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    GURSIMRAN KAUR # 806-974-663

    ROSHNI PATEL # 810-236-901

    SUNNY SHARMA # 810-178-616

    DATE- 11th Feb 2011


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    It is a known fact that the best endorsements achieve an eclectic balance between the product

    (brand) and the celebrity. Giving brand a 'face' is more than just a marketing strategy to increase

    sales or gain market share, it is a decision that can change the future of the brand forever.

    Advertisement started playing an active role when it came to the development of the society in the

    economy in the early 1930s. Celebrities acted as spokespersons in order to advertise and promote

    products and services and ideas. Those celebrities came from the art scene, modeling, sports and

    the movie industry. The advertisers used celebrities as pioneers in order to dictate trends. British

    actress Lillie Langtry appeared on a package of Pears soap in 1893, she became the worlds first

    celebrity endorser.

    Justinsings the praises of our furry friends in his PSA that reads,

    "Animals Can Make U Smile. Adopt From Your Local Shelter."

    Choice of the celebrity is of utmost importance and is usually done based on many different

    parameters - appeal, looks, popularity or even just a fantasy figure to endorse a brand.

    In today's highly competitive markets, big brands are at logger-heads when it comes to products,

    Worlds first celebrity endorserBritish actress Lillie Langtry (1893-ww.bl.uk/onlinegallery)

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    each having a similar product to that of a rival. Where does one brand gain that quintessential

    advantage - advertising, service, promise of trust, or even the all important price factors?

    Advertising seems to be the best platform where brands prefer to compete on - right from hiring the

    best advertising agencies to getting the biggest celebrities. What would be the formula to success

    then? Well, a good creative agency, a large enough promotional budget and a huge star to endorse

    your brand would definitely ensure in the minds of a brand management team a feeling of security,

    success and a triumph over the competitors brand.

    Why Celebrities?

    The general belief among advertisers is that brand communication messages delivered by

    celebrities and famous personalities generate a higher appeal, attention and recall than those

    executed by non-celebrities. The quick message-reach and impact are all too essential in today's

    highly competitive environment.

    In communicating with target audiences it has been shown that the persuasiveness of a

    communication message is affected by the various characteristics of the source selected. The

    persuasiveness of an advertisings message is determined by the two distinct explanations,

    Lancme has bestowed the first definition on Julia

    Roberts in the ongoing epic "Another Day, Another

    Celebrity Endorsement."

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    credibility and attractiveness of the source used. Advertisers often use celebrities because of their

    famous attributes including beauty, courage, talent, athleticism, grace, power, and sex appeal

    that often represent the attractions desired for the brands they endorse. The repeated association of

    a brand with a celebrity might ultimately lead consumers to think the brand possesses the attractive

    qualities that are similar to the celebritys. Furthermore, consumers may like the brand because

    they like the celebrity who endorses it. The celebrities used as endorsers are primarily chosen from

    the entertainment business or the athletic field.

    Celebrity endorsers are being used in about 25% of all television advertisements in order to

    promote brands. These endorsers are being paid by about 10 % of advertiser's budgets. Marketers

    invest huge amounts of money in contracts with celebrity endorsers each year, since they believe

    that celebrities affect the process of selling of their brands or products. A celebrity endorser is an

    individual who enjoys public recognition and who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer

    good by appearing with it in an advertisement (marketing communication). Research has shown

    that in general celebrity endorsement influences the feelings of the consumers and can also

    influence the attitude consumers have towards the advertisement and attitude towards the brands,

    which can increase the purchase intentions and, consequently, increase sales.

    Endorsers Categories

    Endorsers can be divided into three broad groups: experts, lay endorsers and celebrities.

    In January 1956, Procter and Gamble launched Crest toothpaste with the theme of cavity prevention. Despite

    heavy advertising over four and a half years, Crest achieved only a 12 per cent market share versus Colgate's

    35 percent. Colgate had been the leading brand of toothpaste in the US market for many decades. Then in

    August 1960, crest won an endorsement by the American Dental Association as the only toothpaste that

    prevented dental cavities and one of only three means of fighting dental cavities. A massive advertising

    campaign announcing that endorsement catapulted crest into the leadership of the toothpaste market, a position

    it still retains.

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    An expert is a person who is considered as having a specific knowledge in the particular area that

    is to be promoted. Typical experts are chosen because of their knowledge which they have gathered

    through studies, training or experience. An example is when a toothpaste company uses a dentist in

    a commercial to underline the credibility of the product.

