change management


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Change is important for individual, corporate, institutions and even the country to adapt itself to changing environment.

•Change is the key to success in today’s time.• Today, change is not the exception but a steady

ongoing process.

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Change Management means to plan, initiate, realize, control and finally stabilize change processes on both corporate and personal level.• Change may cover such diverse problems strategic direction or personal development programs for staff.• Change is the continuous adoption of corporate strategies and structures to changing external conditions.

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•Change comprises both, revolutionary one-off

projects and evolutionary transformations.

• We find that most people have negative

attitudes and perceptions towards change.

•They have fears of losing their job, their status

or their social security, or they are afraid of a

higher workload.

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• In many cases, first effects of change on employees, leaders, and on performance levels are negative.

•These effects include fears, stress, frustration and denial of change.

•Most employees tend to react with resistance to change rather than seeing change as a chance to initiate improvements.

•They are afraid of losing something, because they have incomplete information on how the change processes will effect their personal situation in terms of tasks, workload, or responsibilities

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•Managers need to keep in mind those negative side-effects of change initiatives in order to achieve the expected positive results.

• The success of change projects depends on the organization’s ability to make all their employees participate in the change process in one way or the other.

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Dynamics of Change

• According to Alvion Toffler the man’s existence is 50,000 yrs. Old.

• If divided into period of 62 years (Life time) than man’s existence is 800 life time.

• From the total of 800 life times 650 life times man has spent in caves.

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Dynamics of Change

• Only during 70 life times man has been communicating and passing knowledge from the life time to another.

• During the last six life times man has been possible to measure time with precision.

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Time Skip

• Present life time man has seen automation, computerization; space research; nuclear advancement, satellite, microwaves and internet applications.

• Man is caught in what might be called “Time Skip”.

• In fact “Cultural Shock” has taken place in Social, Political; Scientific and cultural environments.

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Time Skip

• Future shock is the premautre arrival of the future.

• Future shock is a time phenomenon, a product of greatly accelerate rate of change in the global society.

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• The need to replace complacency with a desire to continually improve goes back to the early days of the modern management era.

• This idea has been accelerated by the Total Quality Management (TQM) movement.

• However, things are moving much more rapidly in the 21st century, and in this environment, incremental transformation is not enough.

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1. Shock

2. Refusal

3. Rational Understanding

4. Emotional Acceptance

5. Exercising

6. Realisation

7. Integration


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1. Shock and Surprise:- Confrontation with unexpected situations. This can happen ‘by accident’ (e.g. losses in particular business units) or planned events (e.g. workshops for personal development and team performance improvement.)

2. Denial and Refusal:- People activate values as support for their conviction that change is not necessary.

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3. Rational Understanding:- People realize the need for change.

- According to this insight, their perceived competence decreases again.

- People focus on finding short term solutions, they only cure symptoms.

- There is no willingness to change own patterns of behavior.

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4. Emotional Acceptance:- This phase, which is also called ‘crisis’ is the most important one.-Only if management succeeds to create a willingness for changing values, beliefs, and behaviors, the organization will be able to exploit their real potentials. 5. Exercising and Learning:- The new acceptance of change creates a new willingness for learning. -People start to try new behaviors and processes.- They will experience success and failure during this phase.

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6. Realization:- People gather more information by learning and exercising.-This knowledge has a feedback-effect.-People understand which behavior is effective in which situation.

7. Integration:- People totally integrate their newly acquired patterns of thinking and acting.

- The new behaviors become routine.

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• Unless the change being proposed strengthens in a visible and unambiguous way the psychological security of the people is affected – change will be resisted.

•Most of us, being human, feel our security threatened from time to time.

• The extent to which we feel secure is mainly dependent on our cumulative experience since birth.

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• All of us at one time or another have had the experience that, despite the planning, hard work and careful thought we have put into a new scheme, people won’t go along with it.• This is often a source of disappointment when we find that our brilliant ideas and logical analysis are just simply rejected.• Change, however is more than an intellectual process.• It is a psychological process as well.


