cheltenham east primary school€¦ · school council. if you decide to stand for election, you can...

CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL Website: Email: [email protected] Silver Street Principal: Mr Wayne Bach Cheltenham 3192 Assistant Principal: Mrs Leisel Ward Phone: 03 9583 5746 Weekly Newsletter No. 5 Friday March 1, 2019 For your Diary Fri Mar 1 - Family Picnic on school oval 5-8 pm Wed Mar 6 - Wine & Cheese evening 7pm Staffroom hosted by Parents Committee Mon Mar 11 - LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY Wed Mar 13 - ParentsCommittee Special Food Day order through QKR Sun Mar 17 - Working Bee at school 9-11 am Wed Mar 20 - School Council AGM 7.00 pm followed by council meeting at 7.30 pm Staffroom Mon Mar 25 - Grade 4 camp to Lady Northcote until Wednesday March 27 Friday April 5 - Last day of term 1 early dismissal at 2.30 pm Tues April 23 - Term 2 begins Thurs April 25 - ANZAC DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY FROM THE PRINCIPAL Reminder - Labour Day Holiday A reminder to parents that Monday 11th March is a public holiday and the school will be closed. If you are travelling away, please do so safely. School will resume on Tuesday 12th March. School Council Elections All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. School Councils are legally formed bodies that help to set the key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines. Parents on School Council provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the school. Nominations are now being called for the parent and DE&T employee member categories of School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front Office. Once completed, these need to be returned to the Office by 4:00p.m today Friday, March 1st. We have three elected parent category members up for re-election, as well as one elected DE&T employee category member. If there are more nominations received than there are vacancies on Council, a ballot will be conducted in the two weeks after the call of nominations has closed. Being a member of School Council can be very rewarding. We currently meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. You don’t need any previous experience. School Picnic Reminder - today Our annual School Picnic will be held today Friday 1 st March starting at 5.00 pm and finishing at 8.00 pm on the school oval. I know it is going to be hot so bring along plenty of cold refreshments. It is BYO everything, including drinks, food and ball games. I, along with many staff members look forward to spending some ‘downtime’ with you and your family at our Picnic. Please make yourself known to me and say a ‘hello’. It’s a great chance to meet many other people in our enthusiastic community. Lost Property Please make sure children’s names are clearly marked on their uniform. It is very frustrating trying to find the owner of a hat or jumper with no identification marks. Named lost property will be returned to the owners by the Gr 6 lost property monitors at the end of each week. If you are trying to locate a lost item, SCHOOL CONTACT INFORMATION FOR STUDENT ABSENCES: Sentral parent portal: Flexibuzz App, Answering machine - 9584 7240; email [email protected] Please contact us each day your child is absent giving child’s name, grade, reason & date of absence

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Page 1: CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL€¦ · School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front


Website: Email: [email protected]

Silver Street Principal: Mr Wayne Bach Cheltenham 3192 Assistant Principal: Mrs Leisel Ward Phone: 03 9583 5746

Weekly Newsletter No. 5 Friday March 1, 2019

For your Diary

Fri Mar 1 - Family Picnic on school oval 5-8 pm Wed Mar 6 - Wine & Cheese evening 7pm Staffroom – hosted by Parents Committee

Mon Mar 11 - LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY Wed Mar 13 - Parents’ Committee Special Food Day – order through QKR Sun Mar 17 - Working Bee at school 9-11 am

Wed Mar 20 - School Council AGM 7.00 pm followed by council meeting at 7.30 pm Staffroom Mon Mar 25 - Grade 4 camp to Lady Northcote until Wednesday March 27 Friday April 5 - Last day of term 1 – early dismissal at 2.30 pm Tues April 23 - Term 2 begins Thurs April 25 - ANZAC DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY


Reminder - Labour Day Holiday

A reminder to parents that Monday 11th March is a public holiday and the school will be closed. If you are travelling away, please do so safely. School will resume on Tuesday 12th March.

School Council Elections

All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. School Councils are legally formed bodies that help to set the key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines. Parents on School Council provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the school. Nominations are now being called for the parent and DE&T employee member categories of School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front Office. Once completed, these need to be returned to the Office by 4:00p.m today Friday, March 1st. We have three elected parent category members up for re-election, as well as one elected DE&T employee category member. If there are more nominations received than there are vacancies on Council, a ballot will be conducted in the two weeks after the call of nominations has closed. Being a member of School

Council can be very rewarding. We currently meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. You don’t need any previous experience.

School Picnic Reminder - today

Our annual School Picnic will be held today Friday 1st March starting at 5.00 pm and finishing at 8.00 pm on the school oval. I know it is going to be hot so bring along plenty of cold refreshments. It is BYO everything, including drinks, food and ball games. I, along with many staff members look forward to spending some ‘downtime’ with you and your family at our Picnic. Please make yourself known to me and say a ‘hello’. It’s a great chance to meet many other people in our enthusiastic community.

Lost Property

Please make sure children’s names are clearly marked on their uniform. It is very frustrating trying to find the owner of a hat or jumper with no identification marks. Named lost property will be returned to the owners by the Gr 6 lost property monitors at the end of each week. If you are trying to locate a lost item,


Flexibuzz App, Answering machine - 9584 7240; email [email protected]

Please contact us each day your child is absent giving child’s name, grade, reason & date of absence

Page 2: CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL€¦ · School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front


the lost property cupboard is located outside the science room.

