cattaraugus, n. ·...

1 5ht I »1. XX, No. 14 Cattaraugus, N. T., Thursday, January 14,1904. m One Dollar Per Yea* 8 {ORGANIZED 1882 INCORPORATED 1892 CAPITÄ $33,000 ~ - ' * 1 [ B a n k of C a t t a r a u g u s Cattaraugus, N. Y. JFORTY-SEVENTH QUARTERLY REPORT, DECEMBER 8,1903 (CONDENSED) ll Usi IVDI ¡an I RESOURCES [Loans and Discounts - [Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages - Banking House and Lot) Furniture . . . . . ) fOtlier Real Estate . . . fcash with Banks - - - Cask on Hand - - LIABILITIES Capital - - - - - ^Surplus - - - - * "Undivided Profits 'Individual Deposits Cashier's Checks - - ; Reserved for Taxes - - - - Rent Account - f337»854-56 18,389.44 2,500.00 4,000.00 57*684.57 21,710.67 $442,139.24 $33,000.00 25,000.00 29,697.36 35^122.02 875,01 1,000.00 444-85 $442,139.-24 »/.WilTVj'r '.i HP Leon Frank Smallnipn was in last week. Captain W. F. Trtiby, Surgeon in the U. S. A., is visiting his par- ents, Fred Truby and wife. Welcome Larabee and Ward Lindsleyof Dunkirk spent New Year's at home, * \ John Salisbury who is ill with rheumatism is able to be about the house some. Mr. and Mrs. Simen Austin of Jamestown visited friends here last week. Miss Leona Bently spent the holi- days with friends in Bradford The Masonic dance here Year's eve wasr a success. , 85 tick- ets were sold. Mrs. Ralph Dewey is getting better. We hope she will soon be able to be npaKaiii. AN OPEN LETTER. TO Christiana of,all Denomina- tions, the Church of Rom* Excepted. This letter is published by re- quest It is a paid article and the *OMf Admit UCt i r Correspondence; New Albion. ¡Lora Mosher visited friends in Ittle Valley" last week and the 'wre part of this. BMrs.Palrtridge was called to Litne- Ifpne last week to attend her fath- |s funeral. We extend our sym- thy to Mrs. Partridge in her be- vement. jEdith'.Shaffer is attending school ;t Cattaraugus during her vacation. ISdr. Ara Vaillant was up from |ttle Valley Sunday, puke Kilby and wife of Little lley were the guests of Lora j|sher Tuesday, evening. John Herrick is quite ill at this W. Ca- York(ffl [¡l)H, K; rcoMJi irgo, EJ ••¿a iettai , Arrogi v MoT ?3f mng isaitóffl » T h e tenent house of G . G?ysiai fiy's and occupied by Martin Raub Si» c j ltd family was consumed by - fire yI Buesday morning about 5 o'clock, uald.tówhen Mr. Raub awoke the ceiling rge a v§ l a s just ready to fall in. He es- i ' c S Sped with a pair of pants and with W.M lei. idmlnl •sent?? riven out with uothing itnrti aide IV cit« ;hetH is -dfiiC! Couàffl . ! I 1.1. ud ihtn&eiug burned to death. >ch wl of G. aiaye Is liair and back mb and the two Mrs. were their burned, children but |ght clothes, on. Tuesday morning Mrs. Betsey I {tosher had a narrow escape from She got up in her night clothes to fix the fire jtreof *f and supposing the fite was all out rtunVprahe poured some oil in it and it exploded setting fire to her night >nuajj!||<§ress ( and before she could put it Cy *"lout it burned her ear, neck and •hair. Dr. Mcintosh was called and ——J^kessed the wounds and she is l4oing as well as can be expected. Horton Milks in a very few hours « l i l 1 $25. for Mr. Raub and the »dies of the Union are doing noble work,. WESLEY. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dexter Fair Plain were guests at A. Parke's Saturday. Miss lilma Luce- and Earl Park were iu Little Valley last Friday evening to attend "A Woman's Power." •', Mr. Amos Pritchard was in Go- wanda Monday. ^ M. Rockwood and family to Boston this week. Harry Tarble was up from Little Valley Sunday. Mrs. Alice Rose of Michigan has moved onto her farm recently occu- pied bv B. Rooker. A. G. Park has hired Mr. and Mrs. Mowry of Snyder hill to work for him this year and will move soon. Miss Bessie Bacon is able to be up around the house again. Mrs. J. Prince is improving very fast. Harvey A- Maltbie Sncecssfal After a gr at. deal of effort and correspondence, Harvey & Maltbie, the popular druggists,have succeed ed in getting the, Dr. Howard Co, to make a special half-price intro- ductory offer on the regular fifty cent size iof their celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dys- pepsia. Dr...Jio>vard's specific has been So remarkably successful jn curing constipation, dyspepsia and all liver troubles, that Harvey & Maltbie are willing to return'the price paid in every case whereat does not give relief. The old-fashioned idea of dosing with mineral waters, cathartic pills or harsh purgatives will sodn be a thing of the past The best phy- sicians are prescribing Dr. Howard's specific because it really gives the desired results and on account of the small and pleasant dose that is needed, So great is the demand for this specific that Harvey & Maltbie have been able to secure only a limited supplj, and every one who is trou- bled with dyspepsia, constipation or liver trouble should call upon them at once, or send 25 