children: david huon john huon agnes huon alexander huon

16 May 2016 Descendents of John Hu on Genera on One 1. John Hu on (son of BASE Hu on), occupa on Cooper in Schoolhouse of Saline (1778). 1 He married Janet Murrie (Murray), 3 February 1775 in Saline Parish, Scotland. 2 Children: 2. i. Agnes Hu on b. 22 October 1775 . 3. ii. Alexander Hu on b. 14 June 1778 . 4. iii. Mary Hu on b. 28 April 1782 . 5. iv. Andrew Hu on b. 12 December 1784 . 6. v. Margarete Hu on b. 2 October 1787 . Genera on Two 2. Agnes Hu on, b. 22 October 1775 in Saline, Scotland. 3. Alexander Hu on, b. 14 June 1778 in Saline, Scotland, 1 d. 19 March 1863 in Saline, Fife, Scotland, 3 cause of death Old age. He married Elisabeth Nicol, 28 September 1798 in Dunfermline, Scotland. 4 Children: 7. i. David Hu on b. 28 July 1799 . 8. ii. John Hu on b. 2 August 1801 . 9. iii. Agnes Hu on b. 1 January 1804 . 10. iv. Alexander Hu on b. 2 August 1806 . 11. v. Robert Hu on b. 4 June 1809 . 12. vi. Janet Hu on b. 26 December 1813 . 13. vii. Elisabeth Hu on b. 23 June 1816 . 4. Mary Hu on, b. 28 April 1782 in Saline, Scotland. 5. Andrew Hu on, b. 12 December 1784 in Saline, Scotland. 6. Margarete Hu on, b. 2 October 1787 in Saline, Scotland. Genera on Three 7. David Hu on, b. 28 July 1799 in Dunfermline, Scotland. 8. John Hu on, b. 2 August 1801 in Dunfermline, Scotland. 9. Agnes Hu on, b. 1 January 1804 in Dunfermline, Scotland. 10. Alexander Hu on, b. 2 August 1806 in Dumferline, Scotland, 5 bap zed 10 August 1806, 5 d. 30 November 1889 in Shore, Alloa, Clackmannan at 5.25am, occupa on Horse Keeper (1841), coal shipper (1851). He married Jane Carnaby, b. c. 1803 in Berwick, Scotland (daughter of James Cairnebie), d. 20 September 1867 in Parish of Alloa in the County of Clackmannan. Children: 14. i. William Hu on b. 31 January 1841 . 11. Robert Hu on, b. 4 June 1809 in Dunfermline, Scotland. 12. Janet Hu on, b. 26 December 1813 in Dunfermline, Scotland.

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Page 1: Children: David Huon John Huon Agnes Huon Alexander Huon

16 May 2016 Descendents of John Hu� on

Genera� on One

1. John Hu� on (son of BASE Hu� on), occupa� on Cooper in Schoolhouse of Saline (1778).1 He marriedJanet Murrie (Murray), 3 February 1775 in Saline Parish, Scotland.2

Children:2. i. Agnes Hu� on b. 22 October 1775.3. ii. Alexander Hu� on b. 14 June 1778.4. iii. Mary Hu� on b. 28 April 1782.5. iv. Andrew Hu� on b. 12 December 1784.6. v. Margarete Hu� on b. 2 October 1787.

Genera� on Two

2. Agnes Hu� on, b. 22 October 1775 in Saline, Scotland.

3. Alexander Hu� on, b. 14 June 1778 in Saline, Scotland,1 d. 19 March 1863 in Saline, Fife, Scotland,3

cause of death Old age. He married Elisabeth Nicol, 28 September 1798 in Dunfermline, Scotland.4

Children:7. i. David Hu� on b. 28 July 1799.8. ii. John Hu� on b. 2 August 1801.9. iii. Agnes Hu� on b. 1 January 1804.10. iv. Alexander Hu� on b. 2 August 1806.11. v. Robert Hu� on b. 4 June 1809.12. vi. Janet Hu� on b. 26 December 1813.13. vii. Elisabeth Hu� on b. 23 June 1816.

4. Mary Hu� on, b. 28 April 1782 in Saline, Scotland.

5. Andrew Hu� on, b. 12 December 1784 in Saline, Scotland.

6. Margarete Hu� on, b. 2 October 1787 in Saline, Scotland.

Genera� on Three

7. David Hu� on, b. 28 July 1799 in Dunfermline, Scotland.

8. John Hu� on, b. 2 August 1801 in Dunfermline, Scotland.

9. Agnes Hu� on, b. 1 January 1804 in Dunfermline, Scotland.

10. Alexander Hu� on, b. 2 August 1806 in Dumferline, Scotland,5 bap� zed 10 August 1806,5 d. 30November 1889 in Shore, Alloa, Clackmannan at 5.25am, occupa� on Horse Keeper (1841), coalshipper (1851). He married Jane Carnaby, b. c. 1803 in Berwick, Scotland (daughter of JamesCairnebie), d. 20 September 1867 in Parish of Alloa in the County of Clackmannan.

Children:14. i. William Hu� on b. 31 January 1841.

11. Robert Hu� on, b. 4 June 1809 in Dunfermline, Scotland.

12. Janet Hu� on, b. 26 December 1813 in Dunfermline, Scotland.

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16 May 2016 Hu� on descendants (cont.)

13. Elisabeth Hu� on, b. 23 June 1816 in Dunfermline, Scotland.

Genera� on Four

14. William Hu� on, b. 31 January 1841 in Alloa, Scotland,6 bap� zed 7 March 1841 in Alloa,Scotland,6 d. 5 February 1877 in Alloa Hospital,7 occupa� on Groom, buyer of horses, cause of deathInjuries sustained from being run over by a train. He married Ann Ferguson, 25 May 1859 in GlasgowScotland, b. 25 July 1839 in Bowling, Dunbarton, Scotland,8 (daughter of Donald Ferguson andMargaret Neil), bap� zed 11 August 1839,8 d. 15 August 1891 in 165 S� rling Street, Alva, Scotland,9

occupa� on Midwife, cause of death Died in bed, no medical a� endant.9

Children:15. i. Jane Carneby Hu� on b. 1 August 1861.16. ii. Sarah Mary L'Estrange Hu� on b. 4 August 1874.17. iii. Donald Ferguson Hu� on b. 4 November 1876.

