classes, objects, and methods. overview n what are classes, objects, and methods? n using objects...

Classes, Objects, and Methods

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Page 1: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Classes, Objects, and Methods

Page 2: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information


What are classes, objects, and methods?

Using objects and methods Declaring classes and methods Information hiding and encapsulation Objects and references Review

Page 3: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

What are classes, objects, and methods

Page 4: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

What are objects and classes?

Objects can represent any particular object in the real world. Books, houses, automobiles, people, foods, etc. Sometimes called “instantiations” or “instances”.

A class is a definition of a kind of object, like you could have a Book class that you define what kinds of objects books will be. It is like a blueprint.

Page 5: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

What makes objects different from variables?

Objects, like variables, have places to store data.

Objects, unlike variables, have methods or actions that can be performed on those objects. We will see examples later.

Page 6: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Class example: Book

Data:– name of book:– author:– is it checked out:– who its checked out by:

Methods:– checkOut:– checkIn:

Page 7: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Objects(instantiations) of Book:

name: The Hobbittauthor: J.R.R. Tolkienis It Checked Out: Yeschecked Out By: Fred Stevens

name: Dark Optimismauthor: Alex Steinis It Checked Out: Yeschecked Out By: Eric Davis

name: War and Peaceauthor: Leo Tolstoyis It Checked Out: Nochecked Out By: null

Object name: book1

Object name: ericsFav

Object name: boringBook

Like variable names.Identifies the particularobject.

Like the value or datastored inside of a variable.

Page 8: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Class definition of Automobile

Data– amount of fuel:– speed:– license plate:

Methods(actions):– increaseSpeed:– stop:

Page 9: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Instantiations(objects) of Automobile:

fuel: 10 gallonsspeed: 15 mphlicense: 1XV54

fuel: 2 gallonsspeed: 0 mphlicense: 142FG

fuel: 12 gallonsspeed: 45 mphlicense: RVG224

fuel: 5 gallonsspeed: 65 mphlicense: SMOOD

Object name: car1

Object name: forSaleObject name: ericsCar

Object name: car2

Page 10: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

What are methods?

Methods are the actions that we call on the object to do (invoke).

We tell a book to check itself out(by scanning it).

We ask an automobile to accelerate(by pushing the gas).

Page 11: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Method examples



Ask ericsCar to accelerate. Only applies tothis one object. None of the other cars accelerate.

Object Method

Page 12: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Using objects and methods

Page 13: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Using objects and methods

We have already been using objects and methods(possibly without realizing it).

String is a class. .equals() is a method SavitchIn is a class. All of the

readLine(), readLineInt(), readLineNonwhiteChar(), etc. are methods.

Page 14: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Declaring objects

We declare objects of a class the same way that we declare variables of a type(we initialize them differently, though):

<ClassName> <variableName>;

String userInput;Book book1, book2, boringBook;Automobile ericsCar, suesCar;

Page 15: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Initializing objects

Just as we would initialize variables to some default value(such as 0, or whatever), we also want to be able to initialize objects to a default value.

Since objects can have lots of different types in them, we can’t just set the object to a simple data value (such as 0). Instead we use the new operator.

Page 16: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Initializing objects

<objectName> = new <ClassName>();


<ClassName> <objectName> = new <ClassName>();

userInput = new String(); //empty stringbook1 = new Book(); //default bookAutomobile newCar = new Automobile();Automobile usedCar = new Automobile();

Page 17: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Calling methods of an object Once we have an object initialized to

something, we can start calling methods on that particular object(often called “invoking”). Usually need an object to call a method of the class:<objectName>.<methodName>(<parameters>);

string1.equals(string2);book1.checkIn();ericsCar.stop(); Sometimes the methods need

some extra information. This infois taken in through the use of “parameters.”

Calling object

Page 18: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

What about SavitchIn? We never declare objects there and we use methods... Some classes have special methods

(called static methods) that allow you to use the methods without requiring you to have an object.

SavitchIn has static methods, as well as the Math class. So we can use the methods in these classes without declaring Math objects or SavitchIn objects.

Page 19: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Declaring classes and methods

Page 20: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Creating classes Every class that is usable by another

program is called a “public” class. We can have only one public class per file,

and the class name must match the filename(just like we have always been doing).

