columbine report pgs 5801-5900

SIMlIS, CllAllLES JC..Q01· 005601

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JC..Q01· 005601







On 081899, [ telephonically interviewed CharlesSimms. who was a substituteteacherat CHS on April 20,1999 Charleswas in tilebusinessofficeeating lunchwhenhe beardloud noises canting from thecafeteria. Hetold me the business officewasclose to thecafeteria. Hebeardscreamingandthensaw astudent running. The student ran into the businessoffice and said,"Hide me, they are killingpeople."Simms 'aid he thought the student's name was PeterS WIlile biding in the busine.. office he and til,student attemptedto call 911,but it wasbusy. Peter's father had paged him, so Peter called Illsdad hackand provideddetails of the incident to his father. Peter', dad the. had a FBI Agenr call and the.maintainedthe connection for a long period.Simms ,aid that he and Peter werein theoffice for threehoursuntilSWATrescued them. Simms couldsee police vehiclesand helicopters fromthe office windows. Simmsreportedthat he did not see anyshooting or shooters,he only heardshooting and bombs.Simms reportedto havingno prior knowledge of thls incident. Simms didDOt think he bad seen Klebotd orHarris 00 campusbefore.When the SWAT officerstookSimmsout of the school they put _ in an armoredcar. Fromthe armoredcur Simmscould see a boy beginning to fall OUt of a window from the secondstory. He toldthe SWATleader. The SWATteamthen rescuedthe boy and put bim in the vehicle, Simms 'aid theboy was badlyhurt and bleeding. The SWATlenderaskedSimms to keep the boy alert, Simmssaid the boy's name wasPatrick. The boy tried to tell bim his name, but was onlyable to say "Rick".As the armoredvehiclewas leavingwith Patrick.Simms saw anotherboy lyingon the ground. Simmsyelled at the SWATlenderand said,"Aren't yougoingto gethim?"The SWATleader midSimmsthat theboy wasdead.


JC-001- 005802


JC-001· 005803


JC·001· 005804

· !


n... of tm",option OS/20/1999

Christopher Todd Stanford, DOB 06/15/1982, 7153 SouthChase Way, Littleton, Colorado, telephone (303)973-0846, asophomore at Columbine High School, was interviewed at his homein the presence of his mother, Connie Stanford, by SpecialAgentlSA) Ricky V. Wright regarding the incident that took placeon 04/20/1999 at Columbine High School. After being advised asto the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of theinterview, Stanford provided the following information:

At approximately 11;08 am, Stanford got out of choirclass, taught by Mr. Andres. That day in choir class, Stanfordhad gotten a costume for an upcoming all boys choir. Stanfordtook the costume, left the choir room, proceed north by thelibrary and went to his locker in the north main hall justoutside the auditorium. Stanford tried on the shoes to hiscostume at his locker and discovered that they did not fit.Stanford then took the costume back to the choir room anddiscovered that Mr. Andres was busy. Stanford then took thecostume back to his locker and then went to his cour~elor's

office, located in the counseling area. His counselor, Ms,Asbury, was helping another student so Stanford waited outsidethe office.

Stanford had been waiting approximately four minutes,when a female teacher ran into the offices and said there was afire. Stanford, Ms. Asbury, and the another student started towalk toward the exit behind the gymnasium by the weight room, butthe female teacher, who gave the warning about the fire, returnedand said there was someone with a gun. Stanford and the othersthen decided to hide in a closet in the counseling area. Theyhid for approximately three to five minutes, when the same femaleteacher came back and said the gunman was coming that way.Stanford and the others then left the counseling area and exitedthe building through the exit behind the gymnasium. Onceoutside, Stanford went around the tennis courts to Clement Park.

Stanford was not in the cafeteria at all on the day ofthe shooting. Stanford was an acquaintance of Eric Harris, DylanKlebold, and Chris Morris. Stanford knew Morris better thanHarris or Klebold. He used to hang out with them around schoollast year. Stanford has not seen any of them very much this

l"""tipoon 00 05/ 19 / 19 99 "..:L::.:i:.:t:.:t::.l::.e=t:::o:.:n:.!.,--=C::::o::::l::::o::::r::::a~d:::o=- _JeffCD #99-7625;

Fil,. 174A-DN-57419; Control #2535 D.ted!,,",d

b, SA Ricky V. Wright VI,))

This document' COllUlll'l$ nei:.her reCOmmltnQitiQns flOr com:lu.$loIl$ of the FBI I: i$m. propertY of Ult FBIand),)loa~d ,0 your agel'lC:r~

ifand its cements are not (0 tie JiSttlOllWd OIlt!>1tk :tOUTagency

174A-DN-57419; Jeffeo #99-7625; Control #2535

Cominuarioll of FD·J02 ofChristoPher Todd Stanford


year. Stanford never did anything outside of school with them.Stanford never knew them to talk about guns or bombs. Morris,Harris, and Klebold did talk about playing paint hall. Stanfordnever had any indication that something was going to happen onthe day of the shooting. Stanford did not see Harris or Kleholdon the day of the shooting or the day before. Stanford does nothave an Internet screen name and has never communicated withHarris, Klehold, or Morris on the Internet.

JC·001· 005805



JC·001. 005806

CONTlNVATION 0Reporting Agency RetXitfutg Officer Case Report Nc

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO ERZEN 99·7625-ZZZConnecting Use- Report N<>. veum Name: Origffial Repon Dale This Report:

_DN#4300 07-22-91)c ~"'" X First Deg.... Murder OffCNiot Swur. Open X ~iiy~ o Recommend Case: Review 0

RllC'lani t'kaliQft o Clem:dby.\m$ c U'_ 0 CIo"", C

t~ I Qwmtity I '9nmdNAme I~ti(ln ISma1Nu ¥lit..le IR~\{~t ~~Io,m



9713 West Chatfield Ave" /Ie

Littleton, CO 80128

(303) 979·5031

Student; Columbine HighSchool



Same asabove.

Bus: (303) 792-5615


I hadbeenassigned the leadto contact Casey Stoner in reference to theColumbine HighSchool incident thatoccurred on04-20­

99. Through the use of school records. we identified Casey as having lunch period "A," I wascontacting herto seeif she was

on campus whenthis incident occurred.

Information obtained wasthatCasey wasupnearthemainoffice at theschoo! when this incident occurred. Sheheard gunshots

andquickly fled from the school. Casey didnotobserve anygunmen andshe hadnoadditional information to passon reference

this incident.


FBI Case ii4-DN-57519IDN /I 4300

DISPOSITION: Caseopen, pending further investigation. JC-001· 005807

Page !

ASAFi J/98 JCSDlf-674


Assigned To




JC·001· 005808

Case No, _Page__ 01 _ PagesDenver Ponce Department


County StaHl

Cl Person ~vised

Zip Code


I have read the foregoing statement and the facts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, fdo not maintain that It contains all of the facts or detaJ1s of the incident, but only those facts about which I have beenaskttd.

Time- Statement Completed

1__1_-Cate DAM

=:""'==:--===::-;; 0 PM

DPe 366 (Rev, 2i95l JC-001·005809 1I1II mllll~ 1111111111111• Q 6 Q (l •

CvNTINVATION 0Reponing Agency R~ponil1g Officer Case Report No


CDrlJ\t':ling Case: Repcrt No V1r.::tlRl NameOoginai Repon Date: This Report

COLUMBINE 06-17·99C' 'i!JllOft X FIRST DEGREE MURDER OtftrtSt Suw£; Opem X beepliolla!l: CI.e3red C1 Rt:commend Case: Review C1 !,- .>~j!i'<!lio'l C1 ClU-1M by Am.':It Q UllfO>Jl'ldrli Q Closure c i

llfj~ IQuamit: Imild Name IO"ntpt/(lJ't j StriJlJ N¢' S;~)~ [ Valve I VaIo..'llR~o\,~td Damil!td

CN# 3830



824 MeadowRun

Golden, CO



On06·15.99, 1interviewed Karen Srudenka. Studenkais an assistant principal withColumbine HighSchoolon 04-20-99. She

.as in theofficeat the end of the fourth hourperiod. She hadpreviously beenmeetingwithChrisMikesell, Peter Horvat, also

assistant principals atColumbine High School and an employee Kiki Leyba. Afterthemeeting wascompleted, theyhadstepped

outof the officeand at approximately llr20. Jan Fielder. a secretary for theadministrative officesreceived a telephone callfrom

JudyGreco. Judyhad said that therewas a gunman downstairs Karen at that point in ume thought thatJudy, whois a Special

Ed teacher, was reporting thatone of herstudents in a Special Edclasshad a weapon. She hadstarted to get herthings together

to go down to that area. When she starredour of the office and had gotten next to the mailboxes. which is close to the door into

the hallway At [hal point she heard shots and stopped. At that point in time. a student who she knows as John Vigil, ran into

theoffice and said that therewas some Kid witha gun. Karen and otheremployees thenbegangoing to the back of the office.

where she hid in a conference room for a shot time Shortly after that. the- fire alarm went off and she exited the roam and went

into the hallway next to the art areaand thenexitedthe school through a north exit. She told me as she was leavingthe school

through the art hallway that there was a number of students coming out of the art area and she usheredthem on as theywere

taking their time leaving the area. She said after leaving the school. they went over to the park area and she made contact with

a number of other administrators who were getting information as to whathad occurred within the school. She saidshehas filled

out a witnesssheet, but couldnot remember the investigator thatsheprovided the information to. Karen told me that the bells

for fourth hour are from 1L10 to II' is, Il: 15 beingthe tardy bell. Sheremembers thecall from JUdy Grecoto Jan Fielder being

'0 ~'g11a(me ) Unit Numbee Supel"\liSQr Jnl(l)!S and Dae I,,,,.,,,, -t PJge 1\ /Xx;.1,:/i£:/-,,_:;:;~7d'~-~/: I' .g;c: ;i( of

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{JPIQ1>.iAL I iN\.'[STlC,,~roR I, It11M SE.R\'ICf,$ 1"QHHi:R JC.Q01· 005810 AFJ 4198 JCSD/167.J

CONTINUATION 0Reporting Agency RtpOninl Oflh:~r Cast Repon No

SUPl'LEMENT X JCSO WEBB 99-7625-UUCQIln¢r::tingCaseR~ No Vtetlm Name Original RepMt Date Thil;Report

COLUMBINE 06-17-99r '~ X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Off~n SfMI.$ Open X Ex,!?tlOl'laHy Clftt¢d o R~omlMnd Case: R.eview cR«UlJSificaliem c CInm! by Amf'st " t)l1fcundlld e Closure o

r~ i I I Dt:'J:tMption IS'!l"ialNo ~~~ I Value: I '1tlll'tj Qwmtil'y Brand N.",~ R«(l"~r.m OJmagt<l

approximately II:20, She described theshotstharsheheardjust before shehad exited the hallway to go downtosee Judy Greco

as being very close and very loud, but did not see or hear anything damaged close to her area when the shots rang out.

Additionally, Karen Studenka said that there was one other kid in the conferencewhen she went inside, This kid was being

subjectedto somekind of disdpllnary hearing. She cannotremember hisname. Studenka'aid 'he wasaware thatother people

hid in various offices in the administrationroom, but does not knowexactly what time or how those people were able to get out

DISPOSITION; Open, pendingfurther investigation.

JC.o01- 005811

o .. Unit Number Supervisor Iniljtl~5 and Date Assigned To ,1l,1.~' :::1l'!I'lJ{ure Ptlg~ •of !

n!l.IC;ll'AL jINV'E-ST'..-G.I,TOR VICTlM SU'dCE5 1QTIIER ~ ASA'J 4j<}8 .JCSOI16"4



JC-001- 005812

· I .



On 5/10/99, Kathe~ine Trojan, DOB 9/14/99, 8163 WestQuarto Avenue, Littleton, Colorado, was advised of the identityof tbe interviewing Agent, and the nature and purpose of theinterview. She was interviewed in the presence of her Mother,Susan Trojan, DOB 7/21/64, and her Father, Daniel Trojan, DOB4/20/62. She provided the following information.

on 4/20/99, Katherine drove to school and parked in theClement Vark parking lot. She arrived at approximately 7,10 a.m.She then went directly to spanish class. Her last class prior tofirst lunch period was advanced acting class. This class let outat approximately 11,10 - 11:15 a.m. She then walked with ZachHeckler to the choir room. She and Zach parted ways, and insteadof going to lunch, she went to see her guidance, Mrs. Asbury.While meeting with her guidance counselor, a secretary ran intothe office, and said that there were two people with guns in theschooL leatherine, Mrs. Asbury, the secretary, and anunidentified male student went inside of a Xerox room to hide.They hid in here fOr approximately 2-3 minutes, and then they ranout of the scneej , via an exit near the qylllnasium. While in theXerox room, she is not sure, but she may have heard gunshots.After she exited, she ran towards Clement Park, and in Order toqet in, She j\llllped the fence. She saw zach Heckler in the parkwaiting on line to use the telephone. Taaohers then yelled to alarge group of students to continue to run into the park. Theybriefly went into a public building in Clement Park, but thendecided that this would not be a safe place, and ran to theClement Park public library. While she was in this building, shewas in the company of Zach Heckler, Andy Robinson, and SarahArz.ola.

Katherine did not see anyone with any duffel bags orpackages that looked out of the ordinary to her. She has seenEric Harris around school, knew who he was, but di~'t associatewith him. She knew Dylan Klebold from school play productions.She didn't hang'out or socialize with him, but during the courseof school plays did have occasional informal conversation withhim. She didn't see either Klebold or Harris on Monday OrTuesday. She does hang out with Zach Heckler, not only atschool, but sometimes socially after school and on weekends. Shestated that Zach never talked about the Trench Coat Mafia, or

5/10/99 JC-001·005813

I'll,' 174A-DN-57419/ 99-7625/ CN2949

by SA Russell J. Atanasio

1bilI documtru ccmitlJ ~)m-l:(' l't"J,',ll'Ml£;';IiIl.iUlU oor <;onrolusioD.& of tho FBt 11 if Wl1I pro'P'I'tt'1 of~ flU and i. l~ tc yOUt 'J¢:l':Yi

I' 4nd ~~ 'Cl'ltent.J In: (>0( t.:lhe ;,Hlltr'ibut4d OlJu~dl' }'<'lUI" l(itl1"ltt)'

174A-ON-574l9/ 99-7625/ CN2949

Katherine Trojan ..... _.::.--

Klebold or Harris. sne didn't believe that Zach WaS either a TCHmember or associate. She stated that Zach never indicated that hebad prior knowledqe of the attack plans of Harris and Klebold.However, eVen as soon as students were gathered at the pUbliclibrary on the day of the incident, she and Othe~Sto nclu eZach Heckler suspected that Harris, Klebold and weresomehow involved with the incident. She also beX ickThomas and Mike Casey are TCH associates.

She stated that a girl who she thinks may have beenAllison Brook said that during 4th hour advanced acting classthat Alejandra Marsh, and Vanessa Grimes asked several people ifthey could borrow a car to leave the school grounds to run someerrands. She stated that now that the students are back tosohool, that there are ru:mors about Alejandra Marsh. The ru:moris that Marsh denies prior knowledge of this incident, but thatif she had known about it, she said she would have helped them.

Katherine uses the Internet, with two screen names.They are sailrmn, and keepsake [email protected]. Althoughthese are active accounts, she has not used them in severalmonths. She does not have an ICQ account, however she does useaol chat rooms.

Finally, sbe said that a boy (me unknown), had askedCourtney VanDell (aka devil girl) if she would like to go to abasketball game on 4/20/99. Courtney alleqedly asked him whattime that the game would be, and when he told her that it wouldbe at 4:30, she smiled and replied that 4:30 would be a blast.

JC·OO1· 005814



CCNTlNUATION 0ReportingAgency RepQrtingOff'lc. Case Rep<irt No


C"Onec1jog Cue Repon No VictimN.lrne Ori$ Report DateTIlis Report

COLUMBINE 06-03-99l- X ~RSTDEGREEMURDER X,:a~ll,):fl Offense Status: Open EIl:qnionlllily Clt:l;m,d n Recommend Case: Review c

~j:wi(jeati(Jn C Cleared by AlI"e5I 0 Unfcllnded C Cl(K;l.Ire 0

I~W IQwlnliry IBrandName I Deseripl;i(fll IS'l'n.aINQ ~=I V",illll: I Value

Rt<:o,w<:m! Dilmagtd


Brooke Jo Tyrell / DOB 061281

1783 Jared Way

Littleton, Colorado 80125 (Douglas County)


Columbine High School j 12- grade


On 06.02.99, at about 3:20 p.m., I interviewed CHS student Brooke Tyrell as follow up on DN3555. The interview was

conducted in Brooke's home in the presence of her father. SteveTyrell.

