clarity - ebook

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  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    Table of Content

    1. Welcome

    2. Are you up for clarity?

    3. Understanding Basicsa. Is ot!"no#ing in t$e #ay of Clarity?b. %e!constructing %efinitionsc. Understanding nature of mindd. Understanding t$e po#er of Attention

    &. %eto'ing yourselfa. Ta"ing a day!off from mindb. (et go of $abit of defining e)eryt$ingc. *esol)ing conflicts caused by *esistance

    +. Come bac" to #$ere you already area. T$in"ing )s (i)ingb. T$is, -ere and o#c. lan your future but don/t try to li)e it

    0. -o# to gain complete clarity?a. -o# to gain clarity in daily life?b. (i)e t$e uestion before see"ing ans#erc. I/ $a)e a problem?d. %isco)ering yourself 2 minute capsule

    e. -o# to use 4elf!enuiry effecti)ely

    5. Conclusion

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook



  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    Are you up for clarity?

    It $as been my obser)ation t$at most important t$ing to gain clarity is t$eintention and intensity. Wit$ many people it $appens t$at t$ey come to "no#about clarity from some sources and t$ey start desiring it same as t$ey #ould

    desire anyt$ing else. But since t$eir energy is di)ided in many desires6 t$ey arenot able to gi)e full energy to t$e attempt for clarity. And #it$out full intention andintensity you #ill not gain anyt$ing out of t$e process of clarity. And li"ee)eryt$ing else clarity also $as a cost to it.

    So lets check whats the cost of clarity?T$e only cost of clarity is letting go of confusion6 #$ic$ is caused mainly becauseof some beliefs6 opinions and 7udgments. T$e process of clarity #ould ma"esome c$anges $appen #it$in t$e see"er of clarity. If you e'pect t$at you cangain clarity #it$out c$anging anyt$ing inside you or in your life6 it is simply notpossible.

    Are we ready to pay the cost of clarity?If you come to "no# t$at your fa)orite belief is t$e root of your present confusion6#ould you let it go? I am not saying t$at you #ould need to lea)e all your beliefs.8ay be you #ould not need to do anyt$ing about anyt$ing. A belief stays #it$inonly because #e ta"e it as trut$. T$e moment you see a belief as belief it dropsby itself. But I am tal"ing about t$e attitude #it$ #$ic$ you go into t$e process ofclarity. W$en encountered6 first a belief mig$t seem somet$ing )ery preciousand you mig$t not prefer to let it go e)en at t$e cost of not $a)ing clarity. 4o gointo t$e process of clarity #it$ t$e attitude t$at #$ate)er t$e cost6 I #ant clarity.

    And if you don/t feel t$is attitude t$en its muc$ better to suffer in confusion. T$is

    suffering #ould prepare ground for yourself to go into clarity process totally.

    And #it$out intention t$ere is no intensity. 4o lets put our efforts in somet$ing#$ic$ #e really #ant.

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    Is Not-knowing in the way of Clarity?

    ot!"no#ing or better "no#n as ignorance is ne)er a $indrance6 rat$er it is anin)itation to true!"no#ing or clarity.

    So then whats in the way?9a"e "no#ledge is in t$e #ay of clarity. By fa"e "no#ledge I mean t$e"no#ledge #$ic$ #e don/t really $a)e but #e pretend to $a)e it for t$e sa"e ofot$ers. As far as ob7ecti)e "no#ledge is concerned6 t$is attitude does not $armmuc$. But #e not only use t$is so called "no#ledge #$ile tal"ing to ot$ers butalso #$ile resting in ourself or tal"ing to our lo)ed ones. :ut of long practice ofsuc$ attitude creates a sort of layer bet#een us and e)eryt$ing else. And #ecease to see nature of t$ings. T$is is called confusion.

    How confusion impacts our life and how our epectations go wrong?Because of confusion #e are not able to percei)e t$e nature of t$ings correctly.

