clark county ohio job & family services


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2012 Annual Report of activities for Clark County Job and Family Services


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preparing you for a

brighter tomorrow

2012CoMMuniTy reporT

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2012 Board of Clark County Commissioners

Mr. John Detrick, President

Mr. David Hartley

Mr. Rick Lohnes

Mr. Nathan Kennedy, County Administrator

2012 Job & family Services planning Council

Mr. Ted McClenen, Chair

Mr. Charlie Bush, Vice Chair

Ms. Marilyn Demma

Ms. Pamela Greene

Rev. Eli Williams

Mr. Charles Patterson

Mr. Robert Suver

Ms. Marlo Fox

Ms. Wynette Carter-Smith

2012 Clark County Workplus Board

Mr. Dale Briggs, Chair

Mr. Jason Barlow

Ms. Mindi Bonifay

Mr. Charlie Bush

Ms. Joyce Chilton

Ms. Wendy Ford

Mr. Rodney Hickman

Mr. Scott Griffith

Mr. Steve Eisentrager

Mr. Rick Smith

Ms. Karen Rafinski

Ms. Hope Rice

Ms. Sheila Rice

Mr. Bill Robinson

Mr. Dale Smith

Mr. Virgil Wright


clark county

Director’s Letter

job & Family Services of Clark County continues to see the benefits of better economic conditions. For the first time

in my 40-year career, the total expenditures in 2012 were less than the previous year. This was reflected in all but two of the cost categories and amounted to $14,805,290. The largest drops were $10,615,818 in Medicaid and $2,451,848 in cash assistance to families. i believe this reflects the positive direction in which this community is moving.

The teaming of the WorkPlus and BenefitsPlus divisions was successful in significantly increasing the work participation rate of families on cash assistance, resulting in a decrease of families receiving cash assistance. WorkPlus and the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce hosted two successful job fairs with a good selection of job openings for higher-skilled positions as well as entry level positions.

Child Support Services continued to see improvement in collections. Current support collections were the highest ever. The trend that more people are meeting their obligations to their children continues with fewer cases of past due support.

The BenefitsPlus division provided greater customer and family-friendly service through lobby restructuring, group interview scheduling and a significant increase in live telephone response. There was a 19% increase in subsidized Child Care services as well as the implementation of the ohio Electronic Child Care System. This system tracks the attendance of the (on average) 1,100 children that are served with child care each month.

The Family & Children Services division continues to be a leader in providing quality and comprehensive services to Clark County’s families and children. They do this through community provider collaboration as well as bringing new program resources to the community. A contract was

signed with the Dave Thomas Foundation for a specialized Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter to recruit adoptive homes. Kinship services continue to expand to ensure child safety without the trauma. The independent Living unit collaborated with the WorkPlus Division for more intensive job readiness/career development services for our youth who are aging-out of foster care.

The agency’s administrative staff continue to support the program areas in meeting their human resource, fiscal, technology and maintenance needs.

The efforts of the staff and management of this agency along with our partners, WorkPlus Board, Family Services Planning Council and the support and oversight by the Clark County Commission and staff, have made it possible for Job & Family Services of Clark County to be successful in meeting the ongoing needs of our community.

Thank you!

Robert B. SuverDirector


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Preparing Our Foster Kids for a Brighter Futureindependent Living—a program of Family & Children Services—works with foster kids between the ages of 15-18 to prepare them to live independently. This year, independent Living collaborated with WorkPlus to start job readiness and career development classes.

The two-hour classes are offered twice per month by WorkPlus staff, and the feedback from the youth has been positive. So far, eight youth have taken part in the classes. An added benefit of the program is that each participant has access to the WorkPlus resource room, where they can work on their resume, cover letter, job applications, and research employment opportunities.

in addition, every participant receives one-on-one help developing a plan according to the results of their Kudor Journey Skills Assessment. The assessment identifies an individual’s interests, skill-set and personality to help determine a career path. Family & Children Services is happy to be working with WorkPlus to help our youth become self-sufficient in our community.



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benefitsPlus programs continued to be an integral part of the lives of residents living

at or below the poverty level in Clark County in 2012. These programs include: ohio

Works First cash assistance; disability financial assistance; food assistance; Medicaid;

Prevention, Retention and Contingency (PRC) emergency assistance; child care; and

RidesPlus transportation services.

The number of families receiving ohio Works First cash assistance decreased significantly in 2012, as BenefitsPlus helped families eliminate employment obstacles and increase their self-sufficiency. The number of individuals receiving food assistance and Medicaid benefits saw only slight increases from 2011.

Delivering quality customer service was a priority for BenefitsPlus in 2012. BenefitsPlus began a lobby renovation to create a more customer/family-friendly space for visitors. Scheduled group interviews were directed to another building on campus to relieve the overflow of customers in the main lobby at peak times of the day. And additional staff was added to handle all incoming telephone calls so that customer wait time was reduced.

