central india’s largest agri summit · designer, ms. ritu beri along with other experts from the...

Central India’s Largest Agri Summit 8th NOVEMBER 11-14, 2016 Reshimbagh Ground Nagpur, Maharashtra India Organised By Supported By Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Educate Encourage Empower www.agrovisionindia.in #agrovisionindia in A s n g r o i i c t u a l v t u o r n e n I EVENT REPORT

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Page 1: Central India’s Largest Agri Summit · designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors,

Central India’s Largest Agri Summit

8 th NOVEMBER 11-14, 2016

Reshimbagh Ground Nagpur, Maharashtra


Organised By Supported By

Ministry of Agriculture &Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India


Educate Encourage Empower

www.agrovisionindia.in #agrovisionindia

in Asn groi ict ua lv tuo rn enI


Page 2: Central India’s Largest Agri Summit · designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors,

Agrovision has created a consistent

positive impact in the life of

farmers of central India. It has

played vital role by educating

farmers through its workshops and

creating awareness about new agri

technologies and advance farm

practices through its national

exhibition , resulting in increased

production. It has also given right

platform for local and national

brands to reach to lakhs of vising


Shri Devendra FadnavisHon’ble Chief Minister,


Agrovision aims at increasing farmers income through education and exposing them to the new and innovative farm technologies. Agrovision will change the agrarian scenario in the water-parched Vidarbha by building confidence of the farmers in technology . Agrovisions informative workshops and innovat ive exhibi t ion is attracting lakhs of farmers from all over the country. It is also providing right networking platform for the manufactures, consumers and the distribution chain elements. It is also motivating youths to take up agriculture as career.

Shri Nitin GadkariChief Patron, Agrovision

Hon’ble Union Minister for Road Transport,

Highways & Shipping, GoI

I am thrilled after visiting the stalls full of information and knowledge on the latest technologies in commercial agriculture. Through the Workshops and Conferences the farmers have a unique opportunity to gain the techniques of profitable farming even in dryland Agriculture

Shri Radha Mohan SinghHon'ble Union Minister for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI

There is an urgent need for farmers to adopt professional approach while farming and use new technology that will help increase the output. Agricultural events like Agrovision helps farmers to learn about the latest technologies and techniques in the agricultural sector. It is an excellent initiative for the benefit of entire farming community

Shri Pandurang PhundkarMaharashtra Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture,

AGROVISION8th 11-14 November 2016

Central India's biggest Agri Expo 8th Agrovision Concluded with overwhelming response. Agrovision the annual summit of farming was organized from 11th to 14th Nov 2016 at Reshimbagh ground, Nagpur under the able guidance of Shri Nitin Gadkari, Chief Patron, Agrovision and Hon'ble Minister of Road Transport, Highways and Shipping GoI, and Dr. C.D. Mayee, Chairman-Advisory Council-Agrovision. Theme for 8th Agrovision was Innovations in Agriculture

Agrovision, a small sapling planted some 7 year ago to encourage, empower and educate farming community, has now become one of the signature events in Central India and every year come with more diversification in farming with new techniques and advance technology. The summit aims to train farmers about the new technologies, innovative methods to increase the farm yield, bridge the knowledge gap and empower them through enhanced income. Last 7 years Agrovision through its Workshops, Exhibition and conferences helping farming community to make their farming affordable. The 8th edition was not an exception to that. Over 5 lakh farmers not only from Vidarbha but also from

other parts of Maharashtra and other adjoining states like MP and Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka visited the expo visited this KrishiPandhariduring these 4 days to attend workshops and see the expo. This most popular Agri Summit from Nagpur has been organised every year by Agrovision Foundation, MM Activ, Purti Group, MEDC and VED for last 7 years.

