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=============================================================================== TeamSpeak 3 - Client Changelog Copyright TeamSpeak Systems GmbH =============================================================================== + Added feature or noticeable improvement - Bug fix or something removed * Changed or Information ! Important - Take note! =============================================================================== === Client Release 24 Oct 2013 + Fixed possible crash in appscanner plugin when receiving invalid plugin commands via serverquery or fake plugins. * Ignore "Hide TeamSpeak in Taskbar" option when being started from Overwolf while in a fullscreen game, as this may minimize the game. * Added Ctrl+W shortcut to close server tab * Self menu mnemonic changed from s to e to avoid collision with _S_ettings - Appscanner plugin no longer requests autoload. - Fixed UI display issue with delete delay in edit channel deialog when b_channel_modify_temp_delete_delay is not set. === Client Release 3.0.13 01 Oct 2013 + Added support for channel delay feature in server 3.0.10. This allows to set a delay in seconds after which temporary channels will be deleted after the last client has left. To configure a virtualserver default, set the delay in the virtualserver edit dialog. Or configure per channel in the channel edit dialog. Channel templates were adjusted to show the delete delay and a countdown until the channel is removed. + Added search field in customize toolbar dialog. + Added display of filetransfer progress in taskbar (Windows 7 and above). * Removed deprecated Direct Input hotkey system, meanwhile replaced by the "Default" hotkey system. - Fixed assigning hotkey when key was mapped or deactivated via "ScanCode Map". - Fixed avatar animation when an animated gif will be set after a jpg. - Fix for Overwolf integration, avoid getting back to desktop when TeamSpeak is started by Overwolf in-game and immediately a dialog opens. === Client Release 3.0.12 09 Sep 2013 + Integrated Overwolf Overlay. Windows: Overwolf can now be installed and started from the TeamSpeak client via menu and toolbar actions. Bundled Overwolf mini installer in TeamSpeak autoupdate and installer, which downloads the actual Overwolf installer. All platforms: Added Overwolf icon in TeamSpeak tree to indicate clients running Overwolf (can be disabled in Options/Design). These icons require TeamSpeak Server 3.0.9 or later. + Included TeamSpeak control plugin. This is part of a project offering the possibility to control TeamSpeak from another application running on the same computer, similar to the clientquery plugin. Currently Windows only. More detailed information will be available in the near future. * Removed the overlay plugin from TeamSpeak installer and autoupdate, so future updates to the overlay plugin no longer depend on a TeamSpeak release. The overlay plugin is available and maintained on the authors webpage: * Direct Input Hotkey is now automatically changed to "Default" in preparation to removing Direct Input in a later release. While you can manually switch it back to Direct Input again, we don't recommend to do so. - Fixed possible crash in direct input hotkey system. - Fixed infinite file access caused by animated images. - Fixed possible crash in client/server log highlight dialog.

- Fixed issue running 32 bit Linux client on systems without SSE2 CPU support. === Client Release 06 Aug 2013 - Fixed possible crash in hotkey system on client startup - Fixed dependencies on newer glibc versions - Plugin API: Fixed ts3plugin_onHotkeyRecordedEvent not being called === Client Release 3.0.11 31 Jul 2013 ! Changed the platform string for the Mac OsX platform from "Mac" to "OS X" + Added (Windows only) hotkey support for multiple USB devices. If we cannot get the USB device name from the system, we will try to read it from a local file. Please notice usb.ids in root folder. You can always overwrite it with the latest version from + The chat- and poke messages are now styleable too. Please notice the default_chat.qss in styles/ folder for example. The default_chat.qss is also the fallback if _chat.qss does not exist. + Added "Classic" theme for users who want the old chat color scheme back. + Protection against DOS attacks was added to server 3.0.8. Added required counterpart of this functionality to the client. Server 3.0.8 requires client 3.0.11 to connect. + Added C++ runtime libraries to Linux deployment * Reworked URLs storage hopefully fixing crash on loading corrupt data file. Stored URLs from previous versions will expire. * Autoexpire URLs after 180 days. * Plugin API: printMessage and printMessageToCurrentTab are now executed in the GUI thread, fixing a crash in the Arma plugin. * Added "Channel" to Receive/Sent Poke notification. New default for both is server + channel + client. * Added confirmation when deleting an Identity via the remove button. * Automatically close "ban client" and "serverquery login" dialogs when disconnecting. * Added limit of 40 characters in phonetic nickname field in channel dialog. * Added character limit to name field in server/channel copy dialog. * Added copying Server IP to clipboard from server connectioninfo dialog. * Added a dialog to make sure the user will be informed about old USB device hotkeys. They have to be newly assigned once. * Changed default chat notification settings for outgoing pokes. * Changed default settings for neutral contacts, no custom name anymore. * Added rootIsDecorated to remove collapse indicator on root item to stylesheet * Added to client template: CLIENT_VERSION_SHORT, CLIENT_CONNECTED_SINCE * Added to channel template: CHANNEL_VOICE_DATA_ENCRYPTED_FLAG * Added to server template: SERVER_VERSION_SHORT * Added that info frame loads the _chat.qss - Fixed issue with outgoing poke display when user has special characters in in his nickname and the poke contains an URL. - Removed Collected URLs item from the tray menu. - Fixed some custom nickname displays which were not shown correctly (chat, poke and whisper history). - Fixed UTF-8 display of country tooltips (e.g. Curaao), added bl.png for Saint Barthlemy. - Fixed "Make current channel default" in bookmarks dialog which didn't work properly after adding this bookmark while already being connected. - Fixed wrong connection count for new bookmarks (was 1 after creation even if we didn't connect yet). - Fixed vanishing port number from bookmark address field. - Fixed issue with chat pen displaying chat partner is typing when he was just interacting with the tab. - Fixed webserver list freezing when webserver is not reachable. - Fixed wrong "Apply/Discard" dialog when changing option pages. - Plugin API: Callbacks are now called properly on requestFileList

- Fixed issues with highlight and filter in server log dialog. - Fixed offline message subject which will no longer send newlines. - Fixed that http:// is now the default scheme when missing in poke- or hostmessage dialog. - Fixed stylesheet helper hotkey which now shows the correct object names. - Fixed the translation of some hotkey descriptions. - Fixed server messages which had an additional whitespace at the beginning. - Fixed quoting of channel- and user links. - Fixed pasting a newline character which now is prevented at several places. - Fixed discarding mouse buttons at hotkey system "Keyboard & Mouse Only". If you don't need discarding, "Default" is the better choice and also more flexible. - Fixed unusable sound devices in osx - Fixed default Downloads folder on Linux, no longer download to home dir. === Client Release 04 Apr 2013 + Fixed gatekeeper signature error starting the 3.0.10 client on Mac OS X * Updater will in addition to renaming updated DLLs and exe also move them to a folder "old" to avoid Qt loading the old plugin DLLs. * Export missing requestClientEditDescription to Lua + Added some context menu entries into whisper history - Stereo recording in DirectSound works properly now - Recording from sources with more than 2 channels should downmix properly to 2 channels now (in stead of just using the first 2 channels) - Adjusted default position of windows when opened for the first time when the position has not yet been stored. - Added more default languages to the Mac OS X app bundle affecting the Mac menu, which is independant from Qt translation files. All language folders are now ignored by gatekeeper, so they can be safely manually added. - Fixed Upload button of IconView dialog on Mac OS X - Removed warning spam message on Mac OS X when connecting to a TSDNS server. - Fixed tooltip for United Kingdom - Fixed possible crash in Add-Hotkey dialog - Fixed crash when right-clicking on the background area of notification options. - Do not replace "-" with "" in hostmessage dialog. - Adjusted package installer to work properly if plugins do not follow the recommended name scheme of _win32.dll and _win64.dll - Fixed possible crash when deleting profiles. - Fixed encoding when invitation contains channel password with spaces. === Client Release 3.0.10 27 Feb 2013 + Added Opus voice and music codecs. Requires server 3.0.7 or later. Please note that Opus Music is not intended for general voice chat and no preprocessing is done when opus music is used. This means that AGC, noise suppression, echo cancellation etc. do not work when using Opus music. * Updated Qt to 4.8.3 for improved Windows 8 compatibility. * Overhauled Audio tab of channel edit dialog for new Opus Codec * Updated client to use new permission list format as used by server 3.0.7 * Restore size and position of Complains List and Permission Overview windows. Changed base class of both from QDialog to QWidget. * Added guiConnect, createBookmark, getPermissionIDByName and getClientNeededPermission to Lua API * Tweaked length checks in various text fields for client and channelname. * A spacer without a name will now be shown as an empty line. * If a playback- or capture profile was renamed or deleted every hotkey depending on this profile will be adjusted. * Changed hotkey dialog category spacer alignment to left. * Client template can now show the update channel used by other clients. * New option to autostart TeamSpeak on Windows startup.

