chiro and learning difficulties

Learning Difficulties Merlene Dilger B.Sc.M.Chir G.Dip.Cl.Nutr Chiropractor Nutritionist How Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal care may help brain function. [email protected] 4340 5154

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How Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal care may help brain function.Chiropractic is based on the now scientifically proven hypothesis that proper structure of the spine is required for proper function of the nervous system as it relates to the control and regulation of global physiology and health.”


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Chiro and Learning Difficulties

Merlene Dilger B.Sc.M.Chir G.Dip.Cl.NutrChiropractorNutritionist

How Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal care may help brain function. 5154

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My Story.

“One day, it will just click.”

“If we don’t change our direction we’re

likely to end up where we’re headed.”

Old Chinese proverb (Liz Dunoon)

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The Learning Pyramid

A child with learning difficulties may need a combination of approaches rather than just one. This pyramid is a guide to other therapies that parents may consider.

Remedial Teaching

Vision Therapist

Speech Therapist

Learning ‘readiness’




Structural Neurological


Motor Auditory Visual

Genetics MetabolismPrimitive reflexes

Physical body & senses

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A team approach

Behavioural Optometrist

Biomedically – trained GPs

Learning Difficulties Specialist Tutors

Osteopaths / Chiropractors (cranial work)

Herbalist / Naturopath / Nutritionist

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What is Chiropractic?





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“Chiropractic is based on the now scientifically proven hypothesis that proper structure of the spine is required for proper function of the nervous system as it relates to the control and regulation of global physiology and health.”

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Cranial Chiropractic

The human skull (cranium) houses and protects the very delicate tissue of the brain. It consists of 22 different bones that are separated from each other by joints or seams. These are called sutures.

Sutures are sites of flexibility between the more rigid skull bones. In healthy individuals the bones of the skull make subtle, almost imperceptible movements.

The proper movement of cranial bones is critical to proper brain function. Their primary function is to allow bone expansion and brain growth.

(craniosacral technique)

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Parts of the brain

1. Brain Stem

Heart rate, respiration, primitive reflexes

2. Mid brain

Emotions, stress response, language

3. Frontal cortex

Interprets senses, reasoning, decisions

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What 4 things are essential for brain function?

1. • Fuel (glucose)

2. • Oxygen

3. • Nutrition – EFA’s etc

4. • Stimulation (sensory input)

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90% of stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated through movement of the spine, via input from mechanoreceptors (nerve

endings) in joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles, especially the upper neck area (cervical spine) as we move through gravity.

Other sensory input includes sight, hearing, olfactory (smell), taste, temperature, pressure, and proprioception (positional sense).

Everything we learn enters through our sensory pathways. How well we attend to and retain this sensory input determines our

learning. Simultaneous access to multiple sensory pathways increases our potential to learn.

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Learning Retention

We retain:

10% of what is read

20% of what is heard

30% of what is seen

50% of what is seen and heard

70% of what is said as you talk

90% of what is said as you do a thing

Everything we learn enters through our sensory pathways.

Multi-sensory approach helps dyslexics store and retrieve info.

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Retained Primitive Reflexes

Primitive reflexes are those reflexes that a baby is born with that are designed to insure immediate response to their new environment. They are automatic, stereotyped movements, directed from the brain stem. The brain stem is our ‘primitive’ brain. It controls our physiology, monitors the world through our senses, and activates the body to physically respond.

These reflexes become obsolete as a baby starts to respond to a gravity-based environment and gain more purposeful movement. In fact, if they are kept they become a barrier to easy natural movement development.

Keeping primitive reflexes beyond their usefulness can affect both academic learning and social interaction.

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Retained Primitive Reflexes

The ongoing presence of primitive reflexes at school age indicates that the lower part of the brain (brain stem) has not reached full maturity. It may result in immature patterns of behaviour or may cause immature systems to remain prevalent, despite the acquisition of later skills.

