chapterwise dnb ques

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  • 7/24/2019 Chapterwise Dnb Ques



    Compilatio B! D"#$opalA%a"&al

    N'("al S)i')'*


    Name the components of the basal ganglia. Describe the functions anddisorders due to dysfunction of basal ganglia(2012)

    Limbic system.(DEC0!"

    0#)$ape% circuit. (DEC

    0#" &'N0) $refrontal

    corte. (DEC0#)

    *pplied anatomy of +isual path,ays.

    (DEC-2) *pplied anatomy of middle

    cerebral artery. (&'N-2) cerebral

    laterality. (&'N-2)

    Locus ceruleus. (DEC-)

    /upra chiasmatic nuclei. (DEC-)

    Neuroanatomy and physiology of parietal lobe and its

    lesions.(DEC0) eticular acti+ation system. (&'N0)

    hat isamygdaloid comple3 Describe brie4y its structural and functionalcomponents. hat is its rele+ance in clinical practice3 (2010)

    *mygdala in psychiatry. (&'N--)

    De5ne a synapse. Describe stages in action potential and types of synaptic

    contacts. (DEC06) hat are neuro5brillary tangles3 Describe in short their

    structures and clinical signi5cance. (2010) 7unction of nondominant

    hemisphere. (&'N-)

    rite in brief about the +arious tests of parietal lobe

    functioning. (2010) eticular formation and its role in arousal.


    8ests of attention. (&'N-)

    Describe the split brain eperiments and their importance in hemisphericdi9erences of +arious functions. (&'N-6)


    Name +arious dopamine path,ays of brain and their signi5cance in psychiatry.(DEC0-)

    Describedopaminergicpath,aysin the brain. hatare their functions3 hatistheir applied importance3 (2016)

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    Dopaminergic receptors. (&'N01" DEC-)

    ele+ance of /erotonergic system in psychiatric disorders.

    (DEC06) /erotonergic receptors. (&'N06)

    Ligand binding in receptors.

    (&'N06) /ubstance $. (&'N


    Cannabinoid receptors. (DEC

    02):pioid receptors. (&'N

    02) Endorphins

    ;En* receptors.(DEC0#)

    /econd messengers. (DEC01)

    /econd messengers in

    neurotransmission. (DEC--)8hird

    messenger. (DEC0!)


    $sychoneuroimmunology. (DEC0!)

    hat do you understand by psychoneuroimmunology3 Discuss in briefpsychoneuro immunological basis of psychiatric disorders. (2012)


    Discuss endocrine dysfunction in +arious psychiatric

    disorders. (DEC0) eproducti+e endocrine functions and

    beha+iour. (&'N2000)

    Neuro endocrine serotonin challenge tests.

    (DEC-#)Deamethasone suppression test.


    CHRONOBIO,O$.Circadian rhythms. (DEC06)

    Endogenous ?eitgebers. (DEC


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    Neurobiology of the circadian rhythm. (&'N

    2000) Neurobiology of circadian system in

    mammals. (DEC02)

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    APP,IED E,ECTROPH.SIO,O$.EE= in psychiatry. (&'N0)

    N()l'a" -a%'ti) R'*oa)' Ima%i% a0 Sp')t"o*)op!1 Ba*i)P"i)ipl'* a0 R')'t +i0i%* i N'("op*!)/iat"i) Di*o"0'"*hat is f@A3 hat are the principles of its ,or

  • 7/24/2019 Chapterwise Dnb Ques


    De5ne comple$artial sei%ures (C$/). Describe its +arious clinical types indetail. @ention its management. (2011)

    Clinical features of comple partial sei%ures ; rele+ance to psychiatry. (DEC0-)

    De5neepilepsy3 Describe itsrele+ance andrelationship to presentation ofpsychiatric disorders. (2010)

    Describe the recent classi5cation of epilepsy and their di9erential

    diagnosis. (DEC-)8emporal lobe epilepsy. (DEC0" DEC01)

    $sychiatric aspects of epilepsy. (DEC0!" DEC0#" DEC0)


    Describe clinical featuresand management of migraine.

    (2011) eadache ; @igraine. (DEC0!)

    eadacheaetiology ; broad principles of

    management. (&'N0)8ension headaches. (&'N-!)

    N'("olo%i)al 0i*o"0'"*Describe clinical features of frontal lobe syndromes. (2012" DEC0-" &'N0" DEC06)

    rite in detail about the clinical features" etiology and comorbidity ofDo,nssyndrome. (2011" DEC 01" 0" 0#)

    Classify Demyelinating disease and ,rite in detail about signs and symptomsof multiple sclerosis. (DEC0#)

    $sychobiology of stereotyped mo+ement disorders.

