campaign briefing at&t brand campus challenge university of texas at dallas october 9 th, 2014...

Download Campaign Briefing AT&T Brand Campus Challenge University of Texas at Dallas October 9 th, 2014 Ganapath Velu Joshua McKinley Evan Allen Ponkumarn Premvetty

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  • Campaign Briefing AT&T Brand Campus Challenge University of Texas at Dallas October 9 th, 2014 Ganapath Velu Joshua McKinley Evan Allen Ponkumarn Premvetty Cody Mains Amy Dollin
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  • University Profile # of Students 23,084 (as of 9-18-2014) # of Faculty 1,124 (as of Fall 2013) # of Schools 7 School of Arts and Humanities School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science School of Interdisciplinary Studies Naveen Jindal School of Management School of Natural Science & Mathematics
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  • UT Dallas Demographics Male: 57% Female: 43% Full Time: 77% Part Time: 23% Undergraduate: 62% Graduate: 38%
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  • AT&T Survey Method: Qualtrics Total Responses: 729 51% Male / 49% Female 62.6% Domestic / 37.4% International
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  • Research Findings
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  • NPS NPS = 25% -36% = -11% NPS = 17% - 55% = -38%
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  • Focus Group Observations AT&T Products Products are pricey compared to competitors. No problem with service. Little awareness about discount. AT&T Brand Great brand value. Students associate it with quality. Blue and orange are appealing. AT&T Careers Good awareness about leadership programs among MBAs. Students aware about sales jobs. Not much management job awareness among other students. Perceived as great place to work by majority.
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  • AT&T Product & Careers Research Products Wireless Internet U-Verse Bundles Digital TV Home phone Careers Leadership programs across various departments. Various internship and full-time opportunities for students of the School of Management. Career opportunities for both undergraduates and postgraduates.
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  • Mutual Mind Social Media Research
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  • Mutual Mind Social Media Measurements
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  • Social Media Research Top 5 most AT&T mentions in the cities here
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  • Negative Mentions Negative connotation to cellular service Technology- based comments Wi-Fi ability of phones
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  • Positive Mentions Lots of mention of products Customers enjoy sharing phone upgrades or purchases online Customers are happy with deals they find for AT&T
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  • Listening for a Student Discount Very few mentions of student discount on Twitter Very few mentions of student discount on Twitter Those who did mention were unsure Those who did mention were unsure Need to create buzz among students!
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  • Proposed Campaign
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  • Mission & Strategy Mission Statement: Promote AT&T to the UT Dallas population as both an excellent provider of products/services and a great place to work. Position the brand as a leading innovator in electronic entertainment through advertising, mobile applications, interactive activities, and social media. Customer Segment: 18-34 year old UTD students Campaign Strategy : Leverage mainly mobile technology to promote AT&T as fun, engaging and entertaining. Slogan : Connect the COMETS!
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  • Timeline Week 1 Week 15 Sept 23-Oct 3 Surveys & Focus groups Oct 9 Campaign Briefing Oct 19-26 Promotion for Scavenger Hunt Oct 27-29 Scavenger Hunt Dec 16 Final Presentation Dec 3-9 Post-campaign Research Nov 4-17 Beacon & Display Advertising Nov 26-Dec 2 User-generated Contest
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  • Promotions to create awareness of events Highlighters with AT&T logo before midterms - 500 Promotions on TV displays in the campus Door hangers - 5 dorms - 6,000 students Email blasts - 800 Ad banners - 100 Tear cards - 250 Yard signs - 50 Flyers - 500
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  • Music Event DJ WHIZ T Official DJ of Dallas Cowboys (former Official DJ of Dallas Mavericks) Have DJ Whiz T play popular music in the middle of campus where we have a table promoting our events, AT&T, and getting peoples information in exchange for giveaways so we can market to them later. Promotions to create awareness & build up for upcoming events
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  • Sticky-Note Infographic Video Get stats favorable for AT&T meeting their needs Write sound bites packed with appealing information to the target audience but short enough to write on the sticky notes Show sticky notes and post it on the wall, at the end it will form the AT&T Logo It is a video Infographic / time lapse hybrid in a sense It is an award winning idea / video Won DFW AMA Collegiate Marketer of the Year Award Winning Sample Video: Awareness & build up for upcoming events continued
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  • Social-Mobile Scavenger Hunt
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  • Settings for Game Video AR Photo QR scanning Text
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  • Augmented Reality/QR Codes Connect The Comets
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  • iBeacon & AltBeacon Proximity system designed to target mobile devices within a localized radius using Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) technology to send messages to devices within that radius Devices must have an existing app with location permissions enabled to be targeted Uses transmitters from Radius Networks to send the beacons USB Transmitters Standalone Transmitters Certain iOS devices
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  • How will we use Beacons? Use a mobile app such as BeaconStream Provide incentives to download the app at our events; e.g. slice of pizza Target high-traffic areas of campus with our beacons
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  • iBeacon at work
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  • Website-Bridge page to Vanity url
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  • Google AdWords Campaign Careers @ AT&T Career Advancement New Job Seekers AT&T Products and Services Mobile PhonesUverse iPhone 6 & 6 Plus
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  • Campaign Settings : Careers
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  • Campaign Settings : Products & Services
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  • Campaign Settings CPC is originally set at a max of $0.80. The value will be adjusted as we see which ads perform the best and which ads need to be allocated more funds.
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  • Sample Ads: Careers @ AT&T: Job Seekers
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  • Sample Ads: Careers @ AT&T: Career Advancement
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  • Sample Ads: Products and Services: Mobile Phones
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  • Sample Ads: Products and Services: iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
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  • Careers at AT&T: Display Ads
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  • Products & Services: Display Ads
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  • @ConnectComets on Twitter
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  • Facebook Ads and Settings
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  • Facebook Ads
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  • Spirit Rocks @ UTD
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  • Metrics-Engagement Net promoter scoreBefore and After Scavenger Hunt# of app downloads Average # of points per player Completion rate Display advertising# of Impressions CTR Landing pageTime on site # of unique visits CTR Obtain Vanity url unique visitors User generated competition- Picture competition # apps downloaded # of posts # Likes # Shares # retweets iBeacon# of beacons sent # apps downloaded # beacons viewed
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  • Budget S.NoItemCost 1 Scavenger Hunt platform$700.00 2 Music Event$450.00 3 Promotions$450.00 Doorhangers$100.00 Flyers$100.00 Posters$150.00 Other Promotions$100.00 4 Beacon$250.00 5 Giveaways$600.00 6 Display ads$400.00 Total Cost$2850.00 Budget Available for any cost overun$150
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  • Thank you for the opportunity! Questions?