Brooke told me that on 04-20-99, at about 11:10a.rn.. she hadjust finished her fourth periodmath class in classroom MA-I0

Brooke said that after leaving this classroom, she and fellow studentsTodd Gamber (II 'h) and Jared (last name unknown)

walkednorthalong the Mathhallwayand intothe southhallwaythat runseast-west. Brooke 'aid that the three of themstopped

along the south sideofsaid hallway, in frontofSOme lockersacrossfromclassroomsLA-2 and LA-3. There, Brookesaid that

they talked for a couple of minutes, as they routinely did. Brooke said that the three of them then went their separateways.

Brooke said that Todd had a choir class during 11fth period, andthat she thoughtJared went to lunch. Brooke said that she then

walked north, down the Language Arts / Social Studieshallway,continuednorth across the lobby area of the main east-west

hallway,past the bathroomsand intothe CounselingCenter. Brookesaidthat technically.she has fifth periodfree. but spends

it in the CounselingCenter whereshe assists the administrative staff with filling out I delivering attendance slips. hall passes.

and runningerrands. In between such duties, Brooke said that she usuallydid homework.

JC.Q01· 005816

onlcer Signature Unit Numlxr S\,lpervisor initialsand D<m: AnignedT..., ?,ge 1

{jt4~ tNl/· <.?:'ie'S 01 1

;)RICIN"'l I fJ'l\!>Sit():,.,TOR V1CT1M saavrcss I OTKER I ASAFJ 4J93JCSOI!$i14

CONTINUATION 0Reporting Ape)' Rcpontns Otlicer Case R4"Ort No

SUPPLEMENT X JeSO BROOKS 99-762S-JJConnectingCaseil~ No v ictim Name onginal Report DateThis Report

COLUMBINE O(j"{)3-99.j~!IM X FIRSTDEGREEMURDER Ot'fense~" Open X e"CIlIMionitiy Cicared tl Recommend Case: Revrew n

R«:IMSificmiM CO ClelmlbYAfTt$l 0 Unfou.nded o Closure c

l}i:: IQuantity ISnlTldNarrte I ~~I'ltion I small No ~~ I Vawe I ValueRbl:l)VCIlIU Dvrnll,.'td

Brooke said that upon entering the Counseiing Center,just prior to the 11, 15 bell, she placed her backpack on a table in the

southeastcomerofthe room, sat down, andbeganto readthenewspaper. Brookesaidthat she wasnot sure whoelsewasinside

the CounselingCenter at that time, to include its interiorcounselingoffices. Brooke said that after about five or six minutes.

a femaleCounselor,whom she identifiedas MissPeterson, enteredthe CounselingCenter through a door that connectsit with

the main office and announced. "Someone', been shot in Miss Greco's class." Brooke said that Miss Petersonwas visibly

upset, and was crying. Upon hearing this, Brookesaid that shewasinitially"shocked," and then "kinds freakedout," Brooke

said that she believed Miss Peterson because ofher seriousdemeanor, and began to cry herself, Brooke said that at aboutthe

samelime, two"financial aid ladies" entered the Counseling Center. and that one of'thern pulled her into the office located on

theCenter's east side, Brooke said that the other financial aid ladythenenteredthe same office, and the three of them"huddled

together. hugging each other" to the left of the door (from the inside). Brooke said thai they remained inside this office for

"about two or three minutes," during which lime the firealarm sounded.

Brooke said that she was "made" to leave this office,and told10 leavethe school, Brooke said that she doesn't remember who

told her to do this, but knows it was said with the idea of getting herout of the school10 safety Brooke said thai she then left

lhe office and exited the Counseling Center's main door (from whichshe had originally entered). Brooke said that she then

ran north, with numerous other students who were in the hallway, and exited the school through the doors locatednear the

northeast corner of the gymnasium. Brooke said thatupon exitingthe school, there were "hundreds" of students and several

staff members in the parking 101 with her. Brooke said that staff members continually yelled at rhe students to conunue

northward, 10 the fence on Ihe south side ofClementPark. Oncethere. Brooke said that they were told to climb the fence and

continue running into Clement Park. Brooke said that students pulledpicnic benches to the fence and overturned trashcans

so as to facilitate getting over the fence. Brooke said that fromthe timeshe left the school to the lime she climbed the fence.

about three minutes had elapsed,


Brooke said that she did not recall ever looking backat the schoolwhile in rheparking lot or after scaling the fence Brooke

said that she continuednorth, to the north 'ide ofthe park, then went toColumbineLibraryto call herparents. Brookesaidthat

she was unable to get through to her parents at that time,and then went to meet a friend al the Red Robin restaurant From

OfficerSignature Unit Nu_ Supervisor Initials,and Dale Assigned To Page i»1 1

GRl(l1i\A!. 1,...... €.'\t!eATOR vICTIM:HRylcES I oraee I AS..\F3 4/\)& JCSDiliiN

CONTINUATION 0R~rringA~j' Reponing: Oftlc;:er Cas!; &qlQI1 NQ


Coonocling CaseReportNt) Victim NameOriginal Report DateThis Report

COLUMBINE 06-03-99-eaacn X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Otlonse S\lrIl..Ir. Open X ~rifillilU)' 0 Rccommeflu Case; Re..«:w D

Rtclatliit"kalion (J CI~lryA,l'fC$\ Du_

0 Cfnsere (J

lJ?: IQwully I8nlld Name I Desmpllqn Ismal No ~i6\~ I VllIlliC I valueReco-..:red D:lI1Yl!!ro

there, her friend's motherarrivedand drove them to DakotaRidge HighSchool to pick up her friend'. car. Brookesaid that

upon enteringDakota Ridge High School, she and her friend were "locked inside" with its students as a safety precaution.

Brookesaid that she was able to call her mother from there, whoresponded to pick her up at about 3:00 p.m,

Brooke said that she never heard any gunshots or explosions. Brooke said that she never saw any shootens), nor anyone

wearinga trench coal. Brooke said that she had left her backpack insidethe CounselingCenter. and was able to retrieve it

earlier this week. The interviewwas concludedat about3:50p.m,

All namesprovidedwere run through Rapid Start. No additional lead sheetsnecessary.

See attachedschoolmap.



Officer SIgnature Unit Number Sl.lpervtSGt lnitiab and Date Assigned To Page J

.r 1

; 'llllGl"iAL I J:>;\,fSTlGAT~ VICT1Mnll;Vlm I o'ni~ I ASAF3'198 'CSOi!67'

•• ....


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t.c>WlOn leVEL



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1_ 1-<#11~ Ci!NV'5 'M MA-/V Ifr 11/0Z r.tLi'-:; IN 'f1f' p,e,t,-UP'S Ar {1fts 1-"C,fflCN3 tJN;E7l.5 C-Ot.uJ'15LrL."U::. C<-=1Vn.-- AT"" (/:1'54. IHOGi-5 (101 17ft"' tA:;;CATtvN (,Jim 'JcIN/l""f'JC'(Jtt-- Ato" t.Ar:'ltE'S5. 1:9'-1f"'5 Ci9</N:'5L-'W N C4 e:-J1lI£l!!{ fl!!w'J"S NI!>i£""b- tc"Xlf'5~ [1ff!Otlut+ (1n-""5e pp<?JI!"S


C~Em. s

JC-001· 005820

Page__ of _ PagesDenver Police Department


Case No. _

I have read the foregoing statement and the tects eMtained therain ara tltla to tha b8$t of my knowladga and ballaf. Ido not maintain that It contains all of the facts or def817s ot the incident, but only those facts about which I have beenesked.

_/--1--O..e 0 AM

-;;;====== 0 PMTime Statement Com.pieted SJQNture 'Of Perwn Makj(J.g Stauunent

~Po 166 {Re.v. 21951 JC-001·005821 \IIBIIIII~IIn:• 0 6 a 0

PIRllARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 108/30/1999

Ref # 99cU067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32Stat1ls RTF

DET132 08/25/1999 OS2399/BOATRIGHT/MO

Connected to Jefferson County Sheriff's Department case repor~ #99­7625

On 06/09/99, Detective Boatright (10) was assigned ON #3824requesting he contact and interview Susan White. Within thenarrative of the lead, IO was informed Susan White is the secretaryof Columbine High School Principal Frank DeAngelis and was hidingin Peter Horvath's office during this incident. IO was requestedto interview Susan White to confirm her whera~bouts during theincident and obtain any information she may have relevant to thisinves~igation. The aforementioned interview was scheduled to occurat Col1lmbine High School on 06/09/99.

On the Qat~ indicated at approximately 0930 hours, IO met withSusan White in the main office of Columbine High School. IOsubsequently confirmed with Susan M. White her date of birth is03/13/51 and her home address is 7456 W, Clifton Avenue, Littleton,CO 80128, Phone 303-979-8405. 10 went on to verify with SusanWhite she is employed at columbine High School (Add. 6~Ol So.Pierce Street, Littleton, CO a0123) as the Principal's secretary.As previously noted in thie report 1 the Principal is identified asFrank DeAngelis.

to subsequently requested Susan White provide an account ofher activities on 04/20/99 beginnL~g at the time she arrived atschool. Susan White indicated on the date in question she arrivedat school at approximately 0715 hours and parked in the eastteacher/staff parking lot. Susan White stated she normally arrivesat school at the time indicated Above and would park in the eastlot, IO confirmed with Suzan White at the eime she arrived atschool she did net notice any unusual activities occurring.

Susan White went on to explain after parking her car she thenentered the school via the east main entrance and responded to ~he

administration office. For purposes of clarification, theadministration office is the area where Susan White's desk islocated, Additionally, the administration office is located on theeast side of the building adjacent to the east, main entrance ofthe school,.

Susan White explained upon arrival at school that date therewas an unusual event scheduled which she identified as the »DECABreakfast, II Susan White stated cbe nECA Breakfast is attended bynumerous staff and students which is somewhat disruptive in termsof the daily schedule. Susan White did clarify the DECA Breakfastis a scheduled event which occurs at the end of each school year tohonor those students who participated in the DECA program.

Susan White related shortly after arriving at school she thenmade arrangements with Mona Madden and Syd Keating to go to theOECA breakfast together, Susan h~ite stated she along with theforenamed left Columbine High School shortly before 0800 hours er JC-001·005822

PIRNARR Arvada ~olicelcourt systemArvada Po11ce Department


l?age 208/30/1999

Ref iI 99-1:<0.7Type 1\SS'1'01\

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reporeed Daee 04/:<0/1999 Time 12;39;32Status RTF

DET132 08/25/1999 062399/S0A'l'RIGH'1'/MO

route to the Wilshire Inn where the breakfast was eo be held.Susan White stated she did not recall the exact time they arrivedat the DECA breakfast but knew it was within approximately 10 to15 minutes of their depar~ure from the school.

Susan White deaczi.bed t.he DECA breakfast a.s vuaeventfu L"recalling that it ended sometime between 1045 and 1100 hours.Susan White indicated she along with Mona Madden and Syd Keatingthen returned to the school sometime around 1100 hours.

Susan White explained after returning from the DECA ~reakfaat

she responded back to the administration office where she wasattempting eo begin her normal work duties. Susan White explainedthere was some conversation occurring in the Administration officearea as the result of the DECA breakfast which may have been adistraction in terms of everyone getting back to work immediately.As that line of queationing ccneinued, Suaan Wh~te indicted thepoint she was making was aimply that ehere were varioua peoplestanding aro~~d the office area engaging in miscellaneousconversations.

Susan White stated at approximately ~12a hours she recalledJan Fiedler standing at her desk (to the south) speaking on herdesk phone. Susan White clarified Jan Fiedler was standing at herown desk while on the phone. When asked where she was located atthis point, Susan White stated that she would have been at her deskjust to the north of where Jan Fiedler was located. Susan Whitecontinued with her explanation by stating while the forenamed wason t.he phone she then "announced" that "Judy Greco called and saidsomeone was sheoting dcwnata Lxa . II Susan White stated her initialthought after hearing that information was the shooting wasoccurring in Judy Grecols classroom. Susan White went on toexplain when hearing that information she aleo recalled thinkingwhat she- had just heard, was possibly some type of I'senior prank. n

Susan White further indicated after reflecting on the inCident sheknows she was mistaken when believing the shooting was occurring inJudy Greco's classroom bu~ simply made that assumption based onwhat ehe heard Jan Fiedler state. Susan White reiterated JanFiedler had indicated the shooting wa.s occurring "downstairs" andhad not made any specific reference to Judy Greco's classroom.

Susan White was next asked to identify thoBe individualspresent in ~he office who would have possibly heard Jan Fiedler'sannouncement. Susan White stated she was certain two studentassistants were present whom she identified as Elaine Bowie andanother male student (unknown by name). Susan ~hite next indicatedAnna Cabrera j an athleti~ secretary (part~timel I Wa$ also presentin the office. As Susan White continued to reflect on the incidentshe believed another staff member by the name of Karen Studenka wasalso in the area. Susan White then clarified she believed KarenStudenka had possibly just walked out into the hall prior to JanFiedler making the above announcement.

JC.001- 005823

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Ref it 99-12057Type ASSTCA

Location 620. S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,J9:32Status RTF

DET13. 08/25/1999 Oa2399/BOATRI~/MO

When asked what occurred next, Susan White $ta~ed sheremembered a student by the name of John Veigel enter the officeand walk over to her desk, Susan White stated John veigel thensaid to h~r, "TheY're shooting. 1I Susan White reported she couldtell John Veigel was IIse-rious" by the look on his face and the tonein hi$ voice. Susan White added she waS also convinced somethingof a serious nature had just occurred due to the informationprovided by Jan Fiedler. Susan White did point out she wassomewhat uncer~ain as to the details of what had occurred butreiterated she was convinced the matter was serious.

At that point Susan White recalled thinking she should call911 but first decided to tell the Principal what was occurring.SUSan White then walked the short dietance to Frank DeAngeli"office. Susan White reported at the time she responded to theprincipal's office she recalled Karen Studenka being in the officearea and be9i~~in9 to apeak with John Veigel. Susan White furtherclarified it was possible Karen Studenka had just walked into theoffice area at that point. Susan White wae unable to be morespecific concerning Karen Studenka!a specific actions at thatpoint. ,

When asked to continue with her explanation from ehe point shearrived at Frank ne~~gelisl office I Susan White reported uponarrival at that location the door was closed. Susan Whiteindicated she was aware of the fact Frank DeAngelis was in theoffice having a meeting with a faculty member ident.ified as uKiki. Ol

Susan White stated Frank DeAngelis was meeting with l1'Kiki!' to offerhim a full time position as a eaaeher at Columbine High School.According to Susan White, "Kikill was presently employed atColumbine High School but was not considered full time.

Susan White stated she did not recall knocking on FrankOeAngelis/s door but did remember opening it and seeing FrankDeAngelis sitting in his llchair ll while "Kiki" was seated in theIt couch. II Susan Whiee stated upon opening the door she thenannounced to Frank DeAngelis, -They're shooting downstai:rs. ll SusanWhite stated Frank DeAngelis; immediate response was to state I

"You're kidding me, 11 Susan White then confirmed Frank DeAngelisdid not question what she had just $aid nor did he perceive whatshe said as a joke. Susan White related the above statement madeby Frank DeAngelis was simply a response of disbelief. Susan Whitestated she next recalled seeing Frank DeAngelis stand up at whichtime he exited his office and walked out into the main office area.Susan White explained she was following Frank DeAngelis andbelieved "Kiki" was somewhere dose behind. JC-001-005824

Susa.~ White reported she then watched Frank DeAngelis walkdirectly out of the main office into the front foyer area of theschool, Susan White stated she did remember seeing j'Kiki II

following Frank DeAngelis out of the main cffiqe. SuSan White did

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Location 6201 5 PIERCE 5T

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

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point out as Frank DeAngelis was leaving the office she asked if hewanted her to call 911. According to Susan White, Frank DeAngelisresponded in the affirmative but continued walking at a rapid pace.

Susan White related as she picked up the phone and begin tomake the 91l call ahe began to hear "a 'lot of shooting somewhere inthe north hall. ,j Susan White stated she was certain the shootingthat she was hearing was not coming from the Itdownst.airs."