cents, and get sixty' doses of the best medicine ever made, on this special half-price offer, with their personal guarantee to refund the money if i* does not cure. r fwi-f Coughing " l was given up to "die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now Jli perfect health. "—Chas. E. Hart- man, Gibbstown, N. Y. It's too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it wili be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be- gin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Thro* sIzil : 21c., Mc., il. All draubti. LEON Sam Mosher and sister have the smallpox. They are being treated by Dr. Tuttle of Cattaraugus. A strict quarantine has been ordered. Warren Town and wife of South Dakota are visiting friends in the East. Buy jour pianos and monuments of L. J. Kiearstead. Quarterly meeting will be held next Friday and Saturday evening. The L. O. T. M. will hold its anuual installation of officers Jan. 23d. Dinner will be served at noon and exercises at 2 p. m. All mem- bers are 1 cordially invited, Cecil Trumbull was noticed in Dayton last Monday. Eugene Garvey visited his grand- parents in Gowanda the first of the week. Miss Eva Gardner was in town the last of the week. W. R. C. and G. A. R, held joint installation last Saturday. H. J. Trumbpll of Salamanca was the installing officer. 'J!. L. Taylor and Neil Mosher left last week for Rochester where they will attend the Rochester Aihaeueunl and Mechanic's Insti- tute. Dispute Over Hides. Hon. V. E. Peckham of James- town, referee in bankruptcy, has returned from New Yoak , City, where he spent several days on business connected with the bank- ruptcy of Moench, Fischer & Gaensslen, the big tannery firm of Gowanda. The specific business was the hearing of the testimony in a claim presented by the firm of Wells and Broyof New York,deal- ers in hides. The firm has a series of claims against the tanner) which aggregate $24,000, Some of these claims are disputed and the testi- mony to settle that dispute is lengthy and complicated. Among other items is a consignment of hides which the firm purchased of the underwriters of a ship which was burned in New York harbor, and which were shipped to Mr. Fischer of the bankrupt firm. Cured After Suffering 10 Years. B. F. Hare, Snpt. Miami Cycle & Mfg, Co., Middletown, Ohio, Suffered for ten years with Dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars for medicines and with doctors is published by It is a paid article and editor disclaims any interest in the matter. [Ed. Times. I, the undersigned nonprofessing Christian, would like some of your honorable members to answer a tew questions that one of your fellow m«*, and a sinner, would like to kpibw; and also in order to enable you to see how the world at large regards you. Ilexcept the Church of Rome, for they do not believe thiit the Scriptures contain all things that a Christian is bound to befieve. See "Faith of Our Fath er^''page in, Cardinal Gibbons. Bill all Protestant churches, so far as^skiioW'tir ^ e r heard, believe in thiiBibte'attd the Bible a one. And if m ^ d o believe in the "ible only, '-•'1^ '''' • v '-' tee.qh'Only the Bi- bl|P Bee 2 Tim. 3: 16,.17; also Gal, 9. With these scriptures b*e- fo&'.you, how can yi>u teach those uiipHptural doctrines that can be i n ^ d e w r y Siur'tiv ,<'frolii most of tTi«™>t?6'!fcr pblpits dvet 1 our fa^miid? And how; can you ex- po«t sinners like myself to belieVe te «iiicei;^ aiiu belli ve what yott teach, wiien anyone who has made a fctudy of the Scriptures can see$ou ¡are' weighed in the balances and found most woefullj wanting? t?ll me, any of you, where do |he Scriptures tell you to keep SuQday for the Sabbath, or the Lo^'s Day? and where was Sunday ever made holy? When Paul did nopteach such doctrine, and t;lls ycttthat anybne who teaches anv- th^p different from what lie taught shJrbe accursed, what will be the fat#of those teachers who lay aside th^lain testimony of the Bible, an^ubstitute for the same the doctrines of men? Let Christ bear .testimony in this case. Matt. 15: Dp you say you do not know these things are in the Bible? I know that you do know it. Many of ypu teach this error knowingly. A glister of my acquaintance told IBHJPIM he knew thfere was no Scnpture for Sunday-keeping5 and I hi#e several books in my library 011 First-daj ysfiicredness, that ac- knowledge that there is no divine command for First-day sacrecness. And then those same ministers wonder why we sinners do not join their churches! It makes one be- lieve one of two things; namely, that the popular ministers are them- selves disbelievers in what they teach, or else they preach just as I run my tram—for dollars and cents. Now I know from personal study of-the subject that Sunday is not the Sabbath; and I know that all the ministers th^t I ever talked with know it also, And what other conclusion can I, a worldling come to? Now remember