campaign designed to increase membership during the year 2012


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The project under study is a campaign designed to increase membership during 2012 is a promotional campaign and save the advertising costs. This report critically evaluated the methods of promotion and campaign strategy at CTC i.e. Cyclist’s Touring Club. This report is aimed to identify the stake holders, develop a campaign strategy of promotion, public relations and deliver out messages to the audience. The parties that have stake in the stake are board of directors of CTC, the general public and the government authorities related, participants, and members. The strategy used in this campaign is to get the roads clear for the cycling by the government authorities that also provide security for routing the traffic to clear roads from public transports


Page 1: Campaign designed to increase membership during the year 2012

Proposal Title: “Project proposal for a Campaign designed to increase

membership during the year 2012.”

Page 2: Campaign designed to increase membership during the year 2012

Executive Summary:

The project under study is a campaign designed to increase membership during 2012 is a

promotional campaign and save the advertising costs. This report critically evaluated the methods of

promotion and campaign strategy at CTC i.e. Cyclist‟s Touring Club. This report is aimed to identify

the stake holders, develop a campaign strategy of promotion, public relations and deliver out

messages to the audience. The parties that have stake in the stake are board of directors of CTC, the

general public and the government authorities related, participants, and members. The strategy used

in this campaign is to get the roads clear for the cycling by the government authorities that also

provide security for routing the traffic to clear roads from public transports.

The campaign makes use of public relation tactics of interviews from people are conducted through

survey, telephone interviews and voicemails as public relation tactics. The media list of articles,

blogs, SEO‟s, web videos using other social media, corporate blogging at the official sites, and social

media news, social media e.g. facebook and Television.

The campaign leaves messages for members, participants, civil authorities, government bodies

participating, and the cycling champions. The activities have been scheduled for all activities with

respect to dates and months. These activities are scheduled to be performed within the due dates.

The campaign success is measured using the methods of Elliptical Fourier Analysis, fractal

dimension, campaign analytics, total online community size, and the canonical discriminant analysis.

Page 3: Campaign designed to increase membership during the year 2012

Table of contents

Executive Summary: ................................................................................................................................. 2

1. Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1. Aims: ........................................................................................................................................ 4

1.2. SMART objectives: ................................................................................................................... 4

1.2.1. S – Specific: .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.2.2. M – Measurable: .................................................................................................................... 4

1.2.3. A – Achievable: ..................................................................................................................... 4

1.2.4. R – Realistic: ......................................................................................................................... 5

1.2.5. T – Time: .............................................................................................................................. 5

2. Key Public Relation Issues:................................................................................................................ 5

3. Key Stake holders/publics: ................................................................................................................ 6

4. Campaign Strategy: ........................................................................................................................... 6

4.1. Public Relation Tactics: ............................................................................................................. 6

4.1.1. Media Relations Tactics: ..................................................................................................... 6

4.1.2. Media List: ........................................................................................................................ 7

5. Campaign Messages: ......................................................................................................................... 7

6. Time Table: ...................................................................................................................................... 8

7. Potential Program Success Evaluation Methods: ................................................................................. 9

8. Conclusion: ...................................................................................................................................... 9

References:............................................................................................................................................. 11

Page 4: Campaign designed to increase membership during the year 2012

1. Introduction:

The project on a research on a campaign designed to increase membership during 2012 is a

promotional campaign. The campaign has been organized by Cyclist‟s Touring Club. This report will

critically evaluate the methods of promotion and campaign strategy. The purpose of this report is to

emphasize on the public relations and inclusion of stakeholders and publics basically for their

positive contribution in this campaign. The campaign messages will be delivered to the general

public to make this campaign a success at all levels.

Cyclist‟s Touring Club – CTC is an organization that protects and promotes rights of cyclists. This

organization has been operational since 1878 and is a not for profit organization. The organization is

for travelling and recreational purposes. Currently there are 60,000 members of variable ages and

types. CTC offers a lot of services that improve riding facilities. All types of cycling promotion has

been the scope of this organization like off-road, adventurous cycling, sport and leisure (CTC 2011).

1.1. Aims:

The aims of this report are to identify the stakeholders and develop a clear campaign strategy of

promotion and public relations and deliver clear messages to the audience. These aims are

specifically achievable with the help of structuring the campaign and scheduling the activities in an

appropriate time frame.

1.2. SMART objectives:

The SMART objectives of this research are discussed in this section. The SMART Objectives are

1.2.1. S – Specific:

The specific objective of this report is to run a charity event of promotional campaign to increase

memberships and for promotional purposes.

1.2.2. M – Measurable:

The measurable objective is to increase the public relations and advertise is through media that is

not expensive at all. Advertizing through other means would be much more expensive.

1.2.3. A – Achievable:

The achievable objective is to the campaign run strictly from January to December 2012.

Page 5: Campaign designed to increase membership during the year 2012

1.2.4. R – Realistic:

The realistic objective of this campaign is to get the cyclists register and keep their records straight

before the members are actually riding for this campaign.

