colours gd6 tests

46 46 1 Listen and tick the correct picture. (4 points) Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja de sus compañeros ni hablar durante el test. Señala las ilustraciones para repasar las acciones. Pon la grabación (CD1 pista 13) dos veces. Escuchan y eligen el dibujo correcto. Explícales que no pasa nada si la respuesta correcta es siempre el mismo número. Respuestas: a 2 b 2 c 2 d 2 Transcript a Every Wednesday Fiona gets up at a quarter to eight. b She doesn’t have a shower in the morning, she has a shower in the evening. c At school, during the break, she always plays baseball with her friends. d After school she never watches TV. She goes to her bedroom and she does her homework. 2 Look at the picture. Choose the correct preposition. (4 points) Los alumnos miran la ilustración. Leen las frases y rodean la preposición correcta. Respuestas: 1 next to 2 between 3 on 4 behind 5 in front of Notas 3 Do they match? Write (yes) or (no). If no, write the sport. (4 points) Pregunta What do you wear to go swimming? Lee la primera respuesta para que entiendan el error. Corrigen las asociaciones incorrectas. Respuestas: 1 basketball 2 3 cycling 4 5 skiing 4 Write the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. (8 points) Lee en voz alta el primer diálogo. Asegúrate de que entienden el cambio de los tiempos verbales. Completan los demás diálogos con el tiempo verbal adecuado. Respuestas: 1 are you going, am going, lives 2 is helping 3 eats, drinks 4 are you wearing, am cycling, cycle

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1 Listen and tick the correct picture. (4 points)Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja desus compañeros ni hablar durante el test.Señala las ilustraciones para repasar las acciones. Pon la grabación (CD1pista 13) dos veces. Escuchan y eligen el dibujo correcto. Explícales queno pasa nada si la respuesta correcta es siempre el mismo número.

Respuestas: a 2 b 2 c 2 d 2


a Every Wednesday Fiona gets up at a quarter to eight.b She doesn’t have a shower in the morning, she has a shower in the evening.c At school, during the break, she always plays baseball with her friends.d After school she never watches TV. She goes to her bedroom and she does

her homework.

2 Look at the picture. Choose the correctpreposition. (4 points)Los alumnos miran la ilustración. Leen las frases y rodean la preposicióncorrecta.

Respuestas: 1 next to 2 between 3 on 4 behind 5 in front of


3 Do they match? Write � (yes) or � (no). If no,write the sport. (4 points)Pregunta What do you wear to go swimming? Lee la primera respuestapara que entiendan el error. Corrigen las asociaciones incorrectas.

Respuestas: 1 � basketball 2 � 3 � cycling 4 � 5 � skiing

4 Write the verbs in the Present Simple or PresentContinuous. (8 points)Lee en voz alta el primer diálogo. Asegúrate de que entienden el cambiode los tiempos verbales. Completan los demás diálogos con el tiempoverbal adecuado.

Respuestas: 1 are you going, am going, lives 2 is helping 3 eats, drinks4 are you wearing, am cycling, cycle


1 Listen and tick the correct picture. (4 points)

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2 Look at the picture. Choose the correct preposition. (4 points)1 The TV is next to/under the desk.

2 The pens are between/in front of the girl and the TV.

3 The girl is on/in the chair.

4 The dog is behind/under the girl.

5 The paper is in front of/next to the girl.

3 Do they match? Write � (yes) or � (no). If no, write the sport. (4 points)1 T-shirt and shorts swimming

2 gloves football

3 helmet basketball

4 trainers running

5 ski suit horse riding

4 Write the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. (8 points)1 A: Where (you, go) now?

B: I to my granddad’s shop. Look, he (live) upstairs.

2 A: Where’s Fiona?

B: She (help) her granddad in the shop.

3 A: My mum usually (eat) fruit for breakfast.

B: Really? My mum only (drink) a glass of milk!

4 A: Why (wear) a helmet now?

B: I need it because I (cycle). I always (cycle) after school.


are you going


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 2


1 Listen. Match with the pictures.Then write thesentences. (6 points)Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja desus compañeros ni hablar durante el test.Nombra los animales. Los alumnos señalan los dibujos. Pon la grabación(CD1 pista 22) dos veces haciendo pausas después de cada frase.Escriben las frases y las relacionan con las ilustraciones.

Respuestas: 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 g 6 f 7 d


1 It’s an eagle’s eye.2 It’s a vulture’s neck.3 It’s a zebra’s ear.4 They’re ostriches’ feathers.5 They’re a flamingo’s legs.6 It’s a giraffe’s mouth.7 It’s a rhino’s skin.

2 Classify the words. (5 points)Los alumnos leen las palabras del recuadro y las clasifican en uno de lostres grupos: adjetivos, lugares y animales.