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Factors that determine how an individual might feel about a

change that affects him.

- Basic predisposition to change (derived from birth experiences, early feeding and weaning toilet training, sibling rivalries etc.)

- Personal sense of security (dependent on individual personality and current circumstances such as financial and marital status, etc.)


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- Prevailing cultural beliefs (relating to a particular country, or community, class trade or even work groups)

- Extent of trust and loyalty (resulting from past and present relationships with management, union and work groups.)

- Objectives historic events (including the nature of after-effects of past changes, natural and regional patterns of unemployment, labor mobility, government interventions, etc.)


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-Specific apprehensions and expectations about the particular change (relating the individual to the content and method of the change, to the work group and to the organization as a whole).

• Each situation and each individual tend to be unique and hence it is difficult to predict how a particular change will be regarded by those affected.

• Conditions for man’s psychological readiness to change.


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• The factors that influence an individual’s attitude towards a change, the manner of change is the one most under the control of the change catalyst, manager, consultant, or whoever is introducing the change.

• Some general principles of reducing resistance to changes are briefly considered under three types of heading viz. Who brings the change? What kind of change? And procedures in instituting change?


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Resistance will be reduced:• If participants have joined in diagnostic efforts leading them to agree on what the basic problem is and to feel its importance.

• If the project is adopted by consensus following group discussion.

• If the parties involved can see both sides of the question and recognize valid objections and take steps to relieve unnecessary fears.

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• If it is recognized that innovations are likely to be misunderstood and misinterpreted, and if provision is made for feedback of views on the project and any further clarification.

• If participants can begin to develop acceptance of each other and so experience support, trust and confidence in their relations with one another.

• If the project is kept open to revision and reconsideration if experience indicates that a change in direction or emphasis would be desirable.

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• Managers need to know in which phase they have to expect what types of situations and problems.

• Most successful organizations are those that are able to adjust themselves to new conditions quickly.

• This requires planned learning processes that lead to improved organizational effectiveness.

• Normally, people perceive change processes in seven typical stages.

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Resistance will be less;• If managers, supervisors, union leaders and other key people involved in the organization feel that a programme of planned change is their own- not one devised and operated by outsiders.• The way in which the change is introduced.• If any programme started clearly has the whole-hearted support from the people with the groups concerned.

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Resistance will be less:• If participants in any project see the change as reducing rather than increasing their current burdens;• If the project accords with values and ideals which have long been acknowledged by the participants;• If the programme offers the kind of new experience that interests participants;• If participants feel that their autonomy and security is to threatened.

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• People exposed to war or disaster may develop a nervous breakdown, people with exposed to rapid changes of modern life may develop state of helplessness and inadequacy.

• The ‘Life Change Scale’ is a psychological tool which measure the amount of change experienced by a person over a given time interval.

• The ‘Life change’ questionnaire asks people to mark on a list which important changes they recently underwent: move to new home, new job, marriage, divorce travel promotion etc.

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• The total score for a person is calculated as the sum of all changes that the person experienced multiplied by their relative weights.

• Using this scale, it was shown that individuals with high life change scores are significantly more likely to fall ill.

• It turned out that illness correlates with all changes, positive as well as negative.

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• Organizations must undertake organization-wide change to evolve to a different level in their life cycle, e.g., going from a highly reactive, entrepreneurial organization to more stable and planned development.

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• Change is the biggest challenge for the leader in the new millennium.

• Keeping pace with the complexity and the rate of change, have become the most critical factors for the organizations today.

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• Millennium leaders will be known –

- Less for what they say, and more for what they deliver.

- Less by the goals they set, and more by the mindsets they build.

- Less by what they control, and more by what they shape.

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• Millennium leaders will be known –

- More for Vision, Change leader and Knowledge management.

- More for Process they create; Integrative Thinking and Innovation.

- More for keeping pace with complexity and Speed – expectation @ of Speed of Thought.