that I am-not a professed Christian and never have been; but if I ever should join any church, it will "Be one that keeps the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Rev. 14:12. There is one other conclusion that I am sometimes compelled to contemplate when pondering over the fables taught from the popular pulpits; perhaps those teachers are fhe ones of whom we are told in 2 Thess.2: n , 12. They certainly nre not the ones spoken of in Phil. 4: 8,9. Sunday sacredness is hot true; it is not honest toward God, for it robs him of his own chosen, holy time. It is not pure worship; for many of the keepers of the day know better. Now I would not have you thinx that I do not believe there is any without receiving any permanent benefit, ( d ^ churches. I most certainly Hesavs. "One night while feeling e*- ® . . :•• ^ ¿It. He says, "One night ceptionally bad I was r/nie feeling c».-1 •» . . . wvm ® « about to throw think there are many gooa people down the evening paper when I saw an! ¡u all chlir item in the paper regarding the merits of t ^ at those teachers can not think who weekly Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try ii and while I Had no faith in it I felt better after the second dose. After using two bottles I am stronger audbetler than I am not good; for I am a Siouer, I have been in years, and I reccmimetj'] j a)v j U(>t u Up*tO the light that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and, j p l eHSe d the-AU-wise God suffering fiom ftloumcu [ '>. * preach errors snd know it, are better than I am, and I know J filli n/i+ irnft/i • ft acquaintances suitering trouble." Sold by all dealers. any that to give me. will Couult TOH» *"' J• »«ke It, thou do .... -."-à J, ou n o t to Ilk* t Uw. v tau* lt. know». OTTO. Bert Brown and wife of Little Valley spent a few days in town last week. Sam Roberts of Buffalo was visit- ing in town recently. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are vis- iting at P. P. Stafford's. S. S. Laing of East Otto was in town Saturday. -Y; ' ; m c r„ c. The C. L. • C. meets with Mrs. Lattin Tuesday evening," Jan. j9, at 7:4; oclock. IV^ , PROGRAM: Roll call—Miscellaneous quota- tions. L Personal character of Louis X I V —Mrs. Elliott. Maria Antoinette—Mrs. Hinman. Necker—Col. Nash. " General Exercise—Mn. Lattin. The true Christian me; Wiry don'!.,. livf! ti] light? I answer: The god world—riches-—has me in say to 5 to. th.- of this the boat with our popular ministers; and I cannot ace how men who preach er- ror, and know it, are any better than l am. Again? They teach thai heathen doctrine of the immortality o^ the soul, and the teacher of that doc- trine it) the Bible has not much re- putation for the truth.- Gen. 3 : 4. He—Satan—is called a liar from the beginning. God told the man he should surely die. The serpent told the woman, "Ye shall not surely die." Now there is but one conclusion to "come "to—one told the truth and the otherlT't'alsehood. Acd most of the professed* Chris tians of the world to-day give Satan credit for telling the trnth in this instance. Certainly nowhere in the Bible is the immortal soul spoken of. If the soul ii immortal, wnat use is there for a resurrection of the dead? And if the real man is in heaven r,t hell what ueed can there be pf a resur- rection? If all men have life in- dependently of Chriit, what does man need of Christ? Christ says he is the way and the life. The min- isters of our day preach that all meu. have life independently of Christ. The Scripture says, "He that bath not the Son of God, hath not life." 1 John 5:1a, , / Again: the Scriptures tell us ih John 14: 3. " I will come again and ¡receive \ou unto myself: that where i am there ye may be also." Why wiU Christ come again if ail his chostn ones are already in heaven? Such doctrine makes. vSi 11 the se- cond coming of Christ. And if there is no second coming of Christ j theu there will be no resurrection of the dead, and consequently, no future life for believers, since the second coining of Christ is to ac- complish, the resurrection of "his saints. 1 Thess. 4 : 16. Again: there can be no judgment day if all are judged when they die; unless all are judged ( twice; and that is to charge God with folly. As I am writing to Bible students, I consider it unnecessary to give Sciipture references. Agaid^et me ask, when is com- ing the time that'is spoken of in Rev. 5:13, if millions of our fellow creatures are to suffer throughout eternity in a burning seething hell? And now to notice one other doctrine held by some of the popu- lar churches; namely, baptism. The Scriptures tell Us there is"oneLord one faith, one baptism.'' Now if I read the Scriptures aright, repen- tanc€ and belief come before bap- tism, and I would ask the advocates ol infant baptism why they baptite anyone who has neither repented not believed, and Simply cannot repent or believe.. Mi. .. There 