ch 17-22, 25 review


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Ch. 17-22,25 FINAL review

Chapter 17Nicholas Copernicus: a mathematician that believed that the Sun is the center of the universe and that planets revolved around the sun (heliocentricity).John Locke: an intellectual that wrote an essay that argued that every person was born with a blank mind and that people were molded by experiences that come through their senses from the surrounding world.Constitutional Convention: The meeting in Philadelphia by delegates to revise the Articles of Confederation.Montesquieu: French nobility that wrote The Spirit of the Laws and tried to use the scientific method to find the natural laws that govern the social and political relationships of human beingsAdam Smith: A philosopher that wrote The Wealth of Nations and believed in the laissez-faire, which meant to have the state leave the economy alone.Laissez Faire: Meaning To let (people) do (what they want), which in the context of the economy and government meant that the state should leave the economy alone.Articles of Confederation: was the United States first constitution, and was later changed due to the lack of providing a strong central government.

Chapter 18Tennis Court Oath: When the Third Estate (commoners, peasants) named itself the National Assembly and met at a tennis court and swore that they would continue to meet until they had produced a French Constitution.Sans-culottes: meaning without breeches, they were the members of the Paris Commune and they were ordinary patriots without fine clothes.Directory: A group of five people selected by the Council of 500 and the Council of Elders, to govern and rule. This lasted b/t 1795 and 1799.Napoleon Bonaparte: Once a brigadier general, he became dictator and ruled France between 1799 to 1815.Duke of Wellington: was in command of the combined British and Prussian army against Napoleons army at Waterloo and defeated the French troops.Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen: inspired by the American Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the English Bill of Rights, the National Assembly adopted this.Maximilien Robespierre: a French revolutionary that is considered to be one of the most important revolutionary leaders and was later arrested and guillotined.Scorched earth policy: the act of burning own villages and countryside by the Russians to keep Napoleons army from finding food.

Chapter 19**New labor system: With the Industrial Revolution came new ways to work and manufacture items.Textiles: flexible, woven material made with natural or artificial fibers.Prince Klemens von Metternich: the leader of the Congress of Vienna in Sept. 1814 that was the Austrian foreign minister.Congress of Vienna: A meeting of great powers (GB, Austria, Prussia, and Russia) to restore the old order in Europe.Liberalism: a political philosophy based largely on Enlightenment principles and held that people should be as free as possible from government restraint.Otto von Bismarck: was appointed new prime minister of Germany in the 1860s when Prussian legislature refused to levy new taxes for proposed military changes.Realpolitik: politics of reality, or politics based on practical matters rather than on theory or ethics.US Civil War: From 1861 to 1865, The North (Union) fought the South (Confederacy) for abolitionism and the South feeling that their way of life is threatened. Charles Darwin: Naturalist that published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection that believed in evolution and natural selection of organisms.Charles Dickens: a British Novelist that became very successful with his realistic novels.James Watt: Scottish engineer that improved the steam engine to be used to drive machinery.**Social change in the Industrial Revolution: from the Industrial Revolution rose two classes, the Industrial Middle Class and Working Class.Working Conditions: Industrial workers faced wretched working conditions, with work hours ranging from 12-16 hours a day, six days a week, with a half hour for lunch and dinner.Germ Theory: proposed by Louis Pasteur, the germ theory stated that diseases do not appear out of nowhere but from an external source.

Chapter 20Karl Marx: Co-author of The Communist Manifesto and believed that all of world history was a history of class struggles.Trade Unions: Groups of workers who have united together to achieve common goals.Social Classes: Classes in which people are in depending on wealth, social status, etcSigmund Freud: a doctor from Vienna that proposed a series of theories that raised questions about the nature of the human mind.Triple Entente: A military alliance b/t Great Britain, France, and RussiaGuglielmo Marconi: an Italian inventor that worked on long distance radio transmission.Triple Alliance: A military alliance b/t Germany, Austria-Hungary, and ItalyDiscovery of Radium: The French scientist Marie Curie discovered it and it apparently came from within the atom itself.Vincent van Gogh: a famous Postimpressionist that believed art was a spiritual experience and that artists should paint what they feel.

Chapter 21Direct Rule: colonial gov. in which local elites are removed from power and replaced by a new set of officials brought from the mother country.Mestizos: a person of mixed European and Native American Indian descent.White Mans Burden: Poem by Rudyard Kipling.

Chapter 22Extraterritoriality: living in a section of a country set aside for foreigners but not subject to the host countrys laws.

Chapter 25Mohandas Gandhi: was an active non-violent protest leader in India for Indian self-rule.Mao Zedong: a Communist organizer that soon became the sole leader of the Chinese Communist Party and created the Peoples Republic of China.Iran-1935: Persia became the modern state of Iran in 1935.Shanghai Massacre: When Chiang Kai-shek and his men struck against Communists and their supporters in Shanghai, killing thousands.oligarchy: a form of gov. in which a small group of people exercises controls.