colegio bilingue new horizons

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  • 8/6/2019 Colegio Bilingue New Horizons


  • 8/6/2019 Colegio Bilingue New Horizons


    Main Characters:

    Chandra Nalaar: Chandra is a pyromancer, a mage who

    manipulat es fire and a planeswalker, someone able to travel to different worldsknown as planes; she is dark skinned with long orange hair and brown eyes.Chandra is very impulsive, most of times she acts without thinking puttingothers in d anger. She wears fireproof dragonscale armor in battle so her clothes do not burn when she sets herself on fire.

    Gideon Jura: Gide on is tall and muscled; he is white skinned with blue eyesand long brown ha ir in a pony tail haircut. Gideon is a hieromancer a magewho can manipula te the powers of light, as Chandra he is also a planeswalker,but he is sided wit h Walter the III and the Order of Heliud. He is the completeopposite of Chand ra, he hates the killing of innocents and impulsive acts of violence but is good hearted and a good friend. Gideon uses a sural asweapon, a whip with flexible blades.

    Walter the III: Walter is tall and old; he has gray hair and a beard too. He iswhite skinned with light blue eyes. Walter is the head of an organization calledthe Order of Heliud which wants to civilize Regatha and establish order nomatter what. He knows about the existence of planeswalkers and aboutChandra and Gideon being planeswalkers. His main goal in the story was tocatch Chandra and offer her to the purifying fire so her powers woulddisappear but at the end the purifying fire gave her more power instead.

    Mother Luti: She is short and old with gray hair. As Chandra she is darkskinned. Mother Luti is the headmaster of the Keral Keep monastery, she iswise and always gives advice to Chandra. She was also against Walters ideaof order.

    Samir Mia Kauldi: Samir is tall, white skinned with pointy long ears and browneyes, he has long brown hair. Samir is one of Cahndras best friends, he is theleader of an elf tribe in the Great Western Wood, he is also against Waltersidealism, and helped Chandra when she was in problems with the oufes.

    Brannon: Brannon is short, whit short red hair and brown eyes, he is alsobrown skinned. Brannon is another of Chandras best friends, Chandra is likea big sister to him. He is a good friend and an expert at archery.

  • 8/6/2019 Colegio Bilingue New Horizons



    Chandra manages to steal the scroll from the Sanctum of stars, she orders thebrothers of the monastery to write copies of it. Later she challenged by a stranger to a

    battle for the scroll. T he stranger was an illusionist who tricked Chandra to hand over the scroll; after he got the scroll he erased Chandras memories of it. She wasfrustrated but thankful for ordering the copies.

    T he next day she and Brannon visited their friend Samir. During the converstionbetween the three of them Samir mentions the ghost wardens , ghost who serves asspies in the Western Wood for the Order of Heliud. Later they notice there was onenext to them since they sat down to talk. T he three approach the spy, who does notmove until Chandra mentions the idea of killing it, it attacks Chandra and runs away,Chandra then gets angry and pursuits the ghost with Samir and Brannon. Durin thechase she gets stuck in a bush and burns it to continue, but is stopped by an oufe(little wicked creatures who worship nature. If you burn a tree or bush and they seeyou the oufes do literally anything to kill you) She jumps over it and reaches an openspace where she kills the ghost warden but burns a big part of the forest, after that,

    the Oufes began to hire assassins to kill Chandra and convinced the others in theWestern Wood to side with the Order of Heliud for her execution.

    Days later Mother Luti tells Chandra to leave Regatha for a while because of theoufe issue, she then planeswalks to Kephalai to steal the scroll again. In Kephalai sheis discovered and captured. She managed to break free but destroying the Sanctum of Stars in the process. She then hides but is discovered by a man named Gideon Jura .She is found by the Sanctums guards and tries to burn them all but Gideon stops her because there would be too many innocents dying so he traps her with his sural andshe falls unconscious.

    Chandra wakes up in a cell where she is interrogated but manages to escape andplaneswalks to an unknown plane. She appears in the ruins of a building and no ticesthat the trees in that plane are all dead, she explores more and finds a goblin whichshe orders to lead her to water. After drinking water she returns the ruins, andencounters with Gideon she gets angry because he is also a planeswalker . Both of them are attacked by goblins, Gideon kills one but leaves the other one alive and heleads them to a village nearby. In the village they learn that Diraden was the planethey were in and that is covered with a shroud of darkness that prevents mages fromdrawing mana. Later on the village chief betrays them and hand them over to the evilvampire king of Diraden.

    Several days later Chandra and Gideon kill the king and escape from Diraden alsoeliminating the shroud.

    When they arrive Regatha Chandra discovers that Gideon is working for the Order of Heliud and they separate. Chandra returns to the monastery and finds out aboutthe alliance of the Western Wood with the order. T he next day the monastery getssurrounded by hieromancers of the ord er and a light dome that doesnt let anyoneexit the monastery. T he next day Chandra gives herself in to prevent that the magesof the monastery die from starving.

    Gideon himself escorts Chandra to Zinara to the temple of the order where shemeets Walter and finds out that she was not going to be killed but offered to thepurifying fire to destroy her powers. T hat night she confesses Gideon her greatestfear of what might have happened if she didnt surrender back in the monastery, shewas afraid of causing the dead of everyone like she did accidentally with her family.

    Later that night she is escorted to the caverns under the temple where the fire is,when she enters the fire it didnt hurt her she didnt feel anything, she didnt fight thefire she just stayed calm, after the purification process she discovered that her

  • 8/6/2019 Colegio Bilingue New Horizons


    powers where strengthened instead and burns everyone in the room to cinders,making the cavern collapse. After that Gideon enters the destroyed cavern with horror in his face because of what happened. T hey argue about the dead of innocents, later they make a deal, Gideon would say she died in the cavern so the oufes would calmdown, later she planeswalked to Zendikar the plane the scroll described where one of the most powerful things of the multiverse was.

    My personal opinion:

    I loved the story it was perfect. I liked it a lot because I learned more about theplaneswalkers Chandra and Gideon, I also liked because I love Magic the Gatheringbooks (I have all of them). I would rec ommend this book to other M T G players andfriends I know that enjoy reading.