    (&'N--) @ultiple sclerosis. (&'N02)

    @o+ement disorders. (DEC


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    /ubdural haematomaaetiology and

    management. (DEC0) :rganic causes of

    catatonia. (DEC2000)

    Normal pressure hydrocephalus. (&'N2000)

    N'("op*!)/iat"i) mai4'*tatio o4 i5'"'t i*o"'"

    discuss the +arious neuropsychiatric manifestations of /'a i6("!. (2012"

    DEC0!" 0#) $sychiatric manifestations of *t"o7'. (&'N0)

    Discuss the +arious neuropsychiatric disorders associated ,ith HIi4')tio and outline the treatment modility used for management ofthese disorder. (2012" DEC02" DEC01)

    $sychiatrists role in the pre+ention of AF infection. (DEC-#)

    Farious psychiatric manifestations of AF ; stages at ,hich these appear.

    (DEC0-" DEC06) Neuropsychiatric disorders associated ,ith AF infection.


    ole of counselling in pre+ention of AF infection.

    (DEC02) AF test counselling. (DEC-!)

    $sychiatric aspects of 'pil'p*!. (DEC0!" DEC0#" DEC0)

    Demyelinating disorder and the psychiatric seBuelae of m(ltipl'

    *)l'"o*i*. (&'N2000) hat is multiple sclerosis3hat are its

    psychological complications (2016).

    Discuss brie4y the psychiatric problems as seen in a )o"oa"! )a"' (it andtheir management.(DEC01" DEC0)

    Describe the psychiatric aspects of Pa"7i*o8* i*'a*' and discuss themanagement issues of depressi+e symptoms. (DEC--)

    Discussthe interfacebet,een $ar

  • 7/24/2019 Chapterwise Dnb Ques


    Discuss psychiatric manifestations of /LE systemic lupus

    erythematosus. (2012) $sychiatric aspects of

    organophosphorus poisoning. (DEC-)

    $sychiatric disorders in enal Dialysis. (&'N-2)

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    Neuropsychiatric disorders associated ,ith Fitamin

    de5ciencies. (DEC0) $sychiatric problems as seen in AC'

    of general hospitals. (DEC2000) $rimary pre+ention as

    related to neuropsychiatric disorders. (DEC0)


    De5ne hallucinations. o, do true and pseudohallucinations di9er3 hat istheir clinical signi5cance3 (2010)

    hatare the stages of de+elopment of delusions3 Describe6 typesofprimarydelusional eperiences3 (2016)

    Describe the psychological mechanisms in delusion

    formation. (&'N--) Describe delusion. Describe its

    attributes ; types. (DEC0-)

    Delusional misidenti5cation syndrome.

    (DEC0!) Concept of Normalcy. (Gun0"

    DEC2000) P*!)/olo%! a *o)iolo%!

    De5ne l'a"i%. Name types of learning. Describe operant conditioning ,itheamples. (2012)

    De5ne learningH enumerate three theories of learning and 5+e features ofclassical conditional. (DEC 06)

    Concept formation in learning. (DEC0"

    &'N-)8heories of social learning. (&'N

    2000" &'N-)

    hat is conditioning3 Describe the +arious types of conditioning. Name thesituations in ,hich they ha+e applied importance and ho,3 (2016)

    hat is operant conditioning ; its type ; di9erent reinforcement

    schedule. (DEC0-" DEC01) ole of learning in m'mo"!. (&'N06)

    De5ne declarati+e memoryand discuss its neurobiological substrates. (2011)

    De5ne memory" its subtypes ; describe neuroanatomical correlates of

    memory. (DEC0-" DEC0) Describeneuroanatomical correlatesof memory.


    Neurochemical basis of memory. (&'N

    02)>iological basis of learning and

    memory. (DEC02)

    De5ne memory and discuss concept of multiple memory system in the

    brain. (&'N-!) Describe brie4y ho, does the brain store memory. (&'N


    ole of motiatio of beha+iour. (Gun0" &'N-!)

    hat is moti+ation3 Discuss its de+elopment and its application in familyplanning programs. (&'N -)

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    Discuss the neurobiology of *t"'**. hat is its relationship ,ith psychiatric

    disorders3 (DEC2000) /tress and its coping mechanism. (&'N-)

    /tress management and relaation therapy. (DEC0#)

    De5ne 'motio. discuss neuronal circuit of emotion ,ith the help of diagram.


    Describe the neuroanatomical basis of emotion" and discuss the +arioustheories of emotion ,ith special emphasis of recent theories. (&'N2000)

    Characteristics of healthy ''lopm't. (DEC0#)

    Enumerate the stages of de+elopment postulated by &ean $iaget gi+ing theage period of each stage. Describe the chief characteristics of any onestage. (2010)

    $iagets theory of cogniti+e de+elopment in children.