This poor organisation of brain nerve fibres can affect one or all of the following areas of functioning:

Gross and fine muscle co-ordination

Sensory perception


Avenues of expression

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Retained Primitive Reflexes

It is as if later skills remain tethered to an earlier stage of development and instead of becoming automatic, can only be mastered through continuous conscious effort.

Inhibition of a reflex frequently correlates with the acquisition of a new skill. Preschool play activity plays an important role in the maturation of these primitive reflexes, but for some children this natural pre-academic phase of learning and development is not completed.

The lower part of the brain then will not automatically pick up and send good information to the higher thinking, judging, talking, understanding and remembering parts of the brain.

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• Earliest form of fight / flight response.

• Integrated 2 – 4 months of age.

Failure to integrate:

• Over-reactiveness to stimulation (sight, sounds, touch).

• Easily distracted / difficulty relaxing

• Allergies / lowered immunity

• Vestibular problems – motion sickness, poor balance/co-ord

• Poor pupillary reaction to light – photosensitivity

• Poor Stamina

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• Continuation of an earlier stage of evolution

• Direct link between reflex and sucking (mouth movements)

• Inhibited 2-3 months

Failure to integrate:

• poor manual dexterity

• Tight pencil grip

• Accessory mouth movements when writing / drawing

• Speech difficulties

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• Movement of the head to one side causes extension of arm and leg on that side and flexion on the opposite side.

• Inhibited: 6 months

Failure to integrate:

• Invisible barrier to crossing the vertical midline

• Homolateral crawling, walking, marching

• Poor ‘ocular pursuit’ – tracking

• Poor handwriting/writing posture – rotate page

• Mixed laterality

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• Stimulation of back to one side causes hip flexion to that side.

• Integrated at 3-9months

Failure to Integrate:

• Ticklish / restless / “ants in pants”

• Extended bedwetting

• Poor concentration

• Poor short term memory

• Hip rotation when walking / scoliosis

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• Early primitive method of response to gravity.

• Head movement beyond midplane causes flexion/extension throughout the entire body.

• Integrated at 4 months – 3 years

Failure to Integrate:

• Difficulty holding holding head and body up against gravity.

• Can’t sit still in a chair.

• Hypotonic/hypertonic muscles

• Balance problems, clumsy, motion sickness

• Walks on toes

• Poor sequencing skills / organisational skills

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The Plastic Brain

The primary source of activation of the brain is through the motor system. High frequency, low intensity activity of the motor system has powerful effects on the global activation, arousal and attention of all centres of the brain.

If the primitive reflexes haven’t integrated properly and/or the sequential movement patterns haven’t progressed as they are supposed to it is possible to do it at a later stage.

Stylized sequential movements give the brain a second chance.

Neurologically we are creating super highways from neural pathways.

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What can we do?

Ensure proper functioning of the spine and cranial bones

Detect retained primitive reflexes

Specific movement exercises

Nourish the brain with good nutrition

Effective primitive reflex integration

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Barbara Pheloung

We need to move to learn.

Movement enables neurological development, but it has to be the right kind of movement and done in the appropriate order. Each skill builds on the one just gained, to form a solid foundation.

Developed an easily followed, correctly ordered movement programme that has proven to be an effective means of increasing neurological maturity and integration.

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• Bases its exercises on the premise that the lower sections of our brains (brain stem) must be settled before learning can take place.

• The brain gym movements consciously activate the whole mind/body system, stimulating nervous system activity in all parts of the brain and lessening the fight/flight reaction.

• Describes brain function in 3 dimensions:

① Laterality – between 2 sides of the brain

② Focus – between the back and front of the brain

③ Centering – between the top and bottom of the brain

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Programme based on the premise that learning difficulties are often due to disruptions in the developmental stages of the first 7 years of life. This can result in :

Poor spatial orientation and body awareness

Sensory processing challenges

Retained early movement patterns

Co-ordination difficulties

Research supports the connection between learning difficulties and early childhood development and shows that regular movement and physical activity can help develop neural pathways in the brain.

Works on the underlying barriers to learning.