    Lay Endorsers can be real or fictitious and are unknown individuals or characters. These

    individuals or characters are selected to be similar to the target segment which makes it possible

    for the target segment to identify with the endorser and the message. The anonymous voice-over in

    video and audio advertisements is often that of a lay endorser.

    Celebrity endorsement has been defines as: Any individual who enjoys public recognition and

    who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it in an advertisement.

    Today TV stars, movie actors, famous athletes and even dead personalities are widely used to

    endorse products. By definition, a celebrity is a well-known personality who is known to the public

    for his or her accomplishments in the areas other than the product class endorsed. Today use of

    celebrities in advertising strategies is becoming more and more sophisticated and complicated.

    From 1979 to 1997 the popularity of using celebrities in advertising in the USA increased from 15

    to 25% and nowadays more than 20% of all TV commercials feature celebrities. The magazine

    Forbes (2004) lists the top 100 celebrities by measuring how much they earn, web hits, press clips

    and TV/ radio appearances. Today all of these celebrities have exclusive endorsement contracts e.g.

    Tiger Woods $ 105 million contract with Nike (Forbes 2004).

    Types of Celebrity Endorsements

    Celebrity branding has many aspects. A slight change in the type of branding used can result in

    either a great success or a dismal failure. Celebrity branding falls into five general categories:

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    Testimonial: The celebrity acts as a spokesperson for the brand.

    Imported: The celebrity performs a role known to the audience.

    Invented: The celebrity plays a new, original role.

    Observer: The celebrity assumes the role of an observer commenting on the brand.

    Harnessed: The celebrity's image is integrated with the ad's storyline.

    Celebrity Endorsements as a Strategy to profitability

    How Tiger Woodss endorsement of Accenture is beneficial to the company in sending the

    message of high performance. This is just an example of having celebrity endorsement.

    Marketers of consumer products have long used celebrities to endorse their product - and this has

    become a common strategy.

    A growing number of firms are investing in celebrity endorsement to enhance the value of

    advertising dollars and build brand equity, a natural question is: What are the economic returns

    from the investment in this form of advertising? Hence the main purpose of many big organizations

    is to assess the profitability of the celebrity endorsement advertising strategy. Studies done in the

    past by organizations on the impact of celebrity endorsements have provided valuable insights into

    consumers' responses to advertisements that portray celebrities. It is important for a manager to

    know whether a celebrity endorsement strategy generates a favorable consumer response, as well

    as understand whether the economic returns justify the costs associated with such a strategy.

    Measuring the overall effect of advertising expenditures on sales is problematic, and a direct

    assessment of the effectiveness of a celebrity endorsement on a firm's profitability may be

    impossible. In addition, because advertising effects accrue over time, current profits may not

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    accurately reflect the true profitability of a given campaign. The difficulty associated with isolating

    and measuring the profit associated with a given celebrity endorsement campaign led us to use an

    alternative measure. This is the expected profit associated with a celebrity endorsement campaign

    as reflected in the abnormal returns of a firm. Abnormal returns are measured using event study

    methodology. Although a firm's profit is influenced by several factors, and isolating the

    contribution of any one variable is difficult, the event study methodology provides a means and

    unique opportunity to assess the impact of a particular strategy on a firm's expected future profits.

    Federal Trade Commission Guidelines for celebrity endorsement

    The Federal Trade Commission guides concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in

    Advertising require a celebrity endorsement (in order to not be deceptive) to meet the following


    1. Statements must reflect the honest opinion, findings, beliefs, or experience of the celebrity;

    2. The accuracy of the celebrity's claims must be substantiated by the advertiser;

    3. Any efficacy claims must be substantiated, if capable of substantiation if such claims were made

    by the advertiser;

    4. If the advertisement claims the celebrity uses the product or service, the celebrity must in fact be

    a bona fide user; and

    5. The advertiser can only use the endorsement so long as it has a good faith belief that the

    celebrity continues to hold the views expressed in the advertisement. 16 C.F.R. 255.0 et seq.


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    Top Five Expensive Spokespersons (Forbes list)

    Sr. No. Celebrity Name Category Earning (Mn $) Brands

    1. Tiger Wood Athletes $ 118 Mn Nike, Accenture

    2. Michael Jordan Basketball legend $ 45 Mn Nike, Coca-Cola

    3. Roger Federer Tennis Player $ 40 Mn Nike, Wilson, Rolex,

    Gillette, Mercedes Benz,

    Jura, and NetJets

    4. Jay Z Rap Star $ 30 Mn HP Laptops

    5. David Beckham Soccer Star $ 10 Mn LA Galaxy

    Other than these there are celebrities those are counted as influential spokes persons are from

    Hollywood and Music Industry, U2, Sandra Bullock, Johnny Depp, Madonna, Briteny Spears are

    to name few.