What describes a place? dangerous, enormous, interestingWhere can you go? plain, forest, hill, cliffWhat can move? eagle, tail, zebra, ostrich

3 Write the sentences with ’s. (4 points)Lee el ejemplo y recuérdales el uso de la ‘s de posesivo. Completan lasfrases siguiendo el modelo.

Respuestas: 1 It’s Anna’s new mobile phone. 2 It’s Eva’s cap.3 It’s my sister’s kite. 4 They’re Phil’s birds. 5 It’s my uncle’s shop.

4 Write sentences. Use was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.(5 points)Lee el ejemplo en voz alta y asegúrate de que entienden el ejercicio.Escriben frases afirmativas o negativas según el signo de cada una.


1 I wasn’t at the cinema yesterday.2 I wasn’t 5 years old last year.3 My teachers were happy last week.4 It was very hot yesterday.5 There weren’t many children in class yesterday.6 My sister and I were in bed at 7 o’clock this morning.








1 Listen. Match with the pictures.Then write the sentences. (6 points)

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2 Classify the words. (5 points)

3 Write the sentences with ’s. (4 points)

1 Anna has got a new mobile phone. It’s

2 Eva has got a cap. It’s .

3 My sister has got a kite. It’s .

4 Phil has got two birds. They’re .

5 My uncle has got a shop. It’s .

4 Write sentences. Use was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. (5 points)

1 I / cinema / yesterday. ✗

2 I / 5 years old / last year. ✗

3 My teachers / happy / last week. ✓

4 It / very hot / yesterday. ✓

5 There / many children in class / last week. ✗

6 My sister and I / in bed / 7 o’clock this morning. ✓

dangerous eagle plain enormous tail foresthill zebra interesting cliff ostrich

What describes a place? Where can you go? What can move?


Anna’s new mobile phone.

I wasn’t at the cinema yesterday.

dIt’s an eagle’s eye.1



4 fg



1 Listen and draw where the things are.(4 points)Este test evalúa lo que los alumnos han aprendido en las unidadesWelcome!, 1, 2 y 3.Repasa el vocabulario con las flashcards. Pon la grabación (CD1 pista 30)dos veces. Dibujan los objetos y contestan la pregunta (0,5 puntos pordibujo; 1 punto por la respuesta).

Respuesta: It’s winter.

TranscriptThis is Greg’s bedroom. He arrives from school and he’s very messy. Look at the hat, it’s under the table. The scarf is on the bed. The jumper is behind the computer and there’s a coat between the bed and thewardrobe. The trainers are in the wardrobe and the gloves are in front of the bed.

2 Listen and choose.Then draw the things in theclassroom. (4 points)Leen las frases antes de escuchar la descripción del aula. Pon la grabación(CD1 pista 31) dos veces. Eligen la opción correcta en cada caso.Después, dibujan esos elementos en la ilustración (0,5 puntos porrespuesta correcta; 1 punto por el dibujo).

Respuestas: 1 are 2 isn’t 3 some 4 many 5 any

TranscriptThis our new classroom. There are some paintings on the wall. There isn’t awhiteboard and there aren’t any children in class. There are some computersand there are many books on the teacher’s desk, but there aren’t anydictionaries.

3 Match the words. (3 points)Señala la línea que une scary y mammoths. Los alumnos unen las demáspalabras para formar expresiones.

Respuestas: 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c

4 Choose the correct time expression. (6 points)Lee el ejemplo insistiendo en el tiempo verbal. Explican por qué la otrarespuesta no es correcta. Eligen una expresión de tiempo en cada frase.

Respuestas: 1 in the evening 2 at weekends 3 in 1868 4 when he wasyoung 5 never 6 now 7 at night

5 Put ’s in the correct place. (5 points)Lee la primera frase y explica el uso de la ‘s. Completan las demás frasessiguiendo el ejemplo.

Respuestas: 1 brother’s 2 Sarah’s 3 Fiona’s 4 teacher’s 5 ostrich’s 6 Greg’s

6Think of the spelling rules. Classify the verbs.(4 points)Explica el título de cada columna y lee el ejemplo. Clasifican los verbos delrecuadro según su terminación.

Respuestas: -ed looked, started, played, listened double consonant + -ed dropped, stopped, travelled -ied tried, carried

7Answer the questions about yourself. (4 points)Haz la primera pregunta a varios alumnos. Después, lee las pistas de laprimera respuesta. La completan y escriben respuestas completas para lasdemás preguntas.

Respuestas: respuesta abierta

1 Listen and write the missing information.(5 points)Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja desus compañeros ni hablar durante el test.Explica que deben escribir los años en el primer espacio en blanco y losverbos en pasado en el segundo espacio en blanco. Pon la grabación(CD1 pista 29) dos veces. Párala después de cada frase para darlestiempo para completar todo el ejercicio.

