cc3 well pvt final report

Reservoir Fluid Study for OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIA Caricare-3 Well, Form.: C5 RFL 06089 Core Laboratories Cra 39 Nro. 168-52, Bogotá, Colombia Tel: +57 (1) 6740400 Fax: +57 (1) 6730060 Web: The analyses, opinions or interpretations in this report are based on observations and material supplied by the client to whom, and for whose exclusive and confidential use, this report is made. The interpretations or opinions expressed represent the best judgement of Core Laboratories Venezuela, S.A. (all errors and omissions excepted); but Core Laboratories Venezuela, S.A. and its officers and employees assume no responsibility and make no warranty or representations as to the productivity, proper operation or profitability of any oil, gas or any other mineral well formation in connection with which such report is used or relied upon.

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Page 1: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

Reservoir Fluid Study



Caricare-3 Well, Form.: C5

RFL 06089

Core LaboratoriesCra 39 Nro. 168-52, Bogotá, Colombia

Tel: +57 (1) 6740400 Fax: +57 (1) 6730060 Web:

The analyses, opinions or interpretations in this report are based on observations and material suppliedby the client to whom, and for whose exclusive and confidential use, this report is made. Theinterpretations or opinions expressed represent the best judgement of Core Laboratories Venezuela,S.A. (all errors and omissions excepted); but Core Laboratories Venezuela, S.A. and its officers andemployees assume no responsibility and make no warranty or representations as to the productivity,proper operation or profitability of any oil, gas or any other mineral well formation in connection withwhich such report is used or relied upon.

Page 2: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

Core LaboratoriesCra. 39 Nro. 168-52Bogotá, ColombiaTel: 57 1 6740400Web:


David McEvoyManagerReservoir Fluids Laboratory

August 22nd, 2006

Occidental de Colombia.Bogota, Colombia.

Attention : Eng. Aldo Caliz Subject: Reservoir Fluid Study Well: Caricare-3Formation: C5Interval: 9554'-9562'File: 0603089

Dear Sirs.:

Two bottomhole samples from the subject well were collected on May 23rd of 2006 by CoreLaboratories representatives and delivered to our fluid laboratory in Bogotá for use in theperformance of a Reservoir Fluid Study. The samples were transported to the laboratorywhereupon sample validation and analysis commenced.

Preliminary results were reported during the execution of the study and the final report ispresented in the following pages.

It has been a pleasure to perform this study for Occidental de Colombia. Should anyquestions arise or if we may be of further service in any way, please do not hesitate tocontact us.

Page 3: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Table of Contents

Section A - Summary of PVT Methods and Data Page

Summary of analysis methods........................................................................................ A.1-A.3

Summary of PVT data..................................................................................................... A.4

Section B - Summary of Samples Received and Validation Data

Well information............................................................................................................... B.1

Summary of samples received ....................................................................................... B.2

Section C - Compositional Analysis of Bottomhole Fluid Sample to C36+

Compositional analysis of bottomhole fluid sample to C36+........................................... C.1-C.2

Section D - Constant Composition Expansion

Constant composition expansion at 198 °F..................................................................... D.1-D.2

Graphs from constant composition expansion at 198 °F................................................ D.3

Partial constant composition expansion at 120 °F.......................................................... D.4-D.5

Partial constant composition expansion at 86 °F............................................................ D.6-D.7

Partial constant composition expansion at laboratory ambient temperature (68 °F)....... D.8-D.9

Section E - Differential Vaporization

Differential vaporization data........................................................................................... E.1

Graphs from differential vaporization data....................................................................... E.2

Differential vaporization data converted to surface separator conditions........................ E.3-E.4

Section F - Bottomhole Fluid Viscosity Data

Bottomhole fluid viscosity data........................................................................................ F.1

Graph from bottomhole fluid viscosity data..................................................................... F.2

Section G - Separator Test Data

Separator test 1............................................................................................................... G.1

Compositional analysis of gas sample from separator test 1.......................................... G.2

Separator test 2............................................................................................................... G.3

Compositional analysis of gas sample from separator test 2.......................................... G.4

Section H - Appendix

Data used in gas compositional calculations................................................................... H.1

Data used in liquid compositional calculations................................................................ H.2

___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 4: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Section A - Summary of PVT Analysis Methods and Data

___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 5: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Summary of Analysis Methods

Sample ValidationThe bubble point pressure at ambient temperature and free water content of each bottomholesample were determined as initial quality checks. From this quality control, the measured bubblepoint pressures of the samples showed good agreement with one another and very little free waterwas measured.

Heat TreatmentThe selected bottomhole fluid sample was heated to 200°F prior to subsampling for laboratory teststo avoid potential wax deposition problems.

Pressurized Fluid CompositionApproximately 30 cc of pressurized fluid was flashed to atmospheric pressure at 120 °F andseparated into gas and oil phase. The evolved gas and residual liquid were analyzed separately,using gas-liquid chromatography and recombined on a weight basis to produce a C36+ weightpercent composition.