* Added optional "server_uid=" parameter to ts3server links. If an existing bookmark with the same server UID found, the bookmarks settings will be used for the connection. * Added context menu to notifications to select which sounds are important. The setting is global for all sound packs. * Added context menu entry in server list to copy server address to clipboard. * Added "Move Client to own Channel" in client context menu. * Added notification icon to status bar if client has unread offline messages. * Added TS3_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to overwrite location of config directory. * Adjusted default size of some windows to adjust better to small and very large monitor resolutions. * Added message for outgoing pokes. Can be configured in Notifications Options. * Overhauled Tabs look on Mac OS X via default_mac.qss stylesheet. * ts3server links are again caught for the Collected URLs * Added confirmation when resetting custom toolbar settings to default * Don't show server update dialog while running a fullscreen application - Fixed upload/download slots if one slot was set to 0. - Fixed closing hotkey dialog even though keep open was enabled. - Fixed copy and paste client text. - Fixed client window sizes which now depend on the screen resolution when opening for the first time. - Fixed converting 3D sound positions into db. - Fixed offline message parsing error if message was empty. - Fixed that hotkey push button always adds in "all" hotkey profiles instead of the selected one. - Fixed resizing and centering smaller gif icons to 16x16. - Fixed that the setup wizard only configures the default hotkey profile and when having more than one hotkey profile a hint on the welcome page will be shown as a reminder. - Fixed bb-code of server host message when message contains newlines. - Fixed editing a hotkey but assigning the same action. - Fixed a direct input hotkey issue when pushing two buttons at once on different devices. - Fixed stuck PTT button when releasing the mouse. - Fixed "Edit bookmark" contextmenu in bookmarks menu. - Fixed some ts3server links issues when using cid parameter. - Setup wizard now always uses the Standard hotkey profile in case when multiple hotkey profiles exist. - Fixed UTF-8 characters in URL catcher - Fixed possible crash sending a poke to a meanwhile disconnected client - Fixed local mute/unmute hotkeys - Fixed passing onClientIDsEvent and onClientIDsFinishedEvent to Plugin API - Fixed crash when deleting a playback profile - Fixed crash when no default sound device is present - Fixed previously renamed onCustom3dRolloffCalculationClientEvent and ts3plugin_onCustom3dRolloffCalculationWaveEvent functions in test plugin. === Client Release 29 Oct 2012 - Reverted running privileged behaviour which was changed for 3.0.9 and causes hotkeys not working with games running as administrator. - Fixed writing whisper group targets. === Client Release 25 Oct 2012 + Added button in notifications to set all bookmark soundpacks to "default". - Fixed converter setting "default" instead of "default female voice" so old bookmarks use soundpack in notifications. === Client Release 3.0.9 23 Oct 2012 + Changed the storage format of the configuration files to a SQLite database.

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Conversion is done automatically the first time the client is started, all affected files will be moved to a backup folder. Increased Plugin API version to 19 Added setClientVolumeModifier to plugin API. Min/Max volume is -50.0 to +20.0 Added getClientNeededPermission and getPermissionIDByName to plugin API Added missing plugin API parameters for onUpdateClientEvent Added parsing of channel id "cid=xyz" from invitation link. If you also give a channel name parameter the channel id gets priority. e.g. Added channel/client search in active server tree with STRG+F but only if the server tree has the focus. Otherwise it is the ordinary chat search. Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (channel family). Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (same level). Added hotkey request talk power. Added hotkey revoke all and grant next user talk power. Added revoke talk power by double clicking the tree icon. Added revoke talk power and revoke all and grant next user talk power toolbar action. Added host message preview button which shows the formatted message in a tooltip. Added Hotkey Gamepad and Joystick compatibility for RAW and Direct Input. Existing Direct Input hotkeys will be converted to Raw Input once Direct Input is activated. Existing Raw Input hotkeys cannot be converted so they have to be reassigned. Added date and time to server log ("*** Log begins..."). Added bookmarkmanager context menu "sort by name". After deleting an offline message the next message will be selected. Moved possible existing serverquery authlogin and authpassword from ts3clientui_qt.conf to ts3clientui_qt.secrets.conf. Added Made in Germany icon in About dialog. Chat character counter always located left of newsticker. Client drag&drop improvements. Added -silent commandline parameter to package installer. Package installer stores installed add-ons in addons.ini Modified tree behaviour to avoid scrolling up/down constantly on crowded servers. Modified chat scrolling behaviour to keep the chat textoutput in place when new messages arrive while being scrolled up or having text selected. Added [hr] bbCode support to channel description. Added save and restore last ban reason when banning a client. Added offline subject and message character limit. When dropping many files into chat line the drop text will be just cut off at the end because of the chat line limit. When dropping many files into chat history and the message length would fit into two separate lines, the drop will be accepted. If the drop text is too long it will be ignored. Small icons will get extended and centered to at least 16x16. Added license display to server info (SERVER_LICENSE for template) Extended logging for querying TSDNS SRV records. Fixed context menu in channel description edit. Fixed HTML entities in plain chat log. Fixed embedding local server banner URL in [IMG] tags is no longer necessary. Just drop an image from file filebrowser or type a valid ts3image:// link. Fixed connecting to server via ts3server:// link or invitation if link contains a channel name. Fixed a reply offline message coloring issue. Fixed hotkey compatibility issue with keys "M" and "N". Fixed hotkey issue with "keyboard & mouse only" (no keys were captured). Fixed display of resized animated banner. Fixed possibily blocking ban dialog time display. Don't allow negative ban times.

- Fixed icon viewer grid size, which could be broken after uploading icons which don't have the standard size of 16x16. - Updated b_client_is_sticky permission help text. - Fixed unicode usage of updater uncompression tool. - Fixed servericon not updating properly in chat tab. - Removed legacy VAD option from capture options. - Clear temporary statusbar message when typing chats, the max characters counter could overlap with tempoary help texts. - Fixed possible crash when using the -nohotkeys parameter. - Removed built-in serverquery Window. Future server versions do not support this anymore. - Fixed max input length calculation for channel description and offine messages when using unicode and escaped characters. - Fixed group sorting in channel groups of client dialog. - Fixed saving sort column and sort order in offline messages dialog. - Fixed that channel description editor only shows plain text. - Fixed plugin enable/disable checkbox at plastique style. - Fixed joining servers default channel if bookmarks default channel is full. - Fixed copying text from info frame if text is formatted with [list] tag. - Fixed background when dragging files from file browser. - The offline message dialog can be opened once per server and will act on the servers state. - Fixed upload/download state after resuming a transfer interrupted by error. - Fixed transfer state after resuming an interrupted transfer and also the transferred size. === Client Release 30 Jul 2012 + Increased Plugin API version to 18: Added returnCode to flushChannelCreate|Update, changed type of permissionID parameters from anyID to unsigned int. + Mono sounds can now also be sent to just left and right (stereo) speakers. This is now the default setting. Select "Mono to surround" in playback options to get the old behaviour. * Changing the bantime dropdown no longer adjusts the time. * Added contextmenu to copy client version from About dialog to clipboard. * Added SERVER_ICON, CHANNEL_ICON and CLIENT_ICON variables to info templates. * Enable scrollbuttons on Mac tabs to avoid the window resizing when too many chat tabs open. * Added Isle of Man country flag. - Fixed possible crash when clicking on ts3server:// links with a default channel specified. - Fixed banlist sorting which did not apply properly after searching. - Reverted plain/text mimetype for client items drag&drop. Needs some more work on lineedits first to implement this properly. === Client Release 3.0.8 16 Jul 2012 + Added support for SRV records when resolving domain names. Format for a SRV record for a TS3 server is: " TTL IN SRV priority weight port target" It is also possible to add a SRV record for a TSDNS server for a domain, the format for this is: " TTL IN SRV priority weight port target" The priority when resolving is: (1) _ts3 SRV record, (2) _tsdns SRV record, (3) TSDNS, (4) DNS + Added local server banner via filetransfer. + Added showing the chat line limit and its typed chars. + Added check of containing files before deleting a channel. + Added after assigning a hotkey the lockable key like NUM_LOCK etc. will be switched back to its previous state. + Added notification channel deleted/edited "by the server". Please note the

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two added keys CHANNEL_DELETED_BY_SERVER and CHANNEL_EDITED_OTHER_BY_SERVER in settings.ini. Addon Sound Packs can add them too. Added custom "block receiving whisper" button for toolbar. Added activate/deactivate/toggle hotkeys to block receiving whispers. Mac OS X: Added Apple Developer ID certificate for gatekeeper in upcoming Mountain Lion release. Clients can now be dragged from chat log. Enable drag&drop from "List All Clients" again. Drag applies to the selected client. Save last sorting of "List All Clients" list. Apply sorting whenever new clients arrive after clicking the "More" button. Nicknames are now sorted case-insensitive. Show invoker if client description was edited by another client. Support bbCode in ts3plugin_infoData text Package installer only autoactivates styles if a qss file is present. Fixed "RenderDeviceContext" logging on Windows. Overhauled Delete Avatar mechanism to trigger more reliable when avatar was deleted by another user. Some typo fixes in English and German texts. Fixed voice test no longer ignores "vad over ptt". Fixed strange behavior when hammering PTT during voice test. Fixed changing enable/disable delayPTT and its delay value during voice test. Fixed using "Keyboard & Mouse" hotkey system with Synergy. Fixed chat line issue when opening menu e.g. via ALT+S. Fixed an issue with the filetransfer slots could get over the maximum of 10. Fixed crash when parsing a corrupt urls.dat (thanks to torzsi for the file). Please note: urls.dat is now called caught_urls.dat and because it got a new internal format, the old one will be deleted after convertion. Fixed displaying wrong default channel group in channelgroup permissions. Fixed a memory leak, which could increase memory usage drastically when running the client for a very long time. Fixed filter clear button in server/client logviews, cleaned up layouts. Fixed chat line edit char counter which now counts also unicode characters, so the displayed characters can be different from the counter.

