cmu snapshot scramble book

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Post on 16-Oct-2015




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This book is a compilation of everything our group worked on for a Planning Recreation Programming and Events for my event management minor. A group of five students were instructed to create an event with no budget within one semester.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    !"#$% '(

    )'*+%*+,Our Story............................................................................... 3-7

    Joanna........................................................................ 3

    Katelyn......................................................................... 4

    Nick............................................................................ 5

    Amy............................................................................. 6

    Heather....................................................................... 7

    Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives............................. 8-13

    Charity Information................................................................. 14

    Charity Confirmation............................................................... 15

    Marketing/Public Relations............................................... 16-17

    Sponsors................................................................................. 18

    Sponsor Thank You Letter........................................................ 19

    Meeting Minutes................................................................ 20-21

    Estimated Budget................................................................... 22

    Actual Budget......................................................................... 23

    Risk Management.............................................................. 24-29Animation Plan....................................................................... 30

    Actual Animation Plan............................................................. 31

    Picture List............................................................................. 32

    Participant Evaluations...................................................... 33-35

    Staff Reflections................................................................ 36-40

    Winning Pictures................................................................ 41-43Miscellaneous


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    -'"**"., /+'01Year: Junior

    Major: CommunicationsMinor: EventManagementHometown: Fenton,Michigan

    Planning an event is noeasy task. In the end it isall worth it to see how

    much fun theparticipants had and

    how much knowledgeand experience you cantake with you.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    2"+%$1*., /+'01Year: Junior

    Major: Integrative PublicRelations

    Minor: Event


    Hometown: Howell,Michigan

    "What a chaotic, exciting

    experience this process

    was. Being able to start

    with nothing and work

    your way up to a lot of

    something's was a

    humbling and rewarding



  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    3456., /+'01Year: Junior

    Major: Recreation andEvent Management

    Minor: SportsManagement

    Hometown: Manistee,Michigan

    Planning an eventwith four others fromdifferent backgrounds

    was a greatexperience. The

    knowledge I gainedwill be helpful for my

    future career.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    781., /+'01Year: Junior

    Major: Recreation and

    Event Management

    Minor: Hospitality

    Hometown: Troy,


    My dream job is to run

    events involving

    entertainment, such as

    music festivals. This

    class allowed me to

    experience what that

    would entail.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    9%"+:%0., /+'01

    Year: Junior

    Major: ApparelMerchandising and


    Minor: Event

    ManagementHometown: Muskegon,


    The knowledge I

    gained from event

    programming is an

    experience I will carry

    with me throughout

    my life.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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    Our flyers will also be posted in various buildings around campus in order to promote theevent.Flyers were posted in every building on campus in various locations such as bulletinboards, classrooms, doors, and tables in CMU Park Library.

    To receive 5 in kind donations from local businesses and merchants.We received four in kind donations from local businesses and merchants. Those businessesincluded Bucks Run Golf Course, Rics Food Service, Speedy Cab, and Salon 312.

    We will type up a written document describing the event and what we are asking for. Ourgroup members will personally deliver the letter and discuss with the business what ourgroup is doing and what we need donated.Our group created a brochure that described each level of sponsorship towards our event.The brochure highlighted different amounts of donations, a description of the event, whatthe sponsors would receive for their donation, and various other pieces of informationrelating to the event.

    Our group will also provide incentives for these businesses to donate and sponsor ourevent. Such as, their logo can go on our banner, t-shirts, or on the scavenger hunt list.Our incentives for sponsoring the CMU Snapshot Scramble included information about howall of the proceeds benefit a local charity, their company name and logo highlighted on ourbanner, their name on the back of our t-shirts, their name and logo on our event tables andtheir company/business name acknowledged during the opening and closing speech.We will have some of our group members connect with people they know in the communityto allow us to have more of a personal connection with the business, which hopefully willallow us to have a better chance of receiving a donation.Our group members made a lot of connections through CrossFit Worthy, a local business.