Susan White explained by this point Chris Mikesell (Dean ofStudents Columbine aigh school) and Peter Horvath (Asst. Principal]had walked out into the main office area. Susan White clarifiedboth the forenamed individuals have offices in the administrationarea. Susa~ White recalled when seeing Peter Horvath approach herdesk he was asking aa to the whereabouts of Neil Gardner (JeffcoDeputy, sRO assigned to Columbine aigh School), Syd Keating(Jefferson County campus security) and Andy Martin (JeffersonCounty campus security), According to Susan White, Peter Horvathwas asking a rhetorical question due to the fact he immediatelygrabbed a ffwalkie talkie h off of her desk and began calling forDeputy Gardner. Susan White explained she normally keeps a walkietalkie on her desk in order to communicate with various staff oncampus. SuSan White did indicate Peter Horvath has his own IIwalkietalkie" but. simply grabbed hers due to its close proximity.

When asked if Peter Horvath was able to contact Deputy Gardnervia the radio, Susan White stated that was her assumption, however,she did not hear the details of the commu~ication. Susan Whitethen explained as Peter Horvath was attempting to speak with DeputyGardner via the ~adio, she then saw Syd Keating walking towards herdesk from the north end of the hall. For purposes ofclarification, Susan White was refarring to a hallway directly tothe north of her desk within the administration o£f~ce White further indioated Syd Keating's offiee was located atthe far north end of tha~~hall.

Susan White stated syd Keating then continued down the hallultimately arriving at her desk. At thAt point Susan White toldSyd Keating she needed to place a 911 call to notify theauthorities as to the situaeioh. A~ that point Susan White statedboth she and Syd Keating responded back to Peter Horvath's office(located in the same north hall as Syd Keating's office andPrincipal DeAngelis' office). 10 confirmed with Susan White shedid not separate from Syd Keating at the time they went to PeterHorvath's office. Susan White went on to explain the reason she~~d Syd Keating went to Peter Horvath'S office was due to the factthere had been shooting in tne north hall which they peroeived tobe a threat. Susan White indicated by going to Peter Horvath'soffice they felt they could at least conceal themselves in ·theevent the suspect (s) came near the area of the main office. JC-001-005825

Susan White stated upon arriving at Peter Horvath's office ahe

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Location .201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTI'

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immediately crawled under a round table located in the southeastcorner of the room. Susan White subsequently walked IO back toPeter Horvath's office so he could personally observe what she wastrying to describe. IO would note Peter Horvathts office islocated on the west side of a hall which runs north and south.When anterin,9 the office, IO did observe a small round. tablelocated in the southeast corner of the room. In addition, IO noteda shelving/desk unit which ran along the north and west walls ofthe room.

After entering the office, Susan White again pointed out thetable where she first concealed herself after entering the room.Susan White stated she believed she had closed the door behind herwhen entering the room. Susan White pointed out Syd Keatingimmediately went to the phone located on the desk facing the northwall, Susan White recalled Syd Keating making approximately threeattempts to get through to the 911 dispatcher and was finallysuccessful on the fourth try.

Susan White explained while $yd Keating was attempting to makecontact wit.h the 911 dispatcher she was told to \!lock the door,"IO confirmed with Susan White she was provided that direction bySyd Keating prior to making contact wieh the 911 dispatcher.

Susan White explained she subsequently reached up from herposition underneath the tahle and turned the locking mechanism onthe door. Susan White next explained by doing 80 she actuallyunlocked the door. Susan White stated it was a normal practice ofPeter Horvath to leave his door locked in the event he needed toleave in a hurry, thus he could c~ose the door behind him and hisoffice would be secure. Susan White stated as a result of turningthe locking mechanism in the manner she did, ~he deor was actuallyunlocked. Susan White explained at the time the event occurred shedid assume by turning the locking mechanism she had in fact lockedthe door, it was not until later that she realized her mistake.

Susan White stated at the point Syd Keating made contact withthe 911 dispatcher she recalled the forenamed sta~in91 P~here's

someone in the school shooting, II Susan White stated syd Keatingmay have referred to the suspect as a "shooter. ll Susan Whiteindicated shortly after Syd Keating began talking to the 911dispatcher she {Syd Keating) then concealed neroelf under the deskwhich ran along the north wall. Susan White clarified Syd Keatingwas still on the phone with the dispatcher and simply pulled thephone cord down underneath the desk.

Susan White stated for the three minutes following the timeafter she and Syd Keating entered Peter Horvath's office she didnot recall hearing any specific noises. Susan White clarified itappeared to be quiet in the administration offiee a~ea during thattime. Using that same three minute time frame, Susan White statedshe recalled looking up towards the door to the office and seeina

JC..o01· 005826

Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Poli~e Deparement


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Ref # 99-l2067Type lISSTOA

Location 6201 S P'IERCE ST

Reported Date o4/20/l999 Time l2,39,32Status RTF

DETl32 Oe/2S/l999 Oe2399!aOATRIGHT!MO

Mona Madden {financial eecretary} and Darlene Mesch (aid to Madden)standing outside the door talking. IO would note there's astandard si:e window located above the door knob allowing a viewboth inside and outside the office. IO clarified with susan Whiteshe was still located under the round table when observing MonaMaaden and Darlene Mesch standing outside the door.

When asked to describe Mona Madden and Darlene Mesch'sactivities, Susan White stated both the forenamed were simplystanding in front of the ·window ll and it appeared as though theywere 1I1ooking at each other." Susan White stated they remained atthat location for several seconds after which both parties leftnortr~ound. Susan White stated it appeared to her as though MonaMadden and Darlene M~5Ch were going to make an attempt to leave thebuilding. Susan White went on to state due to the fact she had natbeen hearing any noises which caused her concern she thou9he ie waspossibly safe to leave the school.

According to Susan White/ she then suggested to Syd Keating,"Let.'s gOlf {indicating she wanted to leave the school). SusanWhite stated Syd Keaeing responded to her in the negative and thenadded they were told to remain in hiding by the 911 dispatcher.Susan White reiterated by this point she still had no idea as tothe extent of this in~ident. Susan White did indicate she knewfor certain she could hear people speaking on one of the schooli1walkie talkies. If Susan White went on to explain Peter HO:rv'ath h.adleft his radio on when he exited his officer thus they were able tohear the radio traffic on the school's portable radio system.Susan White stated the portable radio was located up on a shelf onthe west wall of the office. Susan White stated she specificallyrecalled hearing someone asked to speak with Syd Keating.According to Susan White, ~oth she and 5yd Keating mutually agreedthat they would not respond to the radio call fearing the suspectswere possibly listening. Susan White went on to explain many ofthe people using the radio system at that time were providing theirlocations. Susan White stated she feared if either she or SydKeating dis~losed their location the suspects would possibly findthem and H)dll us. II SuSan Whit.e reiterated at this point she hadno idea as to the whereabouts of the suspects or the extent of whathad occurred, Susan White did indicate both she and Syd Keatingpresumed the suspects were still at large in the school and forthat reason remained concealed under the desk in Peter Horvath'soffice,

Susan White related after seeing Mona Madden and Darlene Meschappear to h~ leaving the school and having a brief conversationwith Syd Keating (involving tha~ same issue) it was determined thatshe toe would con~eal herself underneath the desk which wasattached to ehe north wall. Susan White stated she subsequentlycrawled out from underneath the round table and made her way overto the desk which was attached to the north wall. According tosusan White, she was now facing east in a seated position with her


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Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOJ>.

Location 5201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32Status RTF


knees pulled up towards her chest. Susan White went on to explainSyd Keating was now facing west with her back to the door, SusanWhite explained Syd Keating was sitting in a simila~ style as shenoting both had their knees pulled up towards their chest. SusanWhite clarified she and syd Keating were sitting IIfacs to face. 1f

Pursuant to questioning, susan White stated Syd Keating was stillin contact with the 911 operator. Susan White did clarify therewere times when ahe {Susan Whitel would also speak with the 911operator. According to Susan White, there was not a lot ofinformation exchanged with the dispatcher other than to indicatetheir present whereabouts. SUSan White stated later in theincident Syd Keaeing was asked various quaseiona about possiblesuspects to which she was able to provide information whichappeared to be helpfUl. See the 911 tape for complete details ofthe communication.

Susan White est~mated ie had been approximately 15 minutesfrom the time she had moved from underneath the round table to thedesk which was attached to the north wall. Susan White explainedduring that 15 minute period she recalled. there being "quiet"throughout the school. 10 confirmed with Susan White during thetime period indicated she did not recall hearing gunshots,explosions or any loud noises throughout any part of the school.

When asked what occurred at the end of that 15 minute timeperiod, Susan White stated that was the point when the suspectsentered the main office area. Prior to continuing with herrecollection of the incident, IO asked Susan White to estimate theamount of time which had passed from the point she had heard JanFiedler a.nnounce there had been shots fired Ildownstairs.!! SusanWhite stated based on her recollection she believed approximatelylt20 to 25 minutes" had elapsed from the point where she firstbecame aware the incident had begun to when the suspects actuallyentered the main office area. Susan White reiterated it had beenquiet up until the poine the suspects actually came into the mainoffice.

When asked to describe what she first heard when the suspectsentered the main office, Susan White stated she initially heard the"door openu at the far north end of the hall. Susan White thenexplained she was ve~f familiar with that sound as that door waslocated within a direct line of sight from her desk. Susan Whitestated she would frequently look up when she would hear the dooropen to see who was eorning down the hall, Susan White reiteratedshe was positive the suspects entered the main office area throughthe north hall door. Susan White indicated her belief wasconfirmed when she heard the north hall door shut. Again, SusanWhite stated she was very familiar with that sound due to thelocation of her desk. At that point IO had Susan White uttlize adiagram to identify the location of her desk, the location of PeterHorvath's office, and a general layout of that office. Susan Whitecomplied with IO's request, Io would note also depicted on a

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Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

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D~T132 08/25/1999 082399/BQATRIGHT/MO

diagram was the hallway described by Susan White which was laterutilized ~I the suspects to enter the main office area.

Continuing with Susan Whiters description of the incident, theforenamed related as she heard the north hall door ahut she thenimmediately began to hear voices. Susan White stated ahe couldhear the voiees getting louder as they moved south down the hall.susan White stated she could not bear specifically what was beingsaid but described t.he voices as being "loud. 11 Susan White added;n I could hear one say something and one answer, n Susan Whi cestated based on what she was hearing ihe felt there were at leastlttwc lf suspects who had entered the main office area. Susan Whitereiterated even ehough she could not hear the specific words usedit was apparent to her that at least two people were having atldialogue, II

Susan White wenc on to explain it had become obvious to SydKeating that the suspects had entered the libra4Y and she was nowreporting that infermation to the 911 dispatcher. Susan Whitestated it was her recollection Syd Keating had begun to explainwhat she was hearing as it pertained to the auspec~s, Susan Whitethen recalled hearing "laughing ll at some point after the suspec~s

had entered the main office area. Susan White went on to explainit was not long after the suspects had entered the main office areathat she began to hear gunshots. Susan White deseribed the gunfireas "single shots II specifying that they did not appear to belI:rapid," Susan White told IO it was her belief the gunshotsoriginated somewhere near her desk area, Susan White could notestimate the number of gunshots she heard bU~ believed there were1\ several. 11 When asked if she heard any other sounds or noiseswhile the suspects were in the main office area, Susan Whiteresponded in the affirmative. Susan White seated she did hearother "loud noisas~ but knew they were not gunshots 04 explosions.Susan White indicated she believed the loud noises she heard weresome type of vandalism or destruction that was being caused in theoffice area. Susan White stated based an her recollection shebelieved the suspects were in the office approximately 2 to 3minutes,

When asked if she actually heard the suspects leave theoffice, Susan White responded in the negative. Susan White statedshe based her time estimation on the fact she was no longer hearingnoises which ahe could attribute to the suspects afterapproximately two to three minutes. Susan White clarified she didnot hear the suspects leave the main office area and was certainshe did not hear the deor at the end of the north hall open orclose. Susan White speculated the suspects exited the office froma different point from which they entered.

Susan White reiterated after approximately two to threeminutes the office area and school in general became uvery quiet. n

Susan White stated occasionally she began to hear nbackgroun(

JC·001· 005829

Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


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Ref # 99·12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S ?IiRCE ST

~eported Oate c4/.o/l999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DET132 Oa/25/1999 Oa~399/BOATRIOHT/MO

noises like someone on the roof." Susan White told IO she did notrecall hearing any shots or explosions other than the Ones reportedduring this interview. Susan White did clarify she along with SydKeating remained on the phone with the 911 dispatcher throughoutthis incident.

When asked if she believed the ~~spects had ever re~entered

the office, Susan White responded in the negative. When asked ifshe had any idea where the suspects had gone after they had leftthe office, Susan White again responded in the negative. Whenasked if she could estimate how long she was in Peter Horvath'soffice before she was allowed to flee the building, Susan Whiteresponded in the affirmative. Susan White stated based on herrecoll~ction she believed she along with Syd Keating were contactedby SWAT officers sometime between 1500 and 1530 hour~. SUsan Whitedid point out throughout the course of this incident both she andSyd Keating had informed the 911 dispatcher of their location andwe~e repeatedly told that SWAT officers were en route to theirlocation. Susan White stated she was also provided with generalinformation in terms of what to expect when contacted by the SWAToffiGsrs,

Susan White related between 1500 and 1530 hours, she began tohear noises in the surrounding offices within the main office area.Susan White described these noises as someone forcing open officedoors and making entry. Susan White stated ehe later learned thosenoises were being caused by SWAT officers clearing various areaswithin the main office while en route to their location. SusanWhite then pointed out it was at this time she realized the door toPeter Horvath's office had not heen locked due to the fact the SWATofficers did not need to force entry to that location. Susan Whitestated up to that point she did not know who specifically was inthe main office area but later was able to verify it was SWATofficers attempting to evacuate students and staff. Susan Whitedid peint at the time the SWAT officers made entry to PeterHorvath's office they did identify themselves as police officersand requested that everyone present show them their hands. SusanWhite stated she assumed the SWAT officers wanted to ensure that noone was armed.

Susan White stated both she and Syd Keating complied with theSWAT officers' request and were subsequently evacuated from theschool via the Social Studies area. Susan White related afte~

entering the Social Studies area they w~re allowed to exit theschool to the east. Susan White indicated she along with SydKeating were subsequently taken to the point of safety. SusanWhite stated she did not believe she had any addicional informationrelated to this investigation.

Prior to meeting with Susan White, 10 had the opportunity toreview an F.B.I. report prepared by Special Agent R~ch Price as itpertained to his interview of Sydney Keating (campus supervisor)

Jc.o01- 005830

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Ref # 99-12067Type ASSToA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Stat;,1,lB RTF

DET132 08/25/1999 082399/BOATRIGHT/MO

The aforementioned report was classified under DN #1158. Uponreview of that report, 10 noted Syd Keating indicated during thecourse of this incident she was able to observe three suspects whohad eneered the main office area. According to the report, thatobservation was made while located in Peter Horvath's office. 10again confirmed with Susan White that at no time du~in9 thisincident did she ever see any of the suspects she heard in the mainoffice area. Susan White was then asked if she had knOWledge as towhether or not Syd Keating had seen any suspects during the courseof this incident. Susan White responded in the negative pointingout the forenamed wa.s with her durit).9 the entire incident, thus shewould not have had an opportunity to see any suspects. 10subsequently explained to Susan White that pursuant to an interviewconducted with Syd Keating, the forenamed disolosed she had in factseen three suspects walk past Peter Horvath's office during thecourse of this incident. Susan white respcnded by telling IO shedid not believe that could he possihle~ Susan White first pointedout Syd Keating was facing a westerly direction as the door is onthe east wall. Susan White stated at no time did she ever see SydKeating lean out from underneath the desk to look back at the door.Susan ~~ite went on to state she was certain Syd Keating would haveinformed her had she seen any of the suspects. Susan White thenadded at no time did she ever hear Syd Keating tell the 911diapatcher she had seen the suspe~te. Susan White then suggested10 listen to the 911 tape to confirm chat point.

10 subsequently asked Susan White if she had any explanationfor how syd Keating could have possibly desoribed the suspectswithout having Seen them. Susan White stated that there werenumerous descriptions of suspects provided over the ffwalkietalkies,p one af which was on in Peter Horvath's office. SusanWhite stated that she too heard descriptions of suspects as theywere aired over the portable radio ~st&m, Susan White furthe~

stated during the course of this incidene the 911 operaeor askedSyd Keating various questions due to her campus supervisor statusin terms of suspect information, Susan White seated by the timeshe and Syd Keating had been evacuated from the sohool tentative5uspe~t identification had been made and that information wasdiscussed with the 911 di$patcher.

