choi and park_2012_birds of prey in korea

한국의 맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

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한국의맹금류Birds of Prey in Korea

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제작 한국야생조류협회, 신안군

Publishers Korean Wild Birds Society & Shinan County

원고 최창용 박종길

Writers Chang-Yong CHOI, Jong-Gil PARK

사진 고경남 곽호경 김신환 김 준 박건석 박종길 박천석 박철우

박형욱 빙기창 서한수 심규식 이상일 채승훈 최동주 최창용

Photographers Gyeong-Nam KO, Ho-Kyong KWAK, Shin-Hwan KIM, Young-Jun KIM, Keon-Seok PARK, Jong-Gil PARK, Cheon-Seok PARK, Cherl-Woo PARK

Hyoung-Ook PARK, Gi-Chang BING, Han-Soo SEA, Kyu-Sik SHIM, Sang-Il LEE, Seung-Hoon CHAI, Dong-Ju CHOI, Chang-Yong CHOI

디자인 채승훈

Design Seung-Hoon CHAI

뒷표지사진 최동주

Cover photo (back cover) Dong-Ju CHOI

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Birds of preyin Korea

한국의맹금류Birds of Prey in Korea

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04 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

한국야생조류협회(Korean Wild Birds Society)에서지금까지조사·연구한맹금류 46종에대한자료집발간에힘써준참여회원과집필진에게지면을빌려감

사인사를드립니다. 맹금류는다양한조류중, 특히탐조가의마음을빼앗는신비한매력을가진종입니다. 날카로운부리, 강력한발톱과눈매, 그리고단정하


우리나라는수많은맹금류의이동경로에위치할뿐아니라점차사라져가는맹금류의번식지이자월동지입니다. 그러나최상

위포식자로서의서식환경은나날이악화되어가고있습니다. 자유롭게날수있는넓은공간은개발로인해점차사라지고있

고, 이용가능한먹이를찾는일은더욱어려워져갑니다.


하게되었습니다. 맹금류에대한이해를높이고더욱많은관심을갖는계기가되기를기원합니다.

회장 고 경 남Chairman Gyeong-nam KO

“인간도새들도지구를잠시들러가는나그네일뿐이다.” 한국야생조류협회(Korean Wild Birds Society ; KWBS)는한국을대표하는탐조단체로서

새와환경을사랑하는사람들의마음을담아 2004년 6월 19일에창립되었습니다. 본협회는탐조활동의활성화와올바른탐조문화정착및조류생태계보전

을목적으로하는민간단체입니다. 한국야생조류협회의활동은탐조, 교육, 연구, 국제협력등으로구성되어있습니다. 이들각각의분야들은독자적이고전문

적이기도하지만서로유기적으로연결되어있어서협회의활동을더욱전문적이면서도다양하게합니다. 한국야생조류협회는국내외모든탐조자와긴 한

교류를희망합니다. 본협회와의협력이나교류를원하시는국내외탐조단체와탐조자께서는E-mail을통하여언제라도연락하실수있으며, 홈페이지에회원

으로가입함으로써보다많은정보들을나눌수있을것입니다. 한국야생조류협회와함께새와만나는즐거움을누리고, 새와자연을사랑하는마음을더욱크



E-mail : [email protected]

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먹이를잡은참매ⓒ최동주Northern Goshwak holding its prey ⓒDJ CHOI

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맹금류란?Birds of prey?



맹금류(猛禽類)라고 한다. 대부분 다양한


만, 먹이가부족한경우동물의사체를먹

는 경우도 있다. 특히 독수리류나 콘도르

류와 같은 일부 무리는 죽은 동물의 사체

를 주로 먹기도 한다. 어로는 Birds of

prey라고하며, 힘으로움켜쥐거나붙잡는

다는의미의라틴어인 rapere에서유래된

Raptor라는표현도흔히사용한다. 중국의

고전인회남자(淮南子) 등을비롯한국내외

옛문헌에는지조( : 맹금 , 새鳥)라

는표현을사용하기도하 다.

‘Birds of prey (맹금류 Maeng-geum-ryu in Korean)’are generally defined as birds

that have strong feet and beak to prey on animals. They primarily hunt diverse

vertebrates and insects, but also consume carrion when foods are scarce. Some

groups including vultures and condors eat carrion as main food sources. Birds of

prey are also known as ‘Raptor’derived from the Latin rapere (meaning to seize or

take by force). In old literatures in Korea and China, birds of prey was also written

as 지조 (Jijo, ).

06 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

참새를사냥한새호리기ⓒ박천석Eurasian Hobby with a Tree Sparrow ⓒCS PARK

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멧비둘기새끼를잡은붉은배새매ⓒ김신환Chinese Sparrowhawk holding a nestling of the Oriental Turtle Dove ⓒSH KIM

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08 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

큰기러기를사냥하는검독수리ⓒ곽호경Golden Eagle hunting a Bean Goose ⓒHK KWAK

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들쥐를잡은소쩍새ⓒ이상일Oriental Scops Owl carrying a field mouse ⓒSI LEE

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죽은너구리를뜯어먹는참매의어린새ⓒ서한수Young Northern Goshawk scavenging a dead Racoon Dog ⓒHS SEA

10 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

청둥오리를사냥한참매의어린새 ⓒ박철우Young Northern Goshawk feeding on a Mallard ⓒCW PARK

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맹금류는 크게 주행성 맹금류와 야생성 맹금류로 구분된다. 일반적인 맹금류는 주로

낮에활동하는‘주행성(diurnal) 맹금류’를의미하며, 이는전통적인분류체계에서매목

(Order Falconiformes)에속하는수리류와매류등이이에포함된다. 주로야간에활동

하는올빼미목(Order Strigiformes)의 조류는‘야생성(nocturnal) 맹금류’로서, 넓은의

미의맹금류에포함된다. 때까치와같은일부육식성조류도동물성먹이를사냥하는

등맹금류와유사한행동적, 형태적특징을일부보일수있지만, 분류학적인측면에서

맹금류에해당하지는않는다. 특히다른육식성조류와달리맹금류는사냥할때발과


There are two different types of birds of prey: diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey.

Diurnal birds of prey are well known as typical raptors (falcons, hawks, eagles, etc.) that

belong to the order Falconiformes. Owls, the order Strigiformes, are often included in

raptors as nocturnal birds of prey. Though some predatory birds such as shrikes may

have behavioral or morphological similarity with raptors, they are not included in birds of

prey in terms of phylogeny. Unlike the predatory birds other than raptors, birds of prey

generally use their feet and talons for hunting.

한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

맹금류의분류Classification ofraptors


야행성맹금류인쇠부엉이ⓒ박건석Short-eared Owl: a nocturnal raptor ⓒKS PARK

주행성맹금류인말똥가리ⓒ서한수Common Buzzard: a diurnal raptor ⓒHS SEA

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12 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

발과부리를이용하여먹이(매미)를다루고있는붉은배새매의어린새ⓒ최창용Nestling of the Chinese Sparrowhawk handling a cicada by using its feet and beak ⓒCY CHOI

어린수리부엉이의발과발톱ⓒ김신환Strong feet and talons of a young Eagle Owl ⓒSH KIM

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매목(Order Falconiformes)의주행성맹금류는5개의과(family)에전체조류의약 3% 정도인 290여종이포함된다. 그중

국내에는매과 7종, 물수리과 1종, 수리과 26종이각각기록되어있다.

올빼미목(Order Strigiformes)의야행성조류는전통적으로올빼미과, 가면올빼미과에속하는 160여종이알려져있었으

나, 최근에는 210여종까지세분될수있다고알려져있다. 국내에는총 12종(올빼미과 11종, 가면올빼미과 1종)이기록


Diurnal birds or prey (Order Falconiformes) include approximately 290 species classified into five families. In Korea, a total

of 34 species has been recorded: 26 species in the family Accipitridae, 7 species in the family Falconidae, and one species

in the family Pandionidae.

Based on morphological traits, 160 species of owls were traditionally recognized in two families of the nocturnal birds of

prey (Order Strigiformes), but recent information suggests that approximately 210 species may be regarded as full species.

In Korea, a total of 12 species has been recorded: 11 species in the family Strigidae, and one species in the family


맹금류의분류Classification ofraptors

칡부엉이ⓒ박건석Long-eared Owl ⓒKS PARK

조롱이ⓒ심규식Japanese Sparrowhawk ⓒKS SHIM

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14 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

주행성맹금류의분류Classification ofdiurnal raptors

1. 뱀잡이수리과

(Secretary Bird, Family Sagittaridae)

2. 콘도르과

(New World Vultures, Family Cathartidaes)

3. 수리과

(Hawks & Eagles, Family Accipitridae)

1) 독수리류(Vultures)

2) 수리류(Eagles)

3) 새매류(Hawks)

4) 솔개류(Kites)

5) 개구리매류(Harriers)

6) 말똥가리류(Buzzards)

7) 기타수리류(Others)

4. 매과 (Falcons, Family Falconidae)

5. 물수리과(Osprey, Family Pandionidae)

파충류, 양서류

(raptiles, amphibians, etc.)