    Because of the people that workout at that gym we were able to receive donations from thegym itself, Bucks Run, Rics and a cash donation from Michigan Spine & Pain.First, second, and third place winners will receive prizes. Then we will have a separatecontest for the most creative picture and the funniest picture to receive prizes as well.First prize went to the team with the most points. Our second and third place prizewinnerswent to the most creative and the funniest pictures instead of basing second and third onpoints.

    To execute a safe event, in which there will be no injuries.We did not have any injuries during our event.

    Our rules will insure that participants do not physically associate with other teams andthat they are encouraged to be mindful of their surroundings (i.e. looking both ways beforeyou cross the street, etc.).Our group created a series of rules stating no running, no physical or verbal altercationswith other teams, be respectful of other events, and no participating in anything that couldpotentially put you or others at risk. All together we had 12 rules. We also included JoannaMansours phone number in case of an emergency.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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    Keeping our event on campus will allow us to keep the participants in a close familiar areaand the hazards of other areas.Our event stayed on CMUs campus. Our boundaries did not cross Broomfield Street, amajor four-lane road in Mount Pleasant. The event extended from Broomfield Street toPreston Street, which boarders the end of campus.

    To ensure friendly competition, any physical/verbal altercations will result in eliminationfrom the event.Our group made it a point to have the rules printed on the back of the list of scavengerhunt items that each team used. One of our rules specifically stated, No physicalaltercations between ANYONE. That goes for teammates, competitors, other people oncampus not participating in the event, etc. Another rule that was created stated, Donttrash talk other teams. Be a good sport!Our target market will be Central Michigan University students and alumni, so no childrenwill be able to participate.Our participants included all Central Michigan University students and one alumnus. We

    had 35 CMU students participate and one alumnus.

    To receive three cash donations from local businesses or individuals throughout the community.We received two cash donations from CrossFit Worthy and Michigan Spine & Pain.

    Communicating with businesses and individuals regarding fundraising possibilities andwhat are group is looking to obtain from them.We visited over 20 local businesses discussing how we have created a fundraising eventsupporting the Isabella Community Soup Kitchen, how our event will be executed and whatparticipants will be doing during the event.Implementing donation options prior to and during the event.Before our event we highlighted options for local businesses to donate towards the CMUSnapshot Scramble and the ISCK. The brochure that our group created highlighted thedifferent levels of sponsorships and the various incentives businesses would receive forbecoming a sponsor. During the event we had participants earn bonus points for collectingnon-perishable food items in order to donate to the soup kitchen.Marketing our event to local business and individuals throughout the community.Our group had put flyers throughout the community in local businesses such as CrossFitWorthy and Rics Food Service. Our flyers were also distributed amongst campus indifferent buildings including CMU Park Library and the University Center.

    To have 5 or more students express their positive or negative feelings about the CMU Snapshot

    Scramble in person to one of the five group members.Our group had over 10 students and alumni express their positive and negative thought about theevent. Many of the participants thought that it was an extremely fun event and that they had agreat time. They thought the idea was creative and it got them ouside on a beautiful spring day.Participants liked working in a group with their friends and being able to have the freedom tocreatively express themselves in any way they chose.We had one participant display somediscomfort with the scoring of the overall event.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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    Be active in communicating with participants after they have returned from taking pictures.Our group members dispersed throughout the participants and gathered verbal feedbackregarding their time on campus participating in the event. We received a lot of feedback ofhow funny their pictures were or how they had enjoyed going through the different picture

    items on the list.Connect with friends and other groups days afterward to gain insight on their thoughtsand feelings about the event.Our group was able to communicate with participants via text message and face-to-facecontact with those who partook in the event. Many of them expressed interest in using ourevent in their own organizations on campus because of the fun they had participating inour event.Use the surveys created to gauge the overall opinion of the event.The surveys that we created allowed us to gauge an overall opinion of the event. Oursurveys showed that the overall opinion was positive. Many of the participants had great

    feedback regarding the execution and positivity of the final event.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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    ICSK Director:Kim [email protected]