Respuestas: ver Transcript

Transcripta In 1100, people in Europe travelled in wagons.b In 1820, the first steam train started.c In 1840, in Scotland, a man invented the first bicycle.d In 1860, in London, the first underground train service opened.e In 1976, the first hovercraft carried people from England to France.

2 Classify the means of transport. (5 points)Explica air, sea y land. Lee el ejemplo. Clasifican las palabras del recuadroen las tres categorías.

Respuestas: Air balloon, glider, spaceship Sea yacht, hovercraft, ship, ferry,rowing boat Land tram, bike, bus

3 Complete John’s diary. (6 points)Explica que los ticks indican lo que John hizo ese día, y las cruces lo queno hizo. Lee el ejemplo. Completan el texto con los verbos en pasado.

Respuestas: 1 walked 2 played 3 didn’t cook 4 phoned 5 used 6 listened 7 didn’t watch

4 Now ask John about his birthday.Write theanswers. (4 points)Ordenan las palabras para escribir las preguntas y las responden con lainformación del ejercicio anterior.

Respuestas: 1 What did John do after school? He walked home. 2 What didJohn listen to? He listened to his MP3 player. 3 Did John like the present?Yes, he did.


1 Listen and write the missing information. (5 points)a In , people in Europe in wagons.

b In , the first steam train .

c In , in Scotland, a man the first bicycle.

d In , in London, the first underground train service .

e In , the first hovercraft people from England to France.

2 Classify the means of transport. (5 points)

3 Complete John’s diary. (6 points)

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was my birthday! I had a great time. After school I 1 home with some friends

and then we 2 games in the garden. After playing, we wanted to eat. Sometimes

I cook pizzas for my family, but I 3 them yesterday. It was too late, so my mum

4 a restaurant and they delivered the pizzas. My friends had a present for me: an MP3

player! I 5 it for the first time with my friends’ help and I 6 to my

favourite songs. I liked it a lot. When the party finished, I was tired: I 7 TV or read.

I only wanted to go to bed! It was a perfect birthday.


4 Now ask John about his birthday.Write the answers. (4 points)1 What / John / do / after school?

2 What / John / listen to?

3 / John / like / the present?

walk ✓ play ✓ use ✓ listen ✓ cook ✗ phone ✓ watch ✗

balloon yacht hovercraft glider trambike bus ship ferry spaceship rowing boat

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Air Sea Land



What did John do after school? He walked home.

1 Listen and draw where the things are. (4 points)

What season is it?

2 Listen and choose.Then draw the things in the classroom. (4 points)

This is our new classroom. There 1 are/aren’t some paintings on the wall. There 2 is/isn’t a whiteboard

and there aren’t any children in class. There are 3 some/any computers and there are 4 many/much

books on the teacher’s desk, but there aren’t 5 any/some dictionaries.

3 Match the words. (3 points)

1 scary a the tall tree and the river

2 between b bright clothes

3 wear c bin

4 recycling d mammoths

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4 Choose the correct time expression. (6 points)

1 I like meeting my friends in the evening/some days ago.

2 I usually see my family at weekends/now.

3 Modesto Cubillas discovered the paintings in Altamira every afternoon/in 868.

4 Mr Wilson didn’t travel in time when he was young/in the mornings.

5 My friends never/yesterday play in the same football team.

6 Peter is playing basketball with my sister now/every morning.

7 My teacher doesn’t go to bed late last week/at night.

5 Put ’s in the correct place. (5 points)1 My brother’s name is James. 4 Is that your teacher book?2 Sarah parents are very interesting. 5 An ostrich leg is very long!3 These are Fiona friends. 6 I am wearing Greg trainers to run.

6Think of the spelling rules. Classify the verbs. (4 points)

7 Answer the questions about yourself. (4 points)1 What do you usually do after school?

2 What did you do last Saturday?

3 What are you doing now?

4 Did you talk to a friend yesterday?

look start drop try travel carry play listen stop

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-ed double consonant + -ed -ied


I usually after school.


1 Listen and write the job. (5 points)Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja desus compañeros ni hablar durante el test.

Repasa las profesiones con las flashcards. Pon la grabación (CD1 pista39) dos veces. Escuchan las frases y escriben los nombres de lasprofesiones.

Respuestas: a a teacher b a pilot c a journalist d a scientist e a waiter


a A teacher works with children all the time and likes teaching new things.b A pilot flies aeroplanes and visits many different countries.c A journalist writes articles and interviews many people.d A scientist works in a laboratory and does experiments to discover new things.e A waiter serves food to many people and works in a restaurant.

2 Complete the jobs with -or, -er, ist or -ian. (4 points)Lee el ejemplo, dancer e intenta pronunciarlo con las otras terminaciones.Completan las palabras con las terminaciones adecuadas.

