challenged material policies

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  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    Challenged Material Policies

    Who? ?Why?





  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies



    Libraries and librarians:promote Intellectual Freedom

    provide access to information to allstudentsselect resources that are appropriate forthat grade level libraryshape the resources around the schoolprogram

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies



    ALA | Library Bill of Rights applies equally to all libraries
  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    Why? Act of 1787 of 2003

    Public School Library Media & Technology Act is now law and part of this law requires:6-25-105 Establishment of guidelines

    for the selection, removal, and retentionof materials. a ) Media centers shall have writtenpolicies to establish guidelines for the

    selection, removal and retention of materials.b ) The school district shall have a writtenpolicy for addressing challenged materials.

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    Why? State Standards require that librarians:

    16.02 MEDIA SERVICES 16.02.1 Sufficient resources shall bebudgeted and spent yearly for purchasing

    and maintaining an appropriate, currentcollection. 16.02.2 A process to provide for input fromteachers, parents, and students in the

    acquisition of instructional materials shall beimplemented. These materials shall enhanceand support the goals of the schoolimprovement plan.

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    16.02.3 The role of the library media center shall support technology as a tool for learning. Each school with fewer than threehundred (300) students enrolled shall employat least a half-time, licensed library mediaspecialist. A school with three hundred (300)or more students enrolled shall employ a full-time licensed library media specialist.Schools enrolling fifteen hundred (1,500) or more students shall employ two full-time,licensed library media specialists. The librarymedia specialist(s) shall ensure that accessto records and resource data bases shall beavailable to students. The media specialist(s)shall assist students in the development and

    use of research skills.

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    16.02.4 The school media collection shallconsist of a balance of print, nonprint, andelectronic media adequate in quality andquantity to meet the needs of thedevelopmentally appropriate curricular

    program. The minimum book collection,exclusive of textbooks, shall be three thousand(3,000) volumes, or at least eight (8) books per student enrolled, whichever figure is larger. A

    minimum technology requirement will be one(1) computer per media center withmultimedia/networking capacity for administrative purposes only.

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies



    Commissioners Memo ACC-04-012

    created 9-22-03

    Approved by Local District Board of


  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies



    Check out ALA/AASL website

    Join your state library organizations Arkansas Library Association AAIM

    Look at other schools policies Go to a workshop on developing a policy
  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies



    Part of Selection Policy (required by law)Selection criteriaRetention & Continuous EvaluationChallenge Policy

    Procedure for ReconsiderationInformalFormal (reconsideration form)

    Reconsideration Committee Procedures and Reporting

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    Example of a Selection Policy

    Statement of Policy:It is the policy of the Forrest City School District #7 to provide a library media program in each ofits schools. The program should provide a wide range of learning resources that supports its

    educational process. It is the function of the media center to provide both print and non printmaterials and current technology necessary to the fulfillment of the total curriculum and theindependent study and recreational reading of the students. The program ensures equitable accessto information while upholding the laws relating to copyright, fair use, censorship and informationsecurity and confidentiality.

    .Selection ObjectivesResponsibility for Selection

    .Selection CriteriaProcedures for Selection of Materials

    (Forrest City SD)

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    Example of Retention andContinuous Evaluation

    Media center materials shall be reviewed regularly to ensure continuedappropriateness of the centers collection to the schools curriculum and tomaintain the collection in good repair. Those materials no longer meeting theselection criteria, have not been used for a long period of time, or are too wornto be economically repaired shall be withdrawn from the collection anddiscarded A record of withdrawn media materials including the manner of theirdisposal shall be maintained for a period of three years.Library media materials should be weeded if they:u Are in poor physical conditionu Have not been circulated in the last five yearsu Are outdated in content, use, or accuracyu Are mediocre or poor in qualityu Are biased or portray stereotypes

    u Are inappropriate in reading levelu Duplicate information which is no longer in heavy demandu Are superseded by new or revised informationu Are outdated and unattractive in format, design, graphics and illustrationsThe final decision to withdraw materials from the library media collection is made by thelibrary media specialist. However, subject-area or grade-level teachers and other facultymembers may be invited to review the items marked for withdrawal.