조류, 소형포유류(birds, small mammals, etc.)

소형조류, 소형포유류, 양서류, 곤충

(small birds and mammals, amphibians, insects, etc.)

소형조류, 소형포유류, 양서류, 곤충

(small birds and mammals, amphibians, insects, etc.)

소형조류, 소형포유류, 양서류

(small birds and mammals, amphibians, etc.)

소형조류, 소형포유류, 양서류

(small birds and mammals, amphibians, etc.)

어류, 조류, 포유류, 양서류, 곤충등

(fish, birds, mammals, amphibians, insects, etc.)

소형조류, 소형포유류, 양서류, 곤충

(small birds and mammals, amphibians, insects, etc.)









Main diets


Approximate number ofspecies



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한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 15

1. 올빼미과

(True Owls, Family Strigidae)

2. 가면올빼미과

(Barn Owls and allies, Family Tytonidae)

조류, 포유류, 파충류, 양서류, 어류, 곤충

(birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, etc.)

조류, 포유류, 파충류, 양서류, 어류, 곤충

(birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, etc.)




Main diets


Approximate number ofspecies



야행성맹금류의분류Classification ofnocturnal raptors

솔부엉이ⓒ최동주Brown Hawk Owl ⓒDJ CHOI

붉은배새매ⓒ최창용Chinese Sparrowhawk ⓒCY CHOI

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한국의주행성맹금류(3과 34종)Diurnal Birds of Prey in Korea (3 Families, 34 Species)

매과 Family Falconidae

1.황조롱이 Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758 Common Kestrel

1-1.황조롱이 Falco tinnunculus interstinctus McClelland, 1840

1-2.한국황조롱이 Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역

관찰시기 연중

이동성 황조롱이는주로텃새로머문다. 북부에서번식하는황조롱이와한국황조롱이의일부개체군이남하하여월동한다.

개체수 흔하게관찰된다. 단독또는한쌍으로생활한다.

기타 국내에기록된개체군에대한이동성과분류학적위치에대한정보가더요구된다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season Throughout a year

Migration Mostly sedentary populations. Some northern populations visit to winter.

Abundance Common

Notes There is little information on the migratory habits and the phylogenetic status of the populations recorded in Korea.

2.비둘기조롱이 Falco amurensis Radde, 1863 Amur Falcon

분포및관찰장소 경기도, 인천, 충남, 전북등서해안일대

관찰시기 10월초-11월초, 드물게4월-5월말

이동성 나그네새로, 거의남하이동시기에집중되어관찰된다.

개체수 드물게관찰된다. 10여개체가소규모무리를이루기도한다.

Distribution Western costs of Korea.

Season Early October to early November. Occasionally in April to late May.

Migration Passage migrants observed during their southward migration.

Abundance Rare. Sometimes form a small migratory flock (usually up to 10 birds).

16 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

비둘기조롱이ⓒ박종길Amur Falcon ⓒJG PARK

정지비행중인황조롱이ⓒ고경남Hovering Common Kestrel ⓒGN KO

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3.쇠황조롱이 Falco columbarius Linnaeus, 1758 Merlin

3-1.쇠황조롱이 Falco columbarius insignis (Clark, 1907)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역

관찰시기 10월-2월

이동성 겨울철새.

개체수 단독으로드물게관찰된다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season October to February

Migration Winter visitor

Abundance Rare

4.새호리기 Falco subbuteo Linnaeus, 1758 Eurasian Hobby

4-1.새호리기 Falco subbuteo subbuteo Linnaeus, 1758

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역

관찰시기 5월-10월

이동성 여름철새

개체수 드물지않게번식한다.

기타 최근유전적검사에서2개의개체군이확인됨에따라, 중국남부에분포하는작은새호리기 Falco subbuteo streichi가이동중기록될가능성도배제할수없다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season May to October

Migration Breeding summer visitor in Korea

Abundance Uncommon

Note Recent phylogenetic evidences may suggest a new record of the distinct population (possibly Falco subbuteo streichi Hartert and Neumann, 1907) recorded as vagrants or

passage migrants.

새호리기의성조ⓒ곽호경Eurasian Hobby : adult ⓒHK KWAK

새호리기의유조ⓒ김신환Eurasian Hobby : juvenile ⓒSH KIM

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5.헨다손매 Falco cherrug Gray, 1834 Saker Falcon

5-1.헨다손매 Falco cherrug milvipes Jerdon, 1871

관찰시기 10월-2월

이동성과개체수 주로겨울철에길잃은새로기록된다.

개체수 길잃은새로서단독으로관찰된다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season October to February

Migration and abundance Vagrant mainly in winter

6.매 Falco peregrinus Tunstall, 1771 Peregrine Falcon

6-1.매 Falco peregrinus japonensis Gmelin, 1788

6-2.바다매 Falco peregrinus pealei Ridgway, 1873

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의해안과도서지역, 일부내륙의주요하천과습지

관찰시기 연중

이동성 매는정주성이강한텃새이나, 겨울철에는유조나일부개체군이남하한다. 바다매는드문겨울철새로도래한다.

개체수 드물지않게번식한다.

Distribution Coastal areas and islands in Korea. Occasionally in freshwater lakes, rivers, and wetlands.

Season Throughout a year

Migration Breeding sedentary birds in Korea. Some juveniles and northern population visit to winter in Korea. Peale’s

Peregrines may be rare winter visitors.

Abundance Uncommon

18 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

매유조ⓒ김신환Peregrine Falcon : juvenile ⓒSH KIM

매성조ⓒ고경남Peregrine Falcon : adult ⓒGN KO

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7.흰매 Falco rusticolus Linnaeus, 1758 Gyr Falcon

관찰시기 10월-2월

이동성과개체수 겨울철에길잃은새로1회기록되었다.

개체수 길잃은새로서단독으로관찰된다.

기타 2010년3월20일경북상주시낙동강인근에서1개체가최초로관찰되었다

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season October to February

Migration and abundance Vagrant in winter

Note One bird was first recorded on 20 March 2010 in Nakdong River, Sangju City, Korea.

물수리과 Family Pandionidae

1.물수리Pandion haliaetus (Linnaeus, 1758) Osprey

1-1.물수리Pandion haliaetus haliaetus (Linnaeus, 1758)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의해안, 강, 하천, 습지주변

관찰시기 9월-4월

이동성 겨울철새. 일부는나그네새로통과한다.

개체수 주로단독으로드물게관찰된다.

Distribution Costal areas, rivers, streams, and wetlands throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season September to April

Migration Winter visitors. Some populations may be passage migrants.

Abundance Rare.

물수리ⓒ김신환Osprey ⓒSH KIM

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물수리ⓒ최동주Osprey ⓒDJ CHOI

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수리과 Family Accipitridae

1.벌매Pernis ptilorhynchus (Temminck, 1821) Crested Honey Buzzard

1-1.벌매Pernis ptilorhyncus orientalis Taczanowski, 1891

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역. 특히서해안의도서지역.

관찰시기 5월-10월

이동성 나그네새. 일부가내륙산간지역에서번식한다.

개체수 이동시기에는무리를지어이동하는흔한나그네새이다. 번식기에는극히드물다.

기타 국내의이동성맹금류중에서붉은배새매와함께최대무리를지어이동하는종이다. 5월에는산간내륙을따라남

하하여일본으로이동하며, 9-10월에는서해안의도서지역과제주도등을통과하여중국남부로이동한다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula. Mainly on islands in the west cost of Korea during their Autumn


Season May to October

Migration Passage migrants. Small numbers breed in forested areas.

Abundance Common migrants making big flocks. Rare in the breeding season.

Notes Along with the Chinese Sparrowhawk, this species makes the largest migration flocks. In May, many groups

migrate over mountainous areas down to Japan. Large flocks also migrate over islands on the west coast and Jeju

Island in Korea to cross the Yellow Sea in September and October.

2.솔개Milvus migrans (Boddaert, 1783) Black Kite

2-1.솔개Milvus migrans lineatus (Gray, 1831)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역. 특히낙동강하구일대.

관찰시기 연중. 특히9월-3월.

