codsall high federation of schools - perton middle school

Codsall High Federation of Schools Incorporating: Codsall Community High School Bilbrook CE (VC) Middle School Perton Middle School Executive Headteacher: Mrs. M. Tunnicliffe B.Ed. NPQH December 2012 - Issue 2 Website: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Christmas Message from Perton Middle School As we come to the end of the first term of the new academic year, we can celebrate the rapid progress being made at Perton. I would like to thank those parents who have attended the Parent Forums; we will take the suggestions and implement any changes needed. If you haven't already completed a questionnaire, or wish to complete one on-line, please visit Parent View at As we look forward to Christmas our thoughts are with the family of Dave Billson, one of our Governors, who sadly passed away. He will not only be greatly missed in Perton, but also across the whole federation. I would like to wish you all a good Christmas and a prosperous New Year and look forward to seeing all students at the start of the Spring term. M Tunnicliffe Executive Headteacher Early finish at Christmas May we remind you that school will finish at the earlier time of 1.30 pm on Friday 21st December, following the lunch break and afternoon registration. Please make arrangements to ensure that your child is collected and supervised during the afternoon. Students will return to school on Monday 7th January 2013. Perton Middle School Gainsborough Drive, Perton, Wolverhampton, WV6 7NR Tel: 01902 758244 Fax: 01902 746411 Email: [email protected] Website:

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Codsall High Federation of Schools Incorporating: Codsall Community High School Bilbrook CE (VC) Middle School Perton Middle School

Executive Headteacher: Mrs. M. Tunnicliffe B.Ed. NPQH

December 2012 - Issue 2

Website: Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Christmas Message from Perton Middle School As we come to the end of the first term of the new academic year, we can celebrate the rapid progress being made at Perton. I would like to thank those parents who have attended the Parent Forums; we will take the suggestions and implement any changes needed. If you haven't already completed a questionnaire, or wish to complete one on-line, please visit Parent View at As we look forward to Christmas our thoughts are with the family of Dave Billson, one of our Governors, who sadly passed away. He will not only be greatly missed in Perton, but also across the whole federation. I would like to wish you all a good Christmas and a prosperous New Year and look forward to seeing all students at the start of the Spring term. M Tunnicliffe Executive Headteacher

Early finish at Christmas May we remind you that school will finish at the earlier time of 1.30 pm on Friday 21st December, following the lunch break and afternoon registration. Please make arrangements to ensure that your child is collected and supervised during the afternoon.

Students will return to school on Monday 7th January 2013.

Perton Middle School Gainsborough Drive, Perton, Wolverhampton, WV6 7NR Tel: 01902 758244 Fax: 01902 746411 Email: [email protected] Website:

Page 2: Codsall High Federation of Schools - Perton Middle School

Children In Need Well done to everyone for their great efforts in fund raising for Children in Need. A grand total of £470.66 was raised through cake stalls, sponsored silences, etc. THANK YOU!

School Disco The school disco held on Friday 23rd November proved to be very successful with staff, students and parents alike.

We would like to thank

all parent helpers for their help

and support.

Corser’s Court Links

At the end of term, the school choir and a number of student helpers will be visiting residents at Corser’s Court Retirement Home in Perton. The choir and recorder ensemble will perform seasonal pieces, and the children will serve cakes, biscuits and mince pies which have been made by students in school.

The opportunities for different generations to meet in this way are invaluable and we intend to further develop our relationship with Corser’s Court in the new year.

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Library News There are still a large amount of overdue library books, so please check with your child and remind them to return items at the start of the new term.

Accelerated Reader: All readers achieving 100% in their quizzes have been awarded 5 merits for each occasion, and entered into a prize draw to be held each term. Draws will take place during the last week of term for both Year 7 and Year 8 and winners will each receive a £10 voucher for W.H. Smith. Many thanks to all who have supported our Book Fair and Bookclub events this term. With your help we have earned enough commission to buy 32 new books for our library.

Thank you and have a very happy Christmas.

Extreme Weather Conditions – Information

In the event of severe snowfall affecting the whole area, restricting normal transport and preventing the majority of students and staff reaching the school, a decision will made whether to open the school. If the decision is taken to close the school every attempt will be made to inform parents by text, radio (Free, Heart, WM and BRMB) and through the school website homepage as early as possible. If the school has already opened for the day and the weather deteriorates to such an extent as to give us cause for concern for the safety of the students returning home, we will send a text message to inform you so that you may come to school to collect your child. If you are unable to collect your child they will be supervised until 3.00 pm

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Sporting Achievements 6th November—Year 5/6 Sports Hall Athletics: Our keen KS2 students went to Ounsdale High School and competed against two teams from Westfield Primary. Our students performed very well, coming 2nd overall, just 2 points short of winning. Well done to all who took part! 22nd November—Girls Futsal: We entered three teams, two of Year 7 and one of KS2. The girls performed very well and the standard of play was a lot higher than in previous years. The Year 7 A team were on course for a win, but had to beat our KS2 team in their final game. The KS2 team played exceptionally well and drew, which left our Year 7 team runners-up overall. 27th November—Fun Tournament at Codsall High School: 32 students went to play dodge ball and basketball against teams from the other two middle schools and have a taste of what it is like to represent the school. They were a credit to the school and really enjoyed themselves. Well done! 28th November—Year 8 Sports Hall Athletics District Final: The Year 8 girls and boys performed very well at the district final. There were six teams who took part and our girls achieved 3rd, while our boys came 4th. There were some excellent individual performances and personal bests. Well done! Many thanks to all the parents and students who have sent in old football boots - they are really useful and give students who don't own any the opportunity to participate fully in lessons on the school field. Please keep them coming! 20 house points for each pair of boots donated. Please ensure that your child has sufficient clothes for going outside in the cold weather, girls should wear a navy blue sweatshirt and navy tracksuit trousers, boys should have navy tracksuit trousers and their Perton Middle rugby shirt.

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This publication is also available on our website ( where the print size can be enlarged if necessary. If you do not have access to the internet and need this publication in any other format please contact us.

School Terms and Holiday Dates 2012-2013

Autumn Term 2012:

School Breaks up for Christmas Friday 21st December

Spring Term 2013:

School Opens Monday 7th January

School Open Day Wednesday 9th January 10.30am-12.00pm

Year 6/7/8 Photographs Friday 25th January

Students break up for Half-Term Thursday 14th February

Staff Training Day Friday 15th February

School Opens Monday 25th February

Year 6 Sats Week commencing Monday 13th May

Staff Leaving at the end of term This Christmas we say a fond farewell to Mr Henshall, our Science Teacher. His enthusiasm and passion for teaching and learning will be greatly missed by staff and students alike. We also say goodbye to Mrs Bennett, teacher of ICT. While her time here was short, we would like to thank her for her hard work and the contribution she has made to the school.

We wish both of them well in the future.

Mrs. Bennett Mr. Henshall

Staff Training Day

Please may we remind parents and carers that school will be closed to all students on Friday 15th February 2012 for a staff training day.