Genera� on Five

15. Jane Carneby Hu� on, b. 1 August 1861 in Cro� s in the Parish of Alva, S� rlingshire, Scotland,10

occupa� on shawl twister (1881), Presshouse woman (1884), d. 13 July 1929 in 9 Highgate Street,Bexley,11 buried 15 July 1929 in Presbyterian Cemetery, Woronora,11 census in 20 Green Square,Alva, S� rling, Scotland,12 emigrated 10 October 1884, cause of death myocardi� s, pneumonia.11

She married (1) Robert Harrower, 28 April 1884 in Alva , S� rlingshire, Scotland,13 b. 27 August 1859 inSauchie, Clackmannanshire,Scotland,14,12 (son of Robert Harrower and Mary Wright), d. 23 April1938 in St George District Hospital, Kogarah, NSW,15 occupa� on Bricklayer, buried 25 April 1938 inPresbyterian Cemetery, Woronora,15 emigrated 30 October 1884 from Scotland to Australia,immigrated 7 January 1885 in Brisbane, Queensland, cause of death Broncho-pneumonia (7days),cirhosis of liver (30 years),15 census (family) 1881 in Tillicoultry, Clackmannan, Scotland.12

Robert: About 6 months a� er their marriage on 28 April 1884, Robert and his bride (Jane) togetherwith Jane's daughter (Mary Jane Wright Hu� on) le� Glasgow on 10 October 1884 on the Steamship"Cloncurry" ("Clyde" line) headed for Brisbane. Their passage was 42 pounds 10 shillings of which theQueensland Government assisted with 25 pounds. Robert Harrower's death cer� ficate indicates helived in Queensland for about 12 months, but it was probably less than this.By June 1885, Robert, and Jane (and Mary Jane) were in Sydney in � me for the birth of their first child,Annie, on 9 June 1885. Robert jnr was born at Mount Street, North Sydney 2 years later on 29 June1887. Shortly a� er Robert jnr's birth, the family moved to live in the Melbourne suburb of Richmondon Punt Road (199, then 253). Presumably, there was plenty of work available for Robert inMelbourne. Whilst living in Richmond, Robert took up an opportunity on 10 August 1891 to buy landat 9 Highgate Street, Bexley from the Sydney and Provincial Land and Building Company Limited("SPLB"), presumably with cash earned whilst in Melbourne (there was no mortgage on � tle). [Formedin 1882, SPLB was reported to be worth a net 40,000 pounds in 1888 during which year it had acquireda significant amount of land in Sydney and the then outlying area of what is now Bexley, butsubsequent liquidity issues arising from over-borrowing saw the company placed into liquida� on on 26August 1895 during the financial crisis and depression of the 1890s]Interes� ngly, the en� re Rockdale Municipality only had 1,138 houses in 1891.Donald was born the following year in Richmond on 6 June 1892. Presumably, by 1894, the house atHighgate Street had been built to welcome the birth of David on 12 September 1894, followed by"Sadie" on 8 November 1899 and Jeannie on Australia Day, 1903. With the Municipality of Bexley beingofficially named and incorporated only in 1900, the Harrowers were very much part of the forma� on ofthe Bexley community.

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16 May 2016 Hu� on descendants (cont.)

By 1901, the number of houses in the Rockdale Municipality had grown at an average rate of almostone a week since 1891 to be 1,636.On 10 August 1913, Robert (now described as a carpenter) purchased 22 Abercorn Street, Bexley, beingthe property immediately behind 9 Highgate Street. He subsequently transferred this land to his newson-in-law, John Thomas Burchmore (Jeannie's husband), on 19 December 1925.A few months earlier on 10 September 1925, Robert's son, William Hu� on Harrower, had purchasedthe 2 adjacent blocks of land comprising 11 Highgate Street and 24 Abercorn Street. William sold 11Highgate Street to his brother-in-law, Bill Raine (Sadie's husband) on 2 June 1927. Shortly therea� er, ahouse was built on each of these 3 lots with the construc� on work done predominantly by RobertHarrower and his sons.So, that's how Robert and Jane Harrower came to be in the rare situa� on of having as their neighbourstheir 2 surviving daughters, Sadie and Jeannie (Annie having passed away in 1919), and second eldestson, William (together with their families). This must have pleased Jane un� l her death on 13 July 1929given David was also s� ll living at home at this � me.The Raines decided to name their house Neiwalla a� er their 2 boys Neil and Wallace.Jack and Jeannie decided to name their house "Langour", being the name of a narrow short street inDevenside near Tillicoultry, Scotland (just off a road known as The Glen) in which Robert lived with hisgrandmother, Catherine (then a widow), a� er Robert had been orphaned before the age of 10following the early deaths of both his parents from tuberculosis.Robert con� nued to live in 9 Highgate Street, Bexley un� l his death on 23 April 1938. The property wassold on 9 May 1940 by Robert's executors, being William Hu� on Harrower and John ThomasBurchmore, to James and Jessie Stewart.

The Evening News (Sydney) published an interes� ng story on 22 February 1915 about how RobertHarrower was shot during World War I:"ACCIDENTALLY SHOT.PISTOL GOES OFF AT BEXLEYWhile Robert Harrow (sic Harrower), who lives in Highgate Street, Bexley was si� ng in his garden about7 o'clock on Sunday evening, a revolver bullet struck him in the thigh. The wound inflicted was only aflesh one, not likely to cause much trouble beyond a certain amount of pain.Inves� ga� on proved that the affair was en� rely accidental. Mr. George W. Doerge who lives about 300yards away, in Smith Street, Bexley, was examining an automa� c pistol which a friend had le� in biskeeping.As he picked tbe weapon up from the table on the back verandah it went off, and the bullet, smashingthrough the wire verandah sec� on, travelled over a gully separa� ng the house from Smith-Street, andstruck Harrower. By that � me, however, it had almost spent its force."The story was also published in the Evening and se� ler on 25 February 1915:"MISHANDLING A REVOLVER: Didn't Know It was Loaded.While examining a revolver on the verandah at his residence, Bexley (Sydney), on Saturday night,George William Doerge narrowly escaped being shot,owing to a cartridge in the weapon accidentallyexploding. Robert Harrow (sic Harrower), a neighbour, who was si� ng close by, was struck on the hip,and received a wound about an inch long. He was not seriously hurt."George William Herman Doerge would have been aged about 55 at the � me of the incident. He wasa painter/decorator by trade. He lived in "Clairville", 19 Smith Street, Bexley. Partner William Wright,b. 18 June 1862 in the parish of Tillicoultry in the county of Clackmannon, Scotland,16 (son of RobertWright and Janet Hunter), d. 9 September 1933 in Royal Infirmary, S� rling, Scotland,17 occupa� onweaver (1881), shawl weaver, then indoor labourer (1891), gardener (1901), railway goods foreman(1912)railway carriage examiner at � me of re� rement,18 cause of death urinary reten� on fromprosta� sm despite suprapubic cystostomy (catheter).17

Children:18. i. Annie Ferguson Harrower b. 9 June 1885.19. ii. Robert Harrower b. 29 June 1887.

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20. iii. William Hu� on Harrower b. 8 November 1889.21. iv. Donald Ferguson Harrower b. 6 June 1892.22. v. David Ogilvie McDonald Harrower b. 12 September 1894.23. vi. Sarah ("Sadie") Margaret Harrower b. 8 November 1899.24. vii. Jeannie Alveen Harrower b. 26 January 1903.25. viii. Mary Jane Wright Hu� on b. 23 August 1881.

16. Sarah Mary L'Estrange Hu� on, b. 4 August 1874 in 20 Green Square, Alva, S� rlingshire, Scotland,emigrated 31 August 1893 from London aboard the Arawa for Cape, South Africa, emigrated 1907 -1908 from South Africa for Sydney, Australia, d. 20 April 1926 in St George District Hospital, Kogarah,occupa� on Minder (1891), Lady (1893), buried 22 April 1926 in Presbyterian Cemetery, Woronora,cause of death shock in consequence of burns sustained to the body when her clothing accidentallycaught fire. She married John Ellio� Purves, c. 1899 in Cape Town, South Africa, b. 26 June 1871 in 13Hallside Street, Glasgow (son of John Elliot Purves and Isabella Colville Forsyth), occupa� on StoreDespatch, emigrated 1907 - 1908 from South Africa to Sydney, d. 2 December 1943 in Johnson Street,Peakhurst, buried 3 December 1943 in Presbyterian Cemetery, Woronora, cause of death acutecoronory occlusion and arteriosclerosis.