이동성 나그네새로통과하거나, 겨울철새로도래한다. 부산을비롯한일부지역에서는정주성텃새.

개체수 드물지만, 10-20개체미만의소규모무리를이루기도한다. 번식기에는더관찰하기어렵다.

기타 1970년대이전에는흔한맹금류로알려져있었으나, 개체군이급감한것으로알려져있다. 인공위성추적결과낙


Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula. Mainly in Nakdong River Estuary, Busan City.

Season Throughout a year. Mainly Sepember to March

Migration Passage migrants or winter visitors. Small numbers breed (i.e. near Nakdong River Estuary).

Abundance Rare, but sometimes form a wintering flock (up to 10-20 birds). More scarce in the breeding season.

Notes It was reported as a common raptor in Korea, but the population seems to be collapsed by unknown causes. According to satellite tracking studies,

some birds in Nakdong River may migrate to Tsushima Island, Japan.

솔개ⓒ서한수Black Kites ⓒHS SEA

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22 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

3.흰꼬리수리Haliaeetus albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758) White-tailed Eagle

3-1.흰꼬리수리Haliaeetus albicilla albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역.

관찰시기 11월-3월. 전남신안군의흑산도일대에서는연중.

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다. 전남신안군흑산도일대에서는정주성텃새.

개체수 드물지만, 10개체미만의소규모무리를이루기도한다.

기타 전남신안군흑산도일대(흑산도, 장도, 다물도등)에서는번식하는가족군

이확인되었으며, 이는세계최남단의번식개체군이다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula.

Season November to March. Throughout a year near the breeding site on

Heuksando Islands in Shinan County

Migration Winter visitors. There is a small breeding population on Heuksando Islands in Shinan County.

Abundance Rare, but sometimes form a wintering flock (usually fewer than 10 birds).

Notes Breeding pairs and nests of the White-tailed Eagle have been reported on Heuksando Island and nearby islands (i.e. Jangdo, Damuldo) in Shinan County, Korea, and this area is

the southern limit of its world breeding range.

4.참수리Haliaeetus pelagicus (Pallas, 1811) Steller's Sea Eagle

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역. 주로동해안의습지.

관찰시기 11월-3월.

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다.

개체수 매우드물다.

기타 국내고유아종으로알려진한국참수리(Black Sea Eagle Haliaeetus pelagicus niger Heude, 1887)는최근개체변이에해당되는것으


Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula. Particularly in the east coast of Korea.

Season November to March.

Migration Winter visitors.

Abundance Very rare

Notes The Black Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus niger Heude, 1887), that was known as an endemic subspecies to Korea, was recently

confirmed as a morphological variant of this species.

흰꼬리수리ⓒ박철우White-tailed Eagle ⓒCW PARK

참수리성조ⓒ최동주Steller’s Sea Eagle ⓒDJ CHOI

흰꼬리수리ⓒ김신환White-tailed Eagle ⓒSH KIM

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수면의물고기를사냥하는흰꼬리수리의성조ⓒ채승훈An adult White-tailed Eagle diving for fish ⓒSH CHAI

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5.독수리Aegypius monachus (Lannaeus, 1766) Cinereous Vulture

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역. 특히강원도철원과경기도파주, 경남고성등

관찰시기 11월-3월.

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다. 제주에서는소수가텃새로정주한다.

개체수 국지적으로흔하게관찰된다.

기타 1990년대중반까지드문겨울철새 으나, 민통선인근농장의폐사체에유인되어개체수가크게증가하 다. 월동개체수는파주, 철원등소수의먹이터를중심으로1600여

개체(2004-2005 월동기)까지증가하 으나, 인공급이에대한규제가강화됨에따라먹이를찾아월동지가전국으로분산되는양상을보이고있다. 지난2002년이후제주도에


Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula. Particularly in Cheorwon (Gangwon Province), Paju (Gyeonggi Province), and

Goseong (Gyeongnam Province).

Season November to March.

Migration Winter visitor.

Abundance Locally common.

Notes This vulture was a rare winter visitor until mid-1990s, but the number had increased because of the attraction to

abandoned carcasses from farms near the DMZ (demilitarized zone). Wintering vultures were increased up to 1600 birds

in number (winter in 2004-2005) mainly in several feeding areas such as Paju and Cheorwon, but wintering flocks have

been scattered up due to the strong regulation on carcass disposal and the subsequent food shortage. Some birds are

still sedentary on Jeju Island since sixteen juveniles were isolated on the island in 2003.

24 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

독수리ⓒ채승훈Cinereous Vultures ⓒSH CHAI

몽골에서부착된날개표식을단독수리ⓒ박종길Cinereous Vultures (one marked with wing tags in Mongolia) ⓒJG PARK

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철원의잠자리에모인독수리ⓒ최창용Cinereous Vultures at a roosting site in Cheorwon ⓒCY CHOI

6.수염수리Gypaetus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Bearded Vulture

6-1.수염수리Gypaetus barbatus aureus (Hablizl, 1783)

관찰시기 12월-1월

이동성과개체수 겨울철에길잃은새로기록된다.

기타 1910년대3회의채집기록이있다.

Season December to January

Migration and abundance Vagrant in winter

Notes There were three collection records in 1910s.

8.관수리Spilornis cheela (Latham, 1790) Crested Serpent Eagle

8-1.관수리Spilornis cheela ricketti W. L. Sclater, 1919

분포및관찰장소 전남, 경남등남부지역

관찰시기 12월-5월

이동성과개체수 겨울철또는이동시기에길잃은새로기록된다.

Distribution Southern part of Korea such as Jeonnam and Gyeongnam


Season December to May

Migration and abundance Vagrant in winter and in migration seasons

한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 257.고산대머리수리Gyps himalayensis Hume, 1869 Himalayan Griffon

관찰시기 2월-3월

이동성과개체수 겨울철에길잃은새로기록된다.

기타 2007년2월(경남산청)과3월(경기포천)에서각각1개체가관찰되었다.

Season February to March

Migration and abundance Vagrant in winter

Notes There were two records in Sancheong (Gyeongnam Province) in February

2007 and in Pocheon (Gyeonggi Province) in March 2007.

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9.개구리매Circus spilonotus Kaup, 1847 Eastern Marsh Harrier

9-1.개구리매Circus spilonotus spilonotus Kaup, 1847

분포및관찰장소 서해안을중심으로한전국의주요하천, 하구, 습지등.

관찰시기 9월말-2월.

이동성 겨울철새로월동하지만, 일부는통과하는것으로보인다.

개체수 단독으로드물게관찰된다.

Distribution Coastal wetlands along the west coast and other major rivers, estuaries, and wetlands in Korea.

Season Late September to February

Migration Winter visitors. Some may be passage migrants.

Abundance rare

10.잿빛개구리매Circus cyaneus (Linnaeus, 1766) Northern Harrier

10-1.잿빛개구리매Circus cyaneus cyaneus (Linnaeus, 1766)

분포및관찰장소 서해안을중심으로한전국의주요하천, 하구, 습지등.

관찰시기 11월-3월.

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다.

개체수 단독으로흔치않게관찰된다.

Distribution Coastal wetlands along the west coast and other major rivers, estuaries, and wetlands in Korea.

Season November to March

Migration Winter visitors.

Abundance Uncommon

11.알락개구리매Circus melanoleucos (Pennant, 1769) Pied Harrier

분포및관찰장소 서해안을중심으로한전국의주요하천, 하구, 습지등.

관찰시기 7-11월, 4-5월

이동성 나그네새로통과한다.

개체수 단독으로드물게관찰된다.

Distribution Coastal wetlands along the west coast and other major rivers, estuaries, and wetlands in Korea.

Season July to November, April to March

Migration Passage migrants

Abundance Rare

잿빛개구리매ⓒ곽호경Northern Harrier ⓒHK KWAK

개구리매ⓒ곽호경Eastern Marsh Harrier ⓒHK KWAK

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메추라기도요를사냥한잿빛개구리매ⓒ채승훈Northern Harrier hunting a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper ⓒSH CHAI

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12.붉은배새매Accipiter soloensis (Horsfield, 1821) Chinese Sparrowhawk

분포및관찰장소 한반도중남부전역

관찰시기 5월-9월

이동성 여름철새

개체수 국지적으로흔하게번식한다.

기타 황조롱이, 새호리기와함께가장흔하게번식하는맹금류이나, 서식지소실로인해최근개체수가급격히감소하고있다. 장거리를이동하는강한이동성을가지

며, 봄/가을의이동경로가다른타원형이동전략을보인다. 봄에는5월중순을전후로하여한반도남서부를통해우리나라로도래하며, 가을에는9월중순을전

후로거제와부산을거쳐대마도롤향해이동한다. 이동시대규모의무리를짓는다.

