colour ideas


Upload: liberty-kavanagh

Post on 07-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Colour ideas


Page 2: Colour ideas

ORANGE The colour orange is associated with joy, sunshine, fascination, happiness, creativity, and success. The fact that orange has connotations of happiness and success is effective because it highlights to the reader subconsciously that

when they read the magazine they will find it entertaining and enjoyable to read meaning they would purchase it again monthly every time it is released. I also think because orange is a bright colour that too is effective as it would catch the audiences eyes when shopping for a magazine, increasing the number of purchases.

Page 3: Colour ideas

BLUEThe colour blue has many connotations but its known for mainly symbolizing trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, and truth. Therefore meaning if it was used as my main house style colour it would alert the audience that when reading my magazine they would feel calm benefitting them in their leisure time as they would feel relaxed when reading it, The colour blue additionally would appeal to the readers, as its looks professional. Blue having the connotations of truth and trust is effective because if the readers understand and know they can trust what they are reading they will then buy it again.

I collected images here of other magazine front cover that use the colour blue which I think looks very effective.

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The colour green is seen as the colour of life, it can also represent energy and nature and can be is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment. The fact that the colour green represents growth is effective because it highlight that if I used it on my magazine, it will be forever growing and improving, as well as the people reading as their knowledge of music will broaden, grow and improve as well. I also would like to use the colour green because I think its unusual and

unique making my magazine (if I use the colour green) stand out in comparison to other magazines. Plus if I used it consistency people would then recognise it as my magazine =.

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GREYThe colour grey is a cool, neutral, and balanced colour and is seen as formal and sophisticated, which is effective because the audience will then know everything inside the magazine is serious and the truth. As the colour grey is a timeless and practical colour that too is effective as it can connect

to all audiences of all ages as it is timeless, catching multiple audiences eyes, increasing purchases. I have collected a multiple of front cover images where I think the colour grey looks extremely effective and professional.

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The colour red has many connotations such as love, passion, desire, heat, longing, lust, sensitivity, joy, strength, leadership, courage and determination. The colour red is a very strong and powerful colour and the fact is can be associated with leadership is effective because it could portray that my magazine is the most popular and is at the top of the hierarchy, symbolising its power and supremacy in comparison to other colours.

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PURPLEThe colour purple has a variety of interesting meanings as it is a mixture of the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. It is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition, which is effective if I used it as my magazine would be seen as unique, powerful, and classy. Purple additionally represents wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom.