casereport …adenomatoid, a fairly abundant right hydropneumothorax...

Case Report Hydropneumothorax Revealing a Pneumoblastoma in Children KarimaElFakiri , 1 GhizlaneDraiss, 1 Noureddine Rada, 1 Mohammed Bouskraoui, 1 Abderrachid Hamdaoui, 2 andMohamedOuladSaiad 3 1 Pediatric A Department, Pediatric Pulmonology Unit, Mother and Child Hospital, University Hospital Mohammed VI Marrakesh, Marrakesh, Morocco 2 Pathology Laboratory Zohor El Hadika El Kobra Marrakesh, Marrakesh, Morocco 3 Pediatric Surgery Department, Mother and Child Hospital, University Hospital Mohammed VI Marrakesh, Marrakesh, Morocco Correspondence should be addressed to Karima El Fakiri; [email protected] Received 30 June 2020; Revised 31 August 2020; Accepted 2 September 2020; Published 9 September 2020 Academic Editor: Carmelo Romeo Copyright © 2020 Karima El Fakiri et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Pneumoblastoma is a rare primary childhood tumor. We report the observation of an infant aged 2 years and 8 months who presented with dry cough and dyspnea. e physical examination found mixed pleural effusion syndrome on the right. e chest X-ray revealed a right pneumothorax. Biology has shown leukocytosis at 16,000/mm 3 .eCTscanrevealedparenchymalaircystic lesions affecting the outer segment of the middle lobe mimicking a pulmonary malformation. oracic drainage brought back 100ml of the fluid. Two months later, when a pyopneumothorax appeared, a medium lobectomy was performed. Pathological study specimen showed a high-grade type II pneumoblastoma e extension assessment identified a secondary hepatic location. Chemotherapy has been indicated. is observation illustrates the diagnosis challenge of pneumoblastoma in children. 1.Introduction Pneumoblastoma (PB) is an extremely rare primary ma- lignant tumor in children. It represents 0.25 to 0.5% of all lung tumors [1] with a very serious prognosis. Classically, there are three types of PB [2]: type I is a purely cystic, bullous lesion, type II combines solid and cystic plaques, and type III is exclusively solid. e clinical features of PB are usually nonspecific encompassing pneumothorax or respi- ratory distress [3] sometimes leading to delayed diagnosis. X-ray images are often confused with those of a congenital lung defect. Metastasis from PB can affect the central ner- vous system, bone, and liver. Treatment is based on surgery and neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Here, we report an unusual observation after the consent of the parents of a hydro- pneumothorax revealing pneumoblastoma in a girl mim- icking pulmonary malformation. 2.CaseReport We report a case of a 2-year-8-month-old female without parental consanguinity. She was vaccinated up to date according to the national immunization program. No known recent tuberculosis or personal atopy and no family history of tumors were found. She was referred for a dry cough, becoming wet, dyspnea, and chest pain with fever. e clinical exami- nation found a conscious patient with fever at 38.5 ° C tachypnea at 45 breaths per minute, normal heart rate closer to 100 beats per minute. Her oxygen saturation was 98% at room air. Her body weight was 10 kilograms, and her size was 88 cm. e pleuropulmonary examination found signs of respiratory distress, such as intercostal, subcostal, and supraclavicular retractions and decrease in vocal resonance. On auscultation, there was absence of breath sounds and tympanism in the right chest. e chest X-ray showed a right pneumothorax (Figure 1) that was drained. e laboratory data showed leukocytosis at 16,000/mm 3 , predominantly neutrophilic at 8,360/mm 3 , he- moglobin at 7.9g/dl, and CRP at 70mg/dl, and the blood culture was sterile. e patient was treated by amoxicillin- clavulanic acid without much clinical and radiological im- provement. A thoracic CT scan searching an underlying pa- thology revealed overdistension of the right hemithorax with parenchymal air cystic lesions involving the external segment of the middle lobe conducting to a malformation cystic Hindawi Case Reports in Pediatrics Volume 2020, Article ID 8879661, 4 pages

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Page 1: CaseReport …adenomatoid, a fairly abundant right hydropneumothorax responsibleforacompressiveeffectontheadjacentpulmonary parenchyma,andinflammationofthepleura(Figure2).e

Case ReportHydropneumothorax Revealing a Pneumoblastoma in Children

Karima El Fakiri ,1 Ghizlane Draiss,1 Noureddine Rada,1 Mohammed Bouskraoui,1

Abderrachid Hamdaoui,2 and Mohamed Oulad Saiad3

1Pediatric A Department, Pediatric Pulmonology Unit, Mother and Child Hospital,University Hospital Mohammed VI Marrakesh, Marrakesh, Morocco2Pathology Laboratory Zohor El Hadika El Kobra Marrakesh, Marrakesh, Morocco3Pediatric Surgery Department, Mother and Child Hospital, University Hospital Mohammed VIMarrakesh,Marrakesh, Morocco

Correspondence should be addressed to Karima El Fakiri; [email protected]

