church of st ignatius loyola · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired...

October 17, 2010 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Ignatius Loyola: Operating Revenue and Expense Report, 2009-2010 Revenue This past year our operating revenue decreased by 4% over the previous year. The difference was mostly due to a drop in offerings for Sacramental services, Other Gifts (donations that fall outside the budgeted categories), and Music Revenue. Additionally, due to the realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution to the Parish in the form of contributed services. CHURCH OF ST . IGNATIUS LOYOLA 980 PARKAVENUE AT 84TH STREET NEWYORK, NEWYORK 10028 (212)288-3588 WWW.STIGNATIUSLOYOLA.ORG “Building a Community of Disciples” I n presenting you with the Parish Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, I am pleased to report that we ended the year on a positive note. For the first time since 2007, we have finished the year with a small surplus. This was not an easy task. In Fiscal Year 2008, we reported a deficit of $72,000. We knew that given our rising operating costs and the unsettled economy, we needed to reduce our spending. With the guidance of our capable Finance Advisory Committee, our Parish Treasurer, and the support of the Parish Staff, we made some tough management decisions and were able to trim our overall expenses. As a result, our performance improved in Fiscal Year 2009, but we still ran a deficit of $43,000. This year, however, we turned a corner and finished with a surplus of $88,000. A financial summary follows. We also have seen a decline in Other Revenue over the past few years. As previously reported, this category is primarily comprised of interest income and donations earmarked for specific Parish activities, such as bereavement and retreat ministries. With interest rates dropping over the last few years, this revenue stream has seen a considerable decrease. On the positive side, thanks to you, regular collections (Sunday, Annual, Christmas, Easter, and Spring) increased as a whole by 3.5% compared to 2009, bringing our total regular collections for 2010 to $1.82 million. (Refer to the accompanying chart for a complete breakdown of operating revenue.)

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Page 1: ChurCh of St IgnatIuS LoyoLa · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution

October 17, 2010 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Church of St. Ignatius Loyola:Operating Revenue and Expense Report, 2009-2010

Revenue This past year our operating revenue decreased by 4% over the previous year. The difference was mostly due to a drop in offerings for Sacramental services, Other Gifts (donations that fall outside the budgeted categories), and Music Revenue. Additionally, due to the realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution to the Parish in the form of contributed services.

ChurCh of St. IgnatIuS LoyoLa 980 Park avenue at 84th Street •new York, new York10028 •(212)288-3588

“ B u i l d i n g a C o m m u n i t y o f D i s c i p l e s ”

In presenting you with the Parish Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2009-2010, I am pleased to report that we ended the year on a positive note. For the first time since 2007, we have finished the year with a small surplus. This was not an easy task.

In Fiscal Year 2008, we reported a deficit of $72,000. We knew that given our rising operating costs and the unsettled economy, we needed to reduce our spending. With the guidance of our capable Finance Advisory Committee, our Parish Treasurer, and the support of the Parish Staff, we made some tough management decisions and were able to trim our overall expenses. As a result, our performance improved in Fiscal Year 2009, but we still ran a deficit of $43,000. This year, however, we turned a corner and finished with a surplus of $88,000. A financial summary follows.

We also have seen a decline in Other Revenue over the past few years. As previously reported, this category is primarily comprised of interest income and donations earmarked for specific Parish activities, such as bereavement and retreat ministries. With interest rates dropping over the last few years, this revenue stream has seen a considerable decrease.

On the positive side, thanks to you, regular collections (Sunday, Annual, Christmas, Easter, and Spring) increased as a whole by 3.5% compared to 2009, bringing our total regular collections for 2010 to $1.82 million.(Refer to the accompanying chart for a complete breakdown of operating revenue.)

Page 2: ChurCh of St IgnatIuS LoyoLa · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution


With continued budgetary management and responsible fiscal decision making, we reduced our operating costs by 8% in Fiscal Year 2010. Total operating expenses in 2010 were $2.927 million, down from $3.196 million in 2009.