After providing the above information. Susan White became veryadamant that ae no time did Sya Keating eve~ have an opportunity tosee any S~9pects associated with this incident. Susan White statedshe could provide absclutely no explanation for how Syd Keating~laimed to have seen the suspects in the office area of the $choolduring the incident.

Io would note appro~imately two weeks after the above JC-001-005831interview, IO was recontacted by SuSan White. Susan Whiteexplained to IO after the initial interview on 06/09/99 she becamevery concerned related to the observations attributed eo SydKeating. Susan White stated $he subsequently had a conversation

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DET132 OS/25/1999 OS2399/BOATRIGHT/MO

with Syd Keating and asked the forenamed if she had ever seen anyof the suspects while in the main office area or at anytime duringthe incident. Susan White stated it was clear during herconversation witn Syd Keating the forenamed did not indicate shehad ever seen any eIJ.spects. Susan White s'tl1ted she did notdisclose to Syd Keating that she was aware the forenamed was~eporting to the authorities she had seen suspecte in the mainoffice area, Susan White stated she simply wanted to inform IO ofthe situation and reiterated at no time did either she or SydKeating see any suspect associated with this incident. IO toldSusan White that follow-up interviews would be conduoted with regarding this issue. Susan White had no additionalinformation to supply regarding this investigation.

JC.o01. 005832

'--t' .






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JC.Q01· 005833


JC.oo1· 005834

• t •



On 5/26/99, Katie Beer, DOB 2/10/84, 5141 South EstesStreet, Littleton, Colorado, was advised of the identity of theinterviewing Agent. and the nature and purpose of the interview.She was interviewed in the presence of her Father. Jerry Beer,DOB 3(23/55. She provided the following information.

On 4/20/99. Katie arrived at the Columbine High Schoolat approximately 7:15 a.m. with her sister, Kelly Beer. Theydrove and parked in the senior parkinq lot. She went to herlocker, and then to her normal classes. Her last class prior tothe first or A lunch was her French class. During the lunchperiod, she usually goes to the library to study, however on4/20/99, she went to the front Office to drop off some paperworkfor her guidance counselor. She then went to her locker that islocated in the math hallway and met her friend, stephanie Lorenz.They were talking in the hallway when approximately five studentscame running down the hallway towards them, with Joe Mallazoexclaiming that someone had been shot down near the cafeteria.She didn't believe him, and she and her friend walked down thehall towards the cafeteria. when a large volume of students wererunning up the stairs from the cafeteria. They ran with theremainder of the students back down the hallway, and she and herfriend went down the hall towards the front office. Just priorto front office. they could hear popping noises that she believeswere gun shots. The shots sounded like they were coming from thefront office. They then ran back toward the math classrooms, andexited the bUilding at the end of this hallway. She initiallystood outside near the building, while her friend got into a carpassing by. Next, she ran across the street, and into LeawoodPark. While in Leawood Park. she could hear explosions. and moregun fire. After about 20 minutes, Mr. Andres Jr. told a largegroup of stUdents that there was shooting outside of the school.and that they should all run into the neighborhood. She wentinto the residence of a lady that she didn't know, and remainedthere for a short time, and then eventually in the house of astudent named Chad Krandall.

In the past, Katie had seen the Trench Coat Mafia (TCM)around school, but didn't know who they were. She didn't rememberseeing Klebold or Harris around on either Monday or Tuesday. Thetalk and rumor around school was that there were conflicts

_ ........ on 5/26/99 II ..;L:::.i:.t::.t.::.=.le:::t.::.::::on~,...:::C:::o=.lo:::;.::.ra~d::::::O _

c•• , 4-0N'-57419/ 99-1625/ eN'~3,,'1j Dmdi_ ....:5!1./~2"'6'L/~9~9 _

by SA Russell J. Atanasio JC-001.005835

ThUi doclolmo:nt conllinl ne.illultl:"tJ¢OtmMpdatiom 001'QCOC 1~.iOQa o( the FBI. It i. th" property Gf the FBt .nd. I' loall4d to ~r ...ncy~

it and III tontena It": DOl to be distribukd ouwdc your 'Jenc:y,

4-DN-57419/ 99-7625/ CN 3689

2,--=---Katie Beer

between the TCM and athletes (jocks).

She doesn't use the Internet or utilize chat rooms cfany sort.

JC-001· 005836


JC-001· 005837

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

Case No. _



:Social SecUfrty No.





Summery of Statement;

Concerning an incident occurring at:

paga--lol_-,Z",,- Pages

Officer Taking Statement

VeJr. SL

r 'last, First, Midde lnitiall

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~aK:€, z:: <00</5(\ 7':H,;t[ ~w /~,,4 .. G1'+ .J &1 "i'7Y4{ ~

d.OL...e" <' Z7!""v «7 px cz;o.s:/L. He ,~ AZ M21 '2' ~~

.4 ~~ '#s~ ~s: 6ac-tP ~ z: s;.p4 , dtp:..r ,~k'


! have read the foregoing stetemeot and the facts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, !.fa not maintain thst it contains all of the facts ar details of the incident, but only those facts about which Jhave been"ked.

JC·001· 005838I IDii'te -- DAM


c '_ l66 iRev 2/951 IIIIIIIIIO~! 111111111 illl~ 0 6 0 I] 8

Page-k. of Page, Case # _

Summary of Statement (cant.! --'


/• >




I have read the foregoing stetement end the facts contained thetein ere true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains a/I of the facts or detalJs of the inCident but only those facts about whicll I have beenasked.

I I-- I5ii'O -- (J AM

-=:o.;===-1":::==< 0 PMTiMlit Stetel'l'Ml!nt ComPleted


Defendant:Date.Deputy D.A••


Docke t N\ullber.l"BI #174A-DN-S7419

Investigator, Vondenkamp

On 4/27/99 I interviewed 18 year old paniel Burge at his home on S.Miller Ct in Littleton, Co. I showed Dan a statement he had filedout for Detective Webster following the shootings at CHS on 4/20/99.

Dan verified this was his statement and agreed to speak with me aboutit.

Dan stated on 4/20/99 around 11:30am he was on the second floor by

the west end of the building, near the library. He was standing nearhis locker, which he described as heing in the north main hallway,near the west end of the building. I showed Dan a floor plan of CHS.He looked at and pointed to where he was standing at 11:30am. Dan'slocation and the location of the gunman were marked by red ink by

this Investigator while speaking with Dan.

There is an exit door directly to the west of his looker, which exitsnear the outside steps by the library. Dan stated while standing athis locker, which is on the south side of the hallway he heard anexplosion and looked out the doors with glass windows towards thewest and saw smoke near the building. He then heard gunfire frominside the building in the opposite direction of where he saw thesmoke. He looked around a concrete corner post next to his lockerand saw a tall (6' 1") thin white male, 60-70 feet away from himwearing a two eye. hole ski mask and shooting a saw-off shotgun. Theman had light (possibly blonde] curly hair coming out the back of theski mask. The man was wearing a waist length black "sports type"coac partially zipped up, with a round emblem on the back of thejacket, black pants with big pockets on the leg. Dan could not

1 JC-001· 005840

~ecall the color of shirt under the jacket. He did not know what the

emblem was on the coat. Dan noticed the man carrying pipe looking

bombs in his leg pant's pocket. The man had a bLack duffle bag under

his arm. It appeared to be hanging from his neck. The duffle bag

was partially open and Dan could see a handgun and more pipe looking

bombs inside. The man throw a pipebomb into the hallway, near the


Dan recalled about this time the man starting reloading his shotgun.

Dan made a run for the west exit doors he was near. The man shot at:

him, and the rounds hit near his head leaving a loud ringing sound in

his ear. He ran out of the bUilding and turned right (north) away

from the building and continued running. He heard loud explosions

and windows breaking as he ran. He did not encounter any gunman


Dan believed the gunman he encountered in the hallway was Dylan

Klehold. He waS sure because the bcdy shape and the hair of this man

was identical to Dylan K1ebo1d. Dan said he doesn't know Dylan

Klehold, but had seen him around school before as a former CHS

student. He always thought Dylan was "weird«. He recalled nothing

specific, other than his dress and being a loner.

Dan stated he knew nothing more about the shooting, and had not heard

anything about anybody making bombs or buying weapons. Dan could

provide no information on the trenchcoat mafia.

Daniel Eurge

4511 S. Miller

Littleton, Co.



80127JC-001- 005841

I~ I~

JC·001· 005842


~~ II IIIl~




• ~ .cl] -

; 11.1Ie e~

.. ""- I!l


Onthis date at 1630 hours I re-interviewed DanielBurge regardinghis observations atColumbineHigh Schoolon April 20. 1999. Thissupplemental information is connected10 controlnumber 2718.

Burge told me that he knew the suspect was Dylan Klebold becausehe knewhimpersonally. Burge was in a GOVIECON classwith Klebold in the first semesterof theschoolyear. Burge said that he saw Klebold from wherehis locker was. His locker waslocatedar the most northwestend of the nOM hall way(closest to the janitors closet).

Burgecould see Klebolds shoulderlength blonde hair through the back of the mask.Burgesaid that Klebolds coat stopped at the waist. He said it looked puffy and had asilver zipper. Klebold was wearinga maskthat holes for the eyes (two). a hole for themouthand a hole for the nose. He said thatKlebold had on a pair of regularglassesunder the mask. Burge said it was the ones he normally wore.

He said he knew the gun was a sawed off shotgun becausehe had seen one before. Hedid not know if it was a single barrelor double. He said thai it was a pump too. He saidit was the kind thai you had to pull towards yourbody. however he did not see thegunman use the pump action. He saw a handgun in the front right pocket. Hedid notknow whatkind it was. He said it wasblack.

Burgesaid that the duffel bag was dark in color. Burgereported that he was color-blindand all dark colors appear black to him.

JC-001· 005843



Reponing Agency


i Reporting OfficerIIOBBEMA

Case Report No

, 99-7625-VVConnectingCase ReportNo. Victim NameOriginal Report


i Date ThisReport

I 10-25-99

Reclassification CJ

CI .arion Illl FIRST DEGREE MURDER Offense Statu" Open

Cleared by Arrest

til Excepeicnally Cleared

o Unfounded

o i Recommend Case:Revlcw





451 I S. Miller Ct.

Littleton, CO 80127

(303) 972-3503


I s } with Columbine High School student Daniel Burge by phone to clarify information taken from him regarding

his observations on 04-20-99. The report Is connected to Rapid Start #2718. In the original report, Burge stated that he

saw Dylan Klebold wearing a ski mask and a waist length sporty type coat at the west end of the north main hallway.

I asked Burge what the color of the mask was. He replied that it was black, a knit material which he could see

Klebold's hair showing underneath it in the back. I asked Burge who was with him when he made the observation. He

stated no one was with him. Burge then stated that he exited the west doors of the school from the north hallway, went

north to the smoker's pit. I asked him if he saw any persons when he exited the school. He stated he did not see

anyone. Burge stated that he-was to meet his father at Clement Park at 1110 hours. He stated he saw Klebold at 1107

or 1108.

I found Burge's observations to be inconsistent with facts I knew. The only mask collected was a green knit mask and

that was collected outside the school near Eric Harris' trench coat. I knew that by the time the gunmen had entered the

school, two bodies were lying just outside the west exit doors.JC-001_ 005844


N_SupervisQr lnilials and Date AssignodTQ Pap l i

/NV stV; of 2 f




I CaseReport No


c\ . !ill FIRST DEGREE MURDER IOffense S"""" Open !ill;aM:\ ~

Reclassification CI 1 Cleared by Arrest 0

Connecting CaseReport No. lvlcnm Name Original Reecrt


Exceptionally Cleared



Date This Report


~ommend Case:jevtOW; Closure!



I contacted Daniel Burge, Sr., father of witness Burge. 1 explained to him my concerns about his son's account of

what occurredat ColumbineHigh School, Mr. Burgestated that he had received two different accounts fromhis son as

to what he bad observed in the school that day. His son had told him that he had entered the school auditorium and hid

in the ceilingwhen the shooting was going on. He also told his father that he could not remember what occurred inside

the school. Mr. Burge stated that the account Daniel had given me over the phone, was one that he had not heard

before. It was Mr. Burge's opinion that his son was incorporating the observations of other students intohis own story.

As a result of my conversationwith Daniel Burge and his father, it is my conclusionthat Daniel Burge is an unreliable

witness, therefore, he will not be considered a criticalwitness for the hallwaysummary.

DISPOSITION: Open, pendingfurther investigation.

JC-001· 005845

Page 2

ASAf3 4198 JCSDIl614 I

Assigned To

of 2



JC·001- 005846


JC-001· 005847

CONTINUATH N 0~poning Ag~~ Rep!)l.'ting Offic~ CaseRet>ort No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99·7625·BBCOtu'lecti"!g Cue Reporr NQ Vktim Na:mo Orisinal Repon DlUe ThisR.tpM


,'llIltl!l X First DegreeMurder 0ffeMc SW\J$: oeen X fuu:~i¢nally CloW'e'd n Recommend Case: Review o~iwifi€;a1.irm c CJetnd by AlTert c Unfoundcl'i o Closl.lU' fJ

l~:;' !QuMrtity I Brand N4mf' IDescription I Sm~No ~I: I Value I Value~"tred



7343 South VanceStreet

Littleton, Colorado 80123


Student: Columbine High School


Same as above

Bus: Arapahoe County Assessor'sOffice

5334South Prince Street

Littleton, Colorado 80120

(303) 795-4527

RICK CLEGHORN, D08108·17·54

Same as above

Bus: Champion Windows

1-70 &: Peoria

Denver, Colorado

(303) 591-2457


On 5·24·99,at about0900 hours, I responded to 7343 SouthVance Street to contactand interviewSara DianeCleghorn, who

is a student at Columbine High School, This interview was in reference to theshootingincident at Columbine HighSchool that

occurred on 4-20-99.JC.o01.005848

SaraCleghorn advised me that on 4-20-99, at approximately 1115 hours, whenthis incidentoccurred,she was in the upstairs

Otlkcr SiI?J'taru(e Unlt Numbe< Sopervisor 1n~.ial5 and Dale Assigned To p"," 1

.4i~_A .....-0.. ...... 1 "'- uf }

JkJG:"<·>,L !1:>.'.F.!iTlCo,TOR Vl(rl!,jsrsvtcts I 0"'" I ASAB ./1)8 JCSDt{674

JC-001· 005849

CONTINUATh 'N 0ReportingA~ncy Reporting Officer Case Report~\1

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-BBCOO!iecting CaseRepon:~ lliaim NameOrigillaJ Report DaleThis Report

05-24-99~ First Degree Murdl!ir;callol1 X ~Sl,$t\I.St~< X EX(;lI'Plk1t'\~ly creeee 0 RecommendCase: Revie.... a

RKlw:ifi¢lltioo IJ Owed hy Almt 0 Unfounded D Closure IJ

!~ I O\Jil'Ili\')' !BnmdName t DeseripljC" I Sma! N<lVill!l.l~ ! Vallie I V,jIlueSWJert R;:cl,werN DMill!!-Vd

partof Columbine HighSchoolin a bathroom withLynae Toy, SaraCleghorn advisedthis bathroomis located by the mathroom

upstairs, Sara said she was in this bathroom for approximately seven mimnes when she heard an explosion outside of the

bathroom, Shesaid it is unknownwherethisexplosion camefrom, She saidshe thenheardseveralpeoplescreaming andrunning

throughthe hallways at ColumbineHigh School,andsaidshe thenheardthe school" firealarms go off Sara Cleghorn advised

that LynaeToy and her exited the bathroomand ran eastbound through the hallway, and then exited one of the east side doors

of ColumbineHigh School. She said during this time she did not hearany further shots or explosions within the school, Sara

Cleghorn said she ran with Lynae Toy across SouthPierceStreetand into LeawoodPark, where there was approximately 100

otherstudents gathered, She said prior to exitingthe school shedid notsee suspects Klebold or Harris, ncr did she see anyother

suspectswithexplosivesand/or firearms, She said once she was in Leawood Park, she heard approximately 3 to 4 more shots.

and it soundedlike they may he gettingcloser to her location, Sara said that as she was watching ColumbineHigh School she

did not see anyonethat was shooting, nor did she seeanyoneelse from the schooleither inside.or exiting at that time, Shesaid

afterthe threeshots were heardthe students thathad gathered in Leawood Parkbeganrunning throughthe housingdevelopments

on the north, east, and south sides of Leawood Park.Sara Cleghorn advised she did not hear or see anything that would have

indicatedthese sborswere directed towards heror any of the other students in the park.

