chea! more about me


Upload: kellieboer

Post on 26-Jun-2015




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  • 1. PERSONAL PAGE I was born in Lyons, SD to my proud parents Pam and Wayne Boer. I joined the family as the only baby girl alongside my two big brothers. Naturally growing up with two older brothers I was an instant tom-boy.

2. Traveling Playing and watching all sports Dirt Biking, Four Wheeling, and Snowmobiling Scrapbooking Reading the Harry Potter books I love anything to get the blood pumping! 3. PP&K is a competition of skill and accuracy. Each competitor gets three chances to throw, kick and punt the ball as far and straight as they can. When I was 8 years old I won the local competition and was given the chance to compete at the Dakota Dome. I advanced to the next round and earned the honor to compete at the Vikings Metradome. I got to meet all of the players and sit right behind them for the football game. It was an experience of a lifetime. 4. Click to watch me Flying on the Rip- Cord 5. High School State Volleyball 2006 6. Zip lining in Las Vegas 7. PROFESSIONAL GOALS Obtain a Bachelor Degree in Physical Education with a minor in Health Obtain a Masters of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Become a physical education teacher. Become a successful high school coach. 8. IN 10 YEARS In ten years I hope to have my own house and family somewhere in the country. I also hope to stay here in South Dakota and teach at a smaller A or B school. I want to be involved with the girls basketball and volleyball teams at that high school.