chef's corner issue 61 english

National Salon Culinaire 2010 vහuIස« vNDස« ÊuM ÊuසU National Salon Culinaire 2010 vහuIස« vNDස« ÊuM ÊuසU

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July - August 2010


Page 1: Chef's Corner Issue 61 English

National Salon Culinaire

2010v�uI�« vND�« ÊuM� Êu�U�

National Salon Culinaire

2010v�uI�« vND�« ÊuM� Êu�U�

Page 2: Chef's Corner Issue 61 English

Thank You ECA SponsorsPlatinum Sponsors

Diamond Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

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Chef’s CornerIssue 61

July - August 2010

C o n t e n t s{ C o n t e n t s }




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editorialMarkus J. Iten 4Ahmed el nahas 5

Competitionsh.e. Zoheir Garranah at the salon Culinaire’10 6Medal Winners national salon Culinaire’10 8

Interview & ProfileWACs President Gissur on the future of WACs 12nobu…from Modest sushi Chef to Global superstar 18

featureDining by nordic Lights 14fruits for health 21

recipesBanana Mousse Cake 19rice Custard and Almond Cream Tart 20

TrainingeCA Bookstore 23Quiz 24eCA Workshop Certifications 34

Meeting PointMakro opens its Doors in egypt 25Chef’s Corner news 26Welcome eCA Members 28Calendar 35Lainox, All in one Unit 36



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Dear Colleagues and Friends of the Culinary Profession,

By the time you receive this issue of Chef's Corner we will be well into Ramadan so therefore “Ramadan Kareem!” to all fellow chefs, sponsors and friends of the culinary profession.

I wish to give you an update on our progress with the Culinary Training Centers project. First and foremost my main focus is with the trainers-to-be, all ten of them. Since the month of May we are covering, step by step, the 32 topics of the program. These topics are not only a classroom affair, but also include a great deal of work and practice in the kitchen. We all know how hot it can get in a kitchen when there is no AC, at ground level with all the burners at full thrust, including two ovens.

It is not only the heat the chefs are struggling with, but also – now seriously improved – the knife handling skills in slicing, dicing, chopping, tourning etc. Sounds simple enough; well, apparently it is not so simple at all! We all know that any product we cook needs to be in the same size and shape. Equal size is needed to promote even cooking and the right shape is needed for a professional clean and neat display of the foods on a plate or buffet. Simple? Find out for yourself and give it a try to make 24 potatoes the same size and shape and see how far you get and what your colleagues have to say about your performance.

On the lighter side, I introduced a light fitness program. You may ask ‘What for?’ Well, to be honest, most of our teachers-to-be, like many other chefs and community members for that matter, have the tendency to be slightly – or not so slightly – chubby or one could say, overweight. To combat this tendency, the following inspiring program has been implemented. First, some football to get their attention; then some running in circles to warm them up, followed by some light stretching such as 100 push-ups and 60 sit-ups, etc., and then some more football, running, and so on. You ask 'Who is in charge of this?' Rest assured, someone who knows exactly how to get our guys back in shape, since he is in good shape himself. His name is Captain Khaled, ex-Special Forces, and he takes lovingly care of our teachers twice a week. If anyone wants to join in, they are more than welcome! Another question you may ask, 'Why all this running about if they need to become professional culinary trainers?' As I already explained, they need to get a bit leaner, trimmer and fitter. As chef you have to be lean, trim and fit, otherwise you can never execute your work with efficiency and answer to the high demands of the job.

Does it work? YES! Many already had to punch extra holes in their belts so as not to loose their pants. Good sign, except, at present we have four out of action: one with a pulled shoulder muscle, one with a bruised back, and two with knee problems. However, the doctors have examined them and it is all a part of the game of getting back into shape and they will be back in action within a few days.

So once again, Ramadan Kareem, and remember to keep your Iftars light and healthy!

Markus J. ItenPresident, Egyptian Chefs Association




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rE d i t o r i a l

Publication of theEgyptian Chefs Association

Registration number: 447620 Salem Salem Street,

Agouza, GizaTelephone / Fax 02 376 22 116 / 7 / 8E-mail: [email protected]


Executive DirectorMirjam van IJssel

Membership DepartmentMarwa Said

Amr Abdel Salam

Business DevelopmentAshraf GamalAnet Gunter

Website & PublicationSamira Mahmoud

Marwa SaidVioleta D. Salama

Production & Graphic DesignAshraf Shukri / Lunar Graphics

Hany Kamal

Executive SecretaryAmira William

TranslationHussein SayedAmal Bassaly

Cover Photo by:Salah Ibrahim

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Publication of theEgyptian Chefs Association

Registration number: 447620 Salem Salem Street,

Agouza, GizaTelephone / Fax 02 376 22 116 / 7 / 8E-mail: [email protected]


Executive Committee

Honorary PresidentHussein Badran

ChairmanAhmed El Nahas

PresidentMarkus J. Iten

TreasurerHossam El Din Mohamed

Training & CompetitionsHossam El Din Mohamed

Markus J. ItenTarek Ibrahim

Restaurant RelationsYuphadee Sawamiwast

Public Relations JuniorsMohamed El Saadawy

Representative North CoastMohamed El Saadany

Assistant Representative North CoastMohamed El Bedwhi

Representative Red Sea CoastSamir Abdel Azim

Representative Upper EgyptIbrahim Rashed

Dear Hospitality Wizards,

The Egyptian Chefs Association concluded its 13th edition of the National Salon Culinaire’10 with great success, and I wish to take this opportunity to thank InterContinental Citystars for their great hospitality in hosting once again the Association’s annual event. I also wish to thank our main sponsors of the culinary show, Unilever Foodsolutions and Juhayna Food Industries, as well as all other companies who financially contributed, for their kind support.

The official award ceremony of this year’s Salon was honored by the attendance of His Excellency Zoheir Garranah, Minister of Tourism, who awarded the highest scoring chefs and the wining establishment, the Hurghada Marriott Beach Resort, with trophies in recognition of their successful achievements. In his address to the more than 200 chefs and other professionals of the industry in attendance, His Excellency emphasized the importance of serving high quality foods in sustaining and attracting tourism.

In line with His Excellency’s view, Mr. Hussein Badran, Mr. Ayman Altaranissi and myself of the Egyptian Tourism Federation were attending this year’s show along with the Minister to announce the establishment of the first two Culinary Training Centers in Egypt. This project, funded by the Ministry of Tourism and managed by the Egyptian Tourism Federation with the technical assistance of the Egyptian Chefs Association, aims to raise the professional standards of culinary arts and food preparation in Egypt for the betterment of the tourism industry. The project also aims to provide basic kitchen skills training for young Egyptians in accordance with international certification standards, which will guarantee them future employment in the fast growing hospitality industry.

The project is not just talk and promises anymore, but went well into its implementation phase with kitchen equipment and utensils ordered for the first two centers. The future culinary instructors are attending an intensive half-year training program to obtain their international chef’s certification. Bilingual student manuals covering all 32 topics of the International Chef’s Apprenticeship Program are being reviewed to go for print and teacher power point presentations of all topics are being composed and translated into Arabic. A marketing executive is on the road to spread the word and familiarize everyone with the ins and outs of the training program and information on how to sign up. In case you wish to find out more about this great chef’s training program, please call the Association where the project’s marketing executive Doris Frei, or Marwa Said and Amr Abdel Salam of the ECA membership department can provide you with all the details or arrange for someone to visit your establishment. Also presentations on the program will take place in the main cities and resort regions such as Cairo, Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada and Luxor.

It is a massive undertaking with many details and logistics involved; from kitchen installments to ordering jackets and chef’s knives for students; from drawing up market lists for the practical sessions (as two thirds of the program is practical skills training), to developing marketing materials and applications forms for student enrollments. However, with all parties dedicated and involved to get all in place and organized during the remaining five months, we are sure to kick off and welcome our first students by January’11.

We will keep you posted on all the developments, but for now, I would like to wish everyone a blessed Ramadan and a happy Eid Al Fitr!

Ahmed El NahasChairman, Egyptian Chefs Association



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This year's edition of the Chef’s Association’s annual culinary show was honored by the attendance of H.E. the Minister of Tourism, Mr. Zoheir Garranah, who emphasized the importance of high-quality food in attracting and sustaining tourism. Also among the VIP attendees was Mr. Ahmed El Nahas, President of the Egyptian Tourism Federation and Chairman of the Egyptian Chefs Association, who announced to the distinguished guests the Culinary Training Centers Project of Egypt.

The Egyptian Chefs Association held its 13th annual National Salon

Culinaire on Tuesday 29 June, kindly hosted by the InterContinental Citystars

and sponsored by Juhayna Food Industries and Unilever Foodsolutions.

H.E. Zoheir Garranah attends the National Salon Culinaire’10



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This Ministry of Tourism-funded project will enhance the culinary standards of the hospitality establishments as well as provide young Egyptians with an opportunity to learn a specialized skill to be employed in the industry. The project will be managed by the Egyptian Tourism Federation with the technical assistance of the Egyptian Chefs Association, already renowned for its quality kitchen training programs. The first two Culinary Training Centers to be opened will be located at the Akhbar Al Youm Academy in 6th of October and at the Faculty of Tourism & Hotels, South Valley University in Luxor.

Also in attendance at this year’s Salon Culinaire was the President of the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS), Gissur Gudmundsson, along with five other prominent international guest jury members, who had been specially flown in to judge the Egyptian chef’s competition. The international judging committee awarded in total 42 Bronze medals and 10 Silver medals at this year’s culinary show. The ECA Culinary Trophy 2010 was awarded to the Hurghada Marriott Beach Resort. Although the overall standard of the exhibits was not as high as last year, the Junior chefs' participation was noteworthy. They scored 4 bronze and 3 silver medals out of a total of 14 entries. Also worth mentioning were the only two female chef entries of the competition, scoring a bronze and a silver medal, both in the category Main Course Middle Eastern Cuisine. One of them, Chef Sayeda Hussein Nasr of InterContinental Hotel Group CityStars even won the overall highest score award in this category. Extra flair was added to the annual show by the Culinary Ambassadors of Egypt, who showed their talents to their colleagues and also prepared the delicious canapés served at the cocktail reception held as conclusion to this year’s event.

Although Chef Markus Iten, President of the Egyptian Chefs Association, was happy with the turnout this year and the attention the show received by the Ministry of Tourism, he was less pleased with the level of the culinary exhibits. Therefore, he thanked all competitors, but urged them to gear up their efforts in preparation for competitions. Only dedicated practice and training will ensure that international standards are achieved. The international judging committee was of the same opinion, and complemented the ECA on the overall organization of the show, and gave the competitors the feedback they needed to improve their exhibits next time around.