Children:26. i. Alva Adele Elliot Purves b. 25 March 1914.

17. Donald Ferguson Hu� on, b. 4 November 1876 in 20 Green Square, Alva, S� rlingshire, Scotland,19

d. 6 September 1939 at "Alva", Hymen Street, Peakhurst, NSW, occupa� on Piecer (1891), Soldier (BoerWar), then coachman (1911), gardener for the "Big House" owned by the Tullis family in Tullibody,emigrated 11 January 1912 on Ranga� ra (steamer ship) from London, immigrated 23 February 1912in Sydney. He married Margaret Dawson, 28 July 1903 in Margaret Dawson's family home in theCobblecrook, Alva, Scotland, b. 28 May 1877 in Cobblecrook, Alva in the shire of Clackmannon,Scotland (daughter of Robert Dawson and Margaret Fyfe), d. c 1951 in Hurstville, NSW.

Children:27. i. Margaret Fyfe Hu� on b. 26 March 1904.28. ii. Annie Fergusson Hu� on b. January 1906.29. iii. William Hu� on b. 4 November 1907.

Genera� on Six

18. Annie Ferguson Harrower, b. 9 June 1885 in North Sydney, NSW, d. 28 June 1919 in Co� ageHospital, Marrickville, NSW, buried 30 June 1919 in Presbyterian Cemetery, Woronora, cause of deathpneumonia influenza, never married.

19. Robert Harrower, b. 29 June 1887 in Mount Street, St Leonards, NSW,20 d. 24 October 1967 inRyde, NSW, occupa� on Bricklayer.

20. William Hu� on Harrower, b. 8 November 1889 in 199 Punt Road, Richmond, Victoria, d. 8September 1971 in 24 Abercorn Street, Bexley, occupa� on Fi� er (1933) and turner, engineer (1925),buried 11 September 1971 in Woronora Cemetery. He married Eileen Mary Campbell, 26 July 1919 inNorth Sydney, b. 19 December 1891 in Old Junee, NSW, d. 31 July 1980 in Lady of Loreto NursingHome, Strathfield, buried 5 August 1980 in Woronora Catholic Lawn Cemetery.

Children:30. i. Dorothy Harrower b. 17 May 1920.31. ii. William Ross Harrower b. 5 August 1922.32. iii. John Raymond Harrower b. 30 March 1925.33. iv. Joan Eileen Harrower b. 18 December 1928.

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21. Donald Ferguson Harrower, b. 6 June 1892 in 253 Punt Road, Richmond, Victoria, d. 17 March 1956in State Hospital and Home, Liverpool, occupa� on Bricklayer (1936), buried 20 March 1956 inPresbyterian Cemetery, Rookwood, cause of death cerebral thrombosis. 1930 and 1933 electoral rollsshow Donald living in Stuart Street, Collaroy with Jessie Harrower.1936 Electoral rolls show Donald living at 58 Ernest street, Crows Nest with Jessie Ellen Harrower.Partner Alice Lavinia Florence Dexter, b. c. 1894 in Granville, South Australia,21 (daughter of EdwardJames Dexter and Alice Goodliffe). Partner Jessie Ellen ("Nellie") Watson, b. 31 January 1894 inLawrence Street, Alexandria, NSW,22 (daughter of James Sydney Watson and Isabel McPherson).Jessie:.

Children:34. i. Allen Edward Dexter (aka Harrower) b. 5 December 1910.35. ii. Robert William Harrower b. c.1918.36. iii. Olga Nellie Harrower b. c. 1920.37. iv. Valerie Dawn Harrower b. 1927.38. v. Donald Harrower.

22. David Ogilvie McDonald Harrower, b. 12 September 1894 in Highgate Street, Bexley,23 d. 7October 1945 in Family Hotel, Cootamundra, NSW, occupa� on bricklayer (1937), buried 8 October1945 in Presbyterian Cemetery, Woronora Cemetery, military 1915 to 1918 cause of death myocardialdegenera� on and syphilis. In 1930, David's address was 9 Highgate Street, Bexley (per electoral roll).The 1933 and 1937 Electoral roll shows David as living in 9 Alva Glen, Highland Street, Bexley.

23. Sarah ("Sadie") Margaret Harrower, b. 8 November 1899 in Bexley, NSW,24 d. 29 July 1988. Shemarried William Thomas Raine, 1920 in Bexley, NSW, b. 4 April 1897 in Helensburgh, NSW (son ofWilliam Raine and Jane Downes), d. 29 August 1988 in Bronte, NSW. William:.

Children:39. i. Neil William Raine b. 13 December 1920.40. ii. Wallace Robert Raine b. 11 October 1922.

24. Jeannie Alveen Harrower, b. 26 January 1903 in Highgate Street, Bexley,25 d. 13 July 1974 in 22Abercorn Street, Bexley,26 buried 16 July 1974 in Presbyterian Sec� on 2, Woronora Cemetery,26

cause of death myocardial infarc� on (15 minutes), coronory atherosclerosis (2 years),26 occupa� onMilliner (1924), educa� on Bexley Public School. On 24 January 2014, Ken wrote the following abouthis mother: "Without any doubt she was the family catalyst. Dad was the quintessen� al solid ci� zenbut Mum ran the home, supervised our health, arranged schooling, tried to acquaint us with The Bibleand organized the fun things. Family get togethers, birthday par� es and gatherings around the pianowere her forte.She was alsothe glue of the Bexley branch of Mrs. Stelzer's 2GB Happiness Club with awide circle of women friends.When I think of their modest home with that � ny kitchen, it is inevitable that cookery comes tomind.She was always on top of every meal- individual hot breakfasts, sandwiches to take to school orwork, dinners that pleased ( with the single excep� on of tripe which only Dad liked),invariably finishing with a sweet - apple cake, English trifle, gem scones, rhubarb( from the garden) as apie with warm custard to name some favorites.-Try as I might, no nega� ves come to mind. Of one thing I'm certain : Mum breathed a huge sigh ofrelief every � me she acquired a daughter in law with the promise of grand babies on whom to dote"

The apple cream cake made by Jeannie was a favourite dessert in the Burchmore household at 22Abercorn Street, Bexley. The following recipe was supplied by Jeannie's sister, Sadie, in 1980.


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16 May 2016 Hu� on descendants (cont.)

Work together

1 cup Self Rising Flour½ cup brown sugar¾ cup bu� erpinch of salt1 egg

A� er they are all blended, mould on board. Cut into 3 parts. Roll each part to fit 7” sandwich � n.Bake in a slow oven to a light brown.

Prepare apples as for apple sauce, cooking un� l tender & as dry as possible with some sugar. Whencold add cinnamon & spread thickly between the layers of cake. Cover the top of cake with whippedcream, le� ng it run over the sides of cake un� l completely covered.

(From Aun� e Sadie - 1980)

. She married John Thomas Burchmore, 28 April 1924 in Presbyterian Church, Woodside,South Australia,26,27 b. 23 November 1898 in Jesson Street, Alexandria, New South Wales,28 (sonof George Burchmore and Alice Maud Mary Kemp), occupa� on Soldier (1918), Engineer, d. 20September 1985 in 22 Abercorn Street, Bexley, New South Wales, buried in Woronora Cemetery,Presbyterian Sec� on 2.