Sara Cleghorn advised that she was not near the cafeteria whenthe incidenttook place, however. during the third hour classes

on 4-20-99. Lynae Toy and herselfhad gone through the cafeteria to get to another location, Shecould norrememberwhat time

this would have been. but it would have been prior to 1030 hours, according to Sara, Sara was shown the photographs of the

dufflebagsand the propane tank that were laterrecoveredin thecafeteria area of Columbine HighSchool. Saraadvised thatshe

had not seen anyone ofthese itemswhile she was in the cafeteria,nor has she seen anyone that may have been carryingthese

items into the school.

Sara Cleghorn advised that she does not knowany of the members of the "TrenchCoat Mana" at ColumbineHighSchool She

saidthat shehad seen both Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris in the hallway approximately one week before the shooting Shesaid

theywere togetherand there were no otherpeoplewiththemat the time, Saracould not recall what either suspectwaswearing,

nor could she recall an exact day or time that she hadseen them. I asked Sara about any other possible "Trench Coat Mafia"

students that may be involved. and she says that during the 1997/1998 schoolyear at ColumbineHigh School. Pauline Colby

Officer SiSl'lfIlU(~ Unit. Number Supervl5<lr lnilialsandDate AssignedTo Page 1

AI+;;-. 'L~ ...... 1 S~.::r. of }.

,)r.;;~,,~ I t'V,TS'flC" 10K \ ICT!\! SERVICES I tFhER I ~$Af3 4198JCSD!ltla~

CONTINU~TIC'i 0Roporting Ag«lCY Reporting Offle'er (au ~po:rtNo

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-B8COl1ru:cting CaseReport No vlcrirn Name Original RepQ" DateThis Repon:

,.... 05-24-99c lIt(CHI x FirstDegree Murder Offmw SiblUC Open X E~lio,,*Hy Clesred Q Recommend Case: ~'\'iew 0

Red~itlcuion D Clearodby Am!'U 0 l!nfQl.liliitd 0 Closure 0

l~ IOuarttity IBnna Narnt i~riP'i,;rt I Serial No ~\~ r vaee I VahleR!l'<i<lVtl\"llcrl D&m.ged

andNicoleMarcum may havepossibly beenmembers of the"Trench CoatMafia"at that time, however, shedoesnothave any

othernames thatmay currenlly be members. Sara said thatsbe hasnot lalkedto any members of the "Trench CoalMafia" and

hasno further information about them.

SaraCleghorn saidthat prior to her running outof the school on4-20-99 she left her backpack in the language artshallway of

Columbine High School. She described her backpack as a Jansport, all blue in color, that had keysto both her house and her

vehicle inside of it. She said although the backpack is not marked with her namethere should be several school papersinside

with hername. She said also on 4-20-99she waswearing a blue "Old Navy"T-shirr, bluejeans, and brown shoes.

SaraCleghorn toldmethat shedoesnotknow ofanyothersuspects whomaybe making bombs andlorpossessing anyfirearms,

norhas she heardof any rumors of anyone doing so. Sheadvised shewould contact meshould she hearanything in the future

A business card was given to both her and her mother, Christie Cleghorn.

SaraCleghorn advisedthat shedoes not know anybody witha double piercedeyebrow. I also askedher if she knew whatthe

thought of thedaywas overtheRebel NewsNetwork forColumbine High School. Shesaidno she didnotknowwhatthe thought

of the day was,that she doesn't usually payany attention to what it is.

Sara Cleghorn advised me that her usual routine is to go to the library duringthe hourof classes that begin at approximately

11 :15. Shesaidon 4-20-99 shedidnotgoto thelibrary due tothe fact thatshehad just gotten back from Florida from a vacation

and needed to go elsewhere to get somemake-up work,

SaraCleghorn advised that sincethe incident, she hada couple ofdaysdirectly after the incident that she was having problems

dealingwith. however. since thenshesaid she isdoingwell and has not had further problems. I gave bothSam Cleghorn and

hermother. Christie Cleghorn, my business card and advised themthat if anybody in their family wantedto talk witha JC50

Victim Advocate to call me and i would make the necessary arrangements fer them,

I)ISPOSITlON: Case remains open, pending further investigation.JC-001· 005850

Offker SifVlarute Ul1it Number Supervisor tnitia{$ and Date Assigned l' c Pagt iA t> I _ ""..."" ....... , of •

;}R.lG1~\J. I NVf',ST1C; .... TOR 'dC1'l\1 srevccs Iorsea i ;\SAFJ .t'198·JCSOlt6';'';'


JC-001· 005851

Case i\epQl1 No

99·762S-YDaleThis Rcpon

05-19-990 Recommend Case: Review o0 C10$IJ.fe 0

';'al~s.. teo


BROOKSvictim NameOngll',,1 Re;X>R

OlTefllie SW\l,~' Opel'! X

Gcamt'*' Arrt:\! 0


Reporting Ag:nc)'






SUPPLEllENTCOI''Iflcc1ini Ca:::":';R~'-:",",=-:N:;:.-"'::'~----.J..,;";;,;;,,,;;.,.~~~~~~~~;;;,,--------r:~~--::-:-----~


Andrea Lynn Coe ! DOB 122881

5596 West Indore Drive

Littleton, Colorado 80128


Columbine High School? lIth grade


On 05-18-99, at about 10:00 a.rn., I interviewed CHS student Andrea Coe as follow up on DN3343. The interview was

conducted at Andrea's home in the presence of her grandmother.

Andrea told me that on 04-20-99, at about 11:10 a.m., she had just finished her fourth period math class, located in classroom

MA·lO on the school's upper level. After leaving class, Andrea said that she walked down the hallway and stood at the

northwest comer of the Math Lab, directly across from classroom MA-l L There, she met up with students Cassie Bernal!

(lith), Annette Shinn (lIth) and Christopher Behner (l2th) Andrea said that after these three students arrived, they talked for

about five minutes or so, whereupon Cassie departed to the library, as she normally did, and Christopher departed to a science

class. Andrea said that she remembered hearing the 11'15 bell ring, At that point. Andrea said that she and Annette then

walked northward, down the hallway where classrooms LA-2 and LA·3 are located, to Annette' locker. which is located On

the north side of the main east-west hallway, near the main lobby. After going to Annette's locker, Andrea said ,hat she and

Annette then went into the girl's bathroom located on the west side of the main lobby,

Andrea said that inside this bathroom, they saw a poster advertising a student art display in the school's library Andrea said

that she and Annette decided at that rime to go to the library, as Annette had some of her artwork on display, Andrea said that

11"SiH:fl:tlure Una ~um~f Supev.sor Inm<115 and Date JC.()01· 005852 Page 1

frt'</~ tNI/, "':$$ I cr i.

'11!i(,I"""L I1M ESTJU",TOI'! '-'l('TIM SEll;\'l( £S IOTrtfR I ASAfJ .tJ98JCSD!167J

CCN-rINUATION 0R.cpOl'llng Agel'Il.:y ~ponjng Officer Cast Repen~o

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 99·7625·¥C<ll!n('I:lingCase Repon Nc VictIm NameOI'1gH'la! Repon DaleThis R@pon

COLUMBINE 05-19-99(1" ~',icallCm X FIRST DEGREE MURDER 01\M"~ StaW,,~ Open X L'1:l:p\ii.l~ly Clear=rt G R-ecnmmend Case: Review G

, ,j ~lc:llltln a CleMt:d by ..I,rre!ll a Unfound«! a Closure a

I~:r IQllallmy IBl"Mld Nam!! I D~MPl'H)1I I $l:'ri!il;</t) ~~~ ~ valee I VlIil.ll:"Ret1'l"e.-ed Dl'llNljJ-t'd

upon exiting the bathroom, which she estimated was about I L20 a.m., she and Annette then walked southward, down the

hallway wherethe Drafting and 55-1 classrooms are located. Andrea saidthai abouthalfway down this hallway, near theTech

Lecture room, they encountered threemalestudents (she thought theywere"jocks")who wererunning northward. Andrea said

that these students were "laughing- and "said something abouta seniorprank." Andreasaid that she did not know who these

threestudents were,bUI thinks that Annetteknows them. Andrea said thatneithershe nor Annettegave any thought to these

threestudentsat thattime,and continued walking southward down thehall. Andreasaid that Annette then decided todrop her

backpack off In the "publication-office, which is 1000...ted at the southeast cornerofthis hallway Andrea said thatAnnette's

fifth period classwas in saidoffice. Accordingly. Andrea saidthatsheandAnnette thenenteredthe publication officeand that

Annette placedher backpack inside. Andreasaid that she still had herown backpack at that time.

Andrea said thatupon exiting the publication office.sheand Annette then began walking westward, down the hallway toward

the Scienceclassrooms. Andrea said that as she and Annette were walking westward, about in from of classroom SCI-Ii. a

nale student whom she could not identify, ran past them. Andrea saidthat this studenthad blond hair, worea whiteshirt and

wascarrying a backpack. Andrea said rhar his student was runningeastward, and that he didn't say anythingbut "dumped"

his backpack on the flooras he ran by. Andreasaid that this seemed "kinda weird" to she and Annette, and that they became

"excited" at the assumption that a senior prank was beingcarried out and that this studentwas likely involved Andrea said

that she and Annette continued walking westward down the hallway. Andrea said that as she and Annette reachedthe comer

of this hallway and beganto "tum the comer- into the north-south hallway that leads to the library. they bothsaw teacher Dave

Sanders standingat saidcomer A! that point, Andrea said that she heard someonesay "someone was shot outside:' Andrea

said thatSanders' facewas"white:' and that he saidsomething to the effect of "Don't go this way' Don't go down this hall'"

Andrea said that Sanderswas referring to the hallway that she and Annette had intended to walk down, toward the library

Andrea said that Sanders imercepted them. and began"pushing us down the stairs" while telling them to "go downstairs ..

Andrea said that she and Annette then walked down the first flight of the interior stairway. and were among several other

students. some- of whom were "standing at the bakony. looking over." Andrea said that although this all seemed strangeto her.

it had yet to "register" with her or Annette that anything wasseriously wrongat that time.

JC-001- 005853

r-', Signature L"rtit 'eumoer SlJfJe'n lS0f Initials o.Ad Dale ASSlgrw.i To P,ge: I

"' !.

,J{l:ICi"4.L 1 :.... YfSTlG"TOl< VftrlM seavrces !OTHl:!!, I '\SAFJ 4198 JCSnil61~

CDNTINUATION 0Reporting: Agcney R.;:pQI'ting Oftkef C"JSe: Repon :"40

SUPPLEI'.'ENT X JCSO BROOKS 99·7625-YC<}tlnltC€ingC~stReport No Vi;,:llm Name OrigmllJ Report DaleThis l{.;:port

COLUMBINE 05-19-99,

"k~1Cr\ X FIRST DEGREE MURDER O\1'eIl~ St~IUS~ Open: X E:U::(VIl{ll'llll1y Ot:"n::ri 0 Retomm~t\d CaS\:: Revsew C

R,.••~,;ifkJh<l1\ C Clam! b)' AI'T'ellI 0 q C!OSIl~ 0

I~ i O<f,lt1l111" I Brarsd Nlrmr

,!Senal:"ln ¥~~: I R V310lt I vatuet ~~!Xill;'l tc:)Nered D0ffi3gl!Q

Andrea said that when she and Annette reached the point on the staIrway where the cafeteria came into view, "the whole

cafeteria just dropped," Andrea said that with few exceptions, all of the students inside the cafeteria. which was fairly full,

quickly dropped to the floor and/or dove under tables. Andrea said that even then, she was thinking this was all the result of

a senior prank. She told me that last year. seniors had dumped a bucket of live crickets over the stairway balcony into the

cafeteria, and she assumed something similar was occurnng, She said that she and other students were stiil "laughing and

joking" at that time.

Andrea said that "all of a sudden, someone screamed' Run upstairs! He' s go' a gun! '" At the same time, Andrea 'aid that she

heard a gunshot, whereupon several students began running toward the stairway Andrea said that she stood there on the

stairway for "a few seconds, stili in shock," and was "pushed back up the stairs" by the hoard of students running up them

Andrea said that upon teaching the top of the stairway. she turned and ran. Andrea said that she remembered "tripping over

two girls" near the entryway to classroom 5C-8. Andrea said Liarwhen she tripped, science teacher Doug Craft "pulled us into

.ns room," indicating it was room SC-8 on the school map. Andrea said that upon entering this classroom, she "heard a lot of

gunshots" which she thought were coming from "pretry close," directly behind her. Andrea said that she and Annette then

began running toward the southeast corner of the classroom. While still running, Andrea said that she glanced hack toward the

doorway and "saw a big explosion" directly outside the doorway to 5C-8, Andrea described this explosion as "a big flash of

light, very loud:' Andrea said that she and Annerre then entered the "chemistry storage room" through the doorway located

near the southeast comer of classroom 5C-8. Said storage room is located between classrooms 5C-8 and S(-9 and 10

Inside this storage room, Andrea said that she and Annette. along wllh students Mary Baribeau (Llth), Jessica Arzola ,9th";,

Nichole (last name unknown; and science teacher AI Cram all hid between storage shelves located along its west wall Andrea

said that during the time she remained inside this storage room, she heard students in adjoining classrooms moving around and

also a Iew "explosions" which shook the floor. Andrea said [hat she could not really ten where these explosions were coming

from, but figured they were coming from the lower level. Andrea said that the sound of gunshots and explosions ceased after

a while. but that she could still hear what sounded like voices and people running around within the science wing. Andrea

estimated that she and the Others remained inside this storage room until after 3.00 p m., whereupon she heard a girl', VOice

1'.t Slgrw.ture l'n!! ~lJmhcr 5upel"\risOf lf1itiills and Date JC-001.005854 Page 1

I PI 3

IOR:r;l'\I\L 11'\fSiIG\TOIt vrc-nv ,U\KE.S ~ ornER ! ASAF3 4198 JCS{)1!67~

CONTINUATION DR~r'tmg A$.;n.,;y lleportmll Oft1cer CaseReport~o

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO BROOKS 99·762S-¥C{;n~til1gCast' Report No Viaim NameOngil'llll Repon Da,e Thts Repcn

COLUMBINE 05-19-99c ~calicll X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Olhn~ Stal~: Oflel"l X 8;ctptiOl'lally l1dred o RecommendCJSe: Review 0

Rb _'5il1l:a11011 a CltlItt4 by ArrtM o Unfuundifd o Closurt 0

1\Il~ IWl'uJ:l' I a...,i1\1 Nam~ I IkM:rlptlWr J Senal N¢ ~=j v",!",,!: j VJlI~

~C\'Ilrt:d , Oama,ilUt

scream,"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" At that point,Andrea said that severalstudents ran through the storage room from SC·8. and

into SC·W, Andreasaid that these students"made us" enter SColD with them, and that theyall then hid behind tables located

along the southside of the room, Andreasaid that scienceteachers Mr.Johnson, DougCraft and KentFriesenwere insidethis

room with them. Andreathinks thai these teachers hadbeen moving from classroom to classroomwithinthe sciencewing.and

were attempting to consolidate the students. Andrea said that all the students were instructed to remain quiet. and that Mr.

Johnson sat by the main doorway to the classroom, on guard. "with a fire extinguisher." Andrea estimated that they all

remained inside this classroom tar "between forty-five minutes to an hour,"during which time they could hear periodic sounds

of "banging" and "glass breaking,"

Andreasaid that at some point. Kent Friesen,who had beensimng nest to the door, said something to the effectof "would you

look at the gun on that guy!" Andreasaid that upon hearing this,everyone in the room "just starredto freak out," not realizing

that he was referringto a SWAT team memberoutside in the hallway. Andrea said that a SWAT team then entered the room

and ordered everyone down onto the floor. Andrea said that everyonewas systematically searched, and then escortedOUI of

classroomSC·IO and into classroom SC·9 There. Andrea said that theywere all searchedagainand escorted intothe hallway

wherethey were lined upagainst the exteriorofSC·12. Andrea said thatonce theSWATlearndetermined thatcertain hallways

were clear, they were then escorted out of the building via the door next to classroom 55·8.

Andrea said that she left her backpack and jacket insidethe chemistrystorage room. Andrea said thai at no time did she see

any shootertsj or anyone wearing a trench coat The interview was concluded at about 10:40a.m.

