
Methods for Improved Concentration and Increased Motivation

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Page 1: Concentration/Motivation

Methods for Improved Concentration and Increased Motivation

Page 2: Concentration/Motivation

Improve Concentration• Many college students report problems concentrating on their


• This problem interferes during class and when students are attempting to read textbooks.

• Countless moments are wasted reading and rereading the same paragraph, and important information is missed by sitting in class staring blankly outside, at the clock, at the professor’s receding hairline…

• Many students maintain amazing degrees of focus—unfortunately, it’s often directed at everything but the contents of the lecture or the textbook.

• The average length of a person’s attention span is between 20-90 minutes, varying greatly depending on the person’s interest level in the material at hand.

• There are, however, techniques that can be used to improve focus and maintain longer periods of concentration.

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Improve ConcentrationCreating a Study Environment• Find a place to study and keep it for study only

• Tool-up the environment with all study needs

• Control noise level and the visual environment to acceptable levels

• Avoid relaxing while working; create a work atmosphere 

When to Study• During the day and early evening

• When there are the fewest competing activities

• When adequate rest periods are provided

• Stop studying when fatigue or lack of attention occurs

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Improve ConcentrationHow to Study & Concentrate• When distracters are present, become intensely involved.

• Keep a pad of paper handy to jot down extraneous thoughts that cross your mind while studying.

• Set study goals before you begin each period of study    (number of pages, number of problems, etc.).

• Design adequate rewards after specified goals are attained.

• Break up the content of study by mixing up subjects and building in variety and interest and removing boredom.

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Improve ConcentrationMore Study Tips• Make the most of rest periods-do something different

• Don't try to mix work and play.

• Start with short study periods and build to longer periods only as fast as you maintain concentration.

• If necessary, make a calendar of events to clear your mind of distractions.

• Realize that you won't lose friends, respect, or a "good time" just because you're studying.

• Plan the length of your study period by the amount of material you have decided to cover, not by the clock. (Often the clock is one of the most serious distracters.) 

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Increase MotivationAssess Your Motivation to Achieve

• Are you dissatisfied until you really understand what you are studying?

• Do you set goals only that you can easily reach?

• Do you make an honest effort to get the best grades you can?

• If you don’t understand something, do you just ignore it?

• If you are bored with an assignment, do you keep working anyway?

• Do you usually complete homework assignments on time?

• Do you really try to learn from errors you make on a test?

• Do you believe a student must have high grades in order to have a sense of achievement?

If your answers indicate a lack of scholastic motivation, you may want to meet with a career counselor or a personal counselor to discuss any concerns you have about your career choice and your success in college.

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Increase Motivation• The major difference between students who reach their potential and

those who don't is motivation. Students with greater motivation will really dig in and learn as much as possible for the time and money spent on their education.

• The most important factors interfering with motivation are:     -Depression

-Homesickness -Peer pressure     -Personal relationships and family problems     -Unclear career goals

Successful students, who are motivated to achieve, either seek assistance from professionals or resolve these problems on their own.

Why are you here? • Because of friends? Parents? Sports?

• Do you have definite plans after graduation?

• Can you discipline yourself to study long hours, putting off immediate satisfaction of your other needs?

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Increase MotivationMotivation is considered to be one of the most significant factors determining success or failure in college or in any

other undertaking.

• If you think you have a motivation problem, the following suggestions may help you as they have helped other students:

• Develop some realistic, concrete reasons for spending a few years of your life doing whatever is necessary to earn your degree.

• Produce some realistic, concrete career goals.

• Relate present academic work to your future career goals.

• Spend time with others already in your profession to reinforce your plans.

• Decide what grade you want in each course and then record your progress.