Cross-county collaboration continued with Madison County Job & Family Services on benefit recovery/fraud investigations and overpayment completion. This partnership has proven to be very successful for both counties.

The Benefit Recovery/Fraud unit recovered over $383,000 in fraud collections from voluntary repayments and federal and state tax offset programs. The unit also worked with the county prosecutor’s office to indict two individuals for welfare fraud in 2012.

over 6,800 people benefited from RidesPlus transportation services through bus passes, gas card reimbursements and van service. The RidesPlus van service made over 31,000 trips in 2012 to transport eligible individuals and families to necessary medical and social services appointments or jobs.

in 2012, the ohio Electronic Child Care (ECC) system was also rolled out to report and track child care attendance. using the new system BenefitsPlus tracked attendance for an average of 1,100 children each month.

eCC roLL oUt Benefitsplus rolls out new electronic Child Care reporting System

Beginning January 2012, the ohio Electronic Child Care (ECC) system was rolled out statewide. ECC is an automated way to report and track child care attendance that improves accuracy for providers and Job & Family Services staff. Parents/caretakers must report their children’s attendance by using a swipe card with the provider’s card reading machine called a point of service (PoS) device when children enter and exit a provider’s home or center. using the new system BenefitsPlus tracked attendance for an average of 1,100 children each month.

To view the Caretaker online presentation, go to For more information call the ohio ECC Caretaker Helpline 1-888-796-4322.

We Bridge the Gap When Families and Individuals Need It Most

BenefitsPlus helps families eliminate obstacles to gaining and maintaining employment and supporting themselves.


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over 6,800 people benefited from RidesPlus transportation services through bus passes, gas card reimbursements and van service.

good to know

BenefitsPlus Helped A Single Mom Bridge the Gap

“Mark and Veronica are very thankful for the BenefitsPlus staff members, who helped them get medical coverage. Now Veronica says Mark can get the medical help he needs.”

How BenefitsPlus Helped Them Access Medical Coverage When It Mattered Most


BenefitsPlus helps families eliminate obstacles to gaining and maintaining employment and supporting themselves.


Mark and Veronica didn’t know anything about the programs that BenefitsPlus provides to eligible individuals and families in Clark County. But when Veronica lost her private health insurance benefits and Mark was diagnosed with a severe illness, they were suddenly confronted with mounting hospital bills and prescription drug bills that they could not pay.

That’s when they turned to BenefitsPlus for help with medical care for Mark. With the guidance of dedicated BenefitsPlus staff, Mark found out he was eligible for Medicaid benefits—which

helped them get their medical expenses under control. Mark is one of approximately 34,000 Clark County residents who qualify for and receive some form of health care coverage through Medicaid.

The couple is very thankful for the BenefitsPlus staff members, who explained the options and helped them get medical coverage. Now Veronica says Mark can get the medical help he needs without worrying about being turned away.

After five years at her job, Mackenzie was laid off when the company downsized. After a lengthy wait, she was finally eligible for unemployment benefits.

With limited income and no medical insurance for herself and two children, she applied for help through BenefitsPlus. She was determined eligible for Medicaid and food assistance benefits until she could find another job.

After several months, Mackenzie was offered a job with health insurance benefits. Her unemployment benefits quickly stopped, which left a gap in her income until her first paycheck. She was unable to keep up with her house payment and was in jeopardy of losing the home she worked so hard to purchase. Fortunately, BenefitsPlus was able to connect Mackenzie with the Prevention, Retention and Contingency (PRC) emergency assistance program. These benefits helped Mackenzie keep her home.

Today Mackenzie has a full-time job with medical benefits. She kept her home and no longer needs support from

BenefitsPlus. Mackenzie shared how BenefitsPlus helped her through a difficult season:

“As a single parent with no family, i was in fear of losing the home i had just started to rebuild with my children, and i was unsure where to turn for help. i feel truly blessed to have been touched by this agency and all the resources that helped me and my family during a difficult time. There is no way ‘thank you’ could ever be enough!”

Key Facts for 2012:

• 34,000peoplereceivedMedicaidhealthcarecoverage—about one-fourth of Clark County’s population

• AsofDec.2012,over26,000individualswerereceivingfoodassistance benefits

• 20%ofClarkCountyresidentshadincomebelowthepovertylevel in 2012

• 370familiesreceivedPrevention,RetentionandContingency(PRC) emergency assistance benefits

• Thenumberofchildrenreceivingsubsidizedchildcareservices increased 19%

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Caring for the Most Vulnerable in Our Community

t he primary goal for Family & Children Services (FCS) is to promote safety,

permanency, and wellbeing for all Clark County children and older adults. We work

to keep children with their families whenever possible, and when safety concerns

require placement, we strive to place children with kinship caregivers. When children

are placed in foster care, we work with children and parents—with formal oversight from