All namesprovidedwere run throughRapidStart. lead sheets forstudents AnnetteShinn.ChnsropherBehner.JessicaArzola.

and teacher Kent Friesen were prepared and submitted by me. Allothers were indicated to have already been interviewed. or

scheduled to be interviewed. See attached school map.

JC.Q01· 005855


, .s Signature Ur1l1 Nwn!:n:r Sopc..... tsar inmals andDale Ass\gnl:dTI) Page ;

of ;

vI'lCi"AL I ,'<\ E-l'.TII,;A TOR ~-lCTIM seava-es Icruse I J"SAF3 4J1}8 JCSD,167,i



, \'. .






JC·001· 005856


JC-001· 005857



Docket 1'IUmber:

case Humber,DefendlUlt:Date:

Deputy D.A••

May 16, 1999 174A-DN5741999-7625CN 3234

Investigator. Lauck

JC·001· 005858


Benjamin Cohen7936 S. Marshall St.Littleton, CO., 60127303/979-4092

CBS student, cafeteria witness.

On May 18, 1999, this investigator met with Benjamin Cohen at

his residence. Present during the interview was his mother, TerryCohen.

Benj amin stated that on the day of the incident, he left theschool during his fourth hour as it is his "off hour." After gettinglunch, he returned to the school and dropped off a friend, KYLEGUMMERE. He said he drove his vehicle back to where he usually parksat Clement Park and then decided to go by his residence. He advisedthat with him were JOHN MtJLVEY and JOCK PETERSON, He said theyreturned to the park and began walking back to the school. Anotherfriend, identified as Brad Bowling gave Benjamin and Jock a ride anddropped them off in front of the school.

Benjamin stated that he and Jock entered the school through the

main doors by the Adminstration Office. He believed that the timewas approximately 11:23 a.m .. He said once they were inside, a

female teacher yelled at them to "get down." He stated that he heard


what sounded like gunshots, four or five in number, coming from thewest end of the main hallway. He said that he and Jock got down onthe floor and recalled Jook telling him that he thought he had seensomeone shooting a gun. Benjamin said the fire alarm oame on and atthat point, he and .rock got up and ran out the same doors they hadentered through. He said they ran through the teaoher' s parking lotwhere they saw Mr. Leyba who told them to leave the area. He statedthat they r~~ to Clement Park where they got to his vehiole and wereheaded to his residence, but got only as far as the library on W.


Benjamin said that he did know who Eric Harris was as they wereboth in the same weight lifting class during the first semester. Hesaid they occasionally talked about music but that was the extent oftheir relationship. He did not know Dylan Klebold. He advised thathe was aware of the existence of the group of students who woreblack trenchcoats but did not give them much thought. He said thatthere had been more of them in the school last year than this year.He was unaware of any rumors circulating about the school whichwould have related to this incident.

He advised that the only items he had left in the school weretwo coats in his locker in the main hallway and his gym clothes andshoes in his gym looker.

Investigation continues.




JC..o01· 005859


(3 e~''''/Nr Colk.-./ C/\I'S.2Jf

1. Didyou everseeme, two largedutrelhags in the cafeteria? //,4

2. Did you see illty<lnt carrying or in mepCl$SOSSiOQ of mosedllffelllags, at • previous tiJne? N J/>

3. Didyou seeEricHmis orDyWlKleboldelth..- on Mollda.y ofTuesday ? Wbat wete they damg? /'J ~

Wbat didmeysay ? Were1llcy wim...yone.lse?

6. Didyou ... or talkto my of theTroncll Coat Malia memb<n O!l Mlmday? ruosday? How aboutthe N <)

prior '"""* or~ ?

8. Wbat wete you we3t'illg? Did youhave a b&:kpa<:k?WbaldiditlooklJkll mdl er bave in i<?

9. How didyouIeave the c:lfeteria arthe building? Whal:were theevents tllatmadt: youle:1ve? NIp.

la. Wbat time did YOll entllr thecnfeteria ? Wh"'" did YOll come from (prior to thoc3feneria) ? ""II'

11. Have themm.arl< where they were sitliDg, dleIr "'ure alitof thobuildillg md wbom they were with(ifmoWll) ?

12. How did you e:titmebuilding? Wheredidyou go wbelly<lu gotcur""d whatdidyou seeouttle (I if'" r:outsille of thebuilding?

@; Do you usetheInremot? II so, whatis y<lut Seteell_? 00 youhavean lCQ (alm: I 'eek you Isimilarto • chatliae) accouat ?

®DoYOllla1ow mybodywid> • "double pimed eyebrow"? N ;)

15, Dk! you seeor bear;my 1lllUSlUllllll.tlOlllIccmena priorto th. sbootiJ1gs? Do you knewwbat the N::>"Thought of theday w01f' 0'lCr the Rebol News Nerwork(R.'IN) ?

16. Can you provide any!llrtllel: infottWllion on me t:tllll1lllm of theTrellC!l Com: Maiill?

JC-001· 005860



Case No. _Page__ 01__ PagesOenver Pollee Department

STATEMENT1Making Statement~fCl OfflC8T {JI' Wftnass

ICounty S



o Perscn advised


JC-001· 005862

I have read the fOlegcing statement and the facts contained therem sre true to the best of my knowledge and belief, tdo nor maintain that it con'tlJins all of the facts or details of the incidetit" bur only those tects about whicn I have beenII$ked.

OPD 366 tRev. 2/95l !IUIII um I1I1111I111 1111• a 6 0 D •

FD-:x>2 (Rev. 10-6-951

- 1 -


04-30-99Date oftranscnptton _===,-",,,-__On April 29, 1999, ERIN KRYSTI DEHOFF, date of birth

09-30 82, social security number 524-47 5901, 6545 WHoover Pl.Littleton, Colorado, phone number 303-797-3447 was interviewed inthe presence of her parents by Christopher T. Schaefer whoidentified himself as a Special Deputy United States Marshall,currently assigned to the Federal Bureau of Investigation JointTerrorist Task Force.

DEHOFF, after being advised of the identity of theinterviewer, was told of the FEI's investigative interest in theshootings at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.

DEHOFF advised the following.

DEHOFF was in the hallway infront of science room 1(see attached map) when she heard what she believed to befirecrackers comming from the commo~s area. She dismissed this asa prank when someone told her that someone was shooting. She wentinto science room 1 and continued hearing this noise, which shenow believed to be gunfire, DEHOFF advised she was in the scienceroom for approximately two minutes when she heard a loud bang.She was then oulled into the lab located on the west side ofscience room i and remained there with approximately 20 to 25people,

While DEHOFF was in the lab she heard rapid gun fire aswell as occasional "bangs ." She stated the bangs would shake thefloor. DEHOFF stated that sometime during her tenure in thescience lab she heard someone yell, "I want to die today." Shealso stated that at one point someone had tried to come into thelab. DEHOFF stated that the handle on the door had moved howeverthe party trying to enter could not come in because the door waslocked. EHOFF a vised that she also heard someone yell from thecommons, DEHOFF stated there was a pause in the~~nfire w eard this statement. DEHOFF was unaware as towho was yelling but she felt it was the gunmen.

After approximately 1 and 1/2 hours the gunfire hadstopped her and the rest of the students remained in the roomuntil a SWAT team retrieved them.

JC-001- 005863

Invesngancn on 04 - 2 9 - 99 ~ Littleton, Colorado

1"4.. 174A-DN-57419

by Christopher T. Schaefer a rOat'dictated 04 - 3 0 - 99

Thrs document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of tne Far. It is the property of the FBIand is loaned to your agency:rt ana its ccruenrs are not to he rnstnbured outside your

FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)


ConunU3tton ofF'D-302 of KrySt i DeHof f .On 04-29-99

DEHOFF advised she knew some of the student with her inthe science lab_ They are as follows.

Kristin Long, 303-730-8362Mellisa Pillows, 303-798-6676Sean (LNU), 303-973-9019Jessica (LNU), unknown numberTravis (LNU), unknown numberMarla Foust, in math hall

DEHOFF was asked if she knew any of the suspects. Shestated she had grown up with Klebold and Harris but she did notknow them that well. According to her parents the children hadtaken swimming lessons when they were younger.

DEHOFF stated she knew--and _eard thathe might possibly be a suspect.D~ that as a,"nice guy," who she liked. She stated he was part 0 ranchcoat mafia" but she never felt threatened by him or the group.

DEHOFF advised that she had not seen_bed, or Harrisrecently. DEHOFF stated that she had not seen 'uring theweek of the shooting as she was sick and out a s 001 on Monday.DEHOFF could not recall the last time she had seen IIIIIIIIr

JC-Q01· 005864



JC.Q01· 005865

a: ... JC..Q01.005866



CONTINUATION I;~;~Agency Kep01'l1lijj: './l,il:1tf .... ase l<:1IfX.'i1;l NO

SUPPLEMENT X LOCK 99-7625\,'\lJ1nt<:lllgLa$~ xepcn NO 'ICHm, arneV!'IgllU eporr ; ts ",eplln

TOWNSEND 11-01-99Classification X HOMICIDE OffenseStatus:Open X EXCeptlonwly Cleared Recommend Case: Review

Ret:!ltS.ificatioo Clearedby Arrest Unfounded Closure

11' I IDescription ISerialNo

Value IValue IVlIlue~ Brand Name Stolen Recovered Damaged

WITNESS:ERIN DEHOFF, DOB: 09·30-826545 W. Hoover PlaceLittleton, CO 80123ph: 303-797-3447


INVESTIGATION: On 10/21/99, I met with Erin Dehoff and her mother at the Jefferson County south substation reference the shooting at Columbine High School. I explained to Erin I needed to talk to herbecause of statements she had made in an earlier Interview reference . I asked Erin If she hadever seen_and she said yes, she had. When asked If she a en n April 20, 1999,during the~Columblne High School, she said no, she had not. Erin sal she heard that"

_as ssibl one of the shooters, but she did not know this to be a fact. I asked Erin If she would recognize

If I wefe to show her a picture and she said she WOUld. At this time I showed her photosm er 46,48,51 and 54, Erin became very upset and said that the two males in the pictures were Dylan

Klelbold and Eric Harris, I asked If she was sure of that and she said yes, she was, I asked If either one ofthese could have been _and she said, no.

Erin said that she grew up with Dylan and was very upset to see that he was one of the Shooters and thatshe had hoped that he had not been, I asked Erin If she could make positive Identification on the two malesIn the pictures and she said yes, they were Dylan and Eric,

I explained to Erin that through the Interviews we had done and In speaking with __we found that~as not involved in the shooting at Columbine High SchooL Erinwa~pset after~e pictures and I asked she and her mother If they would like to talk to a victim advocate and they

said, yes. At this lime a Jeffco Victim Advocate met with Erin and her mother. After they had spoken withthe Victim Advocate, Erin's mother met with me again and asked If there was any1hlng further that wasneeded of Erin. I explained to her the reason I had Interviewed Erin at the south sub station was to provethat there were only two shooters and that there was nothing more needed from Erin at this time, Erin andher mother then left





JC·001- 005868



~ 1"{r1#tYI~V. 0/'177-1 _<i-~\/.~;.J. F.t?l.fJ:[!<:r;.F...<t:<.~. kJ·._ A1~AlE. /lv,..~ ~ ~:''?Q't: {"'T'?"...

'.__ ... . FItI:.I;rJ'fQ'~m'[1!? ._.__H:~ ._~.~"-_ ... Ii/.:L.nt(f! !~"!r/Tjf:4iJ~':':!:"? 't'ltt-Jft ..),.,{II , ..Ill?11. I~L... !,! tc:. _~~':"16 '!-":!"'-._:2I!9!!!l"'!- _ ? q Jj.j.d' J<;i'J-+.I

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.. _'? _1/?"/QA_.T9 ~c.It<!o.f.I.....~t? ...1:1:£.. .$111</ ,Nt-TNt""?_I"lt'!.'l!.s. ":41"" __



Unit NumQet SUl*VisQr h'lilia/$ aM Dale



JC-001· 005810

CONTINUATION CIR.r:pol1i.OiA~)' Reportlttg: Officer Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT v JeSO WEBB 99-7625-GC(}rt\'\tdiniCast Re';)Ot't No. Victim NaJTUl OngilW Repcn Dale This bpon

C""trol #3445 05-19-99- First Degree MUrder Offms.tS~ 0\'I<tml m~ X X ~01\IllJC~ c Recomln('nli Case: Review Cl

Rei;fU$ifitAlioll CI ClnndbyA,.~ a Unfounded Q CIOS-,Jrf n

I~ IQU<I!\tity I !lI'JJlU Name: I DcSj:~n ISdaJ NQ ~~~ I value I V;I~Reo;;'o\~ed Damitg~d



6736 WestRollandAvenue



On05-19-99, I spokewith MelindaFenirnore. This leadwasto determine Melinda'swhereabouts duringfifthperiod. as records

reflectshe has this periodfree, Duringthe interview, Melinda told meJUSt after fourthhourshe had to take a test for her math

class. She was in the hallwayof the matharea and saw that the crowdwas startingto run toward her from the stairs from the

commons area. Shecontinued thatdirection, walking toward thecommons stairs, as she had thought that theconfusion 1<11S based

off a Seniorprank She said as the crowdbegan to thin,she sawa guystanding with a gun, She described this individual as a

normal size guy. She described the weapon as a longgun, andthat the gun was pointingdownward. She said shedid notget a

good lookat this individual because peoplewere running pesther,blocking her view,She did identilY the individual dressed in

all black. I askedherwhat timethis was,andshe saidapproximately five minutes past the firealarm, Melindatold meshe then

beganto run with thecrowd,She saidshe followed the crowd pastthe Scienceand Englishhall and exited the building on the

side to leawood Park,She then wentto the fieldacrossthestreetand during thattime she heardseveralbig "booms." Shethen

ran into the neighborhood south of the school toward Coal Yline Avenue. [asked Melinda if she knew who this person was

standing withthe gun.and she said she does not knowwhotheperson was,She does remember the gun was pointing down, as

Int was hanging by a strapof somesort.She saidthe individual hadhis back:0 herand waswalking toward the library Iasked

her in what handthe gun was in, She said it was off his lefthip I thenaskedMelinda if she knew who Eric Harris and Dylan

Klebold were, andshesaidshedid,butshehadnever really spoke to them. I asked her if shecouldidentilY one of the individuals

as Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold, and she told me she did not see the individual well enough to identify them because the

individual's back was turned to her. I askedMelindasincethe event had she heard anythingthat would bebeneficial to this

investigation. She told me she had not.

QISPOSITIONj Leadclosed.JC-001- 005871

E?":~ao.Ei"'Unit Number 511pt:n-isot Initials andDate Assigned To Page 1 i

<::;-,oJ: ~~~- of 1 IDftICr-.-IL Ie-vtsnovroa \iICTlt>1 Sfi.RSlCES i OTHER I "SAF'):.u98 JCSD!1a.74



JC·001· 005872

Case No, _


i'icltd 11,,7-1: /)lfw, h4d b: e.N slof., 7Ae J,q 1/~ t:"-'erfr. btA l-

I $'4& ,sane.- li.llY/' r I",Kea' t ...., akw,q 1-4:. f&rn41'"'4¢it <h""'eq

lf~,~M:~;;iff ;z:~_~:~;;:$'~z:~~w~~:::~;;?],,/I. rld".J.- alaclhel .: i'&. S<'("1q """'d?'

JC"(){)1· 005873

,_ te4d the foregoing statement and the facts contained therein are !rUe to the best of my Irnowledge and belief. Ido not mairttain that it contains all of the tscts or details of the in<:ident~ bU~OflS8 facts about which Jhave been_. "

tf/ I eH;.> I .;; 'Y .• . ,- 0",. - DAM ~.,/){' /

g(-'Ic> C1\fN) ff~ / /,?;Pt.·"'PWTime tatemeol Compiete:CI si;natute af~ MakjngS~~nt

OPD 366 {Rev. 21951 1~lilll~llmIDllllmlm• 060 0 •



Defendant:Pate:Deputy D.A.:


Docket Number:In.....estigator:

99-70625Greg Neal


On April 21, 1999, R!I oalled to speak with Kent Friesen a witnessto the shooting that ooourred at Columbine High school.

Kent Friesen was oontacted a approximately 4:00 p.m. on April 21,1999. R/I asked if we could go over the written statement that heprepared for Detective Joe Montoya of the Denver Police Department.

Kent Friesen is a soienoe teacher at Columbine High School.