    (989) 772-7392

    Location:621 S. Adams St.Mt. Pleasant, MI48858

    The Isabella Community Soup Kitchenis the local soup kitchen in Isabella

    County. The ISCK helps relieve hungerby providing meals to those in need.Not only do they offer those in needmeals, but they also offer a sense ofsupport from the community. TheIsabella Community Soup Kitchen

    consists of volunteers that donate theirtime and or money to help the peopleof the Mount Pleasant community.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    ):"04+1 )'*H08"+4'*From:"Mansour, Joanna Mary" Date:February 18, 2014 11:28:36 AM ESTTo:

    Joanna Mansour Subject:Re: RPL 430 Charity Partnership

    Begin forwarded message:From:Soup Kitchen Date:February 18, 2014 at 10:33:00 AM ESTTo:"'Mansour, Joanna Mary'" Subject:RE: [SPAM] Re: RPL 430 Charity PartnershipHi Joanna,

    The Isabella Community Soup Kitchen would be glad to partner with you and your group. I have ameeting with Tim Ottoman tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in Finch 105 to discuss our partnership. Ilook forward to working with you. Just so you know it is best to contact the office via phone, as wehave one computer with limited internet access.

    Sincerely,Kim NelsonISCK Director

    From:Mansour, Joanna Mary [mailto:[email protected]]Sent:Tuesday, February 18, 2014 9:38 AMTo:[email protected]:[SPAM] Re: RPL 430 Charity PartnershipImportance:LowHi again,I was just following up for a confirmation email that the Isabella Community Soup Kitchen stillwanted to partner up with my group and I for the event we doing on campus for Tim Otteman's RPL430 class. If you could let us know as soon as possible that would be great!Thanks,Joanna MansourCentral Michigan UniversityOn Feb 12, 2014, at 8:42 AM, "Mansour, Joanna Mary" wrote:

    Hello Kim,I just wanted to email you for verification that we can partner up with the Isabella Community SoupKitchen for our RPL 430 event. Our group including myself and four other students.I have your phone number, email, and address for the soup kitchen but just wanted to make surethere is no other contact information you would like us to have. Thank you again for agreeing topartner up with us! We look forward to working with the Isabella Community Soup Kitchen.Joanna MansourCentral Michigan University


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book




    Facebook allowed us to

    directly market our event topotential participants in theCMU Snapshot Scramble.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    Our flyers were placed all over campus such as in theresidence halls, dinning areas, athletic complexes, and

    academic buildings. The main intent was to place the flyersin high traffic areas as an attempt to gain maximum


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  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book



    1 $50 Gift


    $100 4 $30 Gift


    3 $15 Gift Cards1 HaircutCertificate 1 $10 Gift


    1 Haircut Certificate, 1Tanning Certificate

    1 Event Banner

    Our sponsorships made CMU Snapshot Scramble

    a success. Our event would have not beenpossible without the help of our sponsors.


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


    April 21, 2014

    Dear (Insert Sponsor Name Here):

    Our RPL 430 event could not have happened without you! TheCMU Snapshot Scramble raised $340, which will be donated tothe Isabella Community Soup Kitchen. A very successful event!

    On behalf of Joanna Mansour, Nick Doyle, Katelyn Beno,

    Heather Kennert, Amy Sleboda, and team members of the CMUSnapshot Scramble, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you foryour commitment to making this event so successful. Themission of our event was for participants to have fun and alsogive back to the community. Your generous contribution helpedmake our vision become a reality.

    As our class and semester comes to an end, we would like tothank you again for everything you have done to help contributeto our event. Please know that partnerships with our sponsorswere crucial to the success of the CMU Snapshot Scramble andfor that you are truly appreciated. Thanks again.

    Sincerely,Joanna Mansour, Nick Doyle, Katelyn Beno, Heather Kennert,and Amy Sleboda

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  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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    1. Damage upon participants, others, orproperty

    2. Getting hit by a car3. Choking/Allergies4. Slipping on Ice5. Foul Play Between Teams


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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    Falon Monroe, NickKunesh, Alexis Ridener


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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    Abby Kovel, Ross Somerville,Michelle Valley


  • 5/26/2018 CMU Snapshot Scramble Book


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