campaign guide - the village church

Campaign Guide

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Post on 29-Mar-2022




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Campaign Guide
Table of Contents Section 1 - A Note from Travis Section 2 - History & Ministry of The Village Section 3 - A Note from Our Co-Chairs Section 4 - The For The Community Campaign Team Section 5 - Campaign Explanation Section 6 - Building Renderings Section 7 - Campaign Involvement Section 8 - Frequently Asked Questions
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There is a fundamental problem in our culture about “Church.” The problem is that, for too long, the Church in our culture has been known for what it’s against. Almost four years ago, we set out to change that. You see, we don’t want to be known by what we’re against, we want to be known by what we’re FOR. We’re for people. We’re for each other. We’re for love. We’re for kids and youth. We’re for growth. We’re for impact. We’re for belonging and hope and purpose. We’re for the kind of life transformation that can only happen through the love and grace of Jesus. We’re for the community because we believe that God is for the community. God is for people. God is for us. And as it says in Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
From the first night that people gathered to pray and dream and listen, the vision of The Village wasn’t to build a great church for us, it was to build a great church for the community. The kind of church that would put the world-changing love of Jesus on display for other people to see and experience. The kind of church that would, against better judgment and sound advice, give away its biggest offerings of the year so that thirsty people could have water, the most vulnerable people in our city could have a place to call home, and hungry kids could have food on the weekends. The kind of church that would be missed if we weren’t here.
We wanted to be that kind of church because we believe that’s who Jesus is and that’s what Jesus does. Jesus changes things in noticeable ways. He changes our hearts, our minds, our lives, and because of that, through us, he changes the things and the people and the circumstances around us.
Today marks the beginning of a new journey for The Village: building a more permanent church home, a 24/7 ministry center, so that we can continue to passionately pursue God’s call for us and be a church For The Community. I invite you to join me, Amanda, our family, and the rest of The Village in reading this campaign guide and praying through this prayer, “God, what do you want to do for the community through me?” In praying this prayer and reading this guide, I hope you’ll gain confidence and clarity in how you can be part of the For The Community campaign, and show the world what the church is FOR.
Following Jesus Together,
Travis & Amanda Garner
What started four years ago with 60 people crammed into a living room to pray and dream has now grown beyond imagination:
• Almost 600 people meeting weekly across two services
• Over 250 children per month are hearing about the love of Jesus at Village Kids on Sunday mornings
• More than 100 teenagers are learning what it means to follow Jesus at Village Youth on Sunday nights
• Over 100 people have said “yes” to following Jesus through baptism and/or public profession of faith
• More than $350,000 has been given away to local organizations and ministries, each making a deep impact on the community
We could be content with that. We could say, “well done.” But we know that God isn’t done with us yet. We envision so much more:
• More teenagers and children coming to know Jesus
• More lives changed, families transformed, and stories re-written
• More people experiencing hope, healing, and joy
• Deeper impact in our community • More disciple-making, world-
changing followers of Jesus per square inch living in Nashville and beyond
We believe that all of this would result in a better community for everyone living in it.
Section 2 History & Mission of The Village
As we continue to grow, it is becoming increasingly clear that our lack of a permanent facility is holding us back from doing all of the good that God has called us to do for the community.
Last spring, knowing that our lease at Sunset Middle School ends in October 2021, our church voted to purchase 27 acres of land at the corner of Old Burkitt Rd. and Nolensville Rd. to serve as the site of a future permanent ministry center in our community. Last fall, over 170 households made 13-month commitments totaling just under $1.1 million to significantly reduce the $1.5 million debt on our property. The theme of this campaign was “Here For Good,” and together, we planted a flag in the ground to say that we’re here for good with permanence and also here for the good of our community.
Section 2 History & Mission of The Village
Section 2 History & Mission of The Village
Nashville and the surrounding communities are growing by the thousands. Even right here, within a ten-minute drive of our property, over 150 new households are moving in every month. There are 60,000 people right here who’ve never had a life- changing encounter with Jesus, who don’t know that God is for them. Can you imagine walking through the ups and downs and highs and lows of life without knowing that you’re supported by God and surrounded by a community? This is the current reality for hundreds of thousands in the Nashville area.
Now is the time for us to take a significant step forward in being the church for this community that God has called us to be. Now is the time for us to build a permanent facility to serve as a mission outpost at the epicenter of the growth in Davidson, Williamson, and Rutherford Counties and beyond.
A permanent facility is not a distraction from our mission, it is a significant means for mission, by which we can show the surrounding community that we are for them and that God is for them. This is ultimately not about increasing our seating capacity, it’s about increasing our sending capacity, sending more and more impact-minded followers of Jesus out into our community, into the everyday stuff of life. We want to use our facility to mobilize our people to be the church in every school, in every neighborhood, in every home, and in every workplace.
In addition to using our building to mobilize and send people out to serve the community, one of the best ways we can love and serve our neighbors is by becoming a physical neighbor ourselves by building a facility that is in and of itself for the community.