Gas CompositionsGas composition were measured using a "one shot" Varian 3800 gas analyzer using GPA 2286method. The gas chromatograph utilizes 3 columns to clearly identify all of the eluted componentsfrom N2, CO2 and C1 through C11+.

The chromatograph is calibrated weekly using air and synthetic hydrocarbon gas with a knowncomposition. The resultant calibration data is checked statistically against previous calibrationsprior to performing analyses on unknown samples.

Liquid CompositionResidual/stocktank liquid composition were measured using a Varian 3400 chromatograph. Thegas chromatograph utilizes a cold on column, "sandwich injection" technique to ensure that arepresentative sample is injected and swept onto the column. The sample is run twice; first theoriginal fluid and then fluid spiked with n-tetradecane. This allows the laboratory to take intoaccount any heavy end (C36+) losses that may have occurred during the chromatographic run, andmake an accurate correction prior to reporting the liquid composition. The data obtained from thegas chromatograph is in weight %. Calculations to mole% and the plus fractions properties aredescribed later.

The chromatograph for liquid samples is checked daily, using a gravimetric n-paraffin mixcontaining a range of pure components from C8 through C36 and a synthetic gas-oil mix (D2887)with known composition. The resultant calibration data is checked statistically against previouscalibrations prior to performing analyses on unknown samples.

A.1___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 6: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Summary of Analysis Methods (Continuation)

Calculation of Mole% Compositions and Plus Fraction PropertiesThe residue or stocktank liquid whole sample molecular weight and density are measured using acryscope and a PAAR densitometer respectively.

The mole% data is calculated using GPSA mole weight and density data, where individualcomponents are identified, from carbon dioxide through decanes. Katz and Firoozabadi data areused from undecanes through pentatriacontanes. The residue mole weight and density values arecalculated so that the pseudo average mole weight and density are the same as the measuredvalues. This can lead to anomalous residue mole weights and densities where the Katz andFiroozabadi values may not be suitable for the isomer groups detected.

Other alternatives are to use an assumed C36+ molecular weight and density value, use a linearextrapolation technique for components from C10 to C35 to calculate the C36+ properties or toutilise distillation analysis to produce a C11+, C20+ or C36+ residual oil fraction and physicallymeasure the molecular weight and density.

Constant Composition ExpansionA portion of the bottomhole fluid sample was charged to a high pressure visual cell at ambientlaboratory temperature . A partial constant composition expansion was carried out during whichthe bubble point pressure at ambient temperature was determined. This process was repeated fortemperatures of 86°F and 120°F and finally the sample was thermally expanded to the reservoirtemperature for the complete constant composition expansion test. Pressure-volume data for thesingle phase and two phase fluid were also determined. The density of the single phase fluid wasdetermined by weighing measured volumes pumped from the cell at 5000 psig. Density data forother pressures were calculated using the volumetric data.

Differential VaporizationThis was carried out in a high pressure visual cell, at reservoir temperature. At several pressurestages below the observed saturation pressure, the sample was stabilized. The gases evolvedwere then pumped out of the cell and its volume, compressibility and gravities were determined.The final stage was carried out at atmospheric pressure when the residual liquid was pumped out ofthe cell and its volume, density and molecular weight were measured.

A.2___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 7: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Summary of Analysis Methods (Continuation)

Reservoir Fluid ViscosityLive-oil viscosity was measured in an electromagnetic viscometer at reservoir temperature.Viscosity determinations were carried out over a wide range of pressures from above the reservoirpressure to atmospheric pressure.

The measurements were repeated at each pressure stage until five or more results agreed to within0.5%. The densities, obtained from the constant composition expansion and differentialvaporization tests, were used in the calculation of viscosities in centipoise.

Separator TestsFinally, two single-stage separator tests were carried out using a pressurized test separator cell. Aportion of the bottomhole fluid sample, at a pressure above saturation pressure, was pumped intothe separator cell and stabilized at the pressure and temperature required for the first stageseparation. The gas evolved was pumped out of the cell and the volume and composition weredetermined. The final stage was carried out at atmospheric pressure and separator temperatureand the density of the residual liquid was determined.

A.3___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 8: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Summary of PVT Data

Constant Composition Expansion at Laboratory Ambient Temperature (68 °F)

Saturation pressure (bubble-point) 66 psig

Constant Composition Expansion at 86 °F

Saturation pressure (bubble-point) 72 psig

Constant Composition Expansion at 120 °F

Saturation pressure (bubble-point) 83 psig

Constant Composition Expansion at 198 °F

Saturation pressure (bubble-point) 104 psig

Average single phase compressibility 7.00 x 10 -6 psi-1(From 2526 psig to 104 psig)

Thermal expansion at 5000 psig 1.0320 vol / vol(Vol at 198°F)/(Vol at 60°F)

Differential Vaporization at 198 °F

Solution gas-oil ratio at saturation pressure 19 scf/bbl of residual oil at 60°F

Relative oil volume at saturation pressure 1.075 vol / vol of residual oil at 60°F