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• The only survivors of this onslaught will be corporations headed by leaders - endowed with the ability to see what lies ahead.

• To create necessary resilience to deal with the future.

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•The road to leadership is a transforming journey for anyone who pursues it

diligently and patiently.

• Leadership is more a function of the heart than mind.

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Effective leadership has become more critical because of –

•The rapidly changing socio, political and business


•Coping with complexity and coping with change.

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There are two types of changes:• Organizational Development:- It is more gradual and evolutionary approach to change.-It bases on the assumption that it is possible to align corporate objectives with the individual employee’s objectives.- In practice, however, this will rarely be possible.

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• Reengineering:- It is a corporate transformation or business transformation.

- It is the more radical form of change management as it challenges all elements of processes or structures that have evolved over time.

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Quantum Leaps- The explanation

• A MINI LEAP is consistent with the notion of continuous improvement. It means from point A to point B

• A MEDI LEAP is more ambitious. It means skipping one iteration of progress. Moving directly from point A to Point C

• A MEGA LEAP OR QUAMTUM LEAP is the most ambitious of all. It means skipping two iterations of progress or improvement. Moving from Point A to Point D

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The Quantum LeapersContinuous Improvement aKa The MINI LEAP




THE MEGA LEAP or Quantum Leap


Giant Steps are taken that jump over two or more generations of progress

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• A good case study of a Quantum Leaper is Syntel, an electronics manufacturer. When Companies were producing chips that had capacity from 4K to 64K, Syntel produced chip with a whopping capacity of 256K memory.

• But Quantum Leap is not always possible. There are times when it is necessary to move slowly at first, restricting to medi leaps or even mini leaps

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Attributes of Quantum LeapersThey Institute a Climate of Innovation• Quantum Leap companies encourage employees at all

levels to speak up about any and all matters concerning the organization

• The best- ideas received come from non- professionals who see things from a different view point

• To develop this innovative atmosphere, these organizations use both formal and informal approaches

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• ‘Idea- Meetings’ are another form of program that generates ideas and cultivates creativity. Participants are told the subject of the meeting beforehand and are expected to get at least one idea related to it.

• Quantum Leapers conduct brainstorming sessions to generate ideas and encourage participants to express any and all ideas that emerge. They use the psychological principle called “triggering”

• When suggestions are carefully considered with rapid feedback, the programs not only succeed but add to the culture of innovation

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• Quantum Leapers are the first to admit they do not have all the answers and are on the Learning Curve.

• They are always in the process of seeking out ideas from other organizations who have faced similar situations and benchmarking against best practices.

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Foster an Entrepreneurial Spirit• Entrepreneuring is not limited to small, independent environments.

Large organizations encourage this and is called “Intrapreneuring”. The intrapreneur may be a creator, inventor or dreamer, but he figures out ways to turn an idea into a profitable reality.

• The following should be the culture traits to support:– Listen to anyone with an original idea– Encourage; don’t nitpick. Let people run with an idea– Hire good people and leave them alone– If you put fences around people, you get sheep. Give people the

room they need– Encourage experimental doodling, give it a try- and quick

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Willing to take Risks

• The Quantum Leapers do not stay inside the safe shell of complacency.

• They are willing to take risks and move ahead

• Risk taking, in certain cases, is part of the Corporate Culture of all Quantum Leapers

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Anticipate Trends

• Quantum Leapers are proactive and work on the future trends. The Software Industry is full of such examples:

• Steve Jobs anticipated the demand for personal computers with the Apple Computer and later Macintosh. Bill Gates saw the trend towards packaged software. The founders of revolutionized the book selling business.

• Such people are called trend- setters

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Thinking two or three moves ahead

• Like good chess players, the Exponential Manager plans several steps ahead before making a move.

• To make a Quantum Leap, one must be able to anticipate what the effect will be on variety of factors.

