choose your side! the game which leaves fate in your own hands! this edition features the notorious...

Choose Your Side! Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully and have fun! Recommended for 18years or over.

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Page 1: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Choose Your Side!

Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own

hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war!

Follow the rules, choose carefully and have fun!

Recommended for 18years or over.

Page 2: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

A long time ago, in a country reasonably far away! The was an immense revolution in November 1917 were the Bolsheviks lead by one Lenin, successfully stormed the

winter palace were the cruel, lying provisional government plotted there schemes against the their own people.

This Bolshevik uprising on the infamous `Red October` was a symbolic victory and the people of Russia looked

forward to a world of `bread, peace and land` however this is not what they got! And Russia soon found its-self

divided into two main denominations. It is now up to you what path you want to take. Good luck.

White army Red army

Page 3: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Hello! I am General Anton Denikin and I am one of the many other Generals that seem to make up our mess of a White

army. You may be wondering why it is we seem to proceed in this civil war against

the infamous Reds! Well it is simple! Lenin has messed everything up! What

happened to his promise? Bread, peace, land! Ever since his coming to power I have seen the exact opposite of this.

Come, walk with me.

Mission 1: Walk with General Denikin

Page 4: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Congratulations you have joined the white army and are now ready to take back Russia from the Reds and get the country back to its

former glory!Go speak to our local general to receive your first mission.

Plus you can get more information about what we

do and why we do this


Page 5: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Take a look at this! In 1918 Lenin signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk in an attempt to make peace with Germany! However, this came with a price and Germany took 32% of our farm land.

54% of our industry.26% of our railways and 81% of our coal mines. Furthermore, 34% of our population! Lenins gamble is that the allies will

soon defeat Germany and we will get our land back! Nevertheless, this is to high a risk and to stupid an action. We

fight to restore our Land!

Page 6: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Also, the establishment of a dictatorship during the constituent

assembly! This was were the Bolsheviks lost the vote but

claimed it was rigged by the SRs and used force to make the

opposition leave. We fight for fair votes

Page 7: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Moreover, in July 1918 Lenin set the decree of war communism enforced by his cheka!!! War

communism consists of –Grain requisitioning (which has lead to

cannibalism)- Bolshevik takeover of industry (which has

lowed producing by 20%)- Labour conscriptions of 16-60 year olds ( which

has lead to the green army bandits forming) - And the abolition of private trading ( which has

stopped capitalism altogether )We fight for freedom, food and peace.

Page 8: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Finally , because of the Red terror! Were the Bolsheviks tried to destroy the propertied

classes by encouraging the newly desperate Russian people to loot their homes!

Pamphlets saying `war to the death to the rich ` made this worse and the ransacked houses were turned into workers homes.

Moreover, because of this outburst of violence and crime, Lenin set up a counter revolution

called the cheka! They are in charge of censorship as well as discipline at work and

during this civil war . They police his Red army and kill thousands for dissertation cruelly. We fight because this is morally


Page 9: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Now you understand why it is we fight! Now you must go and do likewise! We

have already pushed back the Red influence so far they have now changed the capital to Moscow. Now go, choose

how you want to help.

Help the Czech legion

Join the Green armyTalk to the foreign

intervention Delivery

(Only start this mission when all others are

completed )

Page 10: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Who are you? Oh, new guy I see! Guess you want to know what were doing then. Well in May, 1918, me and a group of soldiers in the Czech Legion were falsely accused of killing a man. The rest of the Czech unit marched into town and freed their comrades being held by local Red Guards. When Leon Trotsky heard the news he gave orders for the Czech Legion to be disarmed. The 100,000 strong Czech Legion responded by joining in the war against the Red Army. We are know currently heading up the Trans-Siberian railway and are goanna try retrieve our old Tsar to power and crush the Reds. If you would like you can came help us.

Go find the Tsar

Page 11: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

It would seem that we are to late. Lenin has murdered all figure heads

we could use to unite the White army. Now I fear we will be forever un

coordinated an un-united. Anyway, the Czech legion will continue the fight up

the train line. You should go find General Denikin

Go to General Denikin

Page 12: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

You were killed by the Green army bandits

when they saw you had food.


Resurrect yourself and go to General Denikin

Page 13: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

What!! Who are you??? Oh another white army recruit I see! What's that? What are the English doing in Russia.

Well I hardly say its any of your business but since there's nothing better to do I might as well let you

know. Basically we want your old Tsar back. Well not literally because he's

dead but we want his ways back with the land owners and the aristocrats.

Luckily your White army gives this so the English, French, American and

Japanese are lending a hand. Anyway I have to be off! Some of us are busy.

Good day.

Go to General Denikin

Page 14: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Aahhh good there you are. I need you to go deliver some

supplies to some British troops up near Moscow. Be careful though. Lenis cheka are trained interceptors so watch were you go. Good



Page 15: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Because of the Reds better supplied

and fed army along with there reliable war train and inter-communication! You were

captured and killed! Trotsky did this one by one to the White

army until they lost. Nice choice

Back to start for other choice


Page 16: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Congratulations! You have joined the Red army. I am Leon Trotsky and I am the

commander of the Red army. Now don't you worry. We are goanna win this war . Do you

know why. Its because we learn. Already Lenin has realised how poorly the whites treat

peasants and so he has given up more land and food for them to win there support. Already

he has seen the foreign support they are receiving , so to win the people he is playing

the patriot card. Further still, I have started the war train to quickly and efficiently move

supplies up and down or territory. And last of all we have amazing inter-communication so we can intercept most supplies. Anyway, you have a job to do. You must go kill the old Tsar and his family before the rouge Czech legion find them first and make them into an icon.

Now go quickly

Kill the Tsar

Page 17: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully


Go back to Trotsky

Page 18: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Well done, that should keep them a mess! From now on,

you will just be doing interception work. Plan is we

pick of these divided rebels one by one. Speaking of which, our

sources tell us there are supplies being delved to some British troops near Moscow .

Go quickly and kill them before they reach there destination.


Page 19: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

You caught the supplies and killed the white

supporters. This organization from the reds is what won them the war.

Nice choice!

Back to start for other choice


Page 20: Choose your side! The game which leaves fate in your own hands! This edition features the notorious Russian civil war! Follow the rules, choose carefully

Thank you for playing

by Harvey EdwardsLewis Kennedy

and Harry Fryer