Agrovision, trust worthy name in farming community since

last 7 years

The Vidarbha region of Maharashtra is reeling under farmers' suicide crisis. The conduct of Agrovision year after year would go a long way in reassuring the distressed farmers that the government is firmly behind them and would help them tide over adverse situations related to farming

Renewable Energy, Maharashtra

Shri Chandrashekhar Bawankule Hon'ble Energy & New and Minister of

Dr. Raviprakash G. Dani, Prof. A.K. Misra, Dr. B. Venkateswarlu, Dr. Krishna Lavekar, Dr. Keshav Kranthi, Dr. M.S. Ladaniya, Shri M.G. Shembekar, Dr. Surendra Kumar Singh, Dr. P. G. Patil,

Shri Devendra Parekh, Cdr. Dipak Naik, Capt Dr. L.B. Kalantri, Shri V.J. Akarte


In Central India the farmers await for the arrival of Agrovision to learn the new innovations in Agriculture. Farmers now need knowledge of secondary agriculture practices and making money from farm produces. Agrovision is steadily transforming primary agriculture of rainfed farmers to secondary agriculture to make it profitable

Started with the aim of helping vidarbhas farmers in distress, a humble beginning of Agrovision is now becoming Agri - Revolution in central india. Agrovision is gaining popularity for its versitile mega national expo, educative free workshops and live success stories. This will surely help to educate, encourage and empower farmers in coming year

Page 3: Central India’s Largest Agri Summit · designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors,

Grand inauguration of 8th Agrovision in the presence of dignitaries

Grand celebration of 8th Agrovision started with the

inauguration of National Expo at the hands of Hon'ble

Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Devendra Fadnavis

on 11 November 2017 and Shri Nitin Gadkari, Chief

Patron Agrovision and Hon'ble Union Minister of Road

Transport, Highways and Shipping presided over the

function. The dignitaries who graced the occasion

included Shri Omprakash Dhankar, Hon'ble Agriculture

Minister Haryana, Shri Sudhir Mungantiwar, Hon'ble

Minister for Planning, Finance & Forest, GOM,

Shri Pandurang Fundkar, Agriculture Minister

Maharashtra, Shri Mahadev Jankar, Hon'ble Minister for

Dairy Development, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries

GOM, Shri Chandrashekhar Bawankule, Hon'ble

Guardian Minister of Nagpur and Hon'ble Minster for

Energy, New and Renewab le Energy, GOM . Shri Hansraj Ahir, Hon'ble Union Minister for state

Minister of Home affairs, GoI;

Shri Atul Bora, Hon'ble Agriculture Minister for Assam,

Shri Krupal Tumane, Hon'ble MP, Shri Sanjay Dhotre,

Hon'ble MP, Shri Ajay Sancheti, Hon'ble MP,

Shr i Pravin Datke, Hon 'b le Mayor, Nagpur,

Smt. Nisha Savarkar, Hon'ble President Zilla Parishad,

Nagpur, Shri Harish Chauhan, CEO, Farm Division,

Mahindra Rise and Shri Sanjiv Puri, COO, ITC, were the

guests of honor at the inauguration in the presence of

Dr. C.D. Mayee, Chairman, Agrovision-Advisory Council

and Former Chairman of Agriculture Scientists

Recruitment Board, ICAR; Shri Ravi Boratkar,

Organizing Secretary, Agrovision & Jt. MD, MM Activ,

Sci-tech communications; Shri Ramesh Mankar,

Organizing Secretary, Agrovision and other Hon'ble

Members of the committee. Shri Ravi Boratkar,

a d d r e s s e d t h e i n a u g u r a l s e s s i o n a n d

Shri Ramesh Mankar, Organising Secretary, Agrovision

proposed vote of thanks.

n i Asn go ri ict ua lv to urn enI

Largest Agriculture Summit of Central IndiaSpread over 23,000 Sq.Mts

Over lakhs of Farmers Visited Participation by over 400 Exhibitors 31 comprehensive Free Workshops

30,000 farmers attended the Workshops One Day Conference on “Development of

Cotton hubs and textile parks in Vidarbha”Special workshop:

Bamboo Plantation as Agroforestry & Bamboo Industry,Coal to Methanol

Page 4: Central India’s Largest Agri Summit · designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors,

8th Agrovision was spread in 23,000 sq.mt total area. There was approximately 3500 sq.mt. open space for the display of Agri Machineries, Tractors & Attachments, live demo of Machineries etc.

