert thi! pa!!age "or the p'rpo!e o" #'ilding

    'p '!ti"ication #) or$!% de!erve mo!t "'ll) to #e la'ghed at even #) children. +t i! there"ore

    improper and #e)ond hat i! need"'l% to introd'ce here a long di!c'!!ion on the !'#ect% ith thevie o" epo!ing !o "'tile a !ophi!tr)4 "or the *po!tle onl) 'rge! here on the >e! hat he had

    mentioned% the deci!ion o" the la% G That #) the la the) co'ld not #e '!ti"ied% ecept the)

    "'l"illed the la% that i" the) tran!gre!!ed it% a c'r!e a! in!tantl) prono'nced on them. 9o edo not den) #'t that per"ect righteo'!ne!! i! pre!cri#ed in the la4 #'t a! all are convicted o"

    tran!gre!!ion% e !a) that another righteo'!ne!! m'!t #e !o'ght. Still more% e can prove "rom

    thi! pa!!age that no one i! '!ti"ied #) or$!= "or i" the) alone are '!ti"ied #) the la ho "'l"illthe la% it "ollo! that no one i! '!ti"ied= "or no one can #e "o'nd ho can #oa!t o" having

    "'l"illed the la. "J1

    ROMANS'/&-0&6&-.;or hen the Eentile!% hich have not &-.W''m enim Eente!% I'U Legem


  • 8/12/2019 Calvino Romanos


    the la% do #) nat're the thing! contained

    in the la% the!e% having not the la% are a

    la 'nto them!elve!4

    non ha#ent% nat'ra I'U Legi! !'nt

    "aciant% ip!U% Legem non ha#ente!%

    !i#i ip!U !'nt Le4

    &6.+n the da) hen Eod !hall 'dge the

    !ecret! o" men #) >e!'! Chri!t% according

    to m) go!pel.

    &6.+n die I'a 'dica#it (e'! occ'lta

    homin'm% !ec'nd'm ,vangeli'm

    me'm% per +e!'m Chri!t'm.

    &-.or when the entiles,etc. He no !tate! hat prove! the "ormer cla'!e= "or he did not thin$

    it eno'gh to condemn '! #) mere a!!ertion% and onl) to prono'nce on '! the '!t 'dgment o"Eod= #'t he proceed! to prove thi! #) rea!on!% in order to ecite '! to a greater de!ire "or Chri!t%

    and to a greater love toard! him. He indeed !ho! that ignorance i! in v