catalogofinal issuo

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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Our goal is to take advantage of a vertical space on your balcony, porch, wall or any place that only your imagination can provide, both aesthetic and productive way. We set out to create a Progressive System of Vertical Gardens. The System is modularly designed to integrate sets of 4 Clay Modules, which form part of a Kit, with an aluminum Bar, plastic Fasteners (in the colour of the modules), Irrigation System, plus screws and plugs for wall mounting. There are vertical and horizontal Kits who enable you to assemble in anyway according to your preferences and available space. The first Kit comes with a pressure reducing valve and a 4 meter pipe, which will be subsequently coupled to another Kit thus allowing the System to grow in a progressive manner maintaining the efficiency of the irrigation up to 100 modules (40 Kits). Placement and extraction of Modules on Fasteners it’s an easy job (just rotate the turnstile of the fastener 90 dg) and if applied in a place with sev


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    Our goal is to take advantage of a vertical space on your balcony, porch, wall or any place that

    only your imagination can provide, both aesthetic and productive way. We set out to create a

    Progressive System of Vertical Gardens.

    The System is modularly designed to integrate sets of 4 Clay Modules, which form part of a Kit,

    with an aluminum Bar, plastic Fasteners (in the colour of the modules), Irrigation System, plus

    screws and plugs for wall mounting. There are vertical and horizontal Kits who enable you to

    assemble in anyway according to your preferences and available space.

    The first Kit comes with a pressure reducing valve and a 4 meter pipe, which will be

    subsequently coupled to another Kit thus allowing the System to grow in a progressive manner

    maintaining the efficiency of the irrigation up to 100 modules (40 Kits).

    Placement and extraction of Modules on Fasteners its an easy job (just rotate the turnstile of the

    fastener 90 dg) and if applied in a place with severe winters it can be easily moved indoors.

  • www.




    Propusemo-nos criar o Sistema Progressivo de Jardins Verticais.

    O nosso objetivo conseguir o aproveitamento, de uma forma simultaneamente esttica,

    produtiva, pedaggica e ldica, de um espao vertical na sua varanda, do seu alpendre, de uma

    parede, de um muro ou em qualquer local que s a sua criatividade poder imaginar

    O Sistema foi concebido modularmente para integrar conjuntos de 4 Mdulos que receberam

    a designao de Kits, compostos por uma Barra de alumnio, Fixadores em plstico (na cor

    dos Mdulos), Sistema de Rega e buchas com parafusos para fixao parede. Os Kits vm

    montados vertical ou horizontalmente, tm a possibilidade de se articularem entre si por forma

    a preencherem os espaos disponveis.

    O primeiro Kit (inicial) vem com uma vlvula redutora de presso e um tubo de 4 metros, ao

    qual sero acoplados posteriormente os Kits seguintes podendo assim crescer o Sistema de

    uma forma progressiva mantendo a eficcia do Sistema de rega, para mais de 100 mdulos.

    A extrao e colocao dos Mdulos nos Fixadores muito fcil (basta rodar o torniquete do

    fixador 90) e se forem aplicados num local com Inverno rigoroso facilmente poder transportar

    os mdulos para o interior e fix-los no seu jardim de Inverno.

  • Verticals Kits can be fitted in any place greater than 66 cm (plus plant

    height in the upper kit) i.e.: balconies, porches, columns, walls, etc.

    The horizontal Kits can be fitted in all areas with more than 16cm, i.e.: on

    a window sill or to finish a Vertical Kits composition.

    The application possibilities are endless once the Vertical Kits and

    Horizontal Kits can be mounted together.

    Os Kits Verticais podem aplicar-se em todos os espaos com altura

    superior a 66 cm (mais a altura da planta do kit superior): varandas,

    alpendres, colunas, muros, etc.

    Os Kits Horizontais podem aplicar-se em todos os espaos com

    altura superior a 16cm (mais o espao ocupado pelas plantas): na

    base de uma janela, para plantas mais altas ou/e para preencher

    espaos no completamente ocupados pelos Kits Verticais.







  • Installation of the system on the wall is very easy. Two screws through the aluminum bar for the Vertical Kits and three screws for the Horizontal ones.

    All the necessary accessories and detailed instructions are inside the box and it`s available on the internet with a demonstration video of the full assembly.

    Average assembly time: 15 minutes for Kit 1 and 10 minutes for the following.

    A aplicao do Sistema na parede muito fcil pois basta apertar na parede um ou dois parafusos nos Kits Verticais e trs nos Kits Horizontais. Tem todos os

    acessrios necessrios no interior da caixa bem como instrues detalhadas e est disponvel na internet um vdeo com demonstrao integral da montagem.

    As possibilidades de montagem so quase infinitas pois os Kits Verticais articulam-se entre si e com os horizontais.

    Tempo mdio de montagem: 15 minutos o 1 Kit e 10 minutos os seguintes.







  • Dimenses da caixa: 77 X 22 X 22 cm Obs.: contm 5 Placas Envoltrias em Poliestireno expandido (esferovite)

    para proteo durante o transporte

    Peso da caixa: 9 Kg Capacidade de cada Mdulo: 1,2 Litros (total Kit: 4,8 Litros)

    Peso do Mdulo: 1,9 Kg Dimenses do Kit: 62X15X17 cm

    Peso do Kit em vazio: 8,3 Kg Presso da Vlvula redutora: 1 bar

    Interior dos tubos: 4 mm Exterior dos tubos: 6 mm

    Especificaes tcnicas

    Technical specifications






    Box dimensions: 77 X 22 X 22 cm Note: contains 5 protection plates in expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam)

    for protection during transportation.

    Box weight: 9 kg Capacity of each module: 1.2 Liters (total Kit: 1.2*4=4.8L)

    Module Weight (empty): 1.9 Kg Kit Dimensions: 62X15X17 cm

    Kit Weight empty: 8.3 kg Pressure Reducing Valve: 1 bar

    Inner tubes: 4 mm Outside of tubes: 6 mm

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  • Montagem ModularJARDINS VERTICAIS

    Modular AssemblyVERTICAL GARDENS

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    A P&F procura assegurar

    a sobrevivncia das Artes

    Ancestrais e dos Artesos

    atravs da sua articulao

    com a criatividade de

    Designers. Nesta fase do

    projeto estamos a trabalhar

    com Barro.

    P&F aims to ensure

    the survival of Ancestral

    Craftsmanship through

    its articulation with the

    creativity of the Designers.

    At the moment we refer

    specifically to Clay.