As long as we keep the classes in the same directory, we should not have any problems with using other classes.

Page 21: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Declaring classes- general form

public class <ClassName>{

<instance variable declarations>;...

<method declarations and definitions>;}

Like author or title in the Book class, or speedor gallons in the Automobile class.

Like checkIn or checkOut in Book, or accelerateor stop in Automobile.

Page 22: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

A first class- The Book example.

The code in the following Book class (along with the BookTest class) can be found at

Page 23: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Book example instance variable declaration. public class Book{

public String author;public String name;public boolean isCheckedOut;public String checkedOutByWho;...

<method declarations and definitions>;}

Means that others outsideof the class have access to read/write to this variable.We’ll change this soon.

Variables usually aren’t initializedhere. They are usually initialized ina method or outside the class

Page 24: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Class methods, declaration/definition Declaration of methods is giving the

header of the method, that is telling whether the method is public, what it accepts as arguments or parameters, and what it returns. (interface)

Definition of methods is the actual code that does the work for the method. (implementation)

Page 25: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Book example, methods

...public void checkOut(){

System.out.print("Enter the name of the person” +“ that wants to check " +bookName + " out:");checkedOutBy = SavitchIn.readLine();isCheckedOut = true;


Usable by anyone

Doesn’t return anything, just does something.

Whole line is the methoddeclaration. (interface)

This whole section(often called the “body”) is the definition of the method, the code that actually does stuff.(implementation)

Page 26: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Book examples, methods...public void checkOut(){

System.out.print("Enter the name of the person” +“ that wants to check " +bookName + " out:");checkedOutBy = SavitchIn.readLine();isCheckedOut = true;


Imagine that this method was called using book1 as the calling object(book1.checkOut()). Then the variables in this method would bebook1’s version of the variables. So the variables in this method wouldbe the same as ...

book1.checkedOutBy = SavitchIn.readLine();book1.isCheckedOut = true;


Page 27: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

The this parameter. As we saw in the last slide, the instance variables

used in a method refer to the particular calling object’s variables (thus isCheckedOut referred to book1.isCheckedOut).

Sometimes we write this.isCheckedOut to explicitly refer to the calling object (in this case it means the computer replaces the word “this” with “book1.”)

Not used horribly often, but sometimes necessary.

Page 28: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Methods that take + return values

Unlike our Book example, not all methods take no information(no parameters) or return no information(void methods).

Methods that require information be passed to them have a parameter list.

Methods that return information have non-void types.

Page 29: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Methods that take+return values:Triangle Example.

...public void setBase(double baseIn){

if(baseIn > 0)base = baseIn;


System.out.println("Incorrect “ + base size. Must be positive.");



Parameter list requiresthat a double be passedto this method when itis called.

Returns nothing

Page 30: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Methods the take+return values:Triangle Example continues

...public double getHeight(){

return height;}...

By the time this method finishesit will return a double value.

Method takes no parameters

Gives the value height to whoever calledthis method.

Page 31: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

More on return statements You must always return the same type as is

mentioned in the method declaration. If it says it is going to return a double, return a double variable.

You may need to cast variables to return them.

return (double)integer1; If you are in a void method, you can still use return

to exit the method, just don’t have any value that is returned.


Page 32: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

More on parameters

The above method declaration states that the method requires an int and a double to be passed to it, when called, in that order.

int int1 = 1;

double double1 =2.0; someObject.someMethod(int1,double1);

The types of the variables need to match, but the names do not!

In fact, the variable names are “local” to the method(they are not meaningful outside the method).

public void someMethod(int x, double y)

Page 33: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Local variables.

All declared variables are “local” to the block in which they were declared. This means that they can not be used outside of that block. In Java, we also have the restriction that two variables can not have the same name inside a single method, whether they are in the same block or not.

You can use the same variable name in two different methods, and each variable is completely unrelated to the other.

Page 34: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Local variable examples...//variable i not initialized yet.for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){

System.out.println(i);}System.out.println(i); //won’t work....if(true){

int k = 10;}System.out.println(k); //won’t work...

