who killed chea vichea

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  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea

    1/72Rory McLaughlin | Kaung Hla Zan | Rich Garella

    An investigation into the assassination of a Cambodianlabour leader | vk yf BuH cH &aom uarÇ m'D ;,ef ; tvk yf orm;acgif ;aqmif

    taMumif ; pH kprf ;ppf aq;jcif ;

    S TUDENT W ORKBOOK WITH A NSWER K EY – E NGLISH AND M YANMAR | ausmif ;om;ud k if avh usif h cef ;ES ih f tajzrsm; - t*F vd yf ES ih f jref rm

    WHO KILLEDCHEA VICHEA?csDAcsD&mudk b,folowfovJ

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea

    3/72 CcsDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    CONTENTS | rmwdum Notes To Users 1

    ed'gef ; 21. Introduction 3

    1/ ½k yf &S if rdwf quf (ed 'gef ;) 4

    2. The Setting (00:00—10:49) 11 2/ Zmwfvrf ;pwif cif;usif ;jcif ; 123. The Suspects (10:49–35:02) 19

    3/ pGJ csuf wifcH &ol rsm; 204. The Law (35:02–46:31) 27

    4/ Oya' 285. Why Was Chea Vichea Killed? (46:31–55:27) 35

    5/ csD AcsD&m bmaMumih f vkyf BuH cHcJ J h &ygovJ/ 366. Update: August 2014 45

    6/ 2014 ck ESpf Mo*k wf vtxd jzpf ay: ajymif;vJ rI rsm; 46

    Answers 51 tajzrsm; 52

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    TO THE TEACHER AND THE STUDENTThis booklet contains student worksheets and answers to accompanythe documentary Who Killed Chea Vichea? .

    The worksheets are organised into six chapters. Chapter one providesa brief background to the story and the next four chapters deal withdifferent sections of the film. The time (from start to finish) of eachsection is shown in the title of each chapter in minutes and seconds.The final chapter is an update of events that have happened since 2010,

    when the film was made.

    Each chapter has "key words", which are important words from the worksheets or the documentary. If the key words are in the worksheets,they are in bold , so that you can check their meaning quickly.

    TO THE TEACHER Structure of the WorksheetsThe worksheets contain a number of tools to help students understandthe documentary and to help you guide discussions.

    Before you watch A discussion or prediction activity to getstudents thinking about the next section of the film.

    important ideas Short explanations of the some of the mostimportant concepts for that section of the documentary.

    key words Simple definitions of some of the more difficult wordsused in the documentary and teaching notes.

    comprehension and discussion activities To help studentsunderstand the events in the film, form opinions about it and relate it totheir own experience.

    extension activities Optional activities that support discussionabout some of the issues raised in the film.

    Encourage students to carry out further internet research on this topicif possible. A good place to start is the website of the documentary –


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    5/72 2csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    csD AcsD &mud k b,fol owf ovJ / þpmtk yf i,f wG if avh vmoif,l ol rsm;twG uf avh usih f cef ;pm&G uf rsm; oH k ;um ]csD AcsD &mudk b,f ol owf ovJ } [l onf h rSwf wrf ;½k yf &S if udk Munh f½Iavh vmEk d if &ef jyKpkxm;ygonf/

    avh usih f cef ;pm½G uf rsm;ud k tcef ; (6) cef ; tjzpf cG J jcm;xm;onf/ tcef ; (1) wG if Zmwf vrf ;\ aemuf cH ork d if ;aMumif ;ud k tusOf ; wif jyonf/ xk d Y aemuf quf vuf yg&S d onf h tcef ; (4) cef ; wG if rS wf wrf ;½k yf &S if \ tyk d if ; (4) yk dif ;uk d wpf yk d if ;pD Munh f ½I Ek d if &ef wif jyxm;onf/ tcef ; wpf cef ;pD\ acgif ;pnf ;ykd if ;wG if xk dtcef ;rS yg&S daom ½k yf &S iftyd k if ;\ pcsdefESihf qH k ;csd ef rd epf? puúef Y rsm; xnh f oGif ; ay;xm;onf/ aemuf qH k ; tcef ;onf ½k yf &S if ½k d uf ul ;NyD ;csd ef 2010 ck ES pf rS ,aeY tcsd ef xd rnf ok d Y ajymif ;vJ jzpf ay:aeNyD jzpfaMumif ;udk wif jyxm;onf/

    avhusih f cef ;rsm; pk pnf; wnf aqmuf yH k avh usih f cef ;pm½G ufrsm;wGif ausmif ;om;rsm;taeES ih f þrS wf wrf ;½k yf &S if udk em;vnf ap&ef ESih f oifMum;ol q&m^rrsm;taeES ih f aqG;aEG;csufrsm;udk OD ;aqmif xdef ;ausmif ;Ek dif &ef vkd tyf onf h t&mrsm; xnhf oG if ; ul nDxm;ygonf/

    ½k yf &S ifrMunf h rD - ausmif ;om;rsm;u ½k yf &S if \ aemuf vmrnf h tyd k if ;udk pOf ;pm;vmrdap&ef

    aqG ;aEG ;jcif; cef YrS ef ;jcif ; ponf h vkyf aqmif csuf rsm; od xm;&rnf h ta&;ygaom t,l tq^t"d yÜ m,f rsm; - ½k yf &S if vmrnf h tyk d if ;wG if ta&;ygaom t,l tqrsm;udk NcH KiH k &S if ;vif;csuf rsm;

    tar;tajzrsm;ES ih f aqG ;aEG;csuf rsm; - ausmif ;om;rsm;u ½k yf &Sif xJ rS tjzpftysufrsm;udk yk drk d em;vnf Ek d if atmif? xif jrif csuf rsm; ay;Ek d if atmif ES ih f rd rd wd k Y vuf awG Ub0 tawG UtBuH Krsm;ES ih f quf pyf pOf ;pm;wwf ap&ef axmuf yH h Edk if &ef vk yf ief ;rsm;

    aemuf qufwGJ vk yf ief ;pOfrsm; - ½k yf&S if rS jrif vm&aom udpö &yf jyóemrsm;taMumif;uk d aqG ;aEG ;vk d u aqG ;aEG ;Ek d if &ef xnf hoG if ; ay;xm;aom vk yf ief ;pOf rsm;

    þ½k yf&S if taMumif ; yk d rd k od apa&;twG uf rdrd wk d Y ukd ,f wk d if tif wmeuf wG if &S mazG Munh fMu&ef ausmif;om;rsm;ud k wk duf wGef ;yg/ pwif &S mazG &ef tqifajyrnh f ae&mrS m þ½k yf&S if \ uk d,f yk d if pmrsuf ESm jzpf aomwww.whokilledcheavichea.com jzpfonf/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea



    Workers' rights: A group of legal rights about workers’ pay,benefts , and working conditions .Trade unions: Groups of workers who organise to protect andincrease workers’ rights.

    Key Wordsb ( ): advantages or good things

    ( ): a wri en agreement. Usually a legal document

    g ( ): clothes

    g ( ): the people who run the business or organisa on

    g ( ): to try to solve a problem or con ict by discussing it

    l g ( ): the amount of wealth and possessions someone has

    g ( ): the amount of money that a worker gets

    g ( ): the environment in a workplace, including stress andnoise levels, the amount of safety or danger, light, air, etc

    1. What do you know about Cambodia?2. What do you know about the Khmer Rouge?

    ~ Read the text box on the next page. Were your ideas correct?

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    7/72 4csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    1/ ½kyf&Sifrdwf quf (ed 'gef;)

    1/ uarÇm'D ;,m;Ek dif iH taMumif ;ud k bmawG od xm;ygovJ/

    2/ crmeD taMumif ;ud k bmawG odxm;ygovJ/

    ~ wpf zuf pmrsuf ES mrS pmom;ud k zwf½Iyg/ rd rd awG ;xifcJ h onf wk d Y rS ef uef ygovm;/

    od xm;&rnfh ta&;ygaom t,l tq^t"d yÜ m,f rsm; tvkyform; tcGihfta&;/ /Oya't& tvkyform;rsm; &ykdifcGihf&Sdao tusd K;cH pm;cG ih f? vk yf ief ;cGif tajctae owf rSwf csuf rsm; paom tcG ih f ta&;wpf pk uk d ac:a0:jcif ; jzpf onf /

    ukefoG,frI toif ;/ /xk dtoif ;rsm;rS m tvkyform;tcG ihf ta&;rsm;udk apmihf a&Smuf jr§ ih f wif &ef tvk yf orm;rsm;u zG J Upnf ;xm;aom toif ;tzGJ Ursm; jzpf onf/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    What Was the Khmer Rouge?The Khmer Rouge was a communistgroup led by Pol Pot. They took overthe capital of Cambodia, PhnomPenh, on April 17, 1975. They forcedpeople out of the cities and into thecountryside. The whole country became a labour camp. They killedanyone who was they thought wasagainst them in thekilling felds. They killed professionals and almosteveryone with an education. During the Khmer Rouge years, between 1.7

    million and three million people (20-35% of the population) were killed ordied from starvation or disease.

    3. What do you know about the Cambodian garment industry? ~ Use the facts in the box to explain how important the garmentindustry is to Cambodia’s economy.

    • There are over 200 garment factories in Cambodia, mostly in PhnomPenh.

    • Over 270,000 people work in the garment industry in Cambodia.• 65% of the country’s manufacturing workers are in the garment industry.• The amount of wealth created by the garment industry increased from 1.3

    percent of GDP in 1995 to 15.9 percent in 2006.

    4. What do you think the working conditions are like in Cambodianfactories?~ List your ideas.

    ~ Compare what you wrote to the information in the box on the nextpage.

    What was the same? What was different?Compare these to conditions in factories in your country.

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    9/72 6csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    3/ uarÇm'D;,m; txnftvdyf vkyfief;

    taMumif ;ud k bmod xm;ygovJ/ ~ wpf zuf yg tcsuftvufrsm;udk

    toH k ;jyKNyD ; txnf tvd yf vk yf ief ; onf uarÇm'D;,m;\ EkdifiHh pD ;yG m;a&; twG uf rnf rQ ta&;yg Ek d if aMumif ; &S if ;jyyg/

    4/ uarÇm'D;,m;EkdifiHrS ukefxkwfpuf½kH rsm; \ vkyfief;cGif tajctaersm; rnf ok d U &S d rnf [k xif ygoenf ;/

    ~ rdrd wk dY awG;jrif ,l qcsufrsm;udk pm&if ; jyKpkyg/

    ~ atmuf yg pmom;twG if ;rS tcsuf tvuf rsm; ES ih f rd rd a&;om;xm;onfh tcsuf rsm;

    ud k ,S OfMunh f yg/ rnf onf wk d Y wl nD oenf ;/ rnfonf wk d Y uG J jym;oenf;/ rd rdEk d if iHwG if ;rS puf ½H k rsm;\ vk yf ief ;cG if tajctaersm;ES ih f Ed I if ;,S Of Munh f yg/

    • uarÇ m'D ;,m;wGif txnftvd yf puf&Hk 200 ausmf &S d NyD ; trsm;pk rS m zEGrf ;yifwG if wnf&S d Muonf/ • vl aygif ; 270 000 ausmf rQ xk d vkyf ief ; ud k vk yf udk if Muonf/ • Ek d if iH uk ef xk wf vk yf om;rsm;\ 65% rSm txnftvd yf vk yf ief ;rS jzpf onf/

    txnf tvd yf vkyf ief ;rS &&Sd aom Ek d if iH

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    The Lives of Cambodia's Factory Workers

    • Cambodian law says that workers must earn at least US $65 a month,though some employers pay much less than this.

    • According to the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, this wage is notenough for workers to have a goodstandard of living .

    Some factories force their workers to work very long hours.• Some factories do not have equipment to protect their employees fromdangerous machines and also do not provide training on how to use them.

    • Some factories are dirty and the air supply can be very bad.• Even though there are laws to protect the rights of workers, these laws

    only apply to long-term contracted employees. Employers often avoidthese laws by using short-termcontracts .

    5. What are workers' rights?6. What rights do workers have?

    ~ Brainstorm some rights that you think workers should have.~ What rights do you think garment workers have in Cambodia?

    ~ Look at the box on the next page and check your answers.