Respuestas: 1 dancer 2 teacher 3 musician 4 journalist 5 waiter6 doctor 7 scientist 8 engineer 9 singer

3 Put the sentences in order.Write the job. (2 points)Lee la primera definición y pregunta What is it? (A pilot). Ordenan laspalabras para escribir preguntas y escriben la profesión.

Respuestas: 1 She speaks different languages. A pilot. 2 He works in alaboratory. A scientist. 3 He cooks food in a restaurant. A chef.

4 Look at the picture. Complete the questions withmuch, many or any. (4 points)Recuérdales el uso de How much … ?, How many … ? y any, enpreguntas y respuestas. Lee el ejemplo. Completan las preguntas con lapalabra adecuada.

Respuestas: 1 many 2 much 3 any 4 many 5 many

5 Describe the picture in 4. Use some, any or a lot of.(5 points)Hacen una breve redacción para describir la ilustración del ejercicioanterior, usando some, any y a lot of.

Respuestas: respuesta abierta



1 Listen and write the job. (5 points)

a b c

d e

2 Complete the jobs with -or, -er, -ist or -ian. (4 points)

1 danc 2 teach 3 music 4 journal 5 wait

6 doct 7 scient 8 engine 9 sing

3 Put the sentences in order.Write the job. (2 points)1 She / different / speaks / languages.

2 works / a / He / in / laboratory.

3 food / restaurant / a / He / cooks / in.

4 Look at the picture. Complete the questions with much, many or any.(4 points)

1 How spaceships are there?

2 How water is there?

3 Are there mountains?

4 How trees are there?

5 How stars are there?

5 Describe the picture in 4. Use some, any or a lot of. (5 points)

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She speaks different languages. A pilot.



2Write the words. (4 points)Señala el primer anagrama y lee la respuesta. Deben encontrar dos nombresde enfermedades en cada anagrama.

Respuestas:1 stomach ache + temperature 2 headache + earache 3 broken leg + sore throat

3 Regular or irregular? Which verb is different? Writeit in the past. (5 points)

Lee la primera serie. Explica que break es diferente porque es irregular.Hacen lo mismo en las demás series, identifican el verbo que es diferentey escriben la forma del pasado.

Respuestas: 1 break, broke 2 go, went 3 climb, climbed 4 run, ran 5 wash, washed 6 look, looked

4 Match the two parts. Complete with a verb in thepast. (5 points)Señala go y pregunta What’s the past of ’go’? Lee el ejemplo. Escriben elpasado de los verbos en los espacios correspondientes y asocian las dosmitades de las frases.

Respuestas: 1 d (went) 2 f (hid) 3 e (sent) 4 c (took) 5 a (hit) 6 b (did)


1 Listen and write the illnesses. (5 points)Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja desus compañeros ni hablar durante el test.

Repasa las enfermedades representándolas mediante mímica. Pon lagrabación (CD2 pista 08) dos veces. Escriben la enfermedad al lado decada nombre.

Respuestas: Susan headache Steven stomach ache Beth sore throatCarol broken leg Oliver a temperature John earache


David: Oh, no! I want to go to the park with my friends but they are all ill.

Brother: Really? What's the matter with them?

David: Well, Susan is in bed, she's got a headache. Steven is not feelingvery well, he's got stomach ache. Beth can't talk, she's got a sorethroat, and Carol crashed her bike yesterday and she's got abroken leg!

Brother: What about John and Oliver? Are they ill?

David: John has got an earache and Oliver went to the doctor because hehas got a temperature.

Brother: Do you want to play with me?

David: OK! Let's go to the park!

4 bandages + tweezers 5 thermometer + plasters

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1 Listen and write the illnesses. (6 points)Susan Beth Oliver

Steven Carol John

2Write the words. (4 points)






3 Regular or irregular? Which verb is different? Write it in the past. (5 points)

1 break carry telephone travel

2 open play go want

3 come see have climb

4 walk run work help

5 wash do send make

6 look say know hide

4 Match the two parts. Complete with a verb in the past. (5 points)

1 I to a they travelled in time.

2 The children behind b in Geography at school last year.

3 My friend me a message c some cream on the burn.

4 Jane off her watch and put d seven countries last summer.

5 When Mr Wilson the watch, e in a bottle but it never arrived.

6 We South America f the door when they saw the teacher.

go hit hide send take do


stomach ache temperature




1 Listen and complete. (3 points)Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja de suscompañeros ni hablar. Pon la grabación (CD2 pista 15) dos veces.Escuchan las tres conversaciones y escriben los adjetivos correspondientes.

Respuestas: 1 brave 2 worried 3 scared


1 Boy 1: We went to the forest and I saw an enormous spider, all the childrenscreamed but I didn’t.

Boy 2: You’re very brave.2 Girl: What about the Geography test last week?