Page 35: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Local variables and parameters

When we use the above method by calling it someObject.someMethod(4, 5.0);

the computer takes the arguments that we pass in (the 4, and the 5.0) and it replaces the formal arguments (x, y) with the numbers wherever they occur in the method.

public void someMethod(int x, double y)

Page 36: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Local variable examples... //in class SomeClasspublic void method1(int x){ double y = 0.0; System.out.println(y + “ , “ + x);}

public void method2(int x){ double y = 10.0; System.out.println(y + “, “ + x);}...//in another file using SomeClassSomeClass x, y;x.method1(1);x.method2(1);y.method1(5);y.method2(5);

Page 37: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Local variable examples... //in class SomeClasspublic void method1(int x){ double y = 0.0; System.out.println(y + “ , “ + x);}

public void method2(int x){ double y = 10.0; System.out.println(y + “, “ + x);}...//in another file using SomeClassSomeClass x, y;x.method1(1);x.method2(1);y.method1(5);y.method2(5);

0.0, 110.0, 10.0, 510.0, 5

Page 38: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Parameter/argument rules

You must specify the type before each formal parameter, even if they are all the same typepublic void someMethod(int x, int y, int z);

When calling the method, you must specify the same number of arguments, as the same types, in the same order as is listed in the method declaration. someObject.someMethod(1,2); //won’t work

someObject.someMethod(1, ’c’, 3); //won’t work

someObject.someMethod(1,2,3); //will work.

Page 39: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Declaring classes review

Can we have more than one public class per file? How do we declare instance variables for a

class? How do we declare methods for a class? If a method asks for 5 integers when it is

invoked(5 integer parameters), do we have to supply all 5 when calling it?

Can we access variables declared inside of a loop when we are outside the loop?

Page 40: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Information Hiding and Encapsulation

Page 41: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Information Hiding

Information hiding, sometimes called “abstraction”, is the idea of hiding the details of the implementation (or how something is done) from the user, only giving them the what the method accomplishes.

Information hiding is good. If you write a class with good information hiding,

you can completely change the implementation without the user noticing a thing on their end.

Page 42: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Examples of information hiding

You can drive a car without knowing anything about internal combustion engines, transmissions, or anti-lock brakes.

You can read a watch without knowing about gear ratios, crystals, etc.

Someone could rip out the guts of these objects and replace them with another implementation(a bigger engine, an atomic clock) and you likely would not know the difference.

Page 43: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Our goals as information hiders

Create classes and methods that people can use without knowing the details of our code.

Have classes and methods such that we can later change the implementation to something completely different without the user ever knowing.

Page 44: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Methods of information hiding

Good comments! Private instance variables. Mutator and accessor methods.

Page 45: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Commenting Comment before each class and before each

method in the class. For methods:

– Preconditions: What conditions must be satisfied before using this method. If the conditions are not satisfied, there is not guarantee that the method will work correctly.

– Postconditions: What actions the method performs on the data. What is returned.

If your commenting is good, you can use javadoc on your code to produce documentation.

Page 46: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

public vs. private modifiers Up till now, we have used public modifiers for

everything(methods, instance variables, classes). This means anyone can access them.

To follow good information hiding techniques, we should always have only private instance variables (NO public instance variables).

The private modifier makes it so only members of the class can access the private data(or methods). This means other objects of the same class can access private data.

Page 47: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

How to get at private data.

If all of the data in the class is private, how can a user get access to the data? Through our methods.

If the user will need to be able to read the data(or you don’t mind them reading it at least), then you can include an accessor method (a get method) for the data.

If the user needs to write to the data, then you can include a mutator method (a set method).

Page 48: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

A BetterBookpublic class BetterBook{

private String authorName;private String bookName;

.../************************************** * Get author name *************************************/ public String getAuthorName() {

return authorName; } /******************************************* * set author name *****************************************/ public void setAuthorName(String newAuthorName) {

authorName = newAuthorName; }


Page 49: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

A BetterBook example

...book2.setAuthorName("Alex Stein");//the hard way.book2.setBookName("Dark Optimism");...

Page 50: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information


Encapsulation is a form of information hiding. The idea is to split the class definition into two

parts: user interface and the implementation. We have already been talking about good ways

to do encapsulation. Though you need the implementation to run a

program that uses a class, you should not need to know anything about the implementation to write code that uses the class.