Kent informed R!I that he was in the restroom and. while insid.e heheard shots. Kent stated that he walked out into the hallway andobserved two males with guns. The males had just exited the libraryand. they had their hacks to him. Kent stated that he is certain thathe recognized the taller one with the ruddy complexion as Dylan.Dylan was wearing a black trench coat and had. a black hat on. Kentnoticed that Dylan was loading a shotgun and the shorter one who waswearing pale colored cloths was reloading a hand gun.

Kent stated that he went into a seience room and discovered thatsome students were hiding inside. As the suspects walked d.own thescience hall he heard another blast from the shotgun.

Kent stated. that the suspects must have went into the cafet"',.;" "S

he heard a loud explosion. JC-001.005874

While the suspeots were down stairs all of the students and faoultywho were in the science classes all gathered into one room.


There were 19

remained in the

students and 4 teachers. Kent

class until the swat team arrived.

stated that they

Kent Friesen stated that he only observed two suspects.

R/I asked Kent if he knew of any of the other teachers who would

have seen the suspects. Kent stated that Teresa Miller and Doug

Kraft may have seen the suspects. Kent Friesen stated that Doug

Kraft had been shot at but they missed.

No further.

JC-001· 005875



,;~ '';':~it.z..-t "~.~:, .~..





Date.:Deputy D .A. ,


May 6, 1999Docket H'WIlber,

Ca/J. H'WIlber:Inve/Jtigato,..:


Gallagher M.

On May 6, 1999 this investigator conducted an interview with

Kent Friesen, who is a science teacher at Columbine High School.

Mr. Friesen made the following statements.

Mr. Friesen remembers seeing something on the school TV that

said something to the effect this was not going to be a very goodday in school.

Mr. Friesen stated on April 20, 1999 during fifth hour, which

commenced at 11: 15 A. M. he was going to the bathroom. He heard

loud screaming going on in the school hallways. He heard

"pop,pop,pop" and then heard a loud boom that sounded like a shotgun

blast or a bomb. Then the fire alarm went off.

Mr. Friesen stated he came out of the restroom to

hallway in the school and everyone was already out

classrooms. People were yelling "what is happening".





Mr. Friesen stated he went toward the library and right at the

top of the stairs he was met by Doug Kraft another science teacher.

Mr. Friesen looked on the flOOr and saw blood. He made the comment

to Mr. Kraft there was blood on the floor. Mr. Kraft stated that it

was not blood. It was a senior prank.

Mr. Friesen stated the

stated there were gunmen in

could hear gunshots.

custodians came up the stairwell and

the school. Mr. Friesen stated they

JC-001- Qll5816


Mr. Friesen stated he and Mr. Kraft went back to the science

room to lock all the doors. He was in disbelief as to what was

happening. After ~king sure the doors were locked he went back to

the main hallway and saw a trail of blood on the floor. Mr. Friesen

followed the blood trail. As he was following the blood trail he

saw the two gunmen coming in a southern direction from the library.

The two gunmen had stopped to reload. They could not see him.

Mr. Friesen described the first gunmen as 6' to 6' 2" tall

wearing a black trench coat. Mr. Friesen identified gunmen number

one later in the interview as Dylan Klebold. Klebold was reloading

a double barrel shotgun. Mr. Friesen stated the second gunmen had

his back to Mr. Friesen and he only took a quick glance. The second

gunmen was smaller than Klebold approximately 5' 9" tall. The

second gunmen was wearing light blue pants and wearing a white T


Mr. Friesen stated he retreated back to the science room area

where he made sure all of the science doors were locked. He went to

the chemistry room and met up with Theresa Miller. Ms. Miller told

him that she was looking for somebody who knew first aid to help

Dave Sanders.

Mr. Friesen stated he and one of his student identified as

Aaron Hancey went over to Doug Jol".nson' s room where Mr. Sanders was

located. Mr. Friesen stated Mr. Sanders had lost a tremendous

amount of blood. He took off his shirt to help stop the bleeding

from Mr. Sanders' wounds.

Friesen stated he kept asking the other teachers and

in the room "what should we do". They had to do

This is when Doug Johnson made the infamous sign One

Death and placed the sign in the window of the science

Friesen stated he kept telling the others they needed




Bleeding to

room. Mr.


Mr. Friesen stated he decided to go for help. He stated he


came out of the science room by the main hallway of the school.

While in this hallway, he saw a flash and he thought he saw the

gunmen coming his .way. He back tracked back through the science

rooms. As he was moving he could hear "pop, pop" and saw the gunmen

shoot through a science room table.

Mr. Friesen stated he decided he was going to stay right there

in the science room. He heard the gunmen come down the hall and

shoot into the biology room. They threw what appeared to be a fire

bomb. Mr. Friesen thinks the gunmen returned to the library.

Mr. Friesen stated another teacher identified as Troy Moncello

also heard the ~~en moving about down the main part of the school.

Mr. Friesen stated he and other teachers heel armed themselves

with fire extinguishers to be used on the gunmen if they hael entereel

the science rooms where they were hiding. They all hunkered down

until the swat team arrived to rescue everybody.

Mr. Friesen was asked if any he had ever heard of the Trench

Coat Mafia. Mr. Friesen stated the Trench Coat Mafia is not a

gang. It is just a group of friends.

Mr. Friesen stated his son Corey is friends with Trench Coat

Mafia members. Corey is the one who took the picture of the Trench

Coat Mafia in the yearbook.

Mr. Friesen stated the Trench Coat Mafia members Chris Morris

and others have come over on Friday nights with a case of coca cola

and played pool. Mr. Friesen has admitted that Klebold and Harris

have been to his house to play pool with Corey.

Mr. Friesen admitted when he gave this investigator the

description of the tall gunmen he did not tell me that it was

Klebold. Mr. Friesen has ad.~itted he recognized Klebold as one of

the gunmen on the day of the shooting. It was Klebold who was

JC-001· 005878

loading the double barrel shotgun in the hallway at Columbine High


Mr. Friesen never saw a third gunmen.

Information: Kent Friesen

DOB 7-3-50

5702 So. Estes Way

Littleton, co. 80123





JC.o01· 005879

110 I •f2~!2.. :0. .....:."" :::;;;:

!t ~ = Q.~ "'-ill..... =tc.ot g,s- ill ....~ Q ;S .. ~. "".....::; ~ ~ :::;.;: -.... Sl ..., .. ~..Sl


JC·001· 005881





Deputy D.A.,


Mat: 12, 1999

Doeket Number: 997625

Case Number' FBI174ADN57419

Investigator, Terry Paczosa

**********~******************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On May 12, 1999, I contacted Esmeraldo Gonzales by phone to

ascertain her location in the school during the shooting. Gonzales

was suppoaed to be in English as a Second Language {ESL} olass at

the time of the shooting. She was in the school at about 1100 to

see the ESL teacher, Mrs. Stalooh but wsnt to the rest zoom first.

The rest room is the one close to the main entrance at the front of

the building. When she exiteci the rest room she said that everyone

was running out the front door in a panic and she followed. She

said that she went home immediately after leaving the building.

Esmeralda Gonzales

7025 W Rowland Ave.

Littleton, CO. 80128





SUPPLEMENT er-- Reportlng Ag9l'lCY -Offense Slatus: O~n -e--- Exc~jotletlyClUrnd 0 Re4om:l1l~ CaM; RfMew 0

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JC-001· 005884

CO. TINUATION 0 ~-Rq>onjllJ00k:cr CaseRqgtNo


C-,C"""-N,, victimN"",OripuJ"-_This_

.£ "mOL NUMBER:z556 05-19-990"';5 Ii .. X HOMICIDE ""'-- ""'" X

_00n00 R.ecormx:Dd CIlSiiC;; Review 0

~ Cl "'-"Y- c """"""" Cl c""'"" Cl

'I:' I ""","'Y I B...iN_ 1""",- ISaiIi Nu = I ..1"':.. I 0v",: ,


ADRlAN GRIMM, WIF, DOl3I 03-27·81

6238 W. Ken Caryl PLACE

Littleton. CO. 80123



On May19, 1999, I contactandspoketo Adrian Grimm by telephOile. Iadvised Adrian Grimm whoI wasandwhy I wasCalling.

Shestated that shebad received the sixmessages [ bad leftforher butthat shebad notcalled mebecause shedidnotwanto !alk

.0 me. I told herthatwecould conduct thisinterview by phone or inperson eitherat herhome or her placeofemployment. Adrian

Grimm saidthat shewas getting readyto go to workand ifthequestions didnottaketo long shewas""Uing to speakto meover

the phone.

I asked Adrian Grimm ifsheknew •••l>lhe indicated that

sheknew alloflile individuals wlIo's names I bad mentioned. I asked herhow well she knew them individually. Shesaid thatshe

went to schoolwi~~ has~ them sinceelementary school, butdoesnotassociate with them much

since going to high school. Shesaidtha-.,d_hadtheirownfriends and shehada different group of friends.

Adrian Grimm said that she workedWith~t the Pizza Hut and played dominoswith~n a few

occasions. Grimm said in her 8" hourclassanddescribed himas pretty nice and shy. Grimm said thatshe

did notknew_Very well.JC-001· 005885

I asked Grimm if she was a memher of the Trench Coat Maliaand she said that she was not r asked her if she knew a or

- !of 1

'- ---'i.L--I... --' ..J..;.;..;: ...J ASAFH/N .lCSD/l61.

CO ITINJATION IJ ~-~00icer e-:~Ntl

SUPPlEMENT x JCSO GALLEGOS 99-7625QCoomcoItDg c..:Roport No. Vicrim N.- 0rigi0aI fU:p)rt Otic' TIlts Report

( 1TROL NUMBER 2556 05-19·99-X HOMICIDE 0I1m00s- """ X CJ R~e-, Review Cl~oa -,~

-"""" o "'-""'''''' c1.1_

a CI_ a

1~1_ I.....N- 1""",- I.....No ~\!l, I ~;., I r>i::';-

associated withanyof the members of the TeM. Grimm said that shedid not refer to people lIS beingpart of a group. I asked

ber ifshe knew anyof the people whoclaimed to be or whoother students at CHS refereed to as members of theTrench Coat

Mafia. Grimm saidthatshe usedto playa card game called "Egyptian War"withseveral ofthem. Shesaidthat sheplayed cards

withJoe Stair. Cary.EricandJosh who ate furmer CHSstudents whograduated in 1991. Shesaidthat sheonly associatedwith

them inthe morning before school started duringonly hersophomore year.

[ asked Grimm who Cory, Ericand Josh wereand if sheknew theirlastnames. She indicated that shedid not know their last

names butdescribedEricas beingshort, woreglasses and had shoulder length hair. She said that sheworked withJoe Stairat

the Pizza Hut fora while. Shesaid thatshe did not like Stairbecause hewasa"Butt head, hewascrappy. bewould come in and

beallmeanonedayandcome inthe nextdayandactallnice. Hewould never sayhewassorry.Hewasnotasincere person when

hewasactingniceto people. He became manager and nothing wedidat work was evergood enough fur him."

I asked Grimm how1000g or during whatperiod of time sheworked at the Pizzaz HUL She saidthat sheworked therefrom about

JUne of 1998 untilAugust of 1998. I askedher ifsheknewHarrisor Klebold and shesaidshedidnot.Grimm saidthat shebad

to gel ready forwork and felt that shehad no additional infonnatlon shecould provide meso theinterviewwas terminated.



JC.o01· 005886

of .!

ICSO #99-7625Control#3455

lntervi_ Adrien Grimm 0081092483~. 6238 W Ken CarylPtsce, Littleton. CO 80123

Home plIOne 303-972-8666Seniorat Columbine Higb Scheel

AdrienGrimm was interviewed on 05-27-99 by Inv foll Reuteler (7394), Col0r0do State PatroL'" appTOXlQ'45am at her residence

Ms Grimm staled that she had alreadyspoke to numerous inv"";garors and othersami thet she Wassarprized thet I had gonenthrough to her on the phone.because theIimily would teD whoever was callingthat she WllSIl'I home,and she added that sitewasn't horne very often

I told M' Grimm that I had received infOf11lll%ioo that shehadFitlhHow- free and she said that shedid notthat ,he worked inattendance. Shesaid that ,he had lunch I askedher if she was in school on 04·20.99amiwhere she was when the shootingswted

M, Grimm said she was in the hallway, catty corner fromthe fromentranceinto the library Shesaid tltatshe stoppedjust shorr of the door ami 'he heardwhet sounded like a BB gun Shesaid that slleknewthatBB guns weredangerous Shesaid she took two 0' threestepsbackward, and she saw a malestudentstagger and fllll on his face, she saidthat she thought he wasinjured by ilymg glass and she didn t know whoit was Ms Grimm said she saw Mrs. Neilson. a teacher, run intothe library tnroughthe side door, yelling,'Gethelp,get help' She saidthat • bunchof stoderns wereronning past her

Ms. Grimm said she saw. maleteacher, she didn't knowwho it was, telling everyoneto, 'Get downstairs'and she saidsbe stoned to go down the 1ltllirs toward the commons and aboer halfway down she saw thewindow. of the COmmons gel shot out and the peoplesitting infrorn of the windows droppedto theground.Shesaid thin people started running up tile stair, towardher Shesaid thinailewent ba<:k upstair, and waswalking toward the Science toolllS, amishe saw her friend, lobo Bebunin. Shesaid that Jchn didn't seemaware thin anything was going Oil, so she tried to teD him Shesaidthey both exitedthe schoolby the M"'hHaJJ and wentover to Leawood I asked her if 'he saw theshooterand shesaid that shedid not

Ms Grimm said she didn't know elmerEric Harri' CIt Dylan Klehold 1 askedher if 'he couldthink ofanything else that might he important 01 that she might have forgotten to tell the other investigators oranything tiIat 'he bad heardat Cbatfield afler she went back to school, and she said 00 that she 'didn't wantto hear shout it .

The intervi.... was concluded

Repon Preparedby Inv fill Reutcler #7394May21, 1999 . •c a 7' r .

Cclorado Sm. Patrol. ,&:te'6~t.-'Investigative Services Secnori

700 Kipling Street, Denver. CO 80215




JC-001· 005888



Date, 5-7-99

Deputy D.A. ,

Docket NullIber,

case NullIber, 99A062

Investigator, J.Surkhalter


Luke Hanifen, dob 10-23-81

6404 W. Leawood Dr.Littleton, CO S0123

Ph. 303-797-3922

Control II us:>

This investigator met with Luke Hanifen and his mother. Peggy.

Luke stated he had left his Business Class room after 4th. Period,at 11,10 A. M. He walked from his class to the Library for a fewminutes and then to the rest room near the Math rooms at the Eastside of the school building.

Luke stated while in the bathroom he heard a bunch of people runningby the rest room and then he heard the fire alarm sound. He thinksthis was about two minutes apart.

Luke went on to say he exited the rest room and walked outside onthe East side of the building and across the street at Pierce. Onceat this location he noticed that everyone was running into Leawoodpark across from the school. He stated this is unusual for a firealarm drill.

Luke stated at this time, while in the small park with severalhundred students, he saw a person come out the front main entrance

to about the end of the wall and fire four or five shots towardeveryone in the park.

JC·001· 005889

After the shots were fired Luke stated everyone began running East

bound again and he ran home, two blocks, from the school.

Luke described the gunman as 5'11", white male, thin build about 160

Lbs . , medium hair, light in color. Luke stated he thinks the

shooter held a handgun in his right hand. Luke stated he couldn'tremember anything else as it happened so quickly and everyone begat'l

running immediately.

Luke was asked the location of the business class rooms and he

stated they are in the lower level near the cafeteria.

Luke was asked if he saw any of the "TCM"he walked from downstairs to upstairs.

anyone that was described as "TCM".

members in the halls whenHe stated he didn't see

Luke did add that when he got home, he got into his car and droveback to the area of Clement Park. During this drive he kept running

into different students that asked for rides out of the area and too

their homes. He provided rides.

Luke also added that he usually spends time in the Library duringthe 5th. period. He stated he is usually in one of the four covered

chairs and he sleeps during that period.

Luke stated he doesn't know either suspect identified in the paper

as the shooters.

The interview was concluded at this time.

JC.Q01· 005890





JC·001· 005891



CONT.t#3468 5-21·99c_D '-~ot>oo 0 E~l!yCleated

~_Case: RtN,.,. 0.. """" n C_byAmol. n IJlIfoom<loj C"- ~

';'1 I0cscripII0nValuf: IVaJue I Va.l~

No. Brud Name StriolNo S1olco R=v<nd Domaged

WITNESSHartley, Elizabeth 7-9·817217 S. YlllTOW Ct. Littleton, Co. 80128303948·8968

Narrative:On 5-20-99 I contacted Hartley who told me that on 4-20-99 she was walking down the hallway toward the"TRC' (copy) room when the principle contacted her and asked 'Where are they?'. She did not know whathe was talking about until she was contacted by two other students in tile hall and was told to get to anotherhall and into a room. She then went into tile computer room. While in the computer room she heard 'abunch' of gunshots, then the fire alarms, then an explosion. At this point she left the building thru the doorsby the Family and Consumer Studies room. Once outside she left:the area and heard nothing else.