Clark County Juvenile Court—to either reunite children with their parents within 12–18

months or secure permanent custody to place children with adoptive families. FCS staff

work hard to provide quality and comprehensive services to Clark County children in

collaboration with a variety of community service providers.

in 2012, FCS screened for intake and investigation 565 reports of suspected cases of child abuse, neglect or dependency. FCS screened an additional 216 cases through Alternative Response, which is a family-engagement approach to child protective services. of all the child maltreatment reports received by FCS in 2012, 163 families continue to work with our units on an ongoing basis.

ongoing cases include families where we provide in-home services as well as foster care and adoptive families. FCS is a leader in ohio in providing comprehensive services to kinship caregivers—or, caregivers with whom the child has a significant relationship,

Get the latest updates from Family & Children Services by following us on social media. We share news about upcoming events, parenting resources, adoption/foster care information, and family fun ideas. Find us online and join the conversation.

Little Brayden tested positive for marijuana at

birth, had a cleft palate, speech delays, and

was diagnosed with microganthia (shortening

of the jaw) and Pierre Robin Syndrome.


care and was placed in four different foster

homes in just over a 6-month period of time

due to his high activity level and poor impulse

Fostering a Better Life for Brayden


Family & Children Services of Clark County promotes protection,

stability and permanency for children and older adults.


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i.e., a relative, teacher, coach or family friend. FCS currently provides services to 41 kinship families and also provides informal services to caregivers who need support or help getting connected with resources. Kinship services help ensure a child’s safety without the trauma of being removed from his or her family, friends and natural supports.

in 2012, FCS provided services to approximately 120 children in foster care, which is a decrease of over 200 children from four years ago. Additionally, we are working with 14 youth ages 18–22 who have emancipated and voluntarily sought our help with developing the skills necessary to live successfully on their own. We have 46 certified foster homes and have strategies in place to recruit foster homes specifically for teenaged youth. During 2012, FCS lost an additional 10–12 foster homes due to adoption and voluntary withdrawal. We have been ramping up our recruitment efforts to license more foster homes in Clark County. We recently held a focus group with foster and adoptive families in March 2013 to determine the best way to reach out to families in our community about foster care. FCS will continue to partner with community organizations, and we will be developing a recruitment campaign with short video vignettes to interest families in becoming foster parents.

FCS currently has 41 approved in-home child care providers in Clark County. During 2012, the state instituted an online reimbursement program for publicly funded child care providers. We continue to approve Type B publicly funded child care providers.

Twenty-three children were successfully adopted in 2012. of those 23 adoptions, nine were in sibling groups of two or three. Four teenagers were adopted; three of these teens had been in the permanent custody of FCS since 2007.In2012,twochildrenwhowereinthecareofFamily& Children Services were reunified with relatives, and one

child was reunified with biological mother. in an effort to continue finding permanent, stable homes for kids, FCS has contracted with the Dave Thomas Foundation to have a specialized Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter on staff. The recruiter will help identify and recruit more potential adoptive homes for Clark County kids. Family & Children Services has also added a new social worker to the adoption unit. She has made two adoptive placements and those children will be finalizing in the near future.

Through the independent Living program, FCS currently has 14 youth participating in services for emancipated youth. Some of these young people live in their own apartments, and some of these youth are still residing in foster homes until they graduate from high school. Approximately eight of these youth are participating in higher education or working full time. Clark County is partnering with several community stakeholders to form an independent Living Steering Committee that will develop seamless processes for accessing services in our community for youth ages 16–21.

control. There were also concerns that Brayden

was having attachment issues.

FCS made contact with another foster family

to find out if they could care for Brayden. This

family worked to transition Brayden into their

home by scheduling pre-placement visits.

over time and with much patience, the foster

parents now report that Brayden is much

calmer, attached to their family, and learning to

talk and communicate through sign language.

The family has become attached to Brayden too,

and they’ve applied to adopt him and give him a

permanent place to call home.

‘‘“We strive to ensure families have a voice and choice as to how services are delivered

and what goals they wish to achieve in order to keep their children safe and secure.”


Twenty-three children were successfully adopted in 2012.

good to know


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It’s Never Too Late to Find a FamilySome of the most special adoption stories are written when older children finally find permanent homes and families through adoption. in 2012, FCS was able to help many of these older youth find their forever families.

Thisisespeciallytrueforone17-year-old girl who had been in our care for more than five years. Just two weeks before her 18th birthday, her adoption was finalized, meaning she was able to find a permanent family to call her own before she reached emancipated status as an 18-year-old.

Two of her siblings were adopted by another couple, who had never really thought about adopting. The older couple had been planning for their retirement, but after spending countless days and hours working with these two foster youth, the couple knew that the kids were a part of their family, and they wanted to make it official. All five of the siblings have now been adopted by three different families. The siblings continue to maintain contact with each other by phone and e-mail, and in the summers they visit each other.

