class 2 ap1 muscles

Class Two Muscles of the Forearm

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Page 1: Class 2 Ap1 Muscles

Class TwoMuscles of the Forearm

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SupraspinatusP: Supraspinous Fossa of the scapula

D: Greater tubercle of the humerus

1. Abducts the arm at the shoulder joint

Part of the rotator cuff muscle group

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InfraspinatusP: Infraspinous fossa of the scapula

D: Greater tubercle of the humerus

1. Laterally rotates the arm at the shoulder joint

Part of the rotaor cuff muscle group

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Teres minorP: Superior lateral border of the scapula

D: Greater tubercle of the humerus

1. Laterally rotates the arm at the shoulder joint

Part of the rotator cuff muscle group

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SubscapularisP: Subscapular fossa of the scapula

D: Lesser tubercle of the humerus

1. Medially rotates the arm at the shoulder joint

Part of the rotator cuff muscle group

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Teres MajorP: Inferior lateral border of the scapula

D: Medial lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus

1. Medially rotates the arm at the shoulder joint

2. Adducts the arm at the shoulder joint

3. Extends the arm at the shoulder joint

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DeltoidP: Lateral clavicle, acromion process, and the spine of the scapula

D: Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus

1. Abducts the arm at the shoulder joint (entire muscle)

2. Flexes the arm at the shoulder joint (anterior deltoid)

3. Extends the arm at the shoulder joint (posterior deltoid)

4. Medially rotates the arm at the shoulder joint (anterior deltoid)

5. Laterally rotates the arm at the shoulder joint (posterior deltoid)

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CoracobrachialisP: Coracoid process of the scapula

D: Medial shaft of the humerus

1. Flexes the arm at the shoulder joint

2. Adducts the arm at the shoulder joint

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Biceps BrachiiP: Long head: Supraglenoid

tubercle of the scapula

Short head: Coracoid process of the scapula

D: Radial tuberosity

1. Flexes the forearm at the elbow joint (entire muscle)

2. Supinates the forearm at the radioulnar joints (entire muscle)

3. Flexes the arm at the shoulder joint (entire muscle)

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BrachialisP: Distal ½ of the anterior shaft of the humerus

D: Ulnar tuberosity

1. Flexes the forearm at the elbow joint

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Triceps BrachiiP: Long head: Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

Lateral head: Posterior shaft of the humerus

Medial head: Posterior shaft of the humerus

D: Olecranon process of the ulna

1. Extends the forearm at the elbow joint

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Pronator Teres MuscleP: Humeral head: Medial

epicondyle of the humerus via common flexor tendon

Unlnar head: Coronoid process of ulna

D: Laterla radius

1. Pronates the forearm at the radioulnar joint

2. Flexes the forearm at the elbow joint

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Flexor Carpi RadialisP: Medial epicondyle of the


D: Radial hand on the anterior side

1. Flexes the hand at the wrist joint

2. Radially deviates (abducts) the hand at the wrist joint

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Flexor Carpi Radialis

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Palmaris LongusP: Medial epicondyle of the humerus

D: Palm of hand

1. Flexes the hand at the wrist joint

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Palmaris Longus

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Palmaris Longus Inserts to the palm of the hand

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Flexor Carpi UlnarisP: Medial epicondyle of the


D: Ulnar hand on the anterior side

1. Flexes the hand at the wrist joint

2. Ulnar deviates (adducts) the hand at the wrist joint

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Flexor Carpi Ulnaris: Medial epicondyle of the Humerus via the Common Flexor Tendon and the Ulna

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BrachioradialisP: Lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus

D: Styloid process of the radius

1. Flexes the forearm at the elbow joint

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Vineyard, Rome, Italy

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Flexor Digitorum Superficialis1. Flexes fingers 2-5 at the

metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints

2. Flexes the hand at the wrist

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Pronator QuadratusP: Anterior distal ulna

D: Anterior distal radius

1. Pronates the forearm at the radioulnar joints

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Flexor digitorum profundus1. Flexes fingers 2-5 at the

metacarpophalangeal and proximal and distal interphalangeal joints

2. Flexes the hand at the wrist

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Sicily, Italy

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Extensor Carpi Radialis LongusP: Lateral supracondylar ridge of

the humerus

D: Radial hand on the posterior side

1. Extends the hand at the wrist joint

2. Radially deviates (abducts) the hand at the wrist joint

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Extensor Digitorum1. Extends fingers 2-5 at the

metacarpophalangeal and proximal and distal interphalangeal joints

2. Extends the hand at the wrist joint

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Extensor Carpi Radialis BrevisP: Lateral epicondyle of the