Density at saturation pressure 0.8214 g cm-3

Bottomhole Fluid Viscosity at 198 °F

Viscosity at reservoir pressure centipoise at 2526 psig

Viscosity at saturation pressure centipoise at 104 psig

Separator Test DataPressure TemperatureFormation Volume Total Solution Stocktank Oil

(psig) (°F) Factor Gas-oil ratio Density at 60 °F(Bl sat/bbl) (scf/bbl) (g cm-3)

Test 1104 198 1.076 20

60 2000 200 0.8782

Test 2959 198 1.075 19

30 2000 200 0.8776

A.4___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Section B - Summary of Samples Received and Validation Data

___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 10: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Reported Well and Sampling Information

Reservoir and Well Information

Field......................................................................... Caricare Well.......................................................................... Caricare-3Reservoir Fluid......................................................... Black Oil Formation................................................................. C5Current Reservoir Pressure .................................... 2541.2 psiaReservoir Temperature............................................ 197.9 °F

Installation................................................................ *DST.......................................................................... *Perforated Interval .................................................. 9554'-9562'

Sampling Information

Date sampled........................................................... 23-May-06Time sampled .........................................................Type of samples....................................................... BottomholeSampling company.................................................. Core LaboratoriesSampling Depth...................................................... 6,800 ft

Choke....................................................................... *Status of well............................................................ *

Bottomhole pressure................................................ 1770 psiaBottomhole temperature.......................................... *

Wellhead pressure................................................... *Wellhead temperature............................................. *

Separator pressure ................................................. *Separator temperature ............................................ *

Pressure base.......................................................... *Temperature base ................................................... *

Separator gas rate................................................... *Separator oil rate ..................................................... *Water flowrate.......................................................... *Gas gravity (Air = 1)................................................. *Supercompressibility factor...................................... *H2S.......................................................................... *BS&W...................................................................... *API Oil Gravity ......................................................... 30

Comments: * Data not provided to Core Laboratories

1:30 PM

B.1___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 11: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Summary of Samples Received

Bottomhole SamplesLaboratory

Sample Cylinder Sampling :- Bubble point :- Free water SampleNumber Number Pressure Temp. Pressure Temp. drained Volume

(psig) (°F) (psig) (°F) (cc) (cm3)

1.1 818424 1755 * 90 72 0 530

1.2 818438 1755 * 88 72 0 390

Note: Sample No.1.2 selected for compositional and further PVT analyses.

B.2___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Section C - Compositional Analysis of Bottomhole Fluid Sample to C36+

___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Compositional Analysis of Bottomhole Sample to C36 plus

Component Mole % Weight %H2 Hydrogen 0.00 0.00H2S Hydrogen Sulphide 0.00 0.00CO2 Carbon Dioxide 0.37 0.07N2 Nitrogen 0.02 0.00C1 Methane 1.90 0.13C2 Ethane 0.04 0.00C3 Propane 0.04 0.01iC4 i-Butane 0.14 0.03nC4 n-Butane 0.45 0.11C5 Neo-Pentane 0.00 0.00iC5 i-Pentane 0.75 0.22nC5 n-Pentane 1.30 0.39C6 Hexanes 3.42 1.22 Methyl-Cyclopentane 1.02 0.36 Benzene 0.00 0.00 Cyclohexane 0.43 0.15C7 Heptanes 4.92 2.05 Methyl-Cyclohexane 2.02 0.83 Toluene 0.55 0.21C8 Octanes 6.35 3.02 EthylBenzene 0.65 0.29 M/P-Xylene 0.36 0.16 O-Xylene 0.27 0.12C9 Nonanes 5.68 3.03 TrimethylBenzene 0.70 0.35C10 Decanes 5.92 3.50C11 Undecanes 5.54 3.38C12 Dodecanes 4.94 3.31C13 Tridecanes 5.58 4.06C14 Tetradecanes 4.49 3.54C15 Pentadecanes 4.28 3.66C16 Hexadecanes 3.40 3.14C17 Heptadecanes 3.12 3.08C18 Octadecanes 3.19 3.34C19 Nonadecanes 2.91 3.19C20 Eicosanes 2.23 2.55C21 Heneicosanes 2.17 2.63C22 Docosanes 1.89 2.40C23 Tricosanes 1.77 2.34C24 Tetracosanes 1.50 2.07C25 Pentacosanes 1.47 2.11C26 Hexacosanes 1.17 1.74C27 Heptacosanes 1.08 1.68C28 Octacosanes 0.97 1.56C29 Nonacosanes 0.89 1.49C30 Triacontanes 0.79 1.37C31 Hentriacontanes 0.73 1.30C32 Dotriacontanes 0.60 1.12C33 Tritriacontanes 0.55 1.06C34 Tetratriacontanes 0.52 1.03C35 Pentatriacontanes 0.51 1.03C36+ Hexatriacontanes + 6.41 25.57_____ _____

Totals : 100.00 100.00Note: 0.00 means less than 0.005.