We’re dreaming of a place to worship, hold important milestone events like weddings, and invite people of all ages to learn about Jesus. But we’re also dreaming of a facility that can serve the hungry, hurting and broken people in our midst, host community events, meetings, and support groups, and offer hospitality throughout the week - a facility that’s a physical representation of our longing to be a church for the community. Our facility will increase our capacity for ministry so that we can continue to go into the community to reach and serve our neighbors with the love of Jesus.
Section 2 History & Mission of The Village
Our Community,
We are all blessed to be part of The Village family. A true community, for the community. We believe this is one of the most pivotal and exciting times for our church. Repeatedly, we have seen Jesus move each of us to places we have never been before, spiritually, emotionally, sacrificially. As the chairs of our For The Community campaign, we have the privilege of working alongside our church body to support each one of you as you consider your part in this initiative.
Our For The Community campaign is a three-year journey to support a 26,000 square foot facility which will house a multipurpose worship and youth center, flexible children’s space, lobby and café along with space for our pastoral and staff offices. This will be our first physical representation of who The Village is and what we embody. It is a church that is for the people, for love, and for community. We believe God is for the community and God is for us. Our new Village home will be a place where lives will be transformed through the love of Jesus, a place where our children will marry, we will celebrate baptisms, and mourn loss. It is a place of new beginnings. A place that we will build together to impact lives for generations to come, all for the glory of God.
We believe we can’t be in community with God if our sense of community is rooted in our own understanding. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding but in all ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths,“ Proverbs 3: 5-6. We have a transformational God who is for us and working within all of us. Join us in lifting this campaign to the Lord in prayer, asking Him to direct our paths. Pray earnestly about how God wants you to give sacrificially to this initiative, for the community, through you. Through our commitment to follow Jesus, He will show up mightily in our lives and for the community.
“If God is for us, who can be against us,” Romans 8:31
In Christ, Jason, Bethany, Steven & Angela
Section 3 Note from Our Co-Chairs
Steven & Angela McCarter
Jason & Bethany Rozell
Nathan & Mary Carla Nelson Grace Powlus
Mick & Laura Raney Jim & Kelly Reedy
Zach & Carla Richards Jason & Bethany Rozell
Chris Shaw Don Smith
David & Karen Williams
Jeff & Lee-Ann Altizer Grant & Michelle Clarke
Chris & Joanna Cummings Mackenzie Dickinson
Heather Dubuque Elias Dummer Kristy Fleming
Travis & Amanda Garner Steve & Courtney Gilbert
Julie Henson Kelli Huston
Erin Marshall
Phase 1 of this project includes a multipurpose room that will hold 500 people for worship on Sunday mornings and youth ministry gatherings on Sunday nights, a large gathering space and smaller classrooms for children, a lobby and kitchen space, and a multipurpose meeting space for staff and other community groups and organizations. Every space in this phase is intentionally multipurpose and multifunctional so that we can maximize the impact of the building not just on Sundays, but throughout the week as well. In Phase 1, building any space specifically dedicated to one age group or ministry area will only limit what we are able to accomplish together and the ways God is able to reach our community through us and our facility.
We project breaking ground in the late spring / early summer of 2020 on our Phase 1 26,000 square foot facility. The total cost for this project is estimated between $7 and $8 million, which includes all construction costs, site preparation costs, entrance and road improvement costs, signage and landscaping costs, and all furniture, fixtures, and equipment expenses.
With the For The Community campaign, our hope is to fund, through three-year commitments, as much of the Phase I construction costs as possible in order to minimize long-term debt.
Section 5 Campaign Explanation
Section 6 Building Renderings
Early rendering of a 500-seat state-of-the- art multipurpose worship and youth center as it might look on a Sunday morning. This space would host worship, Sunday night youth gatherings, our Sent Sunday Christmas Edition event, and serve as a venue to host community events such as meetings and school plays.
Early rendering of a flexible large-group space for our thriving Village Kids ministry. This area would connect to smaller rooms to serve as nursery spaces and could easily convert to serve as a preschool or meeting and training spaces throughout the week.
God has been writing an incredible story for our community and the surrounding areas through The Village, and a new chapter of that story begins now. This is a defining moment in that story, and how the story continues is largely dependent on how each and every one of us responds in this moment.
What are we asking? We are asking for 100% participation from anyone and everyone who considers The Village to be their church home. We have taken some significant steps in a short time together, but this is the most significant one to date. This is a God-sized vision for us that will require God to do things that we can’t do on our own and the participation of literally everyone in our church.
Throughout the next several weeks you will receive more information regarding the For The Community campaign via email and mail. For now, we are asking you to do three things.
Section 7 Campaign Involvement
We are asking you to do three things: Pray, Engage, and Respond.
Pray: We will not be able to reach this goal without God’s help and the faithful prayer of everyone in our church. Begin praying this prayer, “God, what do you want to do for the community through me?”