    (DEC02) Emotional de+elopment in a child. (&'N-#)

    Critical period in language de+elopment.

    (DEC-6) Cogniti+e maturation in

    childhood. (DEC-) :+erprotection in

    de+elopment of a child. (DEC-)

    *dolescent psychological de+elopment.

    (&'N06) De+elopmental tas

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    Describe the beha+ioural and cogniti+e theories of mind.

    (&'N06) eaction formation. (DEC0#)



    aniety. (&'N-)

    Egoideals. (&'N

    -)>asic *niety.



    Anfantile seuality. (DEC

    0!) Ego psychology.


    Discuss brie4y atta)/m't t/'o"! and its implications for

    psychiatry (2012) >o,lbys attachment theory. (DEC06)

    Disorders of attachment. (DEC0)

    De5ne a%%"'**io. hat are the predictorsof aggression3 >rie4ydiscusspsychologicaland social theories of aggression. (2012)

    Describe the causes" +ariation" neuroanatomical and neurophysiology of

    aggression. (DEC-6)8heories of aggression. (DEC0!)*ggression. (&'N01)

    Describe t/i7i%" its neurobiological basis and its

    disorders. (2011) $rimary and secondary process thin

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    No-p/a"ma)olo%i)al maa%'m't in psychiatric disorders. (DEC0#)

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    'se of proGecti+e tests in psychiatric tests in psychiatric diagnosis. (DEC0" DEC2000)

    Name some proGecti+e tests. Discuss the de+elopment" administration andassessment procedure of any one.

    orschach test. (DEC0)

    8hematic *pperception 8est (8*8). (DEC06)

    hat are the clinical uses of neuropsychological test3 Name +arious

    batteries. (DEC0-) Describe +arious components assessed under

    neurophysiological testing. (DEC0#) $sychological tests for :rganicity.


    a+ens progressi+e matrices. (DEC

    01) Culture of p*!)/ot/'"ap!#

    :DEC-0;8) for

    anietydisorders. (2012) Cogniti+e beha+iour therapy. (DEC


    $rinciples of cogniti+e therapy. (DEC0)

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    hatare the theoreticalprinciplesguiding dialectical beha+iortherapy(D>8)3Describethe components of D>8. (2016)

    >rief inter+entions. (&'N02)

    Catheis. (DEC-2)

    >rain ,ashing. (DEC-#)

    Crisis inter+ention. (Gun0"

    &'N2000) *sserti+e training.

    (&'N06" &'N01) Logo

    therapy. (&'N--)

    $lay therapy. (DEC-6)

    $sychodrama. (&'N02)

    hat is >iofeedbac

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    /igmund 7reud.


    Mraepelin. (&'N06)

    *nna 7reud. (DEC

    01)Eri< Erico,lby.



    Describe +arious statistical tests of signi5cance and their applicability. (DEC0-)

    hat is Buantitati+e research3 Describe essential features" strengths andlimitationsof Buantitati+eresearch. (2010" 2012)

    hat is psychiatric epidemiology3 hat are its uses3 Enumerate most common

    types of designs used in psychiatric epidemiology(2011).

    hat is epidemiology3Describe di9erenttypes of epidemiological studies in

    $sychiatry,itheamples. (2016)

    Discuss the +arious steps in+ol+ed in planning and conducting anepidemiological community sur+ey to assess pre+alence of psychiatric

    morbidity in one district of our state. (DEC2000)

    o, to conduct epidemiological sur+ey of psychiatric morbidity in the

    community3 (DEC0) /ampling in epidemiological study. (&'N02)

    eliability and +alidity of p*!)/om't"i) t'*t*. (DEC0!)

    De5ne +alidity (&'N2000). Name di9erent types of +alidity.hat is theimportance of +alidity in psychiatry.(2011)

    De5ne reliabilityof a test instrumentin $sychiatry. hat are the di9erenttypes of

    reliabilityand ho, are they measured3(2016)

    ChisBuare test for determining associated bet,een t,o independent

    +ariables. (DEC02) ChisBuare test. (DEC0!)


    *N:F* techniBue ; its application. (DEC06)

    'se of control groups in psychiatric research.

    (DEC2000) Control group. (&'N-)

    @etaanalysis. (&'N2000)

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    /tudent It test. (&'N-#)

    /ensiti+ity and speci5city of tests. (DEC-)

    /teps in assessing the pre+alence of mental morbidity in population.