=== Client Release 3.0.7 21 Jun 2012 ! Plugin API changed to 17 + Added away hotkey with away message. + Added toolbar buttons set and delete for avatars. + Added saving of ban duration for presets. + Added [noparse]...[/noparse] tags for chat to prevent text in between beeing replaced with emoticons. Note: It's strict so both tags have to be found! + Exported temporary password functions to Plugin API + New getClientDisplayname function in Plugin API (client name including custom nickname, as configured in the contacts) + Added special return value of -2 to Plugin init function. See test plugin for details. This return value should only be used in very rare situations. + Added two(windows only) additional hotkey systems for keyboard and mouse for testing. The RawInput system can also handle joysticks and gamepads. Existing hotkeys will be backed up and converted to make them also usable for the new systems. + Added dialog when trying to send a server chat without permission. + Added new channel description preview (work in progress) which is a replacement for the WYSIWYG editor. + Added "Enter Chat Message..." info text to chat field. + Added context menu to ban out of complainlist. + Added hotkeys to activate/deactivate/toggle 3D sound. + Added close Tab on middle mouse button. + Added readable error message if send to channel chat fails due to permission. + Added possibility to use custom country flag icons: If the folder

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gfx/customCountries exists, country icons will be loaded from this folder, otherwise as before from gfx/countries. gfx/customCountries won't be overwritten again from updater. Styles can now change the color of the newsticker text, see Bluesky style for an example. Style authors: Chat line "Enter chat message" color now can be overwritten. See existing default.qss style for example. Swapped skip/negated column in permission overview so it's the same order as in the permissions tree. Request to start createfileassoc.exe to add .ts3_addon etc. file associations to the registry can now be skipped with "Ignore" button. Mac OS X: Migrated config location from ~/.ts3client to ~/Library/Application Support/TeamSpeak 3. The folder will automatically be moved the first time TeamSpeak starts, if the old folder exists and the new folder does not exist. Warn user when connecting to a server and the server UID has changed in comparison to the stored value in the bookmark. Compress command packets to reduce network traffic (voice and filetransfer will not be affected) Running createfileassoc.exe will restore file associations to original if the user had changed them manually in Windows explorer. Fixed copy to clipboard ts3file:// link tagging. Fixed some whisperlist dialog issues. Fixed some issues when deleting animated avatars. Empty banner files will be automatically removed so the client can retry downloading the banner. Fixed creating empty registry key in HKCU\Software on client start. Install path in package installer can now be manually edited. Tweaked package installer window size, was too small on Mac OS X. Package installer now asks if the installed addon should be activated. Requires to restart TeamSpeak client to actually activate the addon. Fixed crash when using stylesheet helper hotkey on its own tooltip. Volume control plugin has been removed for now, there are too many issues for too many users. The updater will automatically delete the DLL. Improved subscribe and local mute functions called by Plugins, they will now do exactly the same like triggering the action via client UI. Fixed comboboxes in connect dialog and bookmarks which returned invalid text when elided (including the "...", which resulted in invalid identities or profiles). Fixed disabling "Rename" and "Delete" contextmenu in server-/channelgroup permission windows. Requires server 3.0.6 or above. Fixed disabling the servergroup menuitems in a clients contextmenu, checking own i_group_member_add_power against each i_group_needed_member_add_power. Fixed default value of "Play only important sounds when muted" dropdown in the notifications setup. Disable all elements in the permissions window on anti-flood error to avoid leaving the permissions in an invalid state. The user needs to wait some seconds and then klick "Reload" to refresh dialog. Mac: Fixed crash when releasing a dragged tree item after disconnecting. Fixed client ignoring force-ptt permission when connecting to a server without capture profile. Fixed away message in tree not checking the "Ignore away message" setting from contacts manager. Not possible to send empty complains anymore. Fixed an issue when marking multiple offline messages as unread. Fixed appending wrong server chat log. Fixed checking folder entries on existing before opening otherwise it will be reset to default home dir. Fixed channel description preview close. Fixed setting channel description which was wrong on sub channels. Fixed messing up radioboxes in capture setup when creating new profiles.

- Fixed extracting URLs on history messages broken by spaces. === Client Release 3.0.6 20 Apr 2012 + Added temporary server passwords, see contextmenu on server. Temporary passwords are valid for a specified period of time and work in addition to the permanent server password. The server requires a permanent passwords set, else temporary passwords have no effect. Needs server 3.0.3 or above. + Plugin API updated to 16 + Added context menu "Paste & Send" in chat line. + The away message is now shown beside nickname. + Added multiselection for "Permissions > Channel Groups > Clients", the DEL key works too. + Added ban reason sorting. + Added line markers for each chat line. Can be disabled via chat display context menu (default is enabled). + Added ability to delete other clients avatar if b_client_avatar_delete_other is set. Requires server 3.0.3 or above. + Removed the confusing soundpack "None". + Added animated gif support for avatar and channel description. Can be toggled in Settings->Options->Design (default is enabled). + Added new permission b_client_request_talker, this allows clients to request talk power. Requires server 3.0.3 or above. + Added news browser, meant to point users to new features in the client. * Added name of the user who granted talk power to the message: "Talk power granted by X". * Utilities (update, error_report and package_installer) are now dynamically translatable. * Plugin API changes: Added setPluginMenuEnabled, requestClientIDs, onClientIDsEvent, onClientIDsFinishedEvent. Removed pluginEvent and getAPIVersion. Removed plugin_events.h header. * Added plugin hotkeys, see test plugin for details * Added version string to uninstall registry entries for display in Windows deinstall system control panel. * Phonetic name can now be pre- defined per identiy but still be overwritten in every bookmark. * ts3server:// links can now be entered into the Connect dialog. Values from this link will overwrite existing values from the dialog. * Collected URLs are now saved in binary file instead of ini, much faster. * Display server/channel group icons in group list of permissions window. * All clients list can now also be searched by client unique identifier. - Fixed contextmenu in chat on ts3server links - Fixed opening the privilege key dialog without having the permission to see the key list and also then, all created keys will be shown until the dialog has been closed or list has been reloaded. - Minor UI overhaul of privilege key list and add dialog. - Fixed adding a custom ban even without the permission to list. When adding a ban a dialog will show if the ban could be inserted. - Empty ban list no longer shows "Insufficient permissions to view bans" - Fixed opening URLs with different char encoding e.g. ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) having '%F6' instead of '' in filename. - Fixed opening text chat from a received poke on correct server. - Fixed no colors in multiline messages. - Fixed invitation if privilege key contains a plus sign. - Fixed special HTML characters ( etc) getting lost in chat history - Fixed special HTML characters in client description - Clear old server log when connecting to a new server in the server log view - Changed behaviour of the last tabs close button. - Fixed broken avatar template values. - Fixed poke message size limit when message includes URL(s). - Fixed writing and reading chatlog history. Please backup or delete old chat

logs to start clean or you might feel some strange delay. - Fixed bookmarks manager reporting unsaved changes. - Fixed copying nicknames from chat if they contain whitespaces. - Removed some repetitive settings from options dialog which are also accessible via contextmenus in the client mainwindow. - Adjusted client for anti-flood settings fix for server version 3.0.3. - Fixed an assert with animated images. - Removed animation of group icons. - Sorting of server- and channelgroups should behave the same even with identical sortID everywhere in the client. - Added Delete keyboard shortcut to subscriptions dialog to remove entries - Volume control plugin overhaul - Fixed possibly invalid grant value displayed in permission overhaul - Removed "Export to PDF" in permission overhaul - Cleaned up client, channel and server info templates. Added list of all replacable variables to templates so user can easily restore the removed information with own templates. - Removed clientID column from all-clients list - Fixed banners not reloading anymore when the image was not available. - Fixed bookmark drag&drop issues on Mac. - Fixed crash when trying to send an offline message via fake link. - Fixed copy and paste when text contains an image object. - Fixed saving first-start-bookmark for not using hotkeys on a temporary uuid. - Fixed hotkey toggle/activate/deactivate plugin. - Fixed minor issues using animated gifs. - Added workaround for G35 sound driver issue (voice only on right site) === Client Release 3.0.5 15 Feb 2012 * Caps Lock now available as hotkey on Mac * Minor bookmarks manager layout overhaul * Adjusted Linux runscript to work better with KDE - Fixed misbehaving "More" button in All Clients List - Fixed possible crash when connecting to server - Fixed chat input field when switching chat tabs and text was selected - Disable "Show ServerQuery Clients" when adding a bookmark via a ts3server:// link with "addbookmark=". - Use nickname of default identity when connecting via ts3server:// - Hide empty global "Plugins" menu when no plugin creates a global menuitem. - Display bookmark name in server tab, bookmark name was previously ignored. - Fixed detecting changes in bookmarks manager with new serverquery and soundpack settings. - Add bookmark from ts3server link as last item on first level of the tree instead of subitem of the last folder. - Calling requestFileList in plugins no longer opens file browser window in client (note plugins should use return codes to implement this properly). - Updater: When autostarting the client, keep the start button disabled to avoid starting the client multiple times. - Escape "&" in bookmark labels when shown in menu - Fixed issues banning visible client when ban power was set by channel group. - Fixed anti-flood message printed in wrong tab - Fixed chat tab notification markers when switching between multiple servers. - Newsticker performance improvements. - Fixed possible crash when clicking toolbar buttons while switching servers. - When clicking ts3server links with addbookmark=, request adding new bookmark if the specified label does not yet exist. === Client Release 3.0.3 20 Jan 2012 ! Updated plugins API to 15 + Improved ban list, now shown as a table. Added sorting and filtering. Rightclick on table header to configure which table columns to show.