The ECA wishes to thank all participants, judges, sponsors, and supporters for the success of the National Salon Culinaire’10.

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C o m p e t i t i o n

1st PlaceECA Culinary Trophy’10 Silver MedalHurghada Marriott Beach Resort

Team Members

Essam SayedExecutive Chef

Ahmed Said1st Commis

Mohamed Abdallah1st Commis

Abdel Mohsen AminPastry Chef

2nd PlaceBronze MedalInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Team Members

Essam RashwanJunior Sous Chef

Hamed HassanChef de Partie

Ahmed Ragab1st Commis

Mohamed IsmailChef de Partie

3rd PlaceBronze MedalJW Marriott Hotel Mirage City

Team Members

Ahmed Mahmoud SalahHACCP Manager

Mohamed Mahmoud HassaneinChef de Partie

Yasser HosniChef de Partie

Ali FathyDemi Chef de Partie

Highest Score Awards - JuniorsSponsored by Juhayna Food Industries

Categories: Starters, Tapas, Show Platters, Vegetarian PlatterMohamed Selim3rd CommisSemiramis InterContinentalPlated StartersBronze Medal

Categories: Plated Main Course, Main Course Middle East Cuisine, Three Course MenuAdel Mustafa2nd CommisJW Marriott Mirage CityMain CourseSilver Medal

Highest Score Awards - SeniorsSponsored by Unilever Foodsolutions

Categories: Starters, Tapas, Show Platters, Vegetarian PlatterAntar Ali MohamedSous ChefIberotel Aqua Marine HurghadaPlated StartersSilver Medal

Categories: Plated Main Course, Main Course Middle East Cuisine, Three Course MenuSayeda Hussein NasrChef de PartieInterContinental Hotel Group City StarsMain Course Middle Eastern CuisineSilver Medal

Categories: Plated Starters, Petit Fours with Showpiece, Novelty Cake, Wedding CakeHassan Mohamed Nour El Din2nd CommisSemiramis InterContinentalPetit Fours with ShowpieceSilver Medal

Category: Decorative ShowpieceMahmoud HusseinChef ArtistFairmont Towers HeliopolisSilver medal

Medal Winners Team Competition National Salon Culinaire’10. Congratulations!



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Silver Medals Juniors

Plated Main CourseAdel Mustafa2nd CommisJW Marriott Hotel Mirage City

Main Course Middle Eastern CuisineMoustafa Omar FaroukTraineeSemiramis InterContinental

Three Course MenuHassan Ali MahmoudTraineeSemiramis InterContinental

Silver Medals Seniors

Plated StartersAntar Ali MohamedSous ChefIberotel Aqua Marine Hurghada

Main Course Middle Eastern CuisineSayeda Hussein NasrChef de PartieInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Show Platter FishHassan Mohamed Nour El Din2nd CommisSemiramis InterContinental

Decorative ShowpieceSameh Said Ali KhodeirExecutive Pastry ChefSalé Sucré

Mahmoud Hussein HamedChef ArtistFairmont Towers & Heliopolis Hotel

Ismail Salah El Din MasaudPastry ChefT- Club Marsa Alam Hotel Bronze Medals Juniors

Plated StartersMohamed Selim3rd CommisSemiramis InterContinental

Plated Main CourseMohie El Din MokhtarDemi Chef de PartieInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Essam Abdel Hakim3rd CommisInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Main Course Middle Eastern CuisineAmira Mohamed2nd CommisInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Bronze Medals Seniors

Plated StartersAshraf OmarChef de PartieInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Mahmoud Maher1st CommisIberotel Cairo Hotel & Casino

Show Platter FishMohamed Abdel Mohsen A. FattahDemi Chef de PartieSemiramis InterContinental

Plated Main CourseWalid Abdel FattahDemi Chef de PartieJW Marriott Hotel Mirage City

Montasser Abdel Galil BashaExecutive ChefClub of El Nasr Co. for Oil

Hossam El Din Mustafa 3rd CommisRamses Hilton Hotel

Hamdy Mohamed Abdel AzizExecutive Sous ChefBeach Albatros Hotel

Mohamed Fathy2nd CommisSemiramis InterContinental

Wael Hassan2nd CommisInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Medal Winners Individual Competitors National Salon Culinaire’10. Congratulations!

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Ahmed Farouk ShakerDemi Chef de PartieIberotel Cairo Hotel & Casino

Atef Ibrahim AhmedExecutive ChefLSG Sky Chef - EgyptAir

Mohamed Mahmoud HassaneinChef de PartieJW Marriott Hotel Mirage City

Bassam Fawzy2nd CommisInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Main Course Middle Eastern CuisineMohamed Mahmoud MohamedJunior Sous ChefTempo Restaurant & Lounge at The Allegria Golf Club

Three Course MenuYasser Taha2nd CommisRamses Hilton Hotel

Yasser Sayed SolimanChef de PartieLSG Sky Chef - EgyptAir

Mohamed Salem AhmedChef de PartieConcorde El Salam Hotel Cairo

Amr Abdel KaderDemi Chef de PartieInterContinental Hotel Group City Stars

Plated DessertsHesham Abdel Maaboud1st CommisRamses Hilton Hotel

El Sayed Mohamed OrabiDemi Chef de PartieFairmont Towers & Heliopolis Hotel

Ahmed Helmy ReyadDemi Chef de PartieSemiramis InterContinental

Ahmed El SayedChef de Partie PastryGrand Hyatt Cairo

Reda Mohamed Ali1st CommisSemiramis InterContinental

Wedding CakeEmad Afify Demi Chef de PartieJW Marriott Hotel Mirage City

Abbas Mohamed El SayedChef de PartieFairmont Towers & Heliopolis Hotel

Sameh Said Ali KhodeirExecutive Pastry ChefSalé Sucré

Decorative ShowpieceFathy Attia El BatranChef de Partie PastryGrand Hyatt Cairo

Ramadan Mahmoud El SharkawyExecutive ChefLagoon Resort Alexandria

Hussein Mohamed MahmoudKitchen ArtistIberotel Makadi Beach

Ali Ahmed AliChef de Partie PastryGrand Hyatt Cairo

Montasser Amir GawergySenior Chef ArtistSavoy Sharm Hotel

Khaled Ahmed FahmySous ChefSun Rise Festival Hurghada

Hussein Mohamed MahmoudKitchen ArtistIberotel Makadi Beach

Mohamed El Sayed IbrahimChef Garde MangerIberotel Makadi Beach

Montasser Amir GawergySenior Chef ArtistSavoy Sharm Hotel

Gerges Fathy Kamel NawarPastry ChefSands Taba Hotel

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C o m p e t i t i o n

Head JudgesGissur Gudmundsson WACS President WACS Certified Judge Level ARobert Oppeneder Chairman WACS Culinary Competition Committee WACS Certified Judge Level A & PArnold Tanzer Continental Director of WACS Africa & Middle East WACS Certified Judge Level AMartin Kobald Chairman WACS Marketing & Communication CommitteeNermine Hanno TV Culinary Show Presenter & Food Editor Fatafeat WACS Certified Judge Level BThomas Gugler Manager Menu Design & Costing Executive Master Chef Saudia Catering WACS Certified Judge Level B

Judging Committee AssistantsTarek Ibrahim Senior Consultant MLA Africa & Middle East WACS Certified Judge Level BMohamed El Saadany Executive Chef Jolie Ville Maritim AlexandriaSamir Abdel Azim Corporate Executive Chef, Jaz & Iberotel Hotels EgyptBadr Abdel Hafiz Culinary Instructor in Training Culinary Training Centers of Egypt

Judging Committee National Salon Culinaire’10

Abdallah KamelPastry Chef InterContinental CitystarsGalal FaroukDemi Chef de Partie InterContinental CitystarsHany Hamed Badr HamedSous Chef Holiday Inn CitystarsHassan Alaa El DinCommis Grand Hyatt CairoMohamed Hussein NosseirChef de Partie Grand Hyatt CairoMohamed Mahmoud El SadaawyChef de Partie Semiramis InterContinentalMohamed Rabei Abdel Meguid1st Commis Garde Manger Tempo Restaurant & Lounge at The Allegria Golf ClubMina Sobhy GaballahChef de Partie InterContinental CitystarsOmar Abdel MoneimJunior Sous Chef InterContinental CitystarsWalid RoushdyDemi Chef de Partie InterContinental CitystarsHossam El Din Mohamed Executive Sous Chef InterContinental Citystars Team Manager & Trainer Culinary Ambassadors of EgyptTarek Ibrahim KhamisSenior Consultant MLA Africa & Middle East Trainer Culinary Ambassadors of Egypt

Culinary Ambassadors of Egypt

HostInterContinental Citystars

Main SponsorsJuhayna Food IndustriesUnilever Foodsolutions

Other Sponsors & ContributorsAl Ahram Beverages CompanyAl Qaswaa Co. for Trade and SuppliesAlex BakeriesAM FoodsEgypt Bakery Stores

EgySwissEgyptian Group for MarketingEl Mohandess Co.Farm FritesGolden PackMass Food – TemmysNestlé EgyptPrimaveraRamses FreshSoudancoThree ChefsWatania for Trading

Thank You Sponsors & Contributors National Salon Culinaire’10

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You have always been very active in chefs' Associations, what is the strength of Associations as you see it? Why are they so important for chefs?

I have been on the board of WACS since 2004 and I would say that it should be a requirement to serve on the board first before one becomes president, as it allowed me to be well acquainted with the functioning of the organization and this facilitated my work tremendously.

The strength of Associations is the networking and common interests and goals they represent. Chefs in various countries share so much and have such similar interests! This coming together of chefs is important as we are setting rules and regulations for international competitions that all must agree on. It's similar to the FIFA; imagine if football was played by different rules in different countries? We need rules, not just guidelines; and it's important because there is so much effort and money involved, so the competition rules need to be fair to all.

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I n t e r v i e w

WACS Reaching OutFor the first time, Gissur

Gudmundsson, WACS President,

attended the National Salon

Culinaire’10 in Cairo. Samira

Mahmoud met Chef Gissur to

talk about his aspirations and the

future role of WACS as he sees it.




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As WACS President, what do you feel are the most important priorities facing chefs today?

For chefs in the past and today, education is always priority number one, two and three! Education builds itself up by passing on the knowledge to the next generation in order to raise the standards. In other words, education is important because it serves everyone's interests.