    (DEC-2) /tatistical tests of di9erences bet,een samples. (DEC-2)

    /teps in the de+elopment of psychometric

    instruments. (&'N-2) Null hypothesis. (&'N-)

    D'li"i(m, 'm'tia a am'*ti) i*o"'"

    hat is 'li"i(m3 Enumerates its causes and describe its

    management. (2012) Delirium" aetiology and its management.


    hat is delirium tremens3 rite its clinicalfeaturesand treatment.

    (2011) Adenti5cation and management of delirium. (DEC06)

    Delirium caused by de5ciency disease. (DEC02)

    o, ,ould you di9erentiate delirium ; dementia3 @anagement of delirium.(DEC0-)

    De5ne 0'm'tia.Describedi9erentmodalitiesof managementof cogniti+eimpairmentin *l%heimesdementia. (2016)

    *l%heimers diseaseneuropathology and its treatment. (DEC0)

    Discuss the +arious ris< factors" di9erential diagnosis and management of

    *l%heimers dementia. (DEC2000)

    Describe +arious neuropathologicaland neurochemical changes associated ,ith*l%heimersdisease. (2011)

    Describe +arious degenerati+e

    dementias. (&'N--) *cti+e cortical

    dementia. (&'N-!)

    /ubcortical dementia. (&'N

    -)Fascular dementia. (DEC

    06" DEC02)

    Describe frontal lobe dementia. Discuss the management of senile and presenile

    dementia. (&'N01) o, do the clinical features of 7rontotemporal dementia

    a9ect its management3 (2010)

    $seudo dementia. (DEC-!)

    rite +ariousdi9erentiatingfeaturesof dementia and pseudo

    dementia. (2011) Note on dialysis dementia. (DEC0-)

    8reatable dementia. (DEC-#)

    8he diagnosis of early dementia. (DEC-)

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    *ids dementia.(DEC-6)

    rite notes on clinical features and aetiology of am'*i) disorders. (DEC0#)

    S(=*ta)' "'lat' i*o"'"

    8heories of addiction. (DEC0!)

    >iological basis of addiction.


    >rain re,arding path,ays to induce drug taop/"'ia

    >iological theories of schi%ophrenia.

    (&'N0) Farious genetic studies of

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    schi%ophrenia. (DEC0!) =enetics of

    schi%ophrenia. (DEC0" DEC2000)

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    Discuss the recent ad+ances in understanding of genetics of schi%ophrenia. (&'N02)

    hat do you understand by adoption studies3 Describe the di9erent design ofadoption studies ,ith special reference to schi%ophrenia. (DEC0-)

    Dopamine hypothesis of schi%ophrenia.

    (&'N02) Dopamine hypothesis. (DEC0)

    E+idence for and against dopamine theory of schi%ophrenia. (DEC06)

    Discuss recent theories of schi%ophrenia and describe in detail

    neurode+elopment theory. (DEC-!) Cerebellum in schi%ophrenia. (DEC0"


    hat are the current social theories of schi%ophrenia3

    (DEC0-) Fulnerability concept in schi%ophrenia. (DEC-6)

    Ancidence of schi%ophrenia. (DEC-)

    Discuss negati+e symptoms in schi%ophrenia and their

    management. (DEC06) Late onset schi%ophrenia. (&'N-#)

    Discussthe prognosticfactorsand +ariousoutcomes of schi%ophrenia.

    (2012) Neurocogniti+e function in schi%ophrenia. (DEC0#)

    Cogniti+e dysfunction in schi%ophrenia. (Gun0)

    Discuss the recent de+elopments in the understanding of cogniti+e

    dysfunctions in schi%ophrenia. (DEC01)

    Describethe role of clo%apine in treatmentof schi%ophrenia"its ris

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    Discuss the psychopathology of depression. (DEC--)

    hat is the relationshipbet,een immune systemand the $*ais3Describeimmune changesin depression and its clinical applications. (2016)

    Discuss the clinicalfeatures and managementof atypical depression. (2012)

    hatismasiological methods of mood

    disorders. (Gun0)

    /leep depri+ation in treatment of depression. (&'N0)

    $rinciples and techniBues of cogniti+e therapy in depression. (DEC01)

    A?i't! i*o"'"

    hat are the diagnosticfeaturesof generali%ed aniety disorder($AD)3Describe its courseandprognosis3 (2016)

    :rganic basis of aniety. (DEC0)

    Describe management of =enerali%ed *niety Disorder. (DEC0-)

    hat is a%o"ap/o=ia3Describebrie4yits pre+alence"comparati+e nosology andmanagementoutline. (2012" DEC2000)

    Describe +arious biological theories factors of etiology ofphobic

    disorder. (2010) Describe >io psychosocial" etiological factors

    operati+e in OCD. (DEC0-) >iological basis for obsessi+e

    compulsi+e disorder. (DEC0" &'N02" DEC01)

    De5ne treatment resistant obsessi+e compulsi+e disorder and discuss its

    management. (2011) Describe the nonpharmacological management

    ofobsessi+e compulsi+e disorders. (2010) Discussthe biological basis of pai)

    i*o"'". (2011)

    @anagement of panic disorders.