1B another plainly taught doctrine in the bible that is ignored by all the chutihes, as far as I know with but three exceptions; namely,the ordinance °f the humil- ity of Christ, or- feet-washing. " B u t , s a y s one, ' 'jou make ma blush by speaking or such things." Perhaps you will blush now;* but what do you imagine you will te]l Christ when he asks ypu if yon knew these things? John 4-17. The question with We is, Did Christ know what he was talking about or not? I think he knew what he wan- ted his followers to do; at least he says, ' " I f I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye ought alto to wash one anotheris feet." ¡Now man, whoever you are who ptofess to be Christ's, do you do as Christ tells you that you "ought"? Do you wssh your brother's feet? And. now, woman, do you wash your sister's feet? If not, are yon Christ's from a Bible standpoint? Remember, God is not mocked, and if you will not do these things and will disregard his word when pUinly understood;then you are not and of necessity cannot be, any better than I am, and j know I am a sinner. Now if Christ knew what he wanted to say, and did say it, then I should obey were I a 'professor of Christianity. I could write a week on these and kindred subjects and not exhaust them, and I like to talk on the same subject when I meet a minis- ter, And as I do not wish to hide my identity,and am respon- sible for these lines,I will tell yon who I am. My name is Samuel D. Heady. For more than twenty years I have been a railroad con- ductor. At the present time I am and for about fourteen years have been, in the employ of the Santa Fe system. I .was born in South New Berlin, N. Y. If I am wrong in any of the foregoing matters I would thank any one on . earth to show me my error; S. D. Heady, . Albuquerque, N. M. DR. FENNER*S Former's Kidnoy ma Bsckach« C UM iüü j BÉta- - ' » m x bad la tieoause of mj bo In« all to-dnjr. suffered groaUy of Kidney dise»»« for»«»r» nriiwÄJuced In woifibtto 1IW pounds. IUUW W6lgh f . W A w , Olir. Furnace; O f Df ngglsts. aoo-t »1. Aak tor Poo* .ËoofeJfrMtt st^iTiiS'WKüiirn^rrÄV? For sal« by Harvey A Maltbie if. E. Chttrfifi Item». ' Tbgpttenda^e last ^Sunday M O N R ^ V R A S ' , CONGREJMTI^N. It v^'eoiiraged: .tlije preacher-, ' the choir aud- the janitor to see l the people come.. - „ , v," tiM, • T h e »ttendar.«« at the Sunday »($oat.,td6. «^.^.'tncfiiM^, ¡||im-. menilwr we are gainiug at on^ hun- dred and fifty. Ypii oottie aiidr , iidd this touch towaiS'o'Ar 'suu»»' niere were five nien i.i the pastor's class lin the ga!lcry=-':ht.ii : :is fTOOfln f o r , more, '" • • .,' J T h e -1 e c f i r i i f ^ ^ f t f f i i c e t h i s year will .«.a* the^ibse of Sunday [school ilex.' Sunday; , H i t was regretted that. Sister Alice pigmau wks . 1; and could not lead the Epworth LettgUc | p | Sunday. It is hoped that ijor^'liealtij will ,• soon permit her to be at her post in 9hu r ch work. However, Mr. G. A. Farwell was ready for the emergen- cy and efficiently ,<ti .-cted the meet- ing. About twenty-five were pre- sent .; i . ' . ' " V ' j ' . ! .V' 1 1 - 1 ." 1 ' ^"'i' 1 viif'' Seventeen Juniors .came . oi»t through the snow to their meetings The evening congregation num- bered about seventy ¡persons}- the | We were glad to see in the mbrnr' ing congregation the taces of Mrs, Lydia Lat'tin, hofive from h?r long visit, and Miss Ethel Rich, out from her long illness. Next Sunday's program: " 10:00 a, ro.—CI«s* Meeting, 10:45 Ui.-^Moruiug Worship brief talk to,children., and sermon, You shall know them—-"By their iFruits.";' •',;• ' 12:00 m.—Suncay School. \ 3:30 p.'m.—Jim«» League, under .the superintendence of M f e CiSUi^ way, Ruth Rich, leader. 6:45 p. m —Epworth League; Peter Larsen, leader. . \ 7 ¡30—Evening worship and ser- mon. Subject,—"A doorkeepr in God's' House or a dweller in the Devil's Tents." A welcome to all who will "wor- ship with us.; H. M. Conaway f K| J i ^ ' W O . . PMtor^ j Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by mar.y a man enduring pains of accidental cuts, wound», bruise* burns, scalds, sore feet or stiff joints. But there's nb.'nee'd for it; Bucklin's Arnica SalyeiviH kill the psiini and «nre the trouble. It's the best, «aire on earth for piles, too. age »t .Harvey & Maltbie, Druggists. PA. tv »km tH0t Ssuitbs Go Somewhere via the Nickel Plate.% Special low rates one way also round trip via Nickel Plate on Dec. 15th, Jan 5th and 19th to all points west and south. See or write A C. Showalter, Dis't. Pass. Agt. Nickel Plate 807 State St. 'Erie, Pa. for particulars. Three thru fast ex- press trains in either direction daily. 14-—J19 "The nicest. havaused for t£nt b ähambt Tablets," grove, N V Y, ä and cio-iioyif etfect." rot: 8 KNNA AMD GUINb WILL I ".csl medicine I MKÊgjÊ^sâtm I cluirnt '¿.[jtiiil^ie^. ; Ät- mm : m .MM - «ma. Iter f H p TN Kind Yea Always Banght Bean the Signature of rv. M