Take the WACS as an example. The WACS is 80 years old today. All the things that were done in the past allow us to function as we are today. Without that we wouldn’t be here today. At first the organization was created to lobby for chefs' rights and interests throughout the countries that were taking part. After World War II it became an organization more oriented toward looking out for the general interests of the chefs and for professional networking among all chefs across borders.

What do you aim to accomplish before your tenure is over? How do you see the development of WACS over the next few years?

Two years ago I made a promise to open a head office. We hired our first person a year ago, and we will continue to hire part-time staff in the Americas and Asia. In my view, you need staff and can’t depend only on volunteers to ensure that goals are executed in due time and that there will be continuity in the projects undertaken, with programs followed through even as board members change.

The major hurdle in the past was funds, but financial resources come when you do things that are of value. We just launched a magazine for our members. We've also made our website available in four languages and completely redesigned the website. We have to take a business approach in managing the organization and things will start to happen. I have always believed that if you have something in mind that is of value and that you believe in, you must first do it, and then the funds will follow.

I think that one of the priorities for us is to ensure a future office for WACS with staff so that all the good things will be kept in one place regardless of who is in charge. This will ensure our members access to WACS at all times, 24 hours a day.

What role would you like to see WACS play outside the European countries and the US?

WACS should play the same role all over the world. In some countries where you don't have the same culinary educational system, such as Haiti or Georgia, there is a chance for WACS to get involved in helping those countries with their culinary education problems. We have a plan, for instance, to involve chefs that are retired to help teach the future generation. This will be done through the “World Chefs Without Borders”.

In fact, there are plans to bring many efforts all under one umbrella, the “World Chefs Without Borders”. It will be a win-win situation, as small local projects will feel part of a whole, and for the “World Chefs Without Borders” it will also be good as it will lend it more weight if it represents so many projects. We will be able to say that we have raised so much in funds for instance, so that our voice is heard louder and clearer when dealing with large players such as governments, large international

organizations, the United Nations, and others. For example, we are negotiating an agreement where the Canadian Army will build us a kitchen anywhere in the world where it is needed. We do bear in mind that WACS is an organization that has no boundaries and no political affiliations.

If you had unlimited resources, which issues that affect chefs would you tackle and why?

It has to be "Education". We are already working on standardizing the education that chefs receive. We also want to standardize the word "chef". For example, when you use the word "doctor" there is a certain basic education that you must have, in order to be allowed to use the term "doctor". We want to create the same with the term "chef". So we are working on developing a set of criteria for basic education that would be needed as a minimum requirement to allow the term "chef" to be used. The key consideration is which schools can be recognized as accrediting members that in turn can recognize individuals as "chef" in accordance with the internationally accepted standard for chefs’ education.

This is the work of the Education Committee, a group that includes countries like Malaysia, Canada, Norway and the US, among others, and is working on the recognition of "Quality Culinary Education Programs". We are trying to create a program that will set the standards for recognition by culinary schools worldwide. One challenge has been to choose the level for this standard in a way that is not too high, or you will exclude too many schools, nor too low or it will loose its value and credibility. We opted for somewhere near the middle level so as to include as many quality establishments as possible, while still maintaining a level worthy of our name.

How do you see cooperation among chefs in the future?For tomorrow's chefs there will be a crucial choice:

either you open up for exchange and benefit from others' experience or you will perish. Choosing to open up exposes you to different visions of gastronomy in different countries when you travel. That's the best way today for continuing education and it's a worldwide trend. It's happening now with easy communication through internet and it's getting more exciting for chefs as they are now able to experience the cuisines of other nations firsthand and to enrich themselves professionally in the process.

What was your proudest moment as WACS president so far?It's hard to pinpoint any specific moment. I'm especially

proud of the camaraderie that exists between chefs; everyone tries to help in one way or another. In fact you can ask for almost anything imaginable that you need from colleagues, they are sure to provide it and gladly! This camaraderie knows no boundaries and it makes no difference what language you speak; we have a common body language between us chefs that all of us can understand!

Any advice for young chefs starting out?

Yes. Too many chefs start out thinking they can be stars and geniuses. But you should learn the basics first before you try to excel!!




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Dining by Nordic Lights

Dining by Nordic Lights

F e a t u r e

You may be familiar with the Nordic lights, but how familiar are you with

Nordic cuisines? Chef’s Corner gives you a glimpse into the kitchen delights

and cuisines of the Northern European countries.



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Nordic cuisine is defined by simplicity, since emphasis is placed not on elaborate tasting heavy sauces, but rather on the natural flavor of local produce. Because of the countries’ location far north in the European continent, they are destined to endure long and cold winters and shorter summers. Therefore, the local cuisine has had to rely for many years on animal products and earthy tubers, with vegetables and herbs used sparingly. On the other hand, what the dishes lack in spices, they more than make up for in heartiness of taste!

There are many similarities to be found between the Nordic neighbors, dictated by the parallel climate conditions and the blessed abundance of the sea washing their shores. Despite not being native to the region, the potato has become the undisputed king of the staple fare, its presence ubiquitous in all the Nordic cuisines: as mashed potato, new potatoes, potato dumplings and potato salads, this versatile tuber has deep roots in the hearts and stomachs of the local people! Another common denominator which all the cuisines posses is the wealth of wild berries, largely available throughout the region. Berries are used in soups, as an accompanier to stews and reindeer steaks, in cold drinks and warm pastries. Especially popular is the lingonberry jam (slightly similar to cranberry sauce), which is served with traditional meat balls in Denmark and Sweden, as a condiment to meat dishes in Finland and as a sweet dessert in Norway and Iceland.

A special place has to be allocated to the importance of meat balls in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish cuisines; but, whereas in Sweden and Norway the meatballs are served with a heavy cream sauce and mashed potatoes, in Denmark the traditional “frikadellers” (meatballs) are preferred with cabbage in white sauce. As hunting is very big in the Nordic countries, game meat is a constant presence on the dining table, with reindeer, moose, duck and fowl providing meals rich in meat with distinct taste. Game meat does feel heavy both in flavor and digestion, therefore it is often served with crushed junipers berries or lingonberry jam on the side, to neutralize the heavy taste of the meat with the sweet taste of the condiments.

Since the Nordic countries are surrounded by water, seafood is the mainstay of the cuisine. Types of seafood vary but popular choices include herring, salmon and trout; shrimps, lobster and crayfish. Icelanders, however, feast on haddock, cod, halibut and plaice. Pickled herring is the number one appetizer in both Sweden and Denmark, and it is most often served with boiled eggs, potatoes and a sour-cream based sauce. In Denmark, herring can also be found which is first fried and then marinated; this is called "stegte sild i eddike", meaning "fried herring in vinegar". On extra festive occasions, a prepared "silderet" (herring dish) might be served in which the herring pieces are placed in a serving dish along with other ingredients such as onions and capers, or apples and horseradish.

The one traditional Norwegian dish with a claim to international popularity is the smoked salmon. It is now a major celebrity, gracing tables around the globe. Served as an appetizer, in a sandwich or with scrambled eggs, it is accompanied with capers, horseradish and a dill sauce or simply with sliced lemon and buttered toast. Close to smoked salmon is "gravlaks" or "dug salmon", which is salt and sugar cured salmon, seasoned with dill and other herbs and spices. Gravlaks, though native to Norway, is also served in the other Nordic countries and has found popularity among international food-savvy connoisseurs.

Bread and bread dishes also play an important part in the Nordic diet, with whole meal and rye breads being the most loved varieties. Rye breads are used as a foundation for open-faced sandwiches, with toppings containing anything from smoked salmon and herring to cheeses and liver pâtés. In addition, each country has its own selection of mouth-watering pastries, some filled with jams, others with chocolates, some covered in pearl sugar and others laced with cinnamon and vanilla. Sweet pastries are predominantly served accompanied with coffee, and since the Nordic countries hold the first place for coffee consumption per capita, there must be a whole lot of sweet treats served up there!

Food festivals play an important role in maintaining the spirit of the Nordic people throughout the year. Just like in many other countries, food festivals are great occasions for people to eat, drink and be merry! "Kraftskiva" in Sweden and "Krabbelag" in Norway are two such splendid occurrences dedicated to the love of seafood, boiled potatoes and schnapps, innate in the hearts and bellies of the Nordic gourmands. Kraftskiva (crayfish party) takes place in August, and its participants indulge in large amounts of boiled crayfish and all its accompaniments. Krabbelag (crab party) on the other hand is a more frequent festivity, which fortunately for the Norwegians takes place anytime someone decides to cook large crabs in a hot pot while serving drinks and chatting with good friends! Whereas the Swedes and Norwegians commemorate their appreciation for seafood, the Icelanders observe a particular tradition of their own, which unfortunately will send the faint-hearted running for the door! “Thorrablot”, is a midwinter festival in Iceland and what makes that festival special is the plate of “thorramatur”, offered! Thorramatur consists of cured meat and fish: smoked lamb’s head, liver sausages, rams testicles, dried fish and fermented shark being a few examples served to the brave!

As for Denmark, it may not have a wild food festival but instead, it has its “Polsevogn” (sausage wagon), which represents a faithful local tradition in its own right! Polsevogn is the "original" fast food outlet in Denmark, where one can eat a variety of different sausages, some smothered in mustard and others in remoulade sauce! Polsevogns in Denmark are as widespread and popular as “Foul and Taameya” shops available throughout Cairo! And as much loved and appreciated!




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Written by: Violeta D. Salama

Page 16: Chef's Corner Issue 61 English

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s m o k e d Pa n f r i e d s a l m o n(Iceland)

Smoked panfried salmon on a bed of salad served with horseradish and herb oil dressing.

Cut cold smoked salmon into 60 g slices. Fry in pan, start with bone side then skin side until medium rare.


Make mixture of fresh colorful salad arugula as main part, and mix in with 5 g lemon zest, 15 g capers, 25 g pinus pinea, black sesame seeds and fine strings of mint. For horseradish sauce mix well 200 g crème fraiĉhe, 15 g freshly ground horseradish, juice of 1 lime, pinch of salt and pepper and touch of sweet ketchup. Let rest for one hour. For herb oil mix together 100 ml extra virgin olive oil, fresh basil, fresh parsley, fresh coriander and a touch of salt and pepper. Mix well in blender.

