chapter 8 promotion part three: the marketing mix

CHAPTER 8 PROMOTION part three: the marketing mix

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Page 1: CHAPTER 8 PROMOTION part three: the marketing mix


part three: the marketing mix

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an opening challenge

You run a small, specialist soft drinks firm. Your marketing budget is a tiny fraction of your major competitors and you certainly cannot afford television advertising. How will you get your brand noticed by potential customers?

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• the promotion mix• managing promotional activities• objectives• promotion strategy• marketing communications process• marketing communications tools• regulations• budgets

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public relations

sales promotion personal selling

packagingdirect marketing

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marketing communications

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promotion management

• setting objectives• setting budgets• designing marketing

programmes/campaigns• implementing campaigns• checking the results of campaigns

(evaluation and control)

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the objectives of promotion what is it meant to achieve?

• create brand awareness• build brand image• inform• remind• educate• break into new market• change/reinforce


• stimulate trial • get into purchase

consideration set• regain lost customers• obtain information• re-position • increase usage

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targeted objectives

• key to the organisation’s direction– strategies are devised to meet objectives

• objectives should be SMART– specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timed

• aim at a specific target audience

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audience or market?

• markets are customers/consumers– people who buy or use things

• audiences listen or watch• so promotional activities are targeted at

audiences– who may or may not be customers/consumers

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promotional strategy

market analysis

SMART objectives

target audiences


push pull

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promotional strategy

• a subset of overall marketing strategy• informed by branding and positioning• overall marketing communications strategy plus campaign

strategies• overview of how objectives will be achieved

– the details go in the plan• push strategies

– aimed at the trade• pull strategies

– aimed at consumers

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a simple communications

model: 1se



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a simple communications

model: 2se


distortion distortion


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a simple communications

model: 3se





(Schramm, 1955)

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the promotional mix• advertising– paid for, mass media

• public relations (PR)– media relations, sponsorship, exhibitions,

hospitality, celebrity endorsement• sales promotion– discounts, special offers, competitions

• personal selling– b2b, retail, telesales

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influencing customers









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AIDA and the promotion mixAQ – re-set figure type

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DAGMAR: a hierarchical modelAQ – re-set figure type

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promotion tools

• advertising• public relations• sales promotion• personal selling

• direct marketing• packaging• sponsorship

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advertising essentialsAQ – re-set figure type

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creative executions

• slice of life• animation & CGI• endorsement• celebrity• news-style• fantasy

• spoof or parody• demonstration• comedy• audience

participation• music

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media class or category,e.g. television

media vehicles

e.g.EastEnders media


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public relations (PR)

‘the determined, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation

and its publics. Also understood as reputation management’ (Chartered Institute of Public Relations, 2010)

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PR techniques

• publicity or media relations• publications• corporate communications• community relations• lobbying• sponsorship• product placement• branded content• events management• crisis management

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sales promotion

short-term special offers which add

value to a product offering

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benefits of sales promotion

• good at increasing sales• effectiveness can be easily measured• has accurate targeting• can keep budget down• has an almost immediate effect• creates interest in products

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typical sales promotion objectives

• stimulate product trial– which may lead to regular purchase

• introduce a new product to the market• combat/spoil a competitor’s campaign• encourage greater product use– and so more frequent purchase

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personal selling

prospecting preparing making the appointment

objection handling

following up the call or pitch


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a salesperson’s job

• buyer/seller team coordinator• customer service provider• buyer behaviour expert• information gatherer• market analyst and planner• sales forecaster• market cost analyst• technologist

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direct marketing

‘the planned recording, analysis and tracking of individual customers’ responses

and transactions for the purpose of developing and prolonging mutually

profitable customer relationships’ (Institute of Direct Marketing, 2010)

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direct marketing communications

• personal contact• looking for a direct response– better feedback

• database marketing• direct response advertising

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DM media selection: AIMRITE





Internal Management

The End Result

(Pickton and Broderick, 2004)

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UK regulations• advertising standards code– legal– decent– honest– truthful

• similar principles in other codes of practice– sales promotion, sponsorship

• for up-to-date rules, visit the ASA website at:

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setting budgets

• arbitrary method– judgement call

• affordable method– tends to result in low budgets

• competitive parity method– but did the competition get it right?

• objective and task method– time-consuming but accurate

• percentage of sales method– commonly used, but which year’s sales?

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• clear campaign objectives• good market understanding• clearly identified target audience– and the means to reach them

• originality and creativity– so the message is correctly received

• a variety of tools to integrate into the campaign

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• Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) (n.d.) CIPR website. Available at (accessed 30/06/10).

• Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM) (n.d.) IDM website. Available at: (accessed 15/05/10).

• Pickton, D.W. and Broderick, A. (2004) Integrated Marketing Communications, 2nd edn. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall.

• Schramm, W. (1955) ‘How communication works’, in W. Schramm (ed.), The Process and Effects of Mass Communications. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, pp. 3–26.