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5ht I »1. XX, No. 1 4 Cattaraugus, N. T., Thursday, January 14,1904. m

One Dollar Per Yea*8

{ORGANIZED 1882 INCORPORATED 1 8 9 2 C A P I T Ä $33,000 ~ - ' * 1

[ B a n k o f C a t t a r a u g u s

Cattaraugus, N. Y.







R E S O U R C E S [Loans and Discounts -[Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages -B a n k i n g House and L o t ) „ Furniture . . . . . )

fOtlier Real Estate . . . fcash with Banks - - -Cask on Hand - -

L IABIL IT IES Capital - - - - — -

^Surplus - - - - * "Undivided Profits

'Individual Deposits Cashier's Checks - - ; Reserved for Taxes - - - -Rent Account -

f 3 3 7 » 8 5 4 - 5 6 18,389.44


4,000.00 5 7 * 6 8 4 . 5 7 21,710.67


$33,000.00 25,000.00 29,697.36

35^122.02 875,01

1,000.00 444-85


»/.WilTVj'r '.i HP

Leon Frank Smallnipn was in last week.

Captain W. F. Trtiby, Surgeon in the U. S. A . , is visiting his par-ents, Fred Truby and wife.

Welcome Larabee and Ward Lindsleyof Dunkirk spent New Year 's at home, * \

John Salisbury who is ill with rheumatism is able to be about the house some.

Mr. and Mrs. Simen Austin of Jamestown visited friends here last week.

Miss Leona Bently spent the holi-days with friends in Bradford

The Masonic dance here Year 's eve wasr a success. , 85 tick-ets were sold.

Mrs. Ralph Dewey i s getting better. We hope she will soon be able to be npaKaiii.

AN OPEN LETTER. TO Christiana of,all Denomina-

tions, the Church of Rom* Excepted.

This letter is published by re-quest It is a paid article and the



UC t i

r Co r r e spondence ;

New Albion. ¡Lora Mosher visited friends in

Ittle Valley" last week and the ' w r e part of this. BMrs .Palr tr idge was called to Litne-I f p n e last week to attend her fath-

|s funeral. W e extend our sym-thy to Mrs. Partridge in her be-vement.

jEdith'.Shaffer is attending school ;t Cattaraugus during her vacation. ISdr. Ara Vaillant was up from |tt le Valley Sunday,

p u k e Kilby and wife of Little lley were the guests of Lora

j|sher Tuesday, evening. John Herrick is quite ill at this

W . Ca-

York(ffl [¡l)H, K; rcoMJi irgo, EJ ••¿a iettai , Arrogi v MoT

? 3 f m n g

isaitóffl » T h e tenent house of G . G?ysiai fiy's and occupied by Martin Raub Si» c j l t d family was consumed by - fire

yI a« Buesday morning about 5 o'clock, uald.tówhen Mr. Raub awoke the ceiling rgeav§ l a s just ready to fall in. He es-i ' c S S p e d with a pair of pants and with W.M lei. idmlnl •sent?? riven out with uothing itnrti aide IV cit« ;hetH is -dfiiC! Couàffl

. ! I 1 . 1 . ud ihtn&eiug burned to death. >ch wl

of G.


Is liair and back mb and the two

Mrs. were their

burned, children

but |ght clothes, on.

Tuesday morning Mrs. Betsey I {tosher had a narrow escape from

She got up

in her night clothes to fix the fire jtreof *f and supposing the fite was all out rtunVprahe poured some oil in it and it

exploded setting fire to her night >nuajj!||<§ress( and before she could put it

Cy *"lout it burned her ear, neck and •hair . Dr. Mcintosh was called and

——J^kessed the wounds and she is l 4 o i n g as well as can be expected.

Horton Milks in a very few hours « l i l 1 $25. for Mr. Raub and the

»dies of the Union are doing noble work,.

WESLEY. Mr. and Mrs. W . A . Dexter

Fair Plain were guests at A . Parke's Saturday.

Miss lilma Luce- and Earl Park were iu Little Valley last Friday evening to attend " A Woman's Power ." •',

Mr. Amos Pritchard was in Go-wanda Monday. ^

M. Rockwood and family to Boston this week.

Harry Tarble was up from Little Valley Sunday.

Mrs. Alice Rose of Michigan has moved onto her farm recently occu-pied bv B. Rooker.

A . G. Park has hired Mr. and Mrs. Mowry of Snyder hill to work for him this year and will move soon.

Miss Bessie Bacon is able to be up around the house again.

Mrs. J. Prince is improving very fast.