L a y e r e d B r e a d a n d A p p l e D e s s e r t w i t h Co t t a g e C h e e s e (Estonia)

25 servings

500 g Dry sourdough rye breadcrumbs500 g Light brown sugar1 pkg Ground cinnamon3 kg Apples100 g Butter2 kg Cottage cheese1 pkg Vanilla sugar2 kg Whipping cream500 g Blackcurrants200 g Chopped hazelnutsBlackcurrant sprigs as garnish

Fry the breadcrumbs with butter, 200 g sugar and cinnamon. Whip the cream and fold the cottage cheese gently in and add vanilla. Place the apples in a saucepan with a little water. Cook gently until tender, add the currants and some sugar and remove saucepan right away from the stove. Cool quickly in a cold water-bath. Use the rest of sugar for making caramel and mix this with the chopped hazelnuts. Save part of the caramel and hazelnut praline for garnish, and mix the rest with the fried breadcrumbs. Arrange the bread mix in individual serving bowls and layer with the cream cheese and apple mix. Garnish with the praline and blackcurrant sprigs.

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J a n s s o n s Te m p t a t i o n(Sweden)

4-6 servings

1000 g Potatoes(do not use new potatoes)2 Onions15 g Butter100 g Swedish style anchovy fillets in brine400 g Whipping cream30 g Breadcrumbs

Preheat oven at 250ºC. Peel and cut potatoes into strips. Do not rinse potatoes, as their starch thickens the sauce. Peel onions, cut into thin slices and sauté in 15 g butter until soft. Generously grease a deep, straight-sided ovenproof dish. Layer potatoes, onions and anchovies, ending with potatoes. Press down lightly to even out surface.Pour cream almost to top of potatoes. Sprinkle with anchovy brine and breadcrumbs. Add a dot of butter and bake about 45 minutes.

L a t g a l e h o t s m o k e d e e l w i t h B e e t r o o t s(Latvia)

200 g Hot smoked eel45 g Horseradish cream5 g Spring onions finely chopped, or chives120 g Boiled small beetroots

Marinade45 ml Vinegar2 Bay leaves4 Juniper berries30 g Sugar5 g Salt500 ml Water

Boil marinade until sugar is melted. Pour over the beetroot. Chill down fast and place into fridge for 24 hours. Cut the beetroot into lobes. Place a piece of hot smoked eel fillet on a plate and place the beetroot on top sprinkle with a drop of horseradish cream and garnish with fine chopped spring onions (or chives).

Source of recipes and photographs:Chefs without Borders, edited by Katrin Streimann.

Page 18: Chef's Corner Issue 61 English

Nobuyuki Matsuhisa …

From a Modest Sushi Chef into a Global Superstar

Sashimi Salad with Matsuhisa soy sauce dressing, Yellow Tail Sashimi with Jalapenos,

Squid Pasta with light garlic sauce, and Black Cod in Miso are some of the imaginative

signature dishes that led Food & Wine Magazine to name Nobuyuki Matsuhisa one

of America's "10 Best New Chefs" for 1989.

Nobuyuki Matsuhisa, known to the world as Nobu, is a celebrity chef and restaurateur famous for his fusion cuisine that blends traditional Japanese dishes with South American (Peruvian and Argentine) ingredients. Nobu was born in Saitama, Japan. At age six his father tragically died in a traffic accident

and he and his two older brothers were raised by his mother. The celebrity chef began his career as an apprentice at a Tokyo restaurant, "Matsue Sushi", where he was considered a trainee for a very long time and not even allowed to slice fish for the first three years! In 1973, at age 24, he was invited by a regular customer who was a Peruvian entrepreneur of Japanese descent to open a Japanese restaurant in Peru, with the same name of Matsue in partnership with his sponsor. Nobu was unable to find many of the ingredients he took for granted in Japan and had to improvise, and it was here that he developed his unique style of cuisine that incorporated Southern American ingredients into Japanese dishes.

He then bounced around between peddling fusion cuisine in South America, opening an eatery in Alaska that burned to the ground, to working nine years at a Los Angeles sushi bar to pay off his debts. In 1987, he opened his own restaurant "Matsuhisa" in Beverly Hills. The restaurant quickly became a hot spot and was frequented by Hollywood celebrities, including Robert DeNiro, who invited Nobu to set up a restaurant in New York. In August

1993, the two opened up in partnership "NOBU". Restaurants bearing his name were later opened in Milan, London, Greece, Dallas, Tokyo, Honolulu, and Dubai. Nobu's friendship with DeNiro landed him a role in the 1995 Martin Scorsese film Casino, as a wealthy businessman. Today, the Michelin-starred Nobu has 17 upscale restaurants that are as famous for their buzz as they are for their food.

In 1998, Los Angeles Times Magazine included him among Southern California's rising stars, while in 1993, New York Times chose Matsuhisa as one of the Top 10 restaurant destinations of the world. As New York Times food critic Ruth Reichl puts it, "Nobu epitomizes the energy of the city". He was nominated one of the 11 Most Influential Chefs of the Decade by Madrid Fusion (2009).

For Nobu, 21st century cooking is influenced by globalized tastes and the speed with which fresh produce can be shipped around the world. "Twenty years ago, it was very different," he said. "Now, it's very easy to get something the next day from France, Japan, Italy, and Australia. We can have white truffles from Italy flown to Hong Kong. We can use anything we want," he explained. "The most important thing is that chefs have to understand basics. They need training — how to select the fish, how to clean the fish, how to sharpen the knives, how to select the ingredients. If you have no basics, it will only lead to confusion." Nobu understands, however, that what is considered "basic" is also constantly changing. Several of his signature dishes, which were considered innovative a decade or two ago, are now standards in modern Japanese cuisine. "That is why I don't want people to just come, eat, drink, pay the check, then bye-bye. I want them to see how beautiful the plate is, and enjoy it from beginning to end".

Chef Matsuhisa's restaurants, and the dishes he engineers, feature a completely unique vision that is part Japanese, part South American, and entirely sophisticated. With his rebelling technique and international collection of flavors, Nobu does indeed embody the diversity, the cultural mix and the excitement of two of the world's most dynamic cuisines.




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P r o f i l e

Compiled by: Amal Bassaly

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Mise en placePrepare almond biscuit (recipe see page 25)

G e n o e s e C a k eIngredients300g Almond paste 250g Caster sugar160g Egg yolks 750g Whole eggs500g Flour 175g Melted butter

PreparationMix the almond paste and sugar, and whip at low speed for 5 minutes. Add the egg yolks progressively, then the whole eggs and beat for 15 minutes. Pour a small amount of this preparation into the melted butter. Add the flour to the dough and butter mixture, stirring gently. Pour into 6 cm high rings and bake at 180ْ C for 35 minutes.

B a n a n a M i xIngredients500g Banana, sliced 40g Sugar50g Butter 50g Lemon juice

PreparationMix all ingredients and place on silicon paper into 170ْ C oven for 15 minutes. Remove and leave to cool.

B a n a n a s y r u pIngredients200g Sugar 200g Water 80g Banana purée 20g Lemon juice

PreparationMix all ingredients and boil. Cool before use.

B a n a n a M o u s s eIngredients250g Tortina natural (Carma) 250g Water250g Banana purée 50g Lemon juice250g Whipped cream (Elle&Vire)

PreparationWhip up water and tortina natural for approximately 5 minutes on high speed. Add the banana purée and fold in the whipped cream.

Finishing and PresentationTake stainless steel ring of 24 cm and place almond biscuit around the ring. Place a bottom layer of Genoese cake and add banana syrup by brush. Add a layer of banana mix and then a layer of approximately 1 cm of banana mousse and another layer of Genoese cake, then fill the ring with banana mousse. Cover with transfer sheet and freeze. Decorate with gel, fresh banana slices and chocolate leaves.

R e c i p e s by: C h e f M o k ht a r A b d e l A z i z

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Banana Mousse

Page 20: Chef's Corner Issue 61 English

4 J U L y - A U G U s T 2 0 1 0

A l m o n d B i s c u i t Ingredients90g Almond powder 90g Icing sugar25g Flour 3 Eggs3 Egg whites 15g Sugar15g Butter Cinnamon Powder

PreparationMix the almond powder, icing sugar, flour and eggs together until white and light. Make the meringue with the egg whites and the sugar, combine this with the first mixture, and then add the butter. Spread on a silicon sheet and bake at 180ْ C for 12 minutes.

r i c e Cu s t a r dIngredients125g Short grain rice 200g Milk100g Grenadine 1/2g Salt 30g Sugar

PreparationWash the rice. Blanch it and then cook it in the milk, along with the grenadine, sugar and salt. Place the rice custard into flexipan moulds and freeze.

s w e e t Pa s t e Ingredients50g Almond powder 190g Butter120g Eggs 400g Flour150g Icing Sugar

PreparationCream the butter then add the ingredients one at a time, icing sugar, almond powder, eggs and flour. As soon as the ingredients are incorporated, stop working the dough. Wrap and keep in the refrigerator until further use.

A l m o n d C r e a mIngredients200g Butter150g Almond powder150g Sugar powder5g Custard powder240g Eggs

PreparationMix the butter until smooth. Add the almond, sugar powder, custard powder and eggs and mix again for 2 minutes on medium speed.

Finishing and PresentationLine the tart ring with sweet paste and fill with almond cream. Bake at 180ْ C for 20 minutes. Cool down the tart, then place a layer of rice custard on top and freeze. Spray with red cocoa butter (Callebaut) and decorate with fresh fruits.


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Rice Custard and Almond Cream

Tart Ch


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Page 21: Chef's Corner Issue 61 English

J U L y - A U G U s T 2 0 1 0

F e a t u r e

What is the correct way of eating fruit?

Fruit is one of the most important food groups. But an important point to pay attention to is that fruit should only be eaten on an empty stomach. That means not eating fruit after your meals!!

If you eat fruit in this manner, it will play a major role in detoxifying your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities. Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes, all of these conditions will improve if you take fruits on an empty stomach.

Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so by the presence of the bread. In the meantime, the minute the fruit

comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil. The whole meal starts to ferment and turn into acid!

So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach and not after a heavy meal! We have all heard people complaining – every time I

eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like

running to the toilet, etc. – actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. It's

only when the fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas that you will bloat!

Also, note that there is no such thing as some acidic fruits, such as orange and lemon, because all fruits become

alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. Once you have mastered the correct way of eating fruit, you will hold the secret to beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.

Fruits for HealthWe all think eating fruit simply means buying it, washing it, cutting it and

just popping it into our mouths. In fact it is not as easy as you think.

It's important to know how and when to eat fruit.




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As for fruit juice, drink only fresh fruit juice, not juice from the can. Don't even bother drinking juice that has been heated. Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get all the nutrients. You only get the taste. Cooking destroys the vitamins.

Eating the whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, in order to let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruit and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!