Received 30 June 2020; Revised 31 August 2020; Accepted 2 September 2020; Published 9 September 2020

Academic Editor: Carmelo Romeo

Copyright © 2020 Karima El Fakiri et al.(is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Pneumoblastoma is a rare primary childhood tumor. We report the observation of an infant aged 2 years and 8 months whopresented with dry cough and dyspnea. (e physical examination found mixed pleural effusion syndrome on the right. (e chestX-ray revealed a right pneumothorax. Biology has shown leukocytosis at 16,000/mm3.(eCTscan revealed parenchymal air cysticlesions affecting the outer segment of the middle lobe mimicking a pulmonary malformation. (oracic drainage brought back100ml of the fluid. Two months later, when a pyopneumothorax appeared, a medium lobectomy was performed. Pathologicalstudy specimen showed a high-grade type II pneumoblastoma (e extension assessment identified a secondary hepatic location.Chemotherapy has been indicated. (is observation illustrates the diagnosis challenge of pneumoblastoma in children.

1. Introduction

Pneumoblastoma (PB) is an extremely rare primary ma-lignant tumor in children. It represents 0.25 to 0.5% of alllung tumors [1] with a very serious prognosis. Classically,there are three types of PB [2]: type I is a purely cystic,bullous lesion, type II combines solid and cystic plaques, andtype III is exclusively solid. (e clinical features of PB areusually nonspecific encompassing pneumothorax or respi-ratory distress [3] sometimes leading to delayed diagnosis.X-ray images are often confused with those of a congenitallung defect. Metastasis from PB can affect the central ner-vous system, bone, and liver. Treatment is based on surgeryand neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Here, we report an unusualobservation after the consent of the parents of a hydro-pneumothorax revealing pneumoblastoma in a girl mim-icking pulmonary malformation.

2. Case Report

We report a case of a 2-year-8-month-old female withoutparental consanguinity. She was vaccinated up to date

according to the national immunization program. No knownrecent tuberculosis or personal atopy and no family history oftumors were found. Shewas referred for a dry cough, becomingwet, dyspnea, and chest pain with fever. (e clinical exami-nation found a conscious patient with fever at 38.5°C tachypneaat 45 breaths per minute, normal heart rate closer to 100 beatsper minute. Her oxygen saturation was 98% at room air. Herbody weight was 10 kilograms, and her size was 88 cm. (epleuropulmonary examination found signs of respiratorydistress, such as intercostal, subcostal, and supraclavicularretractions and decrease in vocal resonance. On auscultation,there was absence of breath sounds and tympanism in the rightchest.(e chest X-ray showed a right pneumothorax (Figure 1)that was drained. (e laboratory data showed leukocytosis at16,000/mm3, predominantly neutrophilic at 8,360/mm3, he-moglobin at 7.9 g/dl, and CRP at 70mg/dl, and the bloodculture was sterile. (e patient was treated by amoxicillin-clavulanic acid without much clinical and radiological im-provement. A thoracic CT scan searching an underlying pa-thology revealed overdistension of the right hemithorax withparenchymal air cystic lesions involving the external segmentof the middle lobe conducting to a malformation cystic

HindawiCase Reports in PediatricsVolume 2020, Article ID 8879661, 4 pages

Page 2: CaseReport …adenomatoid, a fairly abundant right hydropneumothorax responsibleforacompressiveeffectontheadjacentpulmonary parenchyma,andinflammationofthepleura(Figure2).e

adenomatoid, a fairly abundant right hydropneumothoraxresponsible for a compressive effect on the adjacent pulmonaryparenchyma, and inflammation of the pleura (Figure 2). (epatient has been scheduled for surgery; however, she was lostbecause of COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, so shemissed her scheduled surgery. Twomonths later, she presentedwith pyopneumothorax that was drained. (e drain broughtback 100ml of yellow ladle liquid with lumps of pus. Bacte-riological examination of pus isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosaand Klebsiella pneumoniae. A right middle lobectomy wasperformed because we suspected a cystic adenomatoid mal-formation of the right middle lobe. (rough an open thora-cotomy, we found a gelatinous component in the right chestoriginated from the middle right lobe extending to the pleuraand diaphragm; a middle lobectomy was performed with re-section of the gelatinous component (Figure 3).(e specimenweighed 194g and measured 16 cm. Cytological finding con-firmed macroscopically multiple fragments with polypoidcerebroid and necrotic component and rare cystic wall.-Microscopically, the tumor proliferation had the double epi-thelial (Figure 4) and sarcomatous component (Figure 5). Weconducted type II of pneumoblastoma. (e extension assess-ment found secondary hepatic localization. Adjuvant che-motherapy has been indicated in addition to surgery, and thechild was referred to the pediatric oncology unit. Six monthsafter the surgery, the patient developed a local recurrence that isstill being treating by chemotherapy.