Alternative Response Works to Keep Kids Safe and HealthyWhen Family & Children Services receives a report of suspected child abuse or negligence, staff can either screen the case in a traditional manner or through a program called Alternative Response, which is a family-engagement approach to child protective services.

in 2012, Alternative Response was assigned 216 cases—40 of which are now ongoing Alternative Responsive cases. of these families, 183 took advantage of our agency’s stocked pantry of personal care items, cleaning supplies, diapers, bedding, safety gates, and other items that help make homes safe and healthy places for kids. By providing this service to families, FCS is able to help meet children’s needs and tries to ensure that they can stay safely with their families.

Aunt Offers Hope for One Special BabyWhen we received a report to look into the wellbeing of a 4-month-old baby, we soon found out that she was malnourished, underweight and developmentally delayed. The baby’smom—just17yearsold—wasvery detached from her baby and had little understanding about the basics of caring for a newborn. Both Mom and baby lived in a very chaotic environment, and the little girl was suffering from neglect.

in order to quickly place the baby in a safe environment, FCS contacted a non-relative babysitter to take care of her while FCS worked with the baby’s parents to develop a plan to reunite the family. unfortunately, the baby’s mom and dad didn’t follow through on the case plan.

Family & Children Services then worked to find a relative who could take the baby in. When we made contact with the baby’s aunt, she quickly agreed to take legal custody. The child has made great strides in her aunt’s home, has gained weight and is now on target developmentally. Her aunt is completely committed to the baby and will take care of her for as long as needed.


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“They were thrilled to know that they would never be separated from each other. On the

day of their adoption, their smiles were overwhelming to those around them.”


When Family & Children Services learns that a child cannot stay in their home due to abuse or negligence, the agency makes every effort to find a family member or friend who can care for the child—through a program called Kinship Care. That’s what happened when FCS became involved for a second time with a family due to concerns of domestic violence and drug and alcohol abuse.

The three children, ages 3-8, had developed a range of special needs—some severe. When FCS got involved, we became concerned about the parents’ abilities to meet their children’s needs. We had also received reports that the 8-year-old was providing much of the care for the younger siblings.

Family & Children Services contacted the children’s aunt, who took in the two younger children, and the oldest child was placed with Dad. All the children are doing exceptionally well now. Even though it’s been a challenge to get the children’s behavior under control, the

We Helped Steven Get Back On TrackWhen we met Steven in october 2012, he was sleeping on his front porch due to a bed bug infestation. For most of his life, Steven had lived with his mother, but after she entered the hospital and eventually a rehabilitation center, he was left without any family in the area.

Fortunately for Steven, long-time friends Larry and Frayda, stepped in to help. Frayda and Steven visited Family & Children Services, where we helped Steven apply for Medicaid. At that time, Frayda explained that she and her husband were paying for Steven to stay at a hotel a weekly basis. She also shared that Steven was in need of a

medical procedure, but Steven’s niece had cancelled the procedure and had not helped take care of the bed bug problem like she’d promised.

We were able to get Steven’s procedure rescheduled. While he recovered at Good Shepherd Village, Frayda worked with Leah Chaffee, a social worker at Good Shepherd, to locate housing for Steven. After he was discharged from Good Shepherd Village, we were able to help him move into his new apartment. Frayda helped Steven learn to do household tasks like laundry, changing the bed sheets and some cooking. He told us that he was so thankful for his new home. Larry, Frayda’s husband, owns a business and now allows Steven to sell items in his business in exchange for work that he

does in the store. Steven goes to work daily and utilizes the public bus system. Frayda told us that she was amazed at how many things Steven did not know how to do. She was excited to teach him new things. Through the help of good friends like Larry and Frayda, Good Shepherd Village and Family & Children Services, we were able to help Steven achieve a brighter outlook on life.

children are becoming stabilized and receiving good and appropriate care in their current homes.

We’ve also linked these children with many supportive services available through Family & Children Services. our social worker has worked hard to ensure that the children’s custodians received the specialized training required to meet the children’s needs. Both custodians are very bonded to the children and are willing to keep these children long-term if needed.

Kinship Care Offers Stable Homes For Kids

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Sister Act: An Adoption StoryAfter three sisters suffered the loss of their mom—and no dad able to care for them—Family & Children Services placed the girls (ages 14, 8 and 3) together with a foster family. Each of the girls has special needs, but in spite of these special challenges, their foster family couldn’t imagine life without them. They applied to adopt the sisters, and when the older girls understood what this would mean, they were thrilled to know that they would never be separated from each other. on the day of their adoption, their smiles were overwhelming to those around them.