Kiwi: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants and flavonoids which enhance the activity of vitamin C, thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Strawberry: Protective fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits and protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

Orange: Sweetest medicine. Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent and dissolve kidney stones as well as lessen the risk of colon cancer.

Watermelon: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92 % water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. It is also a key source of lycopene – the cancer-fighting antioxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C and potassium.

Guava & papaya: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes.

Pomegranate: The new super fruit. The pomegranate fruit, once associated with the Greek goddess Persephone, has now become one of the "superfruits" that nutritionists and researchers are finding to have more and more benefits to human health. Pomegranates are full of antioxidants which help prevent blood cloths and atherosclerosis. Also the juice of this magnificent fruit has been found to reduce the chance of getting colon, prostate and breast cancer.

Banana: The energy booster. Bananas contain all three natural sugars, glucose, fructose and sucrose, which together with the great amount of fiber found in them, makes bananas the ideal energy providing fruit. Bananas also help fight depression, stress, PMS symptoms and morning sickness in women, constipation, anemia, heart burn among many others. So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.

Grapefruit: Jump starts the metabolism. Grapefruit can help in weight loss, since it is low in sodium, high in fat burning enzymes and has high water content. Grapefruits are also powerful drug poison eliminators and natural antiseptic for

wounds when used externally. In cosmetics, grapefruit extracts are often used in rejuvenating creams

and in facial cleansers.

Dates: First prize for nutrient contain. Dates have the highest

nutritional value. Apart from being rich in natural fibers, dates also comprise of a lot of other nutrients, like oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, magnesium,

etc. Dates are excellent cure for intestinal disturbances;

they improve sterility and help prevent

abdominal cancer.

Avocado: The healthy fat provider. Avocados contain a healthy amount of monounsaturated fats which are essential for the body. Avocados also have high levels of antioxidants, primarily vitamins C and E, which help lower cholesterol levels. A great source of potassium and folic acid, avocados have amazing benefits for the heart.

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rE C A B o o k s t o r e

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Chocolates and Confections: Formula, Theory and Technique for the Artisan ConfectionerPeter P. GrewelingPublished by WileyLE 390

Master Confectioner Peter Greweling of The Culinary Institute of America has produced a bible of artisan confectionery, a comprehensive guide to the ingredients, theory, techniques, and formulas needed to create every kind of chocolate and confection.

Illustrated throughout with nearly 200 striking, full-color photographs and illustrations, Chocolates and Confections provides a comprehensive foundation in confectionery, offering accessible explanations of theory, as well as illustrated step-by-step guidance on technique, from tempering chocolate to candying fruit. It also includes helpful charts that pinpoint common candy-making pitfalls and how to avoid them. Chocolates and Confections features chapters on every confectionery type: cream ganache, butter ganache, non-crystalline sugar confections, crystalline sugar confections, jellies, aerated confections and nut centers. From truffles, butter ganache confections, hard candies, brittles, toffees, caramels, and taffies to fondants, fudges, gummies, candied fruits, marshmallows, divinity, nougat, marzipan, gianduja and rochers, it demonstrates how to produce world-class confections and provides the in-depth background information candy makers need to formulate their own signature creations.

The Flavor BibleKaren Page and Andrew DornenburbPublished by Little, Brown and CompanyLE 210

This marvelously creative book is every chef’s essential guide to hundreds of ingredients along with the herbs, spices and other seasonings that will allow him to coax the greatest possible flavor and pleasure from them. By reading the book one will learn how to: Bring the four basic tastes_salty, sweet, bitter and sour into

harmony Mix and match various ingredients with one another in

order to obtain the best possible taste combinations Brighten flavors through the use of acids such as kafir lime

and sumac Layer specific techniques and ingredients so as to achieve

better and more intense flavorSeasoned with cooking tips, anecdotes, and signature dishes

by some well known chefs, The Flavor Bible is a must for every kitchen library.

Ice CreamThe Tanner BrothersPublished by Jacqui SmallLE 40

The Tanner Brothers, Chris and James, were born and brought up in Kent, where their love of cooking originated. They opened their flagship restaurant Tanners in 1999, which, in 2007, was named AA Restaurant of the Year for England. In their book Ice Cream, Chris and James Tanner compiled a tempting array of 30 delicious recipes updating the traditional ice cream concept and adding their own unique twist. All the recipes are accompanied by luscious photography and easy-to-follow instructions, as well as practical advice on methods and equipment, rendering the art of ice cream making accessible for everyone.

New Arrivals at ECA


Page 24: Chef's Corner Issue 61 English

Which hotel won the ECA Culinary Trophy 2010?❏ InterContinental Hotel Group Citystars❏ JW Marriott Hotel Mirage City❏ Hurghada Marriott Beach Resort

How many junior chefs competed at the National Salon Culinaire’10❏ 3❏ 14❏ 26

What, according to WACS President Gissur Gudmundsson, is the strengths of Chef’s Associations?❏ Networking❏ Education❏ Charity

Which meat is traditionally very popular in the Nordic countries?❏ Beef❏ Veal❏ Game

Which breads are popular in the Nordic diet?❏ Whole meal and rye❏ White baguettes❏ Pita bread

What is gravlaks?❏ Smoked herring with capers❏ Smoked salmon with lemon❏ Salt and sugar cured salmon with dill

To thicken a sauce with the starch of potatoes I should not:❏ Peel the potatoes❏ Rinse the potatoes❏ Bake the potatoes

Which fruits contain the highest amount of vitamin C?❏ Oranges and apples❏ Grapefruits and pomegranate❏ Guava and papaya

What is the healthiest way to consume fruits?❏ On an empty stomach❏ After dinner❏ Only twice a day

In which year was the Chaine des Rotisseurs founded?❏ 1928❏ 1950❏ 1976

What was the total number of medals scored by the Culinary Ambassadors of Egypt at the Istanbul International Gastronomy Festival? ✔ 25How many silver medals were awarded at the Host Sharm Salon Culiniare’10?✔ 6Bobby Chinn is partly:✔ Egyptian / ChineseInternational Chefs Day is a special day where chefs around the world:✔ Celebrate their profession by various activities and charity workWhat will be the focus of International Chefs Day this year?✔ Food waste and food safetyTex-Mex cuisine originated in:✔ Southwestern states of the US

Which popular snack is cut into triangular pieces and deep fried?✔ NachosTex-Mex cuisine became popular in the United States after the following change:✔ Meat ingredients were addedWhich dish contains originally skirt steaks?✔ FajitaWhich cakes are suitable to serve to vegans as well as to Christians who are fasting?✔ Cakes made with ingredients of non-animal sources

The right answers to the Chef’s Corner quiz of issue No. 60 are:

Congratulations to the lucky winner of issue 60 quiz:

Wagih Ragab Abdel KaderChef de Partie Ice Cream

Croquant for Food Industries

Circle the correct answer

Here's your chance to win LE 250! All ECA members are eligible to win an ECA voucher worth LE 250 towards the purchase of any ECA merchandise, and all non-members have a chance to win a one-year ECA Membership. Simply send in the correct answers to the questions in the Culinary Quiz. Also, with 7 or more correct answers, you gain 5 ECA Member Mileage Points, your way to a free membership renewal. Fax your answers before Sunday, 29 August, 2010 to the ECA Office at 02 37622116 / 7 / 8, or fill out the quiz online by visiting the ECA website at






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Makro Opens its Doors in Egypt

On 29 June 2010, Makro Egypt opened its first wholesale store in Egypt in El Salam City. In attendance were H.E. General Mohamed Abdel Salam El Mahgoub, Minister of Local Development; H.E. Aaisha Abdel Hadi, Minister of Manpower and Emigration; Engineer Sayed Abdel Aziz, Giza Governor; and Dr. Abdel Azim Wazeer,

Cairo Governor. This is the first of 12 wholesale chain stores that Makro intends to open in Egypt over the coming three years. Egypt marks the 31st country to start a business operation for Makro. The store is considered the first modern wholesale store in the Egyptian market.

Commenting on the inauguration of the first Makro Egypt, Mr. Joel Savouz, CEO of Metro Cash & Carry Group in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, the mother group of Makro Egypt said: "Egypt is one of the most important markets of the Middle East. Metro Cash & Carry Group has followed closely the massive growth of the Egyptian economy in recent years. We are very happy to be the first wholesale stores working in the Egyptian market, we believe that our drive to the Egyptian market is a great start for fruitful cooperation and constructive partnership between Makro and the Egyptian people and government institutions. Makro has many plans and hopes for the Egyptian market, which we are especially pleased to operate in."

Makro Egypt store in El Salam city extends over an area of 10,000 square meters, and is providing specialized services to clients exclusively. The store includes 20,000 varieties of food and non-food items all under one roof. It sells goods in bulk to its clients, which include retailers, restaurants, hotels and companies. Makro Egypt is committed to providing a specialized variety of different goods and services at competitive prices for the benefit of all its customers.

For his part, Mr. Francois Oliver, CEO of Makro Egypt, commented on the benefits to be provided by Makro stores to customers by saying "For the first time in the Egyptian market, professional customers will be able to get all their basic needs under one roof. Makro Egypt will also extend working hours to comply with the working hours for all our customers. The company is working on the design of various alternatives to fill the quantities of various commodities to meet customer needs. All of these procedures taken by Makro Egypt will help customers to position themselves in the market and increase the size of their business, as well as their competitiveness."

In addition, Makro Egypt is working on the development of specialized cooling chains through the Small Farmers Project of the Ministry of Agriculture; working to reduce the time that fresh produce spends from the moment of production until it reaches the final consumer.

Through an ambitious plan to spread in all governorates of Egypt, Makro Egypt plans to open 20 mega stores over the next three years. The company aims to change and develop ways of doing business in Egypt, to ensure that both professional clients and Egyptian citizens receive the highest levels of quality of goods and services at the lowest possible prices. The company has launched a hotline to answer any questions related to the project.

Makro stores are found in 30 countries worldwide, operating over 600 stores in the wholesale sector and employing over 100,000 employees. The company’s sales last year reached 33 billion euros. The Makro / Metro Cash & Carry is a sales branch of Metro Group, a global leader in retail and wholesale that achieved a sales volume of 67 billion euros in 2008, and employs over 280,000 employees in about 2,200 stores worldwide.

For more information, please call: Makro Egypt hotline 16407. ECA members with a valid ECA membership card can call 2768 8307 to get their Makro purchasing card.

A d v e r t o r i a l

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N e w s

Appointments & Promotions

Chef member, Farag Ali Hussein, working at Jaz Little Venice Resort in Ain Sukhna, has recently been promoted from Chef de Partie Garde Manger to Senior Chef de Partie Garde Manger. The ECA wishes to congratulate him on his promotion and keep up the good work!