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    11/72 8csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    5/ tvk yform;tcG ih f ta&;qk d onf rS m tb,f enf ;/ 6/ tvk yform;rsm;wGif rnf onf h tcG ih f ta&; &yd k if cG if h rsm; &S d oenf ;/

    ~ tvkyform;rsm; &&Sdoihfonfxifonfh tcGihfta&;rsm;udk pOf;pm xif jrifcsuf rsm;ukd oif yk ef;ay:wG if a&;yg/

    ~ uarÇ m'D;,m;\ txnfcsKyfpuf ½Hk tvkyf orm;rsm;taeESihf xk dtcGihfta&;rsm;rS rnf onf wk d Y ud k &&S d aeonf xif ygoenf ;/

    ~ wpf zuf yg pmyk d 'f udk zwf NyD ; rd rd ajzqk d xm;onf rsm;rS ef? rrS ef jyef ppf yg/

    uarÇ m'D ;,m;Ed k if iH puf½H k tvk yf orm;rsm;\ b0

    • uarÇ m'D;,m;Ek d ifiH Oya't& tvk yf orm;rsm;onf tenf ;qH k ; tar&d uefa':vm 65 a':vm &&Sd&rnf[k owfrSwfxm;onf/ okdYaomf tcsdKUtvkyf&

    xk d Y atmuf rsm;pG m avQmh ay;aeMuonf/ • uarÇ m'D ;,m;vl Y tcG ihf ta&;A[kd \ tqk d t& tqkd yg vpmyif vQif tvk yf orm;rsm; twG uf aumif ;rG ef pG m aexkd if Ek d if &ef rjzpf Ek d ifao;yg/ • tcsd KUpuf ½k H rsm;rSm tvk yform;rsm;udk em&Daygif ;rsm;pG m twif ;tMuyf tvkyf apck dif ; Muonf/ • tcsd KUpuf ½k H rsm;onf tvkyf orm;rsm;uk d tEå &m,f rsm;aom puf BuD ;rsm; udk if wG ,f &m wG if vk d tyf aom tuG ,f tum ud &d ,mrsm;ud k ay;tyf jcif ; r&S d ovk d? toH k ;jyKyH k ud k vnf ; oif wef ;ay;jcif; r&S d yg/ • tcsd KUpuf ½k H rsm;rSm oef Y &S if ;rI r&S d? av0if avxG uf raumif ;/ • tvk yf orm;tcGih f ta&;ud k tumtuG ,f ay;xm;aom Oya'rsm;&S d yif &S d jim;? ¤if ;wd k Y rS m tjrJ wrf ; 0ef xrf ;rsm;twG uf om jzpf &m? tvk yf &S if rsm;u 0ef xrf ;rsm;ud k umvwk d pmcsKyfrsm;om csKyf jcif ;jzihf xk d Oya'rsm;udk a&S mifMuonf/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    Garment Workers' Rights underCambodian Labour Law• 15 as the minimum working age• clean, healthy and safeworking

    conditions • one and a half days holiday per month• no more than 48 hours of work per week• maternity leave: women who have

    recently given birth can take time offwork (including 90 days with full pay)

    • no discrimination based on age, gender,

    ethnicity, religion, or political beliefs• the right to join a trade union

    7. Is it the same in your country? ~ Which of these rights do workers have in your country? ~ Which do you think are the most important?

    ~ Are these rights all respected? Why or why not?

    Extension Activities: Trade Unions

    1. What do trade unions do?

    2. Do workers need trade unions? Why?

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    13/72 10csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    txnfcsKyf puf ½H k tvk yf orm;rsm;twG uf uarÇ m'D ;,m;Ed k if iH \ tvkyf orm;Oya' • 15 ES pfjynf h rS om tvk yf vk yf cG ih f &S d onf /

    • oefY &Sif;rI&Sdaom? usef;rma&;udk rxdckdufap aom? tEå&m,fuif;aom ywf0ef;usifwGif tvk yf vk yf &rnf/ • wpfvvQif ydwf&uf wpf&ufcGJ cHpm;cGihf &S donf/

    • wpfywfvQif tvkyfvkyfcsdef 48 em&D rausmf ap&/

    • rD;zGm;cGihf/ /rD;zGm;NyD;p tvkyform;rsm; uav;ukd apmihfa&SmufEk dif&ef &uf aygif; 90 vpmtjynf h cH pm;cG ih f &S d onf /

    • touft&G,ft&? usm;^r jzpfjcif ;t&? vlrsdK;? bmom? Edk ifiHa&;,Hk MunfrI rsm;ud k tajccH NyD ; cG Jjcm;quf qH cH &jcif ; r&S d ap&/

    • uk ef oG ,f rI tvk yf orm;toif ;ud k toif ;0if cG ih f &S d onf /

    7/ rd rd Ek d if iH wG if vnf ; xk d enf ;wl jzpfygovm;/

    ~ rd rdEk d if iHwG if txuf yg tcG ih fta&;wk d Y rS rnf onf wk d Y ukd &&S d aeygoenf ;/~ rnf onh f t&mrsm;ud k ta&;tBuD ;qH k ;[k xif ygoenf ;/~ tqkdyg tcGihfta&;rsm;udk av;pm;rI &&SdMuonf xifygovm;/

    twG uf aMumifh enf ;/

    aemufquf wG J vk yf ief ;pOf rsm;/ /uk ef oG ,f rI toif ; (tvk yform;tzG J Ursm;)

    1/ uk ef oG ,f rI (tvk yf orm;) toif ;rsm;u rnf onfwk d Y ud k aqmif&G uf ygoenf;/

    2/ tvk yf orm;rsm;taeES ih f tqk d yg toif ;tzG J Ursm; vk d tyf ygovm;/ tb,f h aMumif h enf ;/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea



    Coalition government: A government made from more thanone political party. When no party gets enough votes to be thegovernment alone, diferent political parties negotiate and make anagreement about how the power will be shared. When these partiescannot agree, this is called deadlock .

    Key Wordsb g ( ): a person, or group of people, who protect someone

    ( ): someone who ghts for or defends the rights of someoneelse

    ( ): a military or police leader ( ): to try to do something be er than others

    ( ): someone who points out what is bad or wrong about something ( ): to control, to be the most powerful

    l g ( j): becoming less powerful or successful

    ( ): a high-level part of the government ( ): a poli cal party that is compe ng to be in government

    l ( ): the place where poli cians discuss and make new laws ( j): important or well-known

    ( ): to say no, or not agree to do something.l ( j, ): suppor ve of a king or queen

    l g ( ): the poli cal party that is currently in government ( j): feeling that something is good enough


    1. Which of the things discussed in the last section will be important in thisdocumentary?

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    15/72 12csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    2/ Zmwf vrf ;pwifcif ;usif ;jcif ; (00;00 - 10;49)

    ½k yf &S if rMunhf rD 1/ aemuf qk H ; aqG ;aEG ;cJ h onf h rnfonf h taMumif ;t&mrsm;u ½k yf &Sif xJ wG if ta&;yg vmyg

    oenf ;/

    od xm;&rnfh ta&;ygaom t,l tq^t"d yÜ m,f rsm; nG ef Y aygif ; tpk d ;&tzG J U/ /Ek d ifiH a&;ygwD wpf ygwD xuf yk d NyD ; yl ;aygif; zG J Upnf;xm;aom tpkd;&wpf&yfudk qkdvkdonf/ tpkd;&wpf&yftjzpf owfrSwf a&G;c rJta&twGufudk rnfonhf ygwD rS r&&Sdaomtcg? ygwDtcsdKUu yl;aygif;v tpkd;&wpf&yfzGJUum rnfokdY cGJa0tkyfcsKyfrnfudk oabmwlM

    xdk tajctaersd K;wG if ygwDrsm; oabmrwl ygu rJ ta&twGuf rjynf hrD í rnf onh f ygwD rS tpkd ;& rzG J UEk dif jzpf NyD ; rwk d ;om rqk wf om tajctae jzpf ay:vmwwfonf/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea



    The Political Context 2. Three parties were competing in the 2003 election; The Sam Rainsy

    Party, Funcinpec and the Cambodian People’s Party. Which quote isabout each party?

    . ____________

    “[He] was of

    garment workers and thepoor, an aggressive of the government and a

    defender of human rights.”

    b. ____________

    “Also compe ng

    was PrinceNorodom

    Ranariddh and hisl g l


    . ____________

    “[They] had a lock on

    power g themedia… the police, themilitary, the elec oncommission and all


    Hun Sen

    3. Who is Hun Sen?4. Why do you think he calls himself the "strong


    Hun Sen

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    17/72 14csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    10:49 txd Munh fNyD; ar;cG ef ;rsm;udk ajzqd k yg/

    Ed k ifiHa&;tcif;tusif ; 2/ a½G ;aumuf yGJ wGif ygwD oHk;ck 0ifa&muf ,SOf NydKifMuonf/ qrf&ef ZDygwD? zlpifyufES ihf

    uarÇm'D ;,m; jynfolUygwDwkdYjzpfonf/ rnfonfh ajymqkdcsuf rSm rnfonfh ygwD uk d &nf ½G ,f ajymqk d jcif ; jzpf oenf;/

    [ef qef ; 3/ [ef qef ;u rnfol jzpf ygovJ/

    4/ [efqef;u tb,faMumifh rdrdudk,fukd vloefBuD;[k ac:ygovJ/


    ol u txnf csKyf puf ½H k tvk yf orm;awG?

    qif ;&J om;awG twG uf wu,f

    tm;udk ;tm;xm;&olyg/ tpk d ;&ud k vnf ; &J&J 0H h 0Hh

    a0zef &J ol jzpf NyD ; vl Y tcGih f ta&;awG uk d umuG ,f ay;wJ h ol

    jzpf ygw,f/


    a&G ;aumuf yG JxJ u aemuf wpf OD ;u rif ;om; Ek d ½k d 'G ef &memvf &fyg/

    bk &ih f aemuf awmf ygawG eJ Y zG J Uxm;wJh

    cyf ,J h,J h ygwD udk OD;aqmif ol yg/


    'D ygwD u tmPmuk d tyd k if ,l xm;wmyg/

    rD 'D ,mud k vnf ; vT rf;rk d;Ek d if ygw,f/ &J wyf zG J U? ppf wyf?

    a&G ;aumuf yGJ aumf r&S if eYJ ta&;ygwJ h 0ef BuD ;Xme tm;vHk ;ud k xdef ;csKyf xm;

    Ekd if ygw,f/

    [ef qef ;

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    The 2003 Election5. What were the results of the election?

    6. What is the relationship between Chea Vichea and the Sam Rainsy party?

    7. Why was Chea Vichea planning a demonstration?8. Why were Chea Vichea’s plans for large demonstrations "bad news" for

    the government?

    Chea Vichea: "Wesupport the Sam RainsyParty and the Sam RainsyParty supports us."

    Son Chhay (Member ofParliament): "If [Vichea] wished tohave a demonstra on of more than

    10,000 people, he’s able to do thatstraight away and this is not a goodthing that government would like tohappen."

    Chea Vichea: "We telleverybody clearly we will makedemonstra on or supportdemonstra on of the SamRainsy Party if they are notsatisfied with the results of theelec on."

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    19/72 16csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    csDAcsD&m/ /uRefawmfwkdYu tm;vHk;udk &Sif;&Sif;ajymw,f/ uRefawmfwkdYu qE ́jyrS m 'grS r[k wf qE ́jyyG J awG ud k ul nD axmuf yH h rS m/ wu,f vk d Y qrf &ef ZD ygwD u a&G;aumufyGJ &v'fawGudk auseyfrI r&S d &ifajymwm/

    qG efacs (ygvDreftrwf)/ /wu,f vk dY ol u vlwpfaomif; qE´xGufjyMur,fa[hqkd&if

    csufcsif; vlwpfaomif;xGufNyD; qE´jy v r,f / tpk d ;&u 'D vk d udpö rsd K;uk d awmh enf ;enf ; av; rS Bud Kuf rS m r[k wf bl ;/

    2003 ck ESpf a&G ;aumuf yJ G 5/ a&G ;aumuf yG J rS rnf ok d Y &v'f xG ufvmygoenf ;/ wif ;cH xm;Mu onf /

    6/ qrf &efZD ygwD ES ih f csDAcsD &mwk d Y tMum; rnf ok d Y ywfouf rI &S d ygoenf ;/

    7/ csD AcsD &mu tb,f h aMumih f qE ́jyyGJ vk yf &ef jyif aeygoenf ;/ 8/ csD AcsD &m\ qE´jyyG J udk tpk d ;&u tb,f aMumih f rESpf ouf jcif ; jzpf ygoenf ;/

    csDAcsD&m/ /uRefawmfwkdYu qrf&efZD

    &J YygwD udk axmufyhH ulnD NyD ; qrf&efZD &JU ygwDu uRefawmfwkdYudk jyef axmuf yH h ul nD&ygw,f/

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    Death Threats9. Why do you think Vichea received threats

    against his life?

    10. Why do you think the police told him that heshould leave the country?

    Extension Activities: Democracy in Cambodia

    1. The CPP has won several elections. Does that mean Cambodia is ademocracy?2. The ruling party in Cambodia (the CPP) has been in power for a

    long time. Is it a problem if a government is run by the same peoplefor a very long time? Why or why not?

    Khem Veasna, President of Cambodia's League for Democracy Party, speaking.