Building Stronger Families By Fighting Substance AbuseFamily & Children Services and Clark County Juvenile Court provide services to families affected by substance abuse. in 2012, six new participants were accepted onto the Rehabilitation Docket. Five of those individuals are still successfully working towards their graduation.

Family & Children Services and Rocking Horse Center have also been successful in implementing the Baby Champs program for drug-exposed infants. in 2012, we helped 14 families build the skills to help address the heightened needs of infants who have been prenatally exposed to drugs. This includes soothing, feeding and bonding techniques.

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“It was amazing to see the change in the boys when their family decided to adopt them

together. Their faces lit up, and they knew that they would have a permanent home forever.”


over the past year, Adult Protective Services has been able to help numerous older adults in the community. one of these special individuals is Walter. He came to Adult Protective Services in the summer of 2012 with a bed bug infestation. He was also concerned that he was being exploited and was unsure whether his needs were being met due to his dementia.

When we first met with Walter, he was extremely distracted and upset because he’d misplaced his wallet,

Becoming BrothersAfter Family & Children Services placed two non-sibling young men (ages 14 and 8) in the same foster home, the foster family and boys quickly bonded.

Theolderboyhadbeenintheagency’scustodysince2007andhadbeenwaitingalongtime to find the family he needed. it was amazing to see the change in the boys when their family decided to adopt them together. Their faces lit up, and they knew that they would have a permanent home forever.

which contained all the money he needed for the month. Four days later, Walter was transported to the hospital by ambulance because he had been unable to administer his own medications for several days. After facilitating a discussion between Walter and his Power of Attorney, Bill, Walter moved to Good Shepherd Village, where he was able to receive regular meals and had guests visit regularly.

We kept in contact with Walter and soon learned that some people were trying to exploit him. Sometimes, he

A Better Life for Walterwould receive visitors who would ask him for money or try to make plans to take Walter out the day he received his check so he could get it cashed. it became apparent that Walter still was not safe. Family & Children Services and Leah Chaffee, a social worker for Good Shepherd Village, worked with attorney Roger Ward to file for emergency guardianship. Eventually, Walter’s longtime friend Bill was named Walter’s guardian. Walter is very happy with the new arrangement, and we are happy to see him healthy and safe.

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in 2012, Child Support Services of Clark County continued to see improvements and

success in collecting on child support orders. By working actively with parents in the

Review and Adjustment Process and by setting more realistic child support orders, the total


the end of the last federal fiscal year. Collections on current support were the highest ever in

2012, with over 62% of our cases meeting their current obligation.

Caseswithanarrearscollectionincreased1.27%overthepreviousfederalfiscalyear.Wecontinue to see fewer cases with past due support. While the drop is modest, it continues the trend that more and more people are meeting their obligation. The downward trend noted last year continued, and we ended the federal fiscal year with fewer cases owing past due support than the previous year.

After a surge in the number of cases needing support orders from 2005 through 2011, these numbers are also showing a decline. This is due in part to our dedicated staff members, who have helped implement some new policy changes on mandatory cases.

Putting Mom and Dad Back on the Same Team

Ensuring Clark County Children Get the Support They Need


Sara and Mike are the parents of two children, a 6-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son. Due to past trust issues, they could not agree on a shared parenting plan and were referred to Parents As Partners through the court.

They both agreed that they needed to work together to be able to parent their children. Mike, who is now in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse, had been very controlling of Sara. As a result, the

young couple had little trust in each other —making it hard to co-parent.

Through the program, they have set healthy boundaries to help reestablish trust. Parents As Partners helped the couple learn how to communicate with each other and resolve conflict by talking calmly. They both admit that past anger issues have caused many behavior problems in their children and that they need to be adults and work together to parent them.

Child Support Services

of Clark County works

with individuals and

families to ensure

children are supported.

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Collections on current support were the highest ever in 2012, with over 62% of our cases meeting their current obligation.

good to know

“Through Parents As Partners, Susan learned how her family background had been impacting her relationships and discovered how to develop more emotionally healthy patterns.”

Parents As Partners Helped Susan Set a New Course For Her Family



After learning about Child Support Services’ Parents As Partners program through the Help Me Grow Agency, Susan called to enroll. A mother of two sons ages 5 and 3, Susan suddenly found herself as the sole provider after her boys’ dad, Bob, left home.

While Bob chose not to participate in the program, Susan enrolled in the program as a single parent. She learned how her family background had been impacting her relationships and discovered how to develop more emotionally healthy patterns.

She realized that in order to take the best care of her boys, Bob needed to pay child support, and he agreed. Now Susan is receiving child support and no longer needs cash assistance from BenefitsPlus.

As Bob has seen Susan make changes in her life and set healthy boundaries, their relationship has improved. He has more respect for her and is taking more responsibility as a father.

Together, Bob and Susan and their boys attended a fatherhood celebration picnic last summer, and Bob continues to work and pay his child support weekly.