C.1___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Compositional Analysis of Bottomhole Sample to C36 plus

Calculated Residue Properties

C7 plus Mole % 91.57Mole Weight (g mol-1) 257Density at 60°F (g cm-3) 0.8844

C11 plus Mole % 62.70Mole Weight (g mol-1) 321Density at 60°F (g cm-3) 0.9169

C20 plus Mole % 25.25Mole Weight (g mol-1) 505Density at 60°F (g cm-3) 0.9790

C36 plus Mole % 6.41Molecular Weight (g mol-1) 960Density at 60°F (g cm-3) 1.1018

Calculated Whole Sample Properties

Average mole weight (g mol-1) 240Density at 60°F (g cm-3) 0.8756

C.2___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Section D - Constant Composition Expansion (CCE)

___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Constant Composition Expansion at 198°F

Single-phase Fluid Properties

Saturation pressure (bubble-point pressure) 104 psig

Thermal expansion factor of single phase fluid at 5000 psig(Vol at 198°F)/(Vol at 60°F) 1.0320 vol / vol

Average single phase compressibility(From 2526 psig to 104 psig) 7.00 x 10 -6 psi-1

Density at saturation pressure 0.8214 g cm-3

Mean Single-phase Compressibilities

Pressure Range MeanInitial Pressure Final Pressure Compressibility

(psig) (psig) (psi-1) (1)

5000 4000 4.63 x 10 -6

4000 2526 5.35 x 10 -6

2526 1000 6.51 x 10 -6

1000 104 7.84 x 10 -6

(1) Mean compressibility = (V2-V1) / [(V1+V2)/2] x 1/(P1 - P2)

D.1___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Constant Composition Expansion at 198°F

Pressure Relative Density Instantaneous Y-Function (3)(psig) Volume (1) (g cm-3) Compressibility

(psi-1 x 10-6) (2)

5000 0.9710 0.84604000 0.9755 0.8421 4.643000 0.9805 0.8377 5.202526 Reservoir pressure 0.9832 0.8355 5.692000 0.9863 0.8328 6.061500 0.9895 0.8301 6.511000 0.9930 0.8272 7.03900 0.9937 0.8266 7.39800 0.9945 0.8260 7.50700 0.9952 0.8253 7.61600 0.9960 0.8247 7.72500 0.9968 0.8241 7.84400 0.9976 0.8234 7.94300 0.9984 0.8227 8.09200 0.9992 0.8221 8.18104 Saturation pressure 1.0000 0.8214 8.35103 1.0023102 1.004797 1.017892 1.0330 3.40682 1.0723 3.14868 1.1578 2.75955 1.2980 2.35942 1.5727 1.90936 1.7993 1.67825 2.6624 1.197

(1) Relative Volume = V / Vsat ie. volume at indicated pressure per volume at saturation pressure.(2) Instantaneous compressibility = (V2-V1) / V1 x 1/(P1-P2)'(3) Y-function = (Psat - P ) / ((Pabs)(V/Vsat - 1)).

D.2___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 18: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Graphs of Constant Composition Expansion Data

Relative Volume vs Pressure

Y Function vs Pressure






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Pressure, psig



e V


e, V







0 40 80 120 160

Pressure, psig




D.3___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Constant Composition Expansion at 120°F

Single-phase Fluid Properties

Saturation pressure (bubble-point pressure) 83 psig

Thermal expansion factor of single phase fluid at 5000 lpcm(Vol at 120°F)/(Vol at 60°F) 1.0043 vol / vol

Average single phase compressibility(From 2526 psig to 83 psig) 4.88 x 10 -6 lpc-1

Mean Single-phase Compressibilities

Pressure Range MeanInitial Pressure Final Pressure Compressibility

(psig) (psig) (psi-1) (1)

5000 4000 3.42 x 10 -6

4000 2526 3.88 x 10 -6

2526 1000 4.58 x 10 -6

1000 83 5.38 x 10 -6

(1) Mean compressibility = (V2-V1) / [(V1+V2)/2] x 1/(P1 - P2)

D.4___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Constant Composition Expansion at 120°F

Pressure Relative Instantaneous(psig) Volume (1) Compressibility

(psi-1 x 10-6) (2)

5000 0.97924000 0.9825 3.433000 0.9862 3.792526 Reservoir pressure 0.9881 4.092000 0.9904 4.311500 0.9926 4.581000 0.9951 4.90500 0.9977 5.25400 0.9982 5.41300 0.9988 5.50200 0.9993 5.53100 0.9999 5.6783 Saturation pressure 1.0000 5.88

Graph of Constant Composition Expansion Data

Relative Volume vs Pressure

(1) Relative Volume = V / Vsat ie. volume at indicated pressure per volume at saturation pressure.(2) Instantaneous compressibility = (V2-V1) / V1 x 1/(P1-P2)







0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Pressure, psig



e V


e, V



D.5___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Constant Composition Expansion at 86°F