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    21/72 18csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    aemufquf wGJ vk yf ief ;pOf rsm;/ /uarÇm'D ;,m;ES if h 'D rkd ua&pD

    11/ pDyDyDu a&G;aumufyGJaygif;rsm;pGmudk atmifjrifvmcJhon uarÇ m'D ;,m;ed k if iHonf 'D rk d ua&pD ES ih f tk yf csKyfonf [k qk d vk d ygovm;/

    12/ tmPm&ygwD pDyDyDu EkdifiHudk tkyfcsKyfaeonf rSm umv MumjrihfNyD jzpfon tpk d ;&tzG J Uud k vl rajymif ;bJ tcsd ef Mumjrih f pG m tk yf csKyf jcif ;rS m jyóemjzpf Ed k if ygovm;/ tb,f aMumih fenf;/

    uarÇm'D ;,m;Ed kif iH 'D rdk ua&pD ygwD \ Ouú X crf;AD oem pum;ajymMum;aepOf

    Ncd rf;ajcmufrI rsm; 9/ csD AcsD &mu tb,f h aMumifh touf ud k Ncdrf ;ajcmuf aom

    pmrsm; &&S d cJ h onf xif ygoenf ;/

    10/ &J tzG J Uu csD AcsD &mud k tb,f aMumif h Ek d if iHrS xGuf cG moG m; oif haMumif ; ajymonf [k xif ygoenf ;/

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    3. THE SUSPECTS (10:49 – 35:02)IMPORTANT IDEAS

    A fair trial: One in which the court respects the rights of the peoplebeing tried and follows the rules of the legal system. The judge mustbe impartial (unbiased), independent (not controlled or in uencedby others), and competent (able to do his or her job well).Political asylum: When someone is allowed to live in another countrybecause they are afraid they will be harmed for political reasons intheir home country.

    Key Words ( ): money or other resources which are given (or some mes lent) byone country to another

    l b ( ): a story told by an accused person to show that they weresomewhere else at the me of the crime.

    ( ): when someone legally admits that they are guilty of acrime

    ( ): to legally break the rela onship between a family memberand the rest of the family evidence (n): informa on used to decide ifsomeone is innocent or guilty

    l - l l ( ): police o cers who wear normal clothing ( ): someone who the police think might have commi ed a crime

    ( ): to say what you saw or heard (give evidence) in court ( ): a person who sees an event, usually a crime or accident

    BEFORE YOU WATCH: ~ Discuss the question. Think about the question while you watch, andcheck your answer.

    1. Why did the police think it was so important to arrest someone quickly?

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    23/72 20csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    3/ pGJ csuf wif cH &olrsm; (10;49 - 35;02)

    rS wf wrf ;½kyf &S if udk rMunh frD

    ~ ausmif;om;rsm;udk ½kyf&SifrMunhfrDwGif atmufyg ar;cGef;u pOf;pm;xm;&ef ajymyg/ vkdtyfygu ½kyf&SifMunfhtNyD;wGif aqG ;aEG ;yg/

    1/ tb,faMumifh &JtzG JUu wpfpH kwpfOD;udk tvsiftjref zrf;rd&ef tvGef ta&;Bu ygoenf ;/

    od xm;&rnfh ta&;ygaom t,ltq^t"yÜ g,f rsm; w&m;rQwaom Mum;emppf aq;rI/ /w&m;rQwaom Mum;emppf aq;rI qkd onfrSm w&m;½k H ;u ppf aq;jcif ;cH &aom vl rsm;\ vl Y tcG ih f ta&;ud k av;pm; tod trS wf jyKjcif ; ESihf Oya'u csrSwfxm;aom pnf;rsOf;pnf;urf;rsm;ESihftnD vkyfaqm qkdvkdonf/ xkdYtjyif w&m;olBuD;onf bufvkdufrI r&Sd? MudK;uk

    vT rf ;rk d ;cH&rI uif ;jyD ; rdrd wm0ef uk d ausyG efatmif xrf ;aqmif Ed k if ol jzpf &rnf/ EkdifiHa&; ckdvHIcGihf/ /rdrdEkdifiHwGif EdkifiHa&;tajctaet& tEå&m,f&Sdaeojzifh tjcm;wpff EdkifiHrS xkd ol ud k vma&muf aexkdifcG ifhjyKvd kufjcif;udk Ek dif iH a&;ck d vH I cGih f &&S d onf [k ac:onf/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea



    Born Samnang .

    2. What did Born Samnang say about the crime?

    3. What was Born Samnang’s alibi?4. What did the witnesses say?5. Why did Born Samnang sign the confession ?6. What does this tell you about the police?7. What would you have done if you were in Born Samnang’s place?

    Born Samnang:“I didn’t kill anyone. They are top o cials, theycan do whatever they want. They can turn whiteto black.”

    Sok Sam Oeun:“It’s so unjust. You torture me. I don’t knowanything.”

    Sok Sam Oeun8. What did Sok Sam Oeun say about the crime?9. What was Sok Sam Oeun’s alibi ?

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    25/72 22csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    35: 02 txd Munh f NyD; ar;cG ef ;rsm;ud k ajzqd k yg/

    bG ef qrf eef ; 2/ bG efqrfeef ;u xk d vl owf rI ES ih f ywf ouf NyD ; rnf ok d Y ajymoenf f ;/

    3/ tcif;jzpf yGm;&mwG if r&S d aMumif ; bGef qrf eef ;u rnf ok d Y ouf aojy oenf ;/

    4/ rsuf jrifoufaorsm;u rnf ok d Y xG uf qk d Muygoenf ;/

    5/ bG efqrfeef ;u tb,f h aMumih f ajzmih f csuf wG if vuf rS wf xd k;cJ h ygoenf ;/

    6/ tqk d ygtjzpf rS &Jrsm;taMumif ; rnf onf udk od vk d uf &ygoenf ;/

    7/ oif om bG ef qrf eef;\ ae&mwG if &S d ygu rnf ok d Y vkyf rnf enf ;/

    qG wf qrftG ef ; 8/ qG wf qrf tGef ;u xk d vl owf rI ESih f ywf ouf NyD; rnf ok d Y ajymoenf ;/

    9/ tcif;jzpf yGm;&mwG if r&S d aMumif ; qGwf qrf tG ef ;u rnf okd Y ouf aojy ajymqd k ygoenf ;/

    bGefqrf eef ;/ /uRefawmf b,fvl udkrS rowf&ygbl;Asm/ olwkdYawGu xdyfqHk;u t&m&SdawGyJ/ olwkdYvkyfcsifwm vk yf vkd Y &w,f/ tjzLud k vnf ; trnf ;vkd Y ajymvkd Y &w,f/

    qG wf qrf tG ef ;/ /bk &m;a&? uRef awmf h udk ol wk d Y ES d yfpufMu vk dY yg/ uRefawmf bmrS rodygbl;/

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    Kek Galabru(human rightsadvocate):“If she comesto , it’sto tell the truthand the truth, maybe, is notwhat the police like to hear.”

    Va Sothy (newsseller): “If I talk aboutthis and the killer is s llalive then he will knowwho I am and can killme.”

    The Other Witnesses and Alibis10. What did the witnesses say?11. Why do you think that none of the witnesses were willing to support

    Sok Sam Oeun’s alibi?

    12. What were three things they said they were afraid of?13. Why do you think that witnesses for Born Samnang openly supported

    his alibi while witnesses for Sok Sam Oeun would not?

    Witnesses:• “In Cambodia, if you know things, you can die.”

    • “If I am lost, who will feed my kids?"

    • “They will arrest me and take me to prison.”

    The Only Witness to the Shooting14. Why did the news seller who saw the shooting not give evidence?

    15. What was she afraid of?16. What did she need to do before she felt safe enough to talk about what

    she saw?

    17. Who was the man that she heard say “This work is done”?

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    27/72 24csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    rsuf jrif ouf aorsm;ES if h tvD bd k if rsm; 10/ rsuf jrifoufaorsm;u rnf ok d Y xG uf qk d Muygoenf ;/

    11/ tb,faMumifh rnfonhf rsufjrifoufaourQ qrftGef;bufrS oufaoxGuf&ef

    r0Hh &J Muygoenf ;/ 12/ rsuf jrif oufaorsm;u rnf onf wk d Y ud k aMumuf &H G Uonf [k ajymMuygoenf ; /

    13/ tb,fhaMumifh qrfeef;oufaorsm;u yGihfyGihfvif;vif;xGufqkd&JMuN ouf aorsm;u rxG uf qd k &J Muonf [k xifygoenf ;/

    wpf OD ;wnf ;aom ypf cwfrI rsuf jrif ouf ao

    14/ tb,f aMumihf owif;pmqd k if &S if u jrif awGUcJ h ygvsuf oufao rxGuf qd k cJ hygoenf ;/ 15/ owif ;pmqk d if &S if u bmud k aMumuf &G H UcJ hygoenf ;/

    16/ qk d if &S if u ol jrif cJ h &onf ud k trS ef twd k if;ajym&J &ef rnf onf wk d Y vkd tyf ygoenf ;

    17/ rnf ol Y qDrS 'D ud pöatmif jrifjyD [k ajymvk d uf jcif ;ud k ol Mum;vk d uf ygoenf;/

    rsufjrif ouf aorsm;/ /

    • uarÇ m'D ;,m;rS m [k d [k d 'D 'D od &if aooGm;Ed k if w,f /• uRef r aooG m;&if uav;awG ud k b,f ol vmauR;rS mvJ/• ol wdk Y uRef awmf h ud k zrf ;jyD ; axmif csvd rfh r,f /

    Amqk d oD (owif ;pmqk d if &Sif )/ /uRef r od wm ajymvk d uf w,f qkd ygawmh/ vlowform;u uRefr udk od oG m;NyD ;awmh vmowf rS m pk d ;w,f /

    uuf *gvmb&l (vlYtcGihfta&; vIyf&Sm;ol)/ / olu oufaocH NyD; trSefawGudk vm ajym&NyDqkd&if &J awG rMum;csif wJh trSef w&m;awG jzpf csif vnf ; jzpf ae rS mav/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    What Really Happened?18. Why was Born Samnang noticed by the police?19. Why was Sok Sam Oeun noticed by the police?

    20. Who was the person who was responsible for both arrests?21. Why were Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun really arrested?

    Extension Activities: The Courts

    1. What problems did the suspects face in court?

    2. Was this a fair trial? Why/why not?3. What does it tell you about the court system in Cambodia at this


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    29/72 26csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    jzpf &yf rSefu rnf ok d Y enf ;/ 18/ bG efqrfeef ;ud k &J u tb,f haMumif h rsuf pd uscJ h ygoenf ;/

    19/ qG wf qrf tG ef ;ud k &J u tb,fh aMumif h rsufpd uscJ h ygoenf ;/

    20/ zrf;qD ;rI ESpf ck vH k;twG uf rnf ol Y wG if wm0ef &S d ygovJ/ 21/ bGefqrfeef;ES ihf qGwfqrftGef ; ES pfOD;vHk ; tzrf;cH &aom taMumif ;&if; tppf trS efrSm

    tb,f enf ;/

    aemufquf wGJ vkyfief ;pOf rsm;/ w&m;½k H;tzG J U

    1/ þrSwfwrf;½kyf&SifrS pGyfpGJcH&olrsm;rSm w&m;cGifwGif &if qk d ifcJ h &ygoenf ;/

    2/ w&m;cG if rS m w&m;rQwaom Mum;emrI wpf ck jzpfygovm;/ tb,f aMumif henf;/

    3/ uarÇ m'D ;,m;rS w&m;a&;pepf udk ,ck rnf ok dY aumuf csuf csEk d if ygoenf ;/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    4. THE LAW (35:02–46:31)IMPORTANT IDEAS

    The law: All the laws in a country.Police intimidation: When the police use their power to make peopleso afraid that they do what the police tell them to.

    Key Wordsb ( ): a heavy s ck used to beat people

    ( ): to think about something

    ( ): to go away without explana on ( ): to make sure that something happens ( ): to look at something very carefully

    ( j): not having the ability to do something well ( ): an organisa on or other structure that is an important part

    of the country, such as the media or the policeg ( ): looking at all the evidence to work out the truth about a

    situa on

    l ( ): a higher-level police o cerl g ( ): the work done to nd out who commi ed a crime

    ( ): to stop something from happeningl ( ): to set free

    ( ): to warn someone that they will be hurt if they don’t do whatyou say

    BEFORE YOU WATCH ~ Discuss the question below. Think about it while you watch the film.Check your answer.

    1. Why do we need police?

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    31/72 28csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    4/ Oya' (35;02 - 46;31)

    rS wf wrf ;½kyf &S if udk rMunh frD ~ ar;cGef;udk aqG;aEG; ajzqkdyg/ xkdYaemuf ½kyf&SifMunhf&

    pOf ;pm;aeyg/ xk d Y aemuf rd rd tajzrsm;ES ih f jyef vnf Ed I if ;,S Of Munh f yg/

    1/ tb,h f aMumifh &J wyf zGJ U&S d &ef vk d tyf ygoenf ;/

    odxm;&rnf h ta&;ygaom t,l tq^t"dyÜ m,f f rsm; Oya'/ /Ed k if iH wpf Ek d if iH \ Oya'? pnf;rsOf ;rsm; tm;vH k ;udk qk d vk d onf /

    &Ju Ncdrf;ajcmuftMuyfukdifjci f;/ /&Ju ¤if;wkdY\ tmPmvkyfykdifcGihfudk toH Ncdrf;ajcmuf NyD ; wpfpHk wpfOD;udk ¤if;wkd Y jyKvkyfapvk donf htwk dif; vk yf aqmif apjcif;ud k ac:ygonf/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    How Did the Police Hide the Truth?3. Why did the police visit this woman’s house?4. What does this tell you about these police officers?


    Who Has the Guns? ~ Read the quotes and discuss the questions.

    2. What do you think the speaker means in the quote?

    Ngun Soa (former Deputy Chief,Phnom Penh Police): “In Cambodia,when you want to kill someone,you look for people who have guns.You and I don’t have the guns. Sowho has the guns in Cambodia? Thepolice, the military people, etc.”