Over 400 medium and small enterprises and well-known companies from agri sector displayed their products and services in the National Expo of Agrovision. Grass root level innovators were the added attraction for the visiting farmers.

Over 400 companies set up their stalls in 8th Agrovision

Over lakhs of farmers visited Expo

National exhibitors, ICAR labs,

Local exhibitors participated in Agrovision Expo

Exhibitors who displayed technology

attracted farmers

Farm Mechanization Equipment stalls were

received fascinated response

National Expo

Page 5: Central India’s Largest Agri Summit · designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors,

Free workshops for farmers on various important topics

Important Workshop Topics

Workshops at 8th Agrovision were inaugurated at the hands of Shri Vijaybhai Rupani, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Nitin Gadkari, Chief Patron Agrovision and Hon'ble Union Minister of Road Transport, Highways and Shipping GoI, presided over the inaugural function. Shri Giriraj Singh, Hon'ble State Minister for MSME GoI, Shri Rajkumar Badole, Hon'ble Minister for Social Justice and Special Assistance GoM.

Workshops at Agrovision is the main crowd puller of the event. Farming community and especially the new generation in farming community is looking at farming as a main source of income of their family and have taken the farming very seriously. They also know the importance of doing farming by using new farming systems, adaptions of Innovative ways for better yield, Mechanisation and most important taking guidance of the experts as and when required. Also they have understood the significance of the supplementary source of income through allied business to minimize their dependability on farming. In last 7 years farmers attend workshops with increasing No and interact with the experts on their queries. Agrovision Workshops have become their guiding force in 8th Agrovision more than 30 long duration workshops were conducted in specially erected four halls. Experts/Speakers from various areas of agriculture sector were invited from agriculture universities, ICAR Labs, Private Sector and successful farmers to guide farmers on various topics. E.g. Workshops on Live Stock management, new farming systems, Horticulture, Floriculture are the most well received workshops by the farmers. The session of interaction has always been the most successful part of the workshop. Over 50 thousand farmers attended the workshops.

Organic Farming Citrus Cultivation and

ProcessingContract Farming

FloricultureTurmeric and Ginger


Crop Insurance Agri. Finance by NABARD Jalayukta Shivar

Sugarcane Goat Farming Food Processing

Pomegranate Cultivation & Processing

Poultry Green House Technology

Page 6: Central India’s Largest Agri Summit · designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors,

More than 30 long duration workshops were conducted in specially erected four halls in 3 days by experts in agriculture field on various topics. In last 7 years farmers attend workshops with increasing No. and interact with the experts on their queries. Workshops on Live Stock management, new farming systems, Horticulture, Floriculture are the most well received workshops by the farmers. Over 30 thousand farmers attended the workshops. Special workshop sessions were conducted by Shri V.K. Saraswat, Hon'ble Member of NITI Aayog on 'Coal to Methanol' and another on 'Bamboo plantation as Agri forestry.'

Special Workshop SessionsSpecial workshop sessions were conducted by Shri V.K. Saraswat, Hon'ble Member of NITI Aayog on 'Coal to Methanol' in the present of Shri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, CMD, WCL and another on 'Bamboo plantation as Agri forestry.'

Vidarbha and Central India have great opportunities in Bamboo plantation. The workshop was scheduled to guide farmers on Bamboo Plantation, opportunities and benefits, Scientific Management Perspectives, Govt. Schemes. There was a huge response from farming community and also from the Bamboo industry.

More than 30 long duration workshops

Over 30,000 farmers attended the workshops

More than 45 speakers / experts from Agri. Universities, ICAR Labs

Govt. Departments and Private sector participated in the workshops

Speakers appreciated the quality of interaction between

farmers and experts

Live Stock Management, Turmeric, Organic Farming, Contract Farming,

Agri. Finance, Sericulture etc. received very

good response from farmers.