Distribution Central and southern parts of the Korean Peninsula

Season May to September

Migration Breeding summer visitor in Korea

Abundance Locally common breeder

Note Along with the Common Kestrel and Eurasian Hobby, this sparrowhawk is the most common breeding raptor

in Korea; its number has been rapidly declined due to the habitat loss. As a long-distance migrant, it has

strong and synchronized migratory habits following the elliptical routes; they migrate to the breeding ground in

Korea crossing the Yellow Sea in May, while they migrate from Geoje or Busan to Tsushima Island crossing

the Korean Strait in September. They also make large migration flocks.

13.조롱이Accipiter gularis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844) Japanese Sparrowhawk

13-1.조롱이Accipiter gularis gularis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역

관찰시기 5월-10월

이동성 여름철새. 일부는통과하는것으로보인다.

개체수 드물게번식한다. 이동시기에는흔치않게관찰된다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula.

Season May to October

Migration Breeding summer visitor in Korea. Some birds may be passage migrants.

Abundance Rare breeding raptor. Uncommon in migration seasons.

붉은배새매ⓒ김신환Chinese Sparrowhawk ⓒSH KIM

조롱이ⓒ곽호경Japanese Sparrowhawk ⓒHK KWAK

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붉은배새매의성장과정ⓒ최창용Growth of Chinese Sparrowhawks ⓒCY CHOI

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참매ⓒ김신환Northern Goshawk ⓒSH KIM

새매ⓒ이상일Eurasian Sparrowhawk ⓒSI LEE

30 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

14.새매Accipiter nisus (Linnaeus, 1758) Eurasian Sparrowhawk

14-1.새매Accipiter nisus nisosimilis Tickell, 1833

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역

관찰시기 10월-3월

이동성 겨울철새이나, 일부는통과하여남하한다.

개체수 흔치않게관찰된다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula.

Season October to March

Migration Winter visitor in Korea. Some birds pass through Korea.

Abundance Uncommon in migration and wintering seasons.

15.참매Accipiter gentilis (Linnaeus, 1758) Northern Goshawk

15-1.참매Accipiter gentilis schvedowi (Menzbier, 1882)

15-2.흰참매Accipiter gentilis albidus (Menzbier, 1882)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역

관찰시기 주로11월-3월. 일부지역에서는드물지만연중관찰할수도있다.

이동성 참매는겨울철새이나, 일부는중부이북에서번식한다. 번식하는집단의이동성은확인되지않았다. 흰참매는길잃은새


개체수 이동시기또는월동기에는흔치않게관찰된다. 번식하는집단은드물다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula.

Season Mainly November to March. It may rarely occur throughout a year in some areas.

Migration Winter visitors, whereas some breed in central and northern parts of Korea. It is unclear whether the breeding group

is sedentary or migratory. The white subspecies A. g. albidus is vagrant in winter.

Abundance Uncommon in migration and wintering seasons. Rare in breeding season.

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16.왕새매Butastur indicus (Gmelin, 1788) Grey-faced Buzzard

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역에서관찰가능하나, 특히서해의도서지역에서이동하는큰무리가출현한다.

관찰시기 주로10월

이동성 거의모든개체가가을철이동기에통과하여지나간다. 일부산림에서번식한다.

개체수 가을철이동시기에는단독혹은집단으로흔히관찰된다. 번식하는집단은극히드물다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula, but mostly observed on islands along the Yellow Sea

Season Mainly in October

Migration Most birds pass through Korea mainly in Autumn as passage migrants, though there is a small breeding population.

Abundance Commonly observed solely or in groups during their autumn migration. The breeding population is rare and scattered out.

17.말똥가리Buteo buteo (Linnaeus, 1758) Common Buzzard

17-1.말똥가리Buteo buteo japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1844

17-2.붉은꼬리말똥가리Buteo buteo vulpinus Gloger, 1833

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의저지대개활지, 농경지, 숲가장자리, 습지등에출현한다.

관찰시기 10월-3월

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다.

개체수 말똥가리는단독혹은2-3개체정도로흔히관찰되지만, 붉은꼬리말똥가리로판단되는월동개체는전국적으로수개체에불


기타 말똥가리는겨울철맹금류중가장흔하고넓게분포한다.

Distribution Open fields, agricultural areas, wetlands, and forest edges in lowlands throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season October to March

Migration True migrants as winter visitors

Abundance Wintering B. b. japonicus are widely distributed and commonly observed solely or in a group of several birds, whereas only

few B. b. vulpinus winter in Korea.

Note The B. b. japonicus is the most representative wintering raptor both in number and distribution.

왕새매ⓒ박종길Grey-faced Buzzard ⓒJG PARK

말똥가리ⓒ서한수Common Buzzard ⓒHS SEA

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털발말똥가리ⓒ곽호경Rough-legged Buzzard ⓒHK KWAK

큰말똥가리ⓒ곽호경Upland Buzzard ⓒHK KWAK

18.큰말똥가리Buteo hemilasius Temminck & Schlegel,1844 Upland Buzzard

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의저지대개활지, 농경지, 숲가장자리, 습지등에출현한다.

관찰시기 10월-3월

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다.

개체수 주로단독으로관찰되는드문겨울철새로서, 월동하는개체는전국적으로십수개체에불과한것으로생각된다.

Distribution Open fields, agricultural areas, wetlands, and forest edges in lowlands throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season October to March

Migration True migrants as winter visitors

Abundance Rarely observed solely. Only dozens of birds may winter in Korea.

19.털발말똥가리Buteo lagopus (Pontoppidan, 1763) Rough-legged Buzzard

19-1.털발말똥가리Buteo lagopus menzbieri Dementiev, 1951

19-2.캄차카털발말똥가리Buteo lagopus kamtschatkensis Dementiev, 1931

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의저지대개활지, 농경지, 숲가장자리, 습지등에출현한다.

관찰시기 10월-3월

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다.

개체수 주로단독으로관찰되는드문겨울철새로서, 두집단모두월동하는개체는전국적으로십수개체에불과한것으로생각된다.

Distribution Open fields, agricultural areas, wetlands, and forest edges in lowlands throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season October to March

Migration Winter visitors

Abundance Both populations are rare winter visitors usually observed solely. Only dozens may winter in Korea.

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20.항라머리검독수리Aquila clanga Pallas, 1811 Greater Spotted Eagle

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의주요습지, 저지대의개활지, 농경지, 숲가장자리등에서관찰된다.

관찰시기 10월-3월

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다.

개체수 단독으로관찰되는드문겨울철새이다. 전국적인월동개체수는10여개체미만으로추정된다.

Distribution Major wetlands, open fields, agricultural areas, and forest edges in lowlands throughout the Korean


Season October to March

Migration Winter visitors

Abundance Rare winter visitors usually observed solely. Wintering population may not exceed 10 birds in Korea.

21.초원수리Aquila nipalensis Hodgson, 1833 Steppe Eagle

21-1.초원수리Aquila nipalensis nipalensis Hodgson, 1833

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역, 특히서해안의주요습지주변에출현한다.

관찰시기 10월-3월

이동성 과거길잃은새로분류되었으나, 최근겨울철새또는드문나그네새로도래한다.

개체수 이동시기또는월동기에는드물게관찰된다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula, particularly in major wetlands along the west coast

Season October to March

Migration Formerly regarded as a vagrant, but recently considered as a rare winter visitor or migrant.

Abundance Rare in migration and wintering seasons.

한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 33

초원수리ⓒ곽호경Steppe Eagle ⓒHK KWAK

항라머리검독수리ⓒ곽호경Greater Spotted Eagle ⓒHK KWAK

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22.흰죽지수리Aquila heliaca Savigny, 1809 Eastern Imperial Eagle

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역, 특히물새류가월동하는주요습지주변에출현한다.

관찰시기 10월-3월

이동성 드문겨울철새

개체수 월동기에단독또는2-3개체가드물게관찰된다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula, particularly in major wetlands where waterfowls winter.

Season October to March

Migration Rare winter visitor

Abundance Single or a small group of 2-3 birds are rarely observed.

23.검독수리Aquila chrysaetos (Linnaeus, 1758) Golden Eagle

23-1.검독수리Aquila chrysaetos japonica Severtsov, 1888

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역, 주로산악지역에서서식하지만최근에는관찰되는물새류가월동하는주요습지주변에서주로관찰한다.

관찰시기 연중관찰될가능성이있으나주로10월-3월.

이동성 드문겨울철새. 정주성번식집단은거의절종수준에이른것으로판단된다.