    Nguyen Thi Ngoeun(mother of Samnang’sgirlfriend): “Four or vepolicemen arrived at myhouse. One of them wasa high-ranking o cial. Hesaid, 'if you do not do whatI tell you, then I will makeproblems for your family and Born Samnangwon’t be l '… He only mebecause I know this stu is true.”

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    33/72 30csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    46:31 txd Munh fNyD; ar;cG ef ;rsm;udk ajzqd k yg/

    b,f ol YrS m aoewf &S d ovJ / ~ atmuf yg ajymqk d csuf rsm;ud k zwf ½I NyD ; ar;cG ef ;rsm;ud k aqG ;aEG ; ajzqk d yg/

    2/ wpf zuf yg pum;u bmud k qk d vk d onf [k xif ygoenf ;/

    jzpf &yf rSefud k &J u rnf ok dY zk H ;uG ,f cJ h ygoenf ;/ 3/ xk d trsdK;orD;\ td rf ud k &J rsm; tb,f aMumih f oG m;cJ h ygoenf;/

    4/ xk d vkyf &yf u &J t&m&S d rsm;taMumif ; rnfonfud k azmf jyoenf ;/

    EktGef;qk d tm ('k &J rS L;a[mif ;? zEG rf ;yif &J wyf zG J U)/ uarÇ m'D ;,m;rS m vl owf r,h f ol u aoewf &S d wJ h ol qD rS m tultnD awmif ;&rS m cifAsm;a&m uRefawmh f rSm a&m aoewfr&Sdbl;aemf/ 'gqkd 'DEkdifiHrSm

    b,f ol aoewf ud k if Ek d if vJ/ &J? ppf wyf tp&S d ojzih f ayh g/

    ik ,if oD ik d tG ef ; (qrf eef ;cspf ol \ rd cif )/ uRefrtdrfudk &J av;ig;a,mufavmuf a&mufvmw,f/ wpfa,muf u &mxl; BuD ;BuD ;xJ uyJ/ ol ck d if;wJ h twkd if ; rvk yf &if wJh uRefrrdom;pku uRefraMumifh 'ku©a&muf&vdrfhr,fwJh/ .. qrfeef;vJ vGwfrSm r[kwfawmhbl;wJh/ ... olu vmNcdrf;ajcmuf rSmaygh/ 'Du trSefudk od aewmudk ;/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    5. Who was the police officer who came to the woman’s house?

    Vien Thi Hong (Samnang’s girlfriend): “This is the guy who told me. He said if I say this, my familywill be okay. If I don’t, my family will .”

    Lieutenant Hun Song: Theman who arrested both BornSamnang and Sok Sam Oeun.

    6. Who does he work for?

    7. Who is the most powerful police officer inCambodia?

    8. Who does he work for?

    The Judiciary ~ Read the quote and discuss the questions.

    Henrik Alffram (former UN consultant): “[The judiciary] is the that people have the leasttrust in and it’s to be the most corrupt...Itis characterised by a high level of incompetence, verypoorly trained and educated judges. Many have noteven nished high school, have no legal training.”

    9. What are the causes and effects of the corrupt legal system in the film?10.Are these causes and effects the same in your country? How are they



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    Corruption in the Courts11. Who has the power to control the courts?12. What happens to judges who make their own


    13. Why is it important that the judges are independent from thegovernment?

    Extension Activities: The Police

    1. Who should the police work for? ~ Read these examples.

    • “In 2007, a strike by female workers at the Fortune Garment WoollenKnitting Company was beaten down by armed police with electricbaton s and tear gas”

    • “In 2009, one thousand garment workers from the Sang Wu Factory wereon strike to get the factory owner to respect Cambodian Labour Law. Thestrike ended when they were attacked by armed police”

    • “In 2010, 40 workers from the Jin Chan garment factory were protesting because their salary had not been paid for three months. They wereattacked by local police.”

    2. Who do you think the Cambodian police really work for?

    3. Who do the police work for in your country?

    Cambodian police arrest a factory worker during a protest in 2013. In the same protest, anotherfemale factory worker was shot and killed by police.

    Om Yentieng

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    37/72 34csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    w&m;½k H ;rsm;\ tusih f ysuf jcpm;jcif ; 11/ rnf ol u w&m;½k H k ;rsm;ud k tvTrf ;rd k ;qH k ;jzpf oenf ;/

    12/ rd rduk d,fyd kif qH k;jzwf csuf csrd aom w&m;olBuD ;rsm; rnfodk Y

    jzpf oG m;Ek d if ygoenf;/ 13/ w&m;ol BuD ;rsm;taeES if h tpk d ;&\ xd ef ;csKyf vT rf ;rk d ;cH &rI tb,f h aMumif h uif ;oih f onf [k

    xif ygoenf ;/

    aemufquf wGJ vkyfief ;pOf rsm;/ /&J tzG J h 1/ &J tzG JUonf rnfol wk d Y twG uf tvk yf vk yf &rnf enf ;/

    ~ þjzpf &yf om"ursm;ud k zwf ½I yg/ • 2007 ckESpfwGif azmfusL;ef txnftvdyfESihf okd;arG;ukrÜPDrS

    qE´jyjcif;udk vufeufudkif&Jrsm;u vQyfppfwkwfrsm;ESihf ½ rsuf &nf ,d k AH k;rsm;ES ihf ES d rf eif ;jcif ;wk d Y jyKcJ h onf /

    • 2009 ck ESpf wG if qef 0l ; puf ½k HrS tvk yf orm; 1000 u puf ½k H yd k if &S if ud k tvk yf orm; Oya'udk av;pm;vkdufem&ef qE´jy&mwGif vufeufukdif&Jrsm;u

    wk d uf ck d uf ES d rfeif ;cH&jcif ;ES ih f tqH k ;owf cJ h onf /• 2010 ck ES pf wG if *sif csef ; txnf tvd yf puf ½k HrS tvk yf orm; 40 u vpm oH k ;vpm

    r&&S d ao;í qE´ jy&m e,f ajr&J rsm;rS vma&muf ES d rf eif ;cJ h onf / 2/ uarÇm'D;,m;&Jrsm;onf rnfolwkdYtwGuf trSefwu,f tvkyfvkyfaeon

    xif ygoenf ;/

    3/ oifhEdkifiHwGif &Jrsm;u rnfolwkdYtwGuf trSefwu,f tvkyfvk


    OKrf &rf wk d if ;

    2003 ckESpfrS qE´jyyGJwpfckw uarÇm'D;,m;&Jrsm;u qE´jy olwpfOD;udk zrf;qD;pOf/ xkdqE´jyyGJwpfckwGif trsdK;o

    puf ½H k vk yf om; wpf OD ; rS m &J rsm; ypf cwf rI aMumif h aoqH k ;cJ h onf /

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    5. WHY WAS CHEA VICHEAKILLED? (46:31–55:27)

    IMPORTANT IDEASInvestment: Buying part of a company in exchange for a part of thepro ts that the company makes.Unskilled labour: Work that can be done without training oreducation.Civil society: Non-government organisations that provide services totheir community.

    Key Wordsl - ( j): easy to understand

    ( ): the things that a country sells to other countries ( ): to tell a worker that they have to leave their job

    ( ): the things that a country buys from other countriesbb ( j): not wan ng to change your opinions or decisions

    t f t u o w o t k g o c b(FTUWKC ) ( ): the trade union that Chea Vichea was president of.l ( ): to abuse or damage something that belongs to someone else

    BEFORE YOU WATCH ~ Discuss the question. Think about it while you watch the film.

    1. Who do you think killed Chea Vichea?

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    39/72 36csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    5/ csD AcsD &m tb,fh aMumih f vkyfBuH cH cJ Jh &ygovJ/ (46;31 - 55;27)

    rS wf wrf ;½kyf &S if udk rMunh frD ~ ar;cGef;udk aqG;aEG; ajzqkdyg/ xkdYaemuf ½kyf&SifMunhf&

    pOf ;pm;aeyg/ 1/ csD AcsD &mud k rnfol owfcJ h onf [k xif ygovJ/

    od xm;&rnfh ta&;ygaom t,l tq^t"d yÜ m,f rsm; &if ;ES D ;jr§ yfES H rI/ /uk rÜ PD wpf ck rS &&S d onf h tusd K;tjrwf wpf pd wf wpf yk d if ;ud k &,l cH pm;&ef xk duk rÜ PD \ wpf pd wfwpfa'oud k 0,f ,l jcif;/

    uRrf ;usif rI rJ h vk yf tm;/ /(um,vk yf tm;ponf h ) ynm&yf? uRrf ;usif rI ponf wk d Y r&S d bJ vk yf ukd if Ek d if aom tvk yf rsm;/

    vl rI tzG J Utpnf ;/ /vl xk &yf &G mtwGuf ta&;ygaom tultnDrsm; 0efaqmifrI rsm; ay;aom (tpk d;&r[k wf onfh ) tzG J Utpnf ;rsm;ud k ac:jcif; jzpfonf/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea



    Was He Killed as a Threat? ~ Read the following text and discuss the questions.

    In the years after Chea Vichea was killed, two other trade union leaderswere also killed in almost the same way. In May 2004 Ros Sovannarith, theFTUWKC President at the Trinunggal Komara factory, was murdered bytwo men on a motorbike. Hy Vuthy, the FTUWKC president at the Suntexgarment factory was shot dead by two men on a motorbike on February 24,2007. Vuthy had received telephone death threats three months before.

    2. What are the similarities between the killing of these men and the deathof Chea Vichea?

    3. What do you think is the effect of these killings on workers in these, andother, factories in Cambodia?

    4. Who would benefit from these killings?

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    41/72 38csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    ½kyf&S if tqHk ;xd Munh f yg

    AcsD &monf &ef pG ,fwpf ck taeES ih f &S if;vif ;cH &jcif ; jzpfygovm;/ ~ atmuf yg pmom;rsm;ud k zwfNyD ; ar;cG ef ;rsm;ud k aqG;aEG ; ajzqk dyg/

    2/ tqkdyg vlrsm;udk owfjzwfjcif;ESihf csDAcsD&m towfcH&jcif;wk wl nD Muygoenf ;/

    3/ tqkdyg tvkyform;acgif;aqmifrsm; towfcH&jcif;onf uarÇm'D;,m tjcm;puf ½k H rsm;rS tvk yf orm;rsm;tay: rnf onh f tusd K;ouf a&muf rI wk d Y &S drnfenf;/

    4/ xk d owf jzwf rI rsm;aMumifh rnf ol wk d Y tusdK;tjrwf &&S d rnfenf;/

    csDAcsD&m vkyf BuHcH &aom ES pftwG if;wG if tjcm; tvk yform;acgif ;aqmif ESpf OD ;vnf; xk dyH k pH twkd if ; vk yf BuH cH cJ h &onf/ 2004 ck ES pf arvwGif x&D eef *,f ud k rm&m puf ½k H rS a&mhpf qkdAefem&pfof [kac:aom tvkyform;acgif;aqmifudk qkdifu, vlESpfa,mufu owfjzwfoGm;onf/ 2007 ckESpf azazmf0g&Dv 24 &u [ef ;wuf pf txnf tvd yf puf ½k HrS [kd ifAwfoD [l onf h tvk yform; acgif ;aqmif ud k qkdifu,f ESihf vlESpfOD;rS aoewfjzifh ypfowfoGm;Muonf/ [kdifAw okH;vcefY u w,fvDzkef;rSwpfqifh owfypfrnf[laom jcdrf;ajcmufpmud &&S d cJ h onf /

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    Was He Killed for Political Reasons? ~ Read the quotes and discuss the questions.

    5. Who do you think was the “main target”that Sam Rainsy talks about? Why do youthink they would be targeted?

    6. How did the political deadlock come toan end?

    7. Who benefited politically from the death of Chea Vichea?

    Sam Rainsy:“Maybe they wantto send a messageto another leader…Some mes theydon’t dare to kill themain target. They killsecondary target.”

    Son Chhay(Member ofParliament):“So thismessage isclear cut.'Stop being

    bb .Accept HunSen, take what we giveyou and produce a newgovernment.'"

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    43/72 40csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    AcsD &monf Ek d if iH a&; &nf &G ,f csuf rsm;aMumif h towf cH&jcif; jzpf ygovm;/

    ~ atmuf yg ajymqk d csuf rsm;ud k zwf NyD ; ar;cG ef ;rsm;ud k aqG ;aEG ; ajzqk d yg/

    5/ qrf &efZDajymaom t"du ypf rSwfqk donfrSm rnf olwkd Y jzpfygoenf;/ tb,f haMumif h ¤if ;wk d Y ud k t"d u ypf rS wf tjzpf owf rS wf Muygoenf ;/

    6/ Ek d if iH a&; wk d ;r& qkwf r& tajctaeudk rnf ok d Y tqH k ;owf oG m;ygoenf ;/

    7/ csD AcsD &m aoqH k ;jcif;wG if rnf ol wkd Y Ek d if iH a&;t& tjrwf &&S d cJ h oenf ;/

    qGef acs (ygvD reftrwf )/ /'Dawmh owday;csufu &Sif;ygw,f/ acgif;rrmeJY/ [efqef;ukd vufcHyg/ ay;wmudk ,lvkdufNyD;awmh tpk d ;&tzG JUav; ay:vmatmif ul nD vd k uf qk d wmyJ jzpfygw,f/

    qrf &ef Z D/ /ol wk dY awG u wjcm;acgif ;aqmif wpf a,mufa,muf ud k owday;csifwm jzpfEkdifw,f/ wpfcgwav olwkdYu wu,hf ypfrSwftppfudk rowf&JMubl;av/ 'Dawmh 'kwd, ypfrSwfudk owf Muwmyg/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    Was He Killed because of Money? ~ Read the information and discuss the questions.