Children:41. i. John Robert Burchmore b. 26 November 1924.42. ii. Kenneth George Burchmore b. 22 January 1929.43. iii. Noel William Burchmore b. 13 December 1931.

25. Mary Jane Wright Hu� on, b. 23 August 1881 in 103 S� rling Street, Alva, S� rlingshire, Scotland,29

d. 12 March 1920, occupa� on machinist (1901), buried in Woronora Cemetery, Sutherland. Shemarried Forest Sydney Taylor, 22 August 1901 at George Street, Canterbury, NSW,30 b. 16 December1881 in Forest Lodge, Glebe, NSW (son of Charles Taylor and Louisa Roseworn), d. 4 June 1948,occupa� on Railway porter (1901), Master baker at Punchbowl (1913), buried in Wollongong cemetery.

Children:44. i. Ernest Sydney Taylor b. 1902.45. ii. Arthur Robert Taylor b. 1903.46. iii. Louise Irene Taylor b. 5 July 1905.47. iv. William Charles Taylor b. August 1906.48. v. Donald Ferguson Taylor b. 1908.49. vi. Joyce Doris Taylor b. 13 June 1909.50. vii. Sidney Samuel Taylor b. 22 March 1912.51. viii. Jean Mary Taylor b. 22 January 1914.52. ix. David Joseph Taylor b. 20 June 1916.53. x. Jack Allen Taylor b. 7 June 1917.

26. Alva Adele Elliot Purves, b. 25 March 1914 in 6 Stanley Street, Arncliffe, d. 16 December 1914 inRenwick Hospital.

27. Margaret Fyfe Hu� on, b. 26 March 1904 in James Street, Alva Scotland, d. 19 October 1989 inPeakhurst Nursing Home. She married Frederick Gage, 28 July 1923 in Church of England, Forest Road,Peakhurst, b. c. 1904 (son of Albert William Gage and Gertrude Annie Smith), d. 3 February 1967 at The

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Repatria� on General Hospital, Concord, late of Beverly Hills, occupa� on milkman.Children:

54. i. Harold Frederick Gage b. c 1924.55. ii. Ian Gage.56. iii. Jean Alvene Gage b. 15 August 1925.57. iv. Neil Fyfe Gage b. 28 November 1936.58. v. Robert Charles Gage b. 29 May 1938.59. vi. Bruce Rodney Gage b. 30 July 1941.

28. Annie Fergusson Hu� on, b. January 1906 in Tullibody, Scotland, d. 21 December 1981 in Peakhurst,NSW. She married John Dane, January 1929, d. 20 July 1984.

Children:60. i. Elma Dane.61. ii. Margaret Dane.62. iii. Helen Janet Dane b. June 1938.63. iv. John Dane.

29. William Hu� on, b. 4 November 1907 in Tullibody, Scotland, d. 20 September 1912 in on board theSS Pakeha between South Africa and Fremantle (La� tude 45degrees 5 south, Longitude 55, buried inat sea, cause of death Funicular tonsilli� s (later thought to be diptheria).

Genera� on Seven

30. Dorothy Harrower, b. 17 May 1920 in Bexley, d. 20 May 1920, buried in Woronora Cemetery.

31. William Ross Harrower, b. 5 August 1922 in Bexley, d. 26 September 1960 in Bexley. He marriedEileen South.

Children:64. i. Janice Harrower b. 9 October 1943.65. ii. Anthony Harrower b. 11 September 1945.66. iii. Michael John Harrower b. 8 March 1949.

32. John Raymond Harrower, b. 30 March 1925, d. 1 April 1998 in Tristania Pde, Maloney's Beach. Hemarried Joan Marie Alexander, 14 June 1948.

Children:67. i. Marea Dawn Harrower b. 16 August 1949.68. ii. John William Paul Harrower b. 13 January 1952.

33. Joan Eileen Harrower, b. 18 December 1928 in Bexley. She married (1) Allan Frederick Phillis, 20August 1948 in Bexley, NSW (son of Allan Phillis and Ella Campbell). She married (2) Charles RonaldBowie, 1981 (son of Ronald Bowie and Gladys Fairclough), d. 1 August 1993 in Blakehurst, NSW.

Children:69. i. Gregory Allan Phillis b. 19 December 1949.70. ii. Colin William Phillis b. 13 July 1953.

34. Allen Edward Dexter (aka Harrower), b. 5 December 1910 in Women's Hospital, Crown Street,Sydney, NSW, d. 13 March 1949 in Mental Hospital, Callan Park, NSW, cremated 15 March 1949 atWoronora Crematorium, NSW, occupa� on milk vendor (1933), bricklayer (1943), cause of deathexhaus� on of acute mania and acute myocardi� s (6 days). He married Marjorie Vincent, 1930 inRockdale, NSW, b. 1911 in St Leonards, NSW (daughter of Thomas Vincent and Virginia ?).


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71. i. Nancye Joyce Harrower b. c. 1931.

35. Robert William Harrower, b. c.1918 in Alexandria, NSW,31 d. 1972 in Gosford, NSW, occupa� onbricklayer (1943).31 He married Annie Alice Mitchell, 9 February 1943 at The Bap� st Manse, 6Church street, Newtown,31 b. c. 1918 in Goulburn, NSW,31 (daughter of Albert Ernest Mitchell andMargaret Ann Alexenia Cameron), occupa� on Ledger keeper (1943).31

36. Olga Nellie Harrower, b. c. 1920 in Bondi, NSW.32 She married Leslie Conrad Schapel, 6 December1941 in St John's Church, Milson's Point,32 b. c. 1915 in Lobethal, South Australia,32 (son of JohanGustav Schapel and Augusta Schultz), occupa� on Painter (1941).

37. Valerie Dawn Harrower, b. 1927, d. 25 May 2012 in Mudgeeraba, Queensland, occupa� onDressmaker (1956).33 She married (1) George Friend, 22 September 1956 in Registrar-General'sOffice, Sydney,33 b. c. 1924 in Brno, Czeckoslovakia,33 (son of Egon Freund and Marie Anne Sgnsky),occupa� on company director (1956).33 She married (2) Frederick Hendrick De Bas, 1948.

38. Donald Harrower. A Donald Harrower aged 90 died on 29 March 2007 at Cohuna Nursing Home.Whether it's the same Donald, we are not sure, but it's feasible as he was born in about 1917.

39. Neil William Raine, b. 13 December 1920 in Coal Cliff, NSW, d. 8 August 2004 in Sydney, NSW. Hemarried Noni Irene Ferguson, 1947 in Sydney, b. 21 September 1923 in Waverley, NSW, d. 21 July 2012in Roseville Nursing Home, NSW, cremated 26 July 2012 in Northern Suburbs Crematorium, NorthRyde.

Children:72. i. Christopher William Raine b. 1951.73. ii. Robin Irene Raine b. 1956.74. iii. Richard Bernard Raine b. 1961.

40. Wallace Robert Raine, b. 11 October 1922 in Arncliffe, NSW, d. 2 November 1999 in New Zealand.He married Estelle Doreen Fricker, b. 1928 in Whangaroa, NZ.

Children:75. i. John Wallace Raine.76. ii. Alan Robert Raine b. 1960.77. iii. Andrew Cuthbert Raine b. 1968.