1.2.5. T – Time:

The time objective is to set the time line and complete all the activity with appropriate schedules.

All of these objectives are meant to be attainable.

2. Key Public Relation Issues:

There are a lot of issues in public relations specifically to this project of CTC. One of the issues is of

ethics. The cycling is supposed to be a disciplined and ethical event. Any unethical practice in the

campaign can slow down the charity event and the cycling rally (Buckley 2010).

The second issue is of integrity that is almost the same as adherence to the ethics and norms of the

campaign. One of the biggest concerns of integrity is to communicate the comprehensive and

complete information to the participants in order to retain the balance (Hartwell 2011).

The third most important issue of public relations is crisis management. Managing public and having

their consensus on one thing is not always feasible. To deal with this problem is to make a team of

crisis management and creating this team is another challenge. Managerial staff plays a great role in

dealing with these issues wisely (Heath 2009).

Commitment is the fourth important issue that can cause unreliability and many people to back off

from the campaigns. The public just need a reason to join in or just leave. This is the reason a

commitment that shows is essential (Buckley 2010).

Trust and Reputations is another integrity off shoot. This trust and reputations proceeds the social

organizations. If public trusts and have heard of a good reputation about an organization only then

they follow (Bowen 2007).

Truth makes the public to rely on the commitment making authority. The public wants the truth as

they always critically analyze the information made public. It is unethical to spread out the wrong

information in the magazines or through advertising. The social campaigns need to be based on the

truth for people to be convincing enough that they are the noble causes (Buckley 2010).

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Communication is in the public handling is one of the concerns of the authorities. The

communication can be verbal, written or oral in case of this campaign. There should be

conformance among all types of communication used. The communication can cause barriers in the

future actions. If the organizations fail to communicate properly, a lot of misunderstandings may

crop up and even spread in the whole network (Heath 2009).

3. Key Stake holders/publics:

The key stake holders and publics in this campaign are the NGO board of directors, the operational

staff, the members, volunteers, the registered public, bike club, cycle champions, participants and

other government authorities holding the event in their facility. The stake holders and publics in this

case are extended to a large level because a lot of parties like bicycle fixing party also becomes a part

of this campaign.

4. Campaign Strategy:

The campaign strategy is very straight forward. There are lobbies for local, regional and national

cyclists to establish better organized campaign. The campaign is backed by the RITE TO RIDE

network. The CTC strategy is to implement the riding rules with commitment in a cycle friendly

infrastructure. The streets and roads are talked to the city mares and are reserved for the race. The

pubic transport is routed. The public transport is always made aware of the slow speed. The range is

improved, quality of the campaign in keenly looked into (CTCpolicy 2011).

4.1. Public Relation Tactics:

The public relations are handled with extreme care. The tactics are the reputation must be

monitored. The corporate podcasting i.e. the internet as a source of uploading the news to the

concerned people. The interviews from people are conducted through survey, telephone interviews

and voicemails.

4.1.1. Media Relations Tactics:

The media relations are maintained with tactics like media kits that are use to make the stories

public. These kits contain documents like brochures, product samples, backgrounds, and fact sheets.

Media alerts are like reminders to the targeted audience, pitch letters that are the new media releases,

Page 7: Campaign designed to increase membership during the year 2012

actualities like quotable quotes that are stored on tapes are used, letters to editors, and interviews are

good media relations tactics (Janal 2010).

4.1.2. Media List:

The media list with the public relations tactics are corporate web videos that offer a good source of

information to the interested parties. Viral marketing is done through articles, blogs, web videos

using other social media, corporate blogging at the official sites, SEO‟s and social media news

releases along with the social media like facebook and Television (Mullen 2009).

5. Campaign Messages:

The campaign messages are published on their website of CTC like:

“CTC is pleased that the Government has finally agreed to a relaxation of traffic sign regulations,

including the use of „except cyclists‟ plates in conjunction with a „no entry‟ sign. The changes follow

the Traffic Signs Review.” Dated, 13/10/2011

“CTC is helping support an attempt by the Forestry Commission to beat the world record for the

largest tree-hug due to take place at Delamere Forest on Sunday 11 September. To mark the

occasion, there will be cycle rides in forestry locations around England.” Dated, 06/09/2011

“The Department for Transport is pressing ahead with a ten-year trial of longer lorries, despite

acknowledging the potential danger to vulnerable road users and the impact on road infrastructure.”

Dated, 11/10/2011

“On 25 - 26 June, families in York will be having fun and getting fit at the York Cycle Show, the

grand finale to national Bike Week and one of the highlights in the UK cycling calendar. Visitors on

the Saturday will get to see the prototype 2012 Olympic Torch.” Dated, 10/06/2011

“Scotland‟s young people will have the opportunity to meet the country‟s decision makers on

Tuesday, when these groups come together to celebrate the first year of the cycling development

programme Bike Club”. 25/08/2011

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All of these messages are available at the official website of CTC

6. Time Table:

Date Time Activities

Jan 1-31 9am-2pm Registration of campaign members,

adding new members, contacting the

old members.