+ Plugin API: Added function banclientdbid. Added new parameter lastNickName to onBanListEvent. + Plugin API: Added parameter clientUniqueIdentity to onClientChatClosedEvent and onClientChatComposingEvent. + Added custom plugin menus (global menu, channel and client contextmenus), so plugins can add menuitems to the TS3 client and receive events when the item is clicked. See the test plugin for details about implementing own menus. The Lua plugin also allows own menus. + Allow editing channel groups of a user in "Channel groups of Client" dialog. + Added button to remove all channel groups with a single click from a client in "Channel groups of Client" dialog. + Windows uninstaller optionally deletes all configuration files. Added new page to uninstaller where user can control this (default: do not delete). + Added option to clear cache on exit (Options - Security) + Added "Edit bookmark" to bookmarks popup menu + Added option to change also the nickname in connected bookmark when renamed oneself. * Mac: Added Cmd+W shortcut to minimize main window * Avatar images will be resized when uploading, to users can select a larger image and have TeamSpeak scale it down automatically. * Permission tabs for channel, client and channelclient permissions are now disabled instead of being removed when the permission to list that type is missing. * Improved behaviour of channel permissions dialog when permissions failed to be applied. * Show server query clients is no longer a global option but for each server tab, based on a bookmark. A temporary toggle can be added by customizing the toolbar. Please update your bookmark. We do not convert the old setting! * Because of now having all TS3 supported bbCodes usable in WYSIWYG editor, the bbCode [SIZE=+3] is just still in for convenient. Please use a fixed value like [SIZE=10] to have more possibilities. * Newsticker allows to click on individual HTML links. * Added link to Applications folder and background image to Mac disk image. * Print memory usage to client log for testing purpose. - Channel chat tab can no longer be closed. - Hide "Error requesting ping" error log when disconnected (in this case it's not really an error). - Hide statusbar text when mouse leaves chat text window to avoid sticky statusbar messages from hyperlinks. - Fixed broken HTML in delete client confirmation dialog from List all Clients window when client nickname had special HTML characters like < > - Fn key on Macbooks now recognized as hotkey - Fixed contextmenu of bookmark menuitems when items were in subfolders - Save channel subscriptions per server and client UID (before only per server) - Fixed hotkey BringToFront when client was minimized. - Fixed preventing baloontips when running a fullscreen application. - Fixed composing and close-chat events which got previously broken. - Fixed autoreconnecting in password-protected channel. - Properly register packet installer file associations on Mac in the case of old Mac clients getting updated (worked when installing from dmg). - Fixes and performance improvements for fetching and caching remote icons in channel description. - Fixed invalid "Not connected" display in G15 plugin when closing another server tab. - Removed option to configure chat history buffer size. Just use 20 lines. === Client Release 3.0.2 16 Nov 2011 ! Updated plugins API to 14 + Added individual handling of soundpacks per servertab. + Added that dropping a file from File Browser into an offline message will

create a ts3file:// link. A few minor bbCodes are now usable too. + Added "close all but this" for chat tabs. + Added two notifications CLIENT_RENAMED_BY_YOU and CLIENT_RENAMED_BY_OTHER which were also included in our default soundpacks. * Exported new function getClientLibVersionNumber to plugins API * Changed paramaters of onServerLogEvent and onServerLogFinishedEvent in plugins API and Lua plugin scripts. * Updated server log dialog to support new improved server logging. * More detailed client logging for connection attempts. * Crashdump dialogs lets you open the folder to the dump file instead of just copying the filename. * Banner requests now consider the HTTP header "Cache-Control: no-cache". * Updater autostarts client after successful update * Improved connection quality information in statusbar. * Added news ticker to client and updater. * Last ban time remembered and restored when opening ban dialog the next time. * Mac: Mainwindow splitter no longer collapsible as workaround for Qt issue. - Fixed client issue when connected with multiple tabs and overwriting a file in filebrowser of inactive tab. - Fixed some default_speech sound file issues. Some special sound files pointed to old targets. - Fixed not respecting the i_group_sort_id for server/channel groups in virtual server edit dialog. - Fixed some line breaks for copy & paste from chatlog. - Fixed client can write in another opened chatab. - Fixed showing false drop indicator frame after moving a channel spacer. - Fixed showing "invalid client id" in "out of view" detection. - Fixed renaming the channel tab if another channel gets a new name. - Fixed false report "offline message sent" when permissions are insufficient. - Fixed showing found receipients in autocompleter in "new offlinemessage" dialog. The search is triggered if receipient is not in the contact list. - Fixed hiding clients system tray context menu when clicking outside. - Fixed copying channel edit dialog description to clipboard. New Lines are no longer stripped off. - Fixed whisper lamp shining blue instead red if whisper hotkey was pressed again before release delay was reached. - Added missing whisper settings to contact defaults dialog. - Bookmark folders no longer collapse when dragging & dropping. - Added small delay when searching in the All-clients list window to prevent spamming the server with search requests. - Fixed bug in tree drag&drop which made is possible to drag a wrong client into a channel. - Fixed: Notifications marked as important were not saved to soundpacks. - Fixed assert when editing "special" notifications. - Various improvements and fixes to sound backends. - Fixed display of b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions in permission overview when skip flag was set on channel. - Channels no longer collapse after moving when a client is moved inside. - Fixed bookmark manager identity dropdown box misbehaving when default identity is not the first in the identity list. === Client Release 3.0.1 12 Aug 2011 * On machines that have a center speaker (like surround 5.1 and surround 7.1) changed the output channels for 1 channel sound to front left+right speakers (was center speaker). This fixes issues for people who have no center speaker connected even though their sound card is configured for surround sound. - Fixed "Assertion channels==0". - Fixed UTF-8 usage in plugins API, stylesheets, package installer, soundpacks and updater. - Fix sound issue on Mac for unknown/mono sound output devices

- Fix assert in recordeditor when clientplugins modified captured sound data - clientquery: Fix issue where no ERROR_ok was returned when running clientupdate - clientquery: Documentation tweaks - Fixed possible crash with tsdns resolve - Fixed bug where ptt stayed active when whispering on a second tab === Client Release 3.0.0 05 Aug 2011 ! Increased plugin API version to 13 + Multiple improvements to Voice Latency (= the time it takes before what you say is heard by others). Among these also a tweak to the Voice Activity Detection which makes VAD slightly less accurate but removes 20ms of latency. The old VAD behavior is still available as "Legacy Voice Activation Detection" in capture settings. + Added "connectbookmark=" commandline parameter. + Changed the custom nickname character limit (no whitespaces), minimum 1 and maximum 30 characters. + Added getServerVersion, isWhispering and isReceivingWhisper to plugin API. + Added getAvatar and onAvatarUpdated to plugin API. See test plugin for usage. + Added that Push-To-Talk delay also affects Push-To-Whisper and whisper reply. + Showing a notice if a bookmark has "unresolved" properties to remind about who is using the defaults temporarily. + The keyboard-search in servertree has been improved. Holding down SHIFT while typing a character to search backwards. Custom nickname has priority. + Many new commands added to clientquery interface * If a timeout occurs while enumerating direct input devices, a dialog shows which devices have been found so far. It might will help find the problem. * SPECIAL_3D_TEST and SPECIAL_SOUND_TEST are always attempted to play from default soundpack, even when "no sounds" is configured. - Fixed bug that could lead to corrupted sound being played back when the latency factor slider was set to values > 1. - Fixed when switching to playback profile with a slash in its name a new profile was created. - Fixed whisper list hotkeys, individual use of "on key down/release". - Fixed that servernames in subscriptions dialog will be updated. - Fixed downloads when target dir is not writable (e.g. CD, DVD etc). - Fixed HotKey Run Plugin commands with length above 1024 will be truncated. === Client Release 3.0.0-rc2 08 Jun 2011 + Added banner resize mode to virtualserver settings. + Channel context menu "unsubscribe from channel family" is available as soon as any subchannel is subscribed. + "Set Avatar" now is disabled without permission. + Added package installer for easy plugins/styles/soundpacks etc. one-click installations. * Plugin authors note: requestChannelSubscribe and requestChannelUnsubscribe now take an array of channelIDs as parameter instead of a single channelID. * Exchanged default soundpack with male and female soundpacks. * Added soundpack page to setup wizard to select one of male or female. * Select and scroll to own client after connecting. * Fixed switching a fullscreen game to desktop when client is minimized and showing the "warn while muted", the "entering moderated channel", the "force push-to-talk" or the "maximum amount of clients reached" dialog. * Client and server log windows now save and restore log level checkbox states. * Added "Debug" checkbox to control debug output in client log window. * Added "Delete" to channel permission to set i_channel_needed_delete_power. * Plugin API: Added returnCode parameter to sendPluginCommand - Support for international domain names readded. - Removed validation of input text from connection connect and bookmark address field, so that every address can be used.