We were able to realize cost savings through reduced expenditures related to personnel, the physical plant, and various parish activities. Significant savings were also realized through the Music Department, which did an outstanding job at reducing costs without affecting the integrity of the program or the excellent level of service you have come to expect.

While this report only covers the operating budget of the Church, there were also capital expenditures for Church improvements, which amounted to $111,000. These improvements include the renovated confessionals in the Church and in the Lady Chapel, the new chandeliers hanging in the Narthex, and construction costs for a new photocopy room in the Parish House. These expenses were part of the Church Renovation Project, and were paid from funds collected through the Bicentennial Campaign specifically earmarked for improvement to the physical plant. Projects in the Church that remain to be completed include restoration/repainting of the mural above the apse and improve-ments to the 84th Street side entrance. These projects are scheduled for summer 2011.

Be assured that the Finance Advisory Committee, the Parish Treasurer, and I will continue to monitor our spending very carefully.

I am well aware that transparency and accountability to the Parish community are essential to good stewardship, and I remain committed to keeping you well informed.

In closing, I want to thank you all for your generosity and continued commitment of time, talent, and treasure. It is only through your willingness to give of yourself, in response to Jesus’ call, that we remain such a strong Community of Disciples.

Rev. George M. Witt, S.J.Pastor

Please note: Important ministries of our Parish are also represented by the Grammar School and Day Nursery. Their annual operating budgets, respectively, are approximately $4.7 million and $2.3 million. While we are not including information on these budgets in this report, I assure you of the overall financial health and good management of both institutions. We are blessed to have strong leadership provided by Mary Larkin, Principal of the Grammar School, and Theodora Crist, Executive Director of the Day Nursery.

Members of the 2009-2010 Finance Advisory Committee Rev. George M. Witt, S.J., Pastor John O’ Brien, Chair and Parish Trustee Marissa Blackett, Day Nursery* William J. Burke, Grammar School* Fernando Castro, Parish Treasurer Gary Goodenough, Investments* Jean Junker, Parish Trustee Mary Rutherfurd, Development* * Sub-Committee Chair


Page 3: ChurCh of St IgnatIuS LoyoLa · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution

Fiscal Year Fiscal Year2009 2010

Parishioner ContributionsSunday Collections 1,006,001 1,013,972Annual Collection 386,942 419,704Christmas Collection 114,084 115,716Easter Collection 96,947 84,938Spring Collection 155,866 187,045

Other Gifts & Collections 200,387 126,670

Jesuit Priests’ Contribution 71,485 -


Sacramental OfferingsBaptisms 46,485 44,835Weddings 93,985 83,155Funerals 27,250 23,950


Parish ServicesRentals 168,372 190,206Music (Gifts & Concert Revenue) 529,864 494,324


InterParish Religious Education 202,823 198,500

Other Revenue 53,296 33,131

TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 3,153,787 3,016,146




Page 4: ChurCh of St IgnatIuS LoyoLa · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution

Fiscal Year Fiscal Year2009 2010

PersonnelSalaries 957,918 943,598Benefits 333,551 339,015Other Personnel Costs 100,753 38,832

TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS 1,392,222 1,321,445

Administration 230,022 255,329

Physical Plant Expenses 325,517 316,823

Liturgical ExpensesCantors, Choirs, Instrumentalists 238,872 180,330Supplies 71,976 86,452


Parish ActivitiesConcerts 490,595 374,271Other Activities 94,573 82,714


Archdiocesan Assessments 148,589 114,167

InterParish Religious Education 204,484 195,855

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 3,196,850 2,927,386

TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 3,153,787 3,016,146

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 3,196,850 2,927,386

OPERATING SURPLUS (43,063) 88,760





Page 5: ChurCh of St IgnatIuS LoyoLa · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution

THIS WEEKEND, OCTOBER 16th – 17th Handcraft Sale – Handcrafting Justice will be “open for business” at the conclusion of all Masses on October 16th and 17th! Representatives of this Fair Trade economic justice project of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd will be selling handcrafts made by women in 20 countries throughout the developing

world. Your support makes a tremendous difference in their lives. Please join us in Wallace Hall to celebrate fair trade at this annual sale. Sponsored by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17thOrganizational Meeting for New Eucharistic Ministers. 3:00 PM. Parish House. See details on page 7.