Child Support Services Wins Support for a Clark County FamilyMany times, a parent who owes child support payments will try to evade their responsibility and avoid payments. owed payments can be especially hard to track down when the parent lives in another state. However, Child Support Services continues to work hard to make sure parents live up to their child support responsibilities.

For example, last year Child Support Services became aware of a parent who had been avoiding making significant payments for a long period of time. Even though the youngest child had just graduated, Child Support Services continued to try to track down the owed payments. After thorough research, the agency found out that the owing parent’s retirement account had significant funds saved up. After a lengthy process, involving past employers and another state’s agency help, Child Support Services obtained $61,433 in past-due child support payments for the family.

New Child Support Enforcement Programs Make Progress for FamiliesThe federal government established a new program to help enforce child support payments called the Passport Denial Program. under this program, individuals owing payments over $2,500 cannot receive passports—except under very specific circumstances—unless they pay off their child support debt. Since passports are now required for many destinations, more and more parents are realizing that they are unable to leave the country without first taking care of their child support obligations.

The program worked for one Clark County family. Child Support Services had been trying for years to track down a man who owed child support. Since he had no traceable employment, Child Support Services hadn’t been able to obtain the past-due payments for his family. However, when he wanted to get his passport for leisure travel, he quickly discovered he would first have to reconcile his child support debt. He voluntarily came toChildSupportServicesandpaidofftheentire$9,831.07payment to his family.

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The WorkPlus one-Stop Center administers programs and funding under the Workforce


Board. The WorkPlus one-Stop Center works hand-in-hand with partner agencies, educators,

businesses and community stakeholders by assisting:

• Employerswithrecruitingandhiringqualityworkers

• Individualsbyprovidingaccesstoin-demandoccupations,trainingandeducation

• Youthwitheducation,occupationaltrainingandemploymentopportunities

The annual report for 2012 demonstrates that the role of the local one-Stop is increasingly important, and we are pleased to highlight the results of our partnerships, collaboration and successes made this year.

Workshops and Resource Room ActivityThe resource room is the “front door” for employment opportunities. Seventeen partners offer a variety of services, which includes career exploration, job search assistance, job readiness workshops, basic computer skills workshops, access to labor market information and education/training assistance. in 2012 one-Stop delivery of services showed:

• 10,166unduplicatedjobseekersutilizedtheOne-Stopself-servicesystem

• 28,628serviceswereaccessed

• 87%wereunemployed

• 731attendedresumeworkshops

• 680wereassessedusingtheTABE(TestAdultBasicLiteracy)assessmenttool

• 1,321attendedtheConnectOhioprogram,basiccomputerskillsfundedby Department of Commerce and administered by Clark State Community College

• 9,031individualsutilizedopencomputerlab

Finding More Ways Than Ever to Connect Clark County Job Seekers with Rewarding Employment


We help people find

and keep the right jobs

and employers find and

keep the right people.

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Employer ServicesWorkPlus assists employers in finding and retaining a high-quality workforce through the following services:

• Developingjobdescriptions

• Postingvacanciesatnocost

• Offeringassistanceinon-siterecruitmentand sponsored job fairs

• Pre-screeningandassessingapplicants

• Helpingdeterminepayrangesusingthecounty’s Wage and Benefit Survey

• Connectingpeoplewithlocal,stateandfederal resources, including access to hiring incentives

In2012,76employersplacedacombinedtotalof668jobswith WorkPlus, which resulted in 535 new hires. The one-Stop placement rate for 2012 was 80%.

On-the-Job Training FundsClark County employers took advantage of the on-the-Job-Training (oJT) program offered through WorkPlus. Local allocations along with state/federal grants were used to help employers fill open positions and offset the training wages for 44 new hires.

Special thanks to participating employers:

AirTrim, Arc Staffing, Assurant, Carmichael, Flashions, LTD, HSG/Code Blue, imperial Express, infusions Fine Dining, JMS Composites, Morgal Machine, ohio Stamping and Rose City Manufacturing

Rapid Response (Outplacement Services)in program year 2012 (July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012), Clark County received six notices for business closure or layoffs. As part of the Rapid Response program, representatives from various partner organizations facilitated a total of nine rapid response informational sessions for displaced workers. A total of 334 individuals were displaced through store/plant closings or through indefinite layoffs. outplacement services included offering resume workshops, orientation for education and short-term training, on-the-job training incentives and transitional worker workshops.

Ohio Works First (OWF) Moved to Workforce Development

in July 2011, the Workforce Development Division worked with BenefitsPlus, (known as income Maintenance) in an effort to increase the work participation rate. Eligibility case managers in the BenefitsPlus division reviewed applications and determined eligibility. Those who met the program requirements were referred to the workforce development division. There, individuals were

assessed by job developers and were referred to a two-week job readiness program.

in January 2012, we formed a troubleshooting team dedicated to increasing the work participation rate. in order to accomplish this goal, five eligibility specialists from BenfitsPlus were selected to join the special “ops” team and were transferred to Workforce Development. The division also gained a supervisor and team lead to assist with training, strategic planning and oversight management of the oWF program.