Harvey A- Maltbie Sncecssfal After a gr at. deal of effort and

correspondence, Harvey & Maltbie, the popular druggists,have succeed ed in getting the, Dr. Howard Co, to make a special half-price intro-ductory offer on the regular fifty cent size iof their celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dys-pepsia.

Dr...Jio>vard's specific has been So remarkably successful jn curing constipation, dyspepsia and all liver troubles, that Harvey & Maltbie are willing to return'the price paid in every case whereat does not give relief.

T h e old-fashioned idea of dosing with mineral waters, cathartic pills or harsh purgatives will sodn be a thing of the p a s t The best phy-sicians are prescribing Dr. Howard's specific because it really gives the desired results and on account of the small and pleasant dose that is needed,

So great is the demand for this specific that Harvey & Maltbie have been able to secure only a limited supplj , and every one who is trou-bled with dyspepsia, constipation or liver trouble should call upon them at once, or send 25 cents, and get s i x t y ' doses of the best medicine ever made, on this special half-price offer, with their personal guarantee to refund the money if i* does not cure.

r fwi-f

Coughing " l was given up to "die with

quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now Jli perfect health. "—Chas . E. Hart-man, Gibbstown, N . Y.

It's too risky, playing with your cough.

The first thing you know it wili be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be-gin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough.

Thro* sIzil : 21c., Mc., il. All draubti.

LEON Sam Mosher and sister have the

smallpox. T h e y are being treated by Dr. Tuttle of Cattaraugus. A strict quarantine has been ordered.

Warren Town and wife of South Dakota are visiting friends in the East.

Buy j o u r pianos and monuments of L . J. Kiearstead.

Quarterly meeting will be held next Friday and Saturday evening.

T h e L . O. T . M. will hold its anuual installation of officers Jan. 23d. Dinner will be served at noon and exercises at 2 p. m. A l l mem-bers are1 cordially invited,

Cecil Trumbull was noticed in Dayton last Monday.

Eugene Garvey visited his grand-parents in Gowanda the first of the week.

Miss Eva Gardner was in town the last of the week.

W . R . C. and G. A . R, held joint installation last Saturday. H . J. Trumbpll of Salamanca was the installing officer.

'J!. L . Taylor and Neil Mosher left last week for Rochester where they will attend the Rochester Aihaeueunl and Mechanic's Insti-tute.

Dispute Over Hides. Hon. V . E. Peckham of James-

town, referee in bankruptcy, has returned from New Yoak , City, where he spent several days on business connected with the bank-ruptcy of Moench, Fischer & Gaensslen, the big tannery firm of Gowanda. T h e specific business was the hearing of the testimony in a claim presented by the firm of Wells and B r o y o f New York,deal-ers in hides. T h e firm has a series of claims against the tanner) which aggregate $24,000, Some of these claims are disputed and the testi-mony to settle that dispute is lengthy and complicated. Among other items is a consignment of hides which the firm purchased of the underwriters of a ship which was burned in New Y o r k harbor, and which were shipped to Mr. Fischer of the bankrupt firm.

Cured After Suffering 10 Years. B. F. Hare, Snpt. Miami Cycle & Mfg,

Co., Middletown, Ohio, Suffered for ten years with Dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars for medicines and with doctors

is published by It is a paid article and

editor disclaims any interest in the matter. [Ed. Times.

I, the undersigned nonprofessing Christian, would like some of your honorable members to answer a tew questions that one of your fellow m«*, and a sinner, would like to kpibw; and also in order to enable you to see how the world at large regards you. Ilexcept the Church of Rome, for they do not believe thiit the Scriptures contain all things that a Christian is bound to befieve. See "Fai th of Our Fath e r ^ ' ' p a g e i n , Cardinal Gibbons. Bill all Protestant churches, so far as^skiioW'tir ^ e r heard, believe in thiiBibte'attd the Bible a one. And if m ^ d o believe in the "ible only, '-•'1^ '''' •v '-' tee.qh'Only the Bi-bl|P Bee 2 Tim. 3: 16,.17; also Gal,

9. With these scriptures b*e-fo&'.you, how can yi>u teach those uiipHptural doctrines that can be i n ^ d e w r y Siur'tiv ,<'frolii most of tTi«™>t?6'!fcr pblpits dvet1 our fa^miid? And how; can you ex-po«t sinners like myself to belieVe

t e «iiicei;^ aiiu belli ve what yott teach, wiien anyone who has made a fctudy of the Scriptures can see$ou ¡are' weighed in the balances and found most woefullj wanting? t?ll me, any of you, where do |he Scriptures tell you to keep SuQday for the Sabbath, or the L o ^ ' s Day? and where was Sunday ever made holy? When Paul did nopteach such doctrine, and t;lls ycttthat anybne who teaches anv-th^p different from what lie taught s h J r b e accursed, what will be the fat#of those teachers who lay aside t h ^ l a i n testimony of the Bible, a n ^ u b s t i t u t e for the same the doctrines of men? Let Christ bear

.testimony in this case. Matt. 15:

Dp you say you do not know these things are in the Bible? I know that you do know it. Many of ypu teach this error knowingly. A g l i s t e r of my acquaintance told IBHJPIM h e knew thfere was no Scnpture for Sunday-keeping5 and I hi#e several books in my library 011 First-daj ysfiicredness, that ac-knowledge that there is no divine command for First-day sacrecness. And then those same ministers wonder why we sinners do not join their churches! It makes one be-lieve one of two things; namely, that the popular ministers are them-selves disbelievers in what they teach, or else they preach just as I run my tram—for dollars and cents.