41. John Robert Burchmore, b. 26 November 1924 in Russell Street, South Brisbane, Queensland,34 d.25 July 2008 at 6.15am at St George Public Hospital, Kogarah, NSW, cause of death pneumonia(months), cerebrovascular accident, buried 30 July 2008 at Woronora Cemetery, NSW, cause of deathaspira� on pneumonia (months) and cerebrovascular accident. He married Yvonne Estelle Stewart, 19August 1955 in St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Cnr Sackville and Forest Roads, Bexley, b. 6 March1931 in St Margaret's Hospital, Bourke Street,Sydney (daughter of Thomas Laurie Stewart and EstherDelsie Evelyn Veronica Dignam).

Children:78. i. Michelle Lynne Burchmore b. 27 June 1957.79. ii. Rhonda Suzanne Burchmore b. 15 May 1959.80. iii. Stewart John Burchmore b. 15 May 1962.

42. Kenneth George Burchmore, b. 22 January 1929 in 22 Abercorn Street, Bexley. NSW Australia,occupa� on Engineer, glass manufacturing execu� ve. He married Marjorie Lee Smith, 23 December1959 in Presbyterian Church, Orchard Road, Singapore, b. 13 September 1930 in Blessing Hospital,Quincy, Illinois, USA (daughter of Charles Edward Smith and Daisy May Finney).


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81. i. John David Burchmore b. 18 October 1960.82. ii. Bruce Kenneth Burchmore b. 27 August 1963.

43. Noel William Burchmore, b. 13 December 1931 in 22 Abercorn Street, Bexley, NSW. Australia,occupa� on Engineer. He married (1) Yvonne Dawn Mar� n, 22 April 1960 in St Gabriel's Church, StoneyCreek Road, Bexley, NSW, b. 26 August 1935 in Sydney, NSW, d. 1 February 1993 in Lugarno, NSW,Australia, buried in Woronora Cemetery, NSW. He married (2) Lynne MacDonald, 30 April 2006 inMelbourne, Victoria, b. 15 October 1946 in Sydney, NSW.

Children:83. i. Peter John Burchmore b. 29 April 1969.84. ii. Kylie Jean Burchmore b. 31 January 1971.

44. Ernest Sydney Taylor, b. 1902 in Hurstville NSW, d. 14 July 1927 in Wollongong NSW, buried inWollongong cemetery, cause of death Electrocu� on. He married Olive Ellen Johnson, 1922, b. 1901(daughter of Mark Johnson and Eleanor), d. 1 November 1948 in Parrama� a, NSW.

Children:85. i. Raymond Taylor.

45. Arthur Robert Taylor, b. 1903 in Hurstville NSW, d. 13 October 1979 in Warrawong, NSW, buried inWoronora Cemetery, Sutherland, NSW. He married Hilda May Anderson, 1924 in Kogarah district,NSW, b. 1907 in Woonona, NSW (daughter of David Anderson and Martha E ?), d. 11 April 1986 inWarrawong, NSW, buried in Woronora Cemetery.

Children:86. i. June Taylor.87. ii. George Taylor.88. iii. Bobby Taylor.89. iv. Sid Taylor.90. v. Hilder Taylor.91. vi. Peggy Taylor.

46. Louise Irene Taylor, b. 5 July 1905 in Bexley, NSW, d. 9 December 1979 in Wollongong, NSW. Shemarried James Milnes, 1923 in Wollongong, NSW, b. 1901 in Darlington (son of James Milnes andAmelia ?), d. 2 February 1979 in Towradgi, NSW.

Children:92. i. Victor Milnes b. 8 May 1925.93. ii. Jack Milnes.94. iii. Dawn Milnes.95. iv. Sylvia Milnes b. 15 October 1930.

47. William Charles Taylor, b. August 1906 in Rockdale NSW, d. 21 September 1979 in 8 Ac� on Street,Greenacre, NSW. He married (1) Agnes Maude Su� on, 7 December 1927 in Wollongong, NSW, b. 1908(daughter of John Su� on and Margaret Ellen ?), d. 26 October 1944 in Home of Peace, Marrickville,NSW, buried in Woronora Cemetery, Sutherland, NSW. He married (2) Dorothy Joyce Johnstone, 1949in Canterbury, NSW, b. 1921, d. 23 November 2009 in Adven� st Re� rement Village, Kings Langley, NSW,cremated 2009 in Maquarie Park cemetery, NSW.

Children:96. i. Norma Patricia Taylor b. 26 March 1928.97. ii. Colin John Taylor b. 24 March 1931.98. iii. Joan Margaret Taylor b. 18 March 1933.99. iv. Beryl Diane Taylor b. 13 February 1937.100. v. Rodney Taylor b. 1940.101. vi. Ian Taylor.

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102. vii. Bill Taylor.103. viii. Alan Taylor.104. ix. Richard Taylor.

48. Donald Ferguson Taylor, b. 1908 in Hurstville, NSW, d. 27 January 1933 in Port Kembla, NSW, buriedin Wollongong cemetery. He married Marjorie Georgina Mulligan, 1927 in North Sydney, NSW, b. 1909(daughter of James Mulligan and Ada ?), d. 8 September 1973 in Wollongong, NSW, buried inWollongong Memorial Gardens.

Children:105. i. Elaine Taylor.106. ii. Jean Taylor.107. iii. Earnest Taylor.

49. Joyce Doris Taylor, b. 13 June 1909 in Hurstville NSW, d. 19 October 2000 in Caringbah, NSW, buriedin Macquarie Park Cemetery, NSW. She married William John Charlesworth, 1935 in Burwood, NSW,b. 1910 in Kiama, NSW (son of Henry J Charlesworth and Ellen ?), d. 27 December 1960 in Newcastle,NSW, buried in Macquarie Park Cemetery.

Children:108. i. Helen Charlsworth.109. ii. Barry Charlsworth.110. iii. Muriel (Billy) Charlsworth.

50. Sidney Samuel Taylor, b. 22 March 1912 in Paddington, d. 3 August 1963 in Condobolin, NSW,buried in Condobolin Cemetery, NSW. He married Minda Allison Simpson, 1933 in Wollongong, NSW,b. 1913 in Wollongong, NSW, d. 22 July 1982 in Lake Heights, NSW, buried in Wollongong Cemetery,NSW.

Children:111. i. Norene Taylor.112. ii. Shirley Taylor.113. iii. Forest Taylor.

51. Jean Mary Taylor, b. 22 January 1914 in Canterbury NSW. She married Robert Charles Wa� s, 1937in Burwood NSW, b. 1913, d. 1 August 1981 in Allawah, NSW, buried in Woronora Cemetery.

Children:114. i. Robyn Wa� s.115. ii. Richard Hubert Wa� s.

52. David Joseph Taylor, b. 20 June 1916 in Bulli, d. 29 June 1916 in Bulli.

53. Jack Allen Taylor, b. 7 June 1917 in Bulli, NSW, d. 28 August 2011, buried in Mar� nsville PioneerCemetery, Cooranbong, NSW. He married Mona Theresa Burns Ross, 1941 in Ashfield, NSW, b. 23September 1918, d. 8 December 2009, buried in Mar� nsville Pioneer Cemetery, Cooranbong, NSW.

Children:116. i. Neale Taylor.117. ii. Cheryl Taylor.118. iii. Ross Taylor.119. iv. Gaye Louise Taylor b. 1 December 1961.