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EFA’s are nutrients that are considered ‘essential’ because they are required for optimal health but cannot be produced by the body, and must, therefore, be obtained from the diet or supplementation.

The most beneficial omega-3’s are EPA and DHA. Fish is the best food source but due to concerns about toxins a purified fish oil supplement is the safest source.

Omega-3’s from plants (like flax oil) contain ALA which must be converted to DHA and EPA. Our body is not efficient at this conversion.

EPA and DHA work together, however each fatty acid has unique benefits.

Insufficient consumption may mean inadequate formation of the myelin sheath surrounding nerve and brain cells.

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Docosahexaenic Acid (DHA)

Essential for healthy brain function

Protects the aging mind

Supports a healthy pregnancy

Promotes good mood and emotional well-being

Improves behaviour, focus, and ability to learn in children*

Supports developing brain and eye

Reduces the harmful effects of stress

*(References include Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal of the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)

Dr. Alex Richardson – FAB (food and behaviour research)

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Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)

Promotes a healthy heart and circulatory system

Promotes healthy triglyceride levels

Supports proper immune function

Promotes good mood and general well-being

Improves symptoms of arthritis, including joint flexibility

Supports the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response

Helps maintain balanced blood sugar levels

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Fish oils can contain impurities such as mercury and other heavy metals.

Exposure to heat or light during manufacturing oxidises the fats.

Chemicals such as hexane are often used to to remove heavy metals.

Dioxins are not specified under Australian Standards testing. Dioxins are a known neurotoxin.

Freshness is very important. Indicator is PV (peroxide value).


Australian Standard: <10meq/kg

Metagenics fish oil: <5meq/kg

Nordic Naturals: <1meq/kg

Triglyceride (natural) form better than ‘ethyl ester’ (new to nature)

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Dry, scaly, flaky skin

Cracking, peeling fingertips

Small bumps on upper arms

Soft, splitting fingernails

Dry eyes, mouth, throat

Excessive ear wax

Excessive thirst


Crave fatty foods

Poor wound healing

Susceptibility to infection

Thick, cracked calluses (heel)

Quilted skin

Decreased growth in kids

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Dietary Sources of EPA, DHA

Oily fish (sardines, anchovies, not krill)

Grass-fed meat

Grass-fed, free-range chook eggs

What we subtract from our diet may be as important as what we add.

Omega-6: Recommended 2:1 ratio with omega-3.

Western diet 15:1 ratio

Omega-6 found in grains

Decrease grains and increase oily fish, eat organic, pasture-fed meat and eggs

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MINDD Foundation recommendations (children):

Starting dose:

750 mg EPA

250mg DHA

Nordic Naturals recommendations (adult):

Avoid deficiency: 500mg EPA and DHA

Proactive support: 1g EPA and DHA

High intensity support: 2-4g EPA and DHA

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Zinc is important for the production of hundreds of enzymes within the body.

Formation of neurotransmitters (dopamine and noradrenaline)

Detoxification systems

Immune function

Protein and collagen synthesis

Cell reproduction

Wound healing

Zinc : copper important

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Signs of Zinc deficiency

Disrupted sleep patterns

Poor concentration

Memory impairment

Mental apathy

Eczema, asthma, allergies

Mouth ulcers

Hair loss

Growth retardation

Acne, skin lesions

Frequent colds

Frequent sore throats

Taste/smell impairment

Fussy/picky eater

White spots on nails

Transverse lines on nails

Poor nail growth

Positive zinc taste test

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Dietary sources of Zinc

Pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds


Brewer’s yeast

Animal protein



High phytate diet (cereal grains) can block zinc absorption.

Our bodies only absorb about 30% of dietary zinc.

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How much?

From Encyclopaedia of Nutritional Supplements-M. Murray


General health support: 15-20mg

Specific needs: Men: 30-60mg

Women: 30-45mg

MINDD Foundation


Zinc (as picolinate): 20-60mg/day

(20mg plus 1mg per pound of body weight)

If picolinate not available, use amino acid chelate or sulphate.

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For More Information

Merlene Dilger

[email protected]

4340 5154