    • During the 1990s Cambodia opened up its economy to foreign

    investment.• Many foreign investors wanted to do business in Cambodia because of all

    of the cheap, unskilled labour.• Exports grew from nothing in 1994 to $4 billion per year in 2011.• Two-thirds of garment sales are to the United States, and most of the rest

    to the European Union.• The US spent 9% of its garment import money on business with

    Cambodia in 2002, 12% in 2003 and 14% in 2004.• Because the government and businesses wanted to continue to attractforeign investors, they wanted to make sure that the labour stayed cheap by making sure that costs (wages, safety equipment, holiday pay, etc.)stayed low in the factories.

    0.830.67 0.69 0.57

    0.32 0.37 0.41 0.370.51 0.61










    2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    Garment Exports (US$ billion)

    Myanmar Cambodia

    Chart showing Camboodian and Myanmar garment exports between 2001 and 2011.

    8. What do you think the government and business owners did to makesure that costs stayed low?

    9. What problems do you think workers would face if they tried to tellpeople about the conditions in garment factories?

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    45/72 42csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    csD AcsD &mud k aiG aMu;aMumif h owf jcif ; jzpf ygovm;/ ~ atmuf yg tcsuf tvuf rsm;ud k zwf NyD ; ar;cG ef ;rsm;ud k aqG;aEG ; ajzqk dyg/

    8/ tpkd;&ESihf pD;yGm;a&;orm;rsm;u ukefusp&dwfrsm; oufomatmi xm;ygoenf ;/

    9/ txnf tvd yf uk rÜ PD rsm;rS tvk yf orm;rsm;u vk yf ief ;cG if tajctaersm;udk vl trsm;

    od &ef xk wfazmf ajymygu rnf onf h jyóemrsm; jzpf ay:vmrnf xif ygoenf ;/

    • 1990 ckESpfrsm;twG if ;wG if uarÇm'D ;,m;u Ekd if iH hpD;yGm;a&;wGif Ekd if iHjcm; &if;ESD ; jr§ yf ES H rIud k vufcH cJ h onf /

    • Ed k if iH jcm;&if;ES D;jr§yf ES H ol rsm;u uarÇ m'D ;,m;wG if vk yf ief ;rsm; vk yf ud kif vk d Muonf/ aps;aygaom um,vk yf tm;rsm;pG mudk &Ek d if aomaMumif h jzpf onf /

    • 1994 ck ES pf wG if wif yd k YrI wef zk d ; vH k ;0 r&S d &mrS 2004 wG if wif yd k YrI rS 0ifaiG a':vm oef ;aygif ; 1900 txd jrihf wufvmcJh onf/

    • txnf tvd yf vkyfief ;rS wifydk YrI oH k;yHkESpfyHk rSm tar&duefjynf axmif pk okd Y jzpf NyD ; usefonfh tm;vH k ;eD ;yg;rS m Oa&myEk d ifiH rsm;ok d Y wif yk d Y jcif ; jzpf onf /

    • 2002 ckESpfwG if tar&duefjynf axmif pk udk txnf tvdyf wif oGif;rItm;vH k;\ 9% rS m uarÇ m'D ;,m;rS jzpf onf / 2003 ck ES pf wG if 12% jzpf vmNyD ; 2004 ck ES pf wG if 14% txd wk d;wuf vmcJh onf /

    • tpkd;&ESihf pD;yGm;a&;vkyfief;&Sifrsm;u Ek difiHjcm;&if;ESD;jr§yfESHolrsm;ud vuf qG Jaqmif Ed kif &ef ukefusp&dwf aps;enf ;oufomatmif vk yfxm;Muonf/ xkd ok dY

    aps;enf;oufomap&ef tvkyform;vpm? tEå&m,f umuG,fonhf ypön ud &d ,mrsm;? yd wf &uf vpmrsm; ponfwk d Y wG if acRwmxm;jcif ; jzpf onf/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    The World’s Response ~ Read the quotes and discuss the questions.

    10. The United States and European Union are the biggest trade partners with the Cambodian garment industry. How do you think this might

    have affected the statements made by the US and British ambassadorsmentioned in the documentary?

    Sam Rainsy: "The interna onal community has other, biggerconcerns."

    Chea Mony (Chea Vichea’s Brother):“This is a government that’s corrupt, thatmurders people, l human rights. Andthe U.S. embassy says that human rightshave improved."

    11. The British ambassadorsaid that the way that HunSen got back into power

    was “what democracy is allabout.” Do you agree?

    Extension Activity: Fighting Corruption

    What are some of the challenges of trying to change a corrupt legalsystem like Cambodia's? What solutions can you think of?

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    47/72 44csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    urÇ mrS wH kY jyef rI ~ azmf jyyg ajymqk d csuf rsm;ud k zwf NyD ; ar;cGef ;rsm;ud k aqG ;aEG; ajzqkd yg/

    10/ tar&duefjynf axmif pk ES ih f Oa&myor*¾ wk d Y rSm uarÇ m'D;,m;\ tBuD ;qHk ; txnf tvdyf

    ukefoG,fbufrsm; jzpfMuonf/ tar&duefoHtrwfESihf NAdwdoQoH rSwf wrf;½kyf&SifwGif ygonfhtwkdif; rSwfcsufrsm; ajymcJhjcif;rSm ywf ouf rnf xif ygoenf ;/

    11/ NAd wd oQoH trwf u [ef qef ; 0ef BuD ;csKyf tjzpf jyef a&G ;cH&onf ES ih f ywfouf í 'D rk d ua&pD

    qk d wm 'Dvk d yJ jzpf &r,f av [k rS wf csuf jyKcJ honf/ xk drS wf csufud k oabmwl ygovm;/

    qrf&efZD/ /EkdifiHwum todkif;t0kdif;rSmusawmh wjcm; yd k ta&;MuD ;wJ h ud pö awG &S d oG m;NyD As/

    csD rGefeD? csDAcsD&m\ tpfud k/ /vlawGudk owfw,f/ vltcGihfta&; ukd csdK;azmufw,f/ wu,fwrf; tusihfysuf aewm tpkd;& udk,fwkdifyJ/ 'geJYrsm; tar&duefo vl Y tcG ih f ta&; tajctae aumif;vmNyD ajymao;w,f/

    aemuf quf wG J vk yf ief ;pOf rsm;/ tusif h ysuf jcpm;rIrsm; wk d uf zsuf jcif ; uarÇ m'D;,m;\ pepf uJ h ok d Y ysuf pD ; ,k d ,G if ;aeaom Oya'pepf ud k jyKjyif ajymif ;vJ&ef BudK;pm;ygu rnfokdYaom pdefac:rIrsm;? tcuftcJrsm; awGUBuHK& ;/ rnf ok dY aom ajz&S if ;enf ;rsm;ud k pOf ;pm;rd ygoenf ;/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    6. UPDATE, AUGUST 2014 What Has Happened since These Events?

    1. What do you think has happened since the events in the film? ~ Read the information from the film's website, and check which ideas were correct.

    In the epilogue of the movie, we find out that Born Samnang and Sok SamOeun were “provisionally released” after almost five years in prison. Thishappened while the movie was being made.Samnang and Sam Oeun returned to their families and tried to survive in avariety of low-paid jobs. However, in December 2012, the lower courtsuddenly returned to the case. To the surprise of almost all observers, thecourt re-convicted them. After nearly four years, it sent them back toprison to serve the rest of their sentences.

    Some believe thatthis was part ofthe ruling party’spreparation forthe next electionsin the summer of2013, to show thatit still completelycontrolled the justice system. It

    could have had asimilar purpose tothe original killing of Chea Vichea: a demonstration of absolute power.http://blog.whokilledcheavichea.com/2008/12/freedom.htmlhttp://blog.whokilledcheavichea.com/2012/12/innocent-men-reconvicted.html

    A protester during a demonstration on Labour Day – May 1st – 2013.

    2. Why do the film-makers think Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun wereput back in prison?

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    49/72 46csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    6/ 2014 ckESpf Mo*k wf vtxd jzpf ay: ajymif;vJrIrsm;

    xk d tjzpftysuf rsm;NyD ;aemuf rnf onf wk d Y ajymif ;vJ jzpf ysufcJh ygoenf ;/ 1/ þ½kyf&SifxJrS tjzpftysufrsm; tNyD;wGif rnfonfwkdY qufvuf jzpf

    xif ygoenf ;/~ atmuf yg tcsuf tvuf rsm;ud k zwf NyD ; ar;cG ef ;rsm;ud k aqG;aEG ; ajzqk dyg/

    2/ þ½k yf &S if ½d k uf ul ;ol rsm;onf bG ef qrf eef ;ES ih f qG wf qrf tG ef ;wk d Y ud k tb,h f aMumih f jyef vnf axmif csjcif ;jzpf onf[k xifjrif ygoenf ;/

    ½k yf &S if \ ed*Hk ;yk dif;wG if qG wf qrf tGef;ES ih f bG ef qrf eef ;wk dY ud k axmifusNyD ; 5 ES pf cef Y wG if w&m;&S if vTwf ay;aMumif ; od rS wf cJ h &onf/ xkd vT wf ay;jcif ;rSm þ½k yf &S if ½k d uful ;ae pOf wG if jzpf onf /


    bGefqrfeef;ESihf qrftGef;wkdYu rdrdwkYd rdom;pkrsm;qDokdY jye tvk yf trsdK;rsd K;Mum;wG if &S if oef aexk d if cJ h &ygonf/

    ok d Y aomf 'D Zif bm 2012 ck ES pf wG if atmuf w&m;½H k ;u ½k wf w&uf trI ud k jyef zG ih f vk d uf onf / apmih fMunhf ol tm;vH k; tH hMo&onfh tjzpf tysufrS m trI uk d jyefzG ih fNyD; ¤if;wk dY ES pfOD ;ud k jyefvnf pGJcsufwifvkdufonf/ vTwfay;jcif;cH&NyD; 4 ESpfcefY tM tusOf ;usNyD ; e*k d csrS wf onf h axmif 'Pf NyD ;qH k ;onf h txd quf ae&awmh rnf jzpf onf /


    tcsd KUavh vmol rsm;u þtjzpfonf vmrnfh 2013 ckES pf a½G ;aumuf yG JtwG uf vuf &S d tmPm&ygwD \ jyif qif rI wpf &yf om jzpf onf [k xif onf / ygwD u w&m;a&;pepf ud k tjynf h t0 xd ef ;csKyf xm;Ek dif rI ud k jyoEkd if &ef twG uf vk yf aqmif jcif ;jzpf onf [k xif Mu onf/ pGyfpGJcH&olESpfOD;udk jyefvnf axmifcsjcif;onf csDAcsD& &nf ½G,fcsuftwkdif;yif jzpf aMumif; oHk;oyfMuonf/ þenf ;jzih f tmPm& ygwD \ t

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    ~ Read the information from the website, and discuss the questions.

    In the 2013 elections, the ruling party won the most seats, but theopposition party won more than it ever had – nearly half of them.

    Also, for the first time, outside donor countries harshly criticized thefairness of the election. The opposition party refused to take its seats anddemanded political changes.Unexpectedly, the Supreme Court freed Samnang and Sam Oeun inSeptember 2013.The release of the two men, while welcomed by many, did not reducepressure on the government to meet the demands of the opposition. Street

    protests increased in size, and the government created new security squadsto attack them with clubs. In January, several protestors were shot dead bymilitary police. After that, the government banned all protests.http://blog.whokilledcheavichea.com/2013/09/final-verdict-in-case-of-vichea-killers.html

    Samnang and Sam Oeun, celebrating their freedom in September 2013.