54. Harold Frederick Gage, b. c 1924 in Sydney, d. c 1924 in Sydney (4 days old).

55. Ian Gage.

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56. Jean Alvene Gage, b. 15 August 1925 in Connelly Street, Penshurst, NSW, bap� zed 7 February 1926in Penshurst Presbyterian Church. She married Clarence James Toyer, 1950.

Children:120. i. David James Toyer.121. ii. Grant Douglas Toyer.122. iii. Shena Margaret Toyer.

57. Neil Fyfe Gage, b. 28 November 1936 in Sydney.

58. Robert Charles Gage, b. 29 May 1938 in Sydney.

59. Bruce Rodney Gage, b. 30 July 1941.

60. Elma Dane.

61. Margaret Dane.

62. Helen Janet Dane, b. June 1938.

63. John Dane.

Genera� on Eight

64. Janice Harrower, b. 9 October 1943 in Hurstville. She married Roger William Purcell, 19 May 1950in Penshurst.

Children:123. i. Craig Phillip Purcell b. 10 December 1960.124. ii. Steven Mark Purcell b. 21 October 1962.125. iii. Andrew Sco� Purcell b. 20 May 1971.126. iv. Nathan John Purcell b. 13 May 1974.

65. Anthony Harrower, b. 11 September 1945 in Bexley. He married Lesley Kembrey, 4 March 1967 inBelmore (daughter of Phillip Kembrey and Valmai Dobbie).

Children:127. i. Darren Anthony Harrower b. 31 January 1971.128. ii. Bradley Phillip Harrower b. 14 May 1973.

66. Michael John Harrower, b. 8 March 1949 in Bexley. He married (1) Melanie Turner. He married (2)Maxine Kleindeist.

Children:129. i. Michelle Harrower b. 26 December 1972.130. ii. Ashley Laurel Harrower b. 25 April 1987.131. iii. Jessica Eileen Harrower b. 6 April 1989.132. iv. Benjamin Maxwell Harrower b. February 1991.133. v. Brooke Maxine Harrower b. 5 February 1994.

67. Marea Dawn Harrower, b. 16 August 1949 in Arncliffe. She married Peter Dinsdale, 16 June 1972 inKings Cross, b. 16 June 1972 in Kings Cross.

Children:134. i. Shane Anthony Dinsdale b. 13 June 1973.135. ii. John-Paul Brian Dinsdale b. 6 May 1975.

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136. iii. Meliss Dawn Dinsdale b. 26 November 1976.

68. John William Paul Harrower, b. 13 January 1952 in Arncliffe. He married Maureen May McMahon,31 August 1974.

Children:137. i. Tracey Harrower b. 20 July 1978.138. ii. Michelle Harrower b. 4 August 1984.

69. Gregory Allan Phillis, b. 19 December 1949 in Bankstown. He married Jeane� e Irene Thomas, 22October 1977 in Kogarah Chapel (daughter of H M Thomas and Gladys St Baker).

Children:139. i. Leanne Marie Phillis b. 18 April 1979.

70. Colin William Phillis, b. 13 July 1953 in Arncliffe. He married Judith Ann Clarke, 12 July 1980 inBexley (daughter of Leslie Clarke and Daphne Wooton).

Children:140. i. Craig Patrick Phillis b. 2 June 1981.141. ii. Wayne Leslie Phillis b. 9 March 1983.142. iii. Paul William Phillis b. 1 February 1985.

71. Nancye Joyce Harrower, b. c. 1931 in Arncliffe, NSW, occupa� on canteen assistant (1950). Shemarried Terence Frederick Dugan, 16 June 1950 in Rockdale District Registry Office, King EdwardStreet, Rockdale,35 b. c. 1925, d. 25 January 2001 in Jannali, NSW, occupa� on motor mechanic(1950), interred 3 July 2001 in Woronora Cemetery.

72. Christopher William Raine, b. 1951 in Waverley, NSW. He married Kathryn Ann Broadley, 1985 inPa� erson, NSW, b. 1955 in Kurri Kurri, NSW.

Children:143. i. Emma May Raine b. 1987.144. ii. Jessica Sarah Raine b. 1989.

73. Robin Irene Raine, b. 1956 in Camperdown, NSW.

74. Richard Bernard Raine, b. 1961 in Cooma, NSW. He married Tanya Mary Terese Gildea, 1987 inSydney Opera House, Sydney, NSW, b. 1960 in Sydney (daughter of Mervyn Royce Gildea and PaulineMary Verney).

Children:145. i. Courtney Sarah Mary Raine b. 1894.146. ii. Lukas Richard Raine b. 1996.

75. John Wallace Raine. He married Iris Mary Reid, 1986 in Auckland, NZ, b. 1957 in Auckland, NZ.Children:

147. i. Jeremy Raymond Raine b. 1988.148. ii. Prudence Mary Raine b. 1991.

76. Alan Robert Raine, b. 1960 in Auckland, NZ. He married Rowena Karen Challies, 1992 in Nelson, NZ,b. 1961 in Nelson, NZ.

Children:149. i. James John Raine b. 14 September 1990.150. ii. Thomas William Raine b. 1997.151. iii. Edward Robert Raine b. 14 September 2000.

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77. Andrew Cuthbert Raine, b. 1968 in Auckland, NZ.

78. Michelle Lynne Burchmore, b. 27 June 1957 in King George V Memorial Hospital for Mothers andBabies, Camperdown, NSW, Australia, d. 11 October 2015 in 1 Jibbon Street, Cronulla NSW Australia,occupa� on execu� ve sales director specialising in the fashion industry, buried 19 October 2015 inWoronora Cemetery, Sutherland, cause of death complica� ons arising from Mul� ple System Atrophy.She married Edgar Mar� n Bal� ns, 22 April 2011 in Ko Olina Beach, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, b. 16 October1955 in War Memorial Hospital, Waverley, Sydney, NSW Australia (son of Harijs Ernests Bal� ns andGaida Bormane), bap� zed 13 May 1956 in Lutheran Church, Sydney, NSW Australia, occupa� onChartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser.

79. Rhonda Suzanne Burchmore, b. 15 May 1959 in Sydney, occupa� on entertainer. She marriedNikolai Jeuniewic, 7 October 1984 in Rockdale, Sydney, b. 17 July 1945 in Germany (son of MikolajJeuniewic and Nadzia (Nadia) ?), immigrated 27 June 1950 in Newcastle per Dundalk Bay, occupa� onpsychiatrist.

Children:152. i. Alexandra Grace Jeuniewic b. 19 May 1995.

80. Stewart John Burchmore, b. 15 May 1962 in King George V Hospital, Camperdown, NSW,occupa� on television producer/director. He married (1) Heidi Alexandra Neilson, 9 November 1991 inMegalong Valley Uni� ng Church, NSW, b. 27 February 1965 in Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards,NSW (daughter of Peter Neilson and Megan Davey). They were divorced on 1 July 1997. PartnerLisbeth ("Libbi") Joanne Gorr, b. 24 March 1965 in Melbourne, Victoria (daughter of Eric Goldman Gorrand Beverley Cohen), occupa� on comedienne, journalist, TV and radio broadcaster, author.

