classification of organisms 6.12 d. how are living organisms classified? we classify living...


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Page 1: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following


6.12 D

Page 2: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following

HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED?We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following characteristics:

If they are…

• Unicellular or Multicellular

• Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic

• Autotrophic or Heterotrophic

• Mode of Reproduction:

Sexual or Asexual

Page 3: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following


Organisms made of only ONE cell.Ex: Bacteria, Archaea, Protista, Amoeba

Hint: the word UNI=One

Page 4: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following

MULTICELLULAROrganisms that are made of MORE than one cell.

Ex: Animals, Plants and Fungi

Hint: the word MULTI=Many

Page 5: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following

PROKARYOTIC• An organism whose

organelles (cell parts) do NOT contain a NUCLEUS.

• Very SIMPLE Structure

Hint: Pro means NO Nucleus

Page 6: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following

EUKARYOTIC • An organism whose cell

parts have a NUCLEUS

• The “Eu” in Eukaryotic is pronounced “YOU”.

• Very COMPLEX Structure.

Hint: “Eu”karyotic cells are like YOU…all of your cells have a NUCLEUS.

Page 7: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following


Prokaryotic• No Nucleus and Simple Structure

• Ex: Archaea and Bacteria Domain

Eukaryotic• Has a Nucleus and Complex Structure

• Ex: Eukarya Domain

Page 8: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following


Organisms that are capable of making their own food.Ex: Plants, Bacteria, Archaea and Protists.

Page 9: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following


Organisms that can NOT make their own food.Ex: Animals, Humans, and Fungi

Page 10: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following

ASEXUAL REPRODUCTIONReproduction of a cell that does not require two parents, but only the cell making an exact copy of itself.

Ex: Lizard regenerating its tail

Ex: When you get a scab and skin cells reproduce to create new skin.

Page 11: CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS 6.12 D. HOW ARE LIVING ORGANISMS CLASSIFIED? We classify living organisms into a Domain and Kingdom based on the following

SEXUAL REPRODUCTIONReproduction of an organism that requires two parents to create new offspring.Ex: Babies, puppies, kittens