Fixed possible crash in AppScanner plugin with Umlauts. Added a missing separator within an invitation. Moved rest of the sounds into soundpack for more customized handling. Fixed that poke dialog no longer opens when nickname was changed. Changed the Push-To-Talk tooltip lines which were displayed in wrong order. Fixed displaying port when connected via invitation. Fixed errordisplay when family subscriptions on channels fail. Fixed dropping images from filebrowser into channel description when connected on multiple servers. Fixed context menu to copy offlinemessage text. Limited the last mentioned URLs in systemtray context menu to 10. Fixed that image-descriptions near avatar are sometimes written over the edge Image in channel description was broken when overwritten with same name. Fixed that offline messages throws a warning when recipient wasn't found on the server. Don't save empty subscribed channels list when quickly disconnecting again from a server, loosing the subscribed channels. Fixed problem when binding hotkeys while joysticks were active that "pressed" a button constantly. Fixed that TeamSpeak does not start as a result of broken input device drivers. If detected TeamSpeak will at least start without usable hotkeys. Fixed ts3server:// links being overwritten by autoconnect bookmarks when a bookmark for the linked server already exists. Windows installer no longer allows installing the 64-bit client on 32-bit operating systems. Fixed flickering of hoster button when special no-cache http flag is used.

=== Client Release 3.0.0-rc1 10 May 2011 ! Updated CELT codec. Due to codec bitstream incompatibility you can only communicate with new clients in channels using the CELT codec. Old clients will either sound weird/corrupt, or (on newer servers) will not be heard. ! Increased plugin API version to 11 ! Style authors should adjust SERVER_PORT in their serverinfo.tpl, see the existing template within the default style. + Removed fmod sound system + Added a new default sound pack + Added new "easy permission" dialogue for easier configuration of permissions + Added text format toolbar and WYSIWYG edit mode to channel description tear-off editor. + Added TSDNS support, see documentation on the TSDNS server release, which is bundled with future TS server releases. Connecting to servers for the first time via hostname can be slower than before in some circumstances. + Added delay of one second to server-side client search in "All clients" dialog before search can be used again to avoid spamming the server. + Added horizontal scrollbars to channel group dialogs + Added dialog to manage server subscription modes to Options - Applications + Removed option "Show smilies", now every chat context menu sets globally. + Added hotkey "Stylesheet helper" which helps us and stylesheet authors to show the needed information from under cursor widget. Additionally it will set the given stylesheet e.g. background: blue; for highlight. + Added "F1" keyboard shortcut to open permissions help window. + To avoid confusion, a notice in the advanced permissions tree informs the the user when b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions is enabled. + Added information dialog when voice activation detection changes to Push-to-talk or vice versa due to b_client_force_push_to_talk. + Added button to chat options page to change chat default font. + TTS (Text To Speech) on Windows now uses the correct playback device. + TTS (Text To Speech) volume on Windows can now be adjusted via playback sound pack volume slider. + Channel create/edit dialog now allows to set some channel specific permission

+ Added option to virtual server dialog to disable weblist reporting + In filetransfer view, a slot and speed limitation can be set directly. The minimum speed limit is at least 5 KiB. + Fixed making a passworded channel to default channel. Note: If a channel was made to a default channel it cannot just be switched back. Make another channel default instead - see also tooltip. + Showing information message when trying to delete the default channel. * Updated to Qt 4.7.2 * Playback options: Voice volume slider now requires a click to "Apply", so both sliders now behave identical. * Overhauled ban dialogs. * Overhauled webserver list layout. * Print more detailed message when a channel/client/server icon wasn't found. * Testing voice in the capture device option page will now use the default playback profile instead of the currently selected profile. * Capture Mode and -Device can be changed during an active voice test. * Hoster button now works with php scripts serving images, it is not longer required to directly link to image files. link to image files * The file transfer bandwidth limit takes influence of the available slots. Each slot should have at least 5 KiB/s, 2 slots 10 KiB/s etc. * Updated layout of channel settings dialog * Capture- and Playback devices will be checked for validity and existence on device change or when the connection is initiated. * "Start/Stop rotation" have been removed from 3D item context menu entries. * The invitation dialog will be closed when client gets disconnected. * Glance button no longer toggles global option, instead toggle the subscribe subscribe state for individual server tabs. State is saved and restored per server unique id over client restart. * Removed option "Mute microphone when locking", now always active. * Enabled text chat to ServerQuery clients. Inform user that a ServerQuery needs to register for private text messages to receive private chats. * To reduce server load, when applying easy permissions send all permissions in one step. This makes marking UI elements red when the permissions could not be applied unfortunately impossible, so this feature was removed for now. * Show only one permissions help window per permissions dialog, not one per tab * Implemented more Lua functions, see testmodule/demo.lua. Lua plugin now registers for plugin commands so they can be used from Lua scripts. * More/Less button state saved and restored for connect, bookmarks and virtual server edit dialogs. * Plugin filename suffixes are removed for pluginCommand usage. Currently removed suffixes are: _win32, _win64, _linux_x86, _linux_amd64, _x86, _amd64, _32, _64, _mac, _i386, _ppc * Added settings dialog to Lua plugin to allow enabling or disabling Lua script modules, replacing the old mechanism with the text file in the Lua plugin directory. * "/lua run " now supports running functions from modules using "/lua run .". Adjusted testmodule to the new beheaviour. * Port fields removed from connect and bookmark dialogs. Instead the syntax : is used. * Overhauled permissions help widget * Display in client info frame if a channel group was inherited from an upper channel. * Clients contextmenu offers to set inherited channel groups if applicable on current subchannel. * Overhauled appscanner plugin settings * Overhauled contextmenus in permissions window * Adjusted eliding channel names in sort-after dropdown box in channel edit dialog * Overhauled context menus in filetransfer view

* * * * * * * -


URL Catcher only writes new captured URLs on client quit Added tooltip help texts when creating channel spacer Allow drag&drop from clients list into client permission lineedit Removed now unused callback onVoiceRecordDataEvent from plugin API Serverconnectioninfo window remembers position Fixed client lag when renaming contacts in huge contact list Setup wizard overhauled Fixed possible assertion on incoming chats. Virtual server weblist checkbox disabled on missing permission on newer servers. Fixed possible crash in G15 plugin when pressing the "Chan" button while disconnected. Fixed VolumeControl plugin to close settings dialog when deactivating plugin via hotkey. Fixed that an unchecked transfer speed limit means unlimited. Fixed server tabs not switching playback/capture devices properly when only the mode was changed. Fixed appscanner plugin handling client data when server was restarted. Calling plugin functions requestFileList and requestPermissionOverview no longer open the FileBrowser or PermissionOverview dialogs within the client. Added returnCode parameter to onFileListEvent and onPermissionOverviewEvent, so plugins can also check if the callbacks were caused by an own request. "Test Voice" stops as soon as the microphone will be activated Fixed subscribe-all freezing the client for several seconds on big servers. Playing notifications test sound now uses the TS3 default playback profile instead of the system default device and uses the wave file volume modifier. Remember selected item in notifications tree when switching sound packs. Fixed default settings for contacts manager being saved to wrong config file. Fixed disconnect not stopping autoreconnect properly during IP lookup. Fixed caught URLs "times mentioned" numeric sorting. The whisper history context menu got a few more entries. Fixed an offline message issue when a contact changed his nickname while typing an offline message. Fixed using "one time privilege key" after improving security level when connecting to server. Fixed that channel chat tab name could be wrong after reconnect. Fixed several widget height issues on netbooks. Limit amount of remembered client log messages to 500. Fixed client log view losing text format when clicking the Clear button. Don't open chat tab on double-click for ServerQuery clients. Fixed showing Device-Changed-Notification when playback or capture mode has been reset to default during sound system convertion. Automatically select top group after deleting a server- or channelgroup Fixed hotkey when editing/renaming "switch to channel", reported by user in forum Channel spacer weren't shown in "switch to channel" list. Fixed bad apply/discard check on Options Download page, which always reported to have changed with an empty config file. To resolve issues with some webservers, no longer append ?suid= to banner URLs. Fixed reloading privilege key list after creating invitation. Fixed virtualserver edit dialog having "Banner gfx URL" and "URL" fields in wrong order. Double-click on Grant column in advanced permission tree will add the grant permission instead of the normal permission if permission was assigned yet. Check matching client unique identifier when opening a contextmenu from chat. Fixed playing connected sound after dialog about unfinished filetransfer was closed. Removed showing "???" when download gets larger than listed. For example, when resuming an upload, while another one is downloading.