Children:153. i. Chloe Jean Neilson Burchmore b. 19 February 1993.154. ii. Ella Jasmine Neilson Burchmore b. 13 October 1994.155. iii. Che Rodin Tiger Gorr Burchmore b. 3 January 2006.156. iv. Dali Blossom Ode� e Gorr Burchmore b. 1 March 2010.

81. John David Burchmore, b. 18 October 1960 in Bangkok, Thailand. He married (1) StephanieSullivan, 7 May 1989 in Villanova, Pennsylvania, USA, b. 26 October 1964. They were divorced on 18January 1995 in Philadelphia, USA. He married (2) Jayne Ann Lakoff, 1 July 2002 in Wayne,Pennsylvania, USA, b. 6 November 1969.

Children:157. i. Alexa Lee Burchmore b. 8 February 1990.158. ii. John Taylor Burchmore b. 18 March 1991.

82. Bruce Kenneth Burchmore, b. 27 August 1963 in Bangkok, Thailand.

83. Peter John Burchmore, b. 29 April 1969 in Burwood, NSW. Partner Kristy Lee Aberline, b. 6 March1973.

Children:159. i. Henry William Burchmore b. 23 February 2006.160. ii. Isabel Ginger Burchmore b. 21 April 2008.

84. Kylie Jean Burchmore, b. 31 January 1971 in Darlinghurst, NSW, adopted by both ?? She marriedThomas Edward Johnson, 3 September 2008 in Kauai, Hawaii, USA, b. 12 November 1970 in Toronto,Canada.

Children:161. i. Isaac Peter Johnson b. 20 November 2007.162. ii. Addison Jean Johnson b. 26 April 2010.

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85. Raymond Taylor.

86. June Taylor. She married Bill Neaves.Children:

163. i. Billy Neaves.164. ii. Merrylyn Neaves.165. iii. Glenda Neaves.166. iv. John Neaves.167. v. Shayne Neaves.

87. George Taylor.

88. Bobby Taylor. He married Joyce ?Children:

168. i. Robert Taylor.169. ii. Kerry Taylor.170. iii. Stephen Taylor.

89. Sid Taylor. He married Ida ?Children:

171. i. Mark Taylor.

90. Hilder Taylor. She married Fred Elem.

91. Peggy Taylor. She married Bob Hickey.Children:

172. i. Jenny Hickey.173. ii. Lindsay Hickey.174. iii. Glennys Hicky.175. iv. David Hicky.176. v. Delwyn Hicky.177. vi. Kerry Hicky.

92. Victor Milnes, b. 8 May 1925, d. 1969.

93. Jack Milnes.Children:

178. i. June Milnes.179. ii. Ian Milnes.180. iii. Karin Milnes.181. iv. Rhonda Milnes.

94. Dawn Milnes. She married Fred Szilagyi.

95. Sylvia Milnes, b. 15 October 1930, d. 1999. She married Ron Ritchie.

96. Norma Patricia Taylor, b. 26 March 1928 in NSW.

97. Colin John Taylor, b. 24 March 1931 in NSW, d. 3 June 1986 in Burwood, NSW.

98. Joan Margaret Taylor, b. 18 March 1933 in Newcastle, NSW, d. 13 April 2006 in Mirinjani Nursing

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Home Weston Creek Canberra ACT, occupa� on bar-maid, cremated with ashes sca� ered atGunnama� a Bay, Cronulla, NSW. She married Sidney James Lang, 24 August 1948, b. 13 February 1928,d. 1975, occupa� on alleged sales "confidence" man.

Children:182. i. Chris� ne Agnes Elsie Lang b. 20 December 1948.183. ii. Karen Lang.

99. Beryl Diane Taylor, b. 13 February 1937, d. 26 June 1977, buried in Woronora Cemetery, Sutherland,NSW.

100. Rodney Taylor, b. 1940, d. 1957.

101. Ian Taylor.

102. Bill Taylor.

103. Alan Taylor.

104. Richard Taylor.

105. Elaine Taylor.

106. Jean Taylor.

107. Earnest Taylor.

108. Helen Charlsworth. She married Richard Elem.

109. Barry Charlsworth.

110. Muriel (Billy) Charlsworth. She married Ray Bedford.

111. Norene Taylor.

112. Shirley Taylor.

113. Forest Taylor.

114. Robyn Wa� s. She married George Willis.Children:

184. i. Danielle Willis.

115. Richard Hubert Wa� s. He married Diane Yve� e Dugas.Children:

185. i. Julie Robyn Wa� s.186. ii. Ma� hew Serge Wa� s.

116. Neale Taylor.

117. Cheryl Taylor.

118. Ross Taylor.

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119. Gaye Louise Taylor, b. 1 December 1961, d. 13 March 2003, buried in Mar� nsville PioneerCemetery, Cooranbong, NSW.

120. David James Toyer.

121. Grant Douglas Toyer.

122. Shena Margaret Toyer.

Genera� on Nine

123. Craig Phillip Purcell, b. 10 December 1960 in Kogarah.

124. Steven Mark Purcell, b. 21 October 1962 in Kogarah. He married Jodie Bowles.

125. Andrew Sco� Purcell, b. 20 May 1971 in Sutherland.

126. Nathan John Purcell, b. 13 May 1974 in Sutherland.

127. Darren Anthony Harrower, b. 31 January 1971 in Sydney.

128. Bradley Phillip Harrower, b. 14 May 1973 in Caringbah.

129. Michelle Harrower, b. 26 December 1972.

130. Ashley Laurel Harrower, b. 25 April 1987 in Kogarah.

131. Jessica Eileen Harrower, b. 6 April 1989 in Kogarah.

132. Benjamin Maxwell Harrower, b. February 1991 in Kogarah.

133. Brooke Maxine Harrower, b. 5 February 1994 in Kogarah.

134. Shane Anthony Dinsdale, b. 13 June 1973 in Surry Hills.

135. John-Paul Brian Dinsdale, b. 6 May 1975 in Canterbury.

136. Meliss Dawn Dinsdale, b. 26 November 1976 in Camperdown.

137. Tracey Harrower, b. 20 July 1978.

138. Michelle Harrower, b. 4 August 1984.

139. Leanne Marie Phillis, b. 18 April 1979 in St George Hospital.

140. Craig Patrick Phillis, b. 2 June 1981 in Canberra ACT.

141. Wayne Leslie Phillis, b. 9 March 1983 in Wollongong.

142. Paul William Phillis, b. 1 February 1985.

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143. Emma May Raine, b. 1987 in Paddington, NSW.

144. Jessica Sarah Raine, b. 1989 in Cooma, NSW.

145. Courtney Sarah Mary Raine, b. 1894 in Singapore.

146. Lukas Richard Raine, b. 1996 in Paddington, NSW.

147. Jeremy Raymond Raine, b. 1988 in Amsterdam, NZ.

148. Prudence Mary Raine, b. 1991 in Sydney, NSW.

149. James John Raine, b. 14 September 1990 in London, UK.

150. Thomas William Raine, b. 1997 in London, UK.

151. Edward Robert Raine, b. 14 September 2000 in London, UK.

152. Alexandra Grace Jeuniewic, b. 19 May 1995.

153. Chloe Jean Neilson Burchmore, b. 19 February 1993 in King George V Hospital, Camperdown,NSW.

154. Ella Jasmine Neilson Burchmore, b. 13 October 1994 in King George V Hospital, Camperdown,NSW.

155. Che Rodin Tiger Gorr Burchmore, b. 3 January 2006 in Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick.

156. Dali Blossom Ode� e Gorr Burchmore, b. 1 March 2010 in Sydney, NSW.

157. Alexa Lee Burchmore, b. 8 February 1990 in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, USA.

158. John Taylor Burchmore, b. 18 March 1991 in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, USA.

159. Henry William Burchmore, b. 23 February 2006 in Melbourne, Victoria.

160. Isabel Ginger Burchmore, b. 21 April 2008 in Melbourne, Victoria.

161. Isaac Peter Johnson, b. 20 November 2007 in Melbourne, Victoria.

162. Addison Jean Johnson, b. 26 April 2010 at 12.28pm at Freemasons Hospital, Melbourne.

163. Billy Neaves.Children:

187. i. Darrell Neaves.188. ii. Donna Neaves.189. iii. Lee Anne Neaves.