    T$e #rong perception results in #rong 7udgment about people and situations. 4oeffecti)ely #e start e'pecting t$ings #$ic$ are not going to $appen. o# #e cansee $o# our life becomes full of sufferings.

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    !e-constructing !efinitions

    %efinitions play )ery significant role in #$at #e e'perience in our life. 4o it #ill be)ery useful to go little deeper in t$e structure and functioning of definitions.

    Why we need definitions in the first place?In a ci)ili;ed #orld #$ere most of us find ourself in6 #ords are t$e only medium ofcommunication. 4o #it$ mutual agreement #e $a)e standardi;ed meanings of#ords #it$ t$e $ope t$at #$en suc$ a #ord is said any listener #ill get to t$esame meaning. 4o basically definitions e'ist so t$at you can $a)e con)ersation#it$ ot$ers. And definitions are ser)ing t$eir purpose up to some e'tent6 at t$ele)el of ob7ecti)e reality. A s$oe $as same meaning for e)eryone #$o "no#s#$ats a s$oe. But #$et$er t$e s$oe is comfortable or not is relati)e and isdifferent for e)eryone. 4o t$e meaning of a comfortable s$oe/ #ould be differentfor e)eryone.

    Are definitions harmful in anyway?

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    Not-knowing is the way outIf possible simply discard all t$e definitions t$at are stored in t$e mind and stay int$e state of complete not!"no#ing. In suc$ state #$ate)er you touc$ ise'perienced fully6 #$ate)er you see is seen t$roug$. T$ere is not$ing #$ic$ can$ide from your eyes.

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    "nderstanding nature of mind

    What is #$y $ind?W$en someone says 8y 8ind/ is gi)ing me trouble I understand #$ats beenreferred to but it does not sound appropriate to me. As I see to it6 t$ere is not$ing

    called 8y 8ind/ as a separate entity. It is myself only using t$e po#ers of mind.But because of lac" of understanding about po#ers and mec$anism of mind6 #efeel t$ere is somet$ing called mind #$ic$ is creating trouble for us. :nce #e startunderstanding $o# mind functions6 it #ill become clear t$at mind is an ama;ingbut dead mec$anism in itself. T$e po#er and life t$at runs it6 is supplied by usonly6 "no#ingly or un"no#ingly.

    %ey triggers of mind8ind is a #onderful system in itself. It gets triggered mainly by our interest inanyt$ing. If I am interested in anyt$ing6 immediately mind starts functioning int$at direction.

    Anot$er trigger for mind is belief. If you belie)e in anyt$ing in mind6 t$en mindta"es it )ery seriously6 assuming its somet$ing )ery important for you. 4o it triesto protect a belief in e)ery possible #ay.

    $emoryIt #ould be appropriate to see memory as data storage system. It $as capacity tostore e)eryt$ing from images6 to sounds6 to )ideos and more. In s$ort it storesour e'periences. And li"e most parts of mind6 memory is also dead in itself. It isnot t$e memory t$at creates trouble but our continuous )isits to t$e memory t$at$olds us in past= And as a result of it #e are absent from t$e present moment.

    &ower of imaginationImagination $appens t$roug$ )isuali;ation po#er combined #it$ memory. Itmeans our imagination can not go beyond t$e limits of #$at #e $a)ee'perienced so far. Its a #onderful tool for #orldly acti)ities but an obstacle in t$e#ay of clarity.

    Cra'y mo(ement of thoughtsAfter understanding all t$ese different aspects of mind >as mentioned abo)e6one #onders #$ats t$e role of random t$oug$ts t$at "eep rotating in t$e $ead allt$e time? T$oug$ts are li"e offers of different products in a s$opping mall.

    T$oug$ts in t$e mind are offers for different e'periences. Because mind does not"no# #$at e'actly you are loo"ing for6 it "eeps all t$e options open and "eepss$o#ing you all t$e a)ailable options all t$e time.