    (DEC0!) $ost traumatic stress

    disorder. (DEC0#)

    Discuss clinical features" di9erential diagnosis and managementof body

    dysmorphic disorder. (2016) Dysmorphophobia. (&'N-6)

    Di**o)iati9' 0i*o"0'"

  • 7/24/2019 Chapterwise Dnb Ques


    hatis con+ersiondisorder3 Describebrie4y the de+elopmentof the conceptinterms of history and its currentnosologicalstatus. (2012)

    Describethe +arious modelsdescribing etiology of con+ersion

    disorder. (2016) Critically e+aluate the current understanding of

    con+ersion hysteria. (DEC-6)

    ,hat is dissociati+eamnesia3 ,rite in brief aboutits clinical presentation"etiology and management. (2011)

    Somato4o"m 0i*o"0'"

    rite about somatoform pain disorder and its

    management. (2011) Chronic pain syndrome. (DEC


    hat is somaticsymptomdisorder3Describeclinical features and managementof

    somaticsymptom disorder.(2016)

    hat is Chronic7atigue /yndrome (C7/)3hatare correlates3 o, ,ill youtreat a ladysu9eringfromC7/3 (2016)

    Chronic fatigue syndrome. (DEC0" &'N02)

    hat is @unchausens syndrome by proy ; describe its clinical presentation; its management. (DEC0-)

    Eati% i*o"'"

    Eating disorderscauses and management.

    (DEC0#) *noreia Ner+osa. (DEC0" Gun06)

    hat is anoreia ner+osa3rite in brief aboutits clinical features" etiology"complications and management. (2011)

    *ssessment of outcome in *noreia Ner+osa. (&'N0)

    hat is >ulimia Ner+osa3 Describe its etiology and management.

    Sl''p i*o"'"

    De5ne sleep. Describe +arious stages of sleep. Discuss neurobiology of sleepand ,a

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    S'?(al 0!*4()tio

    Enumerate+arious paraphilias and,riteany one in detail. (2011)

    Name+arious stagesof the seual responsecycle. Describe +ery brie4y the

    disorders associated,ith di9erent stages. (2016)

    Erectile dysfunction and its treatment.

    (DEC0) $remature eGaculation. (DEC


    *etiology of secondary seual dysfunctions.

    (&'N-) Ampotency in a male aged 0

    years. (&'N-2) P'"*oalit! 0i*o"0'"*

    =i+e an account of psychoanalytic (7reudian) theory of personality.

    (DEC-2)8emperament. (DEC-)

    Classify personality disorders. Discuss in brief the management of antisocialpersonality disorder. (2010)

    Describe the management of >orderline personality disorder ; ho, do theclinical impact the management. (DEC0-)

    De5ne personality. Describe brie4y types of psychological tests to assesspersonality disorders. (DEC -#)

    Critically e+aluate tools of personality assessment. (DEC0)

    Imp(l*' )ot"ol i*o"'"

    8richotillomania and its Non pharmacological management. (DEC0!" &'N01)


    8heories of psychosomatic disorders. (DEC02)

    Enumerate +arious lifestyle ris< factors in relation to psychosomatic disorders.Discuss clinical implication of each. (2012)

    Discuss psychological factors a9ecting coronary artery disease and discussmanagement. (DEC0#)

    Discuss pathophysiology a9ecting coronary artery disease and discuss

    management. (DEC0#)

    hat is 8ype * personality3 hat is its rele+ance in health andpsychosomatic disorders3 (2011" DEC0!)

    hat is 8ype C personality3 hat is its rele+ance in psychosomatic disorders

    and health3 (2010) Essential hypertension. (&'N-!)

    8ransient Aschemic attac

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    @itral +alue prolapse. (&'N-6)

    Discuss the symptoms" comorbidity and treatment of irritable bo,el

    syndrome. (2012) Arritable bo,el syndrome. (DEC0)

    De5ne obesity and its measurement. hat are its related psychiatric

    issues3 (2016) Describe ris< factors ; principles of management of

    obesity. (DEC0-)

    :besity. (&'N02)

    hat is the relationship bet,een stress and diabetes3 Discuss therelationship bet,een diabetes and psychiatric disorders. (2010)

    /eual problems in diabetics.

    (&'N-6)8hyroid crisis. (&'N01)

    Cushings syndrome. (&'N

    01)/heehans syndrome.