Senior chef member, Sherif Mahmoud Abdallah, previously working as Executive Chef at the Egyptian Company for Oriental Restaurants, has moved and started working in the same position for APS (Aviation & Petroleum Services). The ECA wishes him all the best in his new work location.

Senior chef member, Emad El Din Ibrahim El Desouky, previously working as Executive Pastry Chef for Iberotel Lamaya Marsa Alam, has left Iberotel and started working at Isis Island Hotel in Aswan in the same position. The ECA wishes him all the best in his new job.

Junior chef member, Afify Samman Brike Said, working as 2nd Commis at The Oberoi Sahl Hasheesh has recently been promoted to 1st Commis. The ECA congratulates him on his promotion and also congratulates him on the birth of his baby girl Gannat.

Chef member, Karim Mohamed Haggag, previously working as Chef de Partie at Sonesta Hotel in Cairo, has moved and started working in the same position at Sheraton Dream Land. The ECA wishes him all the best in his new work location.

Chef member, Ibrahim Tohamy Eissa, working as 1st Commis at Sierra Hotel has recently been promoted to Demi Chef de Partie. The ECA wishes to congratulate him on his promotion and keep up the good work!

Senior chef member, Ahmed Abdel Hafiz Akeed, previously working as Executive Pastry Chef at Hilton Long Beach Resort in Hurghada, has left Egypt for Saudi Arabia where he started working in the same position at the Fairmont Mecca Hotel. The ECA wishes him all the best with settling down in Saudi Arabia and with his new job.

Senior chef member, Mohamed Hassan El Kamash, previously working as Sous Chef at Radisson Blu Hotel in Cairo, has moved to Sharm El Sheikh where he started working as Executive Sous Chef at Cleopatra Luxury Resort. The ECA congratulates him on his promotion and wishes him all the best in his new job.

Chef member, Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud, previously working as 1st Commis at Teatro Restaurant in Cairo, has moved to Hurghada where he started working as Demi Chef de Partie at Grand Nabila Resort. The ECA congratulates him on his promotion and wishes him all the best in his new work location.

Chef member, Ibrahim Sayed A. Badei, previously working as Executive Sous Chef at Helnan Marina Resort in Sharm El Sheikh, has moved to the North coast where he started working at the Iberotel Borg El Arab Alexandria. The ECA wishes him all the best in his new work location in the same position.


Prestigious Award for Mövenpick Resort & Spa El Gouna

Mövenpick Resort & Spa El Gouna has received for the third consecutive year the Thomas Cook Award for Excellence. The prestigious award is given by Thomas Cook UK to selected hotels with the highest performance in the past year in providing quality accommodation and customer service exceeding high standards and expectations. The ECA wishes to congratulate the team at Mövenpick Resort & Spa El Gouna on their great achievement.

Dutch Female Chef Receives 2nd Michelin StarDutch chef Margo Reuten recently received

her second Michelin star with her restaurant Da Vinci in Maasbracht located in the southern province Limburg in the Netherlands. She is the only female Dutch chef with two Michelin stars to her name. Chef Margo has operated her restaurant Da Vinci for the past 17 years and received her first star in 1999.

Two Quality Excellence Awards for Semiramis InterContinental

Resident Manager of the Semiramis InterContinental hotel, Sameh Sobhy, was present at a recent award ceremony held in Dubai to receive two awards from InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) for Quality Excellence.

Chosen from over 600 hotels across Europe, Middle East & Africa, the Semiramis InterContinental has been awarded as an outstanding performer, winning two esteemed awards. One award for overall quality excellence and another award for being one of the top enrollers of Priority Club Rewards members, IHG's worldwide customer loyalty program.




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The quality excellence award is a prestigious award given to hotels that are dedicated to service and innovation and have achieved significant overall guest satisfaction scores. Quality excellence encompasses high levels of excellence in terms of facilities, service and surroundings. The Priority Club Rewards member's Award is given to hotels that have shown high levels of commitment to customer loyalty.

Oriental Resort Wins Cristal AwardOriental Resort won the Check Safety First

2009 Cristal Award. The resort achieved and maintained the highest level of health and safety standard in the region having excelled among all establishments that incorporate Cristal programs. The ECA wishes to congratulate the team at Oriental Resort on their commitment in sustaining a healthy and safe environment for their guests.

General News

Spectra Restaurant & Café Opens in AlexandriaSpectra Restaurant & Café recently opened

a new outlet in Alexandria. The new outlet is managed by General Manager Wael Abu Seif and the kitchen operates under the leadership of Executive Chef Mohamed Kamal El Din. The restaurant is located in front of Carrefour. The ECA wishes the new location prosperous business.

Royal Villas at Mövenpick Resort AswanNestling on its own island in the Nile,

Mövenpick Resort Aswan is an unrivalled base for exploring Nubian culture and is a paradise for birdwatchers and photographers. The resort has undergone a massive renovation since 2004. The renovation of the hotel’s eight villas was recently completed with striking modern designs. The guests can now enjoy luxurious interiors as well as a spacious terrace offering fantastic views of the majestic Nile, Kitchener’s Botanical Island, Valley of the Nobles and the Mausoleum of the Agha Khan. A wonderful place to sit and watch the sunset.

Chaîne des Rotisseurs at InterContinental Citystars

InterContinental Cairo Citystars recently hosted the Chaîne Des Rotisseurs dinner at Maestro Restaurant. A unique set up was prepared for the esteemed members and guests. Maestro was elegantly decorated with tranquil lighting and music. Dinner was attended by Cairo’s key society figures who complemented the wonderful setup and food quality.

The international gastronomic society, which was founded in Paris in 1950, is devoted to promoting fine dining and preserving the camaraderie and pleasures of the table. The main objective of the Chaîne des Rotisseurs is to unite, from all over the world, gastronomes and professionals with distinctive refined taste, who appreciate quality "Cuisine" and the culture of the table.

Spanish Cooking Class at Ramses HiltonChef Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Executive Chef

of the Ramses Hilton, recently held a Spanish culinary demonstration session which took place at Windows on the World Roof-top Restaurant. Chef Dimitrios was happy to share his passion with a select group of ladies who were shown during the session how to prepare and cook a complete Spanish meal, starting with the favorite Spanish Tapas, followed by seafood Paella as main course and concluded with Cream Catalan with cinnamon for dessert. A gastronomic lunch took place following the demonstration where all the ladies enjoyed the delicious Spanish food.

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مرحباً بأعضائنا اجلدد

S e n i o r C h e f M e m b e r s

أعضاء من قدامى الشيفات

أحمد محمد عبد السالممدرب فنون الطهى فى مرحلة التدريب

اإلتحاد المصرى للغرف السياحية

Ahmed Mohamed Abdel SalamCulinary Trainer in TrainingETF-Egyptian Tourism Federation

Arjun Singh YadavaExecutive ChefThe Oberoi Sahl Hasheesh Hurghada

أرجون سنج يادافاشيف تنفيذى

أوبروى سهل حشيش الغردقة

أشرف إسماعيل الصيادمدرب فنون الطهى فى مرحلة التدريب

اإلتحاد المصرى للغرف السياحية

Ashraf Ismail El SayaadCulinary Trainer in TrainingETF-Egyptian Tourism Federation

Ayman Abdel Aziz El AbdExecutive ChefGardenia Plaza Sharm Hotel

أيمن عبد العزيز العبدشيف تنفيذى

فندق جاردينيا بالزا شرم

Welcomeon board to all our new


أيمن عبد الحميد عبد العزيزشيف حلوانى

فندق رويال كازابالنكا المملكة العربية السعودية

Ayman Abdel Hamid Abdel AzizPastry ChefRoyal Casablanca Hotel Saudi Arabia

عصام عزت محمود عبد الجوادسو شيف

فندق راديسون بلو القاهرة

Essam Ezzat Mahmoud A. GawadSous ChefRadisson Blu Hotel Cairo

Essam Shahat Abul MakaremExecutive ChefPharaoh Hotels Co Cairo

عصام شحات أبو المكارمشيف تنفيذى

شركة فاروهوتيلز القاهرة

حسن عبد التواب سعيدشيف مطبخ شرقى

شركة مطاعم أرزاق الكوثر القاهرة

Hassan Abdel Tawab SaidOriental Cuisine ChefArzak El Kawthar Restaurants Cairo

Hassan Abu Zeid Executive ChefSOHO Square - Savoy Sharm

حسن أبو زيدشيف تنفيذى

سوهو سكوير – سافوى شرم

Ayman Moawad Abdel NabySous ChefHilton Sharks Bay Resort Sharm El Sheikh

أيمن معوض عبد النبىسو شيف

منتجع هيلتون شاركس باى شرم الشيخ




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حسين عبد الهادى جحاسو شيف تنفيذى

فندق روتانا الغردقة

Hussein Abdel Hady Goha Executive Sous ChefRotana Hurghada Hotel

Khairy Anwar AhmedCulinary Trainer in TrainingETF-Egyptian Tourism Federation

خيرى أنور أحمدمدرب فنون الطهى فى مرحلة التدريب

اإلتحاد المصرى للغرف السياحية

خالد عبد الحميد علىشيف تنفيذى

إيتاج – مطاعم هابى دولفين

Khaled Abdel Hamid AliExecutive ChefETAG - Happy Dolphine Restaurants

Mohamed Abdel Moneim IsmailExecutive ChefEgyptian Austrian Catering Co

محمد عبد المنعم إسماعيلشيف تنفيذى

الشركة المصرية النمساوية لإلمدادات الغذائية

محمد إبراهيم مصطفى القاضىسو شيف

شركة فيرست العربية للفنادق القاهرة

Mohamed Ibrahim Mustafa El KadySous ChefFirst Arabian Hotels Co Cairo

Nabil Ahmed AliCulinary Trainer in TrainingETF-Egyptian Tourism Federation

نبيل أحمد علىمدرب فنون الطهى فى مرحلة التدريب

اإلتحاد المصرى للغرف السياحية

ناتاليا ريبيزا الخطيبشيف مطعم روسى

فندق جولدن 5 الغردقة

Natalya Rebiza Al KhateebRussian Restaurant ChefGolden 5 Hotel Hurghada

Robert GynneExecutive ChefInterContinental Taba Hights

روبرت جيينشيف تنفيذى

انتركونتيننتال طابا هايتس

سعيد عبد الرحمن محمودسو شيف

منتجع هيلتون شاركس باى شرم الشيخ

Said Abdel Rahman MahmoudSous ChefHilton Sharks Bay Resort Sharm El Sheikh

Sayed Ahmed DakroniExecutive Sous ChefSunRise Island View Resort Sharm El Sheikh

سيد أحمد دكرونىسو شيف تنفيذى

منتجع صن رايز أيالند ڤيو شرم الشيخ

شريف عبد الغفارشيف تنفيذى

سوهو سكوير – سافوى شرم

Sherif Abdel GhaffarExecutive ChefSOHO Square - Savoy Sharm

Sherif Mohamed El SayedExecutive ChefGreen Ras Sudr Resorts

شريف محمد السيدشيف تنفيذى

منتجعات جرين رأس سدر

وائل محمد رمضانشيف تنفيذى

منتجع درة بيتش المملكة العربية السعودية

Wael Mohamed RamadanExecutive ChefDorra Beach Resort Saudi Arabia

Yasser Samir El TokhyCulinary Trainer in TrainingETF-Egyptian Tourism Federation

ياسر سمير الطوخىمدرب فنون لطهى فى مرحلة التدريب

اإلتحاد المصرى للغرف السياحية

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عبد الوهاب فتحى الدسوقىشيف دى بارتى جارد مانجيه