    -a)e you not noticed t$at #$en you #$ole$eartedly decide to do somet$ing6 all"ind of mo)ements of mind stop and you feel no disturbances from mind. T$is$appens because no# you $a)e clearly indicated to mind #$at e'actly you #ant.

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    "nderstanding the power of Attention

    What is Attention?It is t$e underlying po#er t$at causes e'periencing.

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    +aking a day-off from mind

    no#ingly or un"no#ingly #e are continuously using our mind po#ers #it$outany brea"s. 'cept in deep sleep our mind "eeps #or"ing for us/. o# t$is is amatter of in)estigation #$et$er our mind is #or"ing for us or against us6 but its a

    different topic #$ic$ need to be discussed separately. But it remains a fact t$atour mind doesn/t ta"e any brea"s6 doesn/t ta"e any rest in bet#een6 #$ic$ob)iously is dri)ing our mind cra;y. :ur mind is not able to function efficientlybecause of t$e stress created by t$is continuous #or"ing.

    So what we can get out of this day-off from mind?! Body can function according to its o#n la#s because mind is not going tointerfere and body #ill feel re7u)enated! 8ind #ill get lot of rest from a day/s inacti)ity! It #ill reduce o)erall stress le)el! Body and mind #ill get c$ance to sync$roni;e #it$ eac$ ot$er


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    If you $a)e not done it last nig$t6 t$en turn off your mobile p$one6 computer andot$er suc$ de)ices no#6 #$ic$ connect you #it$ ot$ers.

    So whats net?

    T$ere is no ne't today. (et your day flo# as it flo#s. Today is a day of noplanning6 no sc$edule6 no deadlines6 no time crunc$. 4pend as muc$ time as youli"e in anyt$ing you are presently en7oying. Today c$oose random actions andacti)ities o)er planned ones.

    Some +ips*emember t$at you #ill not be 7udged by t$e end of t$is day. T$ere is no betteroption t$an #$at you are doing rig$t no# and t$ere is no better #ay of doing it.T$ere is not$ing t$at you are e'pecting out of t$e current acti)ity. T$e acti)ityitself is complete. n7oying #$at you are doing rig$t no# is t$e only outcome ofit.$ysical acti)ities #ill $elp a lot in rela'ing. T$ese acti)ities may include ta"ing

    long s$o#er6 laying in bat$ tub6 dancing6 spot 7ogging6 7umping6 doing cra;ymo)ements #it$ your body6 cleaning6 preparing food etc. @ardening is one of t$ebest stress busters so if possible spend time #it$ your lo)ely plants and flo#ers.

    W$ene)er you feel restlessness in your mind6 get in)ol)ed in some of yourfa)orite p$ysical acti)ity or get somet$ing nice to eat.

    Ta"ing a uic" nap can be a good idea. It #ill gi)e your body and mind bonusrest.

    -a)e a #onderful day D

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    ,et go of ha*it of defining e(erything

    T$e life is immediately a)ailable to be li)ed6 to be lo)ed and it is t$roug$ li)ingt$e life t$at #e "no# it. But it does not seem true for most of us. We all need todo lot of effort to get a small moment of li)ing life totally. T$e reason be$ind t$is

    is t$e $abit of defining life. Because #e are engaged in defining t$e e'periencet$at life $as presented to us6 #e are not a)ailable6 not present in t$e e'perienceand so #e are not able to $a)e a connection #it$ it. And you "no# #$at? t$ere isnot$ing more 7oyful t$en e'periencing t$e fres$ness of life eac$ moment.