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Believe in Empowerment• Empowerment is giving of the power held by a manager to

those being managed. In an empowered environment, the supervisor brings the workers together and says: “Here is our project, let’s determine how it should be done”

• There are 3 major advantages to this:– Ideas- People who work on the job can provide deeper insights to

a situation

– Synergy- When people work together in developing a project, an interrelationship develops among them that leads to collaborative efforts to achieve success

– Ownership- People are committed to success when they are involved in designing of the project

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• Before an organizational culture can be changed, it must be analyzed and assessed.

• It is necessary to understand the culture and determine what problems exist and how seriously they affect productivity, quality of product or service, morale of the workers and the overall efficacy of the organization.

• Perception is Reality in the minds of the perceiver

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•It creates distinction between one organization & the other.

•It conveys a sense of identity for organization members.

•It facilitates the generation of commitments to something larger than one’s individual self-interest.

•It enhances the stability of the social system.


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Need for new organizational culture

• Organizations are restructuring, downsizing and

outsourcing, employee morale has fallen to new


• The unconditional loyalty and dedication of employees

who looked upon their jobs as careers and their

employment as relatively secure is replaced in many

companies with uncertainty .

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A new organizational culture must be

developed to overcome barriers to change

and renew - an attitude of commitment

and cooperation.

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• There are strong resistances to change, people are afraid of the unknown.

• Many people think things are already just fine and don’t understand the need for change.

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• Successful change must involve top management, including the board and chief executive.

• Usually there’s a champion who initially instigates the change by being visionary, persuasive and consistent.

• A change agent role is usually responsible to translate the vision to a realistic plan and carry out the plan.

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• Change is usually best carried out as a team- wide effort.

• Communications about the change should be frequent and with all organization members.

• To sustain change, the structures of the organization itself should be modified, including strategic plans, policies and procedures.

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What is “Revitalising People”

• Revitalising People entails– Change of Attitude– “Mindset Change”

• But can we teach Old hays…new Tricks??

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It is observed that:

• Some Individuals with the same attitude and personality traits, can behave differently with different context.

• To change the behavior, the context has to be changed.

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What does the Organisation want from it’s People?

• The Organisation wants it’s People to:– Collaborate– Share– Help each other– Feel a sense of commitment– Take initiative– Learn continuously– Bring benefits of learning– Support company success

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Overall, the point is simple: If you wish to see Initiative, Collaboration, Commitment and Learning, the

Challenge is to Change/ Create the right

“Smell of the Place” -Culture

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Potential dysfunctional aspects of culture

• Barriers to change

• Barriers of diversity

• Barriers to acquisitions


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- Sensitive to ones own culture and also to other’s culture

- Building relationships quickly, generating collaborations.

- Ability to work with cross functional teams

- Humility to learn and adapt


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According to Andrew Kakabadse:• There are two views about global manager

a. Global manager is a manager

b. They are entirely different breed of executives

The stronger view is they are different breed of executives

What make a GLOBAL MANAGER exceptional -that he can think across the cultural boundaries.

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• It is a feedback system tied to bottom line – sales growth, Productivity and Customer Loyalty for the employees that would identify and measure elements of worker engagement.

• Studies have revealed that:

- Employee actively engaged in job role: 29%

- Employees not engaged in job role : 54%

- Employees disengaged in job role : 17%

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Questions Your Rating

Q01 I know what is expected of me at work.

Q02 I have the materials and equipment to do my work right.

Q03 At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.

Q04 In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.

Q05 My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.

Q06 There is someone at work who encourages my development.

Q07 At work, my opinions seem to count.

Q08 The mission or purpose of my organization makes me feel my job is important.

Q09 My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work.

Q10 I have a best friend at work.

Q11 In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress.

Q12 This last year, I have had opportunities to learn and grow.

Employee Engagement Effectiveness Index(5=Strongly Agree, 4=Agree, 3= Neither Agree nor Disagree, 2=Disagree,1=Strongly Disagree)

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Questions Your Rating

Q01 My manager/supervisor demonstrates competence in his or her job.