D: Radial hand on the posterior side

1. Extends the hand at the wrist joint

2. Radially deviates (abducts) the hand at the wrist joint

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Extensor Digiti Minimi1. Extends the Little Finger at the

Metacarpophalangeal and Proximal and Distal Interphalangeal Joints

2. Extends the hand at the wrist joint

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Extensor Carpi UlnarisP: Lateral epicondyle of the

humerus and the ulna

D: Ulnar hand on the posterior side

1. Extends the hand at the wrist joint

2. Ulnar deviates (adducts) the hand at the wrist joint

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SupinatorP: Lateral epicondyle of the

humerus and proximal ulna

D: Proximal radius

1. Supinates the forearm at the radioulnar joints

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The Thenar Group:

• Abductor Pollicis Brevis

• Flexor Pollicis Brevis

• Opponens Pollicis

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Thenar Muscle Group

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The Hypothenar GroupThe Hypothenar GroupAbductor Digiti Minimi ManusFlexor Digiti Minimi ManusOpponens Digiti Minimi

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Hypothenar Muscle Group

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The Central Compartment The Central Compartment GroupGroupAdductor PollicisLumbricals ManusPalmar InterosseiDorsal Interossei Manus

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A Superficial Fascial A Superficial Fascial MuscleMusclePalmaris Brevis

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Venice, ItalyVenice, Italy

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Have the client seatedPartially flex forearm and have the forearm half

way between pronation and supination.Place palpating hand on the proximal anterior

medial forearmHave the client further flex or pronate the forearm

and feel for contraction of the pronator teresThe proximal attachment is the medial epicondyle

of the humerus and the distal attachment is the lateral radius underneath the brachioradialis

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Client seatedPlace palpating hand across anterior wristHave client actively flex and radially deviate

the hand at the wrist joint and feel for the distal tendon on the radial side just lateral to the palmaris longus

Palpate proximally toward the medial epicondyle

It is difficult to palpate the proximal tendon because it blends with the common flexor tendon of the elbow

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Have client seatedPlace palpating hand on anterior wristAsk the client to cup the hand (bring thenar

and hypothenar eminence together)Ask client to flex the hand at the wrist joint

against resistance with the fingers fully extended; feel for the distal tendon of the palmaris longus in the center of the wrist.

Palpate proximally to the common flexor tendon of the elbow

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Have client seatedPlace palpating hand across anterior wristHave client actively flex and ulnar deviate the

hand at the wrist joint and feel for the distal tendon on the medial side of the anterior wrist.

Palpate proximally toward the medial epicondyle and the common flexor tendon of the elbow.

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Have client seated with forearm flexed at the elbow 90 degrees, and in a position halfway between pronation and supination.

Place palpating hand on lateral forearm.Resist client from further flexing the forearm

and feel for contraction of the brachioradialis.Palpate distally to the styloid process of the

radius and proximally to the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus.

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Have client seated (This is a difficult muscle to palpate).

Place palpating hand distally on the lateral anterior forearm.

Find the radial pulse and then palpate on either side of it to locate the pronator quadratus.

Resist the client from actively pronating the forearm at the radioulnar joints and feel for contraction of the muscle.

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Have client seated Place palpating hand posterior to

brachioradialisAsk client to make a fist in a slightly extended

position and feel for contraction of the muscle.

Continue palpating proximally toward the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus.

Continue palpating distally to the 2nd metacarpal

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Client seatedPinch the radial group of forearm muscles with your

thumb on one side and your fingers on the other and slightly pull them away from forearm.

The fingers on the posterior aspect of the radial group are on the extensor carpi radialis brevis

Have client actively extend and/or radially deviate the hand at the wrist to feel for contraction of the muscle.

The distal tendon can be palpated by having the client make a fist with the wrist slightly extended. Attaches to 3rd metacarpal.

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Have client seatedPlace palpating hand directly posterior to the

shaft of the ulna and feel for the belly of the extensor carpi ulnaris.

Continue palpating proximally toward the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and distally toward the 5th metacarpal.

Have the client extend and ulnar deviate the wrist to further bring out this muscle.

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Have the client seated with the forearm passively flexed, pronated, and resting on the lap

Pinch the radial group of the forearm muscles with your thumb on one side and your fingers on the other side.

Palpate deeper against the radius between the radial group of the forearm and the extensor digitorum to locate the radial attachment of the supinator

Have client slowly supinate the forearm and feel for contraction of the supinator

Palpate proximally toward the lateral epicondyle and ulnar attachment.