    So why we try to define e(erything?T$e sole purpose of definitions is communication #it$ ot$ers. ormally if I $a)eto e'press somet$ing to someone6 it is possible t$roug$ some set of definitions#$ic$ are common for bot$ t$e spea"er and t$e listener. But out of long practice6#e $a)e completely forgotten t$at #e don/t need to e'press e)eryt$ing to ot$ers6so #e don/t need to define e)eryt$ing. And e)en if #e need to define it to ot$ers6

    #$at/s t$e point in interfering t$e li)e e'perience #$en it/s $appening. Any#ay#e can define it later because it/s stored in t$e memory. (et/s e'perience it no#

    Eust stay #it$ #$ate)er life $as presented you in t$is moment6 not trying to defineit6 not trying to understand it and see t$e magic. Wit$out any effort you enter intot$e real life6 e'periencing it directly6 no barriers bet#een you and life. -abit ofdefining is #$at is in t$e #ay6 so let go of it and be merged in life totally6 floatingin t$e ocean of life.

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    esol(ing conflicts caused *y esistance

    Whats esistance?*esistance basically is a psyc$ological di)ision in our mind #$ic$ does not #antto participate in a particular acti)ity. 4o #e are ne)er total in t$e acti)ity and so

    results of t$e acti)ity are ne)er satisfying. Its li"e dri)ing a car #it$ one foot onaccelerator and anot$er on t$e brea" pedal6 you #ill put lot of efforts6 lot of fuel#ill be burnt but t$e car #ill $ardly mo)e. *esistance mainly e'ists in mind due tolac" of clarity in t$at part of mind6 its a grey area of t$e mind #$ic$ $as not beenbroug$t into t$e lig$t.

    How to epose resistance?If you are feeling resistance inside yourself for t$e acti)ity you are presentlydoing t$en suspend t$e acti)ity for t$e time being and go to t$e place ofresistance inside yourself6 to t$at part of yourself #$ic$ doesn/t #ant toparticipate in t$e acti)ity. @o t$ere and c$ec" #$y it is so6 go to t$e )ery root of it

    and you #ill find t$e solution. Its li"e allo#ing your conflicting part to $a)e it/s say6listen to it carefully. it$er t$e resistance #ill be e'posed as not true or you #illagree to it and #ill stop t$e acti)ity you #ere doing.

    After doing t$is e'ercise6 if you don/t feel any resistance t$en start t$e acti)ityagain. If you feel you are still not total and you feel some resistance some#$ere6t$en again suspend t$e acti)ity6 locate t$e resistance and e'pose it.

    eep doing iterations of t$is e'ercise until all t$e resistance is e'posed. :nce allt$e resistance is e'posed6 eit$er you #ill do t$e acti)ity totally or you #ill drop isall toget$er6 and in bot$ t$e cases t$ere #ill be no inner conflict.

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    +hinking (s ,i(ing

    T$in"ing is not li)ing. T$ey are t#o different aspects of our life. And it is li)ing nott$in"ing t$at gi)es you 7oy6 fulfillment6 contentment in life. And a fine balance ofbot$ of t$ese aspects is reuired in life6 in order to be 7oyful6 full of life.8ost of us

    $a)e a feeling t$at somet$ing is lac"ing in life6 e)en if #e $a)e e)eryt$ing t$atonce #e t$oug$t #ould ma"e us $appy. It/s t$e life itself t$ats lac"ing. We aremissing t$e opportunity of li)ing life e)ery moment6 e)ery day and #e "no# itdeep do#n in our $eart. And it ma"es us sad6 discontent.

    So whats the way out?@et to "no# t$is clearly t$at t$in"ing is reuired for preparations of life and

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    +his. Here and Now

    @ate#ay to reality of life is t$roug$ t$is moment6 t$ere is no ot$er door to it. Ifyou #ant to come bac" to reality of life t$en you #ill need to find some #ay tosnea" into t$is present moment6 $ere and no#.