Single-phase Fluid Properties

Saturation pressure (bubble-point pressure) 72 psig

Thermal expansion factor of single phase fluid at 5000 lpcm(Vol at 86°F)/(Vol at 60°F) 1.0014 vol / vol

Average single phase compressibility(From 2526 psig to 72 psig) 4.16 x 10 -6 lpc-1

Mean Single-phase Compressibilities

Pressure Range MeanInitial Pressure Final Pressure Compressibility

(psig) (psig) (psi-1) (1)

5000 4000 2.99 x 10 -6

4000 2526 3.36 x 10 -6

2526 1000 3.92 x 10 -6

1000 72 4.55 x 10 -6

(1) Mean compressibility = (V2-V1) / [(V1+V2)/2] x 1/(P1 - P2)

D.6___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Constant Composition Expansion at 86°F

Pressure Relative Instantaneous(psig) Volume (1) Compressibility

(psi-1 x 10-6) (2)

5000 0.98204000 0.9850 2.993000 0.9882 3.282526 Reservoir pressure 0.9898 3.532000 0.9918 3.701500 0.9937 3.911000 0.9958 4.17500 0.9980 4.45400 0.9985 4.57300 0.9989 4.64200 0.9994 4.66100 0.9999 4.7572 Saturation pressure 1.0000 4.80

Graph of Constant Composition Expansion Data

Relative Volume vs Pressure

(1) Relative Volume = V / Vsat ie. volume at indicated pressure per volume at saturation pressure.(2) Instantaneous compressibility = (V2-V1) / V1 x 1/(P1-P2)






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Pressure, psig



e V


e, V



D.7___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Constant Composition Expansion at 68°F

Single-phase Fluid Properties

Saturation pressure (bubble-point pressure) 66 psig

Thermal expansion factor of single phase fluid at 5000 lpcm(Vol at 68°F)/(Vol at 60°F) 1.0000 vol / vol

Average single phase compressibility(From 2526 psig to 66 psig) 3.82 x 10 -6 lpc-1

Mean Single-phase Compressibilities

Pressure Range MeanInitial Pressure Final Pressure Compressibility

(psig) (psig) (psi-1) (1)

5000 4000 2.78 x 10 -6

4000 2526 3.11 x 10 -6

2526 1000 3.61 x 10 -6

1000 66 4.16 x 10 -6

(1) Mean compressibility = (V2-V1) / [(V1+V2)/2] x 1/(P1 - P2)

D.8___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Constant Composition Expansion at 68°F

Pressure Relative Instantaneous(psig) Volume (1) Compressibility

(psi-1 x 10-6) (2)

5000 0.98344000 0.9861 2.783000 0.9891 3.042526 Reservoir pressure 0.9907 3.262000 0.9924 3.411500 0.9942 3.601000 0.9961 3.83500 0.9982 4.08400 0.9986 4.17300 0.9990 4.24200 0.9994 4.25100 0.9999 4.3366 Saturation pressure 1.0000 4.35

Graph of Constant Composition Expansion Data

Relative Volume vs Pressure

(1) Relative Volume = V / Vsat ie. volume at indicated pressure per volume at saturation pressure.(2) Instantaneous compressibility = (V2-V1) / V1 x 1/(P1-P2)






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Pressure, psig



e V


e, V



D.9___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Section E - Differential Vaporization (DV)

___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 26: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Differential Vaporization at 198°F

Solution Relative Relative Deviation Gas IncrementalPressure Gas-Oil Oil Total Density Factor Formation Gas

(psig) Ratio Volume Volume (g cm-3) (Z) Volume GravityRs(1) Bod(2) Btd(3) Factor (4) (Air = 1.000)

104 19 1.075 1.075 0.8214 Saturation Pressure40 8 1.071 1.738 0.8229 0.998 0.33932 0.8910 0 1.066 0.8248 1.200

At 60°F = 1.000

Residual Oil Properties

Density of residual oil 0.8791 g cm-3 at 60°F

API 29.3

(1) GOR in cubic feet of gas at 14.70 psia and 60°F per barrel of residual oil at 60°F.(2) Volume of oil at indicated pressure and temperature per volume of residual oil at 60°F.(3) Volume of oil plus liberated gas at indicated pressure and temperature per volume of residual oil at 60°F.(4) Volume of gas at indicated pressure and temperature per volume at 14.70 psia and 60°F.

E.1___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Graphs of Differential Vaporization

Solution Gas-Oil Ratio v Pressure

Relative Oil Volume v Pressure






0 40 80 120 160

Pressure, psig




io, s









0 40 80 120 160

Pressure, psig



e O

il V


e, V


E.2___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

Page 28: CC3 Well PVT Final Report

OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Differential Vaporization Data Converted to Production Separator Conditions

Oil Solution Formation Gas FormationPressure Density Gas/Oil Volume Volume

(psig) (g cm-3) (scf / bbl) Factor FactorRs(1) Bo(1) Bg(2)

5000 0.8460 1.0454000 0.8421 1.0503000 0.8377 1.0552526 Reservoir pressure 0.8355 1.0582000 0.8328 1.0621500 0.8301 1.0651000 0.8272 1.069500 0.8241 1.073104 Saturation pressure 0.8214 20 1.07640 0.8229 9 1.072 0.339320 0.8248 1 1.056


(1) Differential data corrected to surface separator conditions of :-

Stage 1 60 psig and 200°FStage 2 0 psig and 200°F

Rs = Rsfb - (Rsdb - Rsd) x (Bofb / Bodb)

Bo = Bod x (Bofb/Bodb)

(2) Volume of gas at indicated pressure and temperature per volume at 14.7 psia and 60°F.