    3. Why did the Supreme Court release Samnang and Sam Oeun?

    4. Why did the government ban protests?5. Can you think of a similar situation in your country's history?

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    51/72 48csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    ~ atmuf yg pmom;rsm;ud k zwfNyD ; ar;cG ef ;rsm;ud k aqG;aEG ; ajzqk dyg/

    3/ w&m;½H k ;csKyf u qrf eef ;ES ih f qrf tG ef ;wd k Y ud k tb,h f aMumih f vT wf ay;vk d uf jcif ; jzpf ygovJ/

    4/ tpk d ;&u tb,f h aMumif h qE ́jyrI rsm;ud k wm;jrpfvk d uf jcif ; jzpf ygovJ/

    5/ oifhEkdifiHorkdif;aMumif;wGifvnf; tvm;wl tjzpftysufrsm;&Sd? r& ygovm;/

    2013 ckESpf a½G;aumuf yGJrsm;wGif tmPm&ygwDu ae&mtrsm;pkudk &&SdoGm;onf/ okdYaomf twkduftcHygwDonfvnf; r&zl;onfh yrmPwpfckudk &&

    ae&mpk pk aygif;rS wpf 0uf eD ;yg; &&S d cJ hjcif ; jzpfonf/ xk d Yjyif yxrqHk ; tjzpf tysuf rSm jyify tvSL&SifEkdifiHrsm;u a½G;aumufyGJrsm;\ w&m;rQwrI&Sd? a0zefvkdufMujcif;yif jzpfonf/ twkduftcHygwDu rdrdwkdY &&Sdon r,lbJ jiif;qefvkduf MuNyD ; EkdifiHa&; tajymif ;tvJ rsm; azmfaqmifzkdYvkd aMumif;om awmif ;qkd vk d uf Muonf/

    rarQmfvihfxm;onf tjzpfwpf cktaeESihf w&m;½H k;csKyfu qrfeef;ESih f qrf tGef;wkdY udk 2013 ck ES pf pufwifbmwG if vT wfay;vk d ufjcif ;yif jzpf onf /http://blog.whokilledcheavichea.com/2013/09/final-verdict-in-case-of-vichea-killers.


    xkdESpfOD;udk vTwfay;jcif;udk trsm;u 0rf;ompGm BudKqkdM twk duf tcH rsm; u tpk d ;&tay: ay;aom zd tm;rsm;ud k avQmh Ek d if jcif ;awmh r&Sd acs/

    vrf ;ay:wG if qE ́jyjcif ;rsm;wG if vl rsm;pG m wk d ;í wk d ;í yg0if vmMuonf/ tpk d ;&uvnf ; vHkNcHKa&;wyfzGJUopfrsm; zGJUay;um wif;ykwf? wkwf? vuf qE´jyolrsm; udk ESdyfuGyf [efYwm;aponf/ Zefe0g&DvwGif qE´j ppf&Jrsm;\ ypfcwfrIrsm;aMumifh aoqHk;cJhMu&onf/ xkdtjzpftNyD qE ́jyjcif ; tm;vH k ; ud k wm;jrpf vk duf onf /

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    ~ Read the information, and discuss the questions.

    Cambodian officials claim that Who Killed Chea Vichea? is banned fromshowing in Cambodia. However, there is no law that bans films. Whena human rights organization attempted to show the film on the tenthanniversary of the assassination, the government’s spokesperson said thatthose involved would be arrested. The human rights group cancelled thescreening.http://blog. whokilledcheavichea.com/2014_01_01_archive.html

    6. What would have happened if the human rights group had held the film

    screening?7. Do you think they were right to cancel the screening?

    As of the beginning of August 2014 the deadlock is almost resolved. Theruling party, still led by Hun Sen, and the opposition party, still led by SamRainsy, have nearly finalized an agreement that would give the opposition alicense for its own television station and would change the membership ofthe national election commission to be divided between the two parties.Whether this agreementwill lead to fairerelections in the future isunknown. Some people believe that the rulingparty would neveragree to any changesthat would threaten itsability to hold powerforever. Others believethere is a chance that Cambodia could become a real democracy one day.

    Cambodian opposition's online TV channel (CNRP TV), 2013

    8. What do you think will happen in Cambodia?

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    53/72 50csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    ~ atmuf yg tcsuf tvuf rsm;ud k zwf NyD ; ar;cG ef ;rsm;ud k aqG;aEG ; ajzqk dyg/

    6/ xk d vl YtcG ih f ta&; tzG J Uu ½k yf &S ifjyocJ h ygu rnf onf wk d Y jzpf ysuf oG m;Ek dif ygoenf ;/

    7/ xk d ½k yf &S ifjyojcif;ud k zsuf odrf ;jcif ;rS m rS ef uef onf [k xif ygovm;/ ausmif ;om;rsm;\ tjrif rsm;ay: rl wnf NyD ; tajzrsm; uG J vG Jvd rf h rnf jzpf onf/

    8/ uarÇm'D ;,m;wG if rnf ok dY qufjzpf rnf xifygoenf;/ ausmif ;om;rsm;tjrifrsm;ay: rl wnf NyD ; tajzrsm; ajymif ;vJ rI &S d Ek d if ygonf/

    uarÇm'D;,m; t&m&Sdrsm;u ]csDAcsD&mudk b,folowfovJ} rSwfw uarÇ m'D ;,m;wG if jyocG ih f yd wf yif xm;aMumif ; aMunmxm;onf/ ok d Y aomf ½k yf &S if rsm;ud k

    jyocG ih f yd wf yif Ek d if aom Oya'rS mrl r&S d acs/ vl Y tcG ih f ta&;tzG J Utpnf ;wpf ck u xk d ½k yf &S if ud k csD AcsD &m 10 ES pf jynh ftaeESih f jyo&ef Bud K;pm;onf h tcg tpk d ;&\ ajyma&;qk d cG ih f &S d ol wpfOD;u xkd½kyf&Sifjyojcif;ESihf ywfouf yg0ifolrsm;udk zrf;qD; ajymcJ h onf / xk d vlY tcG ih f ta&;tzGJ Utpnf ;u ½k yf &S if jyojcif ;ud k zsuf od rf;vk d uf &onf/http://blog. whokilledcheavichea.com/2014_01_01_archive.html

    Mo*k wf v 2014 ck ES pf wG if Ek d if iHa&; rwk d ;om rqk wf omtajctaerS m ajyvnf vk eD;yg; &S daeNyD jzpf onf/

    [G ef qef ;\ OD ;aqmifrI atmuf wG if &Sd aeao;aom tmPm&ygwD? xk d Y aemuf qrf &ef ZD OD;aqmifaom twkduftcHygwDwkdYu oabmwlnDcsufwpf&yfudk tq jzpf onf / xkd oabmwl nDcsuf wGif twk duf tcHbuf ukd ukd ,fykd if ½kyfjrif oHMum; vT ih f puf½H kwpfck twG uf vk dif pif&&S dEkd ifrnf jzpf NyD ; a½G ;aumuf yG Jaumf r&SifwG if yg0ifrIud k ygwD ES pf ckMum; owf rS wf xm;csuf rsm;vnf ; ajymif ;vJ rnf jzpf onf /

    þoabmwl nD rIaMumif h vmrnf h a½G;aumufyG J rsm;wG if w&m;rQwrI &S d vmrnf [k wf? r[kwfudkrl rodEdkifao;ay/ tcsdKUuvnf; tmPm&ygwDonf ¤if;wkdY\ xm


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    ANSWERS1. Introduction

    1. Answers will depend on

    students' ideas and experience.2. Answers will depend on

    students' ideas and experience.3. Answers will depend on

    students' ideas and experience.4. Answers are in the text box.5. A right is the ability to do or

    have something. Legal rightsare protected by the law. SeeImportant Ideas for a de ni onof workers' rights.

    6. Answers are in the text box.7. Answers will depend on

    students' ideas and experience.

    Extension Activities:Trade Unions1. p bl :Unions domany things for their members,including:• nego ate with management

    about working condi ons andpay.

    • provide services such asnancial or legal support to

    workers.• organise strikes (days when

    all workers do not work) ordemonstra ons to put pressureon management.

    2. p bl : Unionmembers say that they are

    important because companieswill usually only give fair wagesand good working condi onsif they are pressured by theworkers. Also, unions are one ofthe few ways of communica ngworkers' needs and wishes.On the other hand, youcould argue that good laws,properly enforced, make unionsunnecessary.

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    55/72 52csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    tajzrsm; 1/ ½k yf&Sif rd wfquf (ed 'gef ;)

    1/ ajzqkdyHkrSm ausmif;om;rsm;\ xifjrifcsuf rsm; tawGUtBuHKrsm; ay: wG if rl wnf onf/

    2/ ajzqkdyHkrSm ausmif;om;rsm;\ xifjrifcsufrsm; tawGUtBuHKrsm; ay: wG if rl wnfonf/

    3/ ajzqkdyHkrSm ausmif;om;rsm;\ xifjrifcsufrsm; tawGUtBuHKrsm;ay: wG if rl wnfonf/

    4/ pmom;tuG uf xJ wG if tajzygygonf/

    5/ tcGihfta&;qkdonfrSm wpHkw&mudk vk yfEkdifcGihf &,lcGihfudk ajymjcif ;? Oya' t& owfrSwfxm;aom tcGihfta&; owf rS wf csuf rsm;vnf; &S donf/ od xm; &rnfh ta&;ygaom t,ltq^ t"d yÜ m,f rsm;rS tvkyf orm; tcG ih f ta&; udk zGihfqkdxm;onfudk jyefnTef;Ekdifyg onf /

    6/ pmom;tuG uf xJ wG if tajzyg ygonf/7/ ajzqkdyHkrSm ausmif;om;rsm;\

    xifjrifcsufrsm; tawGUtBuHKrsm;ay: wG if rl wnfonf/

    aemuf qufwG J vk yf ief ;pOf rsm;/ /

    ukef oG ,f rI toif ; (tvk yf orm;tzGJ Ursm;) 1/ Oyrm tajz - ukefoG,frI toif;rsm;

    onf vkyfief;rsm;pGm vkyfaqmif ygonf/ tcsd KUrS m

    • vpmrsm; ES if h vk yf ief ;cG if tajctaersm;

    ud k tvkyf &S if rsm;ESih f n§ dEd I if ;ay;onf/ • tvkyform;rsm;udk aiGaMu; taxmuf

    tyHhrsm; ? Oya'qkdif&m taxmufty rsm; yH hyd k ; ulnD onf /

    • oydwfarSmufjcif; (tvkyform;rsm tm;vkH; vk yfief;cG if r0ifjcif;) ponfh

    qE ́jyyJ G rsm; pD pOf NyD ; tvk yf &Sif rsm;tay: zd tm;ay;onf/ 2/ Oyrm tajz - tzG JU0ifrsm;twG uf

    tvk yf orm;toif ;rsm; vk d tyf ygonf/ tb,fhaMumihfqkdaomf ukrÜPDrs tvkyform;rsm;udk wwfEkdifor tenf ;qH k ; aom vpmES ih f tcG ih f ta&; ay;vk d

    jcif ; aMumif h jzpf ygonf/ tvk yf orm; tzGJUrsm;tm;jzifh tvkyf orm; rsm; vk d tyf rI rsm; oabmxm;rsm; ud k wif jyay; Ed k if onf / tjcm;wzuf rS vn;f tvk yf orm; tuf Oya'rsm; ud k av;pm; vk d uf emygu tvkyform;tzGJUrsm;udk zGJUp rvk d tyf yg/

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    2. The Setting

    1. p bl : labour rights,unions, development, poverty

    2. . t s r p

    b. f

    . t c b p l 'p .

    3. Prime Minister Hun Sen isthe leader of the CPP. He

    rst became prime ministerin 1985 and is s ll in powertoday. He was a Khmer

    Rouge commander, and has abodyguard of over 3000 men.He called himself ‘the strongman’.

    4. p bl : He used tobe a Khmer Rouge leader, sowe can guess that he mighthave been involved in violentac vi es in the past. Becauseof his large bodyguard, wecan guess that people don’tlike him, but fear him. We canalso guess that he can makedecisions without asking anyoneelse and doesn’t want to give up

    his power.

    5. The CPP won more than halfthe seats in parliament butdidn’t get the two-thirds(67%) needed to make a newgovernment alone. This meant

    that they needed a coali onpartner, but Funcinpec andSam Rainsy united againsthim. They said that Hun Senmust give up power beforethey would nego ate a newgovernment. Since he refusedto give up power, they refusedto nego ate. A new governmentcould not be formed.

    6. They worked together closelybecause both Chea Vichea andthe Sam Rainsy party wanted todefend the rights of workers.

    7. Because his union wanted to

    support Sam Rainsy if he wasnot sa s ed with the fairness ofthe elec on.

    8. A big demonstra on wouldbe bad for the CPP becauseit would show that theSam Rainsy party had moresupport (especially from theworkers) than the CPP. Thedemonstrators might also saythat the vote was unfair and thiswould also not be good for theCPP.