Dog Reminder

If you are walking to school with a dog you need to leave the dog (no matter how well trained) tied up to the school fence away from children when you enter the school yard. Please note dog owners are liable if one of our students is bitten in the yard. Dog owners need to take into account that some children are terrified of dogs and do not want them close by no matter how friendly they are.

Beach Swimming

The Year 5 and 6 children have been participating in the Beach Swimming program on Port Phillip Bay. Luckily the weather has been very kind and it is the place to be at the moment. The children are learning all about water safety and survival, applying CPR, and how to potentially help others in trouble.

Working Bee - Sunday 17th March

Come one, come all and help beautify our school yard. We need lots of helpers for a short time to clean up around our school. This is a General Working Bee commencing at 9.00am and will finish by 11.00am on Sunday 17th March. It is hoped that as many families as possible will be able to assist. Children are most welcome and morning tea will be provided. The following tools would be helpful: Ladders, Wheel barrows, paint brushes, sandpaper, scrapers, spades, rakes, blowers, gardening tools. Jobs to do include:

Build a small shed to house BBQs, gas bottles etc.

Spreading sand in the sand pit

Scraping, sanding of guttering, window frames etc

Roof check on the main building

Repair fencing in the cricket nets

Clean out roof gutters

Re stain the stage and steps

Gurney entrance ways for buildings

Weeding garden beds

Fixing seating on the school oval

Raking mulch for the playground areas

Classroom Cuisine

Ordering lunches online Log onto and register as a new user. This is to confirm the school and class details of your child (you can register for one or more children) – to make sure we know where to deliver the lunch! We also require a contact telephone number and email address to send order / payment confirmation. We will not share our ‘Users’ information with anyone. Users receive a password so that future visits to our site are quick and easy.

Submit your order and select your child’s grade from the drop down list and pay with your credit card. Each lunch order consists of either a two or three course lunch. There are 30 options from which to choose within each course selection on each day. Orders are received by our Customer Friendly Website until 8.30am on the morning of the day the order is required. Make sure you get a confirmation email, or double check with them. There are gluten and dairy free options. They deliver before lunch directly to school, labelled with the student’s name, class and order details.

Orders may be placed for one day or as many days as required. A Menu for the whole term is posted online prior to the commencement of the term.

Payment Payment is made at the time of placing an order through a secure banking gateway receiving both Visa and MasterCard. Our system confirms orders and generates a confirmation email to our users confirming order and payment. (Orders placed in advance can be cancelled and a voucher issued if it comes to pass that a child is sick or has a school activity which means they won’t need the lunch).

Reading at home

Please keep encouraging your children to read at home. It is extremely important to listen to your children read aloud at various times so you can hear whether they are reading for meaning or just reading for reading’s sake. Ensuring they use correct phrasing, punctuation, pronounce words correctly and predicting what might happen in a book are just a few of the strategies you as a parent can look out for. Modelling good reading habits to your children is also a must as they can clearly hear and see how a book should be read. Take the time to read to them, make it a routine and see the results!

Page 3: CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL€¦ · School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front


Thought for the Week

WAYNE BACH Principal



This term we are working on


and next week we are looking at

Giving Way

With our school getting bigger and busier we really must practise the skill to give way. Giving way at school is very much like giving way on the roads. We wait first and then allow others to pass before we go. We need to give way to people coming out of doorways. Step back, perhaps even hold the door open for them. Be sensible too; if someone is carrying something heavy, then let them pass. In the playground, giving way might mean letting some children continue their game, or retrieve their ball before you move into an area or play your game. In many ways, giving way is another way to show how courteous you are. It is another way of sharing and showing you are a friendly CEPS Kid.

Page 4: CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL€¦ · School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front


CEPS KIDS ARE FRIENDLY KIDS Awards for displaying Courtesy

2019 Parent Payments

Thank you to all families who have made their 2019 Parent Payments, either in full or by

first instalment. The second instalment payment is due on Monday 4th March. Payment is

available via Qkr, cash, cheque, credit card or EFTPOS. If you have previously completed a

credit card authority, your instalment will be automatically deducted in the week commencing

4th March, as agreed.

There are still a number of families yet to make any payment. Please contact the Business Manager, Sue Chase ([email protected]) if you are experiencing difficulties or to make other arrangements.

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Page 6: CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL€¦ · School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front


Page 7: CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL€¦ · School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front


Hello CEPS Families

We would love to welcome all new and existing families to the

start of another busy year at CEPS with a “parents only” meet

and greet!

Come along to our WINE & CHEESE EVENING on

Wednesday 6th of March for a casual chat and get together.

7pm in the Staff Room

Bring a friend from school!

We'd also love your input and ideas into our friendly Parents

Committee so please considering joining in. You don’t have to

come to every meeting but you can help with social and

fundraising events like our huge Fete coming up in November

this year.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

~ CEPS Parents Committee ~

We have an unofficial Facebook page to keep up to date with social events/ Special

Food Days and other school information.

(Parents in Cheltenham East Unofficial Private Group)

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Page 9: CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL€¦ · School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front


In March, Cheltenham Youth Club will be piloting an ‘ASD Play Gym’ program. This unique participation opportunity caters for children aged between 2-5 years with ASD (whether or not this has been formally diagnosed). Participants will have the opportunity to explore the gymnastics environment in a supervised quiet time with full access to sprung floor, balance beams, foam pit, trampolines and more! The cost is $10.00/session and each session will run for 1 hour. Participants will need to book their place in advance by visiting

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Page 11: CHELTENHAM EAST PRIMARY SCHOOL€¦ · School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms are available from the Front