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Differential Vaporization Data Converted to Production Separator Conditions

Oil Solution Formation Gas FormationPressure Density Gas/Oil Volume Volume

(psig) (g cm-3) (scf / bbl) Factor FactorRs(1) Bo(1) Bg(2)

5000 0.8460 1.0444000 0.8421 1.0493000 0.8377 1.0542526 Reservoir pressure 0.8355 1.0572000 0.8328 1.0611500 0.8301 1.0641000 0.8272 1.068500 0.8241 1.072104 Saturation pressure 0.8214 19 1.07540 0.8229 8 1.071 0.33932


(1) Differential data corrected to surface separator conditions of :-

Stage 1 30 psig and 200°FStage 2 0 psig and 200°F

Rs = Rsfb - (Rsdb - Rsd) x (Bofb / Bodb)

Bo = Bod x (Bofb/Bodb)

(2) Volume of gas at indicated pressure and temperature per volume at 14.7 psia and 60°F.

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Section F - Bottomhole Fluid Viscosity Data

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OCCIDENTAL DE COLOMBIACaricare-3 Well, Form.: C5___________________________________________________________________________________________RFL 06089

Bottomhole Fluid Viscosity Data at 198°F

Pressure Oil Calculated Oil/Gas(psig) Viscosity Gas Viscosity Viscosity

(cP) (cP) (1) Ratio

5000 4.8134000 4.4383000 4.0632526 Reservoir pressure 3.8852000 3.6881000 3.313300 3.051104 Saturation pressure 2.97740 3.231 0.0122 2660 4.290

(1) Calculated using the method of Lee, Gonzales and Eakin, JPT, Aug 1966.

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Graph of Bottomhole Fluid Viscosity Data at 198°F

Oil Viscosity Vs Pressure

Single-phase Fluid Viscosity Vs Pressure





0 40 80 120 160

Pressurre, psig




, cP






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Pressurre, psig




e V



, cP


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Section G - Separator Test Data

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Data from Separator Test 1

Gas-Oil Gas-Oil Oil Formation Separation Gas GravityPressure Temperature Ratio Ratio Density Volume Volume of flashed gas

(psig) (°F) Rsfb (g cm-3) Factor Factor (Air = 1.000)(1) (2) Bofb (3) (4)

104 198 - 20 0.8214 1.076 Saturation Pressure

60 200 6 6 0.8219 1.074 0.868 *0 200 13 14 0.8229 1.067 1.575

Residual Oil Properties

Density of residual oil 0.8782 g cm-3 at 60°F

API 29.5

Note :

* Evolved gas collected and analysed to C11+.

(1) GOR in cubic feet of gas at 14.70 psia and 60°F per barrel of oil at indicated pressure and temperature.(2) GOR in cubic feet of gas at 14.70 psia and 60°F per barrel of stocktank oil at 60°F.(3) Volume of saturated oil at 104 psig and 198°F per volume of stocktank oil at 60°F.(4) Volume of oil at indicated pressure and temperature per volume of stocktank oil at 60°F.

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Compositional Analysis of Separator Test Gas to C11+

Sampling Date 02-Aug-2006Sample Description Gas from first stage separationCylinder Number --Sampling Conditions 60.0 psig @ 200.0°F

Component Mole % Weight %H2 Hydrogen 0.00 0.00H2S Hydrogen Sulphide 0.00 0.00CO2 Carbon Dioxide 3.33 5.84N2 Nitrogen 0.90 1.00C1 Methane 83.07 53.01C2 Ethane 1.47 1.76C3 Propane 0.32 0.56iC4 i-Butane 1.19 2.76nC4 n-Butane 1.41 3.27iC5 i-Pentane 1.25 3.59nC5 n-Pentane 0.79 2.28C6 Hexanes 1.84 6.29C7 Heptanes 2.00 7.98C8 Octanes 1.48 6.72C9 Nonanes 0.58 2.94C10 Decanes 0.33 1.74C11+ Undecanes plus 0.04 0.26

______ ______Totals : 100.00 100.00Note: 0.00 means less than 0.005.Calculated Residue Properties Mole Weight Density

(g mol-1) (g cm-3 @ 60°F )C7+ Heptanes plus 111.5 0.7074C8+ Octanes plus 120.8 0.7217C10+ Decanes plus 135.6 0.7794C11+ Undecanes plus 147.0 0.7890