개체수 월동기에는단독으로드물게관찰된다.

기타 정주성개체군은전국의산악지역에드물게번식하 으나, 1990년대후반이후로확인된번식기록이없다. 제주도한라산을비롯한일부지역에서의여름철관찰기록을고려

할때극소수가번식할가능성도있지만, 최근에보고되는거의모든관찰기록은겨울철새로도래하는어린새에국한된다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula, particularly in major wetlands where waterfowls winter.

Season May occur through out a year, but mostly observed from October to March

Migration Rare winter visitor. Sedentary population may be in the stage of extirpation.

Abundance Rarely observed solely.

Note Sedentary population rarely bred in mountainous areas throughout Korea, but there is no confirmed report on active nests since the late 1990s. It

cannot rule out the possible breeding in limited areas (i.e. Mt. Halla in Jeju) considering occasional observation in summer, but most birds recently

observed are young eagles in winter.

34 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

검독수리ⓒ곽호경Golden Eagle ⓒHK KWAK

흰죽지수리ⓒ이상일Eastern Imperial Eagle ⓒSI LEE

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24.흰배줄무늬수리Hieraaetus fasciatus (Vieillot, 1822) Bonelli's Eagle

24-1.흰배줄무늬수리Hieraaetus fasciatus fasciatus (Vieillot, 1822)

관찰시기 1월-3월

이동성과개체수 겨울철또는이동시기에길잃은새로1회기록되었다.

기타 2007년3월전남신안군우이도에서어린새1개체가사체로발견되었다.

Season January to March

Migration and abundance Vagrant in winter or in migration seasons

Notes Only one young eagle was found dead on Uii Island, Shinan County on March 2007.

25.흰점어깨수리Hieraaetus pennatus (Gmelin, 1788) Booted Eagle

관찰시기 10월-11월

이동성과개체수 겨울철또는이동시기에길잃은새로1회기록되었다.

기타 2006년10월29일에서11월2일까지전남신안군흑산도에서어린새1개체가관찰되었다.

Season October to November

Migration and abundance Vagrant in winter or in migration seasons

Notes Only one young bird was observed on Heuksan Island, Shinan County from 29 October to 2 November 2006.

26.뿔매Spizaetus nipalensis (Hodgson, 1836) Mountain Hawk Eagle

26-1.뿔매Spizaetus nipalensis orientalis Temminck & Schlegel, 1844

분포 한반도의북서부, 특히산악지역에서기록되었다.

이동성과개체수 1월, 2월, 9월등총3회에걸쳐3개체가관찰된길잃은새이다.

기타 1910년대에서30년대까지총3회의채집기록이있다. 그외에도1930년대의매사냥실태조사에서민가에서사육한기록이있으나, 개체수등에대한구체적인정보는없는실


Distribution Northestern parts of the Korean Peninsula, particularly in mountainous areas.

Migration and abundance Vagrant with records of three birds in January, February, and September.

Notes There are three collection records between 1910s to 1930s. There is another record about captive birds raised for private falconry in 1930s, but details are unknown.

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한국의야행성맹금류(2과 12종)Nocturnal Birds of Prey in Korea (2 Families, 12 Species)

올빼미과 Family Strigidae

1.큰소쩍새Otus semitorques Temminck & Schlegel, 1844 Japanese Scops Owl

1-1.큰소쩍새Otus semitorques ussuriensis (Buturlin, 1910)

1-2.제주큰소쩍새Otus semitorques semitorques Temminck & Schlegel, 1844

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의저지대숲과숲가장자리

관찰시기 연중관찰할수있으나, 주로10월-3월

이동성및개체수 겨울철에흔히도래하는겨울철새이다. 일부번식하는개체군이있으나, 정주성인지이동성인지는밝혀진바없다.

기타 겨울철에는넓은지역에서흔히월동하지만, 교통사고에매우취약하다. 월동현황이나이동실태에대해서는알려진바

없으며, 국내에도래하는집단의분류학적위치에대해서도알려진바없다. 다만최근기초적인동위원소분석과유전


인것으로추정되지만, 시간적, 공간적차이를고려하여국내에기록된개체군의분류학적위치를규명하는연구가

필요한실정이다. 과거Collared Scops Owl (Otus bakkamoena)로분류하 으나최근에는별개의종으로구분한다.

Distribution Forests and forest edges in lowlands throughout Korea

Season Throughout a year, but mainly in October to March

Migration and abundance Common winter visitors. Though there is a small breeding population rarely nests in Korea, no

information is available whether it is sedentary or migratory.

Notes Commonly and widely distributed in winter, but highly vulnerable to car accidents. Information on wintering and

migratory status is very limited, and its phylogenetic status is also unclear. According to preliminary studies using stable

isotopes and mtDNA, the wintering population in South Korea possibly breeds near the border of North Korea-China-Russia

and may be closely related with the Japanese population; however, further detailed researches are required to solve the

phylogenetic uncertainty considering the timing and location of samples. Formerly, grouped with Collared Scops Owls (Otus


36 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

큰소쩍새ⓒ김신환Japanese Scops Owl ⓒSH KIM

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소쩍새ⓒ곽호경Oriental Scops Owl ⓒHK KWAK

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38 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

소쩍새ⓒ이상일Oriental Scops Owl ⓒSI LEE

둥지입구의소쩍새ⓒ곽호경Oriental Scops Owl in a nest hole ⓒHK KWAK

2.소쩍새Otus sunia (Hodgson, 1836) Oriental Scops Owl

2-1.소쩍새Otus sunia stictonotus (Sharpe, 1875)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의저지대숲과숲가장자리

관찰시기 5월-9월

이동성 여름철새

개체수 전국적으로흔히도래하여번식한다.

기타 넓은지역에서분포하며흔히번식하지만, 교통사고에매우취약하다. 국내에도래하는집단의분


Distribution Forests and forest edges in lowlands throughout Korea

Season May to September

Migration Summer visitor.

Abundance The most common breeding owl species along with the Brown Hawk Owls

Note Widely distributed and common breeder, but highly vulnerable to car accidents. Its phylogenetic

status is still unclear.

3.흰올빼미Nyctea scandiaca (Lannaeus, 1758) Snowy Owl

관찰시기 겨울철

이동성및개체수 1912년12월충남에서1회의기록이있는길잃은새이다.

Season Winter

Migration and abundance Vagrant. There is only one record in Chungnam Province in December 1912.

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둥지에서휴식중인수리부엉이ⓒ최창용Eurasian Eagle Owl resting in its nest ⓒCY CHOI

경계하는모습의수리부엉이ⓒ고경남Eurasian Eagle Owl in alert ⓒGN KO

4.수리부엉이Bubo bubo (Lannaeus, 1758) Eurasian Eagle Owl

4-1.수리부엉이Bubo bubo kiautschensis Reichenow, 1903

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의숲가장자리및숲에인접한개활지

관찰시기 연중

이동성및개체수 흔히서식하는정주성텃새이다.

기타 넓은지역에흔히서식하지만, 교통사고와구조물충돌, 저지대의도시화, 서식환경변화등으로인해개체수가크게감소


Distribution Open agricultural areas and grasslands near forests and forest edges throughout Korea

Season Throughout a year

Migration and abundance Common sedentary species.

Notes Common with a wide distribution, but highly vulnerable to car accidents, collision with man-made structures, urbanization

and habitat loss in lowland forests and especially in forest edges.

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40 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

올빼미ⓒ박철우Tawny Owl ⓒCW PARK

5.올빼미Strix aluco Lannaeus, 1758 Tawny Owl

5-1.올빼미Strix aluco ma (Clark, 1907)

분포및관찰장소 고산지대를제외한한반도전역의숲

관찰시기 연중

이동성및개체수 드물지않게서식하는정주성텃새이다.

기타 신뢰할수있는정량적인개체수추정및서식현황정보가없다. 그러나저지대의도시화, 서식환경변화등으로인해개체수가크게감소한것으

로보인다. 비교적고산지대인경상북도와강원도등한국의동부및동북부지역을중심으로분포하는긴점박이올빼미의분포권역이거의중복


Distribution Forests and forest edges in the Korean Peninsula except for high mountainous areas

Season Throughout a year

Migration and abundance Uncommon sedentary species.

Notes There is no reliable estimation on population size and status. However, the population size seems to be greatly declined due to urbanization and habitat loss in lowland

forests. Based on several preliminary reports, its distribution rarely overlaps with the distribution of Ural Owls that mainly inhabit mountainous areas in eastern and

northeastern parts of Korea (such as Gyeongbuk and Gangwon Provinces).