Boy: Well, the questions were very difficult. I was a bit worried about the results.

3 Boy 1: Yesterday I went to the cinema and I saw a film.Boy 2: Did you like it?Boy 1: Yes, but it was about Halloween and I was very scared.

2 How do you feel? Write the adjectives. (2 points)Completan las demás frases con los adjetivos de los estados de ánimo.

Respuestas: 1 scared 2 tired 3 excited 4 nervous 5 bored

4 Countable or uncountable? (4 points)Clasifican las palabras del recuadro en las dos columnas.

Respuestas: How much money, time, air, oil, energy How many robots,computers, spaceships, people

5What have they got? (3 points)Lee la respuesta modelo. Completan las demás frases fijándose en losremedios que se dan para cada una.

Respuestas: 1 headache 2 temperature 3 stomach ache 4 sore throat

6Write the verbs in the past. Choose R (regular) or I (irregular). (3 points)Escriben los verbos en pasado y rodean la opción correcta según seanregulares o irregulares.

Respuestas: 1 went (I) 2 travelled (R) 3 had (I) 4 saw (I) 5 washed (R) 6 took (I) 7 did (I)

7 Read and complete. Use the verbs in the past.(4 points) Completan los huecos con los verbos en pasado.

Respuestas: 1 Did you have 2 went 3 saw 4 didn’t stay 5 walked 6 met 7 spoke 8 sent 9 Did you get

8Think about Peter’s holiday.Write some, any ora lot of. (3 points)Lee la primera frase. Explica que se refiere a la actividad anterior. Completanel resto de frases con la información del texto del ejercicio anterior.

Respuestas: 1 any 2 some 3 a lot of 4 any

1 Listen and complete. (4 points)Dales tiempo para leer el texto. Explica que faltan adjetivos. Pon la grabación(CD2 pista 16) dos veces. Completan los huecos con los adjetivos.

Respuestas: 1 happy 2 big 3 cold 4 sleepy 5 dangerous 6 scared 7 horrible 8 interesting 9 tiny


Ver Term Test 2, ejercicio 1 (Guía Didáctica, página 138).

2 Read the questions.Listen and answer. (6 points)Dales tiempo para que lean las preguntas. Pon la grabación (CD2 pista 17)dos veces. Escuchan la narración y escriben las respuestas.

Respuestas: 1 They went to Tanzania. 2 By plane. 3 A lot of dangerousanimals. 4 Yes, they met a group of scientists. 5 Fruit, plants and bottledwater. 6 In the bus and in tents.

TranscriptLast summer we went to Tanzania for two weeks, we wanted to visit thejungle. We went there by plane and from the airport we took a bus to thejungle. We saw a lot of dangerous animals: snakes, spiders, crocodiles and a gorilla with a baby. We met a group of scientists, they were studying theclimate changes in Africa. We ate a lot of fruit and plants and we drankbottled water. We sometimes slept in the bus and sometimes in tents.

3Write the jobs. (3 points)Señala el dibujo y di What’s the job? (A teacher). Escriben las demásprofesiones.

Respuestas: 1 a teacher 2 a pilot 3 a journalist 4 a musician 5 a scientist 6 a singer 7 a waiter

3 Complete the interview. Use the question words.(10 points)Lee la primera pregunta de la entrevista y su respuesta. Completan las demáspreguntas usando How, When, What, etc.

Respuestas: 1 What time did you get … ? 2 Where did you go … ? 3 What did you do … ? 4 How did you feel … ? 5 When did you hear … ? 6 What did you know … ?

4 Look at Jen’s answers in 3.Write negative sentences.(5 points)Pregunta Did Jen get to school at ten o’clock? Lee la respuesta modelo.Escriben frases negativas que tengan relación con el ejercicio anterior.

Respuestas: 1 She didn’t get to school at 10 o’clock. 2 She didn’t go to thecinema last weekend. 3 She didn’t have an exam on Monday. 4 She didn’t feelworried before her holiday. 5 She didn’t hear English for the first time when shewas 10 (years old). 6 The Incas didn’t live in Bolivia.

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1 Listen and complete. (3 points)1 You’re very .

2 I was a bit about the results.

3 Yes, but it was about Halloween and I was very .

2 How do you feel? Write the adjectives. (2 points)

1 You see a ghost. 4 You have an important exam.

2 You run a marathon. 5 You can’t go out because it’s raining.

3 You go to a party.

3 Complete the interview. Use the question words. (10 points)

Kim’s questions Jen’s answers

1 (get) to school yesterday? 9 o’clock

2 (go) last weekend? To the mountains.

3 (do) on Monday? We played games.

4 (feel) before your holiday? Excited!

5 (hear) English for the first time? When I was six.

6 (know) about the Incas? They lived in Peru.