    (Warren SD)

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    Example of aReconsideration Statement

    Challenges: The parent of a student affected by a media selection, a District employee, orany other resident of the district may formally challenge the appropriateness of a media center selection by following the procedure outlined in this policy. Thechallenged material shall remain available throughout the challenge process.Before any formal challenge can be filed, the individual contesting (hereinaftercomplainant) the appropriateness of the specified item shall request aconference through the principals office with a licensed media center employee.The complainant shall be given a copy of this policy and the Request for Formal Reconsideration Form prior to the conference. The meeting shall take place atthe earliest possible time of mutual convenience, but in no case later than five(5) working days from the date of the request unless it is by the choice of thecomplainant.In the meeting, the media specialist shall explain the selection criteria and howthe challenged material fits the criteria. The complainant shall explain his/herreasons for objecting to the selected material. If, at the completion of themeeting, the complainant wishes to make a formal challenge to the selectedmaterial, he/she may do so by completing the Request for Formal Reconsideration Form and submitting it to the principals office. (cont.)Legal Reference:

    A.C.A. 6-25-101 et seq.Date Adopted: June 13, 2002Last Revised: August 14, 2003 ( Paris HS)

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    Author: _____________________________ Title________________________________ Publisher (if known)___________________ Request Initiated by__________________________________________________ Telephone_______________________Address_____________________________

    City______________________________________________Zip_______________ Complainant

    _____him/herself _____(if representing an organization-name)_______________________________ 1. Did you read the entire book/view the entire audio-visual material?_______ If not, what parts?__________________________________________________

    ________ 2. What do you believe is the main idea of this material?___________________

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    3. To what in the material do you object? (please be specific: cite pages or scenes)________________

    4. What harmful effect do you feel might be/was the result of reading this book/viewing thisvideo or

    film/listening to thistape?_________________________________________________________________

    5. Do you believe this item serves any of the following purposes?

    a. Promotes understanding of other cultures and of lifestyles?_____Yes _____No

    b. Promotes discussion of societal issues? _____Yes _____No

    c. Provides information about a subject unavailable from another source?_____Yes _____No

    6. In its place what book/video or film/tape of equal quality would you recommend that wouldconvey as valuable a picture and perspectives?________________________________________


    Signature of complainant



    Date Adopted: May 13th, 2004

    ( Greenwood SD)

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    Examples of Reconsideration Committee Instructions

    Checklist for School Media Advisory Committees Reconsideration of

    Instructional Material - Fiction & Other Literary FormsTitle________________________Author______________________

    A. Purpose

    1. What is the purpose, theme or message of the material? How well doesthe

    author/producer/composer accomplish this purpose?

    2. If the story if fantasy, is it the type that has imaginative appeal and is:

    suitable for children? _____Yes _____No

    for young adults? _____Yes _____NoIf both are marked no, for what age group would you recommend? ________

    3. Will the reading, viewing and/or listening to the material result in more

    compassionate understanding of human beings? _____Yes _____No.

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    4. Does it offer an opportunity to better understand and appreciate theaspirations, achievements, and problems of various minority groups?

    _____Yes _____No.

    5. Are any questionable elements of the story an integral part of a worthwhiletheme or message? _____Yes _____No.

    B. Content1. Does a story about modern times give a realistic picture of life as it is now?

    _____Yes _____No.2. Does the story avoid an oversimplified view of life, one which leaves thereader/viewer/listener with the general feeling that life is sweet and rosyor ugly and meaningless? _____Yes _____No.3. When factual information is part of the story, is it presented accurately?

    _____Yes _____No.

    4. Is prejudicial appeal readily identifiable by the potentialreader/viewer/listener? _____Yes _____No.5. Are concepts presented appropriate to the ability and maturity of the potentialreader/viewer/listener? _____Yes _____No.Committee Checklist, Fiction & other literary forms (1)

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    Letter to ConcernedPatronPatrons Request for

    Library Bill of RightsReconsideration of Library MaterialInstructions toCommittee

    ReconsiderationCommittee ReportBibliographyInstructional TV PolicyRequest forReconsideration of Instructional orSupplementalMaterials

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    Example of Letter to Concerned PatronGreene County Tech School District

    5203 West KingshighwayParagould, Arkansas 72450

    (870) 236-6439Dear _______________:We appreciate your concern over the use of ________________ in our schooldistrict.The district has developed procedures for selecting materials, but realizes that not

    everyone will agree with every selection made.

    To help you better understand the selection process, we are sending copies of thedistricts: 1. Selection of Learning Resources Policy 2. Patrons Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources If you are still concerned after you review this material, please complete the Request

    for Reconsideration of Learning Resourcesform and return it to me. If I have not heard from you within two weeks, we will

    assume you no longer wish to file a formal complaint.



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    WHEREshould these policies be posted?

    Policy Handbook

    Student Handbook

    Posted on School District Website

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    ASAPLaw already in effect!

    Approved by Board

  • 7/28/2019 Challenged Material Policies


    List of Schools with Policies

    Greene Co TechLRSD

    RogersParisLake Hamilton



    And many more districts have policies.

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    Margaret Amps [email protected]