    $heochromocytoma. (DEC



    Describe relation bet,een emotion ; cancer. hat psychological interactioncan modify the outcome in cancer patients3 (DEC0-)

    $sychosomatic disorders in s de5ciency. (DEC-2)

    ,hat is berea+ement3 hat are the stages of normal berea+ement process3rite in brief about complicated berea+ement. (2011)

    =rief and berea+ement. (DEC01)

    Eecuti+e /tress /yndrome. (&'N

    -2)hat are berea+ement" grief and mourning3 Describe the stages of grief andtheir clinical rele+ance (2016)

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    Describe grief. Describe di9erent phase of grief.(DEC

    0-) $athological grief. (DEC0)

    $sychiatric issues related to organ transplant. (DEC0!)

    Discuss the psychological aspects of aetiology and treatment of

    terminally ill. (&'N-) ole of a psychiatrist in the management of

    the terminally ill. (&'N-)

    Co*(ltatio lia*o p*!)/iat"!

    Common consultationLiaison problems. (&'N--)

    ConsultationLiaison psychiatryits scope in medical and psychological disorders.(DEC0#)

    C(lt("' =o( *!"om'

    hat is culture3 o, doesit in4uence psychopathology3 Describebrie4yclinicalfeatures of a cultureboundsyndrome seen in india. (2016)

    Culture bound syndrome. (&'N2000)

    C/il p*!)/iat"!

    rite an essay on classi5cation of child psychiatry disorders in ACD

    103 (&'N-6) /peci5c learning disorders. (DEC0)

    De5ne speci5c de+elopmental disorders of sleep ; language ; describe any

    one of them. (DEC0-) De5ne dysleia. Describe its characteristic feature and

    management. (2012" DEC0!)

    Classify per+asi+e de+elopmental disorder according to D/@ AF. Discuss in briefthe clinical feature and management of autistic disorder. (2012)

    Classify ; Compare $er+asi+e de+elopment disorders. (DEC0!)

    Discuss aetiology" clinical features and managements of autistic

    disorder. (&'N2000) *utism. (DEC06)


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    Clinical features of *DD. (DEC0)

    8reatment of *ttention De5cit yperacti+ity Disorder.

    (&'N06) Non pharmacological management of

    *DD. (DEC0!)

    hat is conduct disorder3 Describe its clinical features and management inbrief3 (2010)@anagement of :ppositional De5ant Disorder. (Gun0)

    *ssessment of beha+ioural problems in children. (&'N02)

    hatis school refusal3 Describe the pharmacological ; non pharmacologicalmanagement of school refusal. (2011" 2016)

    /chool phobia(DEC0" DEC01) and its treatment. (DEC0)

    De5neand describeone eating disorderfound in children or adolescents. (2016)

    hat is selecti+e mutism3 Describe its clinical feature and management.

    (2012" DEC0#) Electi+e mutism. (DEC2000)

    De5ne nocturnar enuresis. Name its types. Discuss its pharmacological and nonpharmacological management. (2010" DEC02)

    Enuresis. (&'N01)

    /leep Disorder in children. (&'N-#)

    hat is child abuse3 hat are its subtypes3 hat may be the presentingfeatures" ,hich lead to high inde of suspicion. (2010)

    Amplications of child abuse ; neglect. (DEC0!)

    hat is child abuse3 Discuss its clinical presenting feature and

    management. (2012) /eparation aniety. (DEC02)

    /eparation aniety disorder of childhood. (&'N06)

    Describe the clinical features and managementof 8ourettes disorder. (2011)

    hatis =illes de la 8ourettes syndrome3Enlistcomorbid psychiatric conditionsin

    children,iththis disorder.rite salientpoints of its management. (2016)

    De5ne 8ourettes disorders ; its clinical features ; management.

    (DEC0-) Childhood depression. (DEC-#)

    rite an essay on psychiatric emergencies adolescents. (DEC--)

    $sychopharmacology in children. (DEC-2)

    -'tal "'ta"0atio

    *etiological classi5cation of mental retardation. (DEC0)

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    o, is intellectual disability de5ned3 o, is it di9erent from mentalretardation3 Discuss ,ith eamples.(2016)

    Concept of @ental retardation. (Gun

    0)7ragile O syndrome. (Gun0)

    @ental handicap. (Gun0)

    /er+ice of @ in community. (Gun0)

    Discuss the +arious genetic factors contributing to mental

    retardation. (&'N01) Classi5cation of mental retardation. (&'N06)

    De5ne pre+ention. Eplain brie4y the le+els of pre+ention. Discuss the role ofprimary pre+ention in mental retardation. (2012)

    $rimary" secondary and tertiary pre+ention of mental retardation.