    How we are missing this moment?We are missing t$is moment by not being present in it fully. T$is is mainlybecause of our constant engagement in our mind6 eit$er in memory or inimaginations. And t$is is not accidental t$at most of us are continually engagedin our mind6 t$ere must be some significant reason be$ind it. T$e reason is t$at#e are ta"ing ourself to be someone e'isting in mind only6 so #e need toconstantly refer to t$e mind. T$is #ay mind is our #orld and #e rarely e'periencet$e reality of life6 #$ic$ is essentially outside of t$e mind. 8ind is capable ofstoring only image of t$e real e'perience6 it does not $a)e capacity ofe'periencing it. 4o normally #$at #e call our e'perience is going t$roug$ t$e

    image of t$e real e'perience in t$e mind6 #e are ne)er face to face #it$ life.

    *eal life is most dangerous place and most safe too. %angerous becausee)eryt$ing is c$anging constantly so you cannot $old on to anyt$ing= safebecause t$e one #$o is seeing e)eryt$ing c$anging is al#ays constant. T$isseer of e)eryt$ing6 your true self6 is t$e only constant t$ing in life. But because#e are not able to see t$e unc$anging seer in t$e constantly c$anging life6 #ebecome afraid of real life and afraid of any type of c$anges. T$is constant seer isal#ays present and can be disco)ered in t$e present moment.

    How to come *ack to this moment?

    :ne clue is t$at find out #$at is constant in you. T$is is common sense t$at toe'perience c$anges t$ere need to be someone constant #$o is not c$anging. 4oif you find #$at is in you t$at does not c$ange in any situation6 you #ill reac$ toyour true self.

    Anot$er clue is t$at find out #$o is t$e e'periencer of e)eryt$ing. T$roug$ t$ise'ercise your attention #ill mo)e from t$e e)er c$anging life to t$e ne)erc$anging seer of it. T$e e'periencer of life is one so it doesn/t matter #$ic$e'perience you c$oose6 you #ill essentially reac$ to t$e same e'periencer.

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    &lan your future *ut dont try to li(e it

    T$ere is no $arm planning for future as long as you don/t try to li)e it rig$t no#. Ifeel most of us start li)ing future dreams #$ile #e are planning for t$em.

    How does it affect our o(erall life?9irst of all you are missing t$e opportunity to li)e t$e e'perience t$at life $aspresented to you. (ater on t$ese unli)ed e'periences "eep $anging in t$e mind6#aiting to be completed6 to be li)ed. T$ey carry a certain discontentment6 #$ic$is added to our o)erall discontentment of life.

    o# lets $a)e a loo"6 $o# it affects our future. I feel most of us #ould agree t$at#e en7oy anyt$ing most6 #$en it is ne#6 fres$6 first time. By trying to li)e ourfuture in present moment6 #e are indirectly contaminating it6 ma"ing it familiarand destroying its ne#ness6 fres$ness. Un"no#ingly #e are creating an image oft$e e'perience t$at is e'pected from future. And #$en #e encounter t$e future

    #it$ t$is image in mind6 #e eit$er miss t$e e'perience because it matc$es youre'pectations6 so not$ing great about it= or #e feel disappointed #$en t$ee'perience does not matc$ our e'pectations.

    So what to do?

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    How to gain clarity in daily life?

    We #or" most efficiently #$en act out of clarity. Alt$oug$ #e seem to $a)eforgotten it due to fast life6 stress etc. (ets ta"e a loo" $o# to come bac" toclarity.

    Clarity can/t be ac$ie)ed o)ernig$t. We #ill need to put in some effort and $a)elittle patience. But if #e mo)e in rig$t direction6 #it$ little efforts #e can gain lot ofclarity.

    So whats the right direction?Usually #e $a)e t#o type of uestions to ans#er daily.1. W$at to do?2. -o# to do?

    In t$is e'ercise #e #ill put all our -o# to do/ uestions on autopilot. 8eaning #e

    #ill ans#er t$em in our $abitual #ay6 so #e don/t need to spend any e'tra energyon t$em.

    o# for our W$at to do/ tas"s #e #ill practice a little e'ercise. Before doing anysuc$ tas" as" yourself #$y i need to do t$is?/.

