chapter 6: early english settlements

Chapter 6: Early English Settlements Let’s review what we already know about early explorers. 112814

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Chapter 6: Early English Settlements. Let’s review what we already know about early explorers. Map of the Eastern United States Coastline. The first three English Colonies were Roanoke, Jamestown and Plymouth. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 6: Early English  Settlements

Chapter 6: Early English Settlements Let’s review what we already know

about early explorers.

Page 2: Chapter 6: Early English  Settlements

Map of the Eastern United States Coastline

The first three English Colonies were Roanoke, Jamestown and Plymouth.

Roanoke, founded in 1584, was the first English settlement on an island off the coast of North Carolina.

The Jamestown Colony was founded in May 1607 in Virginia upriver from the Chesapeake Bay.

The third English settlement in North America, Plymouth, was founded by the English Separatists in 1620 off the coast of Massachusetts on the tip of Cape Code in what is now Massachusetts.

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The Settlement of Roanoke:An island off the coast of North Carolina, 1584.

Sir Walter Raleigh, a friend of Queen Elizabeth, believed that the Americas could make England more powerful than Spain.

He set two ships to explore the coast of North America. They landed on an island and named it Roanoke after the Native Americans who lived there.

They told Raleigh that the island had fish, animals, fruit, vegetables and friendly people.

The next year, Raleigh sent some men to start a colony, but they were not farmers and when supplies ran out, they went back to England.

In 1587, Raleigh sent over 100 new settlers that were farmers and skilled workers. The Captain went back to England for supplies. He could not return to Roanoke because of England’s war with Spain.

After three years, Captain White returned to Roanoke. There was no sign of the settlers. The word CROATON was carved in the gatepost of the ruined fort.

No one knows what happened to the people, so Roanoke is known as the lost colony.

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The Settlement of Jamestown:Up river from Chesapeake Bay in Virginia, 1607

In 1606, England’s King James gave permission for 105 men to start a colony.

They wanted to be rich and thought they would find gold. They chose land that was upriver and easily defendable against the

Spanish. They built a fort. They called their new settlement Jamestown in honor of King James. Many of the settlers became sick and died. Captain John Smith was captured by the Powhatan, a Native

American tribe. Smith later became the leader of the colony. For awhile the Native Americans traded with the colonists

The colonist never found gold, but John Rolfe learned how to grow a new type of tobacco. Tobacco became Virgina’s gold.

In 1619, the men elected a governing body called the House of Burgesses. (elected representative)

The Powhatan became worried about the growing number of settlers and in 1622 they attacked Jamestown.

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The Settlement of Plymouth:On the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1620 King James said everyone had to belong to the church of England. The Separatist refused and moved to the Americas so they could

practice their own religion. They became known as Pligrims. Before going ashore, they planned a government and wrote down

rules to help them live peacefully. The men signed the Mayflower Compact.

They named their new settlement, Plymouth, but the winter was harsh and half of the Pilgrims died.

In 1621, Squanto, a Native American from the Wampanoags tribe, came and taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn, fish , and collect syrup from Maple trees.

Squanto told the Pilgrims that many of his tribe had died from disease. The Wampanoags and Pilgrims arranged a peace treaty.

In the fall they decided to celebrate the harvest. We call that celebration, Thanksgiving.

Over the next few years, more settlers would join the Pilgrims.

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Political Aspect:

Social Aspect:

Economic Aspect:

Two Interesting Facts:

Roanoke1584Coast of North Carolina

Sir Walter Raleigh wanted to make England more powerful than Spain

The first settlers failed because they did not know how to farm. The second settlers were farmers and skilled workers.

Spanish explorers had brought riches from the Americas and England wanted riches also.

1. It is known as the Lost Colony because everyone disappeared.

2. Only the word CROATOAN was carved on a gatepost of a ruined fort.