communist take power in china. kuomintang power 1911 – sun yixian (chinese nationalist movement)...


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Page 1: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)


Page 2: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Kuomintang Power

1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Page 3: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Nationalist Theme - “Three Principles of the People”1. an end to foreign control2. people’s rights- democracy3. people’s livelihood- economic

security for all Chinese

“The Chinese people…do not have national spirit. Therefore, even though we have 4 million people gathered together in one China, in reality, they are just a heap of sand.” –Sun Yixian

Page 4: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

WWI – Allied Involvement China was on the Allied side against Germany in WWI

China hoped to regain lost lands from Germany (Germany had colonized parts of China)

Instead, Japan occupied “Chinese territory” previously occupied by Germany.

This enrages many Chinese youth against Japan. Throughout 1915-1916, German efforts to negotiate a

separate peace with Japan failed. On 3 July 1916, Japan and Russia signed a treaty (to

protect each other, among other items) This treaty helped further secure Japan's “ownership” in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia.

Page 5: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Betrayal 1917 China declares war on

Germany hoping for an Allied victory.

At end of WWI, German territories given to Japan – not China

1917 Russian Revolution occurs

Russia begins to help China establish itself as a unified country. (looking to establish allies in the area)

A military school is established, and Chiang Kai-Shek emerges as a top military leader

Page 6: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Meanwhile….An Unlikely Alliance is created

In a hope for common action the Nationalists (Kuomintang) turn to the Communists.

Both groups had common goals

China freed from foreign control Strong and United China

1921 Mao Zedong… Communist Theory

• Private ownership of property is abolished

• People own land, factories, transportation and communication

• Abolish social division and class based on wealth

Page 7: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Death, & a Sharp Right Turn Sun (previous

Nationalist leader) died in ’25, Chiang Kai-Shek becomes the new leader.

Beliefs Eliminate warlord

control of China Remove foreign

domination of China (Same as Mao)

Page 8: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

The Shanghai Massacre, 1927

As Europe leaves, Chiang consolidates power.

1st step eliminate the war lords who are fracturing the country into small

Moves to be the sole unquestioned leader of China

Distrust for Communist begins.

Chiang felt Communists were trying to control China

34 warlords eliminated, and finally communists

are targeted

Page 9: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Chiang Kai-ShekHad promised democracy and political

rights to all Chinese Yet his government became steadily

less democratic and more corruptPeasants believed that Chiang was

doing little to help them, so they begin to support communism and Mao

Page 10: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Nationalist split with Communist A major split between the Nationalists and Communists

occurred in 1927; and, under Chiang's leadership, the Nationalists fought a nation-wide civil war against the Communists.

Chiang confiscated the wealth of capitalists even while he denounced and fought against communists. Chiang crushed pro-communist worker and peasant organizations and rich Shanghai capitalists at the same time.

Chiang continued Dr. Sun Yat-sen's anti capitalist ideology, directing Kuomintang media to openly attack capitalists and capitalism, demanding government controlled industry instead. (more aligned with Socialism)

Page 11: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

The Nationalists Distracted Japan had watched the

power struggle in China and decided to launch an invasion

Japanese invasion of Manchuria (northern China) combined with Depression allow Mao to rest & survive.

This would force a temporary and uneasy truce between Mao and Chiang’s forces to fight against Japan Japan attacking

Page 12: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

Japan invades Despite some early cooperative military successes against

Japan, by the time that the Japanese surrendered in 1945 neither the CPC nor the KMT trusted each other or were actively cooperating.

After American-sponsored attempts to negotiate a coalition government failed in 1946, the Chinese Civil War resumed.

The CPC defeated the Nationalists in 1949, forcing Chiang's government to retreat to Taiwan, where Chiang imposed martial law and persecuted people critical of his rule in a period known as the "White Terror.”

After evacuating to Taiwan, Chiang's government continued to declare its intention to retake mainland China.

Chiang ruled the island securely as President of the Republic of China and General of the Kuomintang until his death in 1975.

Page 13: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

U.S. Anti-Communist feelings Chinese and

Soviets sign Treaty of Friendship in 1950

U.S. viewed this as another step in Communist campaign to conquer the world

Page 14: COMMUNIST TAKE POWER IN CHINA. Kuomintang Power  1911 – Sun Yixian (Chinese Nationalist Movement) overthrows last emperor (Pu Yi)

China divided Taiwan=

Nationalist China -U.S. aided

Mainland=People’s Republic of China

-Soviet Union aided

PRC= People’s Republic of ChinaROC= Republic of China