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    ,i(e the /uestion *efore seeking answer

    8ost of our uestions sound uestions of a c$ild #$o is constantly as"ingsomet$ing out of s$eer curiosity but before you ans#er $is uestion $e startsas"ing ne't uestion. -e is not really bot$ered about ans#ers6 $e $as a sort of

    restlessness #$ic$ is forcing $im to as" uestions.

    But remember t$at to get a long lasting ans#er you #ill need to first li)e t$euestion #ell. T$is li)ing of t$e uestion prepares t$e ground in #$ic$ a realans#er gro#s li"e a plant6 it ta"es time but it is stable.

    Anot$er #ay of loo"ing at it is t$at6 to pull a real ans#er from t$e uni)ersalans#er ban"6 you need a real uestion. A uestion t$at can sustain t$e 7ourneyfrom mind to $eart6 a uestion t$at can stand t$e $eat of t$e searc$ for ans#er.

    How to li(e the /uestion?

    Allo# t$e uestion to stay #it$ you in e)ery mood and in e)ery situation6 t$is #illtest t$e strengt$ of t$e uestion. If t$ere is somet$ing more important t$an t$euestion t$en t$e uestion #ill disappear after some time. But if its a realuestion t$at you #ant to "no# from your #$ole $eart6 it #ill sur)i)e t$econtinuous c$anges t$at life does to our moods6 desires6 feelings etc. andgradually t$e uestion #ill sin" into your $eart

    And if a uestion sur)i)es t$e test of li)ing it and it continues to li)e in your $eartt$en t$ere is not$ing t$at can stop you from getting an ans#er for it. Fery soon it#ill become a longing in t$e $eart6 a pure desire. And life al#ays ans#ersuestions of your $eart6 fulfills pure desires of your $eart.

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  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook


    !isco(ering yourself 0 1 minute capsule

    4elf!enuiry in itself is a complete process of disco)ering your true self but $ere#e are going to focus on mini )ersion of it.

    Some *enefits! T$e more you disco)er yourself6 t$e more you are.

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    How to use Self-en/uiry effecti(ely

    4elf!enuiry in most direct met$od of reali;ing true self. T$e focus al#aysremains only on one t$ing t$at is #$o am I/. T$ere are different )ariants of self!enuiry t$at are practiced.4ome of t$e )ersions of self!enuiry are

    ! As"ing yourself #$o am I?/! As"ing yourself #$at am I?/! As"ing yourself do I e'ist?/! 9inding t$e one #$o is suffering! 9inding t$e e'periencer! 9inding t$e recei)er of all e'periences

    If t$is met$od is not practiced correctly6 it may becomes a mental process andmay result in stress. -ere are some pointers to $elp using t$is met$odeffecti)ely. %on/t use all t$e pointers at a time6 c$oose correct ones based ont$e )ersion of self!enuiry you are practicing.

    !os 30

    Sensing yourself) not seeing yourselfIt is almost li"e using your po#er of sensingfeeling #$en you are in a dar" room#$ere t$ere is no #ay to see anyt$ing directly. 4o put your efforts in sensing orfeeling. If you try to see yourself in t$e con)entional #ay6 mind #ill di)ide itselfinto t#o parts6 one t$e seer and ot$er t$e seen. And it #ill create lot of stress.

    4ring your attention at the place) where you are seeing fromW$en #e start as"ing uestions about self6 mind starts gi)ing ans#ers in

    different forms6 li"e t$oug$ts6 feelings6 e'periences etc. And it can "eep youengaged for long time. To a)oid suc$ t$ings6 don/t focus on #$at you see butfocus on t$e place from #$ere t$e seeing is ta"ing place.

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    is a natural a#areness of t$e self t$at arises effortlessly once you are rela'ed int$e true self.

    !ont try to search yourself rather eplore yourselfT$e fact t$at you are interested in "no#ing yourself is enoug$ e)idence t$at you

    already are.

  • 8/12/2019 Clarity - eBook



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