    (DEC0#) @anagement of mild mental retardation. (DEC0)

    /elf help group of mental handicap. (&'N-6)


    hat is pharmacogenetics3Describe its research and implications in 8t ofpsychiatric disorders (2012)

    De5ne synaptic plasticity. o, is it rele+ant in the action of +arious

    psychotropic drugs3 *lso describe in brief its clinical implications. (2010)

    8herapeutic ,indo,. (DEC-6" DEC-)

    $harmacodynamic drugdrug interaction.

    (&'N-#) Drug interaction.(DEC0)


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    Describe clinical presentation of 8ardi+e dys

  • 7/24/2019 Chapterwise Dnb Ques


    Ot/'" t"'atm't m't/o*

    Discuss the role of r8@/ (epetiti+e8ranscranial@agnetic/timulation)in managementof psychiatricdisorders.(2012)

    Describe neurophysiological basis of EC8. (DEC

    0-) @echanism of action of EC8. (DEC0)

    Electrocon+ulsi+e therapy. (DEC0)

    EC8 de+ice and steps in administering EC8. (&'N-)


    hat is neuroimaging3 Name di9erent neuroimaging techniBues(DEC-#).Describe brie4y /$EC8/ and its application in psychiatry. (2011)

    Neuroimaging in psychiatry. (DEC0#)

    ole of follo,ing in psychiatryPC8 scan" @A" /$EC8"

    $E8.(DEC0) hat biochemical tests are important in

    psychiatry illness3 (DEC0) @olecular biological

    in+estigation. (DEC-)

    =enetic @arie4y discuss the management

    of a suicidalpatient. (2010" 2012)

    De5ne suicide ; its ris< factors. hat are the national suicide rates for Andia.

    (DEC0-) Epidemiological aspects of suicide. (DEC0!)

    $sychological basis of suicide. (DEC

    0#) Nonfatal deliberate selfharm.

    (&'N0) *ssessment of suicidal ris

  • 7/24/2019 Chapterwise Dnb Ques


    =enetics in suicide and impulsi+e beha+iour. (&'N06)

    Discuss di9erential diagnosis and management in a young married lady ,ithrepeated suicidal attempts. (DEC2000)

    /uicide $*C8. (&'N-!)

    rite an assay on suicide and deliberate selfharm in children and adolescents.

    (&'N-#) $henomenology of completed suicide. (&'N-6)


    Discuss in mental health legislations in Andia. hat are the future

    de+elopments3 (2012) hatis @ental ealth *uthority3Describe its

    functions. (2011" DEC0#" &'N01)

    De5ne ethics. Describe the principles and recommendation of indian psychiatricsociety mentioned under the code of ethics for psychiatrist. (2012" DEC--)

    Describe code of ethics for psychiatrists according to Andian $sychiatric

    /ociety. (DEC0-) Ethical issues in psychiatric practice. (DEC0)

    Ethical issues in organ transplant. (DEC-#)

    Describe the issue of con5dentiality in $sychiatry and +arious related special

    circumstances. (2011) Con5dentiality in psychiatric practice. (DEC-#)

    uman rights of the mentally ill.

    (DEC0) uman rights of

    mentally ill. (&'N02) Anformed

    consent. (DEC2000" DEC06)

    hat is informed consent3 Describe its components and importance in

    psychiatry. (2012" DEC0!) ight to refuse treatment. (DEC-)

    De5ne criminal responsibility. ,hat are the main criteria to establish it and ,hat

    is its rele+ance in psychiatry3 (2010" 2016" DEC0#)

    Critically responsibility of mental ill persons.

    (DEC-6) La,s relating to criminal

    responsibility. (&'N06) Ansanity as defence.

    (DEC0" &'N0" DEC06) Diminished

    responsibility. (&'N-)

    @ental ealth *ct. (DEC0!)

  • 7/24/2019 Chapterwise Dnb Ques


    Describe in detail about the +arious admission procedures under the @entatealth *ct 1-!#. (2010)

    rite brie4y the impro+ements as suggested in the pro+isions of @ental ealth*ct of 1-!# o+er the Andian Lunacy *ct of 1-12. (DEC01)

    hat is in+oluntary hospitali%ation3rite in detail about +arious procedures of

    in+oluntaryhospitali%ationunder the @*"1--#. (2011" DEC0)

    Compulsory detentions under @ental ealth *ct of 1-!#.

    (&'N-#) eception order. (DEC02)

    hat is testamentary capacity ; its components ; its importance in psychiatry.