- Fixed notifications test sounds not playing when playback device was set to "Automatically use best mode" and "Default" device. - Activating capture device of the server tab which previously owned the capture device when applying capture options, instead of activating the most-right server tab. - Disable chat tabs when autoreconnecting after server connection was lost. - Don't disable chat input field anymore when the chat partner is not connected to ensure offline messages can be sent and the chat text can be still accessed. - When a client with an active chat tab disconnects and another visible client with the same client unique ID is available, reassign the chat tab to the other client ID to continue the chat. - When continuing to chat with the same client UID after reconnecting to another server, reusing the existing chat tab. - Fixed that a filetransfer hangs in waiting status, when file is in use. - Return key to enter a channel will now ignore autorepeat, so the action triggers only once when the key is pressed down. - Fixed filetransfer context menu "open folder" on queue item. - Fixed showing "Transfer Completed" as tray message when cancelled. - Fixed an issue when download contains subfolders - Don't show the "ID not found" dialog when adding a client to a server- or channelgroup fails on insufficient permissions error. - Adjusted search behaviour for permissions to find both the permission name and description, independent of which of them is currently displayed. - Group sort ID now used in comboboxes in whisper and privilege key dialogs. - Fixed printMessage plugin function with channel target. - Couple of filetransfer fixes like: progress sorting, up-/download texts, filetransfer view show once... - Fixed that playback- and capture devices only were checked when connected - Fixed that context menu on user in channel groups appears twice - Default font family for chat was shown wrong. - Fixed displaying ":0" when connecting to IP. - Fixed possible crash when autoreconnecting on a server which was previously connected to using an IP. - Fixed password parameter when inviting a buddy - Fixed no more triggering close/reopen capture devices when just changing PreProcessorConfigValues like voice activation state, echo cancelling etc. - Fixed playing sound "file transfer complete" when canceling while using bandwidth limiter. - No custom contextmenu when clicking on Windows titlebar - Fixed language selection box in application options page - Fixed showing the creation date of files in file transfer overwrite dialog. - Added selection page for overlay and volumecontrol plugins to setup wizard, added check to open bookmarks/serverlist/Get own server webpage to last wizard page. - Ignore ts3file:// links in URLCatcher - If the currently used capture profile gets deleted, the default capture profile will be set on all connected servers using this profile. - Fixed display of newly downloaded icons in icon viewer === Client Release 3.0.0-beta37 21 Dec 2010 ! Plugin API version increased to 9. Added possibility to use return codes with plugins to associate server errors with ts3 function calls from individual plugins. See the test plugin for implementation details. ! Soundpack creators take note, the ${clientType} variable now expands to "blocked_user" instead of "foe" for consistency reasons. ! The maximum amount of simultaneous tranfers is now 10 (5 upload/5 download). + Added function requestInfoUpdate to plugin API to allow plugins to request updating the info area of the specified item if this is the currently displayed item in the info area.

+ Added option "Enable Voice Activation Detection while using Push-To-Talk" + Added "Quota" tab to client connection info dialog to display monthly filetransfer quota statistics. + Added that clients can be added via unique-/database id and dropped from server tree or contacts into permissions -> channel groups -> clients. + Added "Whisper lists" button to whisper options as alternative way to open the whisper lists dialog. + Channel descriptions can now be formatted using the BB-Code [LIST] tag. Also supported is [LIST=x] where x is one of "1, i, I, a, A". + Add search field to servergroups permissions window. + Added "Skip" and "SkipAll" for filetransfers + Filebrowser shows current available dirs and files + Added "Delete client" to contextmenu in "All clients" dialog for deleting offline clients directlry from the clients database list. + Added dialog with a "Don't show again" checkbox when entering a moderated channel to inform the user how to request talk power. + Added links to add-ons webpage to multiple places in the client. + Hotkeys now have an own config named hotkeys.ini. Existing hotkeys will be extracted to the new config file at client startup and only accessed there. This makes it easier to share hotkey configurations. + All contacs have been extracted to own config named contacts.ini + Added a message popup when server update is available but server hasn't been updated for at least seven days. + Added information dialog when warn-when-muted sound is played for the first time telling the user what this sound means and give him a chance to disable the feature. * Changed hotkey to focus channel widget from Shift-Backspace to Alt-Return. * Permission overview contextmenu item is now dependant on either b_client_permissionoverview_own or b_client_permissionoverview_view for own client and b_client_permissionoverview_view for other clients. * Permission overview now shows grant permission in a new column of the corresponding permission instead of an own line. * The search field in the "All clients" dialog now searches directly on the server instead of the local results. So no need to hit "More" multiple times until all clients are received before searching anymore. * When uploading/downloading an existing file, the dialog shows filesize and file creationdate. * Permission filter text and state of the granted-only checkbox are now saved and restored per permission tab. * Changed behavior of clicking a ts3server:// link including "addbookmark". Now choose between "Do nothing", "Bookmark only" and "Bookmark and Connect". * New more detailed soundpack entries for server/channelgroup assigned actions. * Permissions tree now displays group icon and the show-group-name permission as icon and text instead of the raw permission value. * When kicked or banned from the server, only one or neither sound file will be played, depending on which notification is activated. * Behaviour of glance button changed: Now toggles between "Subscribe to all channels" and "Subscribe to current and previously subscribed channels" option. Current channel subscribe state is saved to disc and restored next client restart. If "Subscribe to all channels" is selected, newly created channels are automatically subscribed. * The Hotkey "Bring Client to Front" will no longer minimize a full screen game - Fixed chat logging when multiple servertabs are trying to log into the same logfile. - When forcing to start a second client with "-nosingleinstance", the second instance will log chats to avoid having multiple clients write to the same file producing invalid HTML. - Fixed dropping files to upload on filebrowsers tool buttons. Dropping there is not available from the outside like desktop, explorer etc. Inside the filebrowser, items can still be dropped to root or the according levels up.

- When adding a user twice to a server group, don't open the buddy-invite dialog occuring when a client is unknown on this server. - Reload server/channelgroups when b_serverinstance_modify_templates or b_serverinstance_modify_querygroup have changed. - Whisper lists in whisper dialog can now be changed using cursor keys. - Fixed source file being deleted from view when drag&drop operation in filebrowser failed. - Overhauled layout of offline messages dialogs, added Ctrl+N and Ctrl+R keyboard shortcuts for "New" and "Reply" actions. - Fixed filetransfer playing error sound twice if file not found - Fixed filetransfer request to overwrite/resume/abort files - Fixed date/time format in filebrowser, urlcatcher, clientdebuglog and client log, which wasn't system dependent - Remove write-only file property before deleting local avatar to avoid the "Failed to remove existing local avatar copy" error message. - Fixed filetransfer progressbar display on windows when using classic theme - Fixed playing filetransfer complete sound once per download - Removed option "Only play sound when all of my transfers have been completed" - Fixed assertion when editing a channel or channelclient permission and channels were created, moved or deleted. - Fix the "warn when talking while muted" function: It should now only occure if you have only a mic mute set - and it works with Push-To-Talk now. - Fixed sorting in filebrowser, alphabetic order wasn't always respected - Fixed pasting files or folders containg "=" in name from filebrowser - Fixed crash when transferring files simultaneous - Fixed starting updater located in a directory with unicode characters - Fixed resetting filebrowsers window state when refreshing directory - Fixed filebrowser could throw "database empty result set" when transferring recursive and by that end up in a broken/invalid paths. - Fixed format options were taken over to other tabs. - Fixed an issue, when clicking invitation but starting TeamSpeak for the first time. - Fixed "Server groups dialog" menuitem in client contextmenu being enabled on hotkey even if the client lacks i_group_member_add_power. - Added Save/Discard/Abort dialog to bookmarks manager when closing the dialog while bookmarks are modified. === Client Release 3.0.0-beta36 08 Nov 2010 + Added Shift-Backspace keyboard shortcut to focus the channeltree for easier screenreader usage. Adjusted spoken accessible names in the mainwindow and further improved tab focus behaviour. + Activate, Deactivate and Toggle PTT hotkeys have been moved to category Microphone and renamed to "Local Mic Mute" which is now more meanigful - Fixed whisper reply hotkey which was mixed up when assigned via whisper list dialog. - Fixed missing window title of setup wizard on Linux - Restored previous chat line input focus behaviour if selecting clients or channels in the tree or a chat tab using the mouse. If using keyboard navigation, the chat input is not focused to avoid interfering with accessibility support. - Fixed possible crash when permission window was automatically closed on server shutdown but dialogs or contextmenus were still open. - Fixed a bug where VAD cannot be used when Toggle PTT was manually added - Fixed "Toggle Speaker Mute" und "Toggle Microphone Mute" in setup wizard - Fixed hotkeys configured in setup wizard not being set properly - Fixed assertion when adding Hotkey-/Capture- or Playback Profile hotkey - Adjusted input validator of permissions tree - Channel commander action can now be added to toolbar - Sort ID now considered for server groups order in permissions overview. - Fixed iconpath when IconPack entry is missing in the config file.

