clark strawbridge


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Post on 29-Jan-2018



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$f$ng€ I rcacnbcr and thlnga I sae told by nother. Granalfather alrdgrandnothcr on''tc ovcr in a sal11ag vcsgcl fron Dcvonshlrc r'"rgr sn6. It scanrtherc wcro qattc & aompan$ as thc Pbl.ppcatg( RLehard and Wll-ltan) were amongthcn al"eo a Ur. Eolsey wbosc soa bGoarIG a sclrstot. fhelr ehlp got 1n anlos burg6 aad thc aen hail to man the ltunps for pert of thc waY ovclfo tbcy wcr.six weckE crossing. It nugt bave becn ln th9 latc tbtrtlcs or fortXce. AS ltvcno f,ecoral of the Year. Father ras borE in kingston lE 1845' Hc rac thc ortlestof threc abilatTcn bo:m ln C anaila. ml. ncf, settLero scttleal fron KiBgEt@( tAca tbc aaln nllttcry fort ln Ontario) up the shore of the Rey of Qulntcto Adolpbustom. Grandfathor rag a gtonc Baaon anal bu1lt nany large stonobousee anal bf,lalgcs fro Ktagstoa to Otttra anel over la ?rlaee Eilra'ril C oustyln $orth ilar;'sbrnrgh. I how one etxll standt.g i{ vauFcos Jult olt the htllebovc St. Jcb!.ts.Il. Horccy bcoanc a govcrnacnt cnplotrrer and hc Eal'cl heoou.Lal 5er grandfat&orc tork aLl thc raSr fron Klagetoa to Ottawa. fhc PhlPPenna ha,it bcerrlLtrt farnr -[onee at eoowagl='uad- waX bctweon Klngston and Ailol-phusto*a. I lc.Ecabcr shen wc Uvca tetreen@ rad gelj1g

to vigLt $r. Hardy thc nil3Lgter at Adal.phust€rn. graaalfathcr tsokEe anar I pLaycd on thc big front eteps of the parsonagc r I wasnt t nore t&anfour ycEg okl thcmr eratxdlfathcr aact grandnother aael unolo fllLlLar rho dled.t tibG agc of trenty- threc sre buricil ln tbe oenctry west of tbc ohurcb'tbeir plot snal gravc atoBca Just tn froat of the getca and up of the bolby tbc blg ncw cburoh n€s. 6ranilfathcr oftcn took uc by the hand when hG

tosk nc for a walk and f rernenbet when he dled"Iathcbottotsdrawcrl.aybiacl.].kbrogd-clothPltaocAlbcrtsuitsntt

hl"c ellk pIEg bet that ncn worc thoco daye on ve4r 8pco1e1 occasgiong' Ec

3a6' slrr foot two 1n h:ie eook fect and hatl a kiadl.y fi:r.e dlspoeltioa. I|vcbecntolttbysonetbatlmowhl.urc].l.Asmothcrtoldnegrendnothcrcouldrelk uailcr hl.e a:m. Fathcr wae shorti thatrs shcrc th c Ehobcss es&c ln thc

faliltr.|BbcothcrgldoofthofanJ,ly(rnothcrre)wcrea]-lte].lflncbtd1tEcB.(thcsgrel}'c)shcyaltgcttledonAmheretlg].$1.1g;ndalIt,henanrcnttoChloagot$&[email protected][ol.aCaltpoftJrcIgland.rtrcrcwcf,oRlc}rarttand&corgclnChloaSoarr.lscnlTlrcntEouthitlthcstates.fherevlagAuntCarollnowhoEa'rrxedJobgRrliitaa.tAlultl"ll"zabetJrrhonarrlcelgnE'lg:tlEhDaachsclcyCoopcr.HGalgowcnttoOhaeago.flboBcl.clfan.rlya]-lwcntthere"JebnnystlllllvcrthereaadtrfenrlrlnFcwfork.FrorwhatxenrxrarriloratoltlneerantrJrwasarrAsh

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F--- --i--_ -.-. .c-. '-

Ashilorm aad granrtfathcr &grr1l allcil io gGraocr th'nt that we arc the onry stra*brletgos ta ganad.e bnt thcro arnc nqlrla thc lhLtctr stetrsr Rov. Bobcrt strarb,rr.ttgc who workec! w:i-th crob!, yoarcy brrclrnet brougbt sathodisro to tbe hi,tod stetog aad thorc ir r.a r?sox'l'aL ehurob oallcd r|ho strewbr{ttge &tenori.aL cburehr. Tbcac aac thlagethat r heve becl tolit aail havc scen. r nr*t havc beca gp. taqutstttvr ohl1iaad pcetcrcdt 4r eothc:r a 1ote




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