ccf copywriter portfolio

Look at me! My name is Corie and I am an old-school, X-acto wielding, Strunk & White referring, tea drinking, creative thinker. I know the latest programs AND the correct way to use Rubber Cement. Copy-writer with layout background, non-recovering fontaholic, Coffee-brewer (read “team player”) and all-around Hard Worker! This is a representation of my work. It’s low-res so it won’t crash your email boxes and internets, and kill your computer mice. (It’s much prettier in person. Call me, I’ll be glad to show you!)

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Post on 15-Mar-2016




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portfolio, writer, copy, editor


Page 1: CCF Copywriter portfolio

Look at me!

My name is Corie and I am an old-school, X-acto wielding,

Strunk & White referring, tea drinking, creative thinker. I know the

latest programs AND the correct way to use Rubber Cement.

Copy-writer with layout background, non-recovering fontaholic,

Coffee-brewer (read “team player”) and all-around Hard Worker!

This is a representation of my work. It’s low-res so it won’t crash

your email boxes and internets, and kill your computer mice.

(It’s much prettier in person. Call me, I’ll be glad to show you!)

Page 2: CCF Copywriter portfolio

“Central to me” banner



Page 3: CCF Copywriter portfolio

Mobile Public Library: Building for the Future

logo, display boards, photoshoot


Page 4: CCF Copywriter portfolio

Invitations for Citizens for

Progressive Transit, Suzanne

Cleveland Party Committee, Central

Stewardship Committee, and

Oakleigh Garden District Society


Page 5: CCF Copywriter portfolio

Brochures and brochure illustration


Page 6: CCF Copywriter portfolio

Project Quest collegementoring program



Page 7: CCF Copywriter portfolio

Central PresbyterianChurch informationcards and schedules


Page 8: CCF Copywriter portfolio

Alabama SouthernCommunity College

Nursing School newspaper ad


Page 9: CCF Copywriter portfolio

1.) CLIENT: Central Presbyterian


PIECES: Outdoor banners

NOTES: Exterior of church,

while beautiful, is not as

inviting as the people inside.

So I brought the people out

side, with large portrait

banners featuring key words.

I also used the banners as the

beginning of the church’s

“Central to me” identity


2.) CLIENT: Mobile Public Library

PIECES: Display boards,

“Building for the Future” logo

and photo shoot

NOTES: The client needed both

money and community sup-

port. The display boards (used

early in the campaign) fea-

tured illustrations and copy I

created to get the community

behind a massive library

expansion project. I acted

as Art Director for the photo

shoots. The photos featured

local politicians, authors, and

“every day” citizens

interacting with books.

3.) CLIENT: Various

PIECES: Invitations

NOTES: “Party Girl” invitation

won an Addy Award for

Best Invitation

4.) a.) CLIENT: Central Presbyterian


PIECES: Pew brochure

NOTES: The challenge with this

piece was a lot of copy, a long

list of programs, and the client’s

desire for pictures, all in a

brochure tiny enough to fit in a

small wooden pew pocket. I

shaved as much copy as I could

(while still making everyone

happy), and created a graphic

element out of the list of


b.) CLIENT: Massage @ Work

PIECES: Brochure

NOTES: I presented client with

several headline options. He

liked them all, but because he

worked in a conservative

market, he went with more

conservative copy.

Copy client liked, but passed on:

1.) Not enough money... not available at

this time... not much time left... Knot

going to happen!

2.) Not enough money... not available

at this time... not much time left...

Over time, those knots can build up.

3.) 100 years ago they would have

just slapped on some leeches...

nowadays we have stress treatments

that don’t suck.

5.) CLIENT: Project Quest/Alabama

Southern Community College

PIECES: Brochure

NOTES: This piece was targeted

to eleventh grade students in

a rural area. These kids were

the first in their families to

attend college. Project Quest

mentored them as a parent

would on applying for admis-

sion, financial aid, and expec-

tations of them once enrolled

in school. The challenge with

this brochure, was lots of

mandatory copy. I handled

“boring” mandatory copy by

singling it out as mandatory.

I followed it with more youth-

oriented, playful copy.

6.) CLIENT: Central Presbyterian


PIECES: Information cards and


NOTES: This is one active

church! They needed a way to

target potential members

without overwhelming them.

Each card lists schedules and

groups pertinent to the key

word in the title copy.

Card copy:


Ringing, singing, African drumming,

classical strumming. The arts are

Info-bits and things you

may want to put in your


Page 10: CCF Copywriter portfolio

alive at Central Presbyterian

Church. We celebrate our creative

gifts and the gifts of others. From vi-

sual art to dancing, we invite you to

share your gifts.


More than a friendly hand signal,

more than a protest sign, but a Cen-

tral Presbyterian Church way of life.

A way of looking at all God’s chil-

dren. A way of loving those we

haven’t met and a way of honoring

those we have. Peace be with you.


Service is our way of giving back.

Central Presbyterian Church serves

all the children of God, and has a

way for all God’s children to serve.

From the Outreach and Advocacy

Center, to mission trips, Central wit-

nesses God’s love through service.


Faith is the tiny seed that has taken

root in all of us at Central Presbyte-

rian Church. Through bountiful sea-

sons and lean ones, our faith grows.

Faith in God, faith in each other,

faith in ourselves. Come share our



Some say Central Presbyterian

Church is located at the crossroads

of “Powerful and Powerless.” Natu-

rally, our community is a diverse

one. And a large one too! Being an

active part of this city, nation and

world is Central to our church com-



Grace is found in the darkest, forgotten

corners of our city. Central Presbyterian

Church seeks God’s grace in compas-

sionate acts, and in recognizing our

shared humanity, constantly remember-

ing we are all Children of God.


Beginning with teaching and caring for

God’s youngest ones, through the life-

long study of the mysteries of faith,

Central Presbyterian Church is a com-

munity built on learning, teaching, and

searching for knowledge. Come learn

with us.


Seeking out the hope of others when

ours is faint and offering our hope to

those in need of it, we are actively en-

gaged in hopefulness. Bright, shining,

optimistic, encouraging, grain-of-sand

sized and greater – hope, waiting at

Central Presbyterian Church.

7.) CLIENT: Alabama Southern

Community College

PIECE: Nursing School

Application Deadline

dislpay ad

NOTES: The client decided at the

last minute to run an ad

anouncing the application

deadline. “Urgency” was the

key theme of the ad, regard

ing the short amount of time

left to apply to the program,

as well as the excitement that

draws many into nursing. This

ad was awarded a Pyramid

Award for best display ad.

Thanks for your