Young Adult Sunday Social. 8:30 PM. Wallace Hall. Hosted by the Ignatian Young Adults (follows the 7:30 PM Mass). All are welcome.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19th Compassionate Care Training Program. 7:00 PM. Meeting Room. See details on page 6.

St. Ignatius Loyola Spiritual Community Reading Group. 7:15 PM. Conference Room. Please read the second

half of “Flannery: A Life of Flannery O’Connor” by Brad Gooch. New members are always welcome! For additional information, contact Jane Campbell at [email protected] or 212-536-7746.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20thIgnatian Social Justice Meeting. 7:00 PM. Meeting Room. All are welcome.THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21st

God’s Club. 3:00 – 5:00 PM. Parish House.A place for children 3-5 years of age and their parents or caregivers to enrich their faith through art, stories, and songs.

Scripture Reflections Group. 7:00 PM. Conference Room. Led by Fr. Robert O’Brien, S.J., of the St. Ignatius Jesuit Community. All are welcome.

Attention Eucharistic Ministers: Hard copies of the latest EM schedule are available at the Parish House Reception desk or in the Sacristy. Please pick up a copy at your earliest convenience. Thank you.


The commissioning of Parish Ministers will take

place at all Masses next weekend,

October 23rd and 24th

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Back by popular demand!The Hour Children truck will be outside St. Ignatius Loyola Church. Donate your unwanted household items (kitchenware, knick-knacks, books, electronics, small furniture) and clothing for women, men, children, and infants.

HOUR CHILDREN: A community of mothers and children where love makes the difference.

World Mission SundayOctober 24, 2010

Making a World of Difference

Office of the Archbishop 1011 First Avenue New York, NY 10022

October 10, 2010

Dear Friends in the Lord:

When we think of the Church’s missionaries, we inevitably think of some of the greats, like Saint Francis Xavier to China, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini to America, or Blessed Mother Teresa to India.

And yet, by our Catholic identity given in baptism, we are called to be missionaries. While most of us will never be in a position to travel the world spreading the Gospel message, we can serve as missionaries here at home by supporting, with our prayers and contributions, those who do so in the name of the Church Universal.

This year, World Mission Sunday will be celebrated on October 24, 2010, here in the archdiocese and throughout the nation to raise an awareness of the needs of our missionaries and to afford us an opportunity to make a charitable donation to the Society of the Propagation of the Faith as the institution of the Church that funds missions across the globe.

More than 1,500 young communities of faith, in the (arch)dioceses of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands will rely on our assistance this World Mission Sunday. On the weekend of October 23rd and 24th, please consider making a sacrificial gift so that the Archdiocese of New York continues its wonderful tradition of prayerful and generous support of our missionaries as they bring the Gospel to the millions throughout the world who do not yet know Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

With prayerful best wishes, I am,

Faithfully in Christ,

Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan Archbishop of New York


Many of our parishioners are now using Parish Pay to make

automatic online gifts to St. Ignatius. By choosing this option you will no longer need to receive monthly envelopes in the mail. In addition, you can contribute to our annual Parish collections, as well as Archdiocesan special appeals. For further information, or to enroll in the program, please visit our website at (click on About Us: Stewardship/Giving)

Page 6: ChurCh of St IgnatIuS LoyoLa · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution

TEENS & YOUNG ADULTSCalling All Teens:

Saturday Service: New York Cares Day October 23rd

We will meet at 8:30 AM in the Parish House and go as a group to our assignment: a school in Staten Island. We will return to the Parish House when we are done. Register by Thursday, October 21st by calling 212-288-3588 x610

or emailing: [email protected] Chaperones are needed. If you can assist, please call the number above.

IGNATIAN YOUNG ADULTSYoung Adult Sunday Socials Fall Schedule

Oct. 17, Nov. 14 & 28, Dec. 12The Sunday Socials are held in Wallace Hall at 8:30 PM,

following the 7:30 PM Mass. They are hosted by the Ignatian Young Adults. All are welcome.

