cardio heart diseases

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  • 8/8/2019 Cardio Heart Diseases


    Cardio heart diseases

    Children cardiovascular heart disease what would we see? The team, failure to meet

    developmental guidelines, irritability, difficulty feeding.

    What does congenital heart disease mean? Born with a malformed heart.

    What time is important during gestation for the cardio development during embryonic

    growth? The first eight weeks.

    Chronic heart disease what conditions do we see? Malformation defects of the valves,

    stenosis, holes through the interventricular septum, mixing of the blood in the two atrial

    and ventricles.

    Transposition of the great vessels of the pulmonary artery and aortic artery. The heartdoesn't rotate in utero and the pulmonary artery exits from the left ventricle and the aortic

    artery exits from the right ventricle. you have two separate circuits, all of the

    deoxygenated blood continues to go through the body because the aortic goes right out,

    and back, comes in the right atrium and into right ventricle out the aorta and keeps goingin that circle. The left atrium to the left ventricle and then up to the pulmonary artery, so

    that side is oxygenated and the only way the child can get oxygenated blood is to have a

    vsd or asd. It is a ventricular septal defect or atrial septal defect. So the blood mixes bydiffusion, and thats how they get their blood supply.

    What is tetralogy of fallot? Most common cyanotic congenital heart condition that hasfour abnormalities.

    What are they? Pulmonary valve stenosis, ventricle septal defect (VSD), dextropostion of

    the aorta over the VSD, (exit of the aorta is moved over the top of the VSD. So, it is not

    always getting oxygenated blood. We would see these children post surgery for breathing

    exercises.Right ventricular hypertrophy, called blue babies because of the cyanotic color

    of the baby from the mixing of the blood.

    Inflammation and infections in the Heart

    Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

    What causes rheumatic fever? A betahemolytic streptococcus low virulence strain.

    So does the disease come from the actual and action based on the streptococcus or

    something else? It comes from an abnormal immune reaction secondary to the


  • 8/8/2019 Cardio Heart Diseases


    Does it involve the layers of the heart? The endocardium and the valves. The valves are

    frequently involved if someone has rheumatic fever or have had it. They need to bepremeditated prior to surgery and dental work

    They are susceptible to endocarditis.

    What is infective endocarditis? Bacterial condition, streptococcus.

    Subacute happens secondary to people who have a congenital heart disease, rheumatic

    fever, mitral valve prolapsed, septal defect, they are the people most likely to develop

    subacute, infective endocarditis.

    Acute normal heart valves are invaded by high virulence-streptococcus aureus.

    What is pericarditis? Inflammation of the outer layer of the heart, (the proactive bag that

    covers the heart.

    What can cause it? An MI, a buildup of scar tissue after heart surgery, other types ofdiseases.

    What are the signs and symptoms? Tachycardia, chest pain, dyspenea.

    Vascular disorders

    What is the difference between primary and secondary hypertension? Primary whichis essentially hypertension is idiopathic.

    Secondary hypertension is from renal or endocrine diseases, benign tumor of the adrenalmedulla or the sympathetic nervous system chain of ganglia. Must take care of the

    causative factor in first in order to treat.

    Primary hypertension is also called the silent killer because many times the person does

    not know that they have hypertension until something happens.

    What is the blood pressure for essentially hypertension? 140/90

    Is it the top number or the bottom number the most important? It is the bottom number.

    Why? The lower number is the ventricle pressure of the arteries at rest. It is the pressure

    that heart has to pump again in the beginning.

    What does a central hypertension due to the arterial walls? It damages the walls, the

    more inflammation that occurs the walls become hard and thick.

  • 8/8/2019 Cardio Heart Diseases


    What are the areas most affected by hypertension in terms of the tissues that are

    supplied? The kidneys, brain, and the retina.

    What are the ideological factors? Age-it tends to affect older people, genetics-it affects

    more men than women before the age of 55, and after 55 women catch up, genetics-it

    tends to affect African Americans more.

    What are the signs and the symptoms? Morning headache, tired, and general fatigue,

    most people do not notice it in till it gets advanced, and thats why it's called the silent


    What is the treatment? Quit smoking, reduce your sodium intake, change your lifestyle

    to exercise seen more and eating better foods, reduce your stress, diuretics and other


    Peripheral vascular disease and atherosclerosis

    What are the signs and symptoms of a PVD? Fatigue, skin is very dry and hairless, feet

    are cold, and skin is shiny, lack of pulse in the feet, intermittent claudation with walking,

    tingling, numbing and burning.

    Buergers disease-thromboangitis

    Inflammation of the med and small arteries of the legs and arms.

    What does the thrombo part in the word for? Because a person clots easily.

    Treatment of severe case amputation or dissection of the sympatric ganglion chain to the

    nervous system to decrease pain.

    Raynauds syndrome

    Idiopathic. Vasoconstriction spasm of the distal extremities, hand and feet.Common in women and is secondary to cold, stress and smoking. Involves the small


    Temporary ischemia which results in pallor (white), they have numbness and in general

    situations when that subsides they look cyanotic (blue), frequently a precursor to

    systemic lupus and other autoimmune diseases.

    No contrast baths must be kept warm.

  • 8/8/2019 Cardio Heart Diseases


    Aortic aneurysms dilation of the anterior walls looks like a balloon expanding with

    every pulsation. Sometimes can be palpable in the abdominal area.

    Defecting aortic aneurysms is a tear or defect in the middle layer of the artery, which may

    become so weak that it ruptures resulting in massive bleeding.

    Cause? Atherosclerosis, trauma to the chest, congenital, high blood pressure.

    Signs and symptoms are usually asymptomatic until it is pressing on something, pulsatingseen, or rupturing. Survival rate is improving if person can get to an emergency room

    right away. Wearing tight belts around the waste are not good for the aorta.