chapter 10 becoming a world power (1890-1915). section one: the pressure to expand 1. define...

Download Chapter 10 Becoming a World Power (1890-1915). Section One: the Pressure to Expand 1. Define imperialism/expansionism Imperialism—when a stronger country

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  • Chapter 10 Becoming a World Power (1890-1915)
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  • Section One: the Pressure to Expand 1. Define imperialism/expansionism Imperialismwhen a stronger country takes over a weaker country for its own economic or political gain. (watch imperialism video)
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  • 2. Why did imperialism grow? Height of imperialism was in the late 1800s. Why? economicsadvanced industrial countries demanded a supply of raw materials/resources for their manufactured goods. nationalismcompetition among especially the European nations to be superior. militaryEuropean armies became superior over other places and could use force to gain land and supplies. (England was one of first great competitors since Columbuss time with Spain and Portugal). humanitarianSome Westerners (Europeans/Americans) saw their conquest as a good deed for spreading their religion and culture.
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  • 3. What are some arguments in favor of imperialism/expansionism (for it) economics:---American businesses can expand market internationally/expand trade. National security---you can build a strong navy and station them at bases around the world to protect Americans and businesses. social/religious/humanitarianyou can tame inferior peoples (social Darwinism) in other places, convert them to Christianity, and help them. definition of the Monroe: The old Monroe DoctrineHey other countries must stay out of our side of the world! (Western Hemisphere). We will stay neutral (not involved in world conflict) the New Monroe Doctrinethe U.S. will go out and take land (imperialism/expansionism). But still want other big powers to stay out of our side of the world (Western Hemisphere)
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  • Monroe Doctrine
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  • France and Spain were meddling in our side of the world (Western Hemisphere)
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  • ACTIVITY 1! List at least 2 places that you can tell were subject to imperialism and how you can tell.
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  • Section Two: The Spanish-American War 1. What were some factors/causes that sparked the Spanish-American War? (between US and Spain) --journalists (yellow journalismsometimes false/exaggerated stories) ---reporting about other countries and how the Spaniards treated people led some Americans to believe it was okay for the US to interfere in Latin America. Bombing of the U.S.S. MaineFeb. 15, 1898, an accidental explosion killed more than 250 American navy men. McKinley hesitated, but pressure was put on him from yellow journalism. Americans wanted action against Spain --Cuban rebellion--Cubans rebelled against Spain and also destroyed American sugar plantations in Cuba to get Americas attention.
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  • The de Lome letterin which the Spanish ambassador called US President McKinley weak. Navy stationed in PhilippinesTheodore Roosevelt (who was then the secretary of the navy), stationed navy troops in Pacific to prepare for war against Spain. President McKinley disagreed and removed them. McKinleys peace or war messagePresident McKinley tried to peacefully negotiate with Spain if they: ended bad treatment of Cubans, paid compensation for bombing of the Maine, and granted Cuban independence, but Spain refused to grant independence. Pressured, McKinley declared war on Spain.
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  • 2. What were some events and effects of the Spanish- American war? (May 1July 3, 1898) Event: The US attacked Spain from the Philippines (Pacific) and from Cuba (Atlantic). A famous battle was the US rough riders against the Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Hill in Cuba. Only 2,500 Americans died (most from food poisoning or disease). Only 400 died in battle. Spain was defeated in only few months. Effects US imperialism/expansion---American gains territory and trade increases. Treaty of ParisSpain recognized Cuban independence and sold the US the territories of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. (some Americans disagreed with this imperialism). Filipinos, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans even fought in the Spanish-American war and thought the US would give them independence from Spain, not conquer them! US went to war with Philippines--over 200,000 were killed and 7,000 Americans were killed or wounded. Cubans didnt like America occupation and finally agreed to allow the US to intervene in Cuban affairs when necessary as long as the US recognized Cuban independence. To stop the Puerto Ricans from rebelling for their independence, America granted them citizenship.
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  • 3. List some other territories the US conquered during the late 1800s and early 1900s. China/part of its bordersthe US was competing with European countries and feared one country may end up controlling China. So, the US convinced China to keep an open door policy with Westerners. (Britain also forced this policy on China by force). Hawaiithe US illegally overthrew the Hawaiian Queen and annexed Hawaii. Secured cheaper sugar and Pearl Harbor naval station. Samoathe US secured another naval base. Guamand other Pacific islands
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  • Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii
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  • 14 Americans Lean Toward Expansion
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  • Section Three: A New Foreign Policy 1. Why did the US want the Panama Canal? 2. In what ways did the US exercise aggressive police power and the Roosevelt Corollary? McKinley was assassinated and President Theodore Roosevelt was now President. He used aggressive military policies to get what he wanted. (Roosevelt Corollary). Latin America felt threatened by Americas constant intervention in their affairs. Panama----Roosevelt and many Americans felt that a passageway through Panama(central America) would make shipping faster and cheaper from the Atlantic to the Pacific. France bought this concession from Columbia, but now the U.S. pressured Columbia to allow them to buy Frances concession. The US even backed up a Panamanian revolt against Columbia. In 10 years, by 1914, the canal was complete. Latin America felt threatened by Americas constant intervention in their affairs. Hardshipsmany workers died from tropical mosquito carrying diseases such as yellow fever and malaria. Dominican Republicwas going to be taken over by European powers it owed money to, so the US intervened and paid off debt and controlled this area. East AsiaRoosevelt was seen as aggressive but was also awarded the Nobel Peace price for helping Russia and Japan work out their opposition and worked to keep Chinas open door policy (trade with Westerners)
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  • The construction project was huge!
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  • Testing the locks.
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  • A tanker moves through the locks
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  • The Panama Canal saved 8900 miles from San Francisco to New York City.
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  • 3. Explain the foreign diplomacy policies of the 3 Progressive Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson all involved the US in foreign affairs. William H. Taft---wanted less war and more money spent on investing in foreign countries to keep them stable. (dollar diplomacy) Woodrow Wilsonbelieved n using more aggressive military force when needed to keep foreign economies stable as well as dollar diplomacy. Invested over a billion dollars in Mexicos oil, land, mines, and railroad. Used military force to control the Presidential elections in Mexico( he favored Carranza vs. Huerta). Used military force against Mexican rebel Pancho Villa. Both dollar diplomacy and aggressive military force led many Latin Americans to become anti-imperialists and anti-American.
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  • Section Four: Debating Americas New Role 1. What were some arguments against imperialism/expansion/intervention? Anti-imperialists were people (mostly educated politicians, activists, and writers) against imperialism. The arguments American anti-imperialists had were: ---imperialism goes against idea of liberty for all ---foreign people controlled by the US should have Constitutional rights and citizenship ---spending too much time and money with military overseas when military is needed in the US to control problems. ---racism was really the root of imperialism ---would lead to too much immigration of foreign people from US foreign territories or competition with immigrants for jobs.
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  • Even with these anti-imperialist arguments, the US continued its policy of imperialism. Many Americans liked the fact that the frontier was not closed. the US even sent its Great White Fleet of ships around the world for everyone to see.
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  • ACTIVITY 2! Analyze political cartoons with a group
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