To receive updates on IYA events and other opportunities, follow us on Facebook at

“Ignatian Young Adults (NYC)”


MUSICCelebrity Guest Organ Recital: DONG-ILL SHIN Wednesday, October 27th. 7:30 PM.Winner of the 20th Grand Prix de Chartres; Artist-in-Residence, First United Methodist Church of Hurst, Texas; Adjunct Professor, Texas Wesleyan University.

Works of J.S. Bach, Alain, Bolcom, Widor and Dupré.

Tickets are $20, or $15 for students and seniors, and are available in the Parish House, online at or by calling 212-288-2520.

Join Boomers & Beyond on Broadway to see LOMBARDI, the new play about Vince Lombardi,

“the greatest football coach of all time.”Sunday, November 7th at 3:00 PM Circle in the Square Theatre, 235 West 50th Street

Orchestra seats: $85 (Limited number of tickets) Send your check by October 25th to: Boomers & Beyond, c/o St. Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park Ave, NY, NY 10028

Tickets will be distributed by the theater’s ‘Will Call’ window before the performance.

For further information visit email [email protected] or call 646-241-1332. B&B offers like-minded, energetic, single men

and women (50+) social, educational, cultural, spiritual, and community service opportunities.


F R O M T H E A R C H D I O C E S E :

On October 5, 2010, Dr. Timothy J. McNiff, Superintendent of Schools, announced the publication of Pathways to Excellence, the first strategic plan for the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of New York. Bold and forward-focused, the plan seeks to ensure an academically excellent, fully-enrolled school system grounded in the Catholic faith, both now and for the future.

To download a copy of Pathways to Excellence, please visit

Catholicism and DemocracyA talk by William R. Cook, Ph.D.

Thursday, October 28th. 7:00 PM. Wallace Hall.Professor Cook will discuss the “dual citizenship” of Christians

as they journey on this earth toward heaven.• How do Christians participate in our imperfect earthly politics?• How do Catholics participate in elections when no candidates, even those who are Roman Catholic, appear to hold and apply Catholic values to all of the issues of the day?• What role do the Pope and our bishops have in guiding Catholics’ political views and choices?• Is there a Catholic voting bloc?William R. Cook, Ph.D., is the Distinguished Teaching Professor of History at the State University of New York at Geneseo where he has taught since 1970. He teaches courses in ancient and medieval history, the Renaissance and Reformation periods, and the Bible and Christian thought. Professor Cook is the author of five books and numerous articles and is internation-ally known as a speaker on a wide variety of topics. Among his many awards, in 2003 he received the first-ever CARA Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Medieval Studies from the Medieval Academy of America.


Calling All Volunteers: Shelter Information MeetingMonday, October 25th. 7:00 PM. Wallace Hall. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society will once again be sponsoring a women’s shelter every other weekend in

Wallace Hall from November through April. All volunteers are encouraged to attend this orientation. We also cordially invite those who are interested in becoming a shelter volunteer. To register, please call the Parish House at 212-288-3588.

Compassionate Care Training ProgramBeginning Tuesday, October 19th, 7:00 – 8:45 PMFour sessions to train Pastoral Ministers to the Sick and Ministers of the Eucharist to the homebound, to those in nursing homes, and to individuals in assisted living facilities.

To register, contact Sr. Kathryn King at the Parish House (212-288-3588) or [email protected]


Page 7: ChurCh of St IgnatIuS LoyoLa · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution

Announced Masses and Scripture Readings for the WeekMonday, October 18th (St. Luke)2 Timothy 4:10-17b Psalm 145 Luke 10:1-9 8:30 MEM Kelly Gillebaard 12:10 MEM The Waters Family 5:30 MEM Joseph BastinTuesday, October 19th(SS. John De Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, and comps.)Hebrews 11:1, 35b-38; 12:1-2 Psalm 107 Matthew 16:21, 24-28 8:30 ANN Jay Johnson 12:10 MEM Craig Nowlan 5:30 MEM Robert TroiloWednesday, October 20th(St. Paul of the Cross)Ephesians 3:2-12 Isaiah 12 Luke 12:39-48 8:30 MEM Carol Hennessy Porter 12:10 MEM Joseph Heimerl 5:30 MEM John Dennis Burke