4 Look at Jen’s answers in 3.Write negative sentences. (5 points)

1 10 o’clock

2 The cinema

3 Have an exam

4 Worried

5 10 years old

6 In Bolivia

What time What What How Where When



What time did you get

She didn’t get to school at 10 o’clock.

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1 Listen and complete. (4 points)Yesterday I was really 1 . We went on an excursion to a haunted house. The house was

in a 2 forest. It was very 3 and it was very early in the morning,

so we were a bit 4 . We saw some 5 animals, but we weren’t

6 . When we arrived, the house was 7 outside, but very

8 inside. We saw a 9 dog that lives in the house. We enjoyed it a lot.

2 Read the questions. Listen and answer. (6 points)

1 Where did they go?

2 How did they get there?

3 What did they see?

4 Did they meet anyone?

5 What did they eat and drink?

6 Where did they sleep?

3Write the jobs. (3 points)



They …

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

a teacher

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4 Countable or uncountable? (4 points)

5What have they got? (3 points)

1 PATIENT I’ve got a DOCTOR Take some tablets.

2 PATIENT I’ve got a . DOCTOR Stay in bed.

3 PATIENT I’ve got a . DOCTOR Don’t eat chocolate.

4 PATIENT I’ve got a . DOCTOR Don’t talk.

6Write the verbs in the past. Choose R (regular) or I (irregular). (3 points)1 go R I 4 see R I 6 take R I

2 travel R I 5 wash R I 7 do R I

3 have R I

7 Read and complete. Use the verbs in the past. (4 points)

1 (you, have) a good holiday, Peter?

Yes, thank you, Sam! I had a great time. We 2 (go) to Ireland. I 3

(see) a lot of of castles, but no ghosts! We 4 (not stay) in a hotel, we stayed in

people’s houses. We 5 (walk) in the hills and we 6 (meet) many

interesting Irish people. They 7 (speak) with a funny accent! I 8

(send) you a postcard. 9 (you, get) it?

8Think about Peter’s holiday.Write some, any or a lot of. (3 points)1 Peter didn’t see ghosts. 3 He met people.

2 They walked in hills. 4 Did he send postcards?

robot money time computer spaceship air oil people energy

How much … ? How many … ?




Did you have



1Tick the correct picture. (4 points)Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja desus compañeros ni hablar durante el test.Explica que van a escuchar varias conversaciones. Pon la grabación (CD2pista 25). Escuchan y eligen el dibujo correcto en cada caso.

Respuestas: a 1 b 2 c 2 d 2


aGirl: What are you going to do on Saturday morning?Boy: I think I’m going to go shopping with my mum. I need a pair of jeans.

bBoy: What about you? Are you going to play football on Saturday morning?Girl: Oh no, I’m going to visit my uncle. He lives in the mountains. It’s a

beautiful place.

cBoy: And in the afternoon?Girl: Well on Saturday afternoon I’m going to go to my best friend’s

birthday party. He’s going to celebrate it in his garden.

dBoy: And what about you? Are you going to do something interesting on

Sunday?Girl: Of course! I’m going to see the science museum with my family.

We love science.Boy: That sounds very interesting!

2 Read the definitions.Write the words. (5 points)Repasa el vocabulario de los inventos con las flashcards. Leen lasdefiniciones y escriben el nombre de los inventos.

Respuestas: 1 A lightbulb 2 The world wide web 3 A mobile phone 4 A digital clock 5 A ballpoint pen 6 A personal stereo

3What are they going to do? Put a � or a �.Writethe sentences. (4 points)Lee la primera frase. Explica que es negativa porque tiene una cruz. Ponenun tick o una cruz a los demás dibujos y escriben las frases en la formaafirmativa o negativa.

Respuestas: 1 He’s not going to cook. 2 They’re (not) going to swim.3 They’re (not) going to eat.

* Now write about your plans. (4 points)Escriben una frase afirmativa y otra negativa sobre lo que van a hacer ellos.

Respuesta: respuesta abierta

4Write the numbers. (3 points)Lee el primer ejemplo y explica que es un año. Leen el resto de añosescrito en letra y los escriben en número.

Respuestas: a 1945 b 2002 c 1999 d 1968


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1 Tick the correct picture. (4 points)


a b

c d

2 Read the definitions.Write the words. (5 points)

1 It gives light. 4 It tells the time with lights.

2 It has got a lot of information. 5 You can write with it.

3 You use it to talk with your friends. 6 It plays music just for you.

3What are they going to do? Put a � or a �.Write the sentences. (4 points)


A lightbulb

* Now write about your plans. (4 points)(�)


4Write the numbers. (3 points)a Nineteen forty-five c Nineteen ninety-nine

b Two thousand and two d Nineteen sixty-eight






1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2

He’s not going to cook.