- Overhauled volumecontrol plugin. === Client Release 3.0.0-beta35 27 Oct 2010 * Automatically removing "mailto:" when copying an email address * Adjusted tab focus behaviour of client main window for easier keyboard navigation using a screenreader. + Added Shift-Enter keyboard shortcut to focus the chat input line. - Fixed appscanner no longer crashes the client when apps.ini is broken - Fixed bbCode autotagging issues when channel description or chat text contains bbCode-tag - Fixed avatar could be set on wrong tab ! beta34 skipped === Client Release 3.0.0-beta33 25 Oct 2010 (never released in stable branch) * Added a bookmarks label character limit + Because of a hotkey search includes bookmarks and channels, it was rather slow on big servers. The search pattern now must have at least 3 characters. + Added Hotkey converter extension to fix a possible crash which can be caused by invalid or old hotkeys. - Fixed requesting avatar with 2 connections and same identity - Fixed Push-To-Talk hotkey in "Test Voice" and also "Delay releasing PTT" - Fixed disabled sounds when optionspage was closed just with "Cancel" - Fixed some issues when adding a push-to-talk key manually via hotkey setup but still using vad - Server- and channelgroups can now be sorted by setting the new permission i_group_sort_id. If not set or set to zero, the group ID is considered for sorting. - Support for new permission i_group_show_name_in_tree: Set to 1 to display the group name before the client name inside the tree. Set to 2 to display group name behing client name. Set to 0 to ignore (same as not set). - Fixed expand/collapse indicator not showing when dragging folders in bookmarks manager. - Fixed possible crash when deactivating the G15 plugin. Updated Logitech SDK to version 3.06. Users running Logitech 2.x drivers should update their G15 drivers. - Fixed selecting first group when opening the permissions window === Client Release 3.0.0-beta32 12 Oct 2010 * Hotkey dialog got an overhaul and available hotkeys are more categorized * Changed that DEL key, when holding down in treeview is no longer autorepeated if deleting a channel or kicking a client * Respect our min/max size when creating or editing "Change Nickname" hotkey + Added that a whisper reply hotkey can be assigned in whisper list dialog - Fixed some loading issue, when image will be renamed in filebrowser but used in channel description - Fixed moving files from one filebrowser to another, when both are from same server and also same channel (means same file), then moving is prevented. - Fixed showing error message when banned uid was not found by the server - Fixed push-to-talk hotkey where PTT could be activated though VAD is chosen - When switching chat tabs while writing a message, all used WYSIWYG textformat options will be translated to bbCode - Fixed a crash when hostmessage dialog was OK-clicked when server tab was already closed - Fixed deactivated buttons when filebrowser folder is empty - Fixed client icon file not found errors after deleting an icon from offline user which will occur when icon is no longer in cache. Requesting the icon is now blocked until client reconnects. - Fixed bbCode URLs in Hostmessage dialog again which was deactivated by work on poke dialog context menu - Fixed possible crash on exit when whisper history widget has been opened.

- Handle "database empty result set" server message when opening the servers icon view dialog without any icons available. - Fixed selecting own client after connecting, which was broken in certain circumstances (subscribe all or glance active, but missing subscribe permissions). === Client Release 3.0.0-beta31 27 Sep 2010 * Handle server error when client version is too old for this server by telling the user why the connection failed and offer an automatic client update. * User context menu in poke dialog now opens by clicking mouse left or right * When opening a filebrowser dialog and its geometry is beyond desktop, it will be moved to the upper left corner to not get lost. + Added clientquery- sendtextmessage will open chattab when partner not in view + Added that complains can be removed with DEL- key and also forced when holding SHIFT- key (will suppress the confirmation dialog) - Fixed "database empty result" when entering empty directory - Fixed "database empty result" when client-/server group has no permission set - Fixed opening empty filebrowser - Fixed two clicks needed to deactivate glancebutton if subscribed to channel with clients inside - Fixed possible broken filetransfer stats at the end when overwriting files - Fixed that playback- and hotkey profile can't be activated on active tab via self menu when tab didn't get activated by mouse click - Fixed bbCode URLs in Hostmessage dialog, which were not clickable - Fixed showing an empty complain list when removing fails - Fixed a minor issue with 'drag & drop' in Bookmarks Manager - Fixed identities with "Umlauts" which weren't converted correctly - Fixed "Connection Info" menuitem in "Self" menu being deactivated when online and activated when offline. Fixed possible crash when closing client with connectioninfo dialogs open. - Reworked application shutdown mechanism to avoid corrupt configuration files === Client Release 3.0.0-beta30 21 Sep 2010 + Support sending and receiving unencrypted voice data. Added options to the create/edit channel dialog and to the virtual server edit dialog where this behavior can be configured. Only available on server beta29 and higher. + Support for ts3server:// on Mac OS X * Changed keyboard shortcut for webserverlist from Ctr+W to Ctrl+Alt+S, as Ctrl+W can collide with the standard window close shortcut. * Changed the behavior of user context menu in poke dialog * Permissions tree now includes permissions with grant power only when the "Show granted only" checkbox is enabled. - Fixed edit box for clientname could be larger than predefined - Fixed possible crash when server stops and permissions window is open. Permissions subdialogs (add/delete/copy group) are now non-modal. - Identities were trimmed on load - Renaming in treeview will no longer be interrupted when poke dialog or new message tab opens - Connect hotkey now only works if disconnected or previous connection has completed to avoid starting multiple connection attempts at the same time. - Adjusted path to clientquery docs on Mac OS X. - Fixed logging capture- and playback device name. - Fixed plugin loading when pathname contains non-standard characters. - Revertes changed to application path detection in beta29, so starting the client from a webbrowser via ts3server:// link works again properly. - Rename also the existing "ConnectTo" hotkeys when bookmark was renamed - Fixed offline message cache which could return wrong messages - Fixed size of host message dialog if it is a short message - Removed check for i_ft_file_browse_power when opening the filebrowser window, as this check is inaccurate as the value for i_ft_needed_file_

browse_power is unknown to the client. - Fixed plugin dialog displaying wrong information for unloaded (wrong API version etc.) plugins. === Client Release 3.0.0-beta29 10 Sep 2010 - Fixed opening an empty banlist - Fixed not writing logs and accessing sounds or plugins when path contains an apostrophe - Fixed selecting channel and server group items in 3D setup with same id === Client Release 3.0.0-beta28 - 08 Sep 2010 ! The way certain text message characters are escaped was changed, servers below beta28 will not be able to correctly display some text messages ! Plugin API version increased to 8 + Added new plugin called ClientQuery which acts similar to the server query functionality, but can only be accessed via localhost (Port 25639). It is enabled by default and is useful to add TS3 related information into third party applications + Added getServerConnectInfo, getChannelConnectInfo, getChannelVariableAsUint64 and setChannelVariableAsUInt64 functions for plugins, see the test plugin as example how to use them. + Added ts3plugin_requestAutoload to plugins API to let plugins request to be automatically loaded on client start, unless the user has manually disabled the plugin. + Added "Copy Nickname to clipboard" context menu to "List All Clients" dialog + When editing ban entries of another users fail, a messagebox shows that a modified copy will be inserted instead + Rewrote the updater it now also has a banner as an appreciation to the companies that provide bandwidth and servers * Some minor offline message text-tweaks which makes it more email alike * Added an improvement to highlight a bookmark item, if nickname has an invalid length * More improvements of server groups priority in 3D setup when a client has multiple server groups (particularly add and delete) * Improved priority of server groups in 3D setup * Plugin dialog now displays all plugins which failed to load including an error message. - Fixed playing sound "error" when filetransfer fails instead of "complete" - Fixed collapsing permissions list when insufficient permission modify power - Renamed mute microphone keybind for clarity - Added hotkey "Activate Microphone (current tab)" - Fixed missing error sound when connection to server fails - Fixed that self menu could set hardware mute on wrong tab - Fixed possible crash when reconnecting to a server while permissions dialog is still open - Fixed wrong flickering tray icon after server shutdown - Fixed sound and description when connection to server failed - Fixed using master volume when restoring client volume - Fixed client names with special characters, which could end up in "????" in offline message context menu (left-click) - Fixed wrong icon after server shutdown - Fixed drop file on a file in same filebrowser caused an empty line - Fixed deactivate Priority Speaker, which didn't work sometimes - Fixed visibility of "Offline Message Dialog" when opened via context menu - Fixed ban list buttons - Plugins API: Fixed sendPluginCommand function. - Added client-side check when loading nicknames from bookmarks or last used entry of connectdialog to prevent non-printable unicode characters. - Overhauled chatline cursor backup to restore cursor position on tab change. - Handle modal-quit message on servers with 0 max slots