Thursday, October 21st(29th Thursday in Ordinary Time)Ephesians 3:14-21 Psalm 33 Luke 12:49-53 8:30 MEM Leslie & Walter Kernan 12:10 MEM Owen Smyth 5:30 MEM Nathan Davidson

Friday, October 22nd(29th Friday in Ordinary Time)Ephesians 4:1-6 Psalm 24 Luke 12:54-59 8:30 MEM John P. Murphy 12:10 MEM Margaret Gallacher 5:30 MEM Susan Huntemann

Saturday, October 23rd(St. John of Capistrano)Ephesians 4:7-16 Psalm 122 Luke 13:1-9 8:30 MEM Margaret Molnar

Sunday, October 24th (30th Sunday in Ordinary Time)Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18 Psalm 342 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 Luke 18:9-14

LAY MINISTERS’ ENRICHMENT: Jesus’ Ministry and YoursPresented by Sr. Vivienne Joyce, SC

Spiritual director and supervisor of spiritual directors and Fr. Damian O’Connell, SJ

Coordinator of Fordham University’s Lincoln Center liturgies and spiritual directorSaturday, October 30th, 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Wallace Hall.

Registration is required by Monday, October 25th. Contact Fr. Ugo at [email protected]

or leave a message for him at 212-288-3588.For complete information, see the flyers in the Narthex or visit the

website: www.stignatiusloyola.orgAll lay ministers at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola are invited!

Organizational Meeting:For New Eucharistic Ministers

Sunday, October 17th – 3:00 PM. Parish House.Those who are interested in serving as an EM at

St. Ignatius Loyola are invited to attend this training session. To RSVP, contact Fr. Anthony SooHoo, S.J., at the Parish

House (212-288-3588) or [email protected]

We pray for the faithful departed Lillian Dolan May she rest in the peace of the Risen Lord


For more information about this process, which is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA),

contact Maureen Fullam at 212-288-3588 or email [email protected]

Interested in Becoming Catholic?


of Directed Prayer St. Ignatius Retreat House

Manhasset, Long Island Friday to Sunday,

November 12th - 14thThis is an opportunity to enter more deeply into a personal relationship with Christ. It is a weekend of silent prayer with an opportunity to meet with a spiritual director twice during the weekend. Morning and evening prayer, as well as an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, will be offered. The retreat begins on Friday evening with dinner at 6:30 PM, followed by evening prayer and an orientation of the weekend. It concludes with lunch on Sunday at 1:30 PM. Led by Fr. Ugo Nacciarone, SJ and Sr. Kathryn King, FSPCost: $280 (scholarships are available)

Space is limited. Priority will be given to parishioners of St. Ignatius Loyola Church.

For additional information, or to register, please contact Sr. Kathryn King at 212-288-3588

or [email protected]

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRYPrayer Shawl Ministry is a new outreach program to the sick by St. Ignatius Loyola Parish. The care and love of knitting and crocheting are combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches those in need of blessing and comfort. Prayer is knitted into every shawl. Completed shawls will be donated to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

Interested participants simply sign up, knit or crochet away, and bring the completed shawl to the Parish House.