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    2/ Zmwf vrf ;pwif cif ;usif;jcif; 1/ Oyrm tajzrsm; - tvkyform; tcGihf

    ta&;? ukefoG,frI (tvkyform;) toif;rsm;? zGHUNzdK; wkd;wufa&;? qif;&J rJ G awrI pojzif h/

    2/ u/ qrf ;&efZD ygwD

    c/ zl pif yuf

    */ uarÇ m'D ;,m; jynf ol Y ygwD

    3/ [ef qef ;onf 1985 ck ES pf rS m 0ef BuD ;csKyf pjzpfcJhonf/ ,aeYtxd tmPmudk csKyf ud k if xm;ygonf/ crmeD acgif ;aqmif a[mif; wpfOD;jzpfNyD; oufawmfapmihf 3000 rQ &S d onf / rd rd uk d ,fuk d vl oef BuD; [k &nf nT ef; ac:a0:avh &Sd onf /

    4/ Oyrm tajz - crmeD acgif;aqmif

    jzpfcJ hzl ;jcif ; aMumifh &uf puf Murf ;MuKwf aom vk yf &yf rsm;wG if yg0if cJ h Ek d if aMumif ; rSef;qEdkifygonf/ oufawmfapmihf rsm;pGmxm;jcif;aMumifh vlrkef;rsm;ol jzpf aMumif ;? vl rsm;u ol Uud k aMumuf &G H U aMumif; rSef;qEkdifygonf/ tmPmudk cJGa0 ray;csifbJ rdrdoabm jzihf

    qHk;jzwfcsufrsm; csum tkyfcsKyfol jzpf aMumif ;vnf ; xif &ygonf/

    5/ uarÇm'D;,m; jynfolYygwDu ygvD wG if ae&m wpf 0uf ausmf ud k &&S d atmif jrif cJ h onf / ok d Y aomf ¤if ;wk d Y ygwD wpf ck wnf ; ESihf tpkd;&zGJU&efrSm oHk;yH

    &&SdrS jzpfrnf/ xkdYaMumifh tj wpf ck ES ih f yl ;aygif ;&ef vk d onf / okd Y aomf qrf&efZDESih f zlpifyufwkd Yu yl;aygif;NyD; pDyDyDud k qefYusifaeMu onf/ [efqef; ae&mu qif;ay;rS om ¤if ;wk dY ES pfygwD yl;aygif; NyD; nGefYaygif;tpdk;& Ek dif rnf [k ajymonf/ [ef qef ;u ae&m

    rS rz,f ay;Ed k if onf h twG uf qrf &ef ZDwk d Y uvnf; tpkd;& rzGJUbJ wif;cHxm;M onf /

    6/ csD AcsD &ma&m qrf&ef ZD uyg tvk yf orm; tcGihfta&;rsm; udk umuG,folrsm jzpfMuaomaMumihf &if;ESD;pG

    tvk yf vk yf Murnf jzpf onf /7/ csD AcsD &m\tzG J Uu qrf &ef ZD om a&G ;aumuf yG J

    &v'fudk rauseyfygu qrf&efZDud axmuful qE´jyvkdaom aMumifh jz onf /

    8/ xk d rQBuD ;rm;aom qE´ jyyG J rS m [ef qef ;\

    ygwD twG uf raumif ; yg/ qrf &ef ZD ygwD uk d vlxku (txl ;ojzih f tvk yform; rsm;u) pdyD yD ygwDxuf ykd rkd axmuf cH aMumif ; xif &Sm;onf/ qE ́jyolrsm;u rJta&twGufrSmvnf; rSefuefrI r&SdaMumif; ajymEdkif jyD; pD rsuf ES m ysuf apEk d if aom aMumif h jzpf onf /

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    9. p bl : • Because someone wanted

    to stop him from organisingdemonstra ons which wouldsupport the Sam Rainsy Party.

    • Because he was helping workersask for higher wages and be erworking condi ons.

    • Because his leadership was apossible threat to the CPP.

    10. p bl : Because the police work for thegovernment, and they wantedhim to stop his ac vi es,especially during the elec on .

    Extension Activities:Democracy ?1. p bl : Elec ons are

    an important part of democracy,so perhaps it shows thatCambodia is partly democra c.However, there are many waysthat a party can win an elec onin unfair or illegal ways, such asthreatening opponents, lyingabout vote counts, banningother par es, etc.

    2. p bl : It can lead toproblems, including:• when government workers

    make mistakes or abuse theirpower, nobody can stop thembecause no one else knowswhat they are doing.

    • the longer a party stays in

    power, the more control theyhave over other ins tu onsthat should be independent,such as the media, elec ons,the police and the courts.

    • people get used to a par cularsystem and stop trying toimprove society.

    • On the other hand, if thepeople in power are doing agood job, perhaps it is not aproblem if they stay in powerfor a long me.

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    9/ Oyrmtajzrsm; -

    • qrf &efZD ygwD ud k axmuf cH onf h taeES ih f jyKvk yf aom qE´ jyyG J BuD ;ud k rjzpf apvk dol wpfOD;OD;u AcsD&mudk wm;qD;vkdaom aMumif h jzpfygonf/

    • tvkyform;rsm;\ vpmudk wkd;jr§ihf awmif ;qk d ay;jcif ;ES ih f tjcm; vk yf ief ;cG if tajctaersm;ud k tvk yf orm;rsm;buf rS ul nD n§d EI d if ;ay;jcif ;aMumif h jzpfonf/

    • csDAcsD&m\ acgif;aqmifrIrSm pDyDyD

    twG uf &wuf rat;p&m &efpG,f wpf ck jzpf aejcif;aMumif h jzpf onf / 10/ Oyrmtajzrsm; - &J rsm;u tpkd ;&buf rS

    jzpfMujcif ;aMumif h jzpf Ek d if onf / csD AcsD &m \ vkyfief; tBuHtpnfrsm;udk &yfwefY apvk d aomaMumif h? txl ;ojzih f a&G ;aumuf yG J umvwGif csDAcsD&m\ taESmif ht,Suf r&Sd vk d aomaMumih f jzpf yg rnf/

    aemuf quf wG J vkyfief ;pOf rsm;/ 'Drk d ua&pD

    1/ Oyrmtajzrsm; - a&G ;aumuf yG J rsm;onf 'D rk d ua&pD pepf wG if ta&;ygaom tpd wf tykd if ;wpf ck jzpf ygonf/ ok dY jzpfvS sif uarÇ m'D ;,m;Ed k if iH uk d wpf enf ; tm;jzif h 'Drkdua&pDEdkifiH[k owfrSwf owfrSwf í &Edkifyg onf/ okdYao ygwD wpf ck ck onf w&m;r0if? rorm aom enf ;vrf ;rsm;ES ih f vnf ; tEk d if &Ek d if ygonf/

    Oyrm Nyd Kif buf ygwD uk d aemuf qk wf atmif Ncdrf ;ajcmuf jcif ;? rJck d ;jcif ; rJ vd rfjcif;? tjcm;ygwD rsm; ud k wm;jrpf yd wf od rf ;jcif ; ponf wk d Y jzpf Ek d if ygonf/

    2/ Oyrm tajzrsm; - 4if ;ud k jyóemwpfck tjzpf ,l qEk d if ygonf/

    • tpk d ;&tzG J U0if rsm;u trS m; usL;vG ef jcif ;? tmPm tvG J oH k ;pm;jcif ; ponf wk d Y jyKvk yf vmEk d if onf / xk d ok d Y jyKvk yf aeonf ud k vnf ; rnf ol rQ rod &í r&yf wef Y Ed k if/ • trS D tck d uif ;vG wf vyf pG m aeoih f onf h tzG J Utpnf ;rsm;jzpf aom rD 'D ,m? a&G ;aumuf yG J rsm;? &J tzG J UES ih f w&m;a&;&m rsm; tay: tcsd ef

    Mumonf ES ih f trQ rajymif ;vJ aom tpk d ;&\ vT rf ;rk d ;rI yk d vmEk d if onf /

    • jynf ol rsm; tpk d ;&pepf wpf ck wnf ;ES if h om tom;usoGm;jyD ; vl Yabmif tzGJUtpnf; wk d ;wuf a&;twG uf Mud K;yrf ;rI rsm; &yf wef U oG m;rnf • tmPmvuf 0,f yk d if qk d if xm;ol rsm;u rS ef uef ajzmif h rwf pG m tk yf csKyf rnf qk d vS sif tcsd ef Mumjrif h aomf vnf ; jyóem&S d Ek d if rnf rxif yg/

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    3. The Suspects

    1. p bl : Many journalists and human rightsgroups were speaking about

    Vichea’s death. This made thegovernment look bad aroundthe world. The governmentgets half of its money fromforeign aid, and perhapsthey were afraid it wouldbe reduced. Perhaps thegovernment pressured the

    police into 'solving' the casequickly so there would be lessinterna onal a en on on theissue.

    2. He said he didn't kill anyone. Hethinks the top o cials can doanything they like.

    3. He wasn’t in Phnom Penh but60 km away in the town of NeakLoeung.

    4. More than twelve witnessessaid that Born Samnang was inNeak Loeung at the me Vicheawas killed.

    5. Because the police tortured him

    and threatened to do the sameto his girlfriend.

    6. That they use violence andthreats to get what they want.

    7. Answers will depend onstudents' ideas and experience.

    8. He said it was unjust, and that hedidn't know anything about it.

    9. He said he was in Phnom Penhon the day Vichea was killed,celebra ng Chinese New Year with

    friends at a house.10. The other guests were too

    afraid to support his alibi. Onesaid that if he could be takento another country and getsomeone to help him, he would“talk a lot.”

    11. They were afraid of what thepolice would do to them.

    12. They could be killed becausethey knew things, they worriedabout how to feed theirchildren, and they were afraidof going to prison.

    13. p bl : Because Sok

    Sam Oeun’s witnesses lived inthe city where the police couldthreaten them more easily.

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    3/ pG J csuf wif cH &ol rsm; 1/ Oyrmtajzrsm; - owif;axmufrsm;?

    vlYtcGihfta&;tkyfpkrsm;u AcsD&m\ aoqHk;rI taMumif;udk ajymqkd aeMu onf / ¤if ;tjzpf u tpk d ;&ud k urÇ mh tv,f wG if rsuf ES mysuf aponf / tpk d ;&0if aiG \ xuf0ufcefYrSm EkdifiHwum tultnD rsm;rS &&S d aejcif ; jzpf &m tqk d yg 0if aiG rsm; avsmhus oGm; rnf ukd pdk;&drfaeonf/ xdkYaMumifh þtrI ukd tjrefazmfxkwf?

    zrf;qD;Edkif&ef tpkd;& rS &JtzGJUukd zd tm;ay;aejcif ; jzpf Edk if onf/ odk Y rS om EdkifiHwum tm½kHpdkufrI avsmhenf; oG m;rnf/

    2/ rnfol YukdrQ rowf&yg[k ajymcJ honf/ xdyfwef;t&m&Sdrsm;u tvkd&Sd&m vkyfEkdifpGrf; &Sdonf[kvnf; olu xif jrif onf/

    3/ bG ef qrf eef ;u tcif ;jzpf yG m;pOf zEG rf ;yif wG if &S d raebJ 60 uD vk d rD wmcef Y a0;aom euf uavmif ;Nrd KUwG if a&muf ae cJ h onf /

    4/ rsuf jrif ouf ao 12 OD;ausmf u AcsD &m towf cH cJ h &onf h tcsd ef wG if bG ef qrf eef ; udk eufuavmif;NrdKUwGif &SdaeaMumif; ouf aocH xG uf qkd cJ h Muonf/

    5/ &J rsm;u ol Uud k ES d yf puf NyD ; ol \ cspf ol ud k vnf; tvm;wl ESdyfpufrnf[k Ncd rf ;ajcmuf aomaMumif h jzpf onf /

    6/ &J rsm;rS m ES d yf puf jcif; Ncdrf ;ajcmuf jcif ;wk d Y jyKNyD; vkd&mudk &,lwwfMuaMumif; od vk duf &ygonf/

    7/ ajzqkdyHkrSm ausmif;om;rs xif jrif csuf rsm; tawG UtBuH Krsm; tay: wG if rl wnf onf /

    8/ rdrd rw&m; cH&aMumif;/ xkdu ywfoufNyD; rdrdvHk;0 rodaMu ajymqk d cJ h onf /

    9/ qG wf qrf tG ef;u AcsD &m towf cH &onf h aeYwG if zEG rf ;yif wGif r&S d aMumif ;? tjcm; rS tdrfwpftdrfwGif oli,fcsif;rsm; E w½kwfESpfopful;yGJ qifETJaea

    ajymygonf/ 10/ ESpfopful;yGJtwl usif;yMuolrsm

    qG wfqrftGef;bufrS ul nD xG ufqkd &ef r0Hh&JMuyg/ tjcm;wpfOD;u ¤if; tjcm;Ek dif iHok dY ac:oGm;NyD; apmihf a&Smuf ay;Ek d if u trsm;BuD ; ajymjyrnf [k ajymcJ h onf /

    11/ &Jrsm;u xGufqkdoludk &efjyKr aMumuf vef Y Mujcif ; jzpf onf /

    12/]udpörsm;udk odoGm;olonf owfjz EIwfydwf jcif; cH&Ekdifonf/ rdr uav;rsm;uk d auR;arG ; apmih f a&S muf rnf h ol r&Sdawmh rnf udkvnf; pkd;&drf axmifokdY ydkYvdkufrnfudk vnf; onf /

    13/ Oyrm tajz - qrf tG ef ;\ ouf ao rsm; u NrdKUjyaeolrsm; jzpfjcif;aMum onf/ &Jrsm;u tvG,fwul a&muf&Sd Ncdrf;ajcmuf vmEkdifaomae&m jz

    aMumif h jzpf onf /

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    14. The police did not want to hearthe truth.

    15. She was afriad the killer mightkill her if she spoke about it.

    16. Get poli cal asylum in another

    country (Thailand).17. He was a plain-clothes

    policeman.18. Because he was stealing money

    from the company he workedfor and his mother was worriedthat the company would taketheir house as payment. Soshe decided to legally disownhim and gave all the necessarydocuments to the police to dothis. Lieutenant Hun Song sawthe documents related to this,and a few days a er Vichea’sdeath he asked Samnang’s

    mother for a photo of him. Thiswas the photo used to make thepicture of Vichea’s killer.

