chapter 7 project cash flows and risk

Chapter 7 Project Cash Flows and Risk

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Chapter 7 Project Cash Flows and Risk. Cash Flow Estimation. Most important and most difficult step in the analysis of a capital project Financial staff’s role includes: Coordinating other departments’ efforts Ensuring that everyone uses the same set of economic assumptions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 7 Project Cash Flows and Risk

Chapter 7

Project Cash Flows and Risk

Page 2: Chapter 7 Project Cash Flows and Risk

Cash Flow Estimation

Most important and most difficult step in the analysis of a capital project

Financial staff’s role includes:Coordinating other departments’ effortsEnsuring that everyone uses the same set

of economic assumptionsMaking sure that no biases are inherent in


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Relevant Cash Flows

Cash Flow Versus Accounting Income

Incremental Cash Flows

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Cash Flow Versus Accounting Income

2010 Situation Accounting Profits Cash Flows

Sales $50,000 $50,000

Costs except depreciation (25,000) (25,000)

Depreciation (15,000) --

Net operating income or cash flow$10,000 $25,000

Taxes based on operating income (30%)(3,000) (3,000)

Net income or net cash flow $7,000 $22,000

Net cash flow = Net income plus depreciation = $7,000 + $15,000 = $22,000

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Cash Flow Versus Accounting Income

2011 Situation Accounting Profits Cash Flows

Sales $50,000 $50,000

Costs except depreciation (25,000) (25,000)

Depreciation (5,000) --

Net operating income or cash flow$20,000 $25,000

Taxes based on operating income (30%)(6,000) (6,000)

Net income or net cash flow $14,000 $19,000

Net cash flow = Net income plus depreciation = $14,000 + $5,000 = $19,000

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Incremental Cash Flows

An Incremental Cash FlowAn Incremental Cash Flow is the change in a firm’s net cash flow attributable to an investment project.

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Problems in Determining Incremental Cash Flows Sunk Cost:Sunk Cost: A cash outlay that already has

been incurred and cannot be recovered

Opportunity Cost:Opportunity Cost: The return on the best alternative use of an asset

Externalities:Externalities: The effect of accepting a project on the cash flows in other parts of the firm

Shipping and Installation CostsShipping and Installation Costs


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Identifying Incremental Cash Flows

Initial Investment Outlay:Initial Investment Outlay: the incremental cash flows associated with a project that will occur only at the start of a project’s life

Incremental Operating Cash Flow:Incremental Operating Cash Flow: the changes in day-to-day cash flows that result from the purchase of a capital project and continue until the firm disposes of the asset

Terminal Cash Flow:Terminal Cash Flow: the net cash flows that occur only at the end of a project’s life

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Incremental Operating Cash Flow

Incrementaloperatingcash flowt

= NOIt x (1 - T) + Deprt

= (St - OCt - Deprt) x (1 - T) + Deprt

= (St - OCt) x (1 - T) + T(Deprt)

= Cash revenuest- Cash expensest- Taxest

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Capital Budgeting Project Capital Budgeting Project EvaluationEvaluation

Expansion Project:Expansion Project: A project that is intended to increase sales; provides growth to the firm

Replacement Analysis:Replacement Analysis: An analysis involving the decision of whether to replace an existing, still productive asset with a new asset

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Expansion Project Analysis of the Cash


2010 $5,000 = ($30,000 - $18,000 - $5,000) (1 – 0.40) + $2,000(0.40)

2011 $5,480 = ($30,000 - $18,000 - $5,000) (1 – 0.40) + $3,200(0.40)

2012 $4,960 = ($30,000 - $18,000 - $5,000) (1 – 0.40) + $1,900(0.40)

2013 $4,680 = ($30,000 - $18,000 - $5,000) (1 – 0.40) + $1,200(0.40)


Incremental Operating Cash Flow Computation

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k = 15%

5,000 4,9605,480(14,000)4,3844,1433,2616,038



0 1 2 3 4


2011 20132012 20142010

Net cashflows

IRR = 26.3% Payback period = 2.7 years

Expansion Project Cash Flow Time Line

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IRR = 14.0% Payback period = 3.6 years

Replacement Project Cash Flow Time Line

k = 15%

3,484 2,6204,060(11,400)3,0303,0701,7231,2782,038



0 1 2 3 4


2011 20132012 20142010

Net cashflows



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Introduction to Project Risk Analysis

Stand-Alone Risk:Stand-Alone Risk: the risk an asset would have if it were a firm’s only riskMeasured by the variability of the asset’s

expected returns Corporate (Within-Firm) Risk:Corporate (Within-Firm) Risk: risk not

considering the effects of stockholder’s diversificationMeasured by a project’s effect on the firm’s

earnings variability Beta (Market) Risk:Beta (Market) Risk: part of a project’s risk that

cannot be eliminated by diversificationMeasured by the project’s beta coefficient

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Techniques for MeasuringStand-Alone Risk

Sensitivity Analysis:Sensitivity Analysis: Key variables are changed and the resulting changes in the NPV and the IRR are observed.

Scenario Analysis:Scenario Analysis: “Bad” and “good” sets of financial circumstances are compared with the most likely situation.

Monte Carlo Simulation:Monte Carlo Simulation: Probable future events are simulated on a computer.

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Sensitivity Analysis Graph

NPV (000s)









-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30


Unit sales



% changefrom base

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Assume we know all variables except unit sales, which could range from 75,000 to 125,000 (or 75 to 125). Here are the scenario NPVs:

Scenario Probability NPV (000)

Worst 0.25 -$27.8

Base 0.50 15.0

Best 0.25 57.8

E(NPV) = $15.0(NPV) =$30.3

Scenario Analysis

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Standard Deviation:Standard Deviation:

σNPV = $30.3

Coefficient of Variation:Coefficient of Variation:

.0 2$15




Scenario Analysis

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Advantages / Disadvantages of

Simulation Analysis

Reflects probability of each input Shows range of NPVs, expected


Difficult to specify probability distributions and correlation

If inputs are bad, output will be bad: GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out!



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Beta Beta (or Market) Risk and Risk and Required Rate of Return for a Required Rate of Return for a ProjectProject

Security Market Line equation:Security Market Line equation:kS = kRF + (kM - kRF)βs

Erie Steel is all equity financed, so cost of equity is also its averaged required rate of return, or cost of capital.

Erie’s β = 1.1; kRF = 8%; and kM = 12%kS = 8% + (12% - 8%)1.1 = 12.4%

= Erie’s cost of equity

Investors should be willing to give Erie money to invest in average-risk projects.

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Required Rate of Return for a Project

kproj = the risk-adjusted required rate of return for an individual project

kproj = kRF + (kM - kRF)proj

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Measuring Beta Risk for a Project

Pure Play Method:Pure Play Method: 1. Identify companies whose only

business is the project in question.2. Determine the beta for each

company.3. Average the betas to find an

approximation of proposed project’s beta.

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How Project Risk Is Considered in Capital Budgeting Decisions

Most firms use: Risk-Adjusted Discount RateRisk-Adjusted Discount Rate

Discount rate that applies to particularly risky stream of income

It is equal to the risk-free rate of interest plus a risk premium.

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Capital Rationing

A situation in which a constraint is placed on the total size of the firm’s capital investment.