To sign on as a participant, contact Sr. Kathryn King at the Parish House (212-288-3588)

or [email protected]


Page 8: ChurCh of St IgnatIuS LoyoLa · realities of a shrinking workforce and growing expenses for retired and infirm Jesuits, the Jesuit community was unable to make its customary contribution

ChurCh of St. IgnatIuS LoyoLa980 Park avenue at 84th Street • new York, new York 10028 • (212) 288-3588

Fax: (212) 734-3671

Autumn Day for Golden Agers at Mount St. Alphonsus. Thursday, October 21, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. This day for senior citizens includes presentations and time for solitude and sharing. The day will end with celebration of the Eucharist. Cost: $25, includes lunch. To register, call (845) 384-8000 or visit The Affordable Housing Crisis in NYC: Sources and Solutions. Wednesday, October 27, 6:30 PM. Park Avenue United Methodist Church (Park Avenue at 86th Street). Speaker: David Hanzel, DeputyDirector of the Association for Neighbor-hood and Housing Development.This is an opportunity to hear from one of the leading housing advocacy organizations as to the sources of our current affordable housing crisis and what can be done to solve it. Co-sponsored by the East Side Congregations for Housing Justice, East Side Housing Coalition, and Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing. For more information contact Fr. Mark Hallinan, S.J., at [email protected] Globalization and the Ecology of Caring: Untold Stories, Unsung Heroes. A forum moderated by William F. Baker, Journalist in Residence at Fordham and president emeritus of Channel 13/WNET. Presented by Fordham University, the Opus Prize Foundation, and the Center on Religion and Culture. Wednesday, November 10, 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Fordham University Lincoln Center Campus, Pope Auditorium, 113 West 60th Street. Free and open to the public. RSVP to 212-636-7347 or [email protected]

For more information, visit

Mercy Center Bronx is seeking volunteer ESL and computer teachers. Morning and afternoon schedules are available. Easily accessible by #2,5,6 subways and major highways. Call Mary Ellen Gianino at 718-993-2789, ext. 238. To learn more about the Center, visit the website

Music Information: (212) 288-2520 Email: [email protected]

Pastor Rev. George M. Witt, S.J.Pastoral Associates Joanne Cunneen Kathryn King, F.S.P.Associate Pastors Rev. William J. Bergen, S.J. Rev. James L. Dugan, S.J. Rev. Ugo R. Nacciarone, S.J. Rev. Anthony P. SooHoo, S.J.Assisting Priests (Sunday) Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. Rev. Stephen Katsouros, S.J. Rev. James Martin, S.J.Music Ministries Kent Tritle, Director Renée Anne Louprette Nancianne Parrella Robert Reuter Mary Huff Michael Sheetz Philip Anderson Erin Acheson, Administrator Staff information: on the website at music/music staffAssistant to the Pastor Diane M. BoyleAdministrative Assistant Patricia SchneiderDirector of Facilities Czeslaw “Chester” CiupinskiEvents Coordinator Emily HoltzTreasurer Fernando Castro


Weekday Masses Monday-Friday 8:30AM,12:10PMand5:30PM


Masses for Next Weekend:

SaturdayVigil:5:30PMFr.JudgeSunday:8:00AMFr.Dugan 9:30AMFr.SooHooSolemn11:00AMFr.WittWallaceHall11:00AMFr.Dugan 7:30PMFr.SooHoo

Religious Education for Children

Joanne Cunneen, M.A., M.S. Director(212) 861-4764

St. Ignatius Loyola Grammar School

Ms. Mary Larkin, M.S. Ed. Principal

48 East 84th StreetNew York, NY 10028

(212) 861-3820 Fax: (212) 879-8248

St. Ignatius Loyola Day Nursery

Ms. Theodora Crist, M.S. Executive Director240 East 84th Street

New York, NY 10028 (212) 734-6427 Fax: (212) 734-6972

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sundays at the 9:30 AM Mass and the 11:00 AM Mass in Wallace Hall. Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays and First Saturdays at 9:00 AM (Lady Chapel) (Will resume on Friday, October 29th)

Centering Prayer: Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 PMConfessions: 5:00 PM Saturday or by appointment. Communal Penance Services are celebrated during Advent and Lent.Baptisms: Please call Joanne Cunneen at the Parish House to arrange for a Baptism and the preparation given prior to Baptism.Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Contact Maureen Fullam, M.A., Director, at the Parish House.Marriages: The Bride or Groom should call Joanne Cunneen at the Parish House to begin preparation for Marriage, normally one year in advance.Visits to the Sick: Please contact the Parish House between 9:00 AM-9:00 PM.