فندق راديسون بلو القاهرة

Abdel Wahab Fathy El DesoukyChef de Partie Garde MangerRadisson Blu Hotel Cairo

Adel Mohamed Abdel LatifChef de PartieThree Corners St George Resort Sharm El Sheikh

عادل محمد عبد اللطيفشيف دى بارتى

منتجع ثرى كورنرز سان جورج شرم الشيخ

أحمد الشافعى محمدديمى شيف دى بارتى

فندق جولف بورتو مارينا العلمين

Ahmed El Shafeay MohamedDemi Chef de PartiePorto Marina Golf Hotel Al Alamein

Ahmed Mohamed IbrahimChef de PartieSea Group-Sea Life Sharm El Sheikh

أحمد محمد إبراهيمشيف دى بارتى

سى جروب – سى اليف شرم الشيخ

أحمد سعيد عباسشيف دى بارتى

شركة جولدن باك جروب

Ahmed Said AbbasChef de PartieGolden Pack Group Co

Alaa Abdel Fattah El SayedChef de Partie Garde MangerRusteique Ballroom Alexandria

عالء عبد الفتاح السيدشيف دى بارتى جارد مانجيه

قاعة روستيك اإلسكندرية

على محمد أحمدسو شيف

منتجع صن رايز مملوك الغردقة

Ali Mohamed AhmedSous ChefSun Rise Mamlouk Resort Hurghada

Amer Saber AmerDemi Chef de PartieRadisson Blu Hotel Cairo

عامر صابر عامرديمى شيف دى بارتى

فندق راديسون بلو القاهرة

عمرو محمد أحمدديمى شيف دى بارتى

فندق فيرمونت نايل ستى

Amr Mohamed AhmedDemi Chef de PartieFairmont Nile City Hotel

Atef Abdel Hamid IsmailSous ChefRamada Resort El Soukhna

عاطف عبد الحميد إسماعيلسو شيف

منتجع رمادا السخنة

بدوى محمد عبد الهادىشيف دى بارتى

مطعم و كافيه ريشوه

Badawy Mohamed Abdel HadyChef de Partie Richoux Restaurant & Café

El Sayed Abdel Rahman El AssalSous Chef

السيد عبد الرحمن العسالسو شيف

السيد محمد السيدسنيور شيف دى بارتى

سى جروب – سى اليف شرم الشيخ

El Sayed Mohamed El SayedSenior Chef de PartieSea Group-Sea Life Sharm El Sheikh

El Sayed Mohamed ShaabanChef Ice Cream & JuicesThe Mojo Effect Tanta

السيد محمد شعبانشيف أيس كريم وعصائر

موجو إيفيكت طنطا

C h e f M e m b e r s

أعضاء من الشيفات




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جودة أحمد جودةشيف حلوانى

الشركة المصرية للصناعات الغذائية

Gouda Ahmed GoudaPastry ChefEgyptian Co for Food Industries

Hussein Mohamed GomaaHead ChefJasper's Pastry Factory

حسين محمد جمعةشيف رئيسى

مصنع جاسبر الحلوانى

إبراهيم أحمد محمدديمى شيف دى بارتى

شركة فيرست العربية للفنادق القاهرة

Ibrahim Ahmed MohamedDemi Chef de PartieFirst Arabian Hotels Co Cairo

Ibrahim Ezz El Regal IbrahimSenior Chef de PartieSonesta Beach Resort & Casino Sharm El Sheikh

إبراهيم عز الرجال إبراهيمسنيور شيف دى بارتى

منتجع و كازينو سونستا بيتش شرم الشيخ

إبراهيم سمير حسانينديمى شيف دى بارتى

فندق راديسون بلو القاهرة

Ibrahim Samir HassaneinDemi Chef de PartieRadisson Blu Hotel Cairo

Kamal Mohamed KamalDemi Chef de PartieETAG Co for Investment & Tourism Boats

كمال محمد كمالديمى شيف دى بارتى

شركة إيتاج لإلستثمار و المراكب السياحية

كريم حامد إبراهيمشيف دى بارتى

منتجع صن رايز جاردن بيتش الغردقة

Karim Hamed IbrahimChef de PartieSun Rise Garden Beach Resort Hurghada

Mabrouk Said Abdel FattahSous ChefSea Group-Sea Life Sharm El Sheikh

مبروك سعيد عبد الفتاحسو شيف

سى جروب – سى اليف شرم الشيخ

محمود عباس محمدشيف خباز

شركة منصور شيفرولية مصر

Mahmoud Abbas MohamedBaker ChefChevrolet Egypt Mansour Co

Mahmoud Mansour Mansour Sous ChefMirage Restaurant Alexandria

محمود منصور منصورسو شيف

مطعم ميراج اإلسكندرية

محمد أحمد عبد العظيمشيف دى بارتى

سى جروب – سى اليف شرم الشيخ

Mohamed Ahmed Abdel AzimChef de PartieSea Group-Sea Life Sharm El Sheikh

Mohamed Rashed MohamedChef de PartieSun Rise Mamlouk Resort Hurghada

محمد راشد محمدشيف دى بارتى

منتجع صن رايز مملوك الغردقة

محمد رفعت حسنشيف دى بارتى

منتجع ستيال دى مارى العين السخنة

Mohamed Refaat HassanChef de PartieStella Di Mare Resort Ain Sukhna

Mohamed Said MohamedChef de PartieDar El Fouad Hospital

محمد سعيد محمدشيف دى بارتى

مستشفى دار الفؤاد

منتصر أمير جوارجىسنيور شيف أرتيست

فندق سافوى شرم

Montasser Amir GawergySenior Chef ArtistSavoy Sharm Hotel

Nehad Saady SayedPastry ChefLaglas Pastry & Bakery Shop Alexandria

نهاد سعدى سيدشيف حلوانى

حلوانى وخباز الجالس اإلسكندرية

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بسنتى عادل حكيمطباخ ثانى

منتجع ستيال دى مارى العين السخنة

Basanty Adel Hakim2nd CommisStella Di Mare Resort Ain Sukhna

El Sayed Saber El Sayed2nd CommisHurghada Marriott Beach Resort

السيد صابر السيدطباخ ثانى

منتجع ماريوت بيتش الغردقة

عمر عادل إسماعيلشيف دى بارتى

شركة فيرست العربية للفنادق القاهرة

Omar Adel IsmailChef de PartieFirst Arabian Hotels Co Cairo

Osama Abdallah MohamedDemi Chef de PartieSunRise Island View Resort Sharm El Sheikh

أسامة عبد الله محمدديمى شيف دى بارتى

منتجع صن رايز أيالند فيو شرم الشيخ

صابر عطية عبد القادرسو شيف

منتجع صن رايز مملوك الغردقة

Saber Attia Abdel KaderSous ChefSun Rise Mamlouk Resort Hurghada

Saleh Helmy Abdel BasetDemi Chef de PartieRadisson Blu Hotel Cairo

صالح حلمى عبد الباسطديمى شيف دى يارتى

فندق راديسون بلو القاهرة

سامح أحمد سعدشيف دى يارتى حلوانى

شركة بللورية لألغذية و المشروبات

Sameh Ahmed SaadChef de Partie PastryBalloria Co for Food & Beverage

Sameh Mohamed Abdel KaderPastry ChefLagoon Resort Alexandria

سامح محمد عبد القادرشيف حلوانى

منتجع الجون اإلسكندرية

طارق عبد اللطيف السيدشيف دى بارتى

برايكا باى مرسى علم

Tarek Abdel Latif El SayedChef de PartieBrayka Bay Marsa Alam

Walid Mosaad ZakiDemi Chef de PartieRadisson Blu Hotel Cairo

وليد مسعد زكىديمى شيف دى يارتى

فندق راديسون بلو القاهرة

زغلول صالح حامدشيف دى بارتى

منتجع صن رايز ديموند بيتش شرم الشيخ

Zaghloul Salah HamedChef de PartieSun Rise Diamond Beach Resort Sharm El Sheikh

أحمد محمود هاللطباخ ثانى

منتجع كليوباترا شرم الشيخ

Ahmed Mahmoud Helal2nd CommisThe Cleopatra Luxury Resort Collection

Ahmed Said Mohamed1st CommisHurghada Marriott Beach Resort

أحمد سعيد محمدطباخ أول

منتجع ماريوت بيتش الغردقة

Ju n i o r C h e f M e m b e r s

أعضاء من شباب الشيفات




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عماد حمدى عبد الغنىطباخ أول

فندق فيرمونت نايل سيتى

Emad Hamdy Abdel Ghany1st CommisFairmont Nile City Hotel

Essam Assem Othman Thabet3rd CommisSemiramis InterContinental

عصام عاصم عثمان ثابتطباخ ثالث

فندق سميراميس إنتركونتيننتال

إسالم محمد عز الدينطباخ

شركة سيدج فوود للمأكوالت السريعة القاهرة

Islam Mohamed Ezz El DinCommisSage Foods Company for Fast Food Cairo

Islam Saleh Hassan Hamed1st CommisLa Residence des Cascades Golf Resort & Talasso