Feb 1-15 10-12am Practicing and developing stamina for

cycling, devising work outs for


Feb 15- 28 9am-5pm Posting the Maps, promotional

activities and communicating with

security and city authorities.

March 1-31 9-5pm Daily Medical Exams of the cyclists

April 1-30 9-5pm Cycling starts

May 1-31 9-12pm Rounds defined and racing holding

June 1-30 9-12pm Round 2 cycling events of mountain,

road cycling

July 1-31 9-12pm Cycling

August 1-30 9-12pm Cycling

September –


9-12pm Racing and cycling

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7. Potential Program Success Evaluation Methods:

The program success is evaluated through a lot of methods. Elliptical Fourier Analysis is an

analytical tool that provides precise information about descriptions of complex boundaries and to

construct the images with complete accuracy. The matrices are also used to summarized the

complexity (McLellan and Endler 1998).

The total online community size is used to measure the overall social size of the social campaign

programs. This matrix gives an insight into the value created by the social network. It makes one has

to collect figures for key channels, weekly or monthly assessments and evaluation, saves figures in

basic spreadsheets and helps in developing graphs to measure and compare the performance. This

tool also helps in calculating the bonus points (McDaniel 2011).

Fractal dimension is extremely connected to the ratio of boundary area dissection index. It reveals

additional information about shape. Fractal dimension in combination gives the summaries of shape

complexity provides high-quality discrimination of groups (McLellan and Endler 1998).

Campaign analytics is used for figure out how good the campaign performed. These analytics are

used to measure the return on investment to evaluate good decisions, revenues per conversation, the

customers behavior is measured to gain better understanding of visitors demographics and

parameters (Microsoft 2010).

The online metrics as a Proxy are good enough for measuring campaign success. Many marketers

make use of this online key performance indicator KPI. The maetrics like banner ad impressions,

page views, time on site and unique vistors are used to figure out the goals of campaigns and the

goals met already. The success is quantitatively measure with these marketing tools that give loose

but measurable correlation to activities planned (Fau 2009).

The canonical discriminant analysis is another tool to compare methods for outlines to conventional

morphometric analysis of landmarks points measurements taken. This outline methods discrimates

the groups that are landmark based analyses (McLellan and Endler 1998).

8. Conclusion:

CTC is the Cyclists Touring Club that promotes the cyclists rights. This report critically evaluated the

methods of promotion and campaign strategy. The report aims to identify the stakeholders and

Page 10: Campaign designed to increase membership during the year 2012

develop a clear campaign strategy of promotion and public relations and deliver clear messages to

the audience. The publics and stakeholders of this campaign are the general public and the

government authorities related, participants, board of directors of CTC and members. The campaign

strategy is to get the help of government authorities to establish discipline in routing the public

transport to other roads than the cyclist‟s map track roads. The public relation tactics are to make

use of the media tactics like the interviews from people are conducted through survey, telephone

interviews and voicemails. And media list of articles, blogs, web videos using other social media,

corporate blogging at the official sites, SEO‟s and social media news releases along with the social

media like facebook and Television. The campaign messages are for members, participants,

government bodies participating, the cycling champions, and other civil authorities. The activities for

the campaign are time tabled in each month starting from January to December 2012. All of these

activities are expected to be performed within the due dates. The campaign success is measured

using Elliptical Fourier Analysis, total online community size, fractal dimension, campaign analytics

and the canonical discriminant analysis. Thus, this essay helped in critically evaluating the methods

of promotion and campaign strategy at CTC i.e. Cyclist‟s Touring Club.

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Bowen, S. A. (2007). "Ethics and Public Relations." The science Beneath the art of public relations 1(2): pp.1-44.

Buckley, J. (2010) "Issues in Public Relations." PR blogs 1, pp.1-6. Buckley, J. (2010). Issues in Public Relations. word press blog. weblog, 2011. CTC. (2011). "About CTC." CTC working for cycling Retrieved November 29, 2011, 2011, from CTCpolicy. (2011). "Resources & Policy " Retrieved December 2, 2011, 2011. Fau, A. (2009) "Social Intensity: A New Measure for Campaign Success?" Click Z 2, pp.1-19. Hartwell, D. (2011). "Current problems in Public Relations." Oxford Journal of Social Sciences. 6(2):

pp.236-247. Heath, L. (2009). Strategic Issues Management. Organizations and Public policy challenges. R. L. Heath, 1. Janal, D. (2010) "Media Tactics." Pearl Leads 1, pp.1-9. McDaniel, C. (2011) "3 Key Metrics To Measure Social Media Success." Search Engine Watch 1, pp.1-9. McLellan, T. and J. A. Endler (1998). "The relative success of some methods for measuring and describing

the shape of complex objects." Systematic Biology 47(2): 264. Microsoft (2010) "Campaign Analytics." Microsoft Advertising 1, pp.1-9. Mullen, S. (2009). Social Media PR Blog. 25 March. E. Game,