3. Discussion

Pulmonary blastoma is an uncommon tumor. (is rare andvery aggressive tumor has unspecific clinical and radiologicalcharacteristics which often delay the diagnosis. In general, re-spiratory symptoms such as cough, chest pain, dyspnea, andhemoptysis are most common in PB patients. Other clinicalpresentations, including pneumothorax, fever, hemothorax, andpleural effusion, may also be encountered [4]. Chen et al. re-ported a case of a large pulmonary blastoma in a 7-year-old girlwhose initial presentation was progressive dyspnea and

productive cough [5], which was similar to our case who hadcough dyspnea, and the pulmonary blastoma was revealed bypneumothorax. In fact, radiological images are being oftenconfused with those of a congenital lung defect. Regarding thelocalization, the right lung is more frequently affected bypulmonary blastoma than the left, which is consistent with aprevious study involving adult patients [6]. From a cytologicalpoint of view, it is an embryonal tumor of the lung with epi-thelial and mesenchymal components. (e solid regions intypes II and III were histologically similar, displaying a mixed,sarcomatous pattern. (ese sarcomatous cells may includeinterspersed foci of anaplasia, features of embryonal rhabdo-myosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, or necrosis [7–9]. PB types 1and 2 had areas very similar to congenital pulmonary airwaymalformation type 4; however, the latter has no immature/malignant components. Cytogenetically, these are completelydifferent lesions.

Our patient had large foci of tumor necrosis. In fact, thebiologic behavior of the tumor was unpredictable. However,no sensitive and specific serum tumor marker was availablefor its diagnosis.

Formerly, controversy existed regarding whether apulmonary malformation could degenerate into a PB[10–12]. However, detailed genetic and immunohisto-chemical explorations have confirmed that distinct patho-genic mechanisms exist between these two disease entities[13, 14]. In fine, we concluded that the pathology is man-datory to confirm pulmonary blastoma diagnosis. Knightet al. reported that types II and III may metastasize mostoften to the brain but rarely to the liver and bone [15], whichcontrasts with our patient because she metastasized to theliver. Overall, our management was surgery withchemotherapy.

(e European cooperative study group for pediatric raretumors has children with a threshold of tumor’s size, andtumors were large at 10 cm in maximum diameter as areasonable cutoff point, above which up-front biopsy fol-lowed by neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a reasonable ap-proach [16]. In our case, neoadjuvant chemotherapy wasused in order to minimize the radical surgical approachneeded to achieve local control.

Surgical resection of type II and type III PPB may requirea wedge resection lobectomy or pneumonectomy to achievenegative margins if possible. When performing a lobectomyfor type II or III PPB, involved pleural surfaces should beresected with the primary tumor and involved pulmonarylobe. For large type II or III PPBwith extensive pleural spread,an extrapleural pneumonectomy may be required to achievelocal control [17]. In our case, the surgery was not initiallycarried out for cancer purposes, so neoadjuvant chemo-therapy was used in order to minimize the radical surgicalapproach needed to achieve local control. In addition, weemphasize the importance of completing surgical excisionbecause it appears as an important prognosis factor.

Significant correlation occurred between the PPB typeand survival which is type I at 94%; type II at 71%, and typeIII at 53% [8]. In our case, the factors of bad prognosis werethe sarcomatous component with local recurrence and he-patic metastasis.

Figure 1: Chest X-ray showing the presence of a right-sidedspontaneous pneumothorax with a midline shift to the left.

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Page 3: CaseReport …adenomatoid, a fairly abundant right hydropneumothorax responsibleforacompressiveeffectontheadjacentpulmonary parenchyma,andinflammationofthepleura(Figure2).e

Figure 2: CTscan showing overdistension of the right chest with parenchymal air cystic lesions involving the external segment of the middlelobe.

Figure 3: Multiple resected fragments with a gelatinous component with necrotic fragments.

Figure 4: Photograph of pneumoblastoma type II showing malignant mesenchymal cell proliferation.

Case Reports in Pediatrics 3

Page 4: CaseReport …adenomatoid, a fairly abundant right hydropneumothorax responsibleforacompressiveeffectontheadjacentpulmonary parenchyma,andinflammationofthepleura(Figure2).e

Finally, pulmonary blastoma is a rare tumor which mustbe in mind even if we have no specific signs. (erefore, wehave to think about in front of a pulmonary malformationand also a pneumothorax. A few cases have been reportedpresenting as a spontaneous pneumothorax, even in theabsence of any demonstrable solid mass [18, 19]. Furtherstudies focusing on the pathway to this rare disease aremandatory to provide new treatments’ insights.

4. Conclusion

Pneumoblastoma in children is a rare, aggressive tumor thatshows up with nonspecific clinical and radiological signswhich may often delay diagnosis, so the prognosis may be sobad. Pathological confirmation is mandatory.

Conflicts of Interest

(e authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Authors’ Contributions

All authors read, contributed, and approved the final versionof the manuscript.


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Figure 5: Photograph of pneumoblastoma type II showing amulticystic structure with the epithelial component.

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