6.긴점박이올빼미Strix uralensis Pallas, 1771 Ural Owl

6-1.긴점박이올빼미Strix uralensis nikolskii (Buturlin, 1907)

분포및관찰장소 경북, 강원등한반도동부와동북부고산지대의숲

관찰시기 연중

이동성및개체수 드물게서식하는정주성텃새이다.

기타 각종야외및구조조사기록에서흔히올빼미로잘못보고되어, 분포나개체수에대한정보가부족하

다. 비교적분포가국한되어있으며, 올빼미의분포와는상당한차이를보이는것으로알려져있다.

Distribution Forests mainly in high mountainous areas in eastern and northeastern parts of Korea

Season Throughout a year

Migration and abundance Rare sedentary species.

Notes Often wrongly identified and reported as Tawny Owls. Due to the lack of reliable field or rescue

records, the status on its population and distribution is not clearly known. Its distribution is

relatively confined and limited, and may not overlap with that of Tawny Owls.

긴점박이올빼미ⓒ박형욱Ural Owl ⓒHW PARK

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한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 417.긴꼬리올빼미Surnia ulula (Lannaeus, 1758) Northern Hawk-Owl

7-1.긴꼬리올빼미Surnia ulula ulula (Lannaeus, 1758)

분포및관찰장소 백두산등을비롯한한반도북부의고산지역

관찰시기 연중

이동성및개체수 한반도북부의일부고산지역에서소수가기록된길잃은새이다.

기타 최근문헌등을감안할때소규모개체군이백두산일대에서번식할가능성이있다.

Distribution Baekdu Mountain and northern part of the Korean Peninsula

Season Throughout a year

Migration and abundance Reported as vagrant with three collection records in the northern part of Korea

including Baekdu Mountain.

Notes Given the recent literatures and unpublished reports, the small number of hawk-owls possibly breeds in

Baekdu Mountain.

8.금눈쇠올빼미Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) Little Owl

8-1.금눈쇠올빼미Athene noctua plumipes Swinhoe, 1870

분포및관찰장소 남부지역을제외한한반도전역

관찰시기 10월-3월

이동성 겨울철새로도래한다.

개체수 주로단독으로드물게월동한다.

Distribution Throughout the Korean Peninsula except the southern parts.

Season October to March

Migration Winter visitors

Abundance Rare. Observed solely in winter.

금눈쇠올빼미ⓒ김신환Little Owl ⓒSH KIM

금눈쇠올빼미ⓒ박종길Little Owl ⓒJG PARK

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42 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

9.솔부엉이Ninox scutulata (Raffles, 1822) Brown Hawk-Owl

9-1.솔부엉이Ninox scutulata japonica (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의마을, 도심등

관찰시기 5월-9월 이동성 여름철새

개체수 흔히도래하여번식한다. 여름철에는소쩍새와함께가장개체수가많다.

기타 아직분류학적위치가명확하지않다. 최근에는별개의종수준(Northern Boobook, Ninox japonica)으로구분하기도한다. 비록최근에는인정되진않지만국내에

서도N. s. ussuriensis, N. s. macroptera, and N. s. florensis 등다양한아종이기록된만큼, 서로다른개체군이존재할가능성도있다. 개체수는많지만, 유리창이


Distribution Villages and cities throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season May to September Migration summer visitor

Abundance Common breeder. Along with the Oriental Scops Owl, the most common owl species in summer.

Note Phylogenetic status is not clear. This population is sometimes regarded as full species (Northern Boobook, Ninox japonica). Since several subspecies such as N. s.

ussuriensis, N. s. macroptera, and N. s. florensis were reported, there may be different populations in Korea. The number is quite high, but it is threatened by

collision with man-made structures (such as windows).

솔부엉이유조ⓒ최창용Brown Hawk Owl: fledging juvenile ⓒCY CHOI

솔부엉이성조ⓒ최동주Brown Hawk Owl ⓒDJ CHOI

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10.칡부엉이Asio otus (Linnaeus, 1758) Long-eared Owl

10-1.칡부엉이Asio otus otus (Linnaeus, 1758)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의저지대숲과숲가장자리

관찰시기 11월-3월

이동성 겨울철새

개체수 드물지않게도래하여월동한다. 주로단독으로관찰되지만, 10개체미만의소규모무리를이루기도한다.

Distribution Lowland forest and forest edges throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season November to March

Migration Uncommon winter visitor

Abundance Mainly observed solely, but occasionally form a small conspecific flock (fewer than 10 owls).

11.쇠부엉이Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763) Short-eared Owl

11-1.쇠부엉이Asio flammeus flammeus (Pontoppidan, 1763)

분포및관찰장소 한반도전역의저지대개활지와농경지, 습지

관찰시기 11월-3월

이동성 겨울철새

개체수 드물지않게도래하여월동한다. 주로단독으로관찰되지만, 10개체미만의소규모무리를이루기


Distribution Near lowland grasslands, rice paddies, and wetlands throughout the Korean Peninsula

Season November to March

Migration Uncommon winter visitor

Abundance Mainly observed solely, but occasionally form a small conspecific flock (fewer than 10 owls).

가면올빼미과 Family Tytonidae

1.가면올빼미Tyto longimembris (Jerdon, 1839) Eastern Grass Owl

1-1.가면올빼미Tyto longimembris chinensis Hartert, 1929

이동성과개체수 겨울철에길잃은새로1회기록되었다.

기타 2003년12월25일전남신안군흑산도에서1개체가사체로발견되었다.

Migration and abundance One record as vagrant in winter

Notes Only one dead bird was collected on Heuksan Island, Shinan County on 25 December 2003.

칡부엉이ⓒ박종길Long-eared Owl ⓒJG PARK

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쇠부엉이ⓒ이상일Short-eared Owl ⓒSI LEE44한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

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맹금류의이동Migration of Raptors매나수리부엉이와같이연중같은지역에서서식하는정주성맹금류도있지만, 벌매나왕새매등과같은상당

수의맹금류는강한이동성을보이는철새이다. 중국북동부와극동러시아에서번식하는비둘기조롱이는우리

나라와중국, 인도를거쳐인도양을건너번식지로부터약 13,000km 떨어진아프리카남서부에서겨울을보내

는맹금류로서, 연간지구둘레의 2/3를이동하는장거리이동철새이다. 대부분의생존집단이우리나라에서번

식할것으로추정되는붉은배새매는거제와부산을거쳐일본쓰시마, 대만, 인도차이나반도를지나동남아시

아에서겨울을보내는장거리이동철새이다. 지금까지우리나라와일본, 대만에서의관찰및레이더기록에따

르면최대 10만마리에이르는개체가최대길이 40km, 폭 1km의대집단을이루어바다를건너기도하는것으


Though there are sedentary birds of prey such as Eagle Owls and Peregrine Falcons, many raptors like Oriental

Honey Buzzards and Grey-faced Buzzards are strong migrants. For example, Amur Falcons breeding in NE China

and Russian Far East migrate to south-east Africa by crossing the Indian Ocean to winter. The annual distance

of their migration routes may reach up to 13,000 km (about two third of the distance round the Earth). The

significant number of Chinese Sparrowhawks mainly breeds in the Korean Peninsula. The sparrowhawks start

their journey from Busan and Geoje in Korea to reach wintering grounds in south Asia via Tsushima (Japan),

Taiwan, and most SE Asian countries. According to recent studies based on observation in Japan and weather

radar tracking in Korea and Taiwan, nearly 100,000 Chinses Sparrowhakws may form a huge flock (40 km in

length and 1 km in width) to cross the sea.

한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 45

대규모무리를지어이동하는붉은배새매ⓒ고경남Chinese Sparrowhawk forming large migratory flocks ⓒGN KO

대표적인장거리이동성맹금류인비둘기조롱이ⓒ박종길Amur Falcon, a long distance migrant ⓒJG PARK

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이처럼이동성이강한맹금류들은특정시기에일정한경로를거쳐이동하는경향이강한데, 특히상승기류가발달하는산

맥이나섬등에서는큰무리로이동하는맹금류를쉽게관찰할수있다. 따라서이런중요한핵심지역에서이동성맹금류의

장기적인모니터링을실시함으로써, 개체군추세를파악하고번식성공률을가늠하는중요한정보를얻을수있다.

These migrants usually have strong preference on their migration routes by passing through several hot spots. Particularly,

some mountains and islands, that often produce thermal lifts, are key places to watch the large number of migratory raptors.

Long-term monitoring on migratory birds of prey on these hot spots enables us to understand valuable information (i.e. trend

of population, breeding success rate) for conservation.