Hartley further told me the she did not know either Hams or Klebold.

No further information.

JC·001· 005892

lI"""'Al_'__"'__I:"--'- I

m ...&L_J;t= ,.,W.'i1'



JC.o01· 005893

CONTINUATION 0Rq::ol'til'lj! Agel'lcy RI!pOning Officer Case Report: 'fo

SUPPLE>lENT X JeSO ERZEN 99-762S-VVVConnecting Case Report 'j'u Victim~~ Original Repon: Date: This Report

]''''#4328 07-15-99~J.lm!1 X FIRST DEGREE MURDER ommseStaUn: Opoen X E'\I:Ilpl.~(lmtlly Ciesred a Recommet'\d Case; Review ~

Ruiat,1ill;;:iUinn a C1.~ ill' -\rn>l a t..;nlbW1d",d ::I Closure ::;

l\5:li I Q\1~nl\tj I Brnnd:"<<1fflJt I !A~cript~on 1 Serial:.lo ! V:::I\,I", I ''t'd Darnilg'lt\l



1:150 WestTanforan Avenue

Morrison, CO 80465

mO) 98I-8192

Fan, I999·D.kota Ridge High School



Sameas above.

Work: 8101 E, PrenticeAve.. Suite }DO

Englewood, CO 80uo(303\ -49-0466

1"1\ ESTIGA nON:

On 07·12·99, between the hours of 1847 and 1955, I had an opportUnity to speak with Brandi Helling in reference to the

Columbine incidentthat occurred on 04..20..99< Through the use of school records. she was identifiedas being in 'vlr.Tank .:)

fifth hour Math class and I was contactingher to See if she had any informancn in reference to the incident.

Brandi proceeded to tell me that on 04·20·99 that she arrived at schoolat about 0725 hoursand that particularmorningshe \\as

drivingto schoolbv hermother's boyfriend, Jim Reichardt. Brandi wasdroppedoff near the mainentrance and aftersheentered

into the school, she went down into the cefeteria/eommons area and believedshe arrived at about 0730. Brandi remained Just

a shot! periodof time downstairsand then she went to the counseling centerwhereshe helps out and runs hall passes. I asked

Standi if she observed Eric Harris or DylanKlebold down in the cafeteria or the commons area that particularday She stated

1olU~mure Lnir Number ""'/:" tnil~7" A" JC-001·005894 !

L.4i£1.~~ ( ! ;I--It c

-.,.J"f~L """"';- j!J ,I, ",Til'! 11 I" ;

1,,:,;" 'J ux: 1 :"'\r~T:r;\'Ofl vrcrrv smvICES IllTHER I "-5 \f3 "fl}g JCSOII{)~"

CONTlNt:ATION 0ReportingAgency R.:punillg Officer case Report \lo

SUPPLE'vIE:-iT X JCSO ERZE;,\, 99.7625-VVV

C.::nnecling CaseR.eport "io VictimName Origi.nal RapoM DareThis. R.epon

f"'#4328 07·15·99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Offitl\!le $t.III\IS; Optn X 0c .rca-on £"cepl]onallyelured Re:c<lmrtlend Case: ~vk-w ::

Rtr(:umitalion 0 Clett« by ~m:S{ o Vl'Ill;"nded 0 Clcsure Cl

aem I I . I D!'~1ipt~ I ~tiilNIi, ~l~ -'I \alUl! ! v ~I"c_'io QlJM'ltity anile Same R~crl"erfV rAmr\}~<i

she didn't, Brandi's second hour class is Language Arts which is taught by Mr. Leyba, Third penod she has Gym, which is

laught by Coach Macauley and fourth hour she has ceramics. which is taught by Ms. Wasiecko. Brand, did !ell me that normally

her fifth hour class is Math class taught by Mr. rank, but on 04-cO-99. she remained in her Ceramics class due to the fact tn",

on 04-19-99 that she had gotten into trouble with Ms. Wasiecko for not cleaning up properly after class and that she had gonen

a hall pass from Ms. Wasiecko. which allowed her to stay late on the 20th in order to make sure she had the class cleaned Lip

properly. Brandi told me that about 1115 that she had gone to the bathrooms, which were JUStdown the hall from the Ccramrcs

class and she was accompanied by her friend. Lauren Waterbury,303~933-3950. TIle two went to the restroorns just west oftbe

main office and then they used the po, phones near the drinking fountains, Brandi recalled that she had placed her folder. spiral

notebook and the hall pass down and she was digging through her bag in order to find some change So that she could '::.1:11 her

mother, Brandi told me that she called her motherat work but her mother was unav ailable and she lett a message \\ith the

secretary to tell her mother that she had called.

Brandi described that Lauren had also called her mother and was engaging her mother in conversation when Brandi noticed that

an unidentified male student carne running from the west. do...n the main hallway and ran out the main doors, She told me that

as this person ran past her that she had an opportunity to look down at her pager and it was approximately 11 17 a.m, A$ she

was looking at her pager. she recalled hearing "popping" noises coming from the west end of the main halhva~ She described

them as being firecrackers and telling: me that they were definitely in the upstairs area of the high school. :...fter hearing [his. she

recalls several students came running down the hallway from the west end of (he school and she heard one OfL'1e students yell

to them. "Somebody has a gun,get out," Brandi, not knowing what was going OTi_ told me that she started to walk north dowu

the hallway and that Lauren dropped the receiver on the phone and went into the womens" restroom Lauren later came back

out and picked up the phone and continued to speak wirh her mother Brandi was norm down the hallwa, from Lauren's positron.

near the counselor's office, Brandi then described hearing somebody running down the hallway and told me that a \\ hite male

came down the hallway and stopped abruptly near Lauren's positionat the pay phone Lauren described this male as being very

tall, wearing a long coat. had some l}p<ofa black hat on and that his coat was pulled closed. Brand: told me that the indi\ldual

appeared surprised to see Lauren there and Lauren's presence surprised the individuals so bad that as he was running down the

hall he actually came to a screeching halt Brandi described that the individual's footwear actualf made some "pe of noise on

he waxed fleer as he stoppedJC·001· 005895


:rz:"" eni: "Juml;ler $lJp¢(\ ism'lmtiais ,),"ld Dale :"ni/:lr'lcdTo Palo'::,a

-:. ~~/ , "':".=- ... t..'""('lS7 ot J

i ~ .. 'f' '.1 X . ;, -rc- , 1,'eN 'fP\ :(1'5 r ~:F~R I \SAF3 .iJ9/t JCSI)'lo~.(

CONTINUATION CR~l1iflg Agency R<:porting Office-: CaseRepmr 'Ja


C,.."'tl~ting C4Se Report '10 vlcam xame O~iSlJ'laJ RoeI'M Date This 9,epmt

r-'i4328 07-15-99-

X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Xc, ,-_" iC31101"l OffflllSO' SlalUS: O~f1 E,<r~(iC1'\i\.lly ClM.l'l!c CJ R.ecOlTlmffid Case: Rll'\'te\\ ::

R:«:!.~;; f!eal'oti :: Citared by -\~f 0 ~'lfu\lnileti 0 Clt\$l.lre --i111m I I Brand >lllmo: I D~r;miet, I Stro:tl"J"

Vj\J~ I ... .11~ 1 \li~¢"'n Ol.lanlilY Sloh:n R..U)W1I1li :)~m1l4~d

At this point I asked Brandi if she knew who the individual was, She stated she knew it WasDylan Klebold. but told me that she

did not know his name until after she saw media reports. She knew Dylan previous to this incident as being a student, but she

didn't personally know him or know his name, I asked Brandi what Dylan did after he stopped near Lauren, She told me that

Dylan had an unidentified weapon in his right hand, The weapon was pointed at the floor and as he was looking at Lauren. he

initially had a surprised expression on his face, then he started to smile. At this point Lauren had turned and also saw Dv Ian

standing just south of her, at which time she dropped the receiver on the pay phone and started to run toward Brandi Brandi

described that she sawseveral students againrunning dO'Wl1 thehallway toward the direction ofthe main office She told me that

Dylanlooked toward thesestudents.raisedthe weapon and then started firingeast down the hallway-n the direction of thenunn

office. Brandi stated after this. she didn't rum back. she: JUSt ran north and exited the northwest doors just across from mecounseling office. Brandi explained thatas she-was going:out the doors. she heard the sound of gunfire and heard what sounded

like either the pay telephones being shot or the glass doors near the main office being ShOL I asked Brandi if she knew "here

', auren went. She SUIted that when she exited. from the school. she could tell Lauren was running behind her. but once th~: got

out of the school. she lost sight of Lauren. Brandi ran north toward the baseball tield and when she reached the fence near the

fields, that a friend of hers by the name of Josh Yeager helped her over the fence. After climbing the fence. she "·.. ent into

Clem-ent Park where she later found Lauren,

I again asked Brandi how she was idemit).ing Dylan Klebold 35 the person she saw near the pay phones. She told me that she

knew he was a student. but it wasn't until she saw tne new's media reports that she 'wasable to identitY him as far as his first and

last name. At this time! showed Brandi photo line up page =9 and asked ifshe could identify the individual 'Whom she S3\\ near

the pay phones on 04·20·99 Brandi identified picture "3 telling me that was D~ Ian Klebold, the individual she sa" standing

near the pay phones on the incident date

At the completion of this interview, I asked Brandi if she had an, additional .nformanon to pass on She did tell me thai "hen

she initially saw Dylan Kjebcld, and after he saw Lauren there at the pay phones that she briefly made eye contact with him and

she knew she was in trouble and that's why she turned and started to run out of the school. She later told me that she couldn't

look at Dylan because she feared that she would see him raise the weapon and shot her and her only recourse was to attempt to

er out of the building I asked Brandi to give me a description ofher clothing on the incident dare She told me that she was

! ::e:- ?:_ln~t ~l:mbil:r Supm -sorInuials arul Date , Jc.c01- 005896

~J::.,r!t- c"'~;>IorT ~


.K I'\',~~:'L", ~ I "Coe' I '\S"F3 .,L\)8 IC~D".Q~4! \"''- ,:(~q,; :'ER.\KCS

CONTINUATION oReponing Agtnc;. Rcpo:ting Otl'ker Cuse RepoM '00

Sl'PPLEME;lT y JCSO ERZEN 99-1625-VVVlC'"""'"'''' C"" ReportNoVictim ~ame Original Report DaleThis Report

DI\11*4328 01-15-99

r canon X FIRST DEGREE MURDEIl Ot'f/lMlt Suwi;: OJ'lf1'l X E.-wepliOM\ly C'llllKtd o Re~ommend Case: Rlflle\l a

1 Redilll5ifkmion C C!1IlIll:d by A1Te'lI! c tJl'lfQUml~ C CI(J$UH~ •j l~~ IQaanlilY I Brmd~ame

I ISerial'lo ~;~~~ I Vui\Jt I \0! ~fj/ltiO" Rec;)vtrec D#I'l

wearing an OldNavy white shirt, She had on a pair of lightbluejeans and Doc Marten sandal'. She also told me she carried

hernavy bluepack out of the schooland left a notebookand a spiral notebook along with her hall passnear the pay phone,JUSt

west of the main office.

ADDITIONAL INFORIYIATJON: Acopy of the photo line upthat I showedBrandi is attached with this repon. Brandi had

identified Dylan Kleboldas being the armed individualshe saw in the school on 04-20-99.

FBI CASE lI<UMBER.j..DNS7419. DN#4328.

DISPOSITION, Case open. pending further investigations.

JC·001· 005897

'~!UreUnit 'lumber Supervisor !nitl:lJs and DatI! -\sstgne-d T" Ip,~ ,

?.." ZJr-t.L COS" ;" 14-/ - 1 ,)1

-11.'.;' ,; ';< I";\,\br(,\im; \IC'I\I\Dl'.lLb I ,jTHER I .\~~n .t,{j~ lC"D.-lb-4



JC-001· 005898

· I .


Date of transcrtptton 0 4 i 2. 8 i 19 99

On April 27, 1995, Mark Galleron Hengel, date of birthMay 20, 1982, of 8756 West Prentice Avenue, Littleton, Colorado,was interviewed at his residence in the presence of his father,Michael Hengel, date of birth November 5, 1947. After advisementof the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of theinte~,iew, Mark Hengel provided the following information:

On April 20, 1999, Hengel attended school at ColumbineHigh School where he is a junior. After the end of fourth periodat 11:10 a.m., he and Cameron Witt [No Further Information],telephone number (3031972-9885, also a junior, intended to meetanother friend in the cafeteria and leave school grounds forlunch. When their friend did not show up, they decided to stayat school and study.

Hengel started to walk to his locker, located in theeastiwest hallway on the south side of the auditorium, near theScience 12 room. While he was on the stairs located at thesoutheast corner of the cafeteria, he heard a lot of commotioncoming from the cafeteria. He looked down into the cafeteria andsaw people moving around and heard screaming. He also heardshots and the sound of projectiles striking walls and lockers,wh~ch at first he thought were paint balls from the sound thestriking rounds made. He started back down the stairs and heardsomeone shout I "Mark I get out! Someone has a gun! Jt

Hengel was able to look outside the window on thestairs and saw several students trying to hide and others lyingon the ground on the south side of the cafeteria. Mr. Sanders, ateacher at Columbine High School, began telling everyone to headdownstairs into the cafeteria, but after hearing gunfire, toldeveryone to go upstairs.

A large group of students went up the stairs On thesoutheast corner of the cafeteria, and once at the top, ran tothe right and east through the eastiwest hallway on the southside of the auditorium and out the exit by the math area.Hengel, Witt and Mr. Sanders went to the left towards thelibrary, and Hengel and Witt hid behind a pillar near the top ofthe stairs.

JC-001· 005899

tnvesugauon on 0 4 i 2 7 ,I199 9 n Littleton, Colorado

FIle> 174l<-DN-57419

by s~~atthew S. Harris

Date dictated 04/28/1999

'ttue document contains neither reC{)[J1n'lendations nor conclusions or the far it is the property of the fBI and esloaned to your agency;u a.w:.rl .ts ccnrents are ~ A ~O be drstrdnned outside your ci.ISe:>c:.


2.on 04/27/1999 ,Page_-=-__Conun~tiOOQlflr&QOf Mark Galleron Hengel

After hearing gunfire, Hengel peeked out from behindthe pillar and looked down the north/south hallway next to thelibrary, In the corner of this hallway and the east/west hallwayon the north side of the auditorium, Hengel saw two white malesdressed all in black whom he did net recognize.

Hengel saw one of the individuals, who was tall andskinny, dressed in black pants, black boots and a blacktrenchcoat, repeatedly fire a gun [Hengel was unable to describeit further] east down the hallway towards the adm2nistration andmain offices. Hengel could see the shell casings ejecting andwhat he thought Were bullets coming from the muzzle of the gun.

Next to the tall skinny shooter, Hengel saw anotherperson, also dressed in a black trenchcoat bending over a largeblack duffle bag. This person appeared to be looking forsomething in the bag. Since the person's back was to Hengel, hecould nat provide a description of this person other than he hadthe impression he was overweight.

After taking this quick peek from behind the pillar,Hengel turned to say something to Witt, and saw Mr, Sanders lyingon the floor near the top of the stairs, with blood all aroundhim. Hengel and Witt then ran east through the east/west hallwayon the south side of the auditor~um and out the exit by the matharea. They continued to run to a nearby house where they calledtheir parents to let them know they were safe.

Hengel first heard about Trenchcoat Mafia last year. Heonly knew two of the members of this group, which he described ascomposed with we~rd people who dressed in black clothes and waretrenchcoats, and played weird card games with pictures of nuclearweapons on the cards.

Dylan Klebold was in his videa production class lastsemester. Hengel never talked to him, but knew who he wasbecause he stood aut as a result of his attire. Klebold alwaysdressed in black, wore a black trenchcoat and tucked in histrousers into military-style boots. He had long, shaggy hair.


Hengel also knew Chris Morris, who is in his SClenceHe described Morris as nice, but rather weird, who alsoin black olothes, including a black trenchcoat and a