Page 51: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Encapsulation review- ways to have good encapsulation Good Comments! Before each class and

method. Private instance variables (and any helper

functions the user doesn’t need, but you like). Mutator and accessor methods(if necessary).

Page 52: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Did I do encapsulation well?

Does the user require knowledge of your implementation to use your class?

Can you make a program using your class, change the implementation of the class, and still have your other program run correctly? If so, then you have created good encapsulation/information hiding for your class.

Page 53: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Review- Encapsulation and Information Hiding What is information hiding? What keyword do we use to hide our

information? How do we allow others access to our hidden

information? What kinds of instance variables should we

never have anymore? What should we have at the beginning of every

class and method?

Page 54: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Objects and References- The nitty gritty of Objects.

Page 55: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Objects- what are they really?

When we declare an object in our program, the variable name that we use for it doesn’t really refer to the whole object, it only refers to the memory address that contains the information in our object.

Thus assignment(=) and equality(==) statements between objects are looking at only the memory addresses of the objects, not the actual data inside the object.

Page 56: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Objects and primitive storage

int i = 0;BetterBook book1 =

new BetterBook();

i 0

book1 2054

BetterBook book2 =new BetterBook();

book2 1036




Page 57: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Objects and primitive storage

int i = 0;BetterBook book1 =

new BetterBook();

i 0

book1 2054

BetterBook book2 =new BetterBook();





book2 1036




Page 58: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Objects and primitive storage

int i = 0;BetterBook book1 =

new BetterBook();

i 0

book1 1036

BetterBook book2 =new BetterBook();






book2 1036




Garbage. Not accessible.

Page 59: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Moral of the story:

Don’t use = or == when using classes. It won’t work like you expect.

So we need ways of assigning the value of one object to another and of comparing two objects.

We do these operations by defining an equals() method in every class and by defining a clone() method.

Page 60: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Defining an equals()

For class SomeClass we would define an equals as follows:

public boolean equals(SomeClass otherObject){

//compares all the data to see if it // is true.


Page 61: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Triangle examplepublic boolean equals(Triangle otherTri){

if((this.base == otherTri.base) && (this.height == otherTri.height)) return true;else

return false;}

…Triangle tri1 = new Triangle(),

tri1 = new Triangle();tri1.setBase(1); tri2.setBase(1);tri1.setHeight(2); tri2.setHeight(3);if(tri1.equals(tri2))

System.out.println(“They are equal”);else

System.out.println(“They are different”);



Page 62: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

The difference between Class parameters and primitive parameters. Primitive values are passed “by value”

so you are not allowed to make any changes to the parameter value that will last outside the method.

Class parameters are passed “by reference” so you can make changes to the data in the object and it will still be changed after the method is over.

Page 63: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Triangle example.

public void makeEqual(Triangle otherTri){

otherTri.base = this.base;otherTri.height = height;


public void tryMakeEqual(int inbase, int inheight){

inbase = this.base;inheight = this.height;



tri1.tryMakeEqual(tri2.getBase(), tri2.getheight());tri1.makeEqual(tri2);

Does nothing to tri2

Sets tri2 equal to tri1;

Page 64: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Class details review

What does the object name really store in memory?

How do we compare two objects? What is the difference between Class

parameters and primitive parameters?

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Page 66: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Review questions to ask yourself

What are classes? What are objects? What are methods?

How are classes and objects related? How many public classes can I have in

a file? What keyword do we use to initialize a

new object of some class?

Page 67: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Review questions to ask yourself

What are instance variables? What keyword should I put before all of

my instance variables? What is the difference between public

and private? Why do we want to encapsulate or hide

our information?

Page 68: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Review questions to ask yourself

What are parameters and arguments? What keyword do you use if your method is

not going to return any data? What keyword do you use if your method is

going to return data? What does the “this” keyword refer to? How many arguments need to be passed to

the following method? What types are they?public void someMethod(int x, double y, char x);

Page 69: Classes, Objects, and Methods. Overview n What are classes, objects, and methods? n Using objects and methods n Declaring classes and methods n Information

Review questions to ask yourself

What do we call the methods that let us get at private data (2 of them)?

What should we have at the beginning of every class and method?

What does an object name actually store in memory?