Training and tweaking the program over the next six months was not an easy task, however, the unit’s team members never lost sight of their goal, which was to exceed the state’s participation rate requirements. in June, the unit followed the state’s lead and implemented “Pay for Performance” initiative. This meant all oWF applicants would be required to participate in a job readiness program for two weeks prior to being approved for benefits. The oWF cases were reduced from 634 cases in January 2012 to 213 cases in December 2012.

“Patricia commented that the staff at WorkPlus go far beyond the call of duty to accommodate her and that her job gives her a reason to keep going.”








20%Jan Feb Mar


Jun Jul AugSep Oct Nov

All Family Comparison











0%Jan Feb Mar


Jun Jul AugSep Oct Nov

Two Parent ComparisonClark CountyStatewide

Clark CountyStatewide

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In2012,76employersplacedacombined total of 668 jobs with WorkPlus, which resulted in 535 new hires.

good to know


Job Fairs Hosted by the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce and WorkPlus of Clark Countyin 2012, WorkPlus and the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commercehostedtwohiringevents.InMay,over750jobseekers attended the annual countywide job fair. Thirty-eight employers in manufacturing, healthcare, customer service, and insurance participated in the annual event. “High-skilled positions—such as iT specialists, management, engineers, welders and CNC machinists—dominated the job fair, as opposed to entry-level positions,” said Lehan Peters, Deputy Director of WorkPlus.

The Chamber and WorkPlus also hosted an october hiring event at the New Carlisle Sports and Fitness Center. This was the first time an event hosted by the Chamber and WorkPlus was held outside of Springfield. The goal was to broaden the participating employers’ recruitment effort by drawing job seekers from Dayton, Huber Heights, New Carlisle and surrounding areas. Though attendance at the event was low, Scott Griffith, president of the region’s Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken franchises and leader of the new Western Clark County Business Coalition, said, “i’m disappointed but not discouraged. There are a lot of jobs that need to be filled, so even if one employer got one person to interview, it was worth it.”

WorkPlus Helped Patricia Get Back To WorkPatricia Fultz was unemployed for some time before turning to Clark County Commissioner, John Detrick, in frustration. Patricia’s position with the federal government was eliminated and prior to visiting WorkPlus, she had sought assistance from other agencies with no success. Commissioner Detrick referred Patricia to WorkPlus, where she began working with Barbara Carpenter, a WorkPlus recruitment specialist, who helped her with job search and networking.

Patricia’s search for employment was not without challenge, as she is permanently blind. Her skillsets matched the requirements of several companies who were hiring, however, the one company that interested Patricia was the Red Roof inn Contact Center in Springfield.

Barbara introduced Patricia to Linda Gillis, hiring manager for Red Roof inn. Linda agreed to interview Patricia, which resulted in a job offer. Red Roof inn made accommodations to Patricia’s workstation by installing “Jaws” and “Zoom Text,” specialized computer programs. They also made room for her seeing-eye dog, Sadie, who sits next to her workstation. Patricia’s supervisor said that she wants to clone Patricia and is fortunate to have her on their team.

Patricia commented that that the staff at WorkPlus go far beyond the call of duty to accommodate her and that her job gives her a reason to keep going. Her new job is one of the most rewarding positions she’s ever had, especially since she has the opportunity to be with people throughout the day. After she was offered the job, Patricia left a voicemail for Commissioner Detrick to share the good news while crying through tears of joy — likely a voicemail that will be saved for a long time.


Pictured from left to right: Eric Bassell, Patricia Fultz and Sadie, Linda Gillis

Page 17: Clark County Ohio Job & Family Services

Another Summer Sky Yields Fun for the Whole Family

in August 2012, Family & Children Services hosted the fourth annual Summer Sky event – now a favorite among Clark County families. Hundreds of local children and their families enjoyed activities at the free outdoor festival at the Heritage Center in downtown Springfield.

The event was sponsored by Family & Children Services in partnership with a number of community organizations. Event

attractions included:

• COSIScienceCenterMobileScienceStations• Puppetshowsandfacepainting• ColumbusZooMobiletravelingexoticanimals• Bugman’scollectionofbugs• GlenHelenRaptorsoftheSky• SuperGames’giantinflatablemoonwalks• BoonshoftMuseumofDiscoveryanimals• Craftsandcarnivalgames• ProjectJerichoBucketBandperformances

Parents As Partners (PAP) sponsored a special Cornhole Toss booth at this year’s Summer Sky. PAP is a relationship education program, which is available to participants at no cost through Child Support Services, a division of Job & Family Services of Clark County. PAP staff were also available at the event to chat about the program and answer questions.