Calculated Whole Gas PropertiesReal Relative Density 0.8730 (Air=1 @ 14.73 psia & 60°F)Whole Sample Mole Weight 25.14 g mol-1

Real Gas Density 1.0705 kg m-3 @ 15°CIdeal Gross Calorific Value 1402.0 BTU.ft-3 @ 14.73psia, 60°FIdeal Net Calorific Value 1276.4 BTU.ft-3 @ 14.73psia, 60°FPseudo Critical Press. 654.9 psiaPseudo Critical Temp. 413.7 RankineGas Compressibility Factor, Z 0.9943 @ 14.73 psia & 60°FGas Viscosity 0.012 cPGPM (C2+) 4.980GPM (C3+) 4.589

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Data from Separator Test 2

Gas-Oil Gas-Oil Oil Formation Separation Gas GravityPressure Temperature Ratio Ratio Density Volume Volume of flashed gas

(psig) (°F) Rsfb (g cm-3) Factor Factor (Air = 1.000)(1) (2) Bofb (3) (4)

104 198 - 19 0.8214 1.075 Saturation Pressure

30 200 10 11 0.8218 1.071 1.031 *0 200 7 8 0.8223 1.067 1.652

Residual Oil Properties

Density of residual oil 0.8776 g cm-3 at 60°F

API 29.6

Note :

* Evolved gas collected and analysed to C11+.

(1) GOR in cubic feet of gas at 14.70 psia and 60°F per barrel of oil at indicated pressure and temperature.(2) GOR in cubic feet of gas at 14.70 psia and 60°F per barrel of stocktank oil at 60°F.(3) Volume of saturated oil at 104 psig and 198°F per volume of stocktank oil at 60°F.(4) Volume of oil at indicated pressure and temperature per volume of stocktank oil at 60°F.

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Compositional Analysis of Separator Test Gas to C11+

Sampling Date 02-Aug-2006Sample Description Gas from first stage separationCylinder Number --Sampling Conditions 30.0 psig @ 200.0°F

Component Mole % Weight %H2 Hydrogen 0.00 0.00H2S Hydrogen Sulphide 0.00 0.00CO2 Carbon Dioxide 4.49 6.62N2 Nitrogen 0.41 0.39C1 Methane 73.00 39.21C2 Ethane 3.76 3.78C3 Propane 2.29 3.38iC4 i-Butane 1.47 2.86nC4 n-Butane 2.10 4.09iC5 i-Pentane 1.85 4.48nC5 n-Pentane 1.66 4.00C6 Hexanes 2.80 8.08C7 Heptanes 2.73 9.15C8 Octanes 2.01 7.68C9 Nonanes 0.78 3.35C10 Decanes 0.56 2.50C11+ Undecanes plus 0.09 0.43

______ ______Totals : 100.00 100.00Note: 0.00 means less than 0.005.Calculated Residue Properties Mole Weight Density

(g mol-1) (g cm-3 @ 60°F )C7+ Heptanes plus 112.1 0.7092C8+ Octanes plus 121.5 0.7242C10+ Decanes plus 135.8 0.7796C11+ Undecanes plus 147.0 0.7890

Calculated Whole Gas PropertiesReal Relative Density 1.0402 (Air=1 @ 14.73 psia & 60°F)Whole Sample Mole Weight 29.87 g mol-1

Real Gas Density 1.2762 kg m-3 @ 15°CIdeal Gross Calorific Value 1635.5 BTU.ft-3 @ 14.73psia, 60°FIdeal Net Calorific Value 1494.4 BTU.ft-3 @ 14.73psia, 60°FPseudo Critical Press. 649.1 psiaPseudo Critical Temp. 456.2 RankineGas Compressibility Factor, Z 0.9915 @ 14.73 psia & 60°FGas Viscosity 0.012 cPGPM (C2+) 8.206GPM (C3+) 7.205

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Section H - Appendix

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Data Used in Gas Compositional Calculations

Component Mole Weight Density Component Mole Weight Density(g mol-1) (g cm-3 at 60°F) (g mol-1) (g cm-3 at 60°F)