Q02 My manager/supervisor treats everyone fairly (i.e., plays no favorites).

Q03 My manager/supervisor creates a motivating and supportive work climate.

Q04My manager/supervisor represents my needs, ideas and suggestions to his/her manager.

Q05My manager/supervisor takes an interest in my professional growth and development.

Q06 My manager/supervisor involves me in decision making, problem solving and planning processes.

Q07 My manager/supervisor creates a high performance and collaborative work team.

Q08 I have the opportunity to interact with Management above my immediate supervisor.

Leadership Effectiveness Index(5=Strongly Agree, 4=Agree, 3= Neither Agree nor Disagree, 2=Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree)

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The score of Great Workplace Award should have min. score 4.5At the same time your engagement is very high to the company.



LEADERSHIP SURVEYThe Great Manager should have minimum score 4.5

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Strategic Management and Strategic Management and

Strategic CompetitivenessStrategic Competitiveness

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Corporate Strategy

Directional Strategy:– Orientation toward growth

• Expand, cut back, status quo?• Concentrate within current industry, diversify into

other industries?• Growth and expansion through internal

development or acquisitions, mergers, or strategic alliances?

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Corporate Strategy Growth Strategies:

– Most widely pursued strategies– External mechanisms:

• Mergers– Transaction involving two or more firms in which

stock is exchanged but only one firm survives.

• Acquisition– Purchase of a firm that is absorbed as an operating

subsidiary of the acquiring firm.

• Strategic Alliance– Partnership of two or more firms to achieve

strategically significant objectives that are mutually beneficial.

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Corporate Strategy


ExportingLicensingFranchisingJoint VenturesAcquisitionsGreen-Field DevelopmentProduction SharingTurnkey OperationsBOT ConceptManagement Contracts

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Corporate Strategy

Portfolio Analysis

– How much of our time and money should we spend on our best products to ensure that they continue to be successful?

– How much of our time and money should we spend developing new costly products, most of which will never be successful?

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Corporate Strategy Portfolio Analysis

BCG (Boston Consulting Group) Matrix– Product life cycle and funding

decisions• Question marks• Stars• Cash cows• Dogs

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Corporate Strategy

• Directional Strategy:

Orientation toward growth -• Expand, cut back, status quo?• Concentrate within current industry, diversify into

other industries?• Growth and expansion through internal development

or Acquisitions, Mergers or Strategic Alliances?

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ConcentrationCurrent Product line in one industry Vertical Growth Vertical Integration•Full Integration•Taper Integration•Quasi Integration Backward Integration Forward IntegrationHorizontal GrowthHorizontal Integration

DiversificationOther Product lines in other industries Concentric•Growth into related industry•Search for SynergyConglomerate•Growth into unrelated industry•Concerned with Financial consideration



Captive Company

Sell - Out / Divestment

Bankruptcy / Liquidation


Pause / Proceed with Caution

No Change


Directional Strategy

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Competitive success is transient...unless care is taken to preserve competitive position

Only 16 of the 100 largest U.S. companies at the start of the 20th century are still identifiable today!

In a recent year, 44,367 businesses filed for bankruptcy and many more U.S. businesses failed

Challenge of Strategic Management

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• Rapid technological changes

• Rapid technology diffusions

• Dramatic changes in information and communication technologies

• Increasing importance of knowledge

Fundamental nature of competition is changing

The pace of change is relentless....and increasingTraditional industry boundaries are blurring, such as...

• Computers• Telecommunications

21st Century Competitive Landscape21st Century Competitive Landscape

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The global economy is changing

• People, goods, services and ideas move freely across geographic boundaries

• New opportunities emerge in multiple global markets

• Markets and industries become more internationalized

Traditional sources of competitive advantage no longer guarantee success

New keys to success include:

• Flexibility• Innovation• Speed• Integration

21st Century Competitive Landscape21st Century Competitive Landscape