“our purpose with this event is to give a positive family experience for people in the community,” said Pam Meermans, deputy director of Family and Children Services. “We work with a lot of families who are stressed. So this is a way of providing a fun family activity for the community.”

Community Partners of Summer Sky included: The Heritage Center, Center City Association, Clark County Public Library, Clark State Performing Arts Center & Project Jericho, Wal-Mart, Springfield News-Sun and Security National Bank.

Kids lined up to try out the Springfield firefighters’ water hose at Summer Sky.

Pictured left to right: Tracy Perks and Jen Young. Family & Children Services staff volunteered at the event and shared information about adoption and foster care opportunities in Clark County.

Summer Sky featured crafts, games, music, inflatable moonwalks, face painting, juggling and puppet show entertainment and carnival games. Several science and animal exhibits were set up throughout the event, featuring The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, COSI Science Center, the Bugman and Glen Helen Raptor Center’s “Hunters of the Sky.”




Making Life Better For Kids.

Page 18: Clark County Ohio Job & Family Services

1345 Lagonda Ave. Springfield, OH 45503

P.O. Box 967A Springfield, OH 45501-1037

T 937.327.1700 |

Job & Family Services of Clark County is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Administration and Operations $3,793,312 1.2%Case Management (all divisions) $10,286,774 3.2%Contracted Services $3,609,335 1.1%Disability Assistance Program $383,508 0.1%Food Assistance Program $46,482,600 14.4%Juvenile Court Placement Agreement $579,100 0.2%Medicaid Benefits $241,864,448 74.7%Cash Assistance to Families $4,635,050 1.4%One-time Emergency Assistance to Families $227,234 0.1%Out-of-Home Placement Costs $3,877,446 1.2%Subsidized Child Care Benefits to Families $4,503,391 1.4%Workforce Development $1,867,531 0.6%RidesPlus Transportation Assistance $1,146,174 0.4%

ToTaL $323,255,903 100.0%

Vital Statistics

Children under our protection

who remain in their own homes

Dec 2009 .................................744

Dec 2010 .................................799

Dec 2011 .................................633

Dec 2012 .................................462

Children under our protection

who are in our custody

Dec 2009 .................................154

Dec 2010 .................................121

Dec 2011 .................................123

Dec 2012 .................................119

Children receiving subsidy for child care

Dec 2009 ..............................1,589

Dec 2010 ..............................1,064

Dec 2011 .................................937

Dec 2012 ..............................1,114

Families receiving ongoing cash


Dec 2009 ..............................1,005

Dec 2010 ..............................1,086

Dec 2011 .................................749

Dec 2012 .................................251

Individuals receiving health

coverage through Medicaid

Dec 2009 ............................30,195

Dec 2010 ............................32,057

Dec 2011 ............................32,581

Dec 2012 ............................33,981

Individuals receiving food assistance

Dec 2009 ............................23,365

Dec 2010 ............................26,353

Dec 2011 ............................27,283

Dec 2012 ............................26,588

Individuals receiving job training


Dec 2009 .................................715

Dec 2010 .................................498

Dec 2011 .................................209

Dec 2012 .................................216

Individuals paying on child

support orders

Dec 2009 ..............................7,823

Dec 2010 ..............................8,167

Dec 2011 ..............................8,139

Dec 2012 ..............................8,263

2012 Expenditures for Selected Services Job & Family Services of Clark County

Milestone Employee Recognition

30 years Joyce Phillips

25 yearsApril Clark • John Decker • Arlene Elliott • Julia Gravenkemper • Faith McDonald • Martha Risley • Kimberly Smith • Thomas Trout

20 years Jamie Fricke • Judith Lanter • Dolly Lemmons • Raymond Messer • Patricia Wagner • Tammy Williamson

15 years Denise Bell • Tara Callicoat • Tara Cosby • Constance Flannery • Phyllis Henderson • Michael Howard • Robin Maynard • Brooke Parker • Lana Stewart

10 years Angela Adkins • Marci Amato • Kelly Beller • Sandra Curtis • Kristen Gerard • Lori Haddix • Josephine Hill • Nichol Smith • Bryan Watkins • Dawn Whitt

5 years Theresa Arnold • Jennifer Bowser • Shirley Bradford • Dillon Charney • Rebecca Howard • Linda Jones • Ashley Kell • April Lewis • Jennifer Light • Courtney McKinnon • Holly Moffitt • Veronica Moore • Amanda Pace • Twylla Simpson

2012 Summary of Revenue Sources

Federal 77.4%

State 19.6%

Local Children Services Levy 2.1%

Local Government Funding 0.2%

Miscellaneous & Third Party 0.7%

ToTaL 100.0%

Annual Report

onLineRead more success stories in our full annual report