Engage: Being a church for the community requires more than our prayers, it requires our active engagement. Commit during this season to being present for worship, engaging in a Village Group, and actively loving and serving your neighbors at every opportunity. “For The Community” is not just a slogan, it’s a lifestyle for followers of Jesus. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend these upcoming special Sundays:
Sunday, October 27 – Gratitude Sunday • We’ll be invited to share our gratitude to God as we consider the ways that God has
impacted our lives for the better through our church community.
Sunday, Nov. 3 – Ministry Sunday • We’ll celebrate the life-changing ministries of our church and the inspiring stories of how
individuals and families have been blessed by God through these ministries.
Sunday, Nov. 10 – Celebration Sunday – One BIG Service, 10:00AM • We’ll have an amazing party and hear a special announcement about the status of the
For The Community campaign.
Sunday, Nov. 17 – Commitment Sunday • Commitment cards will be received during worship as we offer the response God has led
each of us to make.
Sunday, Dec. 15 – Announcement Sunday • We’ll celebrate the faithfulness of God and the collective generosity of The Village Church
family as we announce the grand total of three-year commitments received.
Respond: Pray earnestly about how God wants you to give sacrificially to the initiative above and beyond your regular ministry giving, and then boldly and faithfully respond. God doesn’t call us to an equal share, but God does call us to an equal sacrifice. Only God can lead you into what would be a sacrificial gift for you.
Section 7 Campaign Involvement
Here are some questions and quick facts that you may be asking yourself about the For The Community campaign. If you have additional questions, let us know at [email protected].
1. Where is the land / building site?
In the Spring of 2018, we purchased a 23-acre property at 7224 Old Burkitt Rd, and a single-family home sitting on four acres of land at 7236 Old Burkitt Rd. It is on these 27 acres that our future 24/7 ministry center will be built.
3. How much will the building cost?
The total cost for our Phase 1 building is estimated between $7 and $8 million. This includes all construction costs, site preparation costs, entrance and road improvement costs, signage and landscaping costs, and all furniture, fixtures, and equipment expenses. It’s important to note, however, that no decisions on the building’s construction will be made prior to receiving commitments from this campaign, so that we can responsibly build within the resources provided and manage long-term debt.
2. How much is the campaign trying to raise?
Our hope is to fund as much of Phase 1 construction costs as possible through three-year commitments in order to minimize long-term debt. Through pre-campaign conversations, surveys, data analysis, and demographic considerations conducted and provided by Horizons Stewardship, a tangible benchmark is to raise at least $2,000,000 in three-year commitments.
4. How can I be involved?
Continue to gather for worship and begin to pray a simple prayer, “God, what do you want to do for the community through me?” For now, you are invited to seek God’s direction and consider your part in the For The Community emphasis. In the weeks ahead, you will receive more information and inspiration during special worship experiences and other gatherings. Then, on November 17, we will celebrate Commitment Sunday and invite you to make your commitment to the For The Community campaign. The three-year contribution period for this gift will commence in January 2020 and continue through December 2022.
Section 8 Frequently Asked Questions
7. Who has been contracted for this project?
We have contracted EOA Architects as our architects, T.W. Frierson Contractor as our building contractor, and CTS AVL as our audio-visual consultants, for this project. These decisions were made through extensive interviews and consultation with the Building Team and Lead Team, each of which are comprised of members of The Village.
6. What is the timeline?
The For The Community campaign will run throughout this fall, with an announcement of the total of three-year commitments occurring on December 15th, 2019. In early spring of 2020, a congregational vote will occur to approve final designs and construction costs. Following approval, construction will begin with groundbreaking occurring in late spring or early summer of 2020. Finally, the grand opening of our ministry center is scheduled for fall of 2021.
8. What are the plans for future additions to the building?
The For The Community campaign will lead us to the creation of Phase 1 of our building which is planned to include: a 500-seat multipurpose worship and youth center, flexible children’s space and nursery, a lobby and café, and space for our pastoral and staff offices. Within these plans, there is room to expand and repurpose space intentionally, so that as we grow, the building remains welcoming and easy to navigate. Phase 2 would likely include the expansion of the lobby area and construction of a larger worship space separate from the 500-seat worship and youth center.
5. What purposes will the building serve?
In order to be For The Community, we want our building to serve the various needs of the community, and be available for use throughout the week, not just on Sunday. In addition to hosting our worship services, Village Youth and Village Kids activities, and Sent Sunday events, the building will be designed so that spaces can serve multiple functions. With the building plans still being drafted, we can’t commit to any specific uses yet, but we want to be able to use all of our spaces to serve the community. Potential uses include: Our nursery functioning as a daycare or preschool throughout the week, our office space including rentable co-working space, our worship auditorium being used for school plays, community events, and meetings, and our lobby, café, and playground serving as a place to work, relax, and spend time together throughout the week.