    (DEC0-)8estamentary capacity. (&'N02)

    Falid ,ill as describe in Andian Lunacy *ct. (DEC-2)

    ND$/ act3 hat is the punishment pro+ision under the act. (DEC0-)

    hat is domestic+iolence3hat are the characteristics ofperpetrator ;psychiatric morbidity in +ictims in lndian contet3 (2011)

    hat is 5duciary relationship3 o, does it a9ect the pro+isions of the ight to

    lnformation *ct3 (2010)

    Consumer protection act.


    La, of 8orts. (&'N-)


    Describe the +arious components of rehabilitation in psychiatry. hat are the+arious techniBues used in psychiatric rehabilitation3 (2012)

    Describe +arious components of rehabilitation in psychiatry. ,hat are the maGortechniBues used in the process3 (2010)

    $sychiatric rehabilitation and its +arious techniBues. (DEC

    0!) ehabilitation of chronic mental patients in the

    community. (DEC0) CO--UNIT. PS.CHIATR.

    hat is Community $sychiatry3 hat are its types and basic tenets3 (2011)

    hat is community $sychiatry3o, ,ill you organi%e and re+ie, mental health

    ser+ices in a community3 (2016)

    $rinciples of community psychiatry. (DEC0!)

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    @anagement of psychiatric disability in community.

    (DEC0) Community psychiatry in Andia. (DEC


    $sychiatric inter+ention in disaster. (DEC0)

    hat factors initiated community psychiatry3 Describe ho, it ,as adapted toAndian conditions. (2010)

    hat are the le+els of pre+ention and de5ne them3 Describe the role oftertiary pre+ention in psychiatry. (2010)

    $rimary pre+ention. (DEC0!" DEC0)

    $re+ention of psychiatric disorders.


    $rofessional manpo,er reBuirements in psychiatry in Andia. (DEC0)

    Discuss the magnitudeof mental health problemsandresources in

    lndia.(2016) $sychiatry in =eneral $ractice. (Gun0)

    /chool mental health. (DEC-)

    8herapeutic community. (&'N-!)



    hat is national mental health programme3 hat are its obGecti+e/3 hat arethe steps tarie4y discuss hospice care and euthanasia. (2012)

    Describe di9erent types of pain. rite brie4y about hospice care ; euthanasia.(DEC0-)

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    hat is +iolentbeha+ior3 o, does it di9er fromcriminalbeha+ior3 Describebrie4ycausesof +iolent beha+ior. (2016)

    rite an essay on the associated bet,een crime and psychiatric

    disorders. (DEC-#) *ssessment of danger in a psychiatric patient.


    is< assessment in psychiatry. (DEC06)

    hat is ADE*/3 Describe its components and method of assessment. (2010)

    hatis disability3 o,is it assessedin $sychiatryin lndia3Describe brie4ythebene5tsa+ailablefor disabled psychiatric patients in lndia. (2016)

    Disability. (DEC0!)

    Describe clinicalpresentation"nosological status and management ofpremenstrual dysphoric disorder (2016" DEC0#)

    $remenstrual dysphoric disorders. (DEC-)

    Describe >io psychosocial model of disease ; its rele+ance in

    psychiatry. (DEC0-) Discuss the >io psychosocial model of

    psychiatric illness ,ith a case eample. (&'N-#)

    @aternal depri+ation.

    (DEC0#)$arenting. (DEC


    @aternal depri+ation. (DEC0)

    @otherhood and mental illness.


    hat is e+idence based medicine3o, is it practiced3 Describe the +arious

    steps in+ol+ed in its practice ,ith eample. (2010" 2012)

    hat do you understand by comorbidity3 Discuss its rele+ance in

    $sychiatry3 (2010) Describe the role of physical eercise in the

    treatmentof psychiatric disorders. (2016)

    Describe a planning cycle to organi%e research for mental health ser+ices in acommunity. (DEC0-)

    $sychotic disorders due to general medical conditiondiscuss aetiology"diagnosis and management. (DEC0#)

    alf,ay home. (DEC

    06)Day care centre.


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    =ifted child. (&'N2000)

    : Buality of life scale. (&'N06)

    ecent concepts of consciousness.

    (&'N06) /tigma of mental illness. (&'N


    Quality of life concept as applied to the 5eld of psychiatry.

    (DEC01) $sychological aspects of adoption. (DEC2000)

    =ender and mental illness.



    yper+entilation syndrome.


    Discuss the basic principle of classi5cation of mental disorders. hat arethe commonalities and di9erences bet,een D/@AF and ACD10 of :.


    Anstitutional neurosis. (DEC-!)

    =eneral ealth Questionnaire (=Q).

    (&'N-#) Quality *ssurance. (&'N-#)

    Assues in treatment noncompliance.

    (DEC-)E9ects of sensory

    depri+ation. (DEC-) Ethography;

    psychiatry. (DEC-6)*dministrati+e

    $sychiatry. (&'N-2)