Now I know from personal study of-the subject that Sunday is not the Sabbath; and I know that all the ministers th^t I ever talked with know it also, And what other conclusion can I, a worldling come to? N o w remember that I am-not a professed Christian and never have been; but if I ever should join any church, it will "Be one that keeps the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Rev. 14:12.

There is one other conclusion that I am sometimes compelled to contemplate when pondering over the fables taught from the popular pulpits; perhaps those teachers are fhe ones of whom we are told in 2 Thess.2: n , 12. They certainly nre not the ones spoken of in Phil. 4: 8,9. Sunday sacredness is hot true; it is not honest toward God, for it robs him of his own chosen, holy time. It is not pure worship; for many of the keepers of the day know better.

Now I would not have you thinx that I do not believe there is any

without receiving any permanent benefit, ( d ^ churches. I most certainly H e s a v s . "One night while feeling e*- ® . . :•• ^ ¿ I t . He says, "One night ceptionally bad I was

r/nie feeling c».-1 •» . . . wvm ® « about to throw think there are many gooa people

down the evening paper when I saw an! ¡u all chlir item in the paper regarding the merits of t ^ a t those teachers

can not think who weekly

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try ii and while I Had no faith in it I felt better after the second dose. After using two bottles I am stronger audbetler than I am not good; for I am a Siouer, I have been in years, and I reccmimetj'] j a ) v j U(>t u Up*tO the light that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and, j p l e H S e d the-AU-wise God

suffering fiom ftloumcu [ '>. *

preach errors s n d know it, are better than I am, and I know J filli n/i+ irnft/i • ft

acquaintances suitering trouble." Sold by all dealers.

any that

to give me.


Couult TOH» *" ' J• »«ke It, thou do .... - . " - à J,ou n o t to Ilk* t Uw. v tau* lt. H« know».

OTTO. Bert Brown and wife of Little

Valley spent a few days in town last week.

Sam Roberts of Buffalo was visit-ing in town recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are vis-iting at P. P. Stafford's.

S . S . Laing of East Otto was in town Saturday.

-Y; ' ; m c r„ c. The C . L . • C. meets with

Mrs. Lattin Tuesday evening," Jan. j9, at 7:4; oclock.


Roll call—Miscellaneous quota-tions. L

Personal character of Louis X I V —Mrs. Elliott.

Maria Antoinette—Mrs. Hinman. Necker—Col. Nash.

" General E x e r c i s e — M n . Lattin.

T h e true Christian me; Wiry don'!.,. livf! ti] light? I answer: The god world—riches-—has me in

say to 5 to. th.-

o f this the boat

with our popular ministers; and I cannot ace how men who preach er-ror, and know it, are any better than l am.

Again? They teach thai heathen doctrine of the immortality o^ the soul, and the teacher of that doc-trine it) the Bible has not much re-putation for the truth.- Gen. 3 : 4. He—Satan—is called a liar from the beginning. God told the man he should surely die. The serpent

told the woman, " Y e shall not surely d ie ." Now there is but one conclusion to "come "to—one told the truth and the otherlT't'alsehood. A c d most of the professed* Chris tians of the world to-day give Satan credit for telling the trnth in this instance.

Certainly nowhere in the Bible is the immortal soul spoken of. If the soul i i immortal, wnat use is there for a resurrection of the dead? And if the real man is in heaven r,t hell what ueed can there be pf a resur-rection? I f a l l men have life in-dependently of Chriit, what does man need of Christ? Christ says he is the way and the life. T h e min-isters of our day preach that all meu. have life independently of Christ. T h e Scripture says, " H e that bath not the Son of God, hath not l i fe . " 1 John 5:1a, , /

Again: the Scriptures tell us ih John 14: 3. " I will come again and

¡receive \ou unto myself: that where i am there ye may be also." Why wiU Christ come again if ail his chostn ones are already in heaven? Such doctrine makes. vSi 11 the se-cond coming of Christ. And if there is no second coming of Christ j theu there will be no resurrection of the dead, and consequently, no future life for believers, since the second coining of Christ is to ac-complish, the resurrection of "his saints. 1 Thess. 4 : 16.

Again: there can be no judgment day if all are judged when they die; unless all are judged (twice; and that is to charge God with folly. A s I am writing to Bible students, I consider it unnecessary to give Sciipture references.

Agaid^et me ask, when is com-ing the time that'is spoken of in Rev. 5:13, if millions of our fellow creatures are to suffer throughout eternity in a burning seething hell?