- Fixed string issue in whisper dialog when groupname contained html - Fixed that string "invalid" was out of bounds in capture sound setup dialog when combobox had an invalid capture device - Fixed filebrowser Drag&Drop from channel to channel on a file, we assume current path instead of a denied symbol - Fixed channelinfo template description field didn't use the hole width - Fixed sending Offline Messages to a disconnected chatpartner via context menu could end up in "Premature end of document" - Fixed some hotkeys did't respect different server tabs - Text tweak for warn-when-muted - Fixed parsing ts3server links with Unicode nicknames, channels etc. - Fixed whisper dialog not displaying the correct server or channel group when reopening the dialog. - Permission check for Create-Subchannel contextmenu adjusted. - Added "ts3server://host:port" as alternative syntax to "ts3server://host?port=". If both are given, "port= SERVER_REFRESH_INACTIVE SERVER_UPDATE_AVAILABLE_NOW -> SERVER_REFRESH_ACTIVE Use default style serverinfo.tpl as example. + Added ping and packetloss to serverconnection info * When trying to delete unsubscribed channels with clients inside, give user option to force delete the channel. - Fixed Always-on-top option so it works after client restart. You might need to enable it once again in the options dialog if you want to use the feature. - Fixed rare crash when clicking in the chat history. + Added reserved slots in virtual server edit. * New mechanism to check if another instance of the client is already running. - Fixed more hotkey translation issues - Fixed disconnect hotkey translation issue - In Privilege Key Manager, keys can also be copied as an invitation - Fixed a few typos (thanks to SgTRWE). - Showing the server group name inside message box when about to leave. - Muted icon takes precedence over whisper icon - Fixed channel/server group submenus not properly checking groups - Fixed chat history buffer trimming - Fixed the VAD Slider behaviour - Added missing tooltip for an enabled master volume widget. - Changed strings "Token" to "Privilege Key" - Changed the toggle quick access icon in whisper list dialog. - Fix filetransfer percentage, which could end up far above 100% + Using a token will always show a MessageBox. - Fixed filebrowser drag&drop files or folder with ] inside. + Added whisper icon to display clients currently whispering (thanks to DarkCode for the icon) * Awakening from sleep mode works alot better now but the user has to reactivate the capture profile manually. - Ignore "database empty result set" when querying empty client permissions. - G15 plugin: Fixed clients talking display disappearing from display. * Updated apps.ini - The changed icon appears red, when max clients is reached or is 0. - English text corrections, thanks to ZeroTKA - Updated TS3 logo image shown in about dialog. - Fixed empty lines in trayicon tooltip. * Added contextmenu to channelgroup clients dialog to remove displayed clients. - Fixed switching hotkey profiles. Activating another hotkey profile is no problem at all. Deactivating any profile switches all hotkeys completely off and can only be reactivated via context menu! + The assigned hotkey profile(s) will now be shown in whisper dialog. * Changed the directory label in filebrowser so it no longer uses a HTML link. Stylesheet authors can now access the label via QLabel#directoryLabel - Fixed "test voice" lamp. - Fixed the away button, which didn't show pressed when going globally away, using a preset. - Fixed banlist invoker name wasn't shown when nickname contains an html-tag. - Fixed Mac button text colors with Aqua style in bookmarks dialog. - Fixed Mac text formatting in virtual server edit dialog. - No contextmenu on server update available links - Bluesky updates and fixes. - Fixed possible assert in permissions widget when icon viewer is open. - Hotkey message box "Overlapping hotkey detected..." was shown too often. - Added minimum header width to some table and tree headers.

- Changed serverinfo update text: Update available -> Serverinfo available. === Client Release 3.0.0-beta20 - 13 Apr 2010 - Adjusted default TTS CLIENT_SWITCHED_FROM_CURRENT_CHANNEL_STAYS and CLIENT_SWITCHED_FROM_CURRENT_CHANNEL_DISAPPEARS, channelname is the new channel, not the old. * The connection info does no longer scale up an avatar if its size is smaller than 80 pixel. Avatars are only scaled down when necessary. - Stop the server info update timer when disconnecting. - Fixed percent encoded bookmark label from ts3server:// links. - Enabled chat contextmenu for serverquery clients again, apparently used by people regarding to forum. * Updated apps.ini * Translation updates and some minor text adjustments. - Fixed a case where an existing chat tab wasn't reused, when the disconnected chat partner rejoins a just subscribed channel. - Fixed host button icon URL in Edit Virtual Server disabled when no permission - Fixed using hotkeys when running as administrator - Fixed vanishing of "set server/channel groups" context menu, if an entry was added or deleted. + "Set server/channel group" context menu entries have been separated into "More..." sub menus every 15 entries. * Bluesky update for tree selection and hover + Don't play notification sounds when playback device is muted. Behaviour can be configured in the Notifications Options page, default enabled. + Some contact manager tweaks to have a nicer look with stylesheets. + Added contact manager tooltips which shows the complete row. + Changing a server group does now look like changing a channel group. To change multiple groups, use the dialog (the old way) at the top of the menu. - Fixed entering channel after renaming and applying with Return or Enter key. * Added "DEL" key to remove entries in identity manager. * Added a default channel chat message when chat was newly created. - Fixed a case where chattab names could end up empty. * Inserted checks to detect bad characters in filenames for upload. - Fixed checkbox in ban editing dialog, to use regular expressions or not. === Client Release 3.0.0-beta19 - 31 Mar 2010 - Updater fixes so updating Qt libraries works properly. Wait 2 seconds before autostarting update so the client can close first. Updater no longer closes when update is finished when it was started from the TS3 client. - Fixed scrollbar in server icon view. - Strip whitespaces from port when pasting ip:port into connect dialog. * Updated apps.ini === Client Release 3.0.0-beta18 - 30 Mar 2010 ! Qt version updated to 4.6.2. Stylesheets might need to be checked for compatibility issues. Translators should update to Linguist from Qt 4.6.2. Plugin authors using Qt need to recompile their plugins with Qt 4.6.2. + Support for Jaws screen reader. Feedback on this and accessibility support in general would be appreciated. * Use Return or Enter key as shortcut to switch into selected channel (should be easier for people using screenreaders) + Added support to fetch images from ftp servers. It can be anonymous (if the server supports it) and login users as well. Use the ftp- syntax e.g. "ftp://your.server/image.png" or "ftp://gfx:[email protected]/image.png". Be aware that the login part of URLs might is visible if someone opens the virtual server edit dialog. * Added update countdown in server info on the right - Fixed message indicator when client rejoins chat - Fixed overwriting recursive uploads caused crash

- Fixed possible crash when disconnecting from server with banner - Fixed to poke dialog which would in some situations not be properly updated. * Added delay to reload/older/newer buttons in serverlog to avoid blocking the server with log request spam. * Renamed User volume modifier dialog restore button - Fixed downloads from a link which always used the first matching tab. Could lead to a dead end when tab had no permission while the actual tab did. + Added new hotkey "Disconnect from all servers" * Added list of all clients on the current server, see Permissions menu. Clients can be dragged into the servergroups client list (even if offline). - Fixed filetransfer asking for password, when downloading from a link. * Print standard permission error message when failing file rename or delete * Added new edit field in virtual server dialog to set an URL for the hoster button icon. If unset, the default icon is used. * Changed "Edit Virtual Server" shortcut to Ctrl+Alt+S as the old shortcut interfered with entering the Euro sign. - Updater: Start runscript on Linux when update finished. Make Linux 64-bit binary executable after download. - Fixed crash when running the setup wizard while current servertab has no valid capture device. - Fixed appearance of expiration, when reason is missing in banlist. - Fixed possible crash when closing the client with multiple servertabs open. - Fixed that two different PTT activate on same hotkey profile - The hotkey combination warning message was cut off when html- tag was used. + Showing avarage transfer speed and runtime at the end of transfer. - Fixed filetransfer speed label flickering + Added new download option "Only play sound when all transfers are ready" + Ongoing filetransfers can be saved before quit and also resumed after reconnect to the server. A messagebox will appear to ask for decision. - Fix: Clients can now be dropped to servergroup from all server tabs with same unique identifier, but no longer from different servers as before. * Drag&drop clients to servergroups disabled for default groups or when client already exists. * Use Delete key to delete selected permission group or client (depending on which widget has focus). * Automatically select added permission groups for convinience. - Fixed linebreaks in server hostmessage - Fixed broken linebreaks in channel description + Fixed hotkey "Connect to Server (current tab)". Now it only blocks reconnects and no longer connects to other servers on current tab. + Filetransfer got many bugfixes and improvements. * Moved some hardcoded stylesheets out to default.qss. Added default_linux.qss - Fixed memleak caused by appscanner * Update visible clients in tree when group icons have changed instead of waiting until the tree updates on mouse movement. * Channel groups per client dialog can now display channel groups of offline clients. Added "Display Channel Groups of Client" to Permissions menu in addition of the existing client contextmenu (just opening on "empty" client instead of the selected one). * Print some more meaningful message after using a token. * Updated German translation. - "Display Channel Groups" action in client contextmenu is disabled when b_virtualserver_channelgroup_list is missing. * Added hostname, IP and port fields to server connectioninfo dialog. * Added copy buttons to server and client connectioninfo, replacing the old somewhat hidden contextmenu. * Save and restore size of new channelgroup dialogs * Exported ts3Functions.startVoiceRecording and ts3Functions.stopVoiceRecording to plugins. Plugin API version increased to 4, bundled plugins upgraded. * Upload of remote icons is now queued, so it's possible to upload a whole

directory of icons in one step. * Updated default TTS soundpack, adding ${servername} to more entries - Fixed that an offline ban is no longer bypassed by a simple rename * Added to plugin SDK: onCustomCaptureDeviceCloseEvent, onCustomPlaybackDeviceCloseEvent, onFMODChannelCreatedEvent * Adjust toolbar buttons on the fly when switching servers or current item. * Properly handle whitespaces in ts3server channel names, e.g.: ts3server:// Is A Channel With Spaces * Sort servergroups in contextmenu dialog in the same order as in the servergroups permissions widget (by ID). - No more "database empty result set" when listing channelgroups of client but the client is not a member of any channelgroup - Fixed server chat was being blocked by contacts list. - Fixed accidently broken expand/collapse subchannels in channel contextmenu. * Overhauled Setup Wizard texts. - Fixed Umlaut in clientinfo_de.tpl * Added link to video tutorials webpage in Help menu * Server icons dialog remembers and restores its size. - Restore custom server icon on chat tab when switching between servers. - Fixed client templates after deleting server groups. * Client checks new PERMISSION_b_client_modify_own_description to allow changing the own description only. - Fixed servergroup dialog items not (de)activating properly when changing a group or someone else changed your groups. * Added "All files" to identity export dialog, enforce .ini suffix for exported identities === Client Release 3.0.0-beta17 - 09 Mar 2010 * Automatically lay out icons in server icon