우리나라에서는인천옹진군의소청도(가을: 벌매), 부산광역시의태종대(가을: 벌매, 솔개, 새매류), 전북군산시의어청도

(가을: 벌매, 새매류), 전남신안군의홍도와흑산도(봄: 붉은배새매, 가을: 벌매류, 새매류), 제주도서부해안(가을: 벌매, 새매

류), 경남거제도의남부해안(가을: 붉은배새매), 경남통 시의홍도(봄: 벌매) 등이맹금류의이동을관찰하기에유리한지

역으로알려져있다. 특히전남신안군은다른산새류와더불어봄과가을에각종맹금류가통과하는지역으로서중요한위


Large flocks of migratory raptors are often reported in the following sites in Korea: Socheong Island (Ongjin-gun, Incheon;

Oriental Honey Buzzards in Autumn), Taejongdae (Busan; Oriental Honey Buzzards, Black Kites, and sparrowhawks in

Autumn), Eocheong Island (Okdo-myeon, Gunsan; Oriental Honey Buzzards and sparrowhawks in Autumn), Hong and

Hueksan Islands (Heuksan-myeon, Shinan; Chinese Sparrowhawks in Spring; Oriental Honey Buzzards and sparrowhawks in

Autumn), west coast of Jeju (Jeju and Seogwipo; Oriental Honey Buzzards and sparrowhawks in Autumn), south coast of

Geoje Island (Geoje; Chinese Sparrowhawks in Autumn), and Hong Island (Tongyeong; Oriental Honey Buzzards in Spring).

Shinan County in Jeonnam Province is an important stopover area both in spring and autumn migratory seasons for migratory

passerines as well as birds of prey which cross the Yellow Sea.가을철이동기에흔히관찰되는왕새매ⓒ최창용Grey-faced Buzzard on its Autumn migration ⓒCY CHOI

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가을철에우리나라를떠나는벌매무리ⓒ고경남Flock of Oriental Honey Buzzards crossing the Yellow Sea in Autumn ⓒGN KO

봄철에우리나라로이동하는붉은배새매무리ⓒ최창용Flock of Chinese Sparrowhawks migrating into the Korean Peninsula in spring ⓒCY CHOI

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역사속의맹금류Raptors in Korean History

한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 49


국유사(1281)에나타나며, 특히조선시대안정복이집필한동사강목(1778)에는고구려유리왕(서기 3

년)의매사냥일화가소개되어있다. 따라서우리나라의매사냥은약 2,000여년의역사를지닌것으

로추정되며, 특히고구려의장천 1호분고분벽화(5세기)에는맹금류를이용하여꿩을사냥하는모


5세기장천1호고분벽화에기록된고구려인의매사냥모습(모사본촬 ) ⓒ최창용Falconry in the wall painting of the Jangcheon No. 1. Tomb (5th century, the Goguryeo Dynasty).

Photo of the replica. ⓒCY CHOI

The earliest evidence of the falconry in Korea may date back to 3 AD when the

King Yuri of the Goguryeo Dynasty was fascinated with the falconry (Ahn Jeong-

bok. 1778. Dongsa Gangmok: Historical essay of Korea), and there are many

records on kings’ falconry trips in literatures such as the Samguk-Sagi (Kim Bu-sik,

1145. History of Three Kingdoms) and the Samguk-Yusa (Ilyeon, 1281.

Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms). Particularly, the wall painting in the

Jangcheon No. 1 Tomb (a 5th century AD tomb of the Goguryeo Dynasty at Jilin

Province in NE China) represents the first visual evidence of Korean falconry.

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50 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

우리나라민간의매사냥은주로참매를중심으로이루어졌으며, 이로인해주로참매가번식하여새끼를확보하기쉽고겨

울이길게지속되는북한지역을중심으로활발하게이루어졌다. 매역시송골( )로불리며왕실의중요한사냥매로이

용되었으며, 조선의세종은함경도와평안도지역에서매의포획량이줄어듦에따라그이유를알기위하여경차관을파견

하기도하 다. 고려와조선왕실은응방(鷹坊), 송골방( ) 등의부서를설치하여매사냥에이용할수있는맹금류를

사육하 으며, 먹이로이용하기위하여민가에집비둘기사육을장려하기도하 다. 또한맹금류의수요를확보하기위해

매나참매등을포획하는자에게는벼슬과상을내리거나부역을면해주기도하 다. 조정에진상하는개체수를채우기위

한양민의피해가증가함에따라왕실에서의응방은숙종 41년(1715년)에폐지되었으나, 민간에서의매사냥은이후에도계


Nearly for last 2,000 years, commoners have used Northern Goshawks for falconry in winter; therefore, the Korean

traditional falconry has been developed mainly in northern parts of Korea where goshawks breed and where

winter lasts longer. On the other hand, Peregrine Falcons (and possibly Gyr Falcons) called Songgol were more

important raptors for year-round falconry in royal families of the Goryeo (918-1392 AD) and Joseon (1392-1910

AD) Dynasties. Governments of these two dynasties established royal offices named Eungbang or Songgolbang

which trained raptors and managed their foods (mostly pigeons) for falconry. The offices also encouraged

commoners to raise domestic pigeons for a substitute tax to the office as well as foods for breeders themselves.

When the number of falcons was not sufficient in the office, people who trapped rare raptors (i.e. Gyr Falcons,

Saker Falcons, and even Peregrines) were often granted fortunes or even official positions in governmental

agencies. King Sejong (1397-1450) dispatched special envoys in 1444 to Hamgyeong and Pyeongan Provinces in

northern Korea to investigate why the number of trapped falcons was gradually declining. As negative effects and

burdens of the Royal falconry increased, the royal agency Eungbang was eventually closed down in the early 18th

century while private falconry has continued as winter sports and hunting techniques. 석천한유도(김희겸, 1748). 개인소장

Seokcheonhanyudo (Portrait of Mr. Jeon Il-sang) painted byKim Hui-gyeom in 1748. Private collection.

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한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 51

1930년대 초반의 사냥매 사육현황 조사에 따르면 총 1740

여개체가사육된것으로알려져있으며, 이중 85%가북한

지역에집중되어있었다. 이후 분단과한국전쟁, 급격한경


에처하 으나, 2010년유네스코세계무형유산으로등재되


According to a report in the early 1930s, a total of 1740 raptors

including Northern Goshawks, Eurasian Sparrowhawks, Common

Buzzards, and Peregrine Falcons was raised for falconry; about 85%

of them were captive in the current territory of North Korea.

However, because of the division of the Korean Peninsula, the

Korean War, and the rapid economic growth, the tradition of Korean

Falconry was nearly discontinued since 1960-1970s. The Korean

falconry was nominated as an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

of Humanity in 2010, and two master falconers currently try to

continue the tradition.

전통매사냥에주로사용된참매ⓒ최창용Norther Goshawk commonly used for Korean Falconry ⓒCY CHOI

이암(1499-?)의가응도. 보스턴미술관소장Gaeungdo (Norther Goshawk on a perch) painted by

Lee-am (1499-?) in the early Joseon Dynasty.Collection of the Museum of Fine Art, Boston.

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52 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

주행성맹금류가긍정적인인식을받아온것과달리, 야행성맹금류인부엉이류나올빼미류는일반적으로불길함의상징

으로도알려져있었다. 태조 7년(1398년) 경복궁에서수리부엉이가울자태조가처소를옮긴다거나, 정종1년(1399년)에근

정전에내려앉은수리부엉이로인해스님에게기양제(祈 祭) 또는해괴제(解怪祭: 재앙이물러가고복이오도록비는의식)

을거행하기도하 다. 궁궐안에서부엉이가우는곳마다제사를지냄에따라, 세종 24년(1442년)에는이런행사를금지하

거나세조 2년(1456년)에는부엉이의출현을일일이보고하지말라는어명을내리기도하 다. 또한길조인까치의둥지에

서번식하는솔부엉이새끼를주민들이죽이는일도빈번하 다고알려진다. 그러나크기가작고인가근처, 특히당숲이나

마을숲에사는대부분의올빼미, 소쩍새등은특별한보호를받기도하 다.

Unlike the diurnal raptors, most owls have been believed as a sign or symbol of evil and disater in Korea. In

example, if Eagle Owls hooped on buildings at the Royal palace during the Joseon Dynasty, the occurrence details

including time and location were reported to Kings. Then Kings did not visit the buildings at that day, and monks

often held ceremonies for exorcism in front of the buildings. Due to frequent occurrences of Eagle Owls in the

palace, King Sejong (1397-1450) ordered not to hold such ceremonies in 1442 or King Sejo (1417-1468) prohibited

the reporting in 1456. Since Black-billed Magpies were believed as messengers of good news in Korea, nestlings

of Brown Hawk Owls in old magpie nests were sometimes killed by people in villages. However, many small-sized

owls such as Tawny Owls or Scops Owls bred in holly trees in or nearby villages were often protected.