    19. A thief called Din Doeun and SokSam Oeun had an argument.The next day Din Doeun toldLieutenant Hun Song that SokSam Oeun was paying people

    to commit murder. This wasnot true, but because Hun Songheard about it just a few daysbefore Vichea’s death, Sok SamOeun was arrested.

    20. Lieutenant Hun Song.21. p bl : The police

    needed two people to accuseof killing Chea Vichea (one theycan say was the shooter, onethe motorbike driver). Both hadrecently come to the a en onof Hun Song but neither onehad been arrested for thosethings. Also, they they were

    normal, working people whodidn’t have important friends.

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    14/ &J u trSef twk d if; rMum;csif cJ h yg/

    15/ rd rd zG ih f [ ajymvk d uf ygu vl owf orm;u vma&muf EI wf yd wfrnfud k xk d trsd K;orD ; aMumufaecJ h onf /

    16/ Ek d if iH a&; ck dvH I cG ih f&,lrS jzpf ygrnf/

    17/ t&yf 0wf ES ih f &J wpf OD ;qD rS Mum;vk d uf jcif ; jzpf onf/

    18/ bGefqrfeef;u ¤if;tvkyfvkyf&m aq;qk dif rS aiGrsm; ckd;,l jcif ; &SdcJhonf/ aq;qkdifu aetdrfudk tavsmftjzpf od rf ;rnf ud k ol Y rd cif u pd k ;&d rf onh f twG uf om;jzpf ol ES ih f Oya't& rywf ouf awmh atmif om;tjzpf rS pG ef YvT wf &ef qHk ;jzwf vkdufonf/ xkdYaMumifh vkdtyfaom pm&Guf pmwrf ;rsm;ud k &J pcef ;ok d Y wif jyí om;tjzpfrS pGefYvTwf &ef aqmif&GufcJh

    onf / xk d zk d if rsm; ud k 'k &J rS L; [G ef aqmif ;u awG U&S d oG m;onf/ csD AcsD &m vkyf BuH cH &NyD ; &uftenf;i,f tMumwGif qrfeef;\ rd cif xH rS qrf eef ;\ "gwf yH k ud k [G ef aqmif ; u awmif ;,l cJ h onf / xk d "gwf yH k udk yHkwl jyefqGJNyD; vlowform; yHk[k aMunm vk d ufjcif ; jzpf onf /

    19/ 'if 'G ef ; [l aom ol ck d ;wpf OD ;ES ih f qG wf qrf tG ef ; wkdY uawmufuq jzpfcJh onf/ aemu wpf aeY wG if 'k &J rS L; [G ef aqmif ; ud k 'if 'G ef ;u qG wf qrf tG ef ; onf vl owf orm; iS m;NyD;

    vlowfrIrsm; usL;vGefaeonf[k oGm;wkdifvkdufonf/ rSefuefao wkdifcsuf r[kwfaomfvnf; csDAcs towfcH&rItwGuf w&m;cH vkdaec wG if wk d if vk d uf jcif ; aMumif h qG wf qrf tG ef ; u tzrf ;cH vk d uf &jcif; jzpfonf/

    20/ 'k &J rS L; [G ef aqmif ;

    21/ Oyrm tajz - csDAcsD&m ao&rI tjypfyHkcscH&ef w&m;cHESpfO w&m;cH eS if h armfawmf qk d if u,f armif;ol ) tylwjyif; vkdtyfvsuf&SdaomaMum ¤if;wkdY ESpfOD;udk zrf;qD;cJhM onf/ w&m;cHjzpf&ol ESpfOD;pv

    zk d if wG J rsm;u [G ef aqmif ;qD ok d Y tcsd ef ud k uf a&muf&SdoGm;jcif;aMumifh jz okdYaomf 4if;wkdY\ rl&if; wdkifc aMumifh tzrf;cH&jcif; aMumifh r[kwfyg/ xkdYjyif ¤if;wkdY ESpfO aygufayguf a&mufa&muf&Sd a aemufcH aumif; aumif;&Sd aom? txuf vlBuD;rsm; ESihf odaomol rsm; v [k wf yH k r&ay/

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    Extension Activities: TheCourts1. The judge did not listen to the

    witnesses who supported theiralibi.

    2. p bl : No. The courtdid not listen to all the evidenceand the confession wasprobably made under torture;and the judge may have beenin uenced by someone higherup in the government.

    3. p bl : That thecourts were more interestedin achieving the government’sand police’s poli cal goals thanin nding and punishing thepeople who who were reallyguilty.

    4. The Law

    1. p bl : To preventcon ict, enforce laws, and keeppeople safe.

    2. p bl : He is sayingthat ordinary people do nothave the ability to kill peopleeasily and that if someone iskilled for poli cal reasons, it islikely that the police or militaryare responsible.

    3. p bl : To threatenher into keeping quiet aboutwhat she saw.

    4. p bl : That they usetheir power to prevent the truthfrom coming out.

    5. Lieutenant Hun Song6. Deputy Police Chief Heng

    Pov, who had led the Vicheainves ga on from thebeginning.

    7. Four-star general Hok Lundy.8. Only the prime minister, Hun


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    65/72 62csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    aemuf quf wG J vk yf ief ;pOf rsm;/ w&m;½k H ;tzG J U

    1/ w&m;ol BuD ;u ES pf OD ;pvH k ;\ xG uf qk d csuf rsm;twGuf rsufjrifoufaorsm;\ ouf aocH rI rsm; ud k vspf vsL½I onf /

    2/ Oyrm tajz - r[k wf yg/ tb,f h aMumif h qk d aomf w&m;½k H ;u ouf aorsm; tm;vH k ; ud k nDwlnDrQ Mum;em todtrS wfjyKrI r&SdaomaMumifh jzpf onf/ xkdYjyif 0efcHcsufuvnf; ESdyfpuf Ncdrf;ajcmuf cH&csdefwG if vuf rS wf xkd ; aom 0ef cH csuf jzpf aeonf /

    3/ Oyrm tajz - uarÇ m'D ;,m;\ w&m;a&; pepfrSm tjypf&Sdoludk azmfxkwf tjypf ay;&ef xuf tpk d ;&ES ih f &J rsm;\ Ek d ifiH a&; tusdK;tjrwfudk ydkí tm½kHpkduf

    azmf aqmif aeonf [k ajymEd k if ygonf/

    4/ Oya' 1/ Oyrm tajz - y#d yu© rsm;ud k umuG ,f &ef?

    Oya'pd k ;rk d ;a&; aqmif &G uf &ef? vl trsm; ud k apmih f a&S muf &ef/

    2/ Oyrm tajz - xk d ol qk d vk d onf rS m omref vl rsm;u tvG ,f wul vl owf Ek d if aMumif ;? Ek d if iH a&; &nf &G ,f csuf t& towf cH &onf qk d ygu &J (od k Y r[k wf ) ppf wyf aMumih f jzpf Ed k if acs&S d onf [k qk d vk d jcif ; jzpf yg onf /

    3/ Oyrm tajz - od xm;? jrif xm;onf rsm; ud k xk wf rajymatmif Ncd rf ;ajcmuf ajymqk d &ef oG m;cJ h jcif ; jzpf onf /

    4/ Oyrm tajz - trS ef w&m;ud k zH k ;uG ,f &ef vk yf ykd if cG ihf ud k toH k;csMuaMumif ;/

    5/ 'k &J rS L; [G ef aqmif ;

    6/ AcsD&m aoqHk;rIudk tprS wm0 pH kprf ;ol 'k&J csKyf [ef aygh/

    7/ Mu,f av;yG ih f Ad k vf csKyf [Gwf vef 'D/

    8/ 0efBuD;csKyf [efqef;twGufom jzpf onf /

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    9. p bl – :• Weak and badly educated lawyers

    and judges.• Courts and judges are completely

    controlled by the government.

    • The former dictatorship (KhmerRouge) has destroyed educa on,civil society and the law. Quote:“in 1982, only ten legally educatedpeople survived in Cambodia.”

    p bl – :• No one trusts or respects the law.

    • In mida on and bullying of thepeople by the police and courts.• Working for a long me in the

    same job means that governmentand legal workers have madestrong rela onships with eachother and use these to create andhide corrup on.

    • No powerful people want tochange the system because itwould mean that they will bepunished for what they have donein the past.

    10. Answers will depend onstudents' ideas and experience.

    11. Om Yen eng, the primeminister’s adviser and also thehead of the Cambodian HumanRights Commi ee.

    12. They could be killed.

    13. p bl : So that judgescan make decisions based onevidence rather than on whatthe government wants thedecision to be, and that thegovernment cannot commitcrimes without being punished

    Extension Activities: ThePolice.1. p bl : The people.2. p bl : Business

    owners and poli cians.3. Answers will depend on

    students' ideas and experience.

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    67/72 64csDAcsD&mud k b,f olowfovJ

    9/ Oyrm tajzrsm; - taMumif ;t&if ;rsm;/• ynmrwwf aom nH h zsif ;onf h a&S Uaersm;

    ES ih f w&m;ol BuD;rsm;/• w&m;½kHk;rsm;ESihf w&m;olBuD;rsm;udk

    tpkd;&uom tjynf ht0 xdef;csKyfxm; jcif ;/

    • crmeDrsm;vufxufwGif crmeDrsm;u ynma&;? vl rI tzG J Utpnf ;ES ih f Oya'rsm; udk ½kdufcsdK; zsufqD;cJhjcif;/ ½kyf&SifrS ajympum;wpfckrSm ]tJh'D tcsdefwkef;u

    1982 ckESpf 0ef;usifavmuf uaygh/ uarÇm'D;,m;rS m Oya' uRrf ;usifol 10 a,muf yJ touf &S if usef &pf w,f }/

    Oyrm tajzrsm; - tusd K;ouf a&muf rI rsm;/

    • Oya'ukd rnfolrQ ,HkMunfpdwfcsjcif; av;pm;jcif ; r&S d

    &J ES ih f w&m;½k H ;u vl trsm;ud k Ncd rf ;ajcmuf tEk d if usih f jcif ; • wpf ae&mwnf ;wG if tpk d ;&ES ih f w&m;a&;

    wkd Y tcsdefMumjrih fpG m wGJvkyf jcif;aMumif h ywf ouf rI yk d BuD;rm;vmjyD ; ywf ouf&m ywfoufaMumif;rsm;udk toHk;jyKum tusih fysuf rI rsm; usL;vG efjcif ;? zHk ;uG ,f ay;Mujcif ;

    • tmPm&Sdaeolrsm;uvnf; pepfudk ajymif ;vJ &ef rBud K;pm;Mu/ pepf ajymif ;yg uvnf ; ¤if ;wk d Y vk yf cJ h onf h tjypf rsm;ud k jyef ay;qyf &efom &S d onf /

    10/ ajzqkdyHkrSm ausmif;om;rsm;\

    xifjrifcsuf rsm; tawGUtBuHKrsm;ay: wG if rl wnfonf/

    11/ 0ef BuD ;csKyf \ tMuH ay;ES ih f uarÇ m'D ;,m; vl Y tcG ih f ta&; aumf rD wD Ouú X OKrf &rf wk d if ;?

    12/ rdrdukd,fydkif qHk;jzwfcsuf csr w&m;ol BuD ;rsm;rSm owf jzwf EIwf yd wf

    jcif ; cH &Ekd if onf / 13/ Oyrm tajz - vTrf;rkd ;cH &rI uif;rSom

    w&m;ol BuD ;taejzif h w&m;pD &if csuf rsm; rSm tpkd;&\ qE´tay: tajcrcHbJ ouf aorsm; xG uf qdk csuf tay: tajccH jyD; rSefuefonfh qHk;jzwfcsufrsm

    csEk d ifrnf jzpf ygonf/ aemuf quf wG J vk yf ief ;pOf rsm;/ &J tzG J U 1/ Oyrm tajz - jynf ol vl xk

    2/ Oyrm tajz - pD ;yG m;a&; vk yf ief ;&S if rsm; ES ih f Ek d if iH a&; orm;rsm;twG uf om

    3/ ajzqkdyHkrSm ausmif;om;rs xifjrifcsuf rsm; tawGUtBuHKrsm; wG if rl wnf onf /

  • 8/20/2019 Who Killed Chea Vichea


    5. Why wasChea Vichea Killed?

    1. Answers will depend onstudents' ideas and experience.

    2. All three were FTUWKC unionleaders, all three were killed bytwo men on motorbikes, andboth Vuthy and Vichea receiveddeath threats before theirmurders.

    3. p bl : It makes otherworkers too afraid to try andchange the working condi onsin their factories.

    4. p bl : Thegovernment and businessowners.

    5. p bl : The SamRainsy Party and Funcinpec

    poli cians.6. p bl : PrinceRanariddh stopped workingwith Sam Rainsy and joined HunSen in a new two-party coali ongovernment. On July 15, 2004,Hun Sen was made primeminister again.

    7. Hun Sen and CPP8. p bl : They

    threatened unionists and otherworkers, cheated them withshort contracts, lied about thecondi ons in the factory, etc.

    9. p bl : Cambodianworkers don’t want to talkabout their condi ons of workbecause they are afraid thatthey will be red. Many of the

    workers have no opportunity forother employment because noother garment factory will wanta work