    Advantages of Celebrity Endorsement

    Brands have been leveraging celebrity appeal for a long time. Across categories, whether in

    products or services, more and more brands are banking on the mass appeal of celebrities. The

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    accruement of celebrity endorsement can be justified by the following advantages that are

    bestowed on the overall brand.

    Establishment of credibility: Approval of a brand by a star fosters a sense of trust for that

    brand among the target audience- this is especially true in case of new products.

    Ensured Attention: Celebrities ensure attention of the target group by breaking the clutter

    of advertisements and making the ad and the brand more noticeable.

    PR coverage: is another reason for using celebrities. Managers perceive celebrities as

    topical, which creates high PR coverage. A good example of integrated celebrity campaigns

    is one of the Worlds leading pop groups, the Spice girls, who have not only appeared in

    advertisements for Pepsi, but also in product launch and PR events. Indeed, celebrity

    company marriages are covered by most media from television to newspaper.

    High degree of recall: People tend to commensurate the personalities of the celebrity with

    the brand thereby increasing the recall value. Golf champion Tiger Woods has endorsed

    American Express, Rolex and Nike. Actress Catherine Zeta- Jones is used by T-Mobile and

    Elizabeth Arden. 007 Pierce Brosnan promotes Omega, BMW and Noreico.

    Associated Benefit: A celebritys preference for a brand gives out a persuasive message-

    because the celebrity is benefiting from the brand, the consumer will also benefit.

    Mitigating a tarnished image: Many companies want to restore the consumers

    confidence so they use celebrities to get some good output from the brand. Cadbury, Pepsi,

    Coca cola and lot more companies have done it.

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    Psychographic Connect: Celebrities are loved and adored by their fans and advertisers use

    stars to capitalize on these feelings to sway the fans towards their brands.

    Demographic Connect: Different stars appeal differently to various demographic

    segments like age, gender, class, geography etc.

    Mass Appeal: Some stars have a universal appeal and therefore prove to be a good bet to

    generate interest among the masses.

    Rejuvenating a stagnant brand: With the objective of infusing fresh life into the stagnant

    products celebrity endorsement is used.

    Disadvantages of Celebrity Endorsement

    Celebrity endorsement can sometimes compensate for lack of innovative ideas. This approach

    has few serious risks:

    The reputation of the celebrity may derogate after he/she has endorsed the product

    Pepsi Cola suffered with three tarnished celebrities Mike Tyson, Madonna and Michael

    Jackson. Since the behaviour of the celebrities reflects on the brand, celebrity endorsers

    may at times become liabilities to the brands they endorse.

    Multi brand endorsements by the same celebrity would lead to over-exposure The

    novelty of the celebrity endorser gets diluted if he does too many advertisements. This may

    be termed as commoditization of celebrities who are willing to endorse anything for big


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    Celebrity endorsing one brand and using another (competitor) Sainburys

    encountered a problem with Catherina Zeta Jones whom the company used for its recipe

    advertisements, when she was caught shopping in TESCO.

    Britney Spears was endorsing Pepsi but many times spotted

    drinking Coca-cola.

    Mismatch between the celebrity and the image of the brand Celebrities manifest a

    certain persona for the audience. It is of paramount importance that there is an egalitarian

    congruency between the persona of the celebrity and the image of the brand. Each celebrity

    portrays a broad range of meanings involving a specific personality and life style.

    Madonna, for example, is perceived as a tough, intense and modern woman associated with

    the lower middle class. The personality of Pierce Brosnan is best characterized as perfect

    gentleman whereas Jennifer Aniston has the image of the good girl from next door.

    The Vampire effect This terminology pertains to the issue of a celebrity overshadowing

    the brand. If there is no congruency between the celebrity and the brand, then the audience

    will remember the celebrity and not the brand. Examples are the campaigns of Dawn

    French Cable Association and Leonard Rossiter Cinzano. Both of these campaigns were

    aborted due to celebrities getting in the way of effective communication.

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    Celebrity Endorsement Statistics According to an IPAN-IMRB Research (2008),

    86%-Remember celebrity ads

    3%-Feel celebrities effect buying decision

    84%-Believe quality and price is the input factor.