And now to notice one other doctrine held by some of the popu-lar churches; namely, baptism. The Scriptures tell Us there is"oneLord one faith, one baptism.'' Now if I read the Scriptures aright, repen-tanc€ and belief come before bap-tism, and I would ask the advocates ol infant baptism why they baptite anyone who has neither repented not believed, and Simply cannot repent or believe.. M i . ..

There 1B another plainly taught doctrine in the bible that is ignored by all the chutihes, as far as I know with but three exceptions; namely,the ordinance ° f the humil-ity of Christ, or- feet-washing. " B u t , s a y s one, ' ' j o u make ma blush by speaking or such things." Perhaps you will blush now;* but what do you imagine you will te]l Christ when he asks ypu if yon knew these things? John 4-17. T h e question with We is, Did Christ know what he was talking about or not? I think he knew what he wan-ted his followers to do; at least he says, ' " I f I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye ought alto to wash one anotheris feet . " ¡Now man, whoever you are who ptofess to be Christ's, do you do as Christ tells you that you " o u g h t " ? Do you wssh your brother's feet? And. now, woman, do you wash your sister's feet? If not, are yon Christ's from a Bible standpoint? Remember, God is not mocked, and if you will not do these things and will disregard his word when pUinly understood;then you are not and of necessity cannot be, any better than I am, and j know I am a sinner. Now if Christ knew what he wanted to say, and did say it, then I should obey were I a 'professor of Christianity. I could write a week on these and kindred subjects and not exhaust them, and I like to talk on the same subject when I meet a minis-ter, And as I do not wish to hide my identity,and am respon-sible for these lines,I will tell yon who I am. M y name is Samuel D. Heady. For more than twenty years I have been a railroad con-ductor. A t the present time I am and for about fourteen years have been, in the employ of the Santa Fe system. I .was born in South New Berlin, N . Y . If I am wrong in any of the foregoing matters I would thank any one on . earth to show me my error;

S. D. Heady, . Albuquerque, N. M.


Former's Kidnoy ma Bsckach« CUM i ü ü j BÉta- - ' » m x bad la tieoause of mj bo In« all 5» to-dnjr.

suffered groaUy of Kidney dise»»« for»«»r» nriiwÄJuced In woifibtto 1IW pounds. IUUW W 6 l g h f . W A w , Ol i r . Furnace; O f Df ngglsts. aoo-t »1. Aak tor Poo* .ËoofeJfrMtt

s t ^ i T i i S ' W K ü i i r n ^ r r Ä V ? For sal« by Harvey A Maltbie

if. E. Chttrfifi Item». ' T b g p t t e n d a ^ e last ^ S u n d a y


It v^'eoiiraged: .tlije preacher-, ' the choir aud- the janitor to see l the people come.. - „ , v," t i M , • T h e »ttendar.«« at the Sunday »($oat.,td6. «^.^. ' tncf i iM^, ¡ || im-. menilwr we are gainiug at on^ hun-dred and fifty. Ypii oottie aiidr, iidd this touch towaiS'o'Ar 'suu»»' niere were five nien i.i the pastor's class lin the ga!lcry=-':ht.ii::is fTOOfln f o r , more, '" • • . , ' •J

The -1 e c f i r i i f ^ ^ f t f f i i c e t h i s year will .«.a* the^ibse of Sunday [school ilex.' Sunday; , H i t was regretted that. Sister A l i c e pigmau wks . 1; and could not lead the Epworth LettgUc | p | Sunday. It is hoped that ijor^'liealtij will ,• soon permit her to be at her post in 9hurch work. However, Mr. G. A . Farwell was ready for the emergen-cy and efficiently ,<ti .-cted the meet-ing. About twenty-five were pre-sent .; i . ' . ' " V ' j ' . ! .V'11 -1."1' ^"'i'1 viif''

Seventeen Juniors .came . oi»t through the snow to their meetings

The evening congregation num-bered about seventy ¡persons}- the |

We were glad to see in the mbrnr' ing congregation the taces of Mrs, Lydia Lat'tin, hofive from h?r long visit, and Miss Ethel Rich, out from her long illness.

Next Sunday's program: " 10:00 a, ro.—CI«s* Meeting, 10:45 Ui.-^Moruiug Worship

brief talk to,children., and sermon, You shall know them—-"By their

iFruits ." ; ' •',;• '

12:00 m.—Suncay School. \ 3:30 p.'m.—Jim«» League, under

.the superintendence of M f e CiSUi^ way, Ruth Rich, leader.

6:45 p. m —Epworth League; Peter Larsen, leader. . \

7 ¡30—Evening worship and ser-mon. S u b j e c t , — " A doorkeepr in God's' House or a dweller in the Devil's T e n t s . "

A welcome to all who will "wor-ship with us.; H. M. C o n a w a y f K |

J i ^ ' W O . . PMtor^ j

Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by mar.y a man enduring

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