comparative vertebrate anatomy reviewer

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Reviewer


    Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

    I. Introduction to CVA

    COMPARATIVE VERTEBRATE ANATOMY- i t!e tudy o" vertebrate anatomy and morp!o#o$y inorder to under tand t!e c!an$e by mean o" adaptation to t!e environment

    %.&. P'Y()M C'OR*ATA

    %.%. C!ordate C!aracteri tic

    • -*OR+A( 'O((O, NERVE C'OR* -"ated a centra# nervou y tem contro# a##metabo#ic and p!y io#o$ic "unction o" a c!ordate

    • -NOTOC'OR* -"ated a a ia# /e#eton #ocated at t!e dor a# portion o" a c!ordate bodyand u ua##y protect t!e dor a# !o##o0 nerve c!ord

    • -PO+T ANA( TAI(-"ated a #o0er1!ind #imb "or moti#ity o" a c!ordate• -P'ARYN2EA( +(IT+ -3ated a mout! #un$ in tetrapod and $i## in pi ce - "unction

    a re piratory y tem

    %.4. C!ordate Ori$in


    • *iver i"ication o" anima# p!y#a particu#ar#y t!e c!ordate• #eadin$ to t!e di covery o" o#de t c!ordate t!at #in/ed to t!e vertebrate 6

    O+TRACO*ERM+• O+TRACO*ERM+ -!ad bony p#ate and ca#e and it i ca##ed 7a0#e armoured "i !


    9in$dom Anima#ia

    Phylum Chordata

    • . C!ordate !ave *or a# !o##o0 nerve c!ord notoc!ord p!aryn$ea# #it and po t ana#tai# and ce## t!at ecrete TYRO5INE

    • On#y +ubp!y#um Vertebrata !ave bac/ bone compared to t!e ot!er ubp!y#a

    Subphylum Urochordata

    • -T)NICATE+• -C!ordate ance tor o" vertebrate• -tunicate #arva- a# o ca##ed +EA +:)IRT+

    o t!ey are moti#e due to t!e pre ence o" PO+T ANA( TAI(o notoc!ord i con"ined to t!e tai# and i #o durin$

    metamorp!o i to become +E++I(E or NON-MOTI(Eo po e P'ARYN2EA( +(IT+

    • Tunicate are u ua##y e i#e and attac! on t!e cora# a t!eirub trate. t!ey u ua##y !ave INC)RRENT +IP'ON "or 0ater

    entrance and O)TC)RRENT +IP'ON "or 0ater e it

    Subphylum Cephalochordata

    • AMP'IO5)+• Pre ence o" notoc!ord• dor a# !o##o0 nervou y tem• p!aryn$ea# $i## #it• ;circu#atory; y tem - vertebrate pattern 0it! ;pumpin$ ve e# ;

  • 8/17/2019 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Reviewer


  • 8/17/2019 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Reviewer


    O. Mar upia#ia - pouc!ed mamma# G youn$ born a#ive butat a very immature ta$e

    In"rac#a Eut!eria - p#acenta# mamma#

    !!" The !ntegumentary System

    o T!e inte$ument cover a## e terna# ur"ace o" t!e bodyo compo e o" +9IN a primary or$an and 'YPO*ERMI+

    #ayers o$ S%!&

    • Epidermio Outermo t #ayer o" t!e /ino protect t!e /in ur"aceo compo e o" pi$ment ME(ANIN "or )V- RAY protection. u ua##y

    ecreated by ME(ANOCYTE+o 9ERATIN i made up o" protein a protection "or 0ater de ication