    2%-Consider celebrity importance

    5%-Believe stars endorse brand for money

    22%-Believe celebrities use products they endorse.




    Film Actor /Actress







    15% Disagree26%






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    Example: Nike Endorsement by Tiger Woods

    Nikes new Tiger Woods commercial is going viral in a massive way, according to new stats from

    Visible Measures. The clip, which features Tiger looking into the camera while his fathers voice

    states the wish to find out what (his) thinking was, received more than 2.7 million views on

    YouTube in about a week on Nikes official YouTube channel. Visible Measures also counted

    more than 160 reposts, mashups and parodies, accumulating a total of 7.1 million views and more

    than 15,000 comments.

    One of the big drivers of the videos virality seems to be social media. The ad has been making

    waves on Twitter since late last week, according to dataprovided by Trendrr. Woods obviously got

    a bit of a buzz out of his participation at the Masters, but both he and Nike got a big boost out of

    the commercial as well. Nike was mentioned in about 8,000 tweets per day before the release of the

    commercial. The day after it came out, that number jumped to 24,846.

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    One interesting aspect of the ad is that the parodies, mashups and video commentaries have

    actually become more popular than the spot produced by Nike itself. More than 100 of the 160

    clips Visible Measures was able to track down on YouTube are derivatives, many of which simply

    replace Earl Woods voice with a different audio track. These parodies actually became more

    popular than the original clip over the weekend, and are still growing strong, whereas the Nike ad

    itself has lost some steam.

    "In golf ball terms, the endorsement of Nike products by Tiger Woods, which began in 2000,

    resulted in the acquisition of approximately 4.5 million customers and $60 million dollars in profit

    (in 1997 dollars) for the last 10 years," a news release on the study noted.

    "From the findings of this study, which involve one specific product, we conjecture that similar

    market impacts have been realized across a full line of golfing equipment, which Tiger Woods was

    paid $180 million for 10 years (in 1997 dollars) to endorse," said Kevin YC Chung, a doctoral

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    candidate and one of three from Carnegie Mellon involved in the study. "Having found that $60

    million was recovered in the golf ball sector alone, we project that this would intensify the overall

    profits and losses across the golfing industry."

    The fact that Nike retained Woods in the wake of his off-course controversies also paid a dividend,

    the study showed. "In the six months following Mr. Woods' highly publicized personal scandal,"

    the news release state, "Nike lost approximately 105,000 customers. However, these losses were

    not gained by other brands as the negative publicity resulted in a net loss to the golfing industry,

    overall, of $7.5 million in profit."


    A brief assessment of the current market situation indicates, that celebrity endorsement advertising

    strategy can under the right circumstances indeed justify the high costs associated with this form of

    advertising. The use of celebrity for endorsements creates a very favorable impact on the consumer

    and it creates a connection which forces a consumer to purchase a product. However, as several

    failures show, it is essential for advertisers to be aware of the complex processes underlying

    celebrity endorsement.

    It has been proved from the discussion that celebrity endorsements are a powerful and useful tool

    that magnifies the effect of a campaign but the word of caution to be followed seriously; celebrities

    alone do not guarantee success nor does a great advertising campaign or the best possible product.

    It is the combination of several factors and elements that work together for the success of a brand

    and its acceptance in the minds of consumers as well as for its market offering.

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    Modern day consumers are well educated and smart, they know celebrities are being paid for these

    endorsements and this knowledge makes consumers rather more cynical about the product and

    celebrity endorsements. Majority of the consuming population also knows what is advertising and

    how it actually works and this knowledge of consumer makes the task of celebrity endorsement all

    the more difficult and challenging for the advertising companies and the sponsors. Canadian

    companies, both advertising and product offering companies, have to make an effort to overcome

    this ever-mounting challenge.


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    1. http://www.venturerepublic.com/resources/Branding_celebrities_brand_endorsements_bran


    2. http://www.indianmba.com/Faculty_Column/FC706/fc706.html

    3. http://www.indianmba.com/occasional_papers/op88/op88.html

    4. http://www.chillibreeze.com/articles/Celebrity-endorsement.asp

    5. http://forbes.com/search/find?


    6. http://www.forbes.com/2009/07/14/most-influential-women-in-media-forbes-woman-


    7. http://www.luxist.com/2009/12/07/lancome-selects-julia-roberts-as-global-ambassadres/

    8. http://www.peta.org/features/justin-bieber-promotes-adopting-animals.aspx

    9. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1203322&rec=1&srcabs=571701




