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Click on the arrow to get to the next slide. My name is Alice I’m 15 years old. My parents and I are going on a camel ride in the desert. I’ve never been on a camel before. I'm really excited! . We are leaving in five minutes in our new jeep. We are leaving in five minutes in our new jeep. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Slide 1

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My name is AliceIm 15 years old.

My parents and I are going on a camel ride in the desert.

Ive never been on a camel before. I'm really excited!

We are leaving in five minutes in our new jeep.

We are leaving in five minutes in our new jeep.

My parents and I have moved to Baghdad in Iraq.

BasementThis is our house.

Oh Ive forgot my bottle of water. My parents are laving soon I need to hurry.

The water is in the basement. The basement is full of big spiders.

What just happened? I think the stairs have collapsed. Oh no! my parents are leaving soon!

Ah my leg. I must have hurt it in the fall.

My parents have left, I scramble for my player. I find it next to my leg.

I phone my Mum.


That was the same for my dad and everyone else.

I think I downloaded a torch application, I DID!

As I shone the torch around the room, I see a chair with a first aid kit on it

I clambered to my feet in search of my balance, when I find it, I wobble over to the chair and done the best to heal my wounds.

I started to panic, screaming uncontrollably was not the right choice, so I tried something else.

In the basement I had minimal signal, so it will be hard to get a hold of someone, but Ill try anyway.

That was the same for my dad and everyone else.

I sit for a moment wondering what to do , I think Ill have a look around for a source of light.

Eventually, after wondering about, I find some candles and matches

Ahh ! Thats much better, I can see ! Now, I think the best thing to do right now is to look for something that I can step on or climb up to get me out of the basement. ( like a box or a ladder )

Whilst I'm looking around I come across a small box . Camouflaged by Christmas lights and tree pines.

Once I look inside I see MILLIONS of pictures. Old ones of people I dont recognise, new ones of me and my parents.

Just as my reign of unluckiness comes to an end and for the first time in what feels like days, I start feeling happy, I hear brads voice

He is telling me to SHOUT at the top of my lungs !As he commands, I obey.

lIs that my mothers voice ?!? I start shouting. MOTHER, IM IN HERE !!!.Then the door bursts open and my mother screamsShe sees me and tells me to come to the door and grab her hands.

One of my hand is holding her hand , the other holding the small box.

After I pull myself up, I start crying with happiness and hugging my parents . I explain what happened. My mother was not happy with what I had done, but she forgave me .

Later we ordered pizza and looked at the pictures from the small box. Turns out, I have more family than I thought.

Inanimate Alice Episode 5 Created by

Marc Riddell, Andrew Docherty, Scott Lindsay And Ross Crawford.