수리부엉이ⓒ심규식Eurasian Eagle Owl ⓒKS SHIM

올빼미ⓒ최동주Tawny Owl ⓒDJ CHOI

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맹금류보전Conservation ofRaptors

한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 53

서식지소실로개체수가감소하는붉은배새매ⓒ최동주Declining Chinese Sparrowhawks by habitat loss in Korea ⓒDJ CHOI

최근국내번식기록이없는검독수리ⓒ김신환Golden Eagle without recent breeding records in Korea ⓒSH KIM

맹금류는생태계의최고차소비자로서, 환경의변화와인간의간섭에큰피해를받는다. 비록맹금류가가

지는생태적, 문화적, 심미적가치를지키기위한보전활동이활발하게펼쳐지고있지만, 전세계적으로맹

금류들의개체수가감소하거나분포가축소되는경향이지속되고있다. 우리나라에서도많은맹금류가멸

종위기종또는천연기념물로보호하고있으나, 많은종이지속적으로감소하는것으로알려져있다. 특히

국내의산악지역에서번식하던검독수리는최근번식이확인되지않고있으며, 가장흔히번식하던여름철


Birds of prey are one of top predators of terrestrial (and some aquatic) ecosystems, and many of them are

threatened by human activities and subsequent environmental changes. Intensive conservational actions

have been taken to save threatened birds of prey worldwide due to their ecological, cultural, and aesthetic

values. However, in many populations or species of birds of prey, the number is still declining or the

distribution is shrinking. In Korea, many raptors are declining in number and distribution as well though most

of themy are protected as Natural Monuments and Endangered Species; there is no recent report of nesting

Golden Eagles in Korea, and the number of Chinese Sparrowhawks, one of the most common breeding

raptors in Korea, seems to decline rapidly and steadily.

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맹금류에게는다른종에의한포식, 질병, 굶주림등과같은자연적인위협요인도있지만, 현재맹금류의보전에가장큰

향을주는것은인위적인위협요인을꼽을수있다. 특히교통사고, 렵/사냥, 유리창충돌, 전선과의충돌또는감전사고,

독극물중독, 풍력발전기와의충돌, 서식지의소실등은맹금류의생존에큰 향을주고있다. 우리나라에서식하는맹금

류의가장직접적인위협요인은교통사고와각종구조물과의충돌이며, 장기적으로는서식지의감소도큰몫을차지하고

있다. 국내에서가장흔히조난되는종은황조롱이, 수리부엉이, 솔부엉이, 소쩍새, 독수리, 큰소쩍새, 말똥가리등이며, 이

중에서특히독수리는탈진이나중독, 수리부엉이와솔부엉이등은교통사고나충돌사고에큰위협을받고있다.

Natural factors such as predation, diseases, starvation and dehydration threats birds of prey, but anthropogenic factors are

more problematic in the conservation of raptors. Particularly, traffic accidents, hunting and poaching, window strikes,

powerline collision and electrocution, poisoning, and wind turbine collision are known as important anthropogenic causes of

individual mortality and population decline. In the Republic of Korea, car accident on roads and collision with man-made

structures are significant and direct threats to individuals, and habitat loss is a long-term threat to raptor populations. The

most common birds of prey rescued are Common Kestrels, Eagle Owls, Brown Hawk Owls, Oriental Scops Owls, Cinereous

Vultures, Japanese Scops Owls, and Common Buzzards; among them, Cinereous Vultures are most vulnerable to starvation

and poisoning, while Eagle Owls and Brown Hawk Owls are usually injured by traffic accident or collision.

충돌로인한수리부엉이의안구손상ⓒ김 준Eye damage of the Eurasian Eagle Owl by collision ⓒYJ KIM

충돌로인한수리부엉이의날개골절ⓒ김 준Wing fracture of the Eurasian Eagle Owl by collision ⓒYJ KIM

교통사고로사망한쇠부엉이ⓒ최창용Short-eared Owl killed by car accident ⓒCY CHOI

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유리창충돌로사망한새매ⓒ빙기창Eurasian Sparrowhawk killed by window strike ⓒGC BING

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법적보호현황Legal status ofraptors in Korea

황조롱이 Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus비둘기조롱이 Amur FalconFalco amurensis쇠황조롱이 MerlinFalco columbarius새호리기 Eurasian HobbyFalco subbuteo헨다손매 Saker FalconFalco cherrug매 Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus 흰매 Gyr FalconFalco rusticolus물수리 OspreyPandion haliaetus벌매 Crested Honey BuzzardPernis ptilorhynchus솔개 Black KiteMilvus migrans흰꼬리수리 White-tailed EagleHaliaeetus albicilla참수리 Steller's Sea EagleHaliaeetus pelagicus


Natural monument #323-8


Natural monument #323-7


Natural monument #243-4천연기념물제243-3호

Natural monument #243-3


Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II


Endangered Species I


Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물I급

Endangered Species I멸종위기야생생물I급

Endangered Species I

문화재보호법Cultural Heritage Protection Act

야생생물보호및관리에관한법률Protection and Management ofWildlife Act

법적보호현황 Legal protection종명Species


56 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

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수염수리Bearded VultureGypaetus barbatus독수리 Cinereous VultureAegypius monachus고산대머리수리 Himalayan GriffonGyps himalayensis관수리 Crested Serpent EagleSpilornis cheela 개구리매 Eastern Marsh HarrierCircus spilonotus잿빛개구리매 Northern HarrierCircus cyaneus 알락개구리매 Pied HarrierCircus melanoleucos붉은배새매 Chinese SparrowhawkAccipiter soloensis조롱이 Japanese SparrowhawkAccipiter gularis새매 Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus참매 Northern GoshawkAccipiter gentilis


Natural monument #243-1


Natural monument #323-3천연기념물제323-6호

Natural monument #323-6천연기념물제323-5호

Natural monument #323-5천연기념물제323-2호

Natural monument #323-2


Natural monument #323-4천연기념물제323-1호

Natural monument #323-1


Endangered Species II


Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II


Endangered Species II


Endangered Species II

문화재보호법Cultural Heritage Protection Act

야생생물보호및관리에관한법률Protection and Management ofWildlife Act

법적보호현황 Legal protection종명Species


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법적보호현황Legal status ofraptors in Korea

58 한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea

왕새매 Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus말똥가리 Common BuzzardButeo buteo큰말똥가리 Upland BuzzardButeo hemilasius털발말똥가리 Rough-legged BuzzardButeo lagopus항라머리검독수리 Greater Spotted EagleAquila clanga초원수리 Steppe EagleAquila nipalensis 흰죽지수리 Eastern Imperial EagleAquila heliaca검독수리 Golden EagleAquila chrysaetos흰배줄무늬수리 Bonelli's EagleHieraaetus fasciatus흰점어깨수리 Booted EagleHieraaetus pennatus뿔매 Mountain Hawk EagleSpizaetus nipalensis


Natural monument #243-2


Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II


Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물I급

Endangered Species I

문화재보호법Cultural Heritage Protection Act

야생생물보호및관리에관한법률Protection and Management ofWildlife Act

법적보호현황 Legal protection종명Species


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가면올빼미 Eastern Grass OwlTyto longimembris큰소쩍새 Japanese Scops OwlOtus semitorques소쩍새 Oriental Scops OwlOtus sunia흰올빼미 Snowy OwlNyctea scandiaca 수리부엉이 Eurasian Eagle OwlBubo bubo올빼미 Tawny OwlStrix aluco 긴점박이올빼미 Ural OwlStrix uralensis긴꼬리올빼미 Northern Hawk-OwlSurnia ulula금눈쇠올빼미 Little OwlAthene noctua솔부엉이 Brown Hawk-OwlNinox scutulata칡부엉이 Long-eared OwlAsio otus 쇠부엉이 Short-eared OwlAsio flammeus


Natural monument #324-7천연기념물제324-6호

Natural monument #324-6


Natural monument #324-2천연기념물제324-1호

Natural monument #324-1


Natural monument #324-3천연기념물제324-5호

Natural monument #324-5천연기념물제324-4호

Natural monument #324-4


Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II멸종위기야생생물II급

Endangered Species II

문화재보호법Cultural Heritage Protection Act

야생생물보호및관리에관한법률Protection and Management ofWildlife Act

법적보호현황 Legal protection종명Species


한국의맹금류 Birds of Prey in Korea 59

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