1 Listen and match.Then write the sentence.(6 points)Prepara a los alumnos para el test. Diles que no deben mirar la hoja desus compañeros ni hablar durante el test.

Señala los objetos del dibujo. Los alumnos los nombran. Pon la grabación(CD2 pista 33) dos veces. Escuchan y unen los objetos con lospersonajes. Después, escriben frases siguiendo el ejemplo.

Respuestas: 1 It’s not Mr Wilson’s computer. It’s David’s (computer).2 It’s not Zena’s MP3 player. It’s Fiona’s (MP3 player).3 It’s not Mr Wilson’s mobile phone. It’s Greg’s (phone).


Zena: Look at all this mess. Whose is this computer?Mr Wilson: It’s not mine. It’s David’s.Zena: And whose is this MP3 player? I saw you listening

to music yesterday.Mr Wilson: Yes, but it’s not mine. It’s Fiona’s.Zena: And look at the mobile phone. Whose is it?Mr Wilson: I don’t have a mobile phone. I think it’s Greg’s phone.

2 Match.Write the adjectives and + (positive) or - (negative). (8 points)Lee el ejemplo y pregunta Positive or negative? Forman el resto deadjetivos, los escriben e indican si son positivos o negativos.

Dales un punto por cada adjetivo bien escrito y tres puntos por poner lossignos +/- correctamente.

Respuestas: Positive wonderful, fantastic, brilliant, amazing Negative scary, wicked

3Write the possessive adjectives. (6 points)Coge el bolígrafo de un alumno y di This is Pedro’s pen. It’s his pen. Lee elejemplo. Escriben el adjetivo posesivo al lado de cada frase.

Respuestas: 1 his 2 her 3 their 4 her 5 our 6 its 7 your


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1 Listen and match.Then write the sentence. (6 points)





2 Match.Write the adjectives and + (positive) or - (negative). (8 points)

3Write the possessive adjectives. (6 points)1 Greg loves Greg’s skateboard.

2 Mr Wilson likes Zena’s planet.

3 Fiona and David took Fiona and David’s rucksacks.

4 Fiona said, ‘This is Fiona’s mobile.’

5 Your and my idea was brilliant.

6 A dog moves a dog’s tail when it’s happy.

7 I said, ‘Mum, can you lend me Mum’s trainers?’

It’s not Mr Wilson’s computer. It’s …











ful ry








1 Listen to the description and write the object.(4 points)Pon la grabación (CD2 pista 38) y para después de la primera frase: What

is it? Dan ideas. Escuchan las definiciones y escriben las palabras.

Respuestas: 1 mobile phone 2 MP3 player 3 video camera 4 computer


1 People use it to talk to other people, you can also send text messages, takephotographs or play games on it.

2 It’s very small. People use it to listen to music. You take the music from thecomputer and you put it on this machine

3 You can record your friends and your family, then you watch the images on TV.

4 You can use it to write your project, you can surf the Net and you can playgames on it.

2 Listen and match. (5 points)Pon la grabación (CD2 pista 39) dos veces. Escuchan y unen cadaadjetivo con el nombre correspondiente.

Respuestas: 1 d 2 b 3 e 4 a 5 c


Jim: Hi, Sally. Did you go to the cinema yesterday?

Sally: Yes, I did. And I saw a wonderful film.Jim: Really? Which one?Sally: It was Spiderman II. It has amazing special effects.Jim: What about the characters?Sally: There’s an evil-looking Green Goblin. But Spiderman is fantastic.Jim: Is it a scary story?Sally: No, not really. Go and see it.

1Where has Mr Smith been? (5 points)Pon la grabación dos veces (CD2 pista 37). Escuchan y escriben los lugaresque ha visitado Mr Smith.

Respuestas: 1 New York 2 London 3 Paris 4 Spain 5 Asia/China


Journalist: Good afternoon. Mr Smith, you’ve been on holiday recently.Can you tell us where you’ve been and what you’ve seen?

Mr Smith: Good afternoon. Yes, I have. I’ve been on holiday for twomonths! Where have I been? Well, I’ve been to New York, …

Journalist: Ah! The Big Apple! So you’ve seen the Statue of Liberty.

Mr Smith: Yes! And the Empire State Building. And I’ve been to Londonand Paris.

Journalist: Ah, Europe! Have you been to Italy?

Mr Smith: No, I haven’t. But I’ve been to Spain. I’ve seen the Alhambra and I’ve eaten lots of Spanish ham!

Journalist: And have you been anywhere else?

Mr Smith: Yes, I’ve also been to Asia!

Journalist: Wow!

Mr Smith: Yes, I’ve walked along the Great Wall of China and I’ve eatenlots of noodles and rice.

3 Find the words.What words can you make with theextra letters? (4 points)Lee el ejemplo. Explica que cuando hayan separado todas las palabrasescondidas, podrán formar otra palabra con las letras que sobren.