164. Merrylyn Neaves. She married Bob O'brien.Children:

190. i. Jody O'Brien.

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165. Glenda Neaves. She married Ross Kay.Children:

191. i. Shannon Kay.192. ii. Kylee Kay.

166. John Neaves. He married Hayley ?Children:

193. i. Taylah Neaves.194. ii. Jackson Neaves.

167. Shayne Neaves. She married Peter ?Children:

195. i. Ben ?.196. ii. Christy ?.197. iii. Malcolm ?.

168. Robert Taylor.

169. Kerry Taylor.

170. Stephen Taylor.

171. Mark Taylor. He married Marie ?Children:

198. i. Brendan Taylor.199. ii. Sco� Taylor.

172. Jenny Hickey.Children:

200. i. Kristen ?.201. ii. Nicole ?.

173. Lindsay Hickey.Children:

202. i. Ailsa ?.203. ii. Karen ?.

174. Glennys Hicky.Children:

204. i. Jamie ?.205. ii. Kellie ?.206. iii. Liah ?.

175. David Hicky.Children:

207. i. Shayne Hicky.208. ii. Shelly Hicky.

176. Delwyn Hicky.Children:

209. i. Nathan Hicky.

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210. ii. Deen Hicky.

177. Kerry Hicky.Children:

211. i. Benne� ?.

178. June Milnes. She married Steve ?

179. Ian Milnes. He married Bre� a ?

180. Karin Milnes. She married Steve ?

181. Rhonda Milnes.

182. Chris� ne Agnes Elsie Lang, b. 20 December 1948, d. 28 November 1949.

183. Karen Lang. She married Wiebrandt Wiemer Auke Renkema, b. 3 November 1943, d. 20 April2014.

184. Danielle Willis. She married Ray Garge� .

185. Julie Robyn Wa� s.

186. Ma� hew Serge Wa� s.

Genera� on Ten

187. Darrell Neaves.

188. Donna Neaves.

189. Lee Anne Neaves.

190. Jody O'Brien.Children:

212. i. Cohen ?.

191. Shannon Kay.Children:

213. i. Dylon Kay.

192. Kylee Kay.Children:

214. i. Tiarne ?.215. ii. Mitchel ?.216. iii. Zaac ?.

193. Taylah Neaves.

194. Jackson Neaves.

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195. Ben ?

196. Christy ?

197. Malcolm ?

198. Brendan Taylor.

199. Sco� Taylor.

200. Kristen ?

201. Nicole ?

202. Ailsa ?

203. Karen ?

204. Jamie ?

205. Kellie ?

206. Liah ?

207. Shayne Hicky.

208. Shelly Hicky.

209. Nathan Hicky.

210. Deen Hicky.

211. Benne� ?

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212. Cohen ?

213. Dylon Kay.

214. Tiarne ?

215. Mitchel ?

216. Zaac ?

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1 1778 Register of Births and Bap� sms in the Parish of Saline in the County of Fife.2 1775 Register of Proclama� on of Banns and Marriages for the Parish of Saline in the County of Fife.3 1863 Register of Deaths in the Parish of Saline in the County of Fife, Scotland.4 Register of Proclama� on of Banns and Marriages for the Parish of Dunfermline in the County of Fife,Scotland.5 1806 Register of Births and Bap� sms for the Parish of Dunfermline in the County of Fife, Scotland.6 1841 Register of Births in the parish of Alloa, Clackmannan, scotland (OPR Birth 465/00 0070 0197)7 1877 Register of Deaths in the Parish of Alloa in the County of Clackmannan (Page 7, No. 20)8 1839 Register of Births and Bap� sms in the Parish of Old or West Kilpatrick in the County of Dumbarton,Scotland (Page 54). Bap� sed by Reverend Mr Barclay.9 1891 Register of Deaths in the Parish of Alva in the County of S� rling, Scotland (Page 23, No. 68)10 1861 Scotland Birth Register, Parish of Alva in the County of S� rling (1861, page 31)11 1929 NSW Death Register (Reg No. 1929/013679)12 1881 Scotland Census, The 1881 Census shows Catherine Harrower as the head of a household atLangour. At her house on Census Day were her children [Joseph, Margaret and Catherine (all unmarried)]and grandchildren [Adam Harrower and Robert Harrower (illegi� mate sons to Catherine Harrower, fatherunknown), Robert Harrower (21 years unmarried and already a bricklayer) and Alexander Marshall (17months)].13 1884 Register of Marriages in the Parish of Alva in the County of sterling (Page 9, No. 18)14 1859 Register of Births in the Parish of Clackmannan in the County of Clackmannan, Page 48 (Page 48,No. 143). Baby was born about 8.30am.The Births Register ndicates baby was illegi� mate, but note that the parents married each other twomonths later.Mother signed the register with her mark "X". Robert Harrower also signed the Register and iden� fiedhimself as the father.15 1938 NSW Death Cer� ficate (No. 1938/010393)16 1862 Register of Births in the Parish of Tillicoultry in the County of Clackmannon, Scotland (No. 76)17 1933 Death Register for the district of S� rling in the county of S� rling (Page 95, entry 284)18 1881 Census of the Civil parish of Alva, scotland (Page 44, No. 218)19 1876 Register of Births in the Parish of Alva in the County of Clackmannan (Page 64, No.190)20 NSW BDM, Birth Cer� ficate 12970/1887.21 1916 NSW Marriage Register (BDM Reg. No. 1916/005756 No. 401)22 1894 NSW Birth Register (1894/035899)23 NSW BDM, Birth Cer� ficate 1894/016655.24 NSW BDM, Birth Cer� ficate 1900/003944.25 NSW BDM, Birth Cer� ficate 1903/003760.26 1974 NSW Death Register (Reg No. 1974/010133)27 Register of Marriages in district of Port Adelaide, South Australia 1924.28 1899 Register of Births in the District of Botany at Waterloo, NSW (Number 13 in Register)29 1881 Register of Births in the Parish of Alva in the County of S� rling, Scotland, Born at 1.30am at 43?S� rling Street, Alva, The Birth Register indicates that this child was "illegi� mate" and does not indicate theiden� ty of the father.30 1901 NSW Marriage Register (Reg No. 1901/006368 No.19)

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31 1943 Marriage Resiter of NSW (1943/004684)32 1941 Register of Marriages in NSW (1941/028237)33 1956 Marriage Register of NSW (1956/015607)34 1926 Queensland Birth Cer� ficate (No. D54579)35 1950 NSW Marriage Registry (BDM 1950/015112)