إسالم صالح حسن حامدطباخ أول

منتجع الريسيدنس دس كاسكيدس جولف

جون سامح عبد الملكطباخ ثانى

فندق سافوى شرم

John Sameh Abdel Malek2nd CommisSavoy Sharm Hotel

Mahmoud Fekry Mohamed1st CommisRadisson Blu Hotel Cairo

محمود فكرى محمدطباخ أول

فندق راديسون بلو القاهرة

محمد عبد الله فتحىطباخ أول

منتجع ماريوت بيتش الغردقة

Mohamed Abdallah Fathy1st CommisHurghada Marriott Beach Resort

Mohamed Hassan Afify1st CommisConcorde El Salam Hotel Cairo

محمد حسن عفيفىطباخ أول

فندق كونكورد السالم القاهرة

محمد رمضان إبراهيمطباخ ثانى

منتجع كليوباترا شرم الشيخ

Mohamed Ramadan Ibrahim2nd CommisThe Cleopatra Luxury Resort Collection

Mustafa Mansour Mansour 1st CommisRio Café Alexandria

مصطفى منصور منصورطباخ أول

ريو كافيه اإلسكندرية

أسامة أنور عبد الجليلطباخ ثانى

شركة ميناس للمشروعات السياحية

Osama Anwar Abdel Gelil2nd CommisMinas for Tourism Projects

Saleh Ahmed Mohamed2nd CommisRadisson Blu Hotel Cairo

صالح أحمد محمدطباخ ثانى

فندق راديسون بلو القاهرة

مصطفى نبيل عبد المحسنمساعد رئيس مجلس اإلدارة

مجموعة شركات خالد خشالة

Mustafa Nabil Abdel MohsenChairman AssistantKhaled Khoshala Group

Shefaa Abdouh MahmoudStudent

شفاء عبده محمودطالبه

A s s o c i a t e d M e m b e r s

أعضاء مساهمين

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Workshops Certification




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Abdel Halim Abdel Nabi Food & Beverage Trainer Semiramis InterContinental

Ayman El Sawy Executive Chef Hilton Sharm Waterfalls Resort

El Sayed Mahmoud Mohamed Executive Chef Iberotel Coraya Beach Resort Marsa Alam

Gamal Amin Senior Sous Chef Semiramis InterContinental

George Abdouh Executive Chef Blue Nile Boat

Hany Hamed Badr Sous Chef InterContinental CityStars Cairo

Hany Kamal Amin General Manager Asian Restaurant Blue Nile Boat

Hassanein Mahmoud Hassanein Junior Sous Chef InterContinental CityStars Cairo

Hesham Farag Ali Amin Executive Sous Chef

Karim El Sergany Corporate Sales Manager Etisalat Misr

Marc Ghazal Management Trainee InterContinental CityStars Cairo

Mohamed Abdel Hakim Ahmed Sous Chef InterContinental CityStars Cairo

Mohamed Hassab Gouda Junior Sous Chef InterContinental CityStars Cairo

Mohamed Mahmoud Hashem Pastry Chef InterContinental CityStars Cairo

Norhan Soliman Khaled Executive Chef Secretary InterContinental CityStars Cairo

Ramadan Omar Mohamed Executive Chef Solymar Abu Dabbab Marsa Alam

Reda Ibrahim Abdallah Executive Sous Chef Iberotel Cairo Hotel & Casino

Samir Prince Atwan Sous Chef Iberotel Cairo Hotel & Casino

Yassin Badawy Amin Executive Chef Solymar Solaya Club Resort Marsa Alam

Abbas Mohamed El Sayed Chef de Partie Fairmont Heliopolis Hotel

Adel Mohamed Agamy Chef de Partie Fairmont Heliopolis Hotel

Ahmed Mahmoud Salah HACCP Manager JW Marriott Cairo Hotel

Amira Mohamed Taha 2nd Commis Holiday Inn CityStars

Ekramy Abdel Meguid Ahmed 1st Commis Iberotel Cairo Hotel & Casino

Essam Rashwan Junior Sous Chef Holiday Inn CityStars

Mohamed Ahmed Madbouly Junior Sous Chef Iberotel Cairo Hotel & Casino

Mohamed Mahmoud Hassanein Chef de Partie JW Marriott Cairo Hotel

Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Chef de Partie Tempo Restaurant, the Allegria Golf Club

Mohie El Din Mokhtar Hassan Demi Chef de Partie Holiday Inn CityStars

Said Abdel Rahman Mahmoud Sous Chef Hilton Sharks Bay Resort Sharm

Sedhom Hamed Reyad Executive Pastry Chef Seasons Resort & Country Club

Wael Fathy Abdel Atty Executive Sous Chef Mercure Grand Om El Qura Hotel

Yasser Ahmed Abbas Chef de Partie InterContinental Taba Resort

Certified Participants of the Menu Planning & Menu Engineering Training Workshop held on from 8 till 10 June, kindly hosted by Cairo Zamalek Residence and sponsored by Juhayna

Food Industries. Congratulations!

Certified Participants of the Professional Culinary Arts Exhibits Training Workshop held from 14 till 16 June, kindly hosted by Holiday Inn CityStars Cairo Hotel. Congratulations!

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InterMopro/Cool/Meat will take place from 12 to 15 September 2010 in Dusseldorf, Germany. The three international trade exhibitions InterMopro (dairy produce), InterCool (frozen products, ice cream, technology) and InterMeat (meat and sausages) will be held under the slogan "Tomorrow's Fresh World!" The common motto of this trio of freshness in 2010 will be Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), explains Wilhelm Niedergoker, Managing Director of Messe Dusseldorf. "As consumer awareness of the social and ecological consequences of economic actions grows, so will the need for providers to develop and communicate serious interest in the well-being of employees, customers, suppliers as well as of the environment as a whole"; adds Niedergoker. All in all, over 950 exhibitors from 30 countries are expected. For more information visit ; and


HACE'10, the 30th International Hotel Supplies & Catering Equipment exhibition, will take place from 24 to 27 October at the Cairo International Convention Center. In addition to the annual live cooking competitions such as fruit and vegetable carving, Asian cuisine, pasta dishes and mystery baskets contests the Egyptian Chefs Association will once again organize a Female Chef of the Year contest. The Culinary Ambassadors of Egypt will also show their talents, just before their departure scheduled the following month to compete at the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg. For more information on the exhibition, contact the Egyptian Group for Marketing (EGM) on 0020 2 2635215 / 2619160 or email [email protected] For more information on the culinary shows and competitions contact the ECA on 0020 2 37622116 / 7 / 8 or email [email protected]

The 10th IHF, International Hospitality Forum, the annual trade show for the hospitality and foodservice sector of Jordan and the region will be held from 25 till 27 October at Amman Exhibition Park, Jordan. It promises to be an excellent event that offers great business opportunities in a country where tourism and hospitality services contribute to over 13% of GDP. Last year more than 60 exhibitors received around 30,000 trade visitors

from a number of countries including Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. For more information contact the organizers Events Unlimited on mobile 00962 795742492 or fax 00962 65656550 or email [email protected] or visit To download an updated post show review, kindly log on to


Expogast 2010, the Culinary World Cup, "Salon de la Gastronomie, de l'Art Culinaire et de la Pâtisserie", organized by the Vatel-Club Luxembourg, will take place from 20 to 24 November in Luxembourg. The Culinary World Cup for chefs is, after the IKA Culinary Olympics, one of the largest and most prestigious international competitions. Many youth, military and national teams will compete for medals and the prestigious World Cup title in Luxembourg. Egypt plans to participate with a National Team and individual competitors. For more information visit

Sia Guest 60 Anniversary, the 60th International Hospitality Exhibition SIA Guest will be held from 20 till 23 November at Rimini Expo Center Italy. Sia Guest will feature the latest in cooking equipment, furnishing, supplies, technology, bathroom and wellness equipment, lighting, surfaces and general hospitality services. For more information contact Giula Pantane on 0039 0541744612 or email [email protected] or visit for request for free VIP cards email [email protected] or call 0039 0541744632


SIGEP, the 32nd International Exhibition of Artisan Ice-Cream, Pastry, Confectionery and Bakery Production, will take place from 22 to 26 January in Italy. Several competitions such as The Gelato Served, Delicious & Famous and SIGEP Bread Cup will be held in conjunction with the trade fair. Special event at this year's show will be the "Sicily Days", which will feature Master Confectioner Luciano Pennati presenting the legendary taste of Sicily's confectionery. For more information contact the organizers Rimini Fiera on 0039 0541744 262 / 479 or fax 0039 0541744 772 or email Roberta Masini at [email protected] or visit

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For three days, Masria has demonstrated in its main show room in El Obour City, live show cooking seminars presenting the latest technology from Lainox. Several guests from different segments of the catering and food industry attended the cooking demonstrations.

Professional chefs of Lainox demonstrated Lainox Cooking System (LCS) which incorporated the use of the latest technology of the Heart combi steamers and New Chill blast chillers.

Heart combi steamers from Lainox are designed for today’s dynamic catering world. It is an oven that can be exploited at 100% performance level, combining automatic cooking, manual cooking and the chef’s own personalized programs. An oven like no other.

Thanks to the USB connection with memory stick, chefs can load and download recipes, programs, HACCP data, and even update software to suit their requirements as they like at any time.

Whether the chef opts for fully automatic cooking with Interactive Cooking System (ICS), or traditional manual cooking with Fast Dry, hot kitchen foods, patisserie and bakery products turn out fragrant, crisp and utterly infused with flavor surpassing the performance of the traditional oven.

A heart combi steamer offers the Autoclima system. The Autoclima is a control system that sets and maintains the oven conditions most suited to the dish you are cooking. Autoclima automatically controls the temperature and humidity precisely according to the cooking method selected, ensuring perfect results with every recipe. Autoclima is also ideal for reheating dishes that have been previously cooked, chilled and stored in the refrigerator. With Autoclima, your dishes will have the same fragrant characteristics of freshly-cooked food.

After cooking cycles, Heart cleans itself quickly and to the highest hygienic standards, thanks to the innovative “Wash Arm” which leaves every inch of the cooking chamber spotless, including all corners.

Further, Lainox New Chill blast chillers were also presented. They are a crucial support for modern chefs enabling chefs to optimize their daily work time and allowing them to the utmost to concentrate efforts in expressing their creativity in the kitchen. New Chill blast-chills the product’s temperature and blocks the proliferation of bacteria while maintaining its humidity and moist level, thus keeping all the product’s natural properties unaltered. Also, maintaining the product’s humidity level is vital to ensure a soft product with an unaltered flavor the next time the product is regenerated.

New Chill is the cardinal element of a new kitchen organization system, where preparations, cooking, chilling, holding and re-heating are consecutive phases of just one work system that disengages dish production time from that of service (distribution and consumption).

The considerable power of the New Chill blast chillers and the various modes of operation are designed to adequately meet every specific processing need of the catering kitchens and bread, pastry and confectionary businesses.

Lainox, All in One Unit

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