Hydrogen * 2.016 N/A 33DMC5 * 100.20 0.6954Oxygen/(Argon) ** 31.999 1.1410 Cyclohexane * 84.16 0.7827Nitrogen (Corrected) ** 28.013 0.8086 2MC6/23DMC5 * 100.20 0.6917Methane ** 16.043 0.2997 11DMCYC5/3MC6 * 99.20 0.7253Carbon Dioxide ** 44.010 0.8172 t13DMCYC5 * 98.19 0.7528Ethane ** 30.070 0.3558 c13DMCYC5/3EC5 * 99.20 0.7262Hydrogen Sulphide ** 34.080 0.8006 t12DMCYC5 * 98.19 0.7554Propane ** 44.097 0.5065 Heptanes (nC7) * 100.20 0.6875i-Butane ** 58.123 0.5623 22DMC6 * 114.23 0.6994n-Butane ** 58.123 0.5834 MCYC6 * 98.19 0.7740Neo-Pentane * 72.15 0.5968 ECYC5 * 98.19 0.7704i-Pentane ** 72.150 0.6238 223TMC5/24&25DMC6 * 114.23 0.7060n-Pentane ** 72.150 0.6305 ctc124TMCYC5 * 112.21 0.751122DMC4 * 86.18 0.6529 ctc123TMCYC5 * 112.21 0.757423DMC4/CYC5 * 78.16 0.7129 Toluene * 92.14 0.87342MC5 * 86.18 0.6572 Octanes (nC8) * 114.23 0.70633MC5 * 86.18 0.6682 E-Benzene * 106.17 0.8735Hexanes (nC6) * 86.18 0.6631 M/P-Xylene * 106.17 0.867122DMC5 * 100.20 0.6814 O-Xylene * 106.17 0.8840M-C-Pentane * 84.16 0.7533 Nonanes (nC9) * 128.26 0.721224DMC5 * 100.20 0.6757 Decanes *** 134 0.778223TMC4 * 100.20 0.6947 Undecanes *** 147 0.789Benzene * 78.11 0.8820 Dodecanes *** 161 0.800

Data Source Refs :

* ASTM Data Series Publication DS 4B (1991) - Physical Constants of Hydrocarbon and Non-Hydrocarbon Compounds.

** GPA Table of Physical Constants of Paraffin Hydrocarbons and Other Components of Natural Gas, GPA 2145-96.

*** Journal of Petroleum Technology, Nov 1978, Pages 1649-1655. Predicting Phase Behaviour of Condensate/Crude Oil Systems Using Methane Interaction Coefficients - D.L. Katz & A. Firoozabadi.

Note :The gas mole % compositions were calculated from the measured weight % compositions usingthe most detailed analysis results, involving as many of the above components as were identified.The reported component mole % compositions were then sub-grouped into the generic carbonnumber components.

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Data Used in Oil Compositional Calculations

Component Mole Weight Density Component Mole Weight Density(g mol-1) (g cm-3 at 60°F) (g mol-1) (g cm-3 at 60°F)

Hydrogen * 2.016 N/A Undecanes *** 147 0.789Hyd. sulphide ** 34.080 0.8006 Dodecanes *** 161 0.800Carbon Dioxide ** 44.010 0.8172 Tridecanes *** 175 0.811Nitrogen ** 28.013 0.8086 Tetradecanes *** 190 0.822Methane ** 16.043 0.2997 Pentadecanes *** 206 0.832Ethane ** 30.070 0.3558 Hexadecanes *** 222 0.839Propane ** 44.097 0.5065 Heptadecanes *** 237 0.847i-Butane ** 58.123 0.5623 Octadecanes *** 251 0.852n-Butane ** 58.123 0.5834 Nonadecanes *** 263 0.857i-Pentane ** 72.150 0.6238 Eicosanes *** 275 0.862n-Pentane ** 72.150 0.6305 Heneicosanes *** 291 0.867Hexanes ** 86.177 0.6634 Docosanes *** 305 0.872Me-cyclo-pentane * 84.16 0.7533 Tricosanes *** 318 0.877Benzene * 78.11 0.8820 Tetracosanes *** 331 0.881Cyclo-hexane * 84.16 0.7827 Pentacosanes *** 345 0.885Heptanes ** 100.204 0.6874 Hexacosanes *** 359 0.889Me-cyclo-hexane * 98.19 0.7740 Heptacosanes *** 374 0.893Toluene * 92.14 0.8734 Octacosanes *** 388 0.896Octanes ** 114.231 0.7061 Nonacosanes *** 402 0.899Ethyl-benzene * 106.17 0.8735 Triacontanes *** 416 0.902Meta/Para-xylene * 106.17 0.8671 Hentriacontanes *** 430 0.906Ortho-xylene * 106.17 0.8840 Dotriacontanes *** 444 0.909Nonanes ** 128.258 0.7212 Tritriacontanes *** 458 0.9121-2-4-T-M-benzene * 120.19 0.8797 Tetratriacontanes *** 472 0.914Decanes ** 142.285 0.7334 Pentatriacontanes *** 486 0.917

Data Source Refs :

* ASTM Data Series Publication DS 4B (1991) - Physical Constants of Hydrocarbon and Non-Hydrocarbon Compounds.

** GPA Table of Physical Constants of Paraffin Hydrocarbons and Other Components of Natural Gas GPA 2145-96.

*** Journal of Petroleum Technology, Nov 1978, Pages 1649-1655. Predicting Phase Behaviour of Condensate/Crude Oil Systems Using Methane Interaction Coefficients - D.L. Katz & A. Firoozabadi.

Note :The residue mole weight and density values ( eg heptanes plus, undecanes plus, eicosanes plus)are calculated so that the calculated average mole weights and densities correspond with themeasured values. This can lead to anomalous residue mole weights and densities where the Katzand Firoozabadi values may not be suitable for the isomer groups detected.

H.2___________________________________________________________________________________________Core LaboratoriesBogotá, Colombia

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