Page 7: Central India’s Largest Agri Summit · designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors,

O n e d a y c o n f e r e n c e w a s organized on 'Development of Cotton hubs and textile parks in V i d a r b h a ' . T h e G o v t . o f Maharashtra has announced the texti les park in Vidarbh for economic development of farmers in the cotton belt. Spinning and Processing units in the cotton belt of Maharashtra would help farmers and industry to flourish. The conference was addressed by Dr. Kav i ta Gupta , Tex t i l e commiss ioner of Ind ia and Internationally acclaimed fashion designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors, people willing to setup their business in textile field and students of fashion institutes.

The 4th day of event concluded on very high notes on 14th November 2016 in the presence of Shri Nitin Gadkari, Chief Patron Agrovision and Hon'ble Union Minister of Road Transport, Highways and Shipping GoI; Shri Subhash Deshmukh, Hon'ble Minister for Coopration, Marketing and Textiles, GoM; Shri Brijmohan Agrawal, Hon'bleAgriculture Minister of Chhattisgarh.

The participant in exhibition and the experts in the workshops were felicitated with mementos.

One Day Conference on Cotton

Valedictory function

Expo at a Glance

Page 8: Central India’s Largest Agri Summit · designer, Ms. Ritu Beri along with other experts from the field. The conference was largely attended by cotton growers, cotton processors,

Participant’s Response

Ankur Seeds : Over a period of time Agrovision exhibition has become a brand among farming community of vidarbha in particular and most of the progressive farmers make it sure to visit the exhibition every year. This is a good event to enable the farmers to face-off all the leading agri-input companies and get to know latest product and technology on offer. Such event are of real utility for the farmers. We have been getting response from our prospective customer every year. Manoj Singh , BDM.

Mahindra Tractors: Excellent response to our new Tractor launched in Agrovision.

Indian Dairy Machinery Corporation (IDMC): Farmers are curious to know the uses of Milking Machinery and its benefits for Dairy sector. Agrovision is encouraging the farmers for allied agriculture business. Thanks to Agrovision for giving us chance to participate. Mr. Chirag Joshi

Nuziveedu Seeds: From Last 8 years we are participating in Agrovision. We have got good response. Mr. R.T. Janurkar , Area Manager, Nagpur

UPL: At Agrovision farmers are getting thorough knowledge on new technologies, products and integrated solutions on how to protect their crops and increase the income. Nishikant Mahatme, Regional Manager

Patanjali Ayurved: Thousands of farmers have visited Agrovision for contract farming in medicinal plants, aromatic plants and herb plants. Agrovision helps and create new opportunities and encourage farmers in medicinal plant farming.

Reliance Industries Ltd.: In Agrovision we have registered thousands of farmer to provide free agricultural & Govt. Schemes Information. Reliance industries has participated with 5 different verticals focused to agriculture sector.

Farmer: I am a regular visitor of Agrovision and every time I have found new technologies and important information in Exhibition. Agrovision workshops are very informative and workshop experts solve our queries and demonstrate various new techniques of crop cultivation and its care. These interactive workshops will help to increase knowledge and confidence of farmers to get maximum yield. Shri Liladhar Pandurang Sorte, Dhamangaon, Bhiwapur

New Delhi : 103-104, Rohit House, 3 Tolstoy Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110 001 Ph +91 11 43542737 Fax + 91 11 23319388

Nagpur : 402, Govind Apartment, W.H.C. Road Shankar Nagar Sq. Nagpur - 440 010 Ph +91 712 2555249 Fax +91 712 2554997

Agrovision Secretariat :

www.agrovisionindia.in Follow /@agrovisionindia


Workshop Session Sponsor

9 th

Announcing...November 10-13, 2017

Nagpur, Maharashtra, India