Respuestas: 1 fridge computer mobile phone microwave camera + advertising2 brilliant wicked peaceful cruel great + future

4Write questions and answers with going to. (6 points)Escriben la pregunta y la respuesta para cada ilustración. Después eligenuna de las respuestas y la escriben en la forma negativa.

Respuestas: 1 What is she going to do? She’s going to go skiing. 2 What are theygoing to do? They’re going to play basketball. 3 What is she going to do? She’sgoing to study French. 4 Where am I going to go? I’m going to go to Rome

5 Past or future? Write true sentences. (3 points)Escriben las frases con la forma correcta del verbo.

Respuestas: 1 Next summer I’m going to visit India. 2 In 300 BC Romans startedto use roads. 3 In October 2012 my friends are going to buy a new house.4 Last weekend we went to the cinema.

6 Choose the correct word. (3 points)Leen las frases y eligen la opción adecuada en cada caso.

Respuestas: 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 c 7 a

7 Find the mistakes.Write true sentences. (4 points)Lee el primer error. Explican que es incorrecto porque Egipto no está enEuropa. Subrayan los errores y los corrigen.

Respuestas: 1 She hasn’t been to Egypt. 2 She hasn’t seen The Statue of Liberty.3 She hasn’t been on the London Eye.

Journalist: And what are you going to do now?

Mr Smith: Oh, lots of things. I’ve only just started! There’s so much more tosee: Russia, Australia, South Africa, Kenya …

Journalist: OK, OK! So you’re not going back to work just yet!

Mr Smith: No! Not yet.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form ofhave been/seen. (7 points)Escriben frases afirmativas o negativas usando la forma correcta del verbo.

Respuestas: 1 has been 2 have seen 3 hasn’t been 4 have been 5 haven’t seen 6 hasn’t seen 7 haven’t been 8 has seen

3 Put the questions in order.Answer them aboutyourself. (8 points)Ordenan las palabras para escribir las preguntas y luego las responden.

Respuestas: 1 Have you seen an ostrich? Yes, I have. I saw one on a farm lastsummer. 2 Have you been to Portugal? 3 Have you seen the stars this week?4 Have you been to the theatre this month? 5 Have you seen a bus today?

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1 Where has Mr Smith been? (5 points)

1 2 3

4 5

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of have been/seen. (7 points)1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

✓ ✓ ✗ ✓

✗ ✗ ✗ ✓

1 She camping. 5 I the Pyramids!

2 They a Disney film. 6 My mum a famous person.

3 He to Australia. 7 We on a yacht.

4 They to a concert. 8 She a ghost.

3 Put the questions in order.Answer them about yourself. (8 points)1 you / seen / ostrich / have / an ?

2 Have / been / to / you / Portugal ?

3 seen / Have / stars / this / the / you / week ?

4 been / Have / theatre / the / you / to / month / this ?

5 you / today / a / Have / bus / seen ?

has been

Have you seen an ostrich? Yes, I have. I saw one on a farm last summer.

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1 Listen to the description and write the object. (4 points)

1 3

2 4

2 Listen and match. (5 points)1 amazing 2 fantastic 3 scary 4 wonderful 5 evil-looking

a film b Spiderman c Green Goblin d special effects e story

3 Find the words.What words can you make with the extra letters? (4 points)1 ADFRIDGEVCOMPUTERERMOBILEPHONETMICROWAVEISICAMERANG


4 Write questions and answers with going to. (6 points)1 What

2 What ?

3 What ?

4 Where ?

* Now choose one answer and make it negative. (1 point)

5 Past or future? Write true sentences. (3 points)

1 Next summer / I / visit India

2 300 BC Romans / start / to use roads

3 October 2012 / my friends / buy a new house

4 Last weekend / we / go / the cinema


is she going to do? She’s going to go skiing.

Next summer I’m going to visit India.






6 Choose the correct word. (3 points)1 Mr Smith is a teacher.That’s car.

a his b her c their

2 Marc and Montse are in class 5. teacher is Sarah.a His b Her c Their

3 What’s name? I’m Gillian.a his b your c my

4 Is mother Spanish? No, she’s Argentinean.a my b its c your

5 Silvia and I wrote a song. song is about love.a Our b Her c My

6 She’s a new pupil. name is Dana.a His b Our c Her

7 That bird is ill. leg is broken.a It’s b His c Its

7 Find the mistakes.Write true sentences. (4 points)

Dear Carl,

I’m on my way back from the summer holidays. It has been great! I’ve been to Europe. I’ve been

to France, Spain and Egypt. I’ve seen the Eiffel Tower and The Statue of Liberty but I haven’t seen

the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I’ve been on the London Eye in Malaga and I’ve been on a boat